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Penser la sollicitude : les Écrits politiques d'Olympe de Gouges ou les Lumières en héritage (1788-1791)Sinquin, Claire 24 April 2018 (has links)
Le Siècle des Lumières a produit un grand nombre de bouleversements, non seulement dans le domaine politique, mais aussi les domaines économiques et sociaux. C’est dans ce contexte qu’Olympe de Gouges marque l’histoire. Par le biais de lettres, brochures, articles ou encore affiches placardées, Olympe de Gouges a cherché à influencer non seulement les institutions mais aussi l’opinion publique. En commençant par la dramaturgie, elle s’engage aux côtés des abolitionnistes de l’esclavage et lutte pour l’évolution des mœurs. Elle se consacre ensuite à ses écrits pamphlétaires dans lesquels elle plaide pour la cause des plus démunis et pour le partage des richesses. Son avant-gardisme tient encore dans le fait qu’elle remet en question la place et le rôle des femmes dans la vie de la cité. Aujourd’hui, sa posture humaniste résonne d’une contemporanéité aiguë, alors que ne cessent de se multiplier les exemples d’un capitalisme qui accroît le fossé entre les nantis et les démunis. Dès lors, l’engagement d’Olympe de Gouges apparaît comme un support idéel envisageable de la composition archéologique de la pensée des communs. Ce courant philosophique et politique actuel prône en effet l’organisation concertée de l’usage des ressources, de sorte que la responsabilisation des individus, co-acteurs de leur présent et de leur devenir, assure l’équité et la pérennité de cet usage. Au cœur du mouvement des communs réside le souci du vivre-ensemble, ce qui implique une refonte des institutions et des modes de vie. En ce sens, la posture d’Olympe de Gouges préfigure l’éthique du care (le prendre soin, le souci de l’autre) et, de fait, la prise en compte des spécificités de chacun, le respect d’autrui et des genres, implicitement inclus dans le mouvement des communs. Malmenée par l’historiographie, Olympe de Gouges est peu mentionnée dans les ouvrages consacrés à l’histoire de la République des Lettres. Par conséquent, notre travail se situe dans une démarche d’actualité de manière à ce que la postérité de ses idées progressistes contribue à imaginer et à bâtir la société à venir. -- Mots-clés : Olympe de Gouges, Siècle des Lumières, éthique du care, philosophie des communs, abolition de l’esclavage, monarchie constitutionnelle, presse, théâtre, féminisme. / The Age of Enlightenment has produced a great deal of upheaval, not only in the political sphere, but also in the economic and social spheres. It is in this context that Olympe de Gouges marks the history. By means of letters, pamphlets, articles or placarded posters, Olympe de Gouges sought to influence not only the institutions but also the public opinion. Beginning with dramaturgy, she engages herself with the abolitionists of slavery and struggle for the evolution of morals. Then, she devoted herself to her lampooned writings in which she pleaded for the cause of the most bereft persons and for the sharing of wealth. Its avant-gardism is still due to the fact that it questions the place and the role of women in the city life. Today, its humanist posture echoes with an acute contemporaneity, while the examples of a capitalism which increases the gap between the haves and others multiply. Henceforth, the commitment of Olympe de Gouges appears as an ideal support for the archaeological composition of the thinking of commons. This philosophical and political current advocates the concerted organization of the use of resources, so that the responsibility of individuals, co-actors of their present and their future, ensures the fairness and durability of this use. At the heart of the movement of commons lies the concern for living together, which implies an overhaul of institutions and ways of life. In this sense, the Olympe de Gouges ‘posture prefigures the ethics of care (caring, care for the other) and, in fact, taking into account the specificities of each one, respect for others and genders, implicitly included in the movement of the thinking of commons. Criticized by historiography, Olympe de Gouges is little mentioned in the Republic of Letters ‘history. Consequently, our work is based on a topical approach so that the posterity of its progressive ideas helps to imagine and build the society to come. Key-words: Olympe de Gouges, Age of Enlightenment, ethic of care, commons ‘philosophy, abolition of slavery, constitutional monarchy, press, theater, feminism.
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Mariano Egaña y la codificación procesal en Chile — Las instituciones de los fueros, implicancias y recusaciones, conciliación y fundamentación de las sentenciasBeattie Cruz, Carolina January 2009 (has links)
Memoria (licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales) / El estudio de las fuentes del derecho es sin duda una tarea que debe ser llevada a cabo. Conocerlas es necesario tanto para comprender el origen y los fundamentos de las instituciones jurídicas que nos rigen como para proyectar las modificaciones legislativas futuras que los cambios de época exigen constantemente.
Los códigos que hoy rigen en Chile son, como en gran parte del mundo occidental, la vía fundamental de expresión del Derecho. Han sido el resultado de todo un camino recorrido en pos de lograr la mejor forma de regulación de la vida en sociedad y de contar con una herramienta eficaz para el progreso de los pueblos.
Es por esto que, a pesar de todas las críticas y reparos que puedan hacerse al analizar esta técnica legislativa y de que ya se haya empezado a hablar del fin de la era codificadora , las investigaciones sobre el proceso codificador en nuestro país tienen especial importancia.
Los trabajos al respecto son escasos y han sido desarrollados fundamentalmente en el campo del Derecho civil , siendo aún necesarios en otras áreas del saber jurídico, en particular en materia procesal .
Este trabajo tiene por objeto completar en alguna medida los vacíos referidos intentando el estudio sistemático de los primeros pasos que se dieron en nuestro país en orden a lograr la codificación de las leyes procesales. Para esto, se analizará la labor codificadora del jurista Mariano Egaña a quien en el año 1834 fue encomendada la misión de elaborar un proyecto de ley de administración de justicia y organización de tribunales, trabajo que culminó con la promulgación de las llamadas "Leyes Marianas" en el año 1837.
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Black freedom and the University of North Carolina, 1793-1960 /Chapman, John Kenyon. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 360-380).
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Blancs et Bleus d'Anjou 1789-1793 /Petitfrère, Claude. January 1979 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Université de Toulouse II, 1977. / Includes indexes. Includes bibliographical references (p. [i]-lviii).
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Grande americano ou tirano do Prata? Juan Manuel de Rosas na imprensa brasileiraRezende, Rafhael Ribeiro 15 December 2016 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Relações Internacionais, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Relações Internacionais, Mestrado em Relações Internacionais, 2016. / Submitted by Fernanda Percia França (fernandafranca@bce.unb.br) on 2017-03-07T21:23:11Z
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2016_RafhaelRibeiroRezende.pdf: 501376 bytes, checksum: 5a80e1d0566096e57a5004437d6290fe (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ruthléa Nascimento(ruthleanascimento@bce.unb.br) on 2017-03-21T14:53:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
2016_RafhaelRibeiroRezende.pdf: 501376 bytes, checksum: 5a80e1d0566096e57a5004437d6290fe (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-21T14:53:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2016_RafhaelRibeiroRezende.pdf: 501376 bytes, checksum: 5a80e1d0566096e57a5004437d6290fe (MD5) / Esta pesquisa tem como objeto os antagonismos da imagem de Juan Manuel de Rosas na imprensa brasileira. Busca-se estabelecer um panorama da história política de Rosas, examinar a percepção sobre ele na historiografia brasileira e, por fim, analisar diretamente as fontes jornalísticas do século XIX. Investiga-se, nas fontes primárias, as abordagens da imprensa brasileira sobre vários aspectos de Rosas e do rosismo, tais como: a Campanha do Deserto, a Mazorca, as “faculdades extraordinárias”, a resistência às invasões europeias. Discute-se a influência do americanismo e do discurso civilizatório na maneira como os brasileiros viam Rosas. O cerne do trabalho é a oposição entre rosistas e antirrosistas no Brasil. / This research has as object the antagonisms of the image of Juan Manuel de Rosas in the Brazilian press. It seeks to establish a panorama of the political history of Rosas, to examine the perception about him in Brazilian historiography and, finally, to analyze directly the nineteenth-century journalistic sources. In the primary sources, the Brazilian press’ approaches to various aspects of Rosas and Rosism are investigated, such as the Desert Campaign, the Mazorca, the “extraordinary powers”, the resistance to European invasions. It also discusses the influence of americanism and civilizing discourse in the way Brazilians saw Rosas. The core of the work is the opposition between rosistas and antirrosistas in Brazil.
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Le mythe de Marat, de la Révolution à la fin du XIXe sièclePomminville, Shanon 09 December 2021 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les multiples représentations – historiques et fictionnelles – de Jean-Paul Marat (1743-1793), célèbre journaliste de L’Ami du Peuple, pour mettre en lumière les procédés de la fabrication de son mythe et son instrumentalisation tout au long du XIXe siècle. Divisée en quatre grandes parties, la thèse reprend les phases du développement du mythe dans l’imaginaire collectif français depuis le début de la carrière publique de Marat jusqu’au centenaire de son assassinat en 1893 : 1. Esquisse 1772-1795, Fabrication du mythe et déchéance du jacobinisme ; 2. Modelage 1795-1845, Cristallisation du mythe et dégénérescence révolutionnaire ; 3. Remodelage 1846-1893, Réévaluation du mythe et inanité révolutionnaire ; 4. Restauration 1847-1893, Contestation du mythe et résurrection de l’Ami du Peuple.
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Die Berlinische musikalische Zeitung historischen und kritischen Inhalts von Carl Spazier. Musikjournalismus und Musikleben in der preußischen Residenz um 1793Schütz, Gudula 02 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Gouverneur Morris and the Foreign Service: Influence on Issuance of the Proclamation of Neutrality of 1793.Adler, Andrew Nicodemus 05 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Gouverneur Morris had an influence on the foreign policy of the Washington administration. This thesis will be focusing Morris' career as foreign minister to France. Morris served as the American minister to France during the French Revolution and reported to the Washington Administration on the events that transpired during that event. This thesis intends to show what impact Gouverneur Morris had in keeping the Washington administration neutral during this tumultuous time from his own point of view and various others with whom he corresponded with during his time as minister, most notably, George Washington.
Morris' private diaries and letters will be used to show the information that Morris was relaying to Washington during the revolution. Along with this, Washington's diaries and letters will show how that information influenced his decision on how to pursue a foreign policy in regards to Europe, in particular France.
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In Search of Zion: A Description of Early Mormon Millennial Utopianism as Revealed Through the Life of Edward PartridgeCollette, D. Brent 01 January 1977 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is the biography of Edward Partridge (1793-1840), the first bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As one of the first members of the Latter-day Saint faith, his life is a representation of the struggles, persecutions and sacrifices of early Mormon history. As a leader, he was the subject of many of the instructions and pronouncements of the Doctrine and Covenants, a volume of "revelations" cannonized by Mormondom. And as the first Bishop of the Church, he was specifically designated to administer the Mormon scheme for utopia, known as the Law of Consecration and Stewardship. He was, therefore, the first administrator of the Zion economic system under the Prophet, Joseph Smith, and as such much of his life is a scenario of the project's development and scope, revealing many definitive insights into this utopian scheme. His biography serves readily as a case study for exploring the compelling influence and transforming nature of the millennial ferver so prevalent during this era of American history.
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Contesting guardianship, challenging authority: The guardian and ward relationships in Gothic and domestic fiction, 1789-1793Gessell-Frye, Donna Ann January 1995 (has links)
No description available.
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