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Hledání cesty ke kořenům: jazykový a sociokulturní management mladých Vietnamců v České republice / Back to our Roots: Language and Sociocultural Management of Young Vietnamese in the Czech RepublicNgo, Quynh Nga January 2016 (has links)
A common phenomenon among migrants is called language attrition, or the partial loss of language skills caused by changes in the active use of the language. This phenomenon occurs in the Czech Republic, where numerous young Vietnamese are often praised (especially by teachers) for their quick acquisition of the Czech language in the school environment, but experience shortcomings in their Vietnamese language and socio-cultural competence during early adulthood, on the basis of which they begin to go "back to their roots." The main topics of research in this thesis are 1) the experience of loss of the Vietnamese language and socio-cultural competence by individual Vietnamese and by the Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic, 2) adjustment designs to remedy these deficiencies and 3) the (non-)implementation of these adjustment designs by both individuals and organizations in the Czech Republic. The theoretical- methodological framework is a Language Management Theory (Neustupný 2002) and the main methodological approaches are language biography (Nekvapil 2004) and ethnography. The results of the analysis indicate the critical points to be addressed in incentives for Vietnamese language teaching methodology for young Vietnamese, as well as in the experience and reflection of their personal identities.
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A construção de material didático contextualizado como subsídio para as aulas de Ciências do ensino fundamental (II): uma experiência colaborativa em Cubatão, SP / Contextualized didactic materials as subsidiary elements for Science classes at the elementary level (2nd cycle): a collaborative experience in Cubatão, Sao Paulo State, BrazilFernando Santiago dos Santos 03 December 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa qualitativa aplicada, calcada em uma análise primariamente exploratória e descritiva, relata a trajetória de um grupo de trabalho colaborativo que confeccionou materiais didáticos subsidiários ao livro didático de Ciências no Ensino Fundamental II (6º ao 9º anos). Os docentes que participaram do trabalho colaborativo pertenciam, à época da pesquisa, à rede municipal da prefeitura de Cubatão (SP). A pesquisa, inédita na área de Ciências na referida rede municipal, desenvolveu-se com um grupo inicial de oito docentes, dos quais apenas cinco mantiveram-se até o término do projeto de pesquisa. Levantamentos de cunho bibliográfico e documental foram utilizados para a confecção dos materiais pelo grupo de docentes, ao passo que levantamentos da realidade socioeconômica e ambiental foram realizados em nove unidades municipais de ensino do município. Questionários com perguntas abertas e fechadas e entrevistas semi-estruturadas foram aplicados a docentes e alunos, em momentos diversos da pesquisa. Além disso, todo o processo de trabalho colaborativo foi extensamente documentado e analisado de forma sistemática, durante as reuniões ordinárias com o grupo de professores, de forma individual e coletiva. A pesquisa baseia-se em um tripé norteador, a saber, contexto socioeconômico e ambiental / produção colaborativa / material didático contextualizado. Partimos do princípio de que é possível realizar um trabalho colaborativo de produção de materiais didáticos subsidiários ao livro didático de Ciências, considerando-se a realidade das comunidades de entorno em que as diversas unidades municipais de ensino se inserem, para que haja melhores práticas relacionadas aos temas previamente selecionados, tais como gravidez na adolescência, drogas, higiene, saúde, saneamento básico etc. Desta forma, foi possível acompanhar não somente o processo de confecção colaborativa, como também aplicar alguns dos materiais produzidos em unidades de ensino na forma piloto. Os resultados mostraram que a despeito de inúmeras dificuldades enfrentadas no trabalho colaborativo e na aplicação dos materiais-piloto nas unidades escolares, é viável a mobilização de projetos deste cunho para propor alternativas didáticas que utilizem materiais contextualizados e produzidos pelos próprios docentes. / The current qualitative and applied research study, based upon a primarily descriptive and exploratory analysis, reports the process through which a group of collaborative work produced didactic materials that subsidize the Sciences school textbooks at the second cycle of the Primary School level (6th to 9th grades). Teachers who made part of the collaborative work group belonged to the public teaching board at the Cubatao municipality, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The research, which is new to the Sciences area in such municipality, started out with a group of eight teachers, but only five remained until the research was over. Not only bibliographical and documental surveys were carried out so that teachers could produce didactic materials, but also surveys on the social, economical and environmental conditions were applied at nine municipal schools. Questionnaires with open and closed questions, and structured interviews were handed out to both teachers and students, throughout various moments of the research program. Moreover, all of the collaborative work was extensively documented and systematically analyzed during ordinary meetings, by considering individuals and the group as a whole. The research work roots itself on a triple pointer, i.e., social, economical and environmental context / collaborative production / contextualized didactic material. We believe that it is possible to develop a collaborative work to produce didactic, subsidiary materials to be used in parallel with the Sciences school textbook, by taking into consideration the reality of the neighboring communities in which schools are located, so that better practices related to the previously chosen themes, such as pregnancy amongst teenager mothers, drugs, hygiene, health etc., could be applied. It was, thus, possible to check not only the collaborative production process itself, but also to apply some of the produced materials on a pilot-basis at municipal schools. Results have shown that, despite several difficulties that occurred during the collaborative work and the application of pilot materials at schools, it is still viable to carry on projects like the present one to propose didactic alternatives, which make use of contextualized materials produced by teachers themselves.
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Comparison of the 1st and 2nd order Lee–Carter methods with the robust Hyndman–Ullah method for fitting and forecasting mortality ratesWillersjö Nyfelt, Emil January 2020 (has links)
The 1st and 2nd order Lee–Carter methods were compared with the Hyndman–Ullah method in regards to goodness of fit and forecasting ability of mortality rates. Swedish population data was used from the Human Mortality Database. The robust estimation property of the Hyndman–Ullah method was also tested with inclusion of the Spanish flu and a hypothetical scenario of the COVID-19 pandemic. After having presented the three methods and making several comparisons between the methods, it is concluded that the Hyndman–Ullah method is overall superior among the three methods with the implementation of the chosen dataset. Its robust estimation of mortality shocks could also be confirmed.
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Aktuální otázky přeshraničních insolvenčních řízení / Current issues of cross-border insolvency proceedingsStřížová, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this PhD thesis is to analyse the current status of European insolvency law and with the help of both national and European judicial decisions put together an overview of practical obstacles that insolvency courts, debtors, creditors and insolvency trustees across Europe are facing when dealing with cross-border insolvencies. At the very core of this topic stands the European Insolvency Regulation ("EIR") which was adopted in 2015 and is effective within the member states as of June 2017. Since this regulation was put together as a recast of its predecessor, i.e. the original insolvency regulation adopted in 2000 and effective as of 2002, naturally this research is oriented at comparing the two legislative acts and mainly assessing whether or not the recast EIR managed to overcome some of the inconsistencies in the wording of the original EIR, often resulting in conflicting interpretations and a great deal of preliminary rulings filed with the Court of Justice of the EU. Apart from looking into good old instruments of private international law such as the scope, the jurisdiction, the choice of law and the recognition and enforcement rules governed by the EIR, this thesis also focuses on topics that are very bankruptcy-specific and dissimilar to anything we know from other fields of law....
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A comparison of the effectiveness of protease inhibitor-based highly active anti-retroviral treatment regiments in Trinidad and TobagoZiregbe, Elohor 21 October 2014 (has links)
Few studies have assessed the optimum second line highly active anti-retroviral therapy
(HAART) regimen in patients who had failed on the first-line HAART in resource-limited
settings. This study aimed to compare the Protease inhibitor (PI)-based second line
HAART regimens used in one clinic in Trinidad by comparing immunological, virological
and clinical outcomes of patients on the different second line HAART regimens.
The records of 35 treatment-experienced patients, over 21years of age and on PI-based
regimens for at least six months, were analysed using SPSS version 20.
The regimen containing TDF/FTC/AZT/LPV/r proved to produce superior outcomes
compared to the other second line regimens.
Due the small number of usable patients’ records, the findings cannot be generalised
but indicate directions for future studies attempting to compare the treatment outcomes
of different second line HAART regimens / Health Studies / M. A. (Public Health)
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Dramatizace české lidové písně na 2. stupni ZŠ / Dramatization of Czech Folksongs in the 2nd grade of Elementary School EducationSuchanová, Simona January 2022 (has links)
Bc. Simona Suchanová: Dramatization of Czech folk song on secondary schools (thesis) ABSTRACT This diploma thesis deals with the possibilities of dramatization of folk songs represented in textbooks for music education in the 2nd grade of elementary school. The text clarifies the phenomenon of folk song, defines the concept of dramatization as a "dramatization of the curriculum", mentions the psychological characteristics of the student in the 2nd grade of elementary school and the specifics of pedagogical work related to it. The thesis expands the methodological tasks in textbooks represented by new dramatic elements, presents new proposals for methodological tasks, conceiving dramatization as another of the creative ways of working with folk songs. In this way, it would like to contribute to the improvement and attractiveness of music education in elementary school. KEYWORDS Czech folk song, dramatization, pubescent, music and movement activities, music education, drama education, 2nd grade of elementary school
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Gasoline‐Ethanol‐Methanol (GEM) Ternary Fuel Blend as an Alternative Passenger Car Fuel in SwedenTsirakos, Sebastiaan Nikolas January 2017 (has links)
This paper discusses the potential of gasoline, ethanol and methanol ternary blend as an alternative passenger car fuel in Sweden. Sweden has set various targets aimed to reduce its GHG emissions and to increase the share of renewables in the transportation sector. Nevertheless, the majority of the energy consumed in the road transportation sector still comes from fossil fuels. In order to replace the energy supply of fossil fuels by more renewable fuels, the potential of alternative renewable fuels needs to be explored. Therefore, the potential of a domestically produced ternary blend of Gasoline‐Ethanol‐ Methanol (GEM) fuel blend is analysed in this report. In order to test whether it has the potential to become a successful alternative fuel, an analysis is performed on the: methanol and ethanol production potential from domestic second‐generation feedstocks, the selection of the most suitable production pathways of the biofuels, the potential for a Swedish GEM fuel distribution infrastructure, the economic competitiveness of GEM fuel, and lastly on the environmental impact of the shift from cars running on neat gasoline to GEM fuel. In order to perform the analysis, two scenarios are developed for projecting the share of the GEM cars(cars running on GEM fuel blends) in the Swedish passenger car fleet, considering a time horizon from 2017 to 2030. In Scenario 1, a high share of passenger cars running on GEM fuel is obtained with 22 percent by 2030. In Scenario 2, a low share of cars running on GEM fuel is obtained with 17 percent by 2030. In both scenarios, the passenger cars running on GEM fuel take over the share of cars running on gasoline. The scenarios serve to project the energy demand for GEM fuels. By 2030, the projected energy demand for GEM fuels is 9.7 and 7.5 TWh for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2, respectively. From the biofuel potential studies, it can be concluded that the production potential of the alcohol fuels, derived from currently untapped domestic secondary resources, exceeds the projected energy demand of 9.7 and 7.5 TWh in 2030. According to this thesis, the production potential of 2nd generation ethanol and methanol are 36 and 61.1 TWh, respectively, by 2030. Moreover, the study shows that the majority of the existing fuel distribution network of E85 and gasoline, which is forecasted to have a significant overcapacity in the same time‐span as the scenarios, can be utilized in a GEM fuel distribution network. As a consequence, no major investments are required to develop a Swedish GEM fuel distribution network. Regarding the selection of the biofuel production pathways, this study indicates the most suitable way of producing methanol is by black‐liquor gasification. Regarding second‐generation ethanol, this thesis indicates that the fermentation forestry residues is the most beneficial production pathway. The biofuel production pathways are selected based on the energy yield ratios, the biofuel production cost and biomass feedstock cost. Moreover, this study demonstrates that under the current Swedish policies, GEM fuels blends are economic competitive with gasoline and E85. In order to test the economic competitiveness, a pay‐off curve was developed based on the pump price of gasoline and fuel economy of GEM fuel blends. This study shows the pump prices of GEM fuel blends pay‐off in comparison to gasoline. This analysis indicates that the pump prices of GEM fuel blends lays between 0.87 and 0.92 euro per liter. Regarding the environmental impact, this study indicates that the amount of GHG emissions avoided varies between 10.1 and 13.3 million metric tons CO2eq in Scenario 1. In Scenario 2, the amount of GHG emissions that can be avoided varies between 8.6 and 11.3 million metric tons CO2eq. Moreover, this study indicates that high methanol containing GEM fuel blend are more favourable in terms of biomass utilization, and high ethanol containing GEM fuel blends are more favourable in terms of economy and GHG savings.
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The Whiteman's Seminole White Manhood, Indians And Slaves, And The Second Seminole WarMahan, Francis, IV 01 January 2011 (has links)
This study demonstrates that both government officials‟ and the settlers‟ perceptions of the Seminoles and Black Seminoles in Florida were highly influenced by their paternalistic and Jeffersonian world views. These perceptions also informed their policies concerning the Seminoles and Black Seminoles. The study is separated into three sections. The first chapter covers the years of 1820-1823. This section argues that until 1823, most settlers and government officials viewed the Seminoles as noble savages that were dependent on the U.S. Furthermore, most of these individuals saw the Black Seminoles as being secure among the Seminole Indians and as no threat to white authority. The second chapter covers the years of 1823-1828 and demonstrates that during this time most settlers began to view Seminoles outside of the reservation as threats to the frontier in Florida. This reflected the Jeffersonian world view of the settlers. Government officials, on the contrary, continued to believe that the Seminole Indians were noble savages that were no threat to the frontier because of their paternal world view. Both groups by 1828 wanted the Seminoles and Black Seminoles separated. The final chapter covers the years of 1829-1836. It argues that by 1835 both settlers and government officials believed that the Seminoles and Black Seminoles were clear threats to the frontier because of the fear of a slave revolt and the beginning of Seminole resistance to removal. Most of the shifts in the perception of the Seminoles and Black Seminoles by government officials and the settlers were the result of their white gender and racial world views that then in turn affected their policies towards the Seminoles and Black Seminoles
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Lone Star under the Rising Sun: Texas's "Lost Battalion," 2nd Battalion, 131st Field Artillery Regiment, During World War IICrager, Kelly Eugene 05 1900 (has links)
In March 1942, the 2nd Battalion, 131st Field Artillery Regiment, 36th Division, surrendered to the Japanese Imperial Army on Java in the Dutch East Indies. Shortly after the surrender, the men of the 2nd Battalion were joined as prisoners-of-war by the sailors and Marines who survived the sinking of the heavy cruiser USS Houston. From March 1942 until the end of World War II, these men lived in various Japanese prison camps throughout the Dutch East Indies, Southeast Asia, and in the Japanese home islands. Forced to labor for their captors for the duration of the conflict, they performed extremely difficult tasks, including working in industrial plants and mining coal in Japan, and most notably, constructing the infamous Burma-Thailand Death Railway. During their three-and-one-half years of captivity, these prisoners experienced brutality at the hands of the Japanese. Enduring prolonged malnutrition and extreme overwork, they suffered from numerous tropical and dietary diseases while receiving almost no medical care. Each day, these men lived in fear of being beaten and tortured, and for months at a time they witnessed the agonizing deaths of their friends and countrymen. In spite of the conditions they faced, most survived to return to the United States at war's end. This study examines the experiences of these former prisoners from 1940 to 1945 and attempts to explain how they survived.
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Die monargale tydvak in die geskiedenis van IsraelTheron, Jacques 08 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie verhandeling dek oor die algemeen die groter geheel van die Monargale
Tydvak in die geskiedenis van Israel en Juda. Daar word egter meer spesifiek gefokus
op die koningskap van Josia, `n merkwaardige koning van Juda, en sy godsdienstige
hervormings wat van stapel gestuur is na aanleiding van die vonds van die wetboek in
die Tempel. Die verhaal van Josia word geskets teen die agtergrond van die politieke
klimaat in die antieke Nabye Ooste voor- en tydens sy koningskap. Aandag word dus
gegee aan ander nasies en die invloed wat hulle op Juda gehad het. Daar word ook
gekyk na daardie profete wat moontlik `n invloed op Josia kon gehad het, hetsy
profete wat aktief was tydens sy koningskap of in die jare onmiddellik daarvoor.
Laastens word ook na die Deuteronomistiese Geskiedenis gekyk ten einde die
moontlike verband daarvan met Josia en sy hervormings te bepaal / This dissertation covers, in generaL the topic of the Monarchial Period in the history
of Israel. More specific attention is given to Josiah. a remarkable king of Judah, and
his program of religious refonn, that was set in motion with the discovery of the Book
of the Law in the Temple. The story of Josiah is told against the background of the
political climate in the ancient Near East prior to and also during Josiah's reign. Other
nations and their influence on Judah is carefully considered in this regard. Attention is
also given to those prophets that could possibly have influenced Josiah. Some of these
prophets were active during Josiah's reign and others in the years preceding his reign.
Lastly the Deuteronomistic History is considered to determine the possible links to
Josiah and his refonn program / Old Testament / M.Th. (Old Testament)
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