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五經以外: 《論語》之形成與兩漢政治 = Beyond the "Five classics" : the political authority of the analects in Han dynasty. / Beyond the "Five classics": the political authority of the Analects in Han dynasty / 論語之形成與兩漢政治 / Wu jing yi wai: "Lun yu" zhi xing cheng yu liang Han zheng zhi = Beyond the "Five classics" : the political authority of the Analects in Han dynasty. / Lun yu zhi xing cheng yu liang Han zheng zhiJanuary 2014 (has links)
作為古代東亞文化圈其中一部最具影響力的著作─《論語》,其在漢代的重要性一直長期被忽視。直至近年隨着學界的「翻案風」興起,對《論語》及《論語》學的研究才開始起步,但對唐以前的研究仍是寥寥無幾。此外,迄今為止這些研究仍離不開就《論語》的版本及詮釋本進行文本式研究,卻忽視了《論語》作為一部重要的儒家經典,對政治、社會等各方面的實際影響,本研究希望為此填補一點空白。本文認為《論語》所以沒有在西漢時期被列入成為《五經》之一,主因在於不同版本之間存有篇數差異及未經「孔子删削」而成為「權威定本」,是以不符合西漢「大一統」的政治需要。而且,在漢人眼裡「《論語》」的概念其實有「廣義」和「狹義」之分,這亦是前人研究時常常忽略的。至於,《論語》作為一種官學在兩漢之間如何形成及發展,以至最終成為部分知識人心目中的「第六經」亦是本文嘗試回答的問題。正如本文強調研究《論語》與社會及政治之間的關係,是以我們亦將探討西漢末至東漢時期的讖緯思潮如何導致孔子由一個人變成一個神的問題,因為《論語》作為孔子的言行記錄,其地位亦隨着孔子的地位改變而有所升降,而《七緯》中包含《論語緯》正是其中一種地位上升的表現。最後,有關《論語》在兩漢的政治影響力的問題,文中亦嘗試透過分析幾部政書及一些皇帝的詔書、朝議,指出朝臣及皇帝如何據《論》而言。當然,本研究所以以「五經以外」為題,並不是要否定《五經》在漢代的影響力,相反本研究嘗試從一個嶄新的角度分析兩漢的政治問題,從而希望能得出一些新的看法。 / This research aims at studying the political authority of a long-neglected classic in Han Dynasty ─Lun Yuor the Analects of the Confucius. To date, the majority of scholars in the intellectual history field are operating on the assumption that, be-cause of the establishment of the "Experts of Five Classics (The Book of History, the Book of Odes, the Book of Change, the Book of Ritualsand the Spring and Autumn Annals)" in the central government academy (Tai Xue) and an government officer recruitment examination based on the "Five Classics," the intellectual history of Han was basically the history about the conservation, transmission and interpretation of "Five Classics." Most sholarship on the Analects either studies the textual genesis or the literary character of this source material about Confucius. As a result, not many scholars have studied how the Analects interact with Han political, social, and material contexts. / But should we accept this common wisdom that the intellectual history of Han was just the history about the "Five Classics"? Or was there something beyond the "Five Classics" that was of equal importance? This could be answered by the fact that Cai Yong, a senior official and a Confucian scholar of the latter Han period, described the Analects as the "Sixth Classic" which was also a basic entry requirement for the newly appointed "Erudites" and academy students of the Imperial Academy (Tai Xue) in late Eastern Han. It is also interesting to note that many official documents or memorials that the senior officials presented to the court quoted from the Analects to support their arguments since Emperor Wu of Western Han. It is reasonable, therefore, to believe that the Analects had played a special role in the politics of Han China. / It is commonly believed that Han intellectuals in office emphasized the ideas in the "Five Classics" as practical solutions for contemporary political and social issues; and all government schools (from elementary learning to academy) should use "Five Classics" as part of their programs. As a result, we are told, the "Five Classics" became the authoritative traditions of Han Dynasty. It is hard to belief, however, that the "Five Classics," each with hundreds of thousands of words (most of them are exegesis written by later classical masters), could be propagated to the whole country, including the far-flung regions of the empire, in the pre-printing era. Furthermore, some recently excavated materials suggest a different view to evaluate the influence of the "Five Classics." What is most striking was that the excavated manuscripts of the "Five Classics" were only discovered in the Central Plain (i.e., the North China Plain), while no discovery was reported outside this area. On the other hand, excavated manuscripts of the Han Analects were unearthed in many parts of the Han Empire as far as the region which is now North Korea (most of them belong to the early Western Han period before Emperor Wu). This phenomenon invites us to recast our views of the past in unforeseen ways. It stands to reason to argue that the authority of the "Five Classics" in the Han is somewhat overstated and the influence of the Analectsis underestimated in a particular time and place. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 何家祈. / Parallel title from English abstract. / Thesis (M.Phil.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 246-261). / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / He Jiaqi.
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北魏道敎造像碑石刻硏究. / Bei Wei Dao jiao zao xiang bei shi ke yan jiu.January 2000 (has links)
張澤珣. / "2000年6月" / 論文 (哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2000. / 參考文獻 (leaves 73-82) / 附中英文摘要. / "2000 nian 6 yue" / Zhang Zexun. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2000. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 73-82) / Fu Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / Chapter 第一章 --- 導論 --- p.1 / Chapter 一 --- 問題的提出與考察 / Chapter 二 --- 關於北魏道教造像碑石刻研究的回顧 --- p.5 / Chapter 第二章 --- 北魏道教造像碑的開始及其樣式 --- p.9 / Chapter 一 --- 獨立的道教造像碑樣式 --- p.11 / Chapter 二 --- 雙教碑樣式 --- p.23 / Chapter 三 --- 陝西鄜縣石弘寺石刻樣式 --- p.30 / Chapter 第三章 --- 北魏獨立的道教造像碑刻藝術内容的分析 --- p.34 / Chapter 一 --- 主神像 --- p.35 / Chapter (1) --- 早期獨立道教像的神仙像樣式 / Chapter (2) --- 魏孝文帝的體制改革與造像藝術之變遷 --- p.37 / Chapter 二 --- 宇宙的空間和不死的母題一龍、日、月、飛仙 --- p.42 / Chapter (1) --- 龍、曰、月 / Chapter (2) --- 飛仙 --- p.46 / Chapter 第四章 --- 通過雙教碑的藝術内容看道教與佛教 --- p.50 / Chapter 一 --- 雙教碑的藝術内容 --- p.51 / Chapter (1) --- 魏文朗道佛造像碑 / Chapter (2) --- 王守令道佛造像碑 --- p.55 / Chapter (3) --- 師氏道佛造像碑 --- p.59 / Chapter 二 --- 通過造像内容看道教與佛教 --- p.62 / Chapter 第五章 --- 結論 --- p.69 / 參考書目 --- p.73 / 圖錄:北魏道教造像碑 --- p.83
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《逸周書》與清華簡比較研究: 以<皇門>、<祭公>為例. / Comparative study on Yizhoushu and bamboo scripts of Tsinghua: a case study of Huangmen & Zhaigong / 逸周書與清華簡比較研究: 以<皇門>、<祭公>為例 / "Yi Zhou shu" yu Qing hua jian bi jiao yan jiu: yi 'Huang men', 'Ji gong' wei li. / Yi Zhou shu yu Qing hua jian bi jiao yan jiu: yi 'Huang men', 'Ji gong' wei liJanuary 2012 (has links)
歷代對《逸周書》的研究不多,可供參考的版本和研究資料較少。晉代孔晁為其作注以後,直至清代才再次受到學者的重視,有比較全面的校注,但各家校注多有分歧,書中很多難以理解的地方始終無法解決。現代學者對此書十分重視,也曾嘗試加以考證梳理,但取得的成果也很有限。 / 在《清華大學藏戰國竹簡(一)》中,〈皇門〉和〈祭公之顧命〉兩篇簡文在今本《逸周書》中有相應的篇章,二者互相對讀,對判斷過去硏究者各種說法的正誤,乃至對全面了解《逸周書》的性質和流傳情況都有不可輕視的作用。本文對此進行了比較詳細的硏究,希望能夠盡量解決一些跟今本《逸周書.皇門》和〈祭公〉釋讀相關的問題,也希望能夠盡量探明今本部分面貌的形成原因及其演變過程。同時,通過不同版本的對照,也努力揭示孔晁注在保存《逸周書》早期面貌方面的貢獻。 / Previous scholars had not paid much attention to Yizhoushu, relevant editions and research materials are thus limited. Since Kong Chao had annotated the text in the Jin dynasty, only Qing scholars had contributed to the study of it. Various explications were made at that time, yet these explications differ from each other and some problems remain unsolved. Though recent scholars do recognize the importance of Yizhoushu, their effort to expound and to interpret did not yield significant results. / In the Bamboo Slips of Warring States Collected in Tsinghua University (Volume I), two excavated manuscripts, i.e. “Huangmen and “Zhaigong zhi Guming, can correspond with the relevant chapters in Yizhoushu. Through a comparative study on both texts, evaluations on the validity of previous researches can be accomplished, and a thorough investigation on the nature of Yizhoushu and its transmission can be achieved. This thesis aims at conducting a detailed and in-depth study from the above perspectives, in the hope of enhancing the understanding of both materials and explaining the formation of the received text. At the same time, the thesis attempts to reveal the significance of Kong Chao's annotations in preserving the earlier version of Yizhoushu. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 李寶珊. / "2012年8月". / "2012 nian 8 yue". / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 108-119). / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Li Baoshan. / 提要 --- p.i / 目錄 --- p.iii / 凡例 --- p.v / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論 --- p.1 / Chapter (一) --- 《逸周書》簡介 --- p.1 / Chapter (二) --- 前人研究和評價 --- p.1 / Chapter (三) --- 《清華大學藏戰國竹簡(壹)》簡介 --- p.3 / Chapter (四) --- 研究目的和方法 --- p.4 / Chapter 第二章 --- 從出土文獻看《逸周書》的性質和流傳 --- p.7 / Chapter (一) --- 與《逸周書》相關的出土材料 --- p.7 / Chapter 一、 --- 汲冢竹書 --- p.7 / Chapter 二、 --- 慈利簡 --- p.9 / Chapter 三、 --- 郭店簡和上博簡 --- p.11 / Chapter 四、 --- 清華簡 --- p.13 / Chapter (二) --- 《尚書》與《逸周書》的性質 --- p.14 / Chapter (三) --- 《逸周書》的成書年代 --- p.16 / Chapter 第三章 --- 《逸周書》與清華簡異文比較研究 --- p.19 / Chapter (一) --- 文字訛誤 --- p.19 / Chapter (二) --- 衍文 --- p.27 / Chapter (三) --- 脫文 --- p.36 / Chapter 一、 --- 今本的脫文標注 --- p.36 / Chapter 二、 --- 不見今本的脫文 --- p.43 / Chapter (四) --- 倒文 --- p.65 / Chapter 一、 --- 倒文例 --- p.66 / Chapter 二、 --- 偽倒文例 --- p.76 / Chapter (五) --- 詞義互訓 --- p.79 / Chapter (六) --- 小結 --- p.87 / Chapter 第四章 --- 孔晁注與《逸周書》文本演變研究 --- p.89 / Chapter (一) --- 孔晁所用《逸周書》版本 --- p.89 / Chapter (二) --- 孔晁注反映的情況 --- p.94 / Chapter 一、 --- 孔注與今本相合 --- p.94 / Chapter 二、 --- 孔注與簡本相合 --- p.97 / Chapter 三、 --- 孔注不同於今本和簡本 --- p.101 / Chapter (三) --- 小結 --- p.104 / Chapter 第五章 --- 結語 --- p.105 / 參考文獻 --- p.108 / Chapter 附錄一 --- 〈皇門〉對讀表 --- p.120 / Chapter 附錄二 --- 〈祭公〉對讀表 --- p.124
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「言意之辨」與「自我轉化」: 關於魏晉玄學的一個新考察. / 言意之辨與自我轉化 / 關於魏晉玄學的一個新考察 / Discussion of "the distinction between words and meaning" and self-transformation: a new investigation of hsuan-hsueh / "Yan yi zhi bian" yu "zi wo zhuan hua": guan yu Wei Jin xuan xue de yi ge xin kao cha. / Yan yi zhi bian yu zi wo zhuan hua / Guan yu Wei Jin xuan xue de yi ge xin kao chaJanuary 2004 (has links)
何啟志. / "2004年7月". / 論文(哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2004. / 參考文獻(leaves 99-101). / "2004 nian 7 yue". / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / He Qizhi. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2004. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 99-101). / 引言:魏晉玄學的「言意之辨」 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一章、 --- 語言哲學硏究角度的檢討 --- p.4 / Chapter 一、 --- 許抗生:借「言意之辨」說明唯物論語言觀 --- p.4 / Chapter 二、 --- 牟宗三:通過兩種真理觀解釋「言意之辨」 --- p.7 / Chapter 三、 --- 檢討 --- p.8 / Chapter 第二章、 --- 學術史硏究角度的檢討 --- p.13 / Chapter 一、 --- 湯用彤:確立「言意之辨」學術史硏究的框架 --- p.13 / Chapter 二、 --- 林麗真、余敦康:通過「言意之辨」探討魏晉人注經之方法 --- p.15 / Chapter 三、 --- 王葆玹:通過「言意之辨」探討魏晉人認識本體的方法 --- p.18 / Chapter 四、 --- 王曉毅:通過「言意之辨」探討魏晉人會通儒道之方法 --- p.20 / Chapter 五、 --- 檢討 --- p.23 / Chapter 第三章、 --- 哲學硏究角度的檢討 --- p.25 / Chapter 一、 --- 湯用彤:「言意之辨」對名士之立身行事亦有影響 --- p.25 / Chapter 二、 --- 近來之轉向:關於魏晉玄學的人生哲學硏究 --- p.27 / Chapter 三、 --- 人生哲學硏究角度的意義和困難 --- p.30 / Chapter 四、 --- 蔡振豐、沈順福與郭其才的嘗試 --- p.32 / Chapter 五、 --- 檢討 --- p.36 / Chapter 第四章、 --- 「言意之辨」與人生哲學的關係 --- p.39 / Chapter 一、 --- 「言意之辨」的討論背景 --- p.39 / Chapter 二、 --- 「言意之辨」的文獻解讀 --- p.45 / Chapter I. --- 「言意之辨」的重要槪念及主要問題 --- p.45 / Chapter II. --- 「言不盡意論」與「言盡意論」 --- p.50 / Chapter III. --- 「得意忘言論」 --- p.53 / Chapter 三、 --- 「言意之辨」與人生哲學的關係 --- p.55 / Chapter I. --- 由「聖人之意」的追尋說明人生哲學的關懷 --- p.55 / Chapter II. --- 魏晉「言意之辨」隱含理想生命的關懷 --- p.57 / Chapter 第五章、 --- 從「自我轉化」說「言意之辨」的人生哲學意義 --- p.60 / Chapter 一、 --- 中國哲學的主題是「自我轉化」 --- p.60 / Chapter 二、 --- 「言意之辨」隱含「自我轉化」的意思:境界的超昇 --- p.62 / Chapter I. --- 「玄遠」的追尋反映理想生命的構想 --- p.63 / Chapter II. --- 「忘言以得意」反映一種境界的超昇 --- p.68 / Chapter III. --- 由境界的超昇說明「自我轉化」的意義 --- p.73 / Chapter 第六章、 --- 從時代背景說「得意忘言」與「自我轉化」的關係 --- p.75 / Chapter 一、 --- 魏晉人所追尋的「自我轉化」及其所面對的困難 --- p.76 / Chapter I. --- 魏晉玄學以道家的理想作爲「自我轉化」的方向 --- p.76 / Chapter II. --- 追尋「道」所面對的困難:「言」與「道」難以相容的關係 --- p.80 / Chapter 二、 --- 「得意忘言」之提出與困難之克服 --- p.84 / Chapter I. --- 確立言說作爲工具的角色 --- p.84 / Chapter II. --- 指出「體悟」才是追尋「道」的途徑 --- p.86 / Chapter 三、 --- 「得意忘言」對魏晉名士的人生觀之影響 --- p.89 / Chapter I. --- 「得意忘言」在人生觀之體現:「得意忘形骸」 --- p.89 / Chapter II. --- 後人的評價及回應 --- p.91 / 餘論:「言意之辨」與佛教的傳入 --- p.96 / 參考書目 --- p.99 / 鳴謝 --- p.102
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郭象之性分論. / Guo Xiang zhi xing fen lun.January 2010 (has links)
陳孝龍. / Thesis submitted in: December 2009. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 53-57). / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Chen Xiaolong. / 摘要 --- p.i / 目錄 --- p.iii / 前言 --- p.1 / Chapter 一、 --- 槪念分析-性、分、性分 --- p.2 / Chapter (一) --- 性 --- p.2 / Chapter (二) --- 分 --- p.8 / Chapter (三) --- 性分 --- p.14 / Chapter 二、 --- 性分的理論意含 --- p.19 / Chapter (一) --- 自生、自然、獨化 --- p.19 / Chapter (二) --- 適性逍遙 --- p.29 / Chapter (三) --- 率性無爲 --- p.34 / Chapter 三、 --- 性分與變化 --- p.37 / Chapter (一) --- 性分可否被改變? --- p.37 / Chapter (二) --- 性分是否會變化? --- p.43 / Chapter (三) --- 性分不變論與事物變化是否矛盾? --- p.49 / 結論 --- p.52 / 參考資料 --- p.53
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王弼義理易學研究. / Moral principles in Wang Bi's study on the Book of Change / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Wang Bi yi li Yi xue yan jiu.January 2011 (has links)
羅燕玲. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 197-204) / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Luo Yanling.
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Bakbuk, Bukki, Barsillai - Das Esra/Nehemia-Buch und seine Personennamen. Felder und Probleme der Forschung / Bakbuk, Bukki, Barsillai - The book of Ezra/Nehemiah and it´s personal names. Fields and problems of researchFrank, Annemarie January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Lizentiatsarbeit stellt eine Forschungsgeschichte als Vorarbeit zu einer Dissertation über die Personennamen im Esra/Nehemia-Buch dar. Die Darstellung besteht aus zwei Teilen, einem zu den wesentlichen Fragestellungen in der Erforschung des Esra/Nehemia-Buches und einem zur hebräischen Onomastik. / This is a history of research for a doctoral dissertation about the personal names in Ezra-Nehemiah. It consists of two parts, one to the essential questions in the investigation of the Ezra-Nehemiah-book and one to Hebrew onomastics.
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Temperature In Turkey And Turkish Day Ahead Electricity Market Prices: Modeling And ForecastingUnlu, Kamil Demirberk 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
One of the key steps of the liberalization of the Turkish electricity market has been the estab- lishment of PMUM (Turkish day ahead electricity market). The aim of this study is to explore the dynamics of electricity prices observed in this market and their relation with temperature observed in Turkey. The electricity price process is studied as a univariate process and the same process is studied along with temperature together as a two-dimensional process. We give a fairly complete model of temperature. We observe that the electricity prices in Turkey exhibit many of the features that similar prices exhibit in other world markets. In particular, Turkish day ahead prices are seasonal / every year the price seems to follow a path similar to the one years preceding it. To simplify our analysis we focus our study to a 35 day pe- riod where every year the prices show a relatively simple behavior. We study the effects of the fluctuations in temperature in this period on the fluctutations in the day ahead electricity price.
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Predictions On Absorption And Scattering Characteristics Of Acoustic Scatterers Modified With Micro-perforated PanelsOdabas, Erinc 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, the basic absorption and scattering characteristics of acoustic scatterers, specifically Schroeder Diffusers, are investigated. Schroeder Diffusers are one of the most widely used acoustic scatterers in which the scattering phenomenon is predictable due to the geometry of the diffuser, based on a particular mathematical sequence. It is shown that it is possible to increase the amount of absorption by modifying the diffuser structure by means of adding perforated panels into the wells or narrowing diffuser wells. In room acoustics applications, diffusers are conventionally mounted to a wall or ceiling assumed to be rigid enough such that sound wave cannot penetrate through. This thesis proposes a new modification on these diffusers where the diffuser is not backed by a rigid surface / it is hung over a space instead. To construct such a configuration, diffuser wells are terminated with micro-perforated panels (MPP). Inclusion of MPP introduces additional losses / hence, higher absorption can be achieved. However, the most significant absorption in this configuration is achieved below the first resonance frequency of the panel-air space system due to the existence of non-rigid backing. This thesis aims to model the absorption and scattering mechanisms enabled with the non-rigid backing by improving a previously introduced mathematical model.
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Analysis Of Single Phase Fluid Flow And Heat Transfer In Slip Flow Regime By Parallel Implementation Of Lattice Boltzmann Method On GpusCelik, Sitki Berat 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis work fluid flow and heat transfer in two-dimensional microchannels are studied numerically. A computer code based on Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) is developed for this purpose. The code is written using MATLAB and Jacket software and has the important feature of being able to run parallel on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). The code is used to simulate flow and heat transfer inside micro and macro channels. Obtained velocity profiles and Nusselt numbers are compared with the Navier-Stokes based analytical and numerical results available in the literature and good matches are observed. Slip velocity and temperature jump boundary conditions are used for the micro channel simulations with Knudsen number values covering the slip flow regime. Speed of the parallel version of the developed code running on GPUs is compared with that of the serial one running on CPU and for large enough meshes more than 14 times speedup is observed.
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