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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Kleider der Passion. Für eine Ikonographie des Kostüms

Reichel, Andrea 06 February 1998 (has links)
Spätestens mit Erwin Panofskys bahnbrechender Arbeit über den verkleideten Symbolismus in der altniederländischen Malerei, die den Zeichencharakter ihrer minutiös-gegenständlichen Bildwelt anschaulich machte, wurde die den Werken des späten Mittelalters lang anhaftende Vorstellung eines rein aus künstlerischer Erzählfreude und Detailliebe entspringenden malerischen Realismus in Frage gestellt. In Hinsicht auf den symbolischen Wert der den Akteuren der veranschaulichten Handlung verliehenen Ausstattung findet sich in der kunstwissenschaftlichen Betrachtung allerdings noch gegenwärtig vielfach ein Umgang mit den Bildern des Mittelalters, in dem die dargestellte Bekleidung nicht im Sinne eines inhaltlichen Sinnträgers, sondern vielmehr als Zeittracht und das Kleiderbild dementsprechend als Dokumentation der historischen Moderealität gleichsam als getreues Abbild der wirklichen Welt angesehen wird. Daß man sich der kommunikativen Qualitäten der Rollenbekleidung in den massenwirksamen Bildmedien des Mittelalters sehr wohl zu bedienen wußte, können auf besonders eindrucksvolle Weise jene Quellen bezeugen, die über die Wirkungskraft der optischen Versinnlichungsmittel in den spektakulären Aufführungen der spätmittelalterlichen Passionsspiele informieren, in denen das Kostüm nicht nur Zeit und Raum des Geschehens zu bezeichnen, sondern darüberhinaus vor allem Wesen und Gesinnung der Handelnden auszuweisen hatte. In diesem Bewußtsein der KLEIDERBILDER, welche die BILDER DER PASSION in den malerischen Großrauminszenierungen der Simultandarstellungen des Kalvarienberggeschehens im ausgehenden 15. Jh. wiedergeben, möchte die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit am Beispiel der Hamburger Kreuzigungstafel aus St. Katharinen die KLEIDER DER PASSION in ihrer polyvalenten Zeichenfunktion analysieren und im Sinne der im spätmittelalterlichen DRAMA DER PASSSION inszenierten Kostümierung als permanent präsentes Informationsmedium interpretieren, das über die in ihnen eingetragenen MENSCHENBILDER Auskunft zu geben verspricht. / The long-upheld interpretation of simple pleasure in artistic narrative and love of detail to explain the use of miniscule objects to depict the world in paintings of the Old Dutch School was finally discredited by Erwin Panofskys revolutionary work on concealed symbolism. However when considering the symbolic value of costume and equipment in paintings, art historians today are still very much concerned with works from the Middle Ages in which the clothing depicted is not in keeping with the contextual weaver, but is, far more, the clothing of the time, and as such simultaneously acts as a documentation of the contemporary fashion and provides an accurate illustration of the real world. Sources which provide information of the effectiveness of the optical devices used in the spectacular performances of passion-plays in the late middle ages, in which clothing not only denotes the time and place of the event, but also the nature and direction of thought of the characters concerned, confirm most impressively that contemporary pictorical mass media quite definitely exploited the communicative qualities of costume. In this awareness of pictures of clothes, reflected by the pictures of large scale productions of passion plays performed towards the end of the 15th century, this piece of research aims - using the crucifiction panel in St Catherine's Church in Hamburg as an example - to analyse passion costumes in their polyvalent function in drawings, and to interpret the costumes used to perform passion-plays in the late Middle Ages as a permanently present medium of informationn which extends beyond the mere portrayal of charcter type.

Humphrey Duke of Gloucester and the Introduction of Italian Humanism in Fifteenth Century England

Doyle, John F. (John Francis) 12 1900 (has links)
Duke Humphrey of Gloucester is often given credit for the renaissance of English learning in the fifteenth century. It is true that the donations of books he made to Oxford, his patronage of English and Italian writers, and his patronage of administrators who had humanist training resulted in the transmittal of humanist values to England. But is it also true that these accomplishments were mainly the by-product of his self-aggrandizing style, rather than a conscious effort on the duke's part to promote learning. The duke, however, does deserve recognition for what he unwittingly may have done.

Cultura de corte no Traicitié de la forme et devis comme on fait les tournois (BnF, ms. Fr. 2695) de René d\'Anjou / Court Culture in the Traicitié de la forme et devis comme on fait les tournois (BnF, ms. fr. 2695) by René dAnjou

Barbara Lopes Roma 02 September 2016 (has links)
O Traicitié de la forme et devis comme on fait les tournois (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, ms. Français 2695) escrito por volta de 1460 pelo duque René dAnjou (1409-1480) merece destaque por sintetizar em um único trabalho práticas da cultura de corte principesca tardo-medieval e pela originalidade em combinar material textual e iconográfico para transmitir a mensagem pretendida pelo autor. Optamos pelo trabalho com o códice em questão devido à difusão de documentos através dos meios eletrônicos, pela singularidade da obra e carência de edições modernas. Manuscritos medievais são objetos foco de diferentes campos de pesquisa, o que nos leva a restringir o escopo do nosso trabalho à análise textual a partir da nossa transcrição paleográfica. O objetivo desse trabalho será examinar a dupla funcionalidade do ms. Fr. 2695 por meio da análise do discurso. Mediante o exame qualitativo e quantitativo do corpus lexical, e da comparação com fontes externas, investigaremos primeiramente a função do códice em registrar a prática do torneio para estabelecer como seria o combate idealizado pelo duque e quão longe estaria da prática corrente. Em seguida, procuraremos decifrar o influxo de escritos corteses, cavaleirescos e principescos no interior do tratado para determinar a construção ideológica, de maneira a persuadir o leitor a adotar um determinado comportamento frente à sociedade. / The Traicitié de la forme et devis comme on fait les tournois (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, ms. Français 2695) written around 1460 by the Duke René d\'Anjou (1409-1480) is noteworthy for synthesizing in a single work practices from princely court culture of the Late Middle Ages and the originality of combining textual and iconographic material in order to convey a message intended by the author. We opted for working with the codex in question due to the dissemination of documents by electronic means, by the uniqueness of the work and lack of modern editions. Medieval manuscripts are objects focus of different research fields, which leads us to narrow the scope of our work to textual analysis from our paleographic transcription. The aim of this study is to examine the dual functionality of the ms. Fr. 2695 through discourse analysis. Through qualitative and quantitative examination of the lexical corpus, and the comparison with external sources, first we will investigate the function of the codex to record the practice of the tournament, and then establish how the fight would be devised by the Duke and how far was from current practice. Second, we will try to decipher the influence of courtly, knightly and princely literature within the treatise in order to determine the ideological construction to persuade the reader to adopt a certain behavior in society.

Au plaisir de treshault et trespuissant seigneur Louis bastard de Bourbon gendre de Louis XI : échanges et commandes artistiques au sein du milieu royal / Au plaisir de treshault et trespuissant seigneur Louis bastard de Bourbon gendre de Louis XI : artistic exchanges and commissions within a royal environment

Dechamps, Claire 25 October 2014 (has links)
Connu pour ses qualités de bibliophile, Louis bâtard de Bourbon se distingue aussi par sa proximité avec Louis XI, dont il épouse la fille bâtarde. Propulsé à un rang auquel sa naissance ne le destinait pas, il acquiert avec Jeanne bâtarde de France, à partir de 1465 et durant une vingtaine d’années, une série d’œuvres destinée à affirmer le rang et la puissance de ce nouveau couple princier. L’objectif de ce travail a d’abord été de reconstituer ce corpus, composé d’une tapisserie, un panneau peint, plusieurs manuscrits enluminés et une commande castrale, pour l’étudier ensuite en détail afin de mettre en évidence les interférences entre commande, réseau social, carrière d’officier dans le sillage royal et événements historiques susceptibles d’avoir pu interférer dans le choix des œuvres ou dans les modèles de référence retenus. Cet ensemble a été considéré dans sa globalité, récusant le cloisonnement disciplinaire traditionnel, afin de cerner au plus près le sens et la fonction des œuvres, au profit des approches stylistiques plus traditionnelles. L’étude a cherché ensuite à montrer comment les valeurs royales ont été assimilées par le couple, dans quelles circonstances, et à quelles fins. L’interrogation plus large du contexte de création a mis en lumière la place singulière prise par ce seigneur dans le jeu politique de Louis XI, tout comme celle de son épouse, dont le rôle longtemps négligé apporte un nouvel éclairage sur les échanges entre œuvres et artistes, actifs au sein de ce réseau. / Known for his excellence as a bibliophile, Louis bâtard de Bourbon was also close to Louis XI, whose illegitimate daughter he married. Having attained a station well above that which his birth reserved for him, he and Jeanne batârde de France acquired, after 1465 and over a period of some twenty years, a series of works meant to assert the rank and power of this new princely couple. The object of the present work has been first to reconstitute this corpus, consisting of a tapestry, a painted panel, several illuminated manuscripts and architectural commissions and then to study it in depth in order to shed light on the interconnections between the commissions, the social network, the career of an officer attached to the throne of France and the historical events likely to have influenced the choice of works or of models to which these were expected to refer. This body of work has been studied as a whole without regard for the usual disciplinary separations and with an eye to defining as precisely as possible the meanings and functions of the works, thereby enriching the traditional stylistic approaches. This study then goes on to show how the couple assimilated the values of the monarchy, under what circumstances and to what ends. This examination of the larger context of creation has brought to light the unique role in Louis XI’s political strategy played by this nobleman as well as by his wife, whose long neglected role sheds new light on the exchanges between the works and the artists who participated in this network.

Un pont entre les obédiences : expériences normandes du Grand Schisme d'Occident (1378-1417)

Brabant, Annick 09 1900 (has links)
Entre 1378 et 1417, l’Église est d’abord divisée entre deux, puis entre trois papes concurrents. Alors qu’Urbain VI et ses successeurs s’installent à Rome, Clément VII et son successeur rentrent en Avignon. Cette thèse répertorie et analyse les différentes expériences normandes en réponse au Grand Schisme d’Occident. Les engagements normands pour résoudre le schisme sont pluriels et s’expriment différemment selon les milieux. S’appuyant sur des sources diverses telles que le Registre des suppliques des archives du Vatican, les archives de l’Université de Paris et les archives locales, elle met en évidence les différents courants qui ont coexisté en Normandie en réaction au Grand Schisme d’Occident. Alors que la noblesse normande était généralement favorable aux papes d’Avignon, reconnus officiellement par le roi de France, d’importants courants de résistance envers cette papauté se sont aussi manifestés dans les milieux universitaires et au sein du clergé normand, poussant même certains à choisir l’exil en terre urbaniste. Ces exilés normands, bien que peu nombreux, ont exercé une influence considérable et ont été peu étudiés en tant que groupe auparavant. Parmi l’importante majorité de ceux qui restèrent dans l’obédience avignonnaise, plusieurs intellectuels normands furent pourtant reconnus comme étant d’acerbes critiques, voire des ennemis de Clément VII et de Benoît XIII. Les liens qu’ont maintenus les exilés normands avec leurs collègues restés en terre clémentiste ont joué un rôle appréciable dans le rapprochement des obédiences opposées au début du XVe siècle. La présente thèse permet de mettre en lumière les multiples attitudes normandes en réponse au schisme, d’approfondir la connaissance portant sur les milieux normands touchés par la crise, ainsi que sur les débats qui l’ont entourée, et de poursuivre la réflexion sur la question de l’obéissance et des réseaux normands à l’œuvre pendant cette période. / Between 1378 and 1417, the Catholic Church was divided between two, and then three contending popes. While Urban VI and his successors settled in Rome, Clement VII and his successor, Benedict XIII, returned to Avignon. This dissertation documents and analyses the multiple experiences known in Normandy in reaction to the Great Western Schism. Norman commitments to resolve this division were plural and they were expressed in numerous manners. Relying on Vatican archives, University of Paris and local archives, this study demonstrates the different reactions that coexisted in Normandy in response to the Great Western Schism. Although the Norman nobility was generally favourable to the Avignon popes, officially recognized by the King of France, important waves of resistance to that papacy were also expressed amongst Norman clergymen, prelates, as well as university students and professors. This resistance led some to choose exile, in order to recognize the Roman popes. Those Norman exilees, although they formed a modest community, had considerable influence in the Roman obedience, and they have been the object of very little scholarly attention. Amongst the vast majority of those who remained in the obedience of Clement VII, many Norman intellectuals were known for being very critical, even being enemies of the Avignon popes. The relationships that exiled Normans maintained with their colleagues who remained in Clément VII’s obedience played a very important role in the dialogue between obediences that led to the council of Pisa in 1409. This dissertation highlights the multiplicity of Norman attitudes in response to the Great Western Schism, it deepens our knowledge of the various Norman groups touched by the division and it improves our understanding of the different debates that surrounded the crisis. It also allows to further the reflection on the questions of how the schism affected the notion of obedience, and of the Norman networks at work during that period.

Charting the undiscovered country : religious discourses and the articulation of renaissance subjectivity / by Patrick Robert John Niehus.

Niehus, Patrick Robert John January 1999 (has links)
Errata pasted onto front end paper. / Bibliography: leaves 345-370. / ix, 370 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Argues that Renaissance notions of identity, inferiority, and alterity are articulated through religious discourse invoked to make sense of death and apocalyptic and eschatological experience. Also argues that Renaissance ways of enunciating subjectivity are varied and often conflicting. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Adelaide University, Dept. of English, 2000?

Charting the undiscovered country : religious discourses and the articulation of renaissance subjectivity / by Patrick Robert John Niehus.

Niehus, Patrick Robert John January 1999 (has links)
Errata pasted onto front end paper. / Bibliography: leaves 345-370. / ix, 370 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Argues that Renaissance notions of identity, inferiority, and alterity are articulated through religious discourse invoked to make sense of death and apocalyptic and eschatological experience. Also argues that Renaissance ways of enunciating subjectivity are varied and often conflicting. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Adelaide University, Dept. of English, 2000?

L’architettura del rinascimento a Poitiers : la ricezione del linguaggio architettonico all’antica negli edifici residenziali tra la fine del quattrocento e la metà del cinquecento / The Renaissance architecture in Poitiers : la réception du langage architectonique à l’antique dans les édifices résidentiels entre la fin du Quattrocento et le milieu du Cinquecento / The Renaissance architecture in Poitiers : the classical architectural language in residential buildings between the end of the fifteenth and the of the sixteenth century

Ceccotti, Camilla 28 June 2018 (has links)
Notre travail de recherche se concentre sur l’apparition de la Renaissance à Poitiers et dans le territoire environnant entre la fin du XVe et le milieu du XVIe siècle. Nous en avons identifié les caractéristiques spécifiques dans le domaine de l’architecture en analysant notamment la typologie de bâtiment la plus diffusée dans le contexte urbain : celle de l’hôtel. Poitiers a connu une intense activité sur le plan architectural dès la fin du XVe siècle. Malgré cela, les études concernant le patrimoine bâti de la ville à l’époque de la Renaissance demeurent essentiellement peu développées comparativement à celles qui se penchent sur l’architecture du Moyen-Âge et du XVIIe siècle. La recherche que nous avons menée a tenté de combler cette « lacune » historiographique en analysant la production architectonique de la ville.Afin de comprendre les modalités de diffusion des modèles de la Renaissance italienne dans la région de Poitiers, nous avons examiné les principaux ensembles architectoniques qui sont exemplaires du langage régional. Nous avons tenté de comprendre la volonté de leurs commanditaires et nous avons comparé ces observations avec des données similaires concernant les principaux centres du Val de Loire. Ensuite, nous avons analysé la typologie de l’hôtel de Poitiers, le modèle de la résidence urbaine de la bourgeoisie. Le corpus architectonique poitevin considéré est constitué d’environ cinquante ensembles résidentiels édifiés dès la fin du XVe siècle. À partir de ce panorama, notre recherche s’est concentrée sur l’étude monographique de quatre bâtiments emblématiques qui témoignent du changement de langage formel (hôtels Fumé, Berthelot, d’Estissac et Beaucé). / The research investigates the dynamics of the Renaissance appearance in Poitiers and in the surrounding area, in the period between the end of the 15th and the first half of the 16th century. In particular, the identification of the peculiar characteristics of the architecture was achieved favoring the analysis of the most widespread type in the urban context, the hôtel.Poitiers has known an intense architectural activity since the end of the 15th century, nevertheless, the Renaissance city remains essentially unexamined, unlike the medieval and 17th century ones. The aim of my research is to fill this historiographical gap by analyzing the architectural production from the flamboyant age to that of those centers where the Renaissance sees its first flourishing.To understand the modality of migration of the Italian Renaissance model in the Poitiers region, were examined the architectural complexes of the Early Renaissance which represent the paradigm for the whole region and the related commissions, that were receptive to the importation of classical canons. Subsequently, the construction typology of the hotel was analyzed at a local level. This hotel represents the town residence model of the French bourgeoisie, whose economic and political power increased during the 15th century. The Poitiers’s architectural corpus, here considered, consists of about fifty residential complexes, built starting from the end of the 15th century: starting from such a considerable panorama, the research focused on the monographic study of four architectures, emblems of the change of stylistic language (the Fumé, Berthelot, d’Estissac and Beaucé hôtels). / La tematica di ricerca indaga la comprensione dei meccanismi di apparizione del Rinascimento a Poitiers e nel territorio circostante, in un lasso temporale compreso tra la fine del XV e la metà del XVI secolo. In particolare, si sono individuati i caratteri peculiari nell’ambito dell’architettura, privilegiando l’analisi della tipologia più diffusa nel contesto urbano, quella dell’hôtel.Principale polo della provincia storica del Poitou, Poitiers ha conosciuto un’intensa attività sul piano architettonico a partire dalla fine del XV secolo ma, ciononostante, la città nel Rinascimento resta essenzialmente non esaminata, al contrario di quella medievale e del XVII secolo. La ricerca ha tentato di colmare questa “lacuna” storiografica analizzando la produzione architettonica dall’età flamboyant raffrontandola a quella di quei centri, non lontani, dove il Rinascimento vede la sua prima fioritura, come Tours e Blois.Al fine di comprendere la modalità di migrazione del modello Rinascimentale italiano nella regione di Poitiers, si sono innanzitutto esaminati gli insiemi architettonici significativi del Primo Rinascimento che rappresentano il paradigma per tutta la regione e le relative committenze, sensibili all’importazione dei canoni classici, comparando i tempi e le modalità di diffusione con le vicissitudini dei centri della Valle della Loira.Successivamente, partendo da uno studio storico e urbano, a livello locale si è approfondita la tipologia costruttiva dell’hôtel, modello di residenza cittadina della ricca borghesia francese, il cui potere economico e politico è aumentato nel corso del XV secolo. Il corpus architettonico potevino considerato è costituito da circa cinquanta insiemi residenziali, edificati a partire dalla fine del Quattrocento: muovendo da tale considerevole panorama, la ricerca si è concentrata sullo studio monografico di quattro architetture-emblema del cambiamento di linguaggio stilistico. A partire dal flamboyant hôtel Fumé, si è passati ai contemporanei hôtels Berthelot e d’Estissac, considerati i primi edifici rinascimentali, fino ad arrivare all’hôtel Beaucé, che riflette delle soluzioni formali compiute del Rinascimento francese maturo. Nel quadro dello studio delle committenze, inoltre, si sono analizzate anche le cappelle fatte erigere a Notre-Dame-La-Grande, a Saint-Germain, a Saint-Hilaire e i castelli delle famiglie Fumé, Berthelot, d’Estissac. / El tema de investigación estudia los mecanismos de aparición del Renacimiento en Poitiers y sus aledaños, en un lapso temporal comprendido entre el final del siglo XV y la mitad del XVI. En particular, han sido individuadas sus peculiaridades en el ámbito de la arquitectura, privilegiando el análisis de la tipologia de mayor difusión en el contexto urbano, el hôtel.Poitiers, polo principal de la antigua provincia de Poitou, vivió una actividad intensa en el campo arquitectónico hacia finales del siglo XV. No obstante, la parte de la ciudad de época renacentista no ha sido exhaustivamente estudiada, a diferencia de los periodos medieval y del siglo XVII. La investigación busca completar este “vacío” historiografico analizando la producción arquitectónica realizada en la edad gótico-tardía y relacionándola a aquella de otros centros de las cercanías, en los que el Renacimiento se difundió tempranamente, como son Tours e Blois.Con el fin de comprender la modalidad de migración del modelo renacentista italiano en la región de Poitiers, se han examinado en primer lugar los complejos arquitectónicos emblemáticos del primer Renacimiento, que representan un modelo para toda la región, y sus respectivos promotores, atentos a la adopción de cánones clásicos, comparando tiempos y modalidades de difusión con las vicisitudes de los centros del Valle del Loira.Posteriormente, partiendo del aspectos historicos y urbanos, se profundizó a nivel local el examen de la tipología contructiva del hôtel, modelo de estancia de la rica burguesía francesa, cuyo poder económico y político se incrementó durante el siglo XV. El corpus arquitectónico potevino tomado en consideración está constituído por cinquenta conjuntos residenciales aproximadamente, construidos a partir de finales del Cuatrocientos: dada la amplitud de casos, se ha desarrollado el estudio monográfico de cuatro ejemplos emblemáticos del cambio del estilo en el lenguaje. Partiendo del flamboyant hôtel Fumé, y pasando por sus contemporáneos hôtels Berthelot y d’Estissac, considerados los primeros ejemplos renacentistas, se ha llegado al hôtel Beaucé, el cual refleja las soluciones formales adoptadas en el Renacimientos francés maduro. En el ámbito de las indagaciones sobre los promotores, además, han sido analizadas las capillas construídas en Notre-Dame-La-Grande, en Saint-Germain, en Saint-Hilaire y los castillos de las familias Fumé, Berthelot, d’Estissac.

Parléřovská architektura na západním Slovensku / The Parlerian Architecture

Okruhlicová, Erika January 2015 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Filozofická fakulta Ústav pro dějiny umění Dějiny výtvarného umění - Obecná teorie a dějiny umění a kultury Erika O k r u h l i c o v á Parlerovská architektúra na západnom Slovensku The Parlerian Architecture in the Western Slovakia Disertační práce vedoucí práce - Prof. PhDr. Jiří Kuthan, DrSc., Dr. h. c. 2015 ABSTRAKT Dizertačná práca sa venuje parlerovskej architektúre na západnom Slovensku. Parlerovská architektúra, súvisiaca s priamou činnosťou rodu Parler, trvala približne od poslednej tretiny 14. storočia do polovice 15. storočia. Stavitelia, ktorí pokračovali v odkaze rodu Parler, stavali približne do záveru 15. storočia. Uvedená architektúra zahŕňa cirkevné stavby (kostoly, kaplnky), hrady (v rámci ktorých boli stavané aj kaplnky) a radničnú kaplnku. Stavby priamo, resp. sprostredkovane súvisia so staviteľskou činnosťou rodu Parler, ktorého člen Peter Parler, pôsobiaci predovšetkým v Prahe, uviedol do architektúry nové riešenia, uplatňované počas viacerých generácií staviteľov, aj členmi iných staviteľských rodov. Priama činnosť členov rodu Parler s menami Henrich ml., Václav a Janco je v práci preskúmaná z hľadiska pravdepodobnosti a hypotéz ich pôsobenia na západnom Slovensku. V stredoveku bola aj svetská architektúra úzko spojená s božským poslaním s odkazmi na...

Páni z Koldic a páni z Bergova na českém královském dvoře v 15. století / The Lords of Kolditz and the Lords of Bergow in service of the Bohemian Royal Court in the 15th century

Jirsík, Tobiáš January 2018 (has links)
The Lucembourg court attracted several noble families that had a oportunity to get a good status by serving a king and also hold offices. For such a service were ideal loyal nobles of newly arrived noble families, who didn't own any property in Bohemia. Lords of Colditz and lords of Bergov also belonged to them. The king rewarded them for their loyal service by giving them fiefs (especially in north-west Bohemia: Krupka and Bílina). The Luxembourg dynasty enabled these noble families a social rise. Lords of Colditz were connected to royal court since their beginnings in Bohemia. On the other hand some of the lords of Bergov hold offices, but they didn't hesitate to leave the court at a convinient moment. More likely they participated in newly emerging estates. During the reign of Wenceslav IV. lords of Colditz remained faithful to him, on the other hand lords of Bergov belonged to the main figures of his opposition. At the same time they changed the royal fiefs (Bílina was bought by lords of Colditz) for allod (Trosky, Turnov, Chlumec upon Cidlina). During the Hussite wars lords of Colditz and lords of Bergov were the fundamental support of catholic party. The only exception was John of Bergov, who was captured after the battle of Lipany. Albrecht of Colditz, their son Thimo and nephew John were...

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