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A study of the international political events and commentary in selected American comic strips from 1940-1970Smith, Rodney Dale 03 June 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze the international political events and commentary presented in five comic strips from 1940 to 1970. The investigation focused on the narratives, individual episodes and characterizations presented in the strips. The research was taken from approximately 51,000 strips over the thirty year period. Four of the strips used in the study covered the entire period, and included: Li'l Abner - Al Capp, Little Orphan Annie - Harold Gray, Smilin' Jack - Zack Mosley, and Terr and the Pirates - Milton Caniff (1940-47) and George Wunder (1947-1970). One strip, Pogo, drawn by Walt Kelly, was available only from 1950-70.The three decade period was utilized in order to study a sufficient number of strips so the cartoonists' ideas and attitudes could be understood. The time period selected was a volatile period in international affairs in which the United States played a major role. The investigation concentrates on two major areas of international politics: World War II and the cold war era. The study reveals that the cartoonists in portraying these two major found events used their medium not only for entertainment but to support the United States in its international activities.In addition they used international political affairs and events as sources of information to draw action stories and make political statements. In this vein, World War II offered a great opportunity for the cartoonists. The narratives presented in the strips offered constant reminders of the war in Europe and Asia, and engendered American support for the war effort. The authors pushed American values and democratic principles while formulating a negative image of the Axis leaders and military. In this way, the cartoonists used their medium to propagandize their readers into full support for the war.During the cold war era, the cartoonists again in international affairs a rich source of information for their stories. The strips portrayed the intense rivalry of the cold war conflict initially focusing on the Soviet Union. Narratives were included which depicted the Soviet leaders negatively, especially Premier Nikita Khrushchev. The Russian people, Soviet life and Communism in general were also represented in the strips in a disreputable fashion. In addition, the vigorous competition of the arms and space races were depicted in the strips.The other major nation of the cold war, which the cartoonists characterized in their strips, was China. The authors wrote stories about the civil war in China and obviously supported the Nationalists. After the Nationalists were exiled to Formosa, the narratives focused on the People's Republic of China. The stories depicted the Chinese Communists' methods of governing and their leadership, especially Mao Tse-tung. The propaganda efforts of the Chinese Communists were frequently represented in the strips as well as the attempts to expand their influence in the Pacific area. In addition, the Sino-Soviet split was included, with the cartoonists' portraying the Chinese attempting to take over the leadership of the Communist world from the Soviets.The cartoonists also used their strips to convey information, ideas, and opinions about the third world areas of Vietnam, Latin America and the Middle East. With Vietnam, the stories centered on the war, while the authors represented the Vietcong and North Vietnamese as evil and detestable people. The influence of the Vietnamese war on the American political scene was also considered. In their narratives about Latin America, the cartoonists illustrated the area in terms of revolution, corruption and smuggling. Communism and Fidel Castro's Cuba were frequently used in the strips. Communism and oil were the two major themes the cartoonists used in the strips that dealt with the Middle East.This study presents a narrative of the strips with an analysis of the cartoonists' aims, objectives, and opinions. The work also contains an annotated bibliography.
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Le devenir-animal dans l'oeuvre de Bernard-Marie Koltès : les cas exemplaires de La fuite à cheval très loin dans la ville, Quai ouest et Roberto ZuccoRobitaille, Pascal January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif général de ce mémoire est d'étudier la présence animale dans l'oeuvre du dramaturge français Bernard-Marie Koltès. Cette expression nous sera indispensable, car elle décrit autant le peuplement animal des textes de ce dernier que la présence animale à l'intérieur de ses personnages, c'est-à-dire leur animalité. L'étude de la présence animale est féconde, puisqu'elle nous révèle à la fois l'idéologie défendue par Koltès, en plus de mettre en lumière un type très particulier de subjectivation de ses personnages littéraires: les devenirs-animaux. Les objectifs spécifiques de ce mémoire sont, premièrement, de cataloguer les divers animaux présents dans notre corpus littéraire. Nous effectuerons ce repérage dans le but de dresser le bestiaire sommaire du dramaturge. Cet exercice nous permettra ensuite de caractériser les animaux koltésiens, avant de les comparer à ceux qui constituaient le bestiaire littéraire traditionnel. Par l'entremise de cette comparaison, nous dévoilerons l'idéologie et certaines valeurs défendues par Koltès. Le deuxième objectif spécifique de ce mémoire est d'étudier, de manière théorique cette fois, l'animal en le traitant comme un processus de subjectivation des êtres. En effet, la rencontre, que nous pourrions quailifier de noce contre nature, entre les animaux et les sujets koltésiens engage ces derniers dans des phénomènes singuliers que Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari nomment des devenirs-animaux. En étudiant ceux-ci à partir des théories de Deleuze et Guattari, nous ferons la jointure entre l'identité des personnages du dramaturge et l'animalité. Par ailleurs, nous décrirons certaines voies qu'empruntent les devenirs pour se manifester, en analysant les cas particuliers de trois personnages de Koltès. Le troisième et dernier objectif spécifique de ce mémoire est d'aborder les conséquences affectives et perceptives -les affects et percepts -des devenirs-animaux chez les sujets devenant. Nous montrerons que les devenirs-animaux, en entraînant les personnages dans une autre dimension ontologique, suscitent en eux une intense circulation d'affects et de percepts de nature animale. Ces affects et percepts animaux déshumanisent les personnages qui se transforment en des animaux en puissance. La présence animale chez Koltès constitue un rhizome au sens deleuzien et guattarien du terme. Le rhizome conçu par le dramaturge compte trois plateaux qui correspondent à chacun des chapitres de notre mémoire. D'un chapitre à l'autre, la topique de l'animalité suit un mouvement de sémiose, c'est-à-dire que sa signification connaît des avancées. C'est dire que le rhizome koltésien est bien davantage qu'une thématique; il est plutôt une structure signifiante complexe et complète en elle-même. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Affect, Animal, Animalité, Bestiaire, Devenir-animal.
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Comprendre les conflits dits "ethniques" : le conflit sénégalo-mauritanien de 1989Sauriol, Emmanuelle 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Le 9 avril 1989, une querelle relative à l'empiètement du bétail sur les cultures à la frontière sénégalo-mauritanienne, a dégénéré pour enflammer les populations des deux capitales - Dakar et Nouakchott - en quelques jours. Le bilan de la crise : 250 000 rapatriés/déplacés, des centaines de morts et de blessés dont plus de 800 Sénégalais et Négro-africains tués en Mauritanie, des dizaines de milliers de boutiques de Maures pillées et détruites au Sénégal. La crise sénégalo-mauritanienne soulève toute une série d'interrogations, la première étant de comprendre comment des populations ayant partagé leur quotidien dans une paix relative durant plusieurs décennies, en viennent à de telles extrémités. Si certains ont évoqué un passé entaché de violence, d'autres ont voulu rappeler que l'histoire commune des Maures et des Négro-africains est aussi caractérisée par la coopération. En filigrane, plusieurs blâment l'instrumentalisation de l'ethnicité à des fins politiques et économiques. Soit, mais la question fondamentale qui demeure est : pourquoi ces conflits « ethniques » en Afrique, alors qu'en France, comme le disait déjà Renan au XIXe siècle, « aucun citoyen français ne sait s'il est burgonde, alain, taïfale, visigoth ». Mais si l'essence d'une nation est « que tous les individus aient beaucoup de choses en commun mais aussi que tous aient oublié bien des choses », force est de constater que les mécanismes de l'oubli semblent opérer moins efficacement dans certains lieux et à certains moments de l'histoire. À partir de l'hypothèse de Stanley J. Tambiah, pour qui la politicisation de l'ethnicité et sa conséquence potentielle, le « conflit ethnique », sont « un produit de l'entrelacement et de la collision de deux processus globaux », à savoir, l'expansion du capitalisme mondial et la construction du système des États-nations, ce travail remonte l'histoire de la région sénégalo-mauritanienne à travers ses périodes charnières, du commerce transsaharien en passant par la conquête et la colonisation, jusqu'à l'époque contemporaine de la construction nationale, pour examiner les effets de ces deux processus sur les groupes en présence. Il en ressort que « l'ethnie » fournit une route alternative, via la politique, pour toucher les richesses que l'économie anémique ne peut offrir à tous. Dans ce système parallèle, « c'est la participation au pouvoir qui donne une emprise sur l'économie beaucoup plus que l'inverse ».
MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : conflit ethnique, ethnicité, nationalisme, Sénégal, Mauritanie
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Leninbilder : Lenin in der westdeutschen Geschichtswissenschaft in den 1960er bis 1980er Jahren /Neumann, Susanne. January 2006 (has links)
Magisterarbeit--Historisches Seminar--Universität Hamburg, 2005. / Bibliogr. p. 201-221.
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Untersuchungen zu Albert Vigoleis Thelens "Die Insel des zweiten Gesichts"Hess, Ria January 1900 (has links)
Diss. : Lit. : Frankfurt : 1989. / Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral)--Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 1989. Bibliogr.: p. 178-193.
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Thèse de doctorat : ETUDES GERMANIQUES : Metz : 1997. / 1997METZ007L. 226 ref.
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Mori Kaku, 1883-1932: a political biographyTriplett, Lynn Gordon, 1942- January 1974 (has links)
No description available.
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Beckett, Babel et bilinguisme, suivi de, Espaces / Beckett, Babel et bilinguismeHellman, Thomas January 2003 (has links)
Critical essay. Soon after the end of the Second World War, Samuel Beckett began producing French and English versions of each of his works. This raises interesting questions concerning the relationship between two languages and two texts within one literary work. Bilingualism is an essential dimension of Beckett's "oeuvre" which pushes the very limits of literature and explores essential aspects of language, identity and creation. / Creative writing. I was born in Montreal of a French mother and a father from Texas. My work in creative writing consists of six short stories set between the three geographical poles of my existence: Quebec, the United States and France. I also wrote a French and English version of my short story entitled The Ghost of Old Man Beck. These stories explore, on a more personal and creative level, the questions of bilingualism, identity and creativity raised in my critical essay.
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Science et droits de l'homme : le soutien international à Sakharov, 1968-1989Rhéaume, Charles. January 1999 (has links)
Science in the 1970s and 1980s has come to be linked closely to the unsettling matter of human rights and international accountability. Andrei Sakharov contributed to this development by relying very substantially on his colleagues in North America and Western Europe in his battles to free Soviet society. He understood---as they themselves sometimes did not---to what degree the prestige of the Soviet Union's own military-industrial complex depended not only on the West's concrete achievements in science and technology, but on the political positions its scientists adopted in the Cold War. Hence this particular study, the purpose of which is to determine the historical significance of Sakharov's drive against the Soviet regime in the light of the reaction of his scientific colleagues in the West. / Before 1968, Sakharov was known to a handful of Western scientists as the father of the Soviet H-Bomb, which partly accounts for the fact that many had doubts not only on the genuine nature of his reflections, issued that year, but on Sakharov's very existence. His deportation to Gorky in January 1980 undermined the hawks and sceptics in the West, and turned him into a global figure, characterized by original thinking, self-denial, legitimacy of purpose and undisputed moral authority. It did so on the basis of liberal philosophical principles with which most Western scientists found themselves in accord. Having reached an unprecedented level, their protests would play a crucial role in Sakharov's release by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1986. / This, however, came at a price---the boycott of scientific exchanges with the Soviet Union which was the ultimate gesture of solidarity with the cause Sakharov represented. For many scientists this was a soul-wrenching choice, made in the face of persuasive arguments for maintaining open relations with the Soviet Academy of Sciences. Nevertheless, due to its exceptional symbolism, Sakharov's exile even legitimized the concept of boycott for the more important national scientific societies in the West---which only shortly prior to 1980 were still reluctant to condone any sign even of public protest. / This study makes use of previously unexplored material such as that of the Committee of Scientists for Sakharov, Orlov, and Shcharansky at the University of California in Berkeley. It also relies heavily on accounts by the latter and other scientists in the United States, France and Great Britain who took part in some of the events described, among them legendary figures such as Edward Teller and Henri Cartan. In reminding us of the ordeal once Buffered by Galileo and J. R. Oppenheimer, this dissertation concludes with the untimely death of Sakharov, which defined the future course of perestroika and dealt a blow to the cause of human rights.
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A functional situation in Samuel Beckett's representative plays.Khouri, Nadia, 1943- January 1972 (has links)
No description available.
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