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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

First Year College Adjustment: The Role Of Coping, Ego-resiliency, Optimism And Gender

Yalim, Desen 01 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT FIRST YEAR COLLEGE ADJUSTMENT: THE ROLE OF COPING, EGO-RESILIENCY, OPTIMISM AND GENDER Yalim, Desen M. S. Department of Educational Sciences Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Oya Yerin G&uuml / neri June 2007, 68 pages This study investigated the relationship between ways of coping, ego-resiliency, optimism, gender and adjustment of first year students. Participants of the study were 420 Department of Basic English students (173 female, 247 male) from Middle East Technical University in Ankara. The results of multiple regression analysis for the total sample indicated that all the predictor variables (ways of coping, ego resiliency and optimism) were found to be significant predictors of college adjustment. The study found that participants who reported high resilience, optimism and fatalistic and helplessness/self blaming coping scores had better adjustment to college. In addition, the results of the multiple regression analyses conducted for female and male students showed that whereas ego resiliency, optimism, and seeking social support coping, helplessness/self-blaming coping predicted adjustment of female students / ego resiliency, problem solving coping, seeking social support coping, fatalistic coping and helplessness/self-blaming coping were significant predictors of male students&rsquo / college adjustment.

A Comparison Of Efl Teachers

Sen, Hulya 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This study aims to find out teachers&rsquo / and learners&rsquo / perception of language learning strategies (LLSs). Three psycho-social variables regarding the teachers&rsquo / use of strategy instruction at BaSkent University were considered: 1. Level of awareness of language learning strategies 2. Beliefs in the effectiveness of language learning strategies 3. Ease of strategy instruction. These results were compared with the students&rsquo / reported use of LLSs to increase our awareness of students&rsquo / strategy use and needs so that teachers would be able to help learners facing problems in learning English. This study employed both qualitative and quantitative research tools. The relevant data were obtained by means of two questionnaires: a teacher and a student version of Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL, Oxford, 1990), and a semistructured interview. A total of 70 teachers teaching at the English language department of BaSkent University and 100 students studying in the same department were involved in the study. Data collected from the questionnaire were analyzed quantitatively by employing descriptive statistics, such as frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations. Content analysis was performed to analyze the interview data. v The results of the study suggest that for most of the items in the strategy inventory, if the teachers are aware of learning strategies, believe in the effectiveness of LLSs instruction and find them easy to apply in the classroom, they may use them more often in their classes. Furthermore, in variance analysis, the only variable that made a difference in teachers&rsquo / perceptions of LLSs was found to be the level of education, Finally, when the teachers&rsquo / and students&rsquo / frequency of LLSs use was compared, it was found out that teachers reported a higher frequency of LLSs use than their learners. However, there was a great similarity between the two parties in terms of frequency of strategy use in the most and least preferred strategy categories. It is essential to find the reasons for the difference in the frequency of LLSs among the two parties before planning a LLSs training.

Formkrav, för vem eller vad? En omodern inskränkning av avtalsfriheten / Requirements of form, for whom or what? An unmodern restriction to the freedom of contract

Eriksson, Anton January 2017 (has links)
En grundläggande princip för olika avtal är att det föreligger avtalsfrihet mellan parterna. Då vissa avtal kräver att formkrav ska vara uppfyllda för att avtalet ska giltigförklaras inskränks sålunda avtalsfriheten för dessa avtal. Formkravet för fastighetsöverlåtelser stadgas i 4:1 JB och har sina rötter ungefär 300 år tillbaka. Formkravet för aktieteckning vid nyemissioner har även det rötter över 100 år tillbaka i tiden. Formkraven har under en lång tid inneburit att även utfästelser och optioner gällande dessa formavtal har setts som ogiltiga, då formkraven annars underminerats. I det nyligen avdömda målet NJA 2016 s. 107 konstaterade Högsta Domstolen emellertid att optioner gällande formavtal som huvudregel ska vara obligationsrättsligt bindande. Även gällande optioner för fastighetsöverlåtelser synes trenden hos Högsta Domstolen tyda på att sådana kan komma att bli giltiga i framtiden. Frågan som infinner sig är vilken reell verkan dessa formkrav då faktiskt har och kommer få, samt vilka intressen de skyddar. Med hänsyn till att avtalsfriheten får ett allt större utrymme ter det sig som att det framförallt är tredjeman som har nytta av dessa formkrav. I ett modernt samhälle är frågan om de nuvarande verkningarna av formkraven verkligen är rimliga och om det istället kan vara på sin plats med en revidering av dessa. / A fundamental principle in contract law is the principle of freedom of contract. Since some contracts require a formal requirement to be fulfilled in order for the contract to be enforceable this principle is in some regards restricted. The formal requirement regarding property transactions is stipulated in chapter 4 section 1 in the Swedish Land Code and it roots back almost 300 years. The formal requirement regarding applications of share during a rights issue is found in chapter 13 paragraph 13 in the Swedish Companies Act and it as well can be traced over 100 years backwards. These formal requirements have for a long time meant that pledges and options regarding said contracts has been seen as void, since the formal requirements would otherwise be undermined. In the recent Court decision NJA 2016 s. 107 the Supreme Court argued that options regarding contracts involving a formal requirement, other than those regarding property transactions, should as a principal rule be accepted in personam between the parties. The Supreme Court´s decisions as of late seems to show a trend that such options might be accepted regarding transactions of properties in the future. The question at hand is what meaning these formal requirements will have, and will get, and also which interests they protect. Considering the fact that the principle of freedom of contracts seems to be getting more space in the court’s decisions it seems that the party getting protected by the formal requirements is mostly the third party affected by the agreement. In a modern society, the question is if the effects of the formal requirements are reasonable, or if a revision of said requirements might be in order.

Reform of environmental laws in Botswana: the need for an environmental framework act

Koboto, Oduetse January 2010 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / South Africa

Analýza a vyhodnocení nákladů autobusové linky regionální dopravy / Cost analysis and evaluation of a bus line in regional transportation

Rypák, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deal with analysis and evaluation of the operating costs of bus line no. 107 with emphasis of fuel costs. The first part is devoted to the history, formation of bus transport, foundation of selected bus company and current status. The second part deals with the selected bus line no. 107. The third part is devoted to analysis of operating costs. The last part proposes measures for eliminating the costs of fuel consumption.

Christian Tilitzki, Die deutsche Universitätsphilosophie in der WeimarerRepublik und im Dritten Reich, 2 Bände, Berlin 2002 (Rezension): Christian Tilitzki, Die deutsche Universitätsphilosophie in der WeimarerRepublik und im Dritten Reich, 2 Bände, Berlin 2002 (Rezension): Universitätsphilosophie zeitgeschichtlich erschlossen

Schneider, Ulrich Johannes 16 July 2014 (has links)
Rezension einer Studie von beinahe 1.200 Seiten Text und 300 Seiten bibliographischen und statistischen Anhang. Es werden über 100 Berufungsvorgänge im Fach Philosophie vom Ende des Ersten bis zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges aus den Akten dargestellt. Die einigermaßen dröge Materie nötigt den Autor, des öfteren seinen Positivismus hervorzukehren und den Lesern zu versichern, hier würden zentrale historische Wissenslücken geschlossen. Was er von vornherein nicht beansprucht, ist ein Erkenntnisgewinn in philosophischer Hinsicht, es geht um historische Quellenaufbereitung und nicht um eine neue Form der philosophiehistorischen Wahrheit.

A cross-correlation analysis of a warm super-Neptune using transit spectroscopy

Önerud, Elias January 2023 (has links)
A study was made in order to deduce whether certain chemical species, namely water (H2O) and carbon monoxide (CO), are present in the atmosphere of the exoplanet WASP-107 b, which lies about 200 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Virgo. The project was carried out at Uppsala University at the Department of Physics and Astronomy. This was done through the use of transmission spectroscopy and executed using a cross-correlation technique, one of the leading methods available today to extract exoplanetary atmospheric information. The data used was collected during a transit which occured in March 2022, originally gathered by the spectrograph CRIRES+ stationed at Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Paranal. WASP-107 b is a warm Jupiter-type planet, and since the aforementioned chemical species exhibit spectral lines mainly in the infrared (0.95-5.3 μm), it makes CRIRES+ a desirable instrument due to its specialization for working in the infrared. The data analysis was performed using several scripts built in Python with subsequent data-reduction methods. The data-reduction methods used for this purpose was the standard ESO CRIRES+ data reduction pipeline which includes removal of systemic sources of noise such as dead pixels and cosmic rays, and SysRem, which is an algorithm used to remove any trends with time and any constant features in time for each pixel time series. SysRem is currently one of the most efficient way available for doing so, and is commonly used in these types of studies. Several detection maps were then generated and studied in order to deduce whether a detection had been made or not. For this project, one exoplanet was examined and its atmosphere was probed for H2O and CO. The cross-correlation templates utilized were a combination of both species as well as one corresponding to only CO. The detection maps generated from the cross-correlation analysis initially suggested non-detections for all combinations of SysRem iterations and templates, except for two which presented features that might imply a detection but without any strong certainty. Those results indicate the possible existence of CO in the atmosphere of WASP-107 b, but further investigation is needed in order to determine their validity. / Denna rapport beskriver en studie som utförts för att undersöka ifall vissa kemiska arter, nämligen vatten (H2O) och kolmonoxid (CO), existerar i atmosfären kring exoplaneten WASP-107 b. Exoplaneten ligger cirka 200 ljusår bort från jorden i konstellationen Jungfrun. Arbetet utfördes på Uppsala universitet på institutionen för fysik och astronomi, eller Department of Physics and Astronomy. Detta gjordes huvudsakligen med hjälp av transmissionsspektroskopi och cross-correlation - en av de ledande metoderna idag för att analysera exoplanetära atmosfärer. Datan som använts för denna studie samlades in under en transit som skedde i mars 2022 med hjälp av spektrografen CRIRES+, stationerad vid Very Large Telescope (VLT) i Paranal. WASP-107 b klassas som en varm Jupiter, och eftersom de undersökta kemiska arterna huvudsakligen uppvisar spektrallinjer i det infraröda området (0.95-5.3 μm), är CRIRES+ ett sunt val då spektrografen är specialiserad på att undersöka infrarött ljus. Dataanalysen utfördes genom användningen av flertal script, byggda i Python med påföljande datareduktion. De datareduktionsmetoder som användes i detta syfte var ESO CRIRES+ standard data reduction pipeline, vilken inkluderar avlägsnandet av systematiska källor till brus såsom döda pixlar och den kosmiska bakgrundsstrålningen, och SysRem, vilket är en algoritm som används för att ta bort trender samt konstanta drag beroende på tid utmed varje pixelserie. I nuläget är SysRem en av de mer effektiva sätten att göra detta på, och är en vanlig metod i studier som denna. I detta projekt blev en exoplanet undersökt och dess atmosfär granskad för att se ifall H2O och CO förekommer i den. De cross-correlation templates som användes bestod av en som använde en kombination av båda kemiska arter, tillika en som endast detekterade CO. De detection maps som genererats från cross-correlation analysen föreslog först en ickedetektion för alla kombinationer av SysRem iterationer och templates, förutom två, vilka uppvisade signalement som möjligtvis indikerade en detektion, men utan särskild stark säkerhet. Dessa resultat föreslog en möjlig detektion av CO i atmosfären, men för att säkerställa detta krävs vidare undersökning.


VARMA, AMIT 16 November 2012 (has links)
Insulin resistance and chronic hyperglycemia promote vascular damage, increase circulating levels of inflammatory cytokines and lead to increased morbidity and mortality. MicroRNAs (miRs) -103/107 have been shown to negatively regulate insulin sensitivity and glucose homeostasis. Based on complimentary binding profiles, the downstream target gene of miR-103/107 is caveolin-1 (Cav-1). We hypothesized that daily administration of the phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor tadalafil (TAD) ± the curcumin analogue (HO-3867) will attenuate inflammation, improve metabolic parameters and reduce infarct size after ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI). Furthermore, we propose that TAD therapy will reduce myocardial expression of miR-103/107 and increase mRNA and protein levels of its target gene, Cav-1. Leptin receptor null mice were randomized to receive daily injections of TAD (1mg/kg), HO-3867 (25mg/Kg), combination therapy, or control for 12weeks with weight and fasting glucose monitored weekly. Upon completion, cardiomyocytes were isolated from each group and were subjected to simulated ischemia and reoxygenation (SI/RO) for cell viability and reactive oxygen species (ROS) measurement. Another set were subjected to IRI in a Langendorff model. Plasma samples were taken to measure plasma concentrations of cytokines. For miR expression, total RNA was isolated from TAD and DMSO treated mice and was subjected to reverse transcription and real time PCR using miR assay probes to determine expression. TAD, HO-3867 and the combination of both attenuated fasting glucose levels, reduced myocardial infarct size after IRI and inflammatory cytokines when compared to control (p<0.05 for each vs. control). Cardiomyocytes isolated from each treatment groups and subjected to SI/RO demonstrated reduced necrosis as shown by trypan blue exclusion assay, ROS generation, and improved mitochondrial membrane potential as compared to DMSO (control). Likewise, both mRNA and protein expression of Cav-1 were reduced in diabetic hearts but were significantly increased in TAD treated diabetic mice, which may be a mechanism to improve insulin signaling through downregulation of miR-103/107 and upregulation of Cav-1. These studies suggest that TAD alone or in combination may be a unique strategy to improve metabolic parameters and precondition diabetic hearts against IRI.

Validity Of Science Items In The Student Selection Test In Turkey

Uygun, Nazli 01 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents content-related and construct-related validity evidence for science sub-tests within Student Selection Test (SST) in Turkey via underlying the content, cognitive processes, item characteristics, factorial structure, and group differences based on high school type. A total number of 126,245 students were present in the research from six type of school in the data of SST 2006. Reliability Analysis, Item Analysis, Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and one-way ANOVA have been carried out to evaluate the content-related and construct-related evidence of validity of SST. SPSS and ITEMAN programs were used to conduct the above-mentioned analyses. According to the results of content analysis, science items in the SST 2006 found to be measuring various cognitive processes under knowledge, understanding and problem solving cognitive domains. Those items loaded under three factors according to PCA findings which were measuring very close dimensions. Moreover, a threat to validity was detected via one-way ANOVA due to significant mean difference across high school types.

High-performance coarse operators for FPGA-based computing / Opérateurs grossiers haute performance pour l'informatique basée FPGA

Istoan, Matei Valentin 06 April 2017 (has links)
Les FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) constituent un type de circuit reprogrammable qui, sous certaines conditions, peuvent avoir de meilleures performances que les microprocesseurs classiques. Les FPGA utilisent le circuit comme paradigme de programmation, ce qui permet d'effectuer des calculs parallèles propres à l'application visée. Ils permettent aussi d’atteindre l’efficacité arithmétique: un bit ne doit être calculé que s'il est utile dans le résultat final. Pour ce faire, l’arithmétique utilisée par les FPGA ne peut se limiter qu’à des fonctions conçues pour les microprocesseurs. Cette thèse se propose d’étudier les méthodes pour l’implémentation des fonctions gros-grain pour les FPGA à travers trois voies. De nouvelles méthodes pour évaluer des fonctions trigonométriques, telles que le sinus, cosinus et arc tangente ont été développés dans cette thèse. Chaque méthode est optimisée dans son contexte, de la manière la plus flexible et la plus souple possible. Pour que les méthodes aboutissent à leur efficacité arithmétique, il est nécessaire de procéder à une analyse d'erreurs, ainsi qu’à un choix attentif des paramétrés de la méthode et à une fine compréhension des algorithmes utilisés. Les filtres numériques constituent une famille importante d’opérateurs arithmétiques qui rassemble des fonctions élémentaires. Ils peuvent être spécifiés à un niveau élevé d'abstraction, à travers une fonction de transfert avec des contraintes sur le rapport signal/bruit. Ils peuvent être ensuite implémentés comme des chemins de données basés sur des additions et des multiplications. Le principal résultat est donc une méthode qui transforme une spécification de haut niveau en une implémentation d’une façon automatique. La première étape se rapporte au développement d'une méthode pour le calcul des produits par des constantes. Des filtres FIR et IIR peuvent être construits à l'aide de cette brique de base. Pour que les opérateurs arithmétiques atteignent leur performance maximale, on a besoin d’un pipeline correspondant au contexte donné. Même si les connaissances du développeur s’avèrent d’un grand avantage pendant le processus de création d'un pipeline d'un chemin de données, cette étape demeure complexe et facilement susceptible à des erreurs. Une méthode automatique, contrôlée par le développeur a dont été développée. Cette thèse fournit un générateur des opérateurs arithmétiques de haute qualité près à l'emploi, et qui propagent le domaine des calculs sur des FPGA à un pas plus proche de l’adoption générale. Les cœurs arithmétiques font partie d'un générateur open-source, où les fonctions peuvent être décrites par une spécification de haut niveau, comme par exemple une formule mathématique. / Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have been shown to sometimes outperform mainstream microprocessors. The circuit paradigm enables efficient application-specific parallel computations. FPGAs also enable arithmetic efficiency: a bit is only computed if it is useful to the final result. To achieve this, FPGA arithmetic shouldn’t be limited to basic arithmetic operations offered by microprocessors. This thesis studies the implementation of coarser operations on FPGAs, in three main directions: New FPGA-specific approaches for evaluating the sine, cosine and the arctangent have been developed. Each function is tuned for its context and is as versatile and flexible as possible. Arithmetic efficiency requires error analysis and parameter tuning, and a fine understanding of the algorithms used. Digital filters are an important family of coarse operators resembling elementary functions: they can be specified at a high level as a transfer function with constraints on the signal/noise ratio, and then be implemented as an arithmetic datapath based on additions and multiplications. The main result is a method which transforms a high-level specification into a filter in an automated way. The first step is building an efficient method for computing sums of products by constants. Based on this, FIR and IIR filter generators are constructed. For arithmetic operators to achieve maximum performance, context-specific pipelining is required. Even if the designer’s knowledge is of great help when building and pipelining an arithmetic datapath, this remains complex and error-prone. A user-directed, automated method for pipelining has been developed. This thesis provides a generator of high-quality, ready-made operators for coarse computing cores, which brings FPGA-based computing a step closer to mainstream adoption. The cores are part of an open-ended generator, where functions are described as high-level objects such as mathematical expressions.

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