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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lebensstilkonflikte sozialer Minderheiten im Berliner Quartiersmanagementgebiet Schöneberger Norden

Wortmann, Sabine 25 April 2008 (has links)
Die Arbeit über Lebensstilkonflikte sozialer Minderheiten im Berliner Quartiersmanagement Schöneberger Norden widmet sich einem Konflikt zwischen zwei Gruppen in einem Quartier. Es handelt sich um die Angriffe vor allem arabischer Jugendlicher gegen Homosexuelle und Einrichtungen von Homosexuellen-Initiativen im Schöneberger Norden. Im Kontext der Diskussion um kulturelle Desintegrationstendenzen steht hier die Frage im Mittelpunkt, wie ein konfliktfreies Zusammenleben von sozialen Gruppen mit extrem unterschiedlichen Auffassungen zur sexuellen Freiheit gelingen kann. Simmels Theorie einer gleichgültigen Toleranz als Garant eines friedlichen Nebeneinanders verschiedener Individuen mit unterschiedlichen Lebensstilen in Großstädten wird als Basiskonzept der Untersuchung angenommen. Lebensstile als Integrationsmomente werden darüber hinaus zum zentralen theoretischen Bezugsrahmen der Arbeit. Die an Fallbeispiele geknüpfte These, dass die Integration der Stadtgesellschaft im Untersuchungsgebiet nicht länger gelingt, wird in Bezug auf die o.g. Minderheiten mit Hilfe von Experteninterviews qualitativ überprüft. Die Auswertungen der Experteninterviews und eines Gruppeninterviews mit arabischen Jugendlichen führt zum Ergebnis, dass das hier zu konstatierende Misslingen des Integrationsprozesses vor allem an eine stark akzeptierte Gewaltanwendung der sozial benachteiligten Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund geknüpft ist. Verschiedene niedrig schwellige Angebote zur Förderung wechselseitiger Akzeptanz gewaltfreier Kommunikation der unterschiedlichen Minderheiten folgen der Ergebnisdarstellung. / This dissertation, about lifestyle-related problems in the Berlin district of “Schöneberger Norden,” addresses the conflict between two culturally very different groups within the neighbourhood. It concerns primarily the offences by mainly Arabic young men against homosexuals and homosexual initiatives in Schöneberger Norden. In the debate over cultural disintegration, the question arises how these different groups can manage to live together in peaceful coexistence, given their radically different attitudes towards sexual freedom. The theoretical context of this research is informed: by Simmel´s urban theory that an indifferent tolerance is the guarantor of peaceful coexistence among individuals with different lifestyles; and by the idea that lifestyles form moments of integration. The thesis relates three different case studies and shows that the peaceful coexistence in “Schöneberger Norden” is under threat for the above mentioned minorities. This assumption is tested and verified through the qualitative analysis of expert interviews. An evaluation of the interviews and of a group discussion with young Arabic men showed that the failure of the integration process was correlated to a strong common acceptance of the use of violence among socially disadvantaged youth with migration backgrounds. Various proposals to promote mutual acceptance among the minority groups through modes of non-violent communication conclude the presentation of the results.

Discours critique et discours historique dans le Manuel d'histoire de la littérature canadienne de langue française de Mgr Camille Roy

Robert, Lucie, Robert, Lucie 04 May 2024 (has links)
L'objectif général de cette thèse est d'étudier le fonctionnement spécifique de chacun des deux axes qui caractérisent le discours de l'histoire littéraire : le discours historique et le discours critique, ainsi que les rapports qui les réunissent â l'intérieur du premier manuel d'histoire littéraire publié au Québec, celui de Camille Roy.L'étude théorique des rapports entre la littérature, l'enseignement et les manuels a nécessité un travail préliminaire ayant pour but de préciser le lieu et la force d'intervention de chacun de ces éléments dans le choix des auteurs recensés, la périodisation, les jugements ... Une comparaison entre les manuels de Jean Calvet et de Camille Roy a permis, en dépit de la différence des corpus étudiés (littérature française vs_ littérature canadienne-française) d'établir une typologie du manuel d'histoire littéraire et de constater la cohérence pédagogique de l'enseignement classique au Québec dans les années 1920-1940. Par la suite, l'étude des variantes subies par le manuel de Camille Roy dans ses diverses éditions a mis en valeur les possibilités de variations dans les éléments dits permanents de l'histoire littéraire : corpus, genres, auteurs. Elle a aussi établi une rupture entre l'édition de 1930 et celle de 1939 qui présentent des textes incompatibles : il y a en fait deux manuels. L'analyse interne du manuel le situe dans un moment donné de l'histoire : l'entre-deux guerres. Le discours du manuel révèle les tensions qui gèrent l'enseignement : conflits politiques entre l'Etat et le clergé, conflits de valeurs entre l'histoire littéraire et la rhétorique classique, le premier se situant surtout sur l'axe historique et le second sur l'axe critique. Le rapport entre les deux nous permet d'avancer que la spécificité du discours d'un manuel d'histoire littéraire se situe là, dans l'histoire et les luttes qui le déterminent et qui sont à la base de tous les choix (corpus, périodes, genres, auteurs) que le rédacteur et l'enseignant auront à faire face à l'étudiant auquel ils destinent ce discours.

Ressemblance et caractère dans les portraits de Théophile Hamel (1840-1870)

Aubé-Gaudreau, Adrienne 16 April 2018 (has links)
Notre mémoire propose une analyse des portraits peints par Théophile Hamel. Nous avons choisi d'aborder ces portraits par le biais des notions de ressemblance et de caractère. Après une mise en contexte des oeuvres étudiées, cette étude nous conduit à une réflexion plus large sur les valeurs collectives de la bourgeoisie du Bas-Canada au XIXe siècle, valeurs reflétées dans l'impressionnante galerie de portraits que nous a laissés Hamel. Dans la première partie de ce mémoire, nous faisons appel à la morphopsychologie pour démontrer le talent du peintre à révéler l'intériorité de ses modèles en soulignant certains traits de leurs visages. Le second chapitre identifie les moyens employés par Hamel pour illustrer les valeurs et les sentiments des personnages portraiturés. En présentant le discours engendré par la réception de ses oeuvres dans le troisième chapitre, nous voulons prouver que l'artiste a dépassé le rendu de la ressemblance pour exprimer le caractère de ses modèles. Nous terminons cette recherche par une analyse de l'esthétique du peintre, esthétique mise au service de la biographie visuelle de ses sujets.

Le reporter, médiateur, écrivain et héros : un répertoire culturel (1870-1939)

Simard-Houde, Mélodie 23 April 2018 (has links)
"Thèse en cotutelle, Doctorat en études littéraires, Université Laval Québec, Canada et Université Paul-Valéry (Montpellier III), Montpellier, France" / Le reportage, comme journalisme d’investigation de la presse écrite, se constitue en France dans le dernier tiers du XIXe siècle, non sans susciter des débats et des représentations contradictoires entre tenants et opposants. Il connaît dans l’entre-deux-guerres une période d’effervescence, pendant laquelle il se décline en différents supports (volumes, presse quotidienne et hebdomadaire) et selon différents rapports à l’actualité et à la fictionnalisation. Le reportage apparaît dès lors moins comme un genre uniforme qu’en tant que matrice d’un journalisme d’enquête, dont on peut retracer la formation et l’évolution, décrire les différentes variations génériques (reportage collectif, feuilletonesque et d’actualité). Associé à l’essor de la presse d’information, le reportage instaure l’envoyé spécial en médiateur, en écrivain et en héros de la culture médiatique. Le Reporter, comme objet de l’imaginaire social de la Troisième République, est une figure complexe, dont il convient de retrouver les représentations à la croisée de différentes productions. Ce sont à la fois des fictions, des articles de presse (reportages, interviews, nécrologies, métadiscours), des Mémoires de journalistes, de même qu’un ensemble de représentations iconographiques qui sont convoqués, afin de tracer un répertoire culturel des scénographies journalistiques, des scénarios fictionnels et des postures auctoriales concourant à la formation d’un imaginaire social du reporter, figure médiatisée et médiatrice. Au cœur des intrigues et reportages où elle prend place se rencontrent d’autres imaginaires sociaux – de la colonisation, du corps, du progrès technique et social, de la Nation. Ils indiquent en quoi le reporter est une figure républicaine, intimement liée à l’instauration de la démocratie parlementaire et de la liberté de presse, à la modernité technique et médiatique. Enfin, héritier du journalisme littéraire à la française, mais également associé à de nouveaux modes de saisie du réel (notamment les médias visuels, photographie et cinéma), le reporter est le pivot entre deux imaginaires médiatiques : l’un fait reposer sur la subjectivité du journaliste la restitution d’une vision du monde, perçu à travers le prisme de la médiation humaine ; l’autre, qui triomphera dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, prétend à une illusion de saisie objective du réel, capturé par la médiation technique. / Reportage, understood as investigative journalism of the written press, was invented in France in the last third of the nineteenth century, not without causing debates and contradictory representations between supporters and opponents. During the interwar period its popularity is at its peak, as reportage presents itself in different media (books, daily and weekly press) and with different relations to news and fictionalization. Reportage therefore appears less like a genre than a matrix of investigative journalism, whose formation and evolution can be traced and generic variations described (such as collective, serialized and news reportages). Linked to the development of the news media, reportage establishes the special correspondent as a mediator, a writer and a hero of modern media culture. The Reporter, as an object of the social imaginary of the Third Republic, is a complex figure, which representations are situated at the crossroads of different productions. These include fictions, press articles (reportages, interviews, obituaries, metadiscourses), Memoirs of journalists, as well as a set of iconographic representations, all of which are drawn upon to define a cultural repertoire of journalistic scenographies, fictional scenarios and authorial positions contributing to the formation of a social imaginary of the reporter, defined both as a publicized figure and a mediator. In the intrigues and stories in which the reporter appears, he meets other social imaginaries – of colonization, of the body, of technical and social progress, of the Nation. These mould the reporter into a Republican figure, closely linked to the development of parliamentary democracy and of freedom of the press, and to modern technology and media. Finally, heir of the French literary journalism, but also associated with new recording techniques (that is, visual media, photography and cinema), the reporter is the pivot between two mediatic imaginaries : one that uses the journalist’s subjectivity and the prism of human mediation to account for a worldview ; the other, which will prevail in the second half of the twentieth century, claims to offer an objective grasp of reality, as permitted by the illusion of technical mediation.

Ferdinand Ier de Bulgarie : politique étrangère et diplomatie (1887-1918) / Ferdinand I of Bulgaria : Foreign Policy and Diplomacy (1887-1918)

Nicollet, Charlotte 13 October 2016 (has links)
Fondée en 1878 par le traité de San Stefano, mutilée par celui de Berlin, la principauté autonome de Bulgarie voit ses destinées confiées en 1887 à Ferdinand de Saxe-Cobourg et Gotha. Le nouveau knyaz est contraint dès son avènement à imposer sa personne et les ambitions de son pays dans l’arène internationale. Après une lutte de longue haleine pour obtenir la reconnaissance de son titre par le concert européen, il s’évertue à mener les Bulgares vers la réalisation de leurs idéaux nationaux. Il se heurte aux blocages dus aux liens unissant Sofia à Constantinople, à la rivalité des États environnants et aux politiques balkaniques contradictoires des puissances. Le prince aiguise au fil des ans son sens de la diplomatie et déploie une politique extérieure visant à tirer profit à la fois de la position stratégique de son pays et des rivalités des forces en présence, tout en exploitant à bon escient les circonstances successives. Sa politique de bascule aux ressorts progressivement définis est mise en œuvre, et à l’épreuve, au cours des secousses qui rythment les deux premières décennies du XXe siècle. Si elle permet à la Bulgarie d’accéder à l’indépendance, et au statut de royaume, dans le sillage de la crise bosniaque de 1908, ses revers sont patents pendant les Guerres balkaniques et le premier conflit mondial. Pourtant, force est de constater que ses échecs ne sont pas imputables au seul Ferdinand dont l’examen des faits tend à atténuer les responsabilités dans les « Catastrophes nationales », les deux défaites vécues par les Bulgares en 1913 et 1918, conséquences d’un écheveau de causes d’une grande complexité. / The boundaries of an autonomous Bulgarian principality established by the provision of the San Stefano Treaty in 1878 were substantially reduced by the Great Powers at Berlin. Many unresolved problems between Sofia and Saint-Petersburg led to suspension of the bilateral relations and the abdication of Alexander of Battenberg. Ferdinand of Saxe-Cobourg and Gotha was elected Prince in 1887. After a “controversial” accession to the Bulgarian throne, the young knyaz was committed to impose himself and his country’s national interests to the international scene. After a long-term efforts aimed at recognition of his title of king amongst European chancelleries, he tried hard to realise Bulgarian national ideas. However, it undermined relationship between Sofia and Constantinople but also contributed to the rivalry between surrounding States and the Great Powers in the Balkans. Due to his diplomatic experience, Ferdinand opted for a new foreign policy strategy designed to benefit both from the Bulgaria’s strategic position and the rivalry between powers. Thus, the first two decades of the 20th century were marked by the tumult of Balkan politics. However, it allowed Bulgaria to gain independence, the status of the Kingdom in the wake of the Bosnian crisis in 1908, and the defeats during the Balkan Wars and the First World War. The defeats are not attributable entirely to Ferdinand who was the most responsible for the “National Catastrophes” in 1913 and 1918. This research has shown that fact-based analysis provides a more nuanced picture of Ferdinand’s reign which was effected by a complexity of contributing factors that inevitably plunged the country into international isolation and defeat in the Great War.

La carrière des intendants militaires de 1870 à 1914 / The carreer of intendants from 1870 till 1914

Garcia, Francis 20 March 2015 (has links)
Les intendants militaires constituent une catégorie particulière d’officiers qui s’occupent des besoins de la vie courante du soldat. Ils sont crées en 1815 et remplacent les commissaires des guerres et les inspecteurs aux revues. Leur étude comprend deux parties. La première est destinée à présenter leurs caractéristiques sociales et militaires générales et leur place dans les débats sur l’administration militaire et la communauté militaire. Elle comprend les domaines suivants : - l’origine géographique, - l’âge et le grade au mariage, - la profession des pères et des beaux-pères, - la composition et le montant des dots, - les dossiers de demande d’autorisation de mariage, - les demandes de bourses pour les écoles militaires, - la place de la vie privée dans les appréciations données par leurs supérieurs. - l’origine du recrutement (saint-cyriens, polytechniciens, soldats), - les causes des fins de carrières - les grands évènements de la carrière (entrée dans le corps de contrôle de l’administration, interruptions de service, mutations), - la remise en question de l’intendance militaire au cours des débats sur l’administration militaire après la défaite de1870, et notamment sa place vis-à-vis du commandement, - la place des officiers d’administration et des médecins militaires, - l’image des intendants parmi les autres officiers. La seconde partie expose les déroulements des carrières, elle comporte les points suivants : - les résultats de la scolarité dans les écoles militaires et leur influence sur les appréciations données par leurs supérieurs et l’avancement ; - les carrières dans l’arme d’origine (l’influence des appréciations, des félicitations et des punitions), - les conditions du passage dans l’intendance (le concours, la formation administrative), - les carrières dans l’intendance (l’influence de la carrière dans l’arme d’origine, les rôles de l’origine et des appréciations dans l’accès aux différents grades, les projections de carrières à partir du premier grade). / The intendants establish an officers’s particular body who deal with the support of the common life of the soldier. They are create in 1815 and replace captains of the wars and inspectors in reviews. Their study includes two parts. The first one intended to present their general social and military characteristics. It includes the following domains : - the geographical origine, - the age and the rank in the marriage, - the profession of the fathers and the fathers in law, - the composition and the amount of dowries, - files of wedding authorization request, - applications for a scholarship for military academies, - place of the private life in the appreciations given by their supériors, - the origin of the recruitment (graduests of St. Cyr, graduests of Polytechnique prestige engineering school, soldiers), - the causes of ends of carreer, - big events of the career (entered the body of control of the administration, interruptions of service, tranfers). - the questioning of the military estate management after the defeat of 1870, in particular its place face to face of the command ; - the place of the officers of administration et of the military medical officers, - the image of the bursars among the others officers. The second parts explains the progesses of careers, il contains the following domains : - the results of the schooling in military academies and their influence in the appreciations given by their superiors, and of the promotion ; - the careers in the element of the army of origin (influence of the appreciations, the congratulations and the punishments) ; - the conditions of the passage in the estate management (the competition, the administrative training), - the careers in the estate management (the influence of the career in the weapon origin, the roles of the origin and of the appreciations in the access of the various ranks, the progressions of the careers according to the passage in the second rank).

Winston Churchill’s ‘Black Dog’: a psychobiographical case study for depressive realism

Human, Samantha 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This qualitative psychobiographical study sets out to explore and describe the life of Sir Winston Churchill within the context of his lifelong experience with depression, his ‘Black Dog’. The aim of the research is to present a case for depressive realism with Churchill as the single case study. The reconstruction of Churchill’s life as a psychological narrative is contextualised within the theoretical framework of Alfred Adler’s Theory of Individual Psychology. Data was collated via biographical and life history material. Data was analysed by means of thematic analysis. Data trustworthiness and ethical considerations were adhered to. The findings of this study reveal that Churchill’s depression had positive gains of him striving to contribute to society, potentially demonstrating that depressive realism exists as a side-effect of depression. The significance of which, conceivably substantiates the idea that positive aspects of depression do exist, enabling a potentially more encouraging and constructive outlook for individuals suffering from depression. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Sidi Rezegh and Tobruk : two South African military disasters revisited 1941-1942

Katz, David Brock 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sidi Rezegh and Tobruk are the largest disasters suffered by South Africa in its military history. Yet, despite their enormity, Sidi Rezegh and Tobruk are little understood and hardly remembered. South Africa declared war on Germany on the 6 September 1939, after a bitter internal debate, amounting to a conflict between Afrikaner nationalists and those who supported the British Empire. South Africa’s political ambivalence and disunity ran parallel to her unpreparedness for war in every important department from the lack of vital coastal defences to the miniscule size of her army and air force and complete lack of a navy. The first six months of 1941 saw the South Africans play a significant part in completely defeating the Italian colonial forces in East Africa. However, the campaign was poor preparation for what the South Africans were to encounter in the North African Desert months later. South African troops spent their time rebuilding fortifications in Egypt rather than in essential training to acclimatise this “bush war” army to harsh desert conditions. In a reluctant political decision, the unprepared South Africans were committed to Operation Crusader. The inexperienced South Africans met up with the battle hardened Afrika Korps at Sidi Rezegh on 23 November 1941 and were annihilated in the face of overwhelming odds. In revisiting this forgotten battle, it has been found, using primary and secondary sources, that the South Africans extracted an enormous price on the German armour in what may have been the true turning point of Operation Crusader. In May 1942, Rommel’s Afrika Korps sallied forth in a series of lightning moves that demonstrated the Axis grip on combined operations and managed to isolate the vital port of Tobruk commanded by an inexperienced South African, Major General H. B. Klopper. His surrender in one day is often compared to the previous siege endured under similar circumstances, where the Australians managed to hold Rommel at bay for 244 days until the siege was lifted. Klopper’s surrender of Tobruk resulted in a political crisis for Winston Churchill and for Jan Smuts, as the fiasco caused considerable tension within the Allied camp and within South Africa. On re-examination, interesting facts have emerged from the primary source material, as to the state of the Tobruk defences and of its unfortunate commander and how the United Kingdom, acting in concert with South Africa, sought to suppress the true facts. Immediate post-war memory has been shaped and distorted by sensitive political considerations that affected relations between South Africa and the United Kingdom. Thereafter, the memory of Sidi Rezegh and Tobruk was relegated first by a nationalistic Afrikaner government and then since by a democratically elected government, both of which have seen very little use in incorporating these two milestones into the national memory. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sidi Rezegh en Tobruk is die grootste nederlae wat Suid-Afrika in sy militêre geskiedenis ervaar het. Ten spyte van hul omvang, word daar min van Sidi Rezegh en Tobruk verstaan of onthou. Na ‘n hewige interne debat wat tot konflik tussen Afrikanernasionaliste en pro-Britse Suid-Afrikaners gelei het, het Suid-Afrika op 6 September 1939 oorlog teen Duitsland verklaar. Suid-Afrika se politieke verdeeldheid het saamgeval met die Unie se totale onvoorbereidheid vir oorlog, wat gestrek het van kritieke tekortkominge in kusverdediging, tot die ontoereikende grootte van die leër en lugmag en die totale afwesigheid van ‘n vloot. Gedurende die eerste ses maande van 1941 het Suid-Afrika ‘n beduidende rol gespeel om die Italiaanse koloniale magte in Oos-Afrika te verslaan. Dié veldtog was egter nie effektiewe voorbereiding vir die uitdagings waarteen die Suid-Afrikaners kort daarna in Noord-Afrika te staan sou kom nie. Die Suid-Afrikaanse troepe het daarby hul tyd daaraan bestee om vestings in Egipte te herbou in plaas daarvan om noodsaaklike opleiding te ondergaan om hul “bosoorlog”-leër vir ruwe woestynoorlogvoering voor te berei. ‘n Huiwerige, teensinnige politieke besluit het die onvoorbereide Suid-Afrikaners tot Operasie Crusader verbind. Die onervare Suid-Afrikaners het op 23 November 1941 by Sidi Rezegh teen die geharde Afrika Korps te staan gekom, waar oorweldigende magte hulle verpletter het. ‘n Heroorweging van hierdie vergete veldslag aan die hand van primêre en sekondêre bronne het aan die lig gebring dat die Suid-Afrikaners ‘n hoë tol van die Duitse pantser geëis het, wat besmoontlik die ware keerpunt in Operasie Crusader gebring het. In Mei 1942 het Rommel se Afrika Korps deur ‘n reeks blitsige bewegings wat die greep van die Spilmagte op gekombineerde operasies gedemonstreer het, daarin geslaag om die kritiese hawe van Tobruk, waar die onervare Suid Afrikaanse generaal-majoor H.B. Klopper in bevel was, te isoleer. Sy oorgawe binne ‘n enkele dag word dikwels vergelyk met die vorige beleg van Tobruk toe die Australianers Rommel onder vergelykbare omstandighede vir 244 dae teruggehou het totdat die beleg opgehef is. Klopper se oorgawe het ‘n politieke krisis vir Winston Churchill en Jan Smuts geskep, deurdat dit aansienlike spanning binne sowel die Gealieerde kamp as Suid-Afrika veroorsaak het. Die herevaluering van die gebeure het interessante feite uit die primêre bronne na vore gebring ten opsigte van die toestand van Tobruk se verdedigingstellings, die ongelukkige bevelvoerder, en hoe die Verenigde Koninkryk in samewerking met Suid-Afrika die ware feite wou toesmeer. Die onmiddellike naoorlogse geheuebeeld van die gebeure by Sidi Rezegh en Tobruk is geskep en verwring deur sensitiewe politieke oorwegings wat die verhouding tussen Suid-Afrika en die Verenigde Koninkryk beïnvloed het. Sedertdien het ‘n nasionalistiese Afrikaner-regering en daarna ook die demokraties-verkose, post-apartheid-regering die herinneringe aan Sidi Rezegh en Tobruk tot die vergetelheid verdoem; nie een van die twee het die nut daarvan gesien om dié twee mylpale in die nasionale geheue te verewig nie. Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za

Traduções/adaptações dos romances-folhetins de Alexandre Dumas no Brasil: estudos de edição e cultura / Translations/adaptations of Alexandre Dumas serial novels in Brazil: studies on edition and culture

Guimarães, Rosângela Maria Oliveira 31 March 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:16:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rosangela Maria Oliveira Guimaraes.pdf: 2309863 bytes, checksum: d6272386fe18b2bbee24214922fc3c53 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-03-31 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Firstly, I situate the environment and describe the activities of two public libraries located at Vale do Paraíba, state of São Paulo, in the cities of Jacareí and São José dos Campos. Their collections include, among many cultural series, Alexandre Dumas serial novels. Next, the author s works are mapped, based on the above-mentioned collections. These works were translated and published in popular editions in Brazil, after the respective narratives had circulated in several Brazilian newspapers. This stage is related to the investigation of the constitutive and media processes of his works in the country. In this stage, the following works are used: texts by Jean-Ives Mollier and Jacques Migozzi, among others, which are included in the collection De l écrit à l écran (From writing to the screen); Roger Chartier s works about books, reading and edition (Leitura e Leitores na França do Antigo Regime / Reading and Readers in France at the time of the Ancien Régime, A Ordem do Livro / The Order of the Book, A Aventura do Livro / The Book Adventure); Jerusa Pires Ferreira s works on publishers and popular editions ( La Maison João do Rio ); and Brazilian authors who deal with the theme of reading and reception, like Márcia Abreu, Nelson Schapochnik, Marisa Lajolo, among others (the collections Leitura, História e História da Leitura no Brasil/Reading, History and the History of Reading in Brazil and Cultura Letrada no Brasil/ Literate Culture in Brazil). From the point of view of the history of the serial novel, the works Folhetim (Serial Novel), Caminhos do Imaginário (Mental Imagery Paths) and other texts by Marlyse Meyer offer important conceptual questions referring to the subject. To analyze the set of covers designed by Nico Rosso to Dumas novels of Coleção Saraiva (Saraiva Collection), a production in tune with the context of an emerging mass culture and with the popular book industry in Brazil, in this period, I used Charles Grivel s text Le passage à l écran (The passage to the screen) about hybrid literatures, and his work De la couverture illustré du roman populaire , among others. The aims of this research study are: to investigate the insertion and effects of the European literature of wide circulation in Brazil, through the inventory of Alexandre Dumas popular books; to build a panorama of the phenomenon of this adaptation universe and its implications; to observe editing processes and materials regarding this genre in Brazil, based on the collections of the public libraries of Vale do Paraíba, in São Paulo. The dissertation compares the recurrence of certain stereotyped themes that are recreated in the popular mental imagery and social inter-classes. Thus, it investigates narrative and fictional materials that came from Europe and were projected through the 19th, 20th and even the 21st centuries, in successive adaptations that maintain an inter-semiotic discourse in interaction. This study confirms that Dumas romances remained being read in the form of books in Brazil during the entire 20th century, after many of them left the foot of newspapers pages. The work was being intensely published during the period of the launch and dissemination of television among us (in the 1950s). It co-existed with the development of the cinema here and continues to be read in Internet times / Primeiro, situo o ambiente, bem como descrevo as atividades de duas bibliotecas públicas do Vale do Paraíba/SP, localizadas nas cidades de Jacareí e São José dos Campos, por se tratarem de acervos que abrigam, dentre as várias séries culturais, os romancesfolhetins de Alexandre Dumas. Em seguida, há o mapeamento das obras do autor, a partir dos acervos mencionados, traduzidas e publicadas em edições populares aqui, logo após as respectivas narrativas circularem em vários jornais brasileiros. Trata-se do acompanhamento dos processos constitutivos e midiáticos de suas obras no país. Nesta etapa, são utilizados os textos de Jean- Ives Mollier, Jacques Migozzi, entre outros, constantes na coletânea De l écrit à l écran (Do escrito à tela); obras de Roger Chartier sobre livro, leitura e edição (Leitura e Leitores na França do Antigo Regime, A Ordem do Livro, A Aventura do Livro), como também os trabalhos de Jerusa Pires Ferreira sobre editoras e edições populares ( La Maison João do Rio ), além de autores brasileiros que tratam do tema da leitura e recepção, como Márcia Abreu, Nelson Schapochnik, Marisa Lajolo, entre outros (coletâneas Leitura, História e História da Leitura no Brasil/ Cultura Letrada no Brasil). Do ponto de vista da história do romance-folhetim, as obras Folhetim, Caminhos do Imaginário e outros textos de Marlyse Meyer nos oferecem importantes questões conceituais referentes ao assunto. Para análise do conjunto de capas desenhadas por Nico Rosso para os romances de Dumas da coleção saraiva , produção sintonizada com o contexto de uma cultura de massa em ascensão e com a indústria do livro popular no país, neste período, são utilizados textos de Charles Grivel Le passage à l écran (A passagem à tela) sobre literaturas híbridas, De la couverture illustré du roman populaire , entre outros. Os objetivos desta pesquisa são: acompanhar a inserção e os efeitos da literatura européia de ampla circulação, no Brasil, através do inventário dos livros populares de Alexandre Dumas; construção de uma espécie de panorama do fenômeno deste universo adaptativo e suas implicações; com isso serão observados processos e materiais de edição desse gênero no país, a partir dos acervos mencionados das bibliotecas públicas do Vale do Paraíba/SP. A tese compara a recorrência de certos temas estereotipados e recriados no imaginário popular e interclasses sociais. Com isso, se apóia no acompanhamento de materiais narrativos e ficcionais provenientes da Europa e projetados através dos séculos XIX, XX e até o XXI, em sucessivas adaptações que mantêm em interação um discurso intersemiótico. Este trabalho confirma que os romances de Dumas permaneceram sendo lidos em brochuras no Brasil durante todo século XX, após muitos deixarem os rodapés de jornais. A obra estava sendo publicada com força no período de lançamento e disseminação da televisão entre nós (nos anos 50). Ela conviveu com o desenvolvimento do cinema aqui e se mantém lida em tempos de Internet

Paul Solanges : soldier, industrialist, translator : a biographical study and critical edition of his correspondence with Antonio Fogazzaro and Henry Handel Richardson

O’Neill, Patrick Nathaniel January 2007 (has links)
Paul Solanges was one of the most prolific (in correspondence) and enthusiastic fans of Australian author Henry Handel Richardson (HHR). What was it about him that made HHR invest so much time in his translation of her novel, and to what extent can credence be given to the self-portrait in his letters? This thesis reveals his illegitimate royal background, considers his early career as a cavalry officer in North Africa and in the Franco-Prussian War, and describes his long career as manager of the gasworks in Milan. It also portrays in detail his other life as a translator of songs, short stories and operas from Italian to French. Finally, it compares his relationship with Italian novelist Antonio Fogazzaro to his relationship with HHR. A critical edition of Solanges’s correspondence with Fogazzaro and HHR offers the reader a privileged insight into the life and character of this Franco-Italian littérateur.

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