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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La « forteresse de la raison ». Lectures de l’humanisme politique florentin d’après l’Epistolario de Coluccio Salutati (1331-1406) / The Fortress of Reason. Readings of Florentine political humanism through Coluccio Salutati’s Epistolario.

Baggioni, Laurent 01 December 2011 (has links)
Prenant appui sur une historicisation critique des postulats méthodologiques et idéologiques au fondement des catégories d’humanisme civique et de républicanisme, la thèse entend renoncer à une lecture uniquement théorique de l’œuvre des humanistes florentins et restituer aux textes leur statut d’énoncés historiques. L’enjeu est de redessiner les lignes portantes d’une tradition civile et républicaine propre à la réalité florentine dont les penseurs des guerres d’Italie (Savonarole, Guichardin, Machiavel) seront les dépositaires critiques. Un travail d’interprétation de la correspondance familière de Coluccio Salutati (1331-1406) constitue le socle de la recherche et fait apparaître la dimension juridique de la pensée du chancelier, et ce à double titre : d’une part elle révèle l’omniprésence d’un lexique juridique qui fournit l’essentiel de l’arsenal interprétatif de l’analyse politique, et d’autre part, elle définit un « office d’exhortation » qui constitue la théorie politique de Salutati non pas simplement comme une rhétorique propagandiste mais aussi comme un discours réformateur. L’apport de Leonardo Bruni (1370-1444) est ainsi réévalué dans le sillage de l’humanisme politique de Salutati, et se distingue de ce dernier surtout par la valeur nouvelle accordée à l’histoire dans l’élaboration d’une langue et d’une science de la vie civile. / Starting from a critical historicization of the methodological and ideological foundations of categories such as civic humanism and republicanism, this thesis investigates the works of the Florentine humanists not only from the point of view of political theory but also in relation to their historical significance. The aim is to redefine the structural lines of a republican tradition characteristic of Florentine history, a tradition which the thinkers of the Italian Wars (Savonarola, Guicciardini, Machiavelli) inherited and criticized. An extensive reading of the private letters by Coluccio Salutati (1331-1406) constitutes the central part of this work and reveals the juridical character of the Chancellor’s thought : on the one hand, the juridical vocabulary is omnipresent in the letters and provides the core of the hermeneutic tools necessary to political analysis ; on the other hand, it helps defining an « office of exhortation » which discloses Salutati’s urge for reform rather than his role of propagandist. New light is then shed on Leonardo Bruni’s contribution to political thought as Bruni is seen following the path of Salutati’s political humanism. Leonardo Bruni (1370-1444), in comparison with his master, stresses the superiority of history, but finds himself equally involved in the formulation of a language and a science of political life.

Užití aoristu, imperfekta a perfekta v česky psané próze poloviny 14. století / Use of aorist, imperfect and perfect in Czech prose in the middle of the 14th century

Zdeňková, Jana January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the use of the aorist and imperfect tenses and the periphrastic preterite in four Old Czech prosaic translated texts dated back to the beginning of the 2nd half of the 14th century. Analyzed texts are the part of the first edition of the Old Czech translation of the Bible (part of the Dresden Bible completed with the text of Proroci rožmberští (Prophets of Rožmberk), the Legend of St. Wenceslaus from The Old Czech Passional, The Apocalypse of Paul and two chapters of the text O svatém Jeronýmovi knihy troje. We deal with the percentual occurence of the verb forms under investigation and with the aspectual characteristics of the verbs of which the investigated forms are constructed. Also their relationship to the Latin pretext is examined. The acquired results are presented in tables and graphs. This thesis also includes an electronic database of the investigated verbal forms.

Affaires de familles et affaires de la cité : la transmission d'une pensée politique dans les livres de famille florentins (XIVe-XVe siècles) / Family and City affairs : Political Thought in Florentine Family Books (14th-15th centuries)

Leclerc, Elise 23 November 2013 (has links)
De l'institution du priorat à la chute définitive de la république en 1530, l'organisation de la vie dans la cité florentine a évolué tant dans ses structures effectives que dans ses représentations, laissant une place plus ou moins importante aux différents groupes sociaux, aux familles et individus qui la composent. au cours de cette période, le genre des livres de famille florentins s'est développé, a fleuri et s'est fané : œuvre dans son immense majorité de marchands, d'artisans qui appartiennent au popolo florentin, partie de la population appelée à participer au gouvernement de la cité, ces livres ont pour fonction de transmettre dans le cadre familial et de génération en génération ce que l'on considère important pour le devenir de la famille. quel lien y a-t-il entre ce genre et la vie de la république florentine, entre affaires de familles et affaires de la cité ? quelle est la place du politique dans cette logique de transmission ? quels aspects de la vie de la cité y sont représentés, comment sont-ils traités ? avec quels mots cette culture politique est-elle exprimée, dans quelle mesure est-elle redevable ou distincte de la tradition politique publique antérieure et contemporaine ? mêlant les approches historique, littéraire, linguistique, il s'agira ainsi de rendre compte de la question de la transmission du politique dans le genre des livres de famille en l'inscrivant dans le cadre global de l'évolution de la cité. / Based on a corpus which consists of 150 family books written between 1260 and 1480, this study intends to define the representations that Florence citizens had of their republic, of its running and of their role within it.The first part aims at identifying which room is given to historical and political passages in these books, and the functions of these excerpts in the overall writing strategy. The point is to study how the building of family identity was connected to the life of the city.The second part contains a stylistic and semantic analysis of the narrative parts that are dedicated to the major events of the 14th and 15th centuries. It offers a series of snapshots that define several specific configurations of the city’s political body and of how families refer to it. This textual analysis also provides us an image of the Florentine intellectual framework and a list of the key-concepts that characterized the political thought of the authors – which goes far beyond a mere interest in chronicles. The third part focuses on the use of those keywords in a diachronic perspective, in order to identify the evolutions, the involutions and the breaking points of this thought over the generations, and questions the link between citizens’ active political participation and their private writing on city affairs. The appendix presents transcriptions of the excerpts on the life of the city contained in the unpublished family books of the Florentine families, as well as biographical notes on their often unknown authors.

Els fonaments del pactisme valencià. Sistemes fiscals, relacions de poder i identitat col·lectiva al regne de València (c. 1250 - c. 1365)

Baydal Sala, Vicent 22 June 2011 (has links)
La present tesi tracta d’aprofundir en el coneixement dels orígens del pactisme valencià. És per això que analitza de forma exhaustiva les diverses negociacions politicofiscals que tingueren lloc entre la monarquia i la comunitat política del regne de València des de mitjan segle XIII fins a la dècada de 1360. Així, tot plegat, estudia la trajectòria d’unes transformacions estretament imbricades entre si: d’una banda, el progressiu desenvolupament de la pràctica parlamentària fins a esdevenir la principal forma de resolució de greuges entre els estaments i el monarca, i, d’una altra banda, l’evolució de la fiscalitat reial i local fins a donar lloc a uns sistemes fiscals generals i municipals que quedaren controlats pels dirigents estamentals. D’aquesta manera, mitjançant l’anàlisi d’aquells canvis, es determinen amb major detall les fases i les característiques del procés de configuració del pactisme al territori valencià. / The purpose of this thesis is to deepen the knowledge on the origins of Valencian pactism. In order to achieve that, it analyzes exhaustively the various political/fiscal negotiations that took place between the monarchy and the political community of the kingdom of Valencia from the mid-thirteenth century until the 1360’s. It is, therefore, a study on the history of transformations closely imbricated in each other: on the one hand, the gradual development of the parliamentary practice until it became the main way for resolving grievances between the king and the estates of the realm and, on the other hand, the evolution of the royal and local taxation to general and local fiscal systems that were controlled by the heads of the estates. Thus, by means of analyzing these changes, the different stages and characteristics of the configuration process of pactism in the kingdom of Valencia can be more precisely determined.

Pan Oldřich III. z Hradce. Portrét českého šlechtice z doby vlády Jana Lucemburského / Lord Ulrich III of Neuhaus. The profile of a Czech Aristocrat from the Time of John of Luxembourg's

Miczanová, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the life story of the medieval nobleman Ulrich III. of Neuhaus. The goal of the dissertation is to portray his life and work and put them in a larger context of the period in which he lived, that is the first half of the fourteenth century. Despite the fact that Ulrich III. did not hold any important office but devoted his life to administering his large dominion instead, he is one of the most important persons of the Neuhaus family. He contributed significantly to the structural changes of Jindřichův Hradec, for example by issuing an order to complete the Saint John the Baptist Church and inviting the Order of Friars Minor Conventual to live there. A confirmed Catholic, he lead the first Crusade against the Waldensians, who settled on his dominion. He also had a chamber in the Jindřichův Hradec castle decorated with a wall painting based on the legend of Saint George, the patron saint of the Teutonic Order, an order that had settled in Jindřichův Hradec alongside the Knights Templar. Due to the fact that he belonged to the Neuhaus family, he acquired the Castle of Telč in Moravia. The Castle subsequently became a significant property of the Neuhaus family until the Neuhaus family became extinct in 1604. With regard to the politics, Ulrich III supported King John of...

Nástěnné malby na hradě Karlštejn ve světle restaurátorských zásahů / The mural paintings in Karlštejn castle in the light of the restoration effects

Uchytilová, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
The mural paintings in Karlštejn castle in the light of the restoration effects This thesis focuses on the mural paintings located in Karlštejn castle. These mural paintings form a complex iconography of the entire castle, which weaves together all the sacred spaces of the castle, culminating in the Chapel in the Great Tower. The thesis deals with the mural paintings situated in two chapels in the first floor of the Imperial palace, so-called the Hall of Ancestors, where the genealogy of Charles IV. originally decorated this hall, the Church of the Virgin Mary and the Chapel of Saint Catherine inside the Marian Tower, on the walls of the staircase and in the Chapel of the Holy Cross, inside the Great Tower, not only in the light of the restoration effects, which may have affected and influenced the original appearance. Tracking of the origin of the re- paintings, followed by an iconographical analysis, draws from the restoration reports and archives connected with the last major reconstruction of the castle, which was led from Vienna by architects Fridrich Schmidt and Josef Mocker. I analyse their iconography and authorship, and evaluate the restoration efforts carried out in the last centuries. Key words: Middle Ages, mural paintings, 14th century, Karlštejn castle, Chapel of the Holly Cross, Master...

Představy o počátcích národů v historické kultuře 14. a 15. století. / The notions about the origins of nations in 14th and 15th century historical culture.

Bažant, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
Vojtěch Bažant, The notions about the origins of nations in 14th and 15th century historical culture, Ph.D. thesis, Institute of Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague 2020 The thesis offers an analysis of narrative structures in medieval historiography about Czech and Hungarian history, more specifically in historiography either created or read and rewritten in the 14th and the 15th century. The research is focused on a variety of narratives of the origins of nations, i.e. on stories retelling the Confusion of Tongues, the search for land and the building of a homeland, the establishment of a new society and, finally, the Christianisation of the tribe or people. Individual medieval historical works are treated as literary narratives, not as sources to be exploited for a reconstruction of historical events or of the context in which the chronicles in question were created. In this scope, the thesis examines individual narrative motifs as well as the entirety of the narrative; motifs are interpreted in their relation to the whole narrative while the chronicles and histories are approached as both meaningful stories and stylized narrations of these. The discourses on Czech and Hungarian histories are not construed in developmental terms; individual historical texts are rather...

Revelations in the Green Chapel: The Gawain-poet as Monastic Author

Sheridan, Patricia T. 01 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

La construcció de l'església de Sant Feliu de Girona al segle XIV. Els llibres d'obra

Chamorro Trenado, Miquel Àngel 10 May 2004 (has links)
Aquesta tesi doctoral com diu el seu títol es centra en analitzar la construcció de l'església de Sant Feliu de Girona al segle XIV a través de l'anàlisi dels llibres d'obra conservats a l'Arxiu Diòcesa de Girona.Aquesta tesi doctoral esta dividida en quatre parts. En la primera part s'analitza la historiografia de l'església de Sant Feliu de Girona des del segle XVII fins a l'actualitat. Dins d'aquest apartat s'analitzen les notícies que aporten els diferents autors i es situa el context historiogràfic de cadascun dels segles. S'ha realitzat un estudi molt exhaustiu en les darreres publicacions del segle XX i inicis del segle XXI. Un cop analitzades aquestes fonts - secundàries -, dins d'aquesta primera part del treball s'ha passat a analitzar els llibres d'obra del segle XIV. S'analitzaràn els aspectes formals i els diferents escrivans encarregats de realitzar aquests llibres d'obra. Aquesta serà la documentació bàsica per realitzar aquesta tesi doctoral.En la segona part del treball es procedirà a analitzar la gestió i el finançament de l'Obra. Es tracta d'una anàlisi, bàsicament dels ingressos, per veure quines són les estratègies que es duen a terme per aconseguir el màxim de recursos per la construcció i per les necessitats "litúrgiques" de l'església de Sant Feliu de Girona. En aquest apartat s'ha analitzat l'Obra com a entitat amb les persones que formen part d'ella i el paper que correspon a cadascuna d'elles (l'obrer, l'escrivà, el mestre d'obres, el questor). També s'han analitzat els promotors i aquells ingressos que, pel seu volum, subministren el nombre més gran de diners a l'Obra ("annates", bacins, etc.).La tercera part ha consistit en l'elaboració de la cronologia constructiva de l'església de Sant Feliu de Girona partint de la informació obtinguda en els llibres d'obra corresponent a les despeses. S'han analitzat totes aquelles obres, tant pel que fa a la construcció de l'edifici com pel que fa a reparacions i manteniment, que tenen lloc entre l'any 1349 (data del primer llibre d'obra de despeses) i l'any 1391. En aquesta part no s'ha entrat a analitzar de forma exhaustiva les figures que fan possible la construcció de l'església al segle XIV ja que això pertany al contingut de la darrera part del nostre treball.La darrera part del treball correspon a l'execució de les obres. En aquesta part trobem quatre grans capítols: els mestres d'obra, la mà d'obra, els materials i els mitjans auxiliars. En cadascun d'aquests capítols s'ha incidit sobre el rol dels diferents treballadors durant la construcció del temple, els materials utilitzats i les seves característiques (pedra, fusta, aglomerants, etc.) i els mitjans auxiliars utilitzats per col.locar aquests materials en obra. S'han separat els mestres d'obres de la resta de treballadors ja que els primers juguen un rol diferenciat dels segons. S'ha intentat analitzar en ambdós casos els seus sous i les tasques de cadascun d'ells. Pel que fa als materials també s'ha procedit a analitzar d'on s'extreuen, com han arribat a peu d'obra i on s'emmagatzemen i manipulen o transformen abans d'ésser col.locats en obra. Dels mitjans auxiliars s'ha intentat analitzar les funcions per la qual es fan servir les eines (apareixen totes les de l'ofici de pedrer), els enginys (elevar pesos), les bastides (poder treballar en alçada) i el encofrats (garantir la resistència inicial dels elements constructius).Evidentment s'han establert unes conclusions de cadascuna de les parts i unes conclusions finals. La tesi també inclou els agraïments corresponents, el prefaci i la bibliografia. / This doctoral thesis how it says their title focuses on analyzing the construction of the church of Saint Feliu of Girona in the 14th century through the analysis of the books of work preserved on the Archive Diòcesa of Girona.This doctoral thesis esta divided into four deliveries. In the first part the historiography of the church of Saint Feliu de Girona since the 17th century until the present is analyzed. In this section the news that the different authors bring is analyzed and the historiogràfic context of each of the centuries is placed. A very exhaustive study has been carried out in the last publications of the 20th century and beginnings of the 21st century. Once analyzed these fountains|sources? secondary?, in this first part of the work has been gone|passed to analyzing the books of work of the 14th century. The formal aspects and the different court clerks been of carrying out these books of work in charge will be analyzed. This will be the basic documentation to carry out this doctoral thesis.In the second part of the work people will proceed to analyzing the formality and the funding of the Work. It is about an analysis, in a basic way of the admissions, to see which they are the strategies that they are carried out to achieve the maximum of resources for the construction and from the "liturgical" needs of the church of Saint Feliu de Girona. In this section the Work as an entity with the persons who are part of her and the paper|role that corresponds to each of them (the worker, the court clerk, the master builder, the questor) have been analyzed. The promoters and those admissions|incomes that, for its volume, supply the Work ("annates", bowls, etc) with the greatest number of money have also been analyzed.The third part has consisted of the elaboration of the constructive chronology of the church of Saint Feliu de Girona following the obtained information in the books of work corresponding to the expenses. All those works, regarding the construction of the building as well as regarding repairs and maintenance, that have place among year 1349, (it dates from the first book of expenses work) and in year 1391 have been analyzed. In this part people have not entered to analyze in an exhaustive way the people that make the construction of the church in the 14th century possible since this belongs to the contents of the last part of our work.The last part of the work corresponds to the execution of the works. In this part we find four big chapters: the teachers of work, the labor, the materials and the auxiliary means. In each of these chapters the role of the different workers during the construction of the temple, the used materials and its characteristics (stone, wood, binders, etc) has been fallen upon and the auxiliary means used for placing these materials in work. The master builders of the rest of workers have been sorted out since the first play a role differentiated from the seconds. It has been attempted to analyze their salaries and the tasks of each of them in both cases. Regarding the materials has also been proceeded to analyzing from where they are extracted, how they have arrived on foot of work and where they are stored and where they manipulate or where they transform before being placed in work. Of the auxiliary means has been attempted to analyze the functions for which the tools (they turn up all the ones of the profession of gizzard) are used, the wits (to elevate weights), the scaffolds (to be able to work in height) and the framework (to guarantee the initial resistance of the constructive elements).Obviously some conclusions of each of the parts and some final conclusions have been established. The thesis also includes the corresponding gratitude, the preface and the bibliography.

Minnesang a dvorská literatura na dvoře posledních Přemyslovců a prvních Lucemburků / Minnesing and court literature at the court of last members of Přemysl's dynasty and the first membe luxembourg's dynasty

VELICKÁ, Olga January 2012 (has links)
Qualifying work has interdisciplinary charakter. This work is concentrate on knowledge of history and culture of age last members of Přemysl´s dynasty and the first members of Luxembourg´s dynasty. The primary aim of work is to identify the conditions under which there is courtly literature and minnesing on the courts of these rulers. Next aim is using the comparative method to define the basic topics in prose and poetry. The secondary aim is recognizing influence of German and Latin literature domestic and foreign on literature written in Czech. The work ?Minnesing and court literature at the court of last members of Přemysl's dynasty and the first members of Luxembourg's dynasty? deals with years 1283?1306 and 1310?1333 taking into account also past years.

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