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Attachment models : content, structure and their role in information processingRowe, Angela January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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The development of a Dyadic Reflective Functioning Questionnaire (DRFQ)Younger, David Batkin January 2006 (has links)
This thesis describes the construction of an attachment and psychoanalytic theory inspired self-report measure to assess the quality of mutual awareness of mental states in couples (dyadic reflective function). The Dyadic Reflective Functioning Questionnaire (DRFQ) has its theoretical foundation in the Reflective Functioning Coding Manual developed by Fonagy and his colleagues (1997). The DRFQ was constructed to assess the ability to think about oneself and one's partner in situations of discord that involve the triggering of the attachment system. The measure includes testing first, second and third order theory of mind in relation to both epistemic and emotional mind states in relation to one's partner in the context of a heated argument. Several indicators of accuracy of mind-reading were developed based on the strength of association between self-report of one member of the dyad and the estimation of the other member controlling for self-report of that member. Second order theory of mind was assessed by asking subjects to anticipate what their partner was likely to have reported about them. Third order theory of mind was estimated asking participants to estimate their partners' estimations of their estimations of their partners. The first study reported employed 20 heterosexual couples and demonstrated that as predicted an inverse relationship existed between the quality of dyadic reflective functioning on the DRFQ and attachment style anxiety and avoidance on the revised Experiences in Close Relationships Questionnaire (Fraley, Brennan, & Waller, 2000). Following the pilot study, test-retest reliability of the instrument was assessed with a further random sample of 20 couples. The validation of the measure was undertaken with participant couples drawn from the general population and a sub-sample of couples that were undergoing psychodynamic couple therapy. Following the pilot study, and a refinement of the measure, a larger study was conducted (n=96 couples). The DRFQ was administered alongside a battery of self-report measures to assess both discriminant and concurrent validity. Results demonstrated strong negative correlations between dyadic reflective functioning scores and interpersonal problems on the Inventory-Circumplex (Alden, Wiggins, & Pincus, 1990) and the general severity index (GSI) of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) (Derogatis & Melisaratos, 1983). Predictive validity of the instrument was assessed in a further investigation using the DRFQ to predict the quality of the couple's relationship as reflected by the Abbreviated Dyadic Adjustment Scale (ADAS) (Sharpley & Rogers, 1984) one year after the administration of the reflective functioning instrument. A final qualitative study with a small sample of couples (n=5) that were in therapy was also conducted in order to explore more in-depth connections between high and low scores in dyadic reflective functioning using the DRFQ and the experience of couple fit and functioning. It is hoped that an exploration of the processes of reflective functioning in couples will lead to further understanding of attachment processes in couples and to more clarity of focus in assessing process and outcome in couple therapy.
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Appearance related concerns across the general and clinical populationsLiossi, Christina January 2003 (has links)
This thesis explores appearance related concerns across the general and clinical populations. Section A briefly describes the different parts comprising this thesis and discusses the common themes that emerged. In Section B, a survey of 300 young adults is reported which was conducted with an aim to identify the nature, extent and correlates of appearance dissatisfaction in this population. It was found that a surprisingly large percent of men and women were dissatisfied with their appearance and that this discontent was not limited to shape/size concerns in women and muscularity concerns in men as has been suggested by previous investigators. In terms of predictors of appearance dissatisfaction, appearance schemata, social support and psychological distress were the stronger with investment in appearance (appearance schemata) being the most significant. This survey was followed up by two qualitative studies aiming to identify and explore in more depth the factors that contribute to the development or not of appearance dissatisfaction. Themes such as parental modelling, self-esteem social support, media influence emerged in the participants' discourse as important in the development or not of their dissatisfaction with appearance. In Section C the consultation revised the existing measures of appearance (dis)satis faction and recommended the most developmentally appropriate and psychometrically rigorous for the assessment of individuals with cleft lip/palate condition. From the review of the relevant literature it became obvious that the assessment of appearance related aspects is still at an early stage. 'Me consultation also briefly summarizes the effects on body image, self-concept, and social interaction of cleft lip/palate condition. Finally in Section D, a review paper critically summarizes the literature on body image and quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer and makes recommendations for further developments in research and clinical practice in this area.
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Testing the theory that pets can help to alleviate lonelinessGilbey, Andrew Paul January 2003 (has links)
Loneliness is extremely common, highly unpleasant, and the health consequences have been reported to rival those of smoking and obesity (House et al., 1988). It is widely believed that pets can help to alleviate loneliness. This belief is consistent with research that suggests pets can provide companionship similar to that provided by humans. Having first reviewed the literature on loneliness and the role of pets in providing companionship and alleviation of loneliness, a theory was articulated that pets should help to alleviate loneliness. The remainder of this thesis sought to test this theory. Three hypotheses were derived from the theory that pets can help alleviate loneliness: pet owners will be less lonely than non-pet owners; pet separation will be associated or will lead to increased loneliness; and, pet acquisition will lead to decreased levels of loneliness. Seven empirical studies were conducted, of which six directly tested one or more of the three hypotheses. Each hypothesis was tested at least twice. Amongst samples recruited from the general population, no quantitative evidence was found to reject any of the three null hypotheses: pet owners were no less lonely than non-pet owners; pet separation was neither associated with higher loneliness nor led to increased levels of loneliness; and pet acquisition did not lead to reduced levels of loneliness. There was some qualitative evidence that if people acquired a pet to help with loneliness they believed it was helpful. These findings did not appear to be affected by whether or not the person-pet relationship was described as 'close' or the species of pet. Amongst a sample of deaf people who were at high risk of loneliness, no evidence was found that pet owners or hearing dog owners were less lonely than non-owners. Nor was there significant evidence that hearing dog acquisition led to lower levels of loneliness. It was concluded that insofar as none of the three hypotheses were supported by the data, the theory that pets help to alleviate loneliness was not supported amongst the general population. It was proposed that the belief that pets alleviate loneliness might endure simply because it is a pleasing and agreeable belief. Alternatively, people may see what they want to see. However, it is also possible that the quantitative methods used in psychology simply fail to reflect the qualitative benefits of pet ownership, or that there are people for whom pets alleviate loneliness, but they are specific subgroups of the population.
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Παιδική ελευθερία : μια ερευνητική προσέγγιση για την αίσθηση της ελευθερίας των μαθητών σε πολιτισμικά διαφορετικούς πληθυσμούςΦωκά, Σοφία 05 1900 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία πραγματεύεται το θέμα της Παιδικής Ελευθερίας. Εξετάζει επί της ουσίας, τη δυνατότητα των μαθητών να είναι ελέυθεροι μέσα στην εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία. Αναλύει το κατά πόσο οι μαθητές μπορούν, στα πλαίσια της εκπαιδευτικής διαδικασίας και ιδιαίτερα σε πολυπολιτισμικά περιβάλλοντα, να εκφράζονται ελεύθερα, να αναπτύσσουν την προσωπικότητά τους χωρίς περιορισμούς, να ασκούν την κριτική τους ικανότητα, να εκφράζουν την ιδιαίτερη κουλτούρα τους και να συμμετέχουν ελεύθερα σε συλλογικές διαδικασίες στην τάξη. / The present thesis focuses on the issue of children's freedom. It is studied the possibility that students have to be free in the context of the educational process. It examines students' capacity into school in multicultural environment, to express their opinion in a free way, to develop their personality without limits, to be able to criticize situations, to express their culture and be able to take part in group processes into class.
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Progression de l'isolement et expérience paradoxale de la solitude professionnelle des cadres dirigeants : l'exemple des directeurs de services pénitentiaires en maisons d'arrêt / Factory of the isolation and the paradoxical experience of the professional solitude of the senior executives : the example of the directors of prison servicesLadreyt, Sébastien 17 November 2017 (has links)
Les effets délétères de la montée de l’isolement au travail et des pathologies associées de la solitude sont aujourd’hui couramment admis. Cette étude a pour objectif d’éclairer la nature des liens entre l'isolement et son vécu au travail, la solitude professionnelle.A cette fin, nous nous intéressons à la catégorie des cadres dirigeants, et plus particulièrement à la population des directeurs de maisons d’arrêt.Notre approche est issue de la psychosociologie clinique du travail. Nous nous appuyons sur l’observation de situations de travail, l’analyse du contenu d’entretiens semi-directifs conduits auprès de 13 directeurs, et les matériaux obtenus lors de la mise en œuvre de la méthode réflexive d’instruction au sosie auprès de 3 d’entre eux.Les résultats montrent effectivement une fabrication de l’isolement lié à l’exercice du pouvoir, ainsi qu'un morcellement des collectifs professionnels induit par l’intensification du travail. La modernisation prescrite à marche forcée de la prison amplifie ce phénomène, laissant les directeurs de prisons affronter seuls la transformation accélérée de leurs missions, à l’abri des murs.Les dirigeants de maisons d’arrêt parviennent à riposter aux processus de rigidification et de délitement du lien social au travail. Ils répliquent de différentes façons à cet isolement progressif subi. Nous distinguons trois natures et expériences différentes d’une même solitude professionnelle, dépendant de la façon dont le sujet se saisit des ressources externes ou internes, matérielles, sociales et psychiques :- Une solitude résistante : nous identifions des tentatives de transformation de la réalité (reconstruction du lien social, développement de nouvelles formes de co-activité, recherche de soutien social), la mise en place de stratégies de défense, individuelles ou collectives, parfois sous des formes radicalisées comme l’esprit de corps, des mécanismes de dégagement qui font appel au jugement pour une juste adaptation à la réalité et qui aident à l’élaboration de la solitude. Nous parlerons alors de la solitude d'un sujet habité par "un collectif en soi" et dialogue avec cette altérité intériorisée.- Une solitude développementale: le sujet a pu se saisir d’espaces et de temps de recharge d' une capacité d’être seul au travail", protégé de la solitude souffrante par un environnement professionnel "suffisamment bon". Cette capacité d’être seul au travail autorise le sujet à se désirer seul. L’acte créatif peut exister au sein d’un espace transitionnel résistant dans des environnements professionnels pourtant fortement contraignants.- Une solitude désolante: c’est une expérience subjective souffrante de déliaison associée à un soutien social perçu carencé. Le sujet affronte un face-à-face solitaire et contraint avec lui-même. Cette forme de solitude est pathogène. C’est une expérience solipsistique propice au ressassement.Face à la montée de l’isolement, la solitude demeure donc une épreuve psychique risquée sur la scène du travail, qui inclut la population de cadres dirigeants. Ses différentes natures ne sont pas stables dans le temps : elles se succèdent, se chevauchent, ou se neutralisent à l’épreuve du réel. / The noxious Effects of the Rise of the isolation in the Work and the Pathologies associated by the Solitude are admitted today usually. This Study has for objective to light the nature of the Links between Isolation and lived on the Isolation in the Work, that is, the professional Solitude.To this End, we are interested in the socio-professional Group of the senior Executives, and more particularly in the Population of the Directors of Prisons.Our Approach arises from the clinical Psychosociology of the Work. We lean more particularly on the observation of working Situations, the Analysis of the Contents of semi-directive Conversations driven with 13 Managers. The results were obtained by the Implementation of the reflexive Method ofIinstruction to the Double with 3 of them.The Results show actually a Factory of the isolation bound to the Exercise of Power, and a Division of the professional Collectives leads by the Intensification of the Work. The Modernization prescribed rapidly by the Prison amplifies this Phenomenon, letting the Wardens face alone the Transformation accelerated of their Missions, shielded from Walls.The Leaders of Prisons succeed nevertheless in responding to the psychic Tests led by the Processes in the work of Stiffening and Disintegration of the social Link in the Work.The Subject can answer in various Ways to the psychic Test of Solitude. We so distinguish three Natures and Experiences different from the same professional Solitude, depending on Possibilities that has the Subject to seize external or internal Material, social and psychic Resources.
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Désir de voyage et solitude chez le marin : exemples de la littérature classique / Sailors : the call of the sea and solitude : examples from classical literatureFerraty, Christelle 05 October 2012 (has links)
Les jeunes marins que nous sommes amenés à rencontrer dans le cadre de notre activité clinique semblent être dans un balancement entre le désir de voyager et une tendance naturelle à vouloir rester à terre, à proximité de leur famille. Au-delà de la description symptomatologique, qui évoque ce que l’on appelle communément une dépendance affective, définie par le fait que le sujet a des difficultés à s’éloigner de ses repères affectifs, et est en proie, lorsqu’il y est confronté, à la dépression, nous nous sommes demandés si cette dépendance n’était pas en tout point constitutive de la subjectivité humaine. En effet, l’enfant se développe au plan psychique dans une dépendance à la mère, avant de s’autonomiser progressivement, tout en gardant inscrites dans son inconscient les marques de cette dépendance. Qu’est-ce qui, dans ce contexte, invite les marins au voyage ? Dans cette perspective, nous avons, par l’étude de la littérature classique, exploré le déterminisme de ces êtres, tel qu’il a été perçu et décrit par les écrivains au fils des époques. Nous avons découvert chez ces marins un dualisme entre volonté de découverte, d’exploration, et besoin de demeurer sur la terre ferme. Nous avons également mis en évidence que la navigation faisait office de contenant pour le psychisme, et permettait de lutter contre la survenue d’une dépression secondaire à la séparation. Nous avons aussi démontré qu’il existait chez certains de ces marins une réactualisation de la problématique œdipienne. Enfin, nous en avons conclu qu’il s’agissait pour eux de mettre en œuvre, au travers de cette problématique, leur propre rapport à la vie et à la mort. / In our clinical domain, we are bound to come across young sailors who seem torn between a sheer desire to take to sea and a natural attraction to the shore, close to their loved ones. The symptomatogical description, more commonly know as an emotional dependence, refers to the patient's difficulty to move away from his emotional markers and his proclivity to depression in such instance. Our research work has consisted in reflecting on the close link between that very dependence and human subjectivity. Indeed, a child's psychological development depends on the mother, retaining unconscious traces of that dependence while gradually acquiring his autonomy. So we may wonder what attracts sailors to embark on a journey in that particular context. Therefore we have explored the determinism of those beings as felt and described in classical literature. We have found that these sailors waver between exploring the world and staying ashore. We have also highlighted that navigating takes the role of a recipient to the mind/psyche and enables the subject to fight any depression resourcing from separation. We have also shown that some sailors experience a return to an oedipal condition. Finally, we have come to the conclusion that, by means of experience, sailors work through their own relationship to life and death.
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La transmission du traumatisme de la mère au bébé en contexte humanitaire / La trasmissione del trauma dalla mamma al bambino, in una situazione di emergenza umanitaria / Mother to infant trauma transmission, in humanitarian contexteDozio, Elisabetta 22 November 2017 (has links)
Nombreuses prévues et études sur la transmission inter et trans-générationnelle du traumatisme nous confirment l'évidence de la transmission sans pour autant en donner une description détaillé du processus qui pourrait être à la base de la transmission directe de la mère au bébé. La compréhension de ce processus pourrait permettre de penser et promouvoir des dispositifs de soin précoce pour les mères traumatisées et leurs bébés. Cela s'avère d'autant plus important dans les contextes de trauma collectif, comme les situations d'urgence humanitaire, où une large partie de la population est exposée à des événements traumatiques extrêmes et répétés. Dans le but d’identifier les déterminantes propres à la transmissions directe du traumatise psychique de la mère au bébé en contexte humanitaire, nous avons recrutées vingt-quatre dyades mère-bébé, en trois pays affectés par la crise politico-religieuse centrafricaine démarrée en 2013 (République Centrafricaine, Tchad et Cameroun). Dans les vingt-quatre dyades, les mères ont été exposées à un ou plusieurs événements traumatiques, en l'absence du bébé, avant sa naissance ou pendant la grossesse ; l'âge de bébé est compris entre un mois et trois ans. Ces Mères et bébés ont étés rencontré lors d'un entretien semi structuré que nous avons filmé. Cela pour permettre une microanalyse des interactions trans-modales (visuelles, corporelles, vocales) entre mère et bébé, dans l'idée de comprendre si pendant la révocation de l'événement traumatique de la part de la mère, les interactions subissaient des modifications et dans ce cas, lesquels. Les interactions dyadiques ont été aussi observées dans une situation de jeu libre sans la présence d'interviewer. Les représentations maternelles ainsi que les marqueurs traumatiques dans le discours ont été pris en compte comme facteurs contributeurs de la transmission traumatique. Les résultats de l'analyse des échanges dyadiques pendant l'entretien, montrent une évidence dans le changement d'interactions dans le moment de révocation traumatique de la mère. Les détails de cette différence d'interaction entre mère et bébé sont présentés dans la session de résultats. Dans la discussion ils sont ensuite mis en relation avec le discours de la mère où nous pouvons remarquer le rôle de représentations maternelle à propos du bébé qui ont une implication importante dans la transmission traumatique. L'analyse de toutes ces composantes multiples semble nous indiquer que le traumatisme maternelle influence les représentations de la mère à propos du bébé, de sa relation avec lui et du mandat transgénérationnelle dont le bébé va être investi. De plus les mères traumatisées, envahies par leur propre état émotionnel négatif ont des difficultés à interpréter correctement les expressions verbales et non verbales du bébé et à trouver des réponses appropriées. Cette difficulté se traduit dans la transmission de son état émotionnel négatif au bébé, qui interprète l'absence de réponse de la mère ou les réponses pas adéquates à ses sollicitations, comme des signaux négatifs vis-à-vis de son propre état émotionnel. Lé bébé et il n'a pas d' autres stratégies que celle d'internaliser l'état affectif négatif maternel et de le transformer dans son propre état interne. Malgré l'évidence de la transmission de l état émotionnel négatif de la mère au bébé, nous avons pu observer certains facteurs de protection qui peuvent préserver les mères et les bébés de l'inévitabilité de cette transmission. Les mères et les bébés montrent plusieurs ressources et compétences internes qui nous laissent penser qu'une réparation est possible ainsi qu'une prévention de la transmission traumatique quand le processus est déjà démarré. Pour conclure ce travail nous présentons de propositions cliniques de prise en charge des mère ayant vécu un traumatisme et leur bébé, dans le but de réduire les effets de la possible transmission du traumatisme au bébé ou, quand possible, de la prévenir. / Several studies on the inter- and trans-gerational transmission of trauma confirm the evidence of transmission without giving a detailed description of the process that could be the basis of mother to child direct transmission. Understanding this process could help to think and promote early care for traumatized mothers and their children. This is especially important in contexts of collective trauma, such as humanitarian emergencies, where a large part of the population is exposed to extreme and repeated traumatic events. In order to identify the determinants of the mother to child direct transmission in a humanitarian context, we recruited twenty-four mother-child dyads, in three countries affected by the Central African political and religious crisis started in 2013 (Central African Republic, Chad and Cameroon). The twenty-four dyads were composed by mothers exposed to one or more traumatic events, in the absence of the child, before childbirth or during pregnancy and their children, aged from one month to three years. We met the mother-child dyads during a semi-structured interview that we filmed in order to allow a microanalysis of the cross-modal (visual, bodily, vocal) interactions between mother and child. The objective was to understand whether interactions underwent modifications during the revocation of the traumatic event by the mother, and if yes, to have a better comprehension of these changes. Dyadic interactions were also observed in a free play situation without the presence of interviewers. Maternal representations as well as traumatic markers in mother discourse have been taken into account as factors contributing to the traumatic transmission. The results of the dyadic exchanges analysis during the interview show some evidences in the modification of interactions during the traumatic revocation of the mother. The details of this difference in mother-child interactions are presented in the results session. In the discussion session, the results from the microanalysis of interactions, have been connected to the mother's speech where we can notice the role of maternal representations about the child that have an important involvement in traumatic transmission. The analysis of all these multiple components seems to indicate that maternal trauma influences the mother's representations about the child, her relationship with him and the intergenerational mandate of which the child will be assigned to. In addition, traumatized mothers who are overwhelmed by their own negative emotional state, have difficulties in interpreting the child's verbal and non-verbal expressions correctly and finding appropriate answers. This difficulty is reflected in the transmission of mother negative emotional state to the child, who interprets the mother's lack of response or inadequate responses to his solicitations, as negative signals about his own emotional state. The child has no other strategies than internalizing the maternal negative affective state and transforming it into its own internal state. Despite the evidence of the transmission of the negative emotional state from the mother to the child, we have observed some protective factors that can preserve mothers and children from the inevitability of this transmission. Mothers and children show many internal resources and skills that suggest a possible recovery as well as give the basis to think about the prevention of traumatic transmission, when the process is already underway. To conclude this work we present clinical applications for the management of traumatized mothers and their young children in order to reduce the effects of the possible transmission of trauma to the child or, where possible, to prevent it. / Diversi studi sulla trasmissione inter e tran-generazionale del trauma confermano l'evidenza della trasmissione, ma senza fornire una descrizione dettagliata del processo che potrebbe essere alla base della trasmissione diretta dalla madre al bambino. Comprendere questo processo potrebbe aiutare a pensare e promuovere la cura precoce delle madri traumatizzate e dei loro bambini. Ciò è tanto più importante nelle situazioni di trauma collettivo, come possono essere le emergenze umanitarie, dove una gran parte della popolazione è esposta a eventi traumatici estremi e ripetuti. Al fine di individuare le caratteristiche specifiche della trasmissione diretta del trauma psichico dalla madre al bambino in ambito umanitario, abbiamo reclutato ventiquattro diadi madre-bambino in tre paesi colpiti dalla crisi politico-religiosa della Repubblilca Centrafricana che ha avuto inizio nel 2013 (Centrafrica, Ciad e Camerun). Nelle ventiquattro diadi, la madre ha assistito a uno o più eventi traumatici in assenza del bambino, prima della nascita o durante la gravidanza e il bambino ha un'età compresa tra un mese e tre anni. Hanno partecipato a un' intervista semi-strutturata che abbiamo filmato per consentire la microanalisi delle interazioni cross-modali (visive, corporee, vocali) tra madre e bambino, con l'obiettivo di comprendere se durante la rievocazione dell'evento traumatico della madre, le interazioni madre-bambino si modificano e in questo caso, come. Le interazioni diadiche sono state osservate anche in una situazione di gioco libero senza la presenza d¿intervistatori. Le rappresentazioni materne e gli elementi identificatori del trauma nel discorso della madre sono stati considerati come fattori che contribuiscono alla trasmissione traumatica. I risultati delle analisi dell'interazione diadica durante l'intervista mostrano un cambiamento evidente dell'interazione nel momento della narrazione traumatica della madre. I dettagli delle differenze osservate nell'interazione madre-bambino sono presentati nella sessione dei risultati e nella discussione sono messi in relazione con il contenuto e la forma del discorso della madre, in cui è possibile vedere il ruolo delle rappresentazioni materne à proposito del bambino, nella trasmissione del trauma. L'analisi di tutti queste componenti multiple suggerisce che il trauma materno ha un impatto sulle rappresentazioni della madre a proposito del suo bambino, del rapporto che ha con lui e del mandato transgenerazionale di cui il bambino sarà portatore. Inoltre, le madri traumatizzate, invase dal proprio stato emotivo negativo, mostrano una difficoltà a interpretare correttamente le espressioni verbali e non verbali del bambino e a trovare delle risposte adeguate alle sue sollicitazioni. Questa difficoltà si traduce nella trasmissione dello stato emotivo negativo della madre al bambino, che interpreta la mancanza di risposta della madre o le risposte inadeguate alle sue richieste, come segnali negativi rispetto al suo stato emotivo. Il bambino non riesce a trovare altre strategie oltre a quella di interiorizzare lo stato emotivo negativo della madre e trasformarlo nel proprio stato emotivo interno. Nonostante le prove della trasmissione dello stato emotivo negativo dalla madre al bambino, abbiamo osservato alcuni fattori protettivi in grado di preservare le madri e i bambini dall'inevitabilità della trasmissione. Madri e bambini mostrano diverse risorse e competenze interne che ci portano a immaginare che una "riparazione" è possibile, cosi come anche la prevenzione della trasmissione traumatica, nel caso in cui il processo è già avviato. Per concludere questo lavoro, presentiamo delle proposte cliniche destinate alle madri traumatizzate e ai loro bambini, al fine di ridurre gli effetti della possibile trasmissione del trauma al bambino o, quando possibile, per impedirla.
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Vivre avec un chien. Étude en psychologie clinique de la relation à l'animal à partir des cliniques psychosociales et des effets du contre-transfert social. Proposition des concepts de compagnon de relation paradoxal et d'objet social de la rue / Living on the street with a dog. A clinical study of the relationship with the animal from a psychosocial perspective and the effects of social counter-transference. Construction of the concepts of a paradoxical companion relationship and of social object in the streetChevalier, Julie 27 November 2017 (has links)
Les personnes SDF et leurs chiens restent à la marge de la majorité des dispositifs sociaux et sont l’objet d’un contre-transfert social généralement négatif. L’objectif de ce travail est de comprendre pourquoi certaines personnes ont des chiens dans la rue. En s’appuyant sur un référentiel psychanalytique, cette recherche se fonde sur les discours d’acteurs rencontrés sur le terrain et sur des entretiens semi-directifs réalisés auprès de neuf SDF possédant au moins un chien, rencontrés au sein d’un CAARUD et d’un CHRS. Les entretiens ont été traités à l’aide de l’analyse de contenu (Bardin, 1977 ; Castarède, 1983) et d’une analyse clinique de cas (Castro, 2005 ; Pedinielli, 2005). Les résultats soulèvent un paradoxe. D’une part, le chien apparaît notamment comme un support d’étayage aux besoins du moi (Roussillon, 2008a); comme un objet de relation (Gimenez, 2002) et la relation à l’animal comme une voie d’accès à l’aire transitionnelle (Winnicott, 1971b) où œuvrent les processus d’identification projective normale et d’identification introjective (Bion, 1962, 1967). D’autre part, cette relation peut incarner une défense psychique contre une souffrance psychosociale et une stratégie de survie conduisant, paradoxalement, ces personnes à se suradapter à leurs conditions de vie délétères sans pouvoir le penser. Seules une véritable préoccupation sociétale et des prises en charges adaptées pourront soutenir le chien comme un moyen par lequel le sujet peut négocier sa souffrance psychique, son identité et développer sa subjectivité. Comprendre cette relation implique par ailleurs une approche en santé mentale, soucieuse des ressources du sujet et de son environnement. / Homeless people and their dogs remain on the fringe of most social structures and are subject to a generally negative social counter-transference. This study aims at a better understanding of why some people living on the street have a dog. Within a psychoanalytical frame of reference, this research is based on speeches of actors encountered on the field and includes semi-directive interviews conducted on nine homeless people possessing at least one dog encountered in a CAARUD and a CHRS. A content analysis (Bardin, 1977; Castarède, 1983; Pedinielli, 2009) was conducted on all these interviews. The nine dog owners were each object of a clinical case study (Castro, 2005; Pedinielli, 2005; Schauder, 2012; Thurin, 2012). The results showed a paradox. On the one hand, the dog appeared as a way of supporting the needs of the ego (Roussillon, 2008a) and as an object of relation (Gimenez, 2002). Similarly the relationship with the animal appeared as a means of gaining access to the transitional area (Winnicott, 1971b) where processes of normal projective identification and introjective identification develop (Bion, 1962, 1967). On the other hand, this relationship may embody a psychic defense against psychosocial suffering and a survival strategy paradoxically leading these people to unconsciously over-adapt to their nefarious living conditions. Only real societal concern and appropriate care can support the dog as a way for the subject to become a real subject and for him a way to soothe the psychical pain and shore up his identity. Understanding this relationship also implies using a mental health approach, taking into account the resources of the subject and his environment.
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