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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A topologia na psicanálise de Jacques Lacan: o significante, o conjunto e o número / Topology in Jacques Lacans psychoanalysis: the signifier, the set and the number

Paulo Marcos Rona 13 May 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho discute o emprego da topologia como ramo da matemática nos desenvolvimentos teóricos de Jacques Lacan. O ponto de partida é a crítica apresentada por Sokal quanto à falta de fundamento deste recurso em seu uso pela psicanálise, em contraposição às afirmações lacanianas quanto a ser a topologia a própria estrutura. O objetivo central é defender a idéia de que o recurso metodológico à topologia, às matemáticas e à lógica é compatível com o conceito de significante, oriundo do estruturalismo saussuriano e este pode ser fundamentado na noção lógica de conjunto tal como a matemática, após Cantor o concebeu. Discute-se três argumentos contrários a uma possível formalização nas ciências do homem: o da qualidade, o do sentido e o da singularidade. Realiza-se em seguida: (1) uma análise das relações entre o conceito de significante e o de conjunto a partir dos axiomas da teoria de Zermelo-Fraenkel, (2) a apresentação de uma possível lógica para o significante tomado em suas relações de significação tal como a psicanálise lacaniana as concebe, e (3) a proposição do emprego do conceito matemático de modelo, como o que reúne o conceito de conjunto à lógica. Os três resultados obtidos baseiam-se nos desenvolvimentos do filósofo francês Alain Badiou em seu esforço de discutir filosofia através do mesmo recurso à matemática. Conclui-se que nos limites da fundamentação da lógica e da matemática encontra-se os problemas que também norteiam as investigações psicanalíticas a respeito da subjetividade e de suas possíveis transformações / The present study discusses the use of topology as a branch in mathematics in Jacques Lacans theoretical developments. The starting point is the criticism presented by Sokal concerning a supposed lack of fundament of such an appeal in its use within psychoanalysis, contrary to lacanians assertions of topology as its proper structure. Our central objective is to defend the idea that the methodological appeal to topology, to mathematics and to logic is indeed compatible with the concept of significant, as brought by saussurian structuralism, and that the former concept can be grounded on the logical concept of set, as mathematics after Cantor conceived it. Three arguments that oppose to a possible formalization within human sciences are discussed: one concerning quality, one regarding meaning and one that affirms singularity. The following are developed in the sequence: (1) an analysis of the relations between the concept of significant and that of set, according to the axioms of Zermelo- Fraenkel theory, (2) a presentation of a possible logic for the significant taken in its signifying relations, as lacanian psychoanalysis conceives it, and (3) a proposition of adoption of the mathematical concept of model, as one that unites the concept of set and logic. These three results are based on Alain Badious developments and effort to discuss philosophy through this same appeal to mathematics. One concludes that in the very limits of mathematical and logic fundaments one finds the same problems that guide psychoanalytical research regarding subjectivity and its possible transformation

A Noite do Estado Novo: um jornal a serviço da ditadura e vice-versa (1940-1946) / The Night of Estado Novo: a newspaper in the service of the dictatorship and vice-versa (1940-1946)

Vandré Aparecido Teotonio da Silva 31 July 2018 (has links)
A presente tese de doutoramento tem como objetivo analisar como se deu o processo de apropriação do jornal A Noite pela ditadura do Estado Novo (1937-1945) ocorrido em março de 1940 e que se estendeu até agosto de 1946, quando o governo eleito de Eurico Gaspar Dutra vendeu o vespertino a uma sociedade anônima composta por seus funcionários. Encampado pelo regime, o jornal A Noite foi anexado às Empresas Incorporadas ao Patrimônio Nacional, organização estatal que congregava todas as empresas estatizadas por aquela ditadura. Sendo assim, busca-se verificar a contribuição de A Noite no projeto de comunicação social proposto pelo Estado Novo. O periódico ao mesmo tempo que apoiou abertamente a ditadura inclusive, sendo apelidado pelos seus adversários de Diário Oficial -, também se beneficiou de sua condição, alcançando o jornal bem como os demais veículos de comunicação pertencentes a Empresa A Noite - significativa ampliação comercial e jornalística. Dentro desse projeto de comunicação social oficial existiam alguns elementos que o norteavam, como a manutenção dos temários populares, característica que marcou o fazer jornalístico de A Noite desde antes da encampação, mas, também, a introdução de novos temas e abordagens baseados na cartilha comunicacional da ditadura. Entendendo o jornal enquanto protagonista da História e agente político interventor na realidade social, decidiu-se pela análise dos conteúdos jornalísticos produzidos por A Noite durante o período em que o vespertino esteve sob encampação do Estado Novo, abordando, sobretudo, como esses temários eram associados aos projetos comunicacionais daquele regime. Portanto, o papel desempenhado por A Noite no decorrer da ditadura estadonovista foi fundamental tanto para assegurar a efetivação desse projeto comunicacional oficial, quanto para o fortalecimento do vespertino enquanto empresa de comunicação. A associação do vespertino, forçada por meio da encampação, com a ditatura acabou criando laços comunicacionais que perduraram mesmo com a derrocada do Estado Novo, projeto comunicacional continuado no Governo Dutra. / The present thesis aims to analyze how the process of appropriation of the newspaper A Noite by the Estado Novo (Brazilian dictatorship, 1937-1945) occurred in March 1940 that lasted until August 1946, when the elected president Eurico Gaspar Dutra sold the gazette to a joint stock company composed by his employees. Encouraged by the regime, the newspaper A Noite became part of the Empresas Incorporadas ao Patrimônio Nacional, a state organization that congregated all the companies nationalized by dictatorship. Therefore, we seek to verify the contribution of A Noite in the social communication project proposed by the Estado Novo. The paper, while openly supporting the dictatorship - including being nicknamed by its opponents \"Diário Oficial\" (Official Journal) - also benefited from its condition, as the newspaper - as well as the other communication vehicles belonging to company A Noite faced a significant commercial and journalistic expansion. Within this official social communication project, there were some elements that guided it, such as the maintenance of popular themes, a characteristic that marked the journalistic work of A Noite since before the expropriation, but also the introduction of new themes and approaches based on the communication rules of dictatorship. Understanding the newspaper as a protagonist of history and a political agent intervening in social reality, it was decided to analyze the journalistic content produced by A Noite during the period in which the paper was under Estado Novo rule, especially addressing how these topics were associated to the communicational projects of that regime. Therefore, the role played by A Noite in the course of the Portuguese-speaking dictatorship was fundamental both to ensure the effectiveness of this official communication project, and to strengthen the newspaper as a communication company. The gazette association, forced through the expropriation, with the dictatorship, ended up creating communication ties that lasted even after the collapse of Estado Novo, a continuous communication project in the Dutra Government.

A Performance Guide and Theorical Study of Keiko Abe's Marimba d'Amore and Prism Rhapsody for Marimba and Orchestra

Àlamo Santos, Juan Manuel 12 1900 (has links)
Keiko Abe's contributions to the contemporary marimba repertoire have been a milestone in the development of the marimba as a solo concert instrument. Besides the creation of a new repertoire through commissions and her own compositions, Abe's contributions to the marimba include the improvement of the sound quality of the marimba and the establishment of the five octave instrument as the standard concert marimba. During the last four decades, Abe's compositions have been performed and studied worldwide and become standard literature for the marimba. Abe has written more than sixty compositions for marimba, including concertos, duets and solo pieces. The goal of this dissertation is to provide a comprehensive method for the performance and preparation of two major Keiko Abe's compositions, Marimba d'Amore composed by Abe in 1998 and Prism Rhapsody for Marimba and Orchestra composed in 1996. This dissertation will discuss theoretical as well as performance issues related to these two compositions. Each piece is discussed with regard to its distinctive compositional approach and inherent performances issues. In order to provide the reader an explanation of the compositional procedures used by Abe, specific directions for the performance and preparation of these two works are offered.

L'abolition de la dualité sexuelle chez Jacques Poulin : condition ou obstacle au bonheur? étude de Volkswagen blues et de La tournée d'automne

Charlot, Adeline 12 April 2018 (has links)
Notre mémoire a pour objectif de déterminer le rôle de la dualité sexuelle chez les personnages mis en scène par Jacques Poulin dans Volkswagen blues et La tournée d'automne. Les caractéristiques et les interactions entre hommes et femmes pouliniens, ainsi que leur évolution d'un roman à l'autre, constituent-elles un obstacle au bonheur à deux ou en sont-elles une condition sine qua non ? C'est sur cette question que se fondera notre mémoire, et nous verrons si le caractère ambivalent des personnages leur permet réellement d'être heureux ou si la négation des antagonismes sexuels ne représenterait pas au contraire un obstacle les empêchant d'accéder au bonheur. Notre analyse sera menée à la lumière d'une approche thématique enrichie de théories telles que le postmodernisme, qui permettra d'aborder la thématique de l'identité sexuelle, indispensable pour comprendre les différentes formes de la dualité sexuelle, dans Volkswagen blues et La tournée d'automne, et l'enjeu représenté par une telle ambivalence dans la course au bonheur.

Selected Songs of Dan Beaty: Background, Analysis, and Performance Guide

Novak, Richard A., II 08 1900 (has links)
Dan Beaty (1937-2002) was a prolific composer, pianist, researcher, educator, and writer. His large compositional output included chamber works, choral works, songs, orchestral pieces, electronic music, and keyboard works. Beaty was well versed in traditional Western music as well as the more avant-garde and perplexing idioms of the twentieth century. Beaty's compositions reflect the many fascinating, if not always popular, musical trends of his time. His music encompasses styles from serial to jazz, shows compositional influences from Arnold Schoenberg to Indonesian music, and demonstrates thought-provoking and highly intellectual craftsmanship. This document explores several of Beaty's songs through a discussion of the composer's life and compositional process. Songs included in this document are Three Weeks Songs, October, November, A Sappho Lyric, Love Song, That Night When Joy Began, and War Lyrics. This document was written to accompany the author's DMA Lecture-Recital at the University of North Texas. Unfortunately, Beaty's vocal music was never published and is mostly unknown. One goal of the project was to initiate interest in Beaty's songs. Through this document, Lecture-Recital, and additional performances, considerable strides have been made to bring Beaty's songs to new audiences throughout the United States. In addition, the author has received permission from the Beaty family to publish Dan Beaty's songs.

Narration du sensible et représentation du littéraire dans Le vieux chagrin, La tournée d'automne et Les yeux bleus de Mistassini, romans de Jacques Poulin

Tremblay, Ariane 18 April 2018 (has links)
Près de quarante-cinq ans après la publication du premier roman de Jacques Poulin, Mon cheval pour un royaume, la production de cet auteur a généré un lot considérable d'études critiques. Cependant, certaines questions restent irrésolues, notamment celles concernant le plan narratif de l'oeuvre. En effet, au niveau narratif, l'oeuvre poulinienne a été largement catégorisée comme minimaliste. Depuis, les études observant cette poétique - une dimension de l'action très limitée - se sont déployées, réduisant cette oeuvre à une pauvreté certaine du récit. Un filon, cependant, reste guère exploité ; peu de recherches envisagent le potentiel de la dimension passionnelle de ces récits. Ce mémoire vise donc à questionner à nouveau la narrativité poulinienne, jusqu'alors surtout définie par l'étiquette minimaliste. Si les romans pouliniens restent plus pauvres au plan de l'action, ils semblent contenir, en revanche, une grande richesse au plan du ressenti, de la passion. Cette étude entend donc proposer des analyses de trois romans basées sur une logique jusqu'ici inexplorée, à savoir une logique pathémique. Ces romans témoignent selon nous d'une narrativité - purement contemporaine - orientée vers le « sensible »; ce sont des récits dans lesquels les personnages ne peuvent agir, étant submergés par leur affectivité. La recherche vise par la suite à évaluer les conséquences thématiques de cette logique affective dans les romans de Jacques Poulin. Si la narration poulinienne expose des personnages qui semblent dominés par leurs passions, elle donne à voir également une tension de ceux-ci vers la littérature, un objet privilégié. Par l'étude des tensions affectives des actants vers la littérature, nous entendons développer une réflexion nouvelle sur la place de la représentation du littéraire dans l'oeuvre poulinienne.

Dire et montrer l'horreur : le sublime par l'ekphrasis au service du fantastique chez H.P. Lovecraft

Horth, Sophie 23 April 2018 (has links)
L’étude de l’œuvre de l’auteur fantastique américain H.P. Lovecraft a souvent été mise de côté dans les études littéraires, où on qualifiait son style d’excessif et maladroit. Celui-ci a alimenté beaucoup de débats sur l’appartenance de Lovecraft au genre fantastique en général, duquel on l’excluait, prétextant qu’il rompait la traditionnelle hésitation typiquement fantastique. Dans ce mémoire, nous souhaitons nous interroger sur le rôle que peut jouer l’écriture particulière de Lovecraft dans la construction d’un univers narratif cohérent, malgré la crise du signe à laquelle font face ses personnages. Nous observerons comment l’écriture de Lovecraft, grâce à son recours à l’ekphrasis, parvient à susciter le sublime, d’abord chez ses narrateurs, mais également transcender le récit pour atteindre le lecteur. Nous montrerons comment le sublime vécu par ses personnages parvient, grâce à une esthétique de la présence du surnaturel, à faire douter le lecteur sur sa propre réalité.

From proscription to prescription :

Kalua, Fetson Anderson. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of South Africa, 2001.

The natural law concept in nineteenth century England with special reference to the writings of Sir Frederick Pollock

Halton, Hugh January 1950 (has links)
No description available.


簡媚媚, JIAN, MEI-MEI Unknown Date (has links)
本研究論文旨在增進對近代內蒙古教育問題的了解,並且整理抗戰時期殘缺之史料使 其清晰易解;方法上採取文獻資料整理及面對面深入訪談方式,蒐集當事者的回憶資 料來彌補正史之不足。全文共十二萬餘言,包括五大章: 第壹章「緒論」:分四節;對以往學者所做的有關著作內容進行閱讀分析和批評,設 法對不盡周詳之處做點滴的增補與推進;從大的角度鳥瞰內蒙地區特色,縱看歷代沿 革,橫察當時環境,從小的角度置主題「教育」於縱橫交會點上。 第參章「抗戰時期內蒙古教育設施」:分三節;概述各級學校教育實況,包括課程、 教學、設備、特種學校、國內深造、國外留學,並對教育成果做功能性的批判,反映 蒙古同胞的期望及政府復員的決心。 第五章「結論」:分二節;推究抗戰十四年間內蒙古教育所遭遇的難題,提出筆者的 批評意見,並就事先的假設予以因果印證和反省。

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