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Nietzsche und Georg Kaisers Fruhwerk : eine Studie zum Literatursystem Georg KaisersMartorella, Thierry January 1998 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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A Case Study of Interpersonal Influences in a Band Music Setting: Bohumil Makovsky (1878-1950) and His Association with Selected Individuals Involved in Instrumental Music in the State of Oklahoma / A Case Study of Interpersonal Influences in a Band Music Setting: Bohumil Makovsky (1878-1950) and His Association with Selected Individuals Involved in Instrumental Music in the State of Oklahoma, Volume 1Dugger, Richard Charles 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the interpersonal influences which Bohumil Makovsky, Director of Bands and Chairman of the Music Department at Oklahoma A&M College from 1915 to 1943, had on his students and peers, as confirmed through the perceptions of selected individuals, and to determine what personal characteristics and means he drew upon to induce changes in his students and peers.
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Wartime propaganda and the legacies of defeat the Russian and Ottoman popular presses in the war of 1877-78 /Isci, Onur January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Miami University, Dept. of History, 2007. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 36-47).
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Joseph Holbrooke: A Study of the Published and Unpublished Solo and Chamber Works for Clarinet with an Annotated BibliographyWebb, Joseph Dee 05 1900 (has links)
The name Joseph Holbrooke is, for the most part, unknown today, but that was not the case in the early years of the 20th century. Conductors such as Sir Thomas Beecham and Henry Wood performed his works throughout England, and his opera, The Children of Don, was performed in Vienna and Salzburg. However, his popularity did not last, and the performances of his works began to decline sharply after 1925. By the last quarter of the 20th century, performances of his works were very rare, even in England, and most, if not all, were out of print. As reason for this decline, some have cited the long duration and large instrumentation required by some his works, while others have said the neglect is well deserved, but the critical pendulum now seems to be swinging in the other direction. Many of his pieces have come back into print and new recordings are being released. This is especially good news for clarinetists because of the quality and number of his works for that instrument. His compositions for clarinet include chamber and solo works, and a double concerto for clarinet and bassoon. These melodic and intriguing works for the clarinet deserve more investigation and exposure. This document provides an annotated bibliography of all of Holbrooke's solo and chamber works involving the clarinet. Each entry lists title, publisher, date of composition/publication, duration, commercially available recordings, and provides a brief description. In addition, a biographical sketch is provided along with an overview of his compositional style.
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Directing the eye : stories of modernity and tradition at the 1878 Paris Universal ExhibitionEvrard, Guillaume Marc Francois January 2014 (has links)
On the basis of the art and architectural displays at the 1878 Exposition Universelle Internationale à Paris, this thesis investigates the conflicting claims of nationalism; the late nineteenth-century tensions between tradition and modernity; and the disparities between the intentions of the organizers and the perceptions of the visitors. Creating connections between methodological and theoretical issues of interest to art history and museum studies, the argument explores further and refines our understanding of what has been constitutive of Exhibitions. This thesis takes the 1878 Exposition Universelle Internationale à Paris as its focus, in order to further appreciate the extent to which Exhibitions were able to influence their visitors’ minds and bodies. It scrutinizes a wide range of material generated as part of the national participation of the United Kingdom to this event in specific case studies for both breadth and depth of understanding. The examination of material published in 1878 newspapers provides evidence of a critical gaze within the Exhibition boundaries. International and universal Exhibitions have been significant events in producing and conveying various messages about diverse topics to unprecedentedly large audiences. Their rich content entailed the production and consumption of diverse experiences and meanings beyond attempt of controlling bodies and behaviours. The study of the British participation in the 1878 International Street or Rue des nations uncovers the tensions between symbols, taste and technology in architecture. Original research in the archives of the Royal Academy of Arts, London, gives a particular insight in the role of a key institution in the preparation of a national visual arts exhibition in the 1878 Paris Exposition. The examination of the reception of a particular artwork provides a useful counterpoint to these first institutionally-oriented analyses. Focusing on W. P. Frith’s The Railway Station (1862) offers a different perspective to understand the way a vast array of contemporary meanings could impact the reception of a particular work. The investigation of the critical reception of British paintings in 1878 France emphasizes the strength of cultural narratives beyond the specific vision for the Exhibition.
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Средње српске школе у османском царству 1878-1912. / Srednje srpske škole u osmanskom carstvu 1878-1912. / Serbian Secondary Schools in the Ottoman Empire(1878-1912)Novakov Aleksandra 02 March 2015 (has links)
<p>Крајем 19. века Срби у Османском царству,<br />помогнути матицом Србијом, започели су интензивну борбу<br />за духовно ослобођење. Отварање школа, основних и<br />средњих, оснивање књижара и штампање уџбеника, као и<br />рад црквено-школских општина, био је најбољи пут да<br />српски народ очува свој национални идентитет.<br />Овај рад бави се историјом српских средњих<br />школа у Османском царству. Њих је било шест: богословија<br />у Призрену (1871–1912), Српска гимназија у Цариграду<br />(1893–1902), Српска гимназија „Дом науке“ у Солуну (1894–<br />1910), Српска мушка гимназија у Скопљу (1894-1912),<br />Српска мушка гимназија у Битољу (1897–1912) и Српска<br />гимназија у Пљевљима (1901–1912). У раду се разматра<br />питање настанка ових школа, њихов развој у одређеним<br />хронолошким оквирима, али и планови и програми рада,<br />структура, социјално и етничко порекло, старосна доб и број<br />ученика, као и њихова каснија улога у друштву. Када је реч<br />о наставницима, посебно о ректорима – директорима, пажња<br />је у великом делу усмерена на расветљавање њихових<br />биографија.<br />Међу најважнијим достигнућима Срба у<br />Османском царству може се сматрати оснивање и рад<br />српских нижих и виших гимназија. Богословија у Призрену<br />била је школа за образовање свештеника али и учитеља за<br />којима је постојала велика потреба у Старој Србији и<br />Македонији. Оснивањем богословије формирао се<br />образовани слој учитеља који је отварао нове школе, и<br />писмених свештеника који су Србе крштавали, венчавали и<br />утицали на то да народ остане у православној вери, чиме је<br />процес преверавања, који је на Косову и Метохији често<br />значио и однарођавање, у великој мери успорен. Прва<br />световна српска средња школа у Османском царству била је<br />Српска гимназија у Цариграду. Њен циљ, осим образовања и<br />васпитања ученика, био је да послужи као пример за<br />отварање других средњих школа унутар Османског царства.<br />Српска гимназија „Дом науке“ отворена је у Солуну као<br />центру вилајета. Њено отварање убрзало је издавање дозволе<br />за друге основне школе широм Солунског вилајета. Српска<br />мушка гимназија у Скопљу отворена је после дуге и скупе<br />дипломатске борбе са османским властима. Њеном отварању<br />препрека су били и национално-пропагандни центри других<br />држава (Бугарске, Грчке). За Србе у Битољском вилајету<br />отварање ниже Српске гимназије у Битољу означило је<br />важну прекретницу, како у просветном тако и у политичком<br />погледу. Српска гимназија у Пљевљима била је најстарија<br />световна средња школа у Рашко-призренској митрополији.<br />Оснивањем гимназије створено је културно и просветно<br />средиште које је образовало локалну српску интелигенцију,<br />и било противтежа аустро-угарском утицају.<br /> </p> / <p>Krajem 19. veka Srbi u Osmanskom carstvu,<br />pomognuti maticom Srbijom, započeli su intenzivnu borbu<br />za duhovno oslobođenje. Otvaranje škola, osnovnih i<br />srednjih, osnivanje knjižara i štampanje udžbenika, kao i<br />rad crkveno-školskih opština, bio je najbolji put da<br />srpski narod očuva svoj nacionalni identitet.<br />Ovaj rad bavi se istorijom srpskih srednjih<br />škola u Osmanskom carstvu. NJih je bilo šest: bogoslovija<br />u Prizrenu (1871–1912), Srpska gimnazija u Carigradu<br />(1893–1902), Srpska gimnazija „Dom nauke“ u Solunu (1894–<br />1910), Srpska muška gimnazija u Skoplju (1894-1912),<br />Srpska muška gimnazija u Bitolju (1897–1912) i Srpska<br />gimnazija u Pljevljima (1901–1912). U radu se razmatra<br />pitanje nastanka ovih škola, njihov razvoj u određenim<br />hronološkim okvirima, ali i planovi i programi rada,<br />struktura, socijalno i etničko poreklo, starosna dob i broj<br />učenika, kao i njihova kasnija uloga u društvu. Kada je reč<br />o nastavnicima, posebno o rektorima – direktorima, pažnja<br />je u velikom delu usmerena na rasvetljavanje njihovih<br />biografija.<br />Među najvažnijim dostignućima Srba u<br />Osmanskom carstvu može se smatrati osnivanje i rad<br />srpskih nižih i viših gimnazija. Bogoslovija u Prizrenu<br />bila je škola za obrazovanje sveštenika ali i učitelja za<br />kojima je postojala velika potreba u Staroj Srbiji i<br />Makedoniji. Osnivanjem bogoslovije formirao se<br />obrazovani sloj učitelja koji je otvarao nove škole, i<br />pismenih sveštenika koji su Srbe krštavali, venčavali i<br />uticali na to da narod ostane u pravoslavnoj veri, čime je<br />proces preveravanja, koji je na Kosovu i Metohiji često<br />značio i odnarođavanje, u velikoj meri usporen. Prva<br />svetovna srpska srednja škola u Osmanskom carstvu bila je<br />Srpska gimnazija u Carigradu. NJen cilj, osim obrazovanja i<br />vaspitanja učenika, bio je da posluži kao primer za<br />otvaranje drugih srednjih škola unutar Osmanskog carstva.<br />Srpska gimnazija „Dom nauke“ otvorena je u Solunu kao<br />centru vilajeta. NJeno otvaranje ubrzalo je izdavanje dozvole<br />za druge osnovne škole širom Solunskog vilajeta. Srpska<br />muška gimnazija u Skoplju otvorena je posle duge i skupe<br />diplomatske borbe sa osmanskim vlastima. NJenom otvaranju<br />prepreka su bili i nacionalno-propagandni centri drugih<br />država (Bugarske, Grčke). Za Srbe u Bitoljskom vilajetu<br />otvaranje niže Srpske gimnazije u Bitolju označilo je<br />važnu prekretnicu, kako u prosvetnom tako i u političkom<br />pogledu. Srpska gimnazija u Pljevljima bila je najstarija<br />svetovna srednja škola u Raško-prizrenskoj mitropoliji.<br />Osnivanjem gimnazije stvoreno je kulturno i prosvetno<br />središte koje je obrazovalo lokalnu srpsku inteligenciju,<br />i bilo protivteža austro-ugarskom uticaju.<br /> </p> / <p>At the end of the 19th century, Serbs in the Ottoman<br />Empire assisted by their motherland Serbia started an intensive<br />struggle for their spiritual liberation. The best way for Serbian<br />people to preserve their national identity was by opening schools,<br />elementary and secondary ones, establishing book shops and<br />printing schoolbooks, and through the activity of ecclesiasticalschooling<br />communities.<br />The thesis deals with history of Serbian secondary<br />schools in the Ottoman Empire. There were six of them:<br />Seminary in Prizren (1871–1912), Serbian gymnasium in<br />Istanbul (1893–1902), Serbian gymnasium “Dom nauke” (Home<br />of Science) in Thessalonica (1894–1910), Serbian male<br />gymnasium in Skoplje (1894-1912), Serbian male gymnasium in<br />Bitolj (1897–1912) and Serbian gymnasium in Pljevlja (1901–<br />1912). The thesis explores the matter of foundation these schools<br />and their development in particular chronological framework.<br />Nevertheless, the thesis researches the schools’ syllabi and<br />curricula, their structure, social and ethnic background of their<br />students, students’ age and number, as well as their students’<br />later role in society. Special attention is given to the schools’<br />teachers, especially their rectors - directors, and a great portion<br />of the thesis deals with revealing parts of their biographies.<br />The establishment and activity of Serbian lower and<br />higher gymnasiums could be considered one of the greatest<br />achievements of Serbs in the Ottoman Empire. The Seminary in<br />Prizren was a school not only for education of priests, but also<br />teachers, who were in high demand in Old Serbia and<br />Macedonia. Founding this seminary enabled the creation of an<br />educated class of teachers who were subsequently opening new<br />schools. Also, the seminary provided literate priests who were<br />baptising, marrying Serbs and influencing the people to stay in<br />the Orthodox religion, thus slowing down the process of<br />Islamisation, which especially in Kosovo and Metohija often<br />meant denationalisation. First Serbian secondary school in the<br />Ottoman Empire was the Serbian gymnasium in Istanbul. Her<br />goal, beside education and upbringing, was to serve as a<br />paradigm for opening of other secondary schools within the<br />Ottoman Empire. Serbian gymnasium “Dom nauke” was<br />established in Thessalonica, which was the centre of the vilayet.<br />Its opening accelerated the issuing of licence for other<br />elementary schools around the Vilayet of Thessalonica. Serbian<br />male gymnasium in Skoplje was only opened after a long and<br />expensive diplomatic struggle with the Ottoman authorities. The<br />opponents of its opening were the centres for national<br />propaganda of other states (Bulgaria, Greece). For Serbs in the<br />Vilayet of Bitolj opening of lower Serbian gymnasium in Bitolj<br />marked an important turning point both in educational and<br />political sense. Serbian gymnasium in Pljevlja was the oldest<br />secular secondary school in the Metropolitanate of Raška-<br />Prizren. The gymnasium became cultural and educational centre<br />which educated local Serbian intelligence, and presented a<br />counterpart to Austro-Hungarian influence.</p>
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L'attrition de la marque d'usage PROVERBIAL de la 7e (1878) à la 8e (1932-35) édition du Dictionnaire de l'Académie françaiseAudy, Marie-Line 04 1900 (has links)
Notre mémoire porte sur l’attrition de la marque d’usage PROVERBIAL de la 7e
(1878) à la 8e édition du Dictionnaire de l’Académie française (1932-35).
L’informatisation des huit éditions achevées de l’ouvrage (Redon 2002), qui permet
tant le relevé quantitatif que qualitatif des données, laisse voir que la marque jouit
d’une grande stabilité dans les sept premières éditions, mais que son emploi chute
considérablement de l’édition de 1878 à celle de 1932-35.
Dans les limites notre projet, nous tâchons de comprendre le comment de cette
érosion. Pour ce faire, nous avons recensé exhaustivement les lexies touchées de la 7e
à la 8e édition, en tenant compte des cas de figure logiquement possibles : retrait d’un
article ou d’une lexie dans la 8e édition, lexies partagées avec la 7e édition mais a)
dépouillées de la marque, b) marquées différemment ou c) héritières du marquage
d’origine. Dans l’édition de 1878, PROVERBIAL s’applique à 4 674 lexies distribuées
dans 1 645 articles.
Au terme de notre recherche, nous identifions les expressions proverbiales
disparues ou maintenues dans le passage crucial de la 7e à la 8e édition du
Dictionnaire de l’Académie française. Nous en tirons des résultats qui portent, entre
autres, sur la transformation du système de marquage dans la tradition du
Dictionnaire de l’institution. / This study looks at the attrition of the usage label PROVERBIAL between the
7th (1878) and 8th edition (1932-35) of the Dictionnaire published by the Académie
française. The electronic version of the eight completed editions of this work
(Redon 2002), which allows for the collection of both quantitative and qualitative
data, shows that the label was consistently used in the first seven editions, but that its
use falls dramatically between the 1878 and 1932-35 edition.
Within the scope of this study, we have tried to identify the reasons behind
this reduction. To achieve this, all lexies (~ lexical unit) from the 7th and the 8th
edition with this usage label were meticulously noted, while taking into consideration
all logically possible cases: the removal of an article or a lexie in the 8th edition,
shared lexies with the 7th edition but a) lacking the label, b) labelled differently or c)
inheriting the original label. In the 1878 edition, PROVERBIAL is assigned to 4 674
lexies in 1 645 articles.
Through our research, we have identified the proverbial expressions that have
disappeared or have been maintained during the crucial passage from the 7th to the
8th edition of the Dictionnaire published by the Académie française. We draw
conclusions from these results that, amongst other things, address the transformation
of the labelling system in the tradition of the institution’s Dictionnaire.
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L'attrition de la marque d'usage PROVERBIAL de la 7e (1878) à la 8e (1932-35) édition du Dictionnaire de l'Académie françaiseAudy, Marie-Line 04 1900 (has links)
Notre mémoire porte sur l’attrition de la marque d’usage PROVERBIAL de la 7e
(1878) à la 8e édition du Dictionnaire de l’Académie française (1932-35).
L’informatisation des huit éditions achevées de l’ouvrage (Redon 2002), qui permet
tant le relevé quantitatif que qualitatif des données, laisse voir que la marque jouit
d’une grande stabilité dans les sept premières éditions, mais que son emploi chute
considérablement de l’édition de 1878 à celle de 1932-35.
Dans les limites notre projet, nous tâchons de comprendre le comment de cette
érosion. Pour ce faire, nous avons recensé exhaustivement les lexies touchées de la 7e
à la 8e édition, en tenant compte des cas de figure logiquement possibles : retrait d’un
article ou d’une lexie dans la 8e édition, lexies partagées avec la 7e édition mais a)
dépouillées de la marque, b) marquées différemment ou c) héritières du marquage
d’origine. Dans l’édition de 1878, PROVERBIAL s’applique à 4 674 lexies distribuées
dans 1 645 articles.
Au terme de notre recherche, nous identifions les expressions proverbiales
disparues ou maintenues dans le passage crucial de la 7e à la 8e édition du
Dictionnaire de l’Académie française. Nous en tirons des résultats qui portent, entre
autres, sur la transformation du système de marquage dans la tradition du
Dictionnaire de l’institution. / This study looks at the attrition of the usage label PROVERBIAL between the
7th (1878) and 8th edition (1932-35) of the Dictionnaire published by the Académie
française. The electronic version of the eight completed editions of this work
(Redon 2002), which allows for the collection of both quantitative and qualitative
data, shows that the label was consistently used in the first seven editions, but that its
use falls dramatically between the 1878 and 1932-35 edition.
Within the scope of this study, we have tried to identify the reasons behind
this reduction. To achieve this, all lexies (~ lexical unit) from the 7th and the 8th
edition with this usage label were meticulously noted, while taking into consideration
all logically possible cases: the removal of an article or a lexie in the 8th edition,
shared lexies with the 7th edition but a) lacking the label, b) labelled differently or c)
inheriting the original label. In the 1878 edition, PROVERBIAL is assigned to 4 674
lexies in 1 645 articles.
Through our research, we have identified the proverbial expressions that have
disappeared or have been maintained during the crucial passage from the 7th to the
8th edition of the Dictionnaire published by the Académie française. We draw
conclusions from these results that, amongst other things, address the transformation
of the labelling system in the tradition of the institution’s Dictionnaire.
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O museu florestal Octávio Vecchi: trajetória e contribuição para a história ambiental brasileiraPriedols, Elisabete 08 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:42:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-08-08 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / This work is dedicated to retrieve the path of the Forest Museum "Octavio Vecchi" since its conception by analyzing the environmental concern spread in its eighty years of existence. Since there is lack of previous approaches, this exploratory and descriptive case study is characterized by document analysis, interviews and direct observation. Stand out characters interposed in the institution's history, who helped directly or indirectly to interdisciplinarily diversify its legacy. Iniciating in 1931, in Sao Paulo, the museum was created for scientific purposes and for the study of forestry in Brazil. It became clear at the beginning of this investigation the museum special concern on educational aspects and spreading of an environmental culture. Following the path levels suggested by Donald Worster to write Environmental History, the analysis of both documents and interviews started from a holistic look at the museum visitors speech searching for environmental awareness. We conclude that the relevance of this institution and its founder in the production of knowledge and construction of environmental concerns in order to reforest São Paulo and Brazil amid the spread of a culture of forests , would be included as references to Brazilian environmental history and be object of study and source of research, aiming at future academic and literary works / Este trabalho se dedica a resgatar a trajetória do Museu Florestal Octávio Vecchi desde a sua idealização, analisando o pensamento ambiental disseminado em seus oitenta anos de existência. Vista a escassez de abordagens anteriores sobre o assunto, este estudo de caso exploratório-descritivo caracteriza-se pelo uso e análise de documentos, entrevistas e observação direta. Permeando a história da instituição, destacam-se personagens que, direta ou indiretamente, contribuíram para diversificar o seu legado de maneira interdisciplinar. Inaugurado em 1931 na cidade de São Paulo, o museu foi criado para fins científicos e para o estudo da silvicultura brasileira. Mas, no início desta investigação, ficou evidente a ênfase dada à dimensão educacional e à propagação de uma cultura ambiental. Tomando como fio condutor um dos níveis sugeridos por Donald Worster para se escrever a História Ambiental, a análise, tanto dos documentos quanto das entrevistas realizadas, partiu do olhar holístico no discurso dos frequentadores do museu, procurando detectar a conscientização ambiental. Conclui-se que, pela relevância da produção de conhecimentos e construção de significados ambientais visando o reflorestamento de São Paulo e do Brasil, em meio à disseminação de uma cultura de florestas , a instituição e seu idealizador poderiam constar como referências para a história ambiental brasileira como objeto de estudo e como fonte de pesquisa, vislumbrando futuros trabalhos acadêmicos e literários
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Droit d'ingérence et concurrence militaire internationale en Méditerranée orientale : les puissances européennes et le maintien de l'ordre dans les Balkans, du traité de Berlin (1878) à la Première Guerre mondiale / Right of interference and international military competition in the Eastern Mediterranean : the European powers and law enforcement in the Balkans from the Treaty of Berlin (1878) to the First World WarDelaroche, Jean-Marie 10 December 2016 (has links)
Entre le traité de Berlin de 1878 et le déclenchement de la Première Guerre mondiale, les puissances européennes tentent d'empêcher les désordres balkaniques de compromettre la paix continentale et mondiale. Pour cette raison, et parce que leurs diplomates interprètent les violences balkaniques essentiellement comme des faits de brigandage et non comme l'expression de mouvements politiques indépendantistes, les puissances européennes vont imposer à l'empire ottoman de réformer les gendarmeries de ses provinces de Roumélie orientale, de Crète, de Macédoine et d'Albanie par le truchement de leurs propres officiers. Cette thèse d'histoire militaire se veut tout à la fois une histoire institutionnelle et une histoire des acteurs. Il s'agit en effet de savoir dans quelles conditions le modèle gendarmique occidental a pu être greffé et adapté aux réalités sociales et culturelles orientales au travers de l'action de quelques officiers européens chargés de collaborer les uns avec les autres et de se confronter à une réalité balkanique qui leur était souvent étrangère. Cette approche permet de renouveler l'étude du concert européen et de son grippage progressif en soulignant la méfiance réciproque des puissances les unes vis-à-vis des autres et l’ambiguïté des ordres que chacune d'elle donne à ses propres officiers. Elle permet également de saisir la dynamique des opérations d'ingérence internationale et la façon dont l’État cible peut chercher à s'y soustraire. Elle donne enfin à voir la difficulté d'une institution de maintien de l'ordre, dont les traditions administratives sont issues du modèle de l’État-nation français, à s'adapter à des sociétés politiques fragmentées et en construction afin d'assurer la protection de toutes les minorités. / Between the Treaty of Berlin of 1878 and the outbreak of the First World War, the European powers tried to prevent the Balkan disorders from compromising continental and world peace. For this reason, and because their diplomats interpreted the Balkan violences essentially as acts of brigandage and not as the expression of independentist political movements, the European powers imposed on the Ottoman Empire reforms of the gendarmeries of its provinces of Eastern Rumelia, Crete, Macedonia and Albania implemented by their own officers.This thesis of military history is both an institutional history and a history of the actors. One has tried to determin under what conditions the western gendarmic model could be grafted and adapted to the Eastern social and cultural realities through the action of a few European officers in charge of collaborating with each other and confronting the Balkan reality that was often foreign to them. This approach makes it possible to renew the study of the European concert and its progressive seizure by highlighting the mutual mistrust of the powers one against the other and the ambiguity of the orders that each one gave to its own officers.It also captures the dynamics of international interference and how the target state can seek to escape from it. Finally, it reveals the difficulty of an institution of policing, whose administrative traditions stem from the model of the French nation-state, to adapt to fragmented political societies under construction in order to ensure the protection of all minorities.
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