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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

As visões no Orto do Esposo: construção e interpretação / The visions in the Orto do Esposo: construction and interpretation

Ayres Júnior, Antonio Tadeu 30 March 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe-se a estudar os exempla de visões proféticas no Orto do Esposo, obra anônima portuguesa do século XIV. Para isso, articulamos a doutrina retórica clássica do exemplum (sobretudo a aristotélica, mas também a da Retórica a Herênio), à teoria teológica da visio (particularmente a de matriz agostiniana). Procuramos mostrar como as muitas características peculiares das visões, tomadas como matéria de elaboração narrativa, servem às finalidades doutrinárias do exemplum, dogmáticas e morais igualmente. Inicialmente, estudamos as visões proféticas em seu aspecto figurativo, entendendo que as imagens contempladas pelos visionários em suas visões, sobretudo nos sonhos e nos êxtases, podem ser encaradas como verdadeiros exempla divinos, na medida em que sua interpretação, objeto de revelação sobrenatural, é comparável à enunciação abstrata do pensamento que um exemplum propriamente dito procura iluminar. Depois, voltando-nos para as demais características tópicas da visão, mostramos como elas contribuem para a produção do sentido nas narrativas em que aparecem, e relacionamo-las, sempre que possível, ao contexto doutrinário pertinente. / This dissertation seeks to study the exempla containing prophetic visions in the Orto do Esposo, a portuguese anonymous literary work from the 14th centrury. To this end, we use in combination the classical rhetorical doctrine of the exemplum (mostly that of Aristotle, but also the Rhetorica ad Herennium) and the theological theory of the visio (particularly the Augustinian tradition). We intend to demonstrate how the many peculiar features of the visions, considered as material of literary elaboration, become useful to the doctrinary purpose of the exempla, concerning dogmatics and morals as well. Firstly we study the figurative character of prophetic visions, admitting that images seen by the visionaries in their visions, mostly in dreams and extasies, can be truly considered divine exempla, since their interpretation, the object of supernatural revelation, is analogous to the abstract formulation of a thought wich the exemplum proper seeks to illustrate. Secondly, we turn to the other topical features of the vision, and show how they contribute to the construction of meaning in the stories in wich they appear, relating them, whenever possible, to the relevant doctrinary context.

土魯番政權研究(十四世紀末葉~十七世紀末葉) / A Research for Turfan Polity(the late 14th century-the late 17th century)

章華正, Chang, Hwa-Jeng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的土魯番政權研究,旨在剖析以察合台裔蒙古統治者為領導的土魯番政治勢力,是如何形成為十四至十七世紀期間活動力甚強的區域政權? 因此,本文研究架構分為: 緒論,為研究動機、路徑的鋪陳敘述。第一章,為剖述其政權興起的時空背景。第二章,針對土魯番政權結構的變化等政治特徵之描述。第三章,分析其政權涉外之關係特色。第四章,著重於政權所處空間領域面的變化,及其社會文 化的變遷。第五章,為綜合探索土魯番政權興起所呈現之時代意義和影響。筆者最後於結論部份,綜述了土魯番政權史之縱(時間)、橫(空間)面向下政治社會的探討。其反映於新疆史中,更代表了當時全疆社會文化轉型至伊斯蘭化的一關鍵期和例證等諸多意義與影響。 / This thesis is to deal with A Research for Turfan Polity from the late 14th century to the late 17th century. From this thesis it follows that topic will be discussed as follows: In connection with analyzing the background when Turfan political power rose abruptly, a change of Turfan polity, and arguing the relations between Turfan and other nations and a change of political territory. And besides, it is put much emphasis on the transformation of Turfan society and culture from primary Buddhistical life to Islamization finally. At the end, it general summaries the meanings and affection of Turfan polity.

Vida i obra de Fra Bernat Hug de Rocabertí

Bassegoda Pineda, Enric 02 December 2011 (has links)
Fra Bernat Hug de Rocabertí (c.1420-1485) was a prominent member of the Order of the Hospital in the Crown of Aragon in which to attain the dignity of Castilian of Amposta, the most important dignity in the Crown. This work is a historical biography of him, since he entered into the Order by the hand of his brotherin- law, fra Joan de Vilagut, until he became a confidant of King Joan II and his side took part in Catalan Civil War in the fifteenth century. In parallel, Rocabertí also devoted himself to poetry and wrote at least two pieces, the Estrampa, so far unpublished, here this work is published critically, and La glòria d’amor, a long narrative poem, which is a study of possible chronology. Moreover, also studied other people linked to Bernat Hug, like his brothers, authors of some interesting battle letters, also published for the first time, or their brothers-inlaw, among them Joan de Vilagut, also a poet, and Guillem Tinter, who had a poetic Exchange with Vilagut. The whole work is accompanied by transcription of an interesting collection of documents. / Fra Bernat Hug de Rocabertí (c.1420-1485) fou un membre destacat de l'Orde de l'Hospital a la Corona d'Aragó en la qual va arribar a assolir la dignitat de Castellà d'Amposta, la més important d'aquest orde a la Corona. En el treball es fa una biografia històrica del personatge, des que va entrar a l'orde de la mà del seu cunyat, fra Joan de Vilagut, fins que va esdevenir un home de confiança del rei Joan II i al seu costat va participar a la Guerra Civil Catalana del segle XV. En paral·lel, Rocabertí també es va dedicar a la poesia i va compondre almenys dues peces, l'Estrampa, fins avui inèdita i que s'edita críticament, i La glòria d'amor, un llarg poema narratiu, del qual es fa un estudi de la possible cronologia. Per altra banda, també s'estudia altres personatges lligats a Bernat Hug, com el seus germans, autors d'unes interessants lletres de batalla que també s'editen, o els seus cunyats, entre els que destaca Joan de Vilagut, poeta també, alhora que s'aporten dades sobre Guillem Tinter, amb qui Vilagut va tenir un intercanvi poètic. El conjunt del treball s'acompanya amb la transcripció d'una interessant col·lecció de documents d'arxiu.

Un pont entre les obédiences : expériences normandes du Grand Schisme d'Occident (1378-1417)

Brabant, Annick 09 1900 (has links)
Entre 1378 et 1417, l’Église est d’abord divisée entre deux, puis entre trois papes concurrents. Alors qu’Urbain VI et ses successeurs s’installent à Rome, Clément VII et son successeur rentrent en Avignon. Cette thèse répertorie et analyse les différentes expériences normandes en réponse au Grand Schisme d’Occident. Les engagements normands pour résoudre le schisme sont pluriels et s’expriment différemment selon les milieux. S’appuyant sur des sources diverses telles que le Registre des suppliques des archives du Vatican, les archives de l’Université de Paris et les archives locales, elle met en évidence les différents courants qui ont coexisté en Normandie en réaction au Grand Schisme d’Occident. Alors que la noblesse normande était généralement favorable aux papes d’Avignon, reconnus officiellement par le roi de France, d’importants courants de résistance envers cette papauté se sont aussi manifestés dans les milieux universitaires et au sein du clergé normand, poussant même certains à choisir l’exil en terre urbaniste. Ces exilés normands, bien que peu nombreux, ont exercé une influence considérable et ont été peu étudiés en tant que groupe auparavant. Parmi l’importante majorité de ceux qui restèrent dans l’obédience avignonnaise, plusieurs intellectuels normands furent pourtant reconnus comme étant d’acerbes critiques, voire des ennemis de Clément VII et de Benoît XIII. Les liens qu’ont maintenus les exilés normands avec leurs collègues restés en terre clémentiste ont joué un rôle appréciable dans le rapprochement des obédiences opposées au début du XVe siècle. La présente thèse permet de mettre en lumière les multiples attitudes normandes en réponse au schisme, d’approfondir la connaissance portant sur les milieux normands touchés par la crise, ainsi que sur les débats qui l’ont entourée, et de poursuivre la réflexion sur la question de l’obéissance et des réseaux normands à l’œuvre pendant cette période. / Between 1378 and 1417, the Catholic Church was divided between two, and then three contending popes. While Urban VI and his successors settled in Rome, Clement VII and his successor, Benedict XIII, returned to Avignon. This dissertation documents and analyses the multiple experiences known in Normandy in reaction to the Great Western Schism. Norman commitments to resolve this division were plural and they were expressed in numerous manners. Relying on Vatican archives, University of Paris and local archives, this study demonstrates the different reactions that coexisted in Normandy in response to the Great Western Schism. Although the Norman nobility was generally favourable to the Avignon popes, officially recognized by the King of France, important waves of resistance to that papacy were also expressed amongst Norman clergymen, prelates, as well as university students and professors. This resistance led some to choose exile, in order to recognize the Roman popes. Those Norman exilees, although they formed a modest community, had considerable influence in the Roman obedience, and they have been the object of very little scholarly attention. Amongst the vast majority of those who remained in the obedience of Clement VII, many Norman intellectuals were known for being very critical, even being enemies of the Avignon popes. The relationships that exiled Normans maintained with their colleagues who remained in Clément VII’s obedience played a very important role in the dialogue between obediences that led to the council of Pisa in 1409. This dissertation highlights the multiplicity of Norman attitudes in response to the Great Western Schism, it deepens our knowledge of the various Norman groups touched by the division and it improves our understanding of the different debates that surrounded the crisis. It also allows to further the reflection on the questions of how the schism affected the notion of obedience, and of the Norman networks at work during that period.

Merchants and mercantile culture in later medieval Italian and English literature

Mair, Olivia January 2006 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] The later medieval Western European economy was shaped by a marked increase in commerce and rapid urbanisation. The commercialisation of later medieval society is the background to this research, whose focus is the ways in which later medieval Italian and English literature registers and responds to the expanding marketplace and the rise of an urban mercantile class. What began as an investigation of the representation of merchants and business in a selection of this literature has become an attempt to address broader questions about the later medieval economy in relation to literary and artistic production. This study is therefore concerned not just with merchants and their activities in literature, but also the way economic developments are manifested in narrative. Issues such as the moral position and social function of the merchant are addressed, alongside bigger economic issues such as value and exchange in literature, and to some extent, the position of the writer and artist in a commercialised economy. The study is primarily literary, but it adopts a cross-disciplinary method, drawing on economic and social history, literary criticism, art history and sociology. It begins with an assessment of the broader socio-economic context, focusing on ecclesiastical and social responses to the growth of … This chapter discusses the thirteenth-century Floris and Blauncheflur (c. 1250), and the late fourteenth-century Sir Amadace, Sir Launfal, Octavian and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight in relation to the commercialised economy and with reference to late medieval thought concerning value, exchange and the role and function of merchants. Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales (c. 1380s) is the subject of the third and final chapter, “Narrative and Economics in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales”. Chaucer treats commerce and merchants with a complexity very close to Boccaccio’s approach to commerce. Both writers are acutely aware of the corruption to which merchants are susceptible, and of the many accusations levelled at merchants and their activities, but they do not necessarily perpetuate them. Rather than discussing exclusively the tales that deal extensively with merchants and commerce, or that told by the Merchantpilgrim, this discussion of the Canterbury Tales focuses on the Knight’s Tale, the Man of Law’s Tale and the Shipman’s Tale and the way they relate to broader ideas about the exchange and the production of narrative in the Canterbury Tales as a whole.

Korunní země vzdálená a neznámá. Dolní Lužice v politice Václava IV. / Distant and unknown land of the Crown of Bohemia. Lower Lusatia in the Politics of Wenceslaus IV. of Bohemia.

Dufková, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
Wenceslaus IV. is traditionally considered as a not very capable monarch, in contrast to his successful father, Emperor Charles IV. Not even modern historiography works are without a flattened negative view on this ruler. The aim of this work is to relativize Wenceslaus' alleged ruling inability in an example of his policy in Lands of the Bohemian Crown, namely in Lower Lusatia between years 1364-1419. The issue of the crown countries in this period has been so far in the background of Bohemian researchers' interest. Emphasis is placed on the socio- cultural background of Lusatian Margrave at the end of the 14th century and it is possible to also evaluate the position of Lower Lusatia throughout the whole Bohemian Crown. The focus of the thesis is an analysis of specific Wenceslaus' political steps, mainly based on charters research. The work is also focused on exploring the relationship between the sovereign and the Lower Lusatian nobility, cities and churches. The scope is also devoted to the contribution of John of Gorlitz and Jost of Moravia to the administration of Margrave. By analyzing the above- mentioned aspects, is possible to enrich the view of the government of Wenceslaus IV. and to relativize the traditional narrative of his inability to govern. Finally, it can prove the continuity of...

As visões no Orto do Esposo: construção e interpretação / The visions in the Orto do Esposo: construction and interpretation

Antonio Tadeu Ayres Júnior 30 March 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe-se a estudar os exempla de visões proféticas no Orto do Esposo, obra anônima portuguesa do século XIV. Para isso, articulamos a doutrina retórica clássica do exemplum (sobretudo a aristotélica, mas também a da Retórica a Herênio), à teoria teológica da visio (particularmente a de matriz agostiniana). Procuramos mostrar como as muitas características peculiares das visões, tomadas como matéria de elaboração narrativa, servem às finalidades doutrinárias do exemplum, dogmáticas e morais igualmente. Inicialmente, estudamos as visões proféticas em seu aspecto figurativo, entendendo que as imagens contempladas pelos visionários em suas visões, sobretudo nos sonhos e nos êxtases, podem ser encaradas como verdadeiros exempla divinos, na medida em que sua interpretação, objeto de revelação sobrenatural, é comparável à enunciação abstrata do pensamento que um exemplum propriamente dito procura iluminar. Depois, voltando-nos para as demais características tópicas da visão, mostramos como elas contribuem para a produção do sentido nas narrativas em que aparecem, e relacionamo-las, sempre que possível, ao contexto doutrinário pertinente. / This dissertation seeks to study the exempla containing prophetic visions in the Orto do Esposo, a portuguese anonymous literary work from the 14th centrury. To this end, we use in combination the classical rhetorical doctrine of the exemplum (mostly that of Aristotle, but also the Rhetorica ad Herennium) and the theological theory of the visio (particularly the Augustinian tradition). We intend to demonstrate how the many peculiar features of the visions, considered as material of literary elaboration, become useful to the doctrinary purpose of the exempla, concerning dogmatics and morals as well. Firstly we study the figurative character of prophetic visions, admitting that images seen by the visionaries in their visions, mostly in dreams and extasies, can be truly considered divine exempla, since their interpretation, the object of supernatural revelation, is analogous to the abstract formulation of a thought wich the exemplum proper seeks to illustrate. Secondly, we turn to the other topical features of the vision, and show how they contribute to the construction of meaning in the stories in wich they appear, relating them, whenever possible, to the relevant doctrinary context.

S'assembler, tenir conseil, enregistrer : la construction de l'autorité municipale à Marseille à la faveur des crises du XIVe siècle (1348-1385) / Assemble, deliberate, record : The construction of the municipal authority of Marseilles in the course of the crises of the 14th century (1348 - 1385)

Otchakovsky-Laurens, François 29 November 2014 (has links)
Les années 1348-1385 sont marquées à Marseille par une situation prolongée de crise multiforme, qui prend le caractère politique de déstabilisation durable du pouvoir souverain angevin. Dans ce contexte s'affirme l'autorité de l'assemblée municipale comme le lieu du gouvernement de la ville. Alors que les officiers royaux sont contraints de s'effacer, le conseil de ville s'approprie une part grandissante de gouvernement autonome, et consolide le statut marseillais d'exception par rapport au reste de la Provence. Pour y parvenir, le conseil s'appuie sur les rituels et pratiques de l'assemblée, de délibération, de serment et de désignation d'individus chargés de mettre en œuvre les ordonnances adoptées. Un grand nombre d'habitants participent à l'activité de l'assemblée, à des degrés et selon des modalités bien distinctes, définies par un petit groupe de dirigeants du conseil. Ces derniers appartiennent aux élites de la fortune et de la puissance, auxquelles sont adjoints notaires et praticiens du droit. La progression de la légitimité du gouvernement communal est en outre assurée par sa capacité à manier les outils scripturaires, depuis les Statuts de la ville jusqu'aux écrits de l'administration quotidienne, dont la circulation définit un régime de normativité spécifique. L'enregistrement des séances, bien que concis, s'avère l'outil décisif de cette construction de l'autorité par l'écrit. Autour des registres délibératifs gravitent les multiples pièces administratives et juridiques qui assurent l'institutionnalisation du gouvernement de la ville. / In Marseilles, the years 1348 - 1385 are marked by a prolonged multifaceted crisis which takes on the form of sustained political destabilization of the Angevine sovereign power. It is in this context that the authority of the municipal assembly as local government is asserted. At the same time as the royal officers are being forced to withdraw, the city council assumes an ever larger role as an autonomous government, and consolidates the exceptional status of Marseilles relative to the rest of Provence. To carry out its role, the council relies on the rituals and practices of assembling, deliberating, taking oaths, and designating individuals in charge of implementing adopted ordinances. A large group of inhabitants participate in the council's activities in clearly defined degrees and manners determined by a small group of council leaders. The latter belong to an elite of fortune and power as well as notaries and lawmakers. The strengthening of the legitimacy of municipal government is furthermore assured by its ability to compose written documents, from city statutes to daily administration, the circulation of which defines its own system of norms. The recording of sessions, although concise, proved to be a decisive tool in establishing the authority. In addition to recordings of deliberations, multiple administrative and judicial documents participate in insuring the institutionalisation of city government.

Pozdně středověká lázeň na vltavském břehu Nového Města pražského. Příspěvek k osobní hygieně obyvatel středověké Prahy. / Late Middle Age bath on Prague New Town Vltava bank. Article to personal hygiene of citizens in medieaval Prague.

Bílková, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The problematics of medieval baths in Prague is very comprehensive, for understanding we have to begin in ancient history spa, the evolution of barber guild and complete hierarchy of this handicraft. In all history are barbers standing on the edge of society, and they tried to change it. Very important role of barbers was they role as healers. Most informations about baths and spa are from illustrations, which shows us also the equipment of public spa. Part of this equipment is also in archeological sources. One of possible public baths could be on the Vltava river bank in Novomlýnská street. Keywords bath; 14th century; 15th century; archaeology; illumination; surgery; Prague; chronicles

The 1363 English Sumptuary Law: A comparison with Fabric Prices of the Late Fourteenth-Century

Silverman, Sarah Kelly 19 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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