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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bioinspired Modification and Functionalization of Hydrogels for Applications in Biomedicine / Biologisch-inspirierte Modifizierung und Funktionalisierung von Hydrogelen für Anwendungen in der Biomedizin

Beudert, Matthias January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Over the years, hydrogels have been developed and used for a huge variety of different applications ranging from drug delivery devices to medical products. In this thesis, a poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline) (POx) / poly(2-n-propyl-2-oxazine) (POzi) bioink was modified and analyzed for the use in biofabrication and targeted drug delivery. In addition, the protein fibrinogen (Fbg) was genetically modified for an increased stability towards plasmin degradation for its use as wound sealant. In Chapter 1, a thermogelling, printable POx/POzi-based hydrogel was modified with furan and maleimide moieties in the hydrophilic polymer backbone facilitating post-printing maturation of the constructs via Diels-Alder chemistry. The modification enabled long-term stability of the hydrogel scaffolds in aqueous solutions which is necessary for applications in biofabrication or tissue engineering. Furthermore, we incorporated RGD-peptides into the hydrogel which led to cell adhesion and elongated morphology of fibroblast cells seeded on top of the scaffolds. Additional printing experiments demonstrate that the presented POx/POzi system is a promising platform for the use as a bioink in biofabrication. Chapter 2 highlights the versatility of the POx/POzi hydrogels by adapting the system to a use in targeted drug delivery. We used a bioinspired approach for a bioorthogonal conjugation of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) to the polymer using an omega-chain-end dibenzocyclooctyne (DBCO) modification and a matrix metalloprotease-sensitive peptide linker. This approach enabled a bioresponsive release of IGF-I from hydrogels as well as spatial control over the protein distribution in 3D printed constructs which makes the system a candidate for the use in personalized medicine. Chapter 3 gives a general overview over the necessity of wound sealants and the current generations of fibrin sealants on the market including advantages and challenges. Furthermore, it highlights trends and potential new strategies to tackle current problems and broadens the toolbox for future generations of fibrin sealants. Chapter 4 applies the concepts of recombinant protein expression and molecular engineering to a novel generation of fibrin sealants. In a proof-of-concept study, we developed a new recombinant fibrinogen (rFbg) expression protocol and a Fbg mutant that is less susceptible to plasmin degradation. Targeted lysine of plasmin cleavage sites in Fbg were exchanged with alanine or histidine in different parts of the molecule. The protein was recombinantly produced and restricted plasmin digest was analyzed using high resolution mass spectrometry. In addition to that, we developed a novel time resolved screening protocol for the detection of new potential plasmin cleavage sites for further amino acid exchanges in the fibrin sealant. / Hydrogele wurden im Laufe der Jahre für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen, von der Verabreichung von Medikamenten bis hin zu medizinischen Produkten, entwickelt und eingesetzt. In dieser Arbeit wurde eine Poly(2-methyl-2-oxazolin) POx) / Poly(2-n-propyl-2- oxazin) (POzi) Biotinte modifiziert und für den Einsatz in der Biofabrikation und für die gezielte Verabreichung von Medikamenten analysiert. Außerdem wurde das Protein Fibrinogen (Fbg) gentechnisch verändert, um seine Stabilität gegenüber dem Plasminabbau in seiner Funktion als Wundkleber zu erhöhen In Kapitel 1 wurde ein thermogelierendes, druckbares Hydrogel auf POx/POzi-Basis mit Furan- und Maleimid-Funktionen im hydrophilen Polymerrückgrat modifiziert, was die Reifung der Konstrukte nach dem Druck durch Diels-Alder-Chemie bewirkt. Die Modifizierung ermöglichte eine langfristige Stabilität der Hydrogele in wässrigen Lösungen, was für Anwendungen im Bereich der Biofabrikation oder im Tissue Engineering erforderlich ist. Darüber hinaus haben wir RGD-Peptide in das Hydrogel integriert, was zur Zelladhäsion und einer verlängerten Morphologie von Fibroblasten, die auf den Gelen ausgesät wurden, führte. Weitere Druckexperimente zeigen außerdem, dass das POx/POzi-System eine vielversprechende Plattform für den Einsatz als Biotinte in der Biofabrikation ist. Kapitel 2 unterstreicht die Vielseitigkeit der POx/POzi-Hydrogele, indem das System für die gezielte Abgabe von Medikamenten angepasst wird. Wir verwendeten einen von der Natur inspirierten Ansatz für eine biorthogonale Konjugation vom Insuline-like Growth Factor I (IGF- I) an das Polymer unter Verwendung einer Dibenzocyclooctin-Modifikation des Polymers am Ende der Omega-Kette und eines Matrix-Metalloproteasen-empfindlichen Peptid-Linkers. Dieser Ansatz ermöglichte eine bioresponsive Freisetzung von IGF-I aus Hydrogelen sowie eine räumliche Kontrolle über die Proteinverteilung in 3D-gedruckten Konstrukten, was das System zu einem Kandidaten für den Einsatz in der personalisierten Medizin macht. Kapitel 3 gibt einen allgemeinen Überblick über die Notwendigkeit von Wundversiegelungsmitteln und die derzeit auf dem Markt befindlichen Generationen von Fibrinklebern einschließlich der Vorteile und Herausforderungen. Darüber hinaus werden Trends und potenzielle neue Strategien zur Lösung aktueller Probleme und zur Erweiterung der Toolbox für künftige Generationen von Fibrinklebern aufgezeigt. In Kapitel 4 werden die Konzepte der rekombinanten Proteinexpression und des Molecular Engineering auf eine neue Generation von Fibrin Wundklebern angewandt. In einer Proof-of- Concept-Studie haben wir ein neues rekombinantes Fbg Expressionsprotokoll und eine Fbg Mutante entwickelt, die weniger anfällig für einen Abbau durch Plasmin ist. Gezielte Lysine in Plasmin-Schnittstellen in Fbg wurde entweder durch Alanin oder Histidin in unterschiedlichen Teilen des Moleküls ausgetauscht. Das Protein wurde rekombinant hergestellt und eine verminderte Schnittrate wurde mittels hochauflösender Massenspektrometrie gezeigt. Zusätzlich haben wir ein neues zeitaufgelöstes Screening-Protokoll entwickelt, mit dem sich neue potenzielle Plasmin-Spaltstellen für weitere Aminosäurenaustausche in Fibrin-Klebern auflösen lassen.

Nutzbarmachung des Potentials naturfaserbasierter Werkstoffe als Leichtbau- bzw. Konstruktionsmaterial

Kuntzsch, Timo, Miletzky, Frank 10 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Aus der Einleitung: "Ein wachsender Bedarf an nachhaltig verfügbaren Rohstoffen und knapper werdende Rohölressourcen steigern die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung natürlicher Faserstoffe. Das eröffnet neue, über den traditionellen Einsatz von Papier hinausgehende Anwendungen für cellulosische Fasern, beispielsweise in maßgeschneiderten 3D-Verpackungslösungen, im Leichtbau oder in Konstruktionswerkstoffen. Bei der Erschließung neuer Anwendungsbereiche steht neben der zentralen Kostenfrage das Ziel im Vordergrund, die Bauteile technologisch effizient herzustellen. Dafür sollen weitestgehend etablierte Technologien für die Verarbeitung der eingesetzten Halbzeuge einsetzbar sein, z.T. sind aber auch neue Technologien erforderlich, wie z.B. integriertes Fügen und Umformen. Diese Entwicklungen sind nicht auf die oft als Vorreiter angesehene Automobilbranche beschränkt, sondern betreffen z.B. auch die Möbelbranche, die Baustoffindustrie und zunehmend auch die Papierwirtschaft. ..."

Conception et réalisation de capteurs inertiels basés sur un procédé innovant / MEMS inertial sensors design and fabrication based on an innovative process

Maspero, Federico 13 December 2018 (has links)
La plupart des capteurs inertiels MEMS commerciaux comportent une masse d’épreuve et des moyens de transductions issus d’une même couche de silicium. Il en découle des compromis forts, notamment pour la détection capacitive : une couche épaisse permet d’augmenter la masse et donc de réduire le bruit brownien; inversement, une couche fine permet de réduire la taille des entrefers entre les électrodes, d’obtenir une variation de capacité plus importante, et donc de réduire la contribution du bruit électronique. Plusieurs composants MEMS multicouches ont déjà été réalisés et rapportés dans la littérature, mais aucun n’a cherché à augmenter la densité capacitive tout en réduisant le bruit thermomécanique. Pourtant, la disparition du compromis lié au procédé monocouche permet d’atteindre les hautes performances nécessaires aux applications émergeantes, en conservant la surface d’un capteur grand public.Cette thèse présente des accéléromètres multicouches à détection dans le plan et hors plan. Le procédé de fabrication combine une couche épaisse, dédiée à la réalisation de grandes masses d’épreuve, et une couche fine, permettant d’obtenir de fortes densités capacitives. Ces deux avantages, combinés à une détection par variation de surface, permettent d’obtenir une résolution de l’ordre du µg/rtHz, une grande gamme dynamique, tout en conservant une taille réduite. Le dimensionnement des capteurs a cherché à maximiser la gamme dynamique et minimiser le bruit en partant d’une taille fixée. D’abord analytique, il a été validé par des simulations par éléments finis.Le procédé de fabrication VLSI a été appliqué à des plaques 200mm. Plusieurs points critiques ont été rencontrés, notamment la surgravure des fonds de tranchée (notching). Combinée à la disparité de vitesse de gravure, elle a entrainé la destruction de beaucoup de capteurs hors plan. Ce problème a été résolu en amincissant la couche épaisse, entrainant une légère perte de performances.Les capteurs ont été caractérisés sur plaque (capacité statique, fréquence de résonance), puis au niveau puce (sensibilité, niveau de bruit, gamme dynamique). Ces dernières mesures ont nécessité le développement d’une électronique dédiée, à partir de composants discrets.Les accéléromètres dans le plan présentent une capacité statique et une fréquence de résonance très proches de la théorie. Ils atteignent une résolution de 8µg/rtHz pour une gamme dynamique de l’ordre de 160g. Cette dynamique de 145dB est fournie par un composant de seulement 0.24mm² ; elle est 100 fois plus élevée que la dynamique d’un composant grand public de même taille. De plus, la bande passante est importante et le capteur est lu en boucle ouverte.Les accéléromètres hors-plan présentent une forte fréquence de résonance, au-delà de 8kHz. La masse sismique plus fine, combinée à des ressorts plus larges, explique ce décalage par rapport au dimensionnement initial. Malgré la réduction de sensibilité induite, les capteurs présentent une résolution de 50 à 80µg/rtHz. L’encombrement est faible (jusqu’à 0.22mm²) et la gamme dynamique a été évaluée à plus de 200g. Dans le futur, des corrections de design et des améliorations dans le procédé de fabrication permettront d’utiliser l’épaisseur initialement prévue, afin d’harmoniser les performances avec celles de l’accéléromètre dans le plan et d’obtenir un accéléromètre 3-axes hautes performances.Ce type de capteurs pourrait jouer un grand rôle dans les applications émergentes en fournissant une bonne stabilité, un faible bruit et une grande gamme dynamique, tout en conservant l’empreinte d’un capteur grand-public.Ce nouveau procédé de fabrication montre donc déjà un gros potentiel à travers les premiers composants réalisés, mais ouvre également de nouvelles possibilités en termes de design. Dans le futur, il pourrait servir de plateforme technologique pour les capteurs inertiels, notamment les gyromètres, mais aussi pour les actionneurs, comme les micro-miroirs. / In the vast majority of commercial MEMS inertial sensors, both seismic mass and sensing elements are patterned in the same silicon layer. This sets stringent design trade-offs, in particular for a capacitive sensor: a large silicon thickness increases seismic mass and decreases the Brownian noise floor. A low silicon thickness on the other hand, allows smaller gaps between electrodes, higher capacitance variation and lower electrical noise floor. For this reason, several examples of multi-layer MEMS devices were presented in the past. Yet, increasing capacitance density while reducing mechanical noise floor has not been achieved so far. Breaking the single-layer trade-off could enable new emerging applications that require high-performance sensors within a consumer size.In this work, multi-layer, in-plane and out-of-plane accelerometer are presented. Thanks to the multi-layer process the devices can feature a thick layer for large inertial mass, as well as a thin layer for high capacitive density. These aspects, together with surface-variation detection, allow to obtain µg/√Hz resolution and large full-scale while keeping compact size.The sensors are designed through analytical modeling and finite elements method simulations in order to reach the highest dynamic range with the lowest noise at given footprint.Few critical aspects were encountered during the fabrication of the sensors, especially for out-of-plane accelerometers. The notching of the thick-layer etching coupled to the strong lag effect caused most of the z-axis sensors to fail. This forced a reduction of the process thickness and relative loss of performance for this type of sensors.The characterization of the sensors is performed both at wafer-level (static capacitance, resonance frequency) and at die level (scale factor, noise-floor, full-scale). The die-level measurements are carried out with a dedicated electronic circuit implemented with discrete components, developed during this work.In-plane accelerometers showed static capacitance and resonance frequency in line with theory. They achieved resolution smaller than 8 µg/rtHz and full scale in the order of 160g. These aspects together lead to a dynamic range of more than 145dB (BW=1Hz) for a device with a footprint of only 0.24 mm². This it more than 100 times larger than the DR of consumer device of similar size. These results are achieved while keeping a large bandwidth and working with an open-loop readout.Out-of-plane sensors showed resonance frequency higher than expected due to fabrication tolerances. The devices had both smaller mass and thicker springs explaining the observed mechanical behavior. Despite the loss of scale factor due to the larger resonance frequency, these sensors achieved resolution ranging from 50-80 µg/rtHz. Again, such performance was obtained while keeping large resonance frequency (>8 kHz), small footprint (down to 0.22 mm²) and a potential full-scale of more than 200g. In the future, design corrections and process improvement could lead to device with thicker inertial layer, aligning the performance of out-of-plane sensors to those of in-plane ones and leading to a high-performance 3-axis accelerometer.This type of sensor could address the demand of emerging applications for high-stability, low-noise and large DR accelerometers within consumer footprint.Finally, the proposed technology offers a fabrication platform for inertial MEMS sensors and actuators. New design possibilities and great potentialities have been demonstrated with the first fabricated accelerometers. In the future this new concept could be applied to several other types of MEMS, like gyroscope or micro-mirrors.

Thermo-mechanical reliability of 3-D interconnects containing through-silicon-vias (TSVs)

Lu, Kuan Hsun 02 February 2011 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on one of the most active research areas in the microelectronics industry: Thermo-mechanical reliability of 3-D interconnects containing through-silicon-vias (TSVs). This study constitutes two parts: 1. Thermal stress measurement on TSVs; 2. Analyses on thermo-mechanical reliability of TSVs. In the first part, a metrology for stress measurement of through-silicon-via (TSV) structures was developed using a bending beam technique. The bending curvature induced by the thermal expansion of a periodic array of Cu TSVs was measured during thermal cycles. The stress components in TSV structures were deduced combining the curvature measurement with a finite-element-analysis (FEA). Temperature-dependent thermal stresses in Cu TSVs and in Si matrix were derived. In the second part, the reliability issues induced by the thermal stresses of TSVs were analyzed from several aspects, including the carrier mobility change in transistors, the interfacial delamination of TSVs, and thermal stress interactions between TSVs. Among them, the mobility change in transistors was found to be sensitive to the normal stresses near the Si wafer surface. The surface area of a high mobility change was defined as the keep-out zone (KOZ) for transistors. FEA simulations were carried out to calculate the area of KOZ surrounding TSVs. The area of KOZ was found to be mainly determined by the channel direction of the transistor as a result of anisotropic piezoresistivity effects. FEA simulations also showed that the KOZ can be controlled by TSV geometry, material selection, etc. Interfacial delamination of TSVs was found to be mainly driven by a shear stress concentration at the TSV/Si interface. Crack driving force for TSV delamination was calculated using FEA simulations, which take into account the magnitude of thermal load, TSV geometry, TSV materials, etc. The results provided a design guideline to improve the TSV delamination problem. In the last, the stress interaction among TSV arrays was examined using a bi-TSV model. In the Cartesian coordinate system, thermal stresses can be intensified or suppressed between TSVs, depending on how TSVs are located. Further analyses suggested that the area of KOZ and the TSV-induced Si cracking can both be improved by optimizing the arrangement of the TSV arrays. / text

Furo[2,3-d]pirimidinų sintezė ir savybės / Sinthesys and chemical properties of furo[2,3-d]pirimidines

Vaitiulionytė, Diana 13 June 2006 (has links)
We report herein on the results of N- and O-alkylation of 5-cyano-2-methylsulfanyl-4(3H)- pyrimidinone with 4-substituted ω-bromoacetophenones. Synthesized N-(phenacyl)-4- pyrimidinones and 4-(phenacyloxy)pyrimidines with suitable substituents in pyrimidine ring are versatile synthons for the preparation of fused pyrimidine heterocycles. Chemical properties of new furo[2,3-d]pyrimidines were investigated. The structure of synthesized compounds was confirmed by data of 1H NMR, IR and UV spectra.

3-D stratigraphic architecture, sedimentary processes, and petrophysic properties of deep-water resedimented carbonates (Cretaceous, Gargano Peninsula, South-East Italy)

Hairabian, Alex 06 October 2014 (has links)
Les dépôts gravitaires carbonatés peuvent former d'importants volumes à la transition plate-forme/bassin; notamment en domaine tropical où les biotopes néritiques carbonatés sont de prolifiques usines à sédiments pouvant être redéposés dans le milieu marin profond adjacent. Ce travail porte sur les dépôts gravitaires carbonatés d'âge Crétacé de la Péninsule du Gargano (SE Italie). Une cartographie géologique détaillée et la modélisation numérique 3D (supportées par un MNT obtenu par LIDAR héliporté) ont été couplées à des analyses sédimentologiques et biostratigraphiques afin de caractériser l'évolution spatiale et temporelle de systèmes de dépôts gravitaires distincts. Les surfaces stratigraphiques 3D ont été restaurées afin d'évaluer l'impact de la paléo-topographie sur la distribution spatiale et la géométrie des corps. La corrélation avec les séries de plate-forme de même âge a permis d'établir les relations entre nature des resédimentations (sables vs. brèches) et le niveau marin. Les données qualitatives et quantitatives d'affleurements ont permis de générer des modèles numériques 3D de lithofacies à partir de méthodes de simulations stochastiques. Enfin, des mesures des paramètres physiques des roches ont été couplées à des analyses pétrographiques afin de d'évaluer l'impact de la fabrique sédimentaire et des types poreux sur les propriétés acoustiques et réservoirs de ces carbonates. Cette approche multidisciplinaire démontre l'importance du couplage de méthodes d'analyses de terrain dites «traditionelles» avec des donnés numériques et la modélisation 3D afin d'améliorer la caractérisation et les modèles des systèmes et réservoirs sédimentaires. / Carbonate gravity flow deposits can form significant volumes at the platform-to-basin transition; especially because tropical shallow-water carbonate environments are major sediment factories, the products of which, early lithified or not, are likely to be redeposited in the adjacent deep marine domain. This work has focused on the Cretaceous resedimented carbonates of the Gargano Peninsula (SE Italy). Extensive geological mapping and 3-D numerical modelling (supported by a LIDAR DEM) were associated to sedimentologic and biostratigraphic analyses to assess the spatial and temporal evolution of distinct deep-water depositional systems. Key 3-D stratigraphic surfaces were restored to investigate the impact of the paleo-topography on the geometry and spatial distribution of the gravity flow deposits. Correlation with the coeval shallow-water platform series has served to assess the relationships between the nature of the resedimented carbonates (i.e. bioclastic sands versus breccias) and sea level. Qualitative and quantitative outcrop data were transferred into 3-D numerical models of lithofacies that were generated at seismic scale with stochastic simulation methods. Finally, petrophysical measurements were coupled with quantitative petrographic analyses to assess the impact of sedimentary fabrics and pore types on acoustic and reservoir properties of carbonate gravity flow deposits. This multidisciplinary approach demonstrates that coupling traditional field work analyses with outcrop numerical data (e.g. LIDAR-derived) and 3-D geological modelling is a relevant method for improving outcrop characterization and conceptual models of sedimentary systems and reservoirs.

Výpočtové porovnání ojnic zážehových motorů / SI Engine Con-rods Computational Comparison

Vetešník, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
Diploma work is focused on computational comparison of con-rod of spark ignition four-cylinder engine with volume 1289 cubic centimeters and con-rod of spark ignition three-cylinder engine with volume 1198 cubic centimeters. 3-D models of inspected con-rods were based on real shape. Force loads effects were established after kinematic and dynamic analysis. Stress analysis was made for these force loads effects in selected cases with help of Finite element method. Two con-rods were compared by using of these results.

Structure of 2-D and 3-D Turbulent Boundary Layers with Sparsely Distributed Roughness Elements

George, Jacob 15 July 2005 (has links)
The present study deals with the effects of sparsely distributed three-dimensional elements on two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) turbulent boundary layers (TBL) such as those that occur on submarines, ship hulls, etc. This study was achieved in three parts: Part 1 dealt with the cylinders when placed individually in the turbulent boundary layers, thereby considering the effect of a single perturbation on the TBL; Part 2 considered the effects when the same individual elements were placed in a sparse and regular distribution, thus studying the response of the flow to a sequence of perturbations; and in Part 3, the distributions were subjected to 3-D turbulent boundary layers, thus examining the effects of streamwise and spanwise pressure gradients on the same perturbed flows as considered in Part 2. The 3-D turbulent boundary layers were generated by an idealized wing-body junction flow. Detailed 3-velocity-component Laser-Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) and other measurements were carried out to understand and describe the rough-wall flow structure. The measurements include mean velocities, turbulence quantities (Reynolds stresses and triple products), skin friction, surface pressure and oil flow visualizations in 2-D and 3-D rough-wall flows for Reynolds numbers, based on momentum thickness, greater than 7000. Very uniform circular cylindrical roughness elements of 0.38mm, 0.76mm and 1.52mm height (k) were used in square and diagonal patterns, yielding six different roughness geometries of rough-wall surface. For the 2-D rough-wall flows, the roughness Reynolds numbers, based on the element height (k) and the friction velocity, range from 26 to 131. Results for the 2-D rough-wall flows reveal that the velocity-defect law is similar for both smooth and rough surfaces, and the semi-logarithmic velocity-distribution curve is shifted by an amount depending on the height of the roughness element, showing that this amount is a function of roughness Reynolds number and the wall geometry. For the 3-D flows, the data show that the surface pressure gradient is not strongly influenced by the roughness elements. In general, for both 2-D and 3-D rough-wall TBL, the differences between the two roughness patterns (straight and diagonal), as regards the mean velocities and the Reynolds stresses, are limited to about 3 roughness element heights from the wall. The study on single elements revealed that the separated shear layers emanating from the top of the elements form a pair of counter rotating vortices that dominate the downstream flow structure. These vortices, termed as the roughness top vortex structure (RTVS), in conjunction with mean flow, forced over and around the elements, are responsible for the production of large Reynolds stresses in the neighborhood of the element height aft of the elements. When these elements are placed in a distribution, the effects of RTVS are not apparent. The roughness elements create a large region of back flow behind them which is continuously replenished by faster moving fluid flowing through the gaps in the rough-wall. The fluid in the back flow region moves upward as low speed ejections where it collides with the inrushing high speed flow, thus, leading to a strong mixing of shear layers. This is responsible for the generation of large levels of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) in the vicinity of the element height which is transported, primarily, by turbulent diffusion. As regards the 3-D rough-wall TBL, the effect of flow three-dimensionality is seen in the large skewing of the distributions of mean velocities, Reynolds stresses and TKE, aft of the elements. In general, the regions of large TKE production-rates seem to propagate in the direction of the local velocity vector at the element height. The data-sets also enable the extraction of the turbulent flow structure to better describe the flow physics of these rough-wall turbulent boundary layers. / Ph. D.

Playing with masks : an exploration of craft and performance

Kurz, Danielle Haskell 23 October 2014 (has links)
Collaboration between the playwright, director, designer and technicians is the backbone of theater. Costume designers, after discussion with the director and the other designers, rely on costume technicians to realize their ideas. The technician’s hands then realize the artistic vision. But what would the technicians try if there were no constraints? I am a technician, a craftsperson who is inspired not just by the play, but also by process, by methods. With every new technique I learn, I imagine the new ways it could be put to use, and the objects I would create if time and resources were not a factor. Imagined objects are seldom created. Once made, these objects exist without a performance, without a purpose. A costume not worn is an unfulfilled destiny. But maybe the pieces I want to make can be given a narrative after the act of construction, or during construction. I’m interested in exploring my ability to be a generative artist. How can my inspiration feed back into the theater community? Can a costume technician’s experimentation have a place in creating new theater? My thesis has two components, exploring my two interests. Those two interests are the creation of objects and the creation of a story. The first component, object creation, was an exploratory study of mask and headdress making techniques. I experimented with new techniques, such as 3-D printing, testing the limitations of new technology. The second component, story creation, was a collaborative process. My collaborator, Brian Oglesby, and I worked concurrently. Brian is a playwright, and as he wrote the play, I made the objects. Our processes mirrored each other. The narrative of the play incorporated the masks and headpieces I made. This project created a theater piece based on the experimentation of a costume technician, and presents a new way for future technicians to think about their work and to have their stories told. / text

Mapeamento 3-D para robôs / 3-D mapping for robots

Baptista Júnior, Antonio 14 November 2013 (has links)
Na robótica, mapear o ambiente é tarefa importante, porque ela oferece informação para o planejamento e execução de movimentos do robô. Por este motivo, aqui são apresentados estudos que visam a construção de mapas 3-D e técnicas que auxiliam na tarefa de mapeamento. Quando são construídos mapas 3-D, é habilitado para outros pesquisadores e empresas de robótica a desenvolverem trabalhos de análise e planejamento de trajetórias em todos os seis graus de liberdade do corpo rígido que serve para modelar um robô móvel, robô manipulador ou robô móvel manipulador. Com uma representação do ambiente em 3-D, é aumentada a precisão do posicionamento do robô em relação ao ambiente e também o posicionamento de objetos que estão inseridos no campo de atuação do robô. Para solucionar o problema de mapeamento são apresentadas técnicas teóricas e suas aplicações em cada caso estudado. Nos experimentos realizados neste trabalho foi adotada a criação de mapas com grids (malhas) de ocupação. Vale lembrar, no entanto, que a construção de mapas por malhas de ocupação pressupõe o conhecimento do posicionamento do robô no ambiente. Neste trabalho foram conduzidos três experimentos e seus objetivos são redução de dados provenientes de falhas e redundâncias de informação com utilização de técnicas probabilísticas, detecção de movimento através da técnica de extração de fundo e mapeamento 3-D utilizando a técnica de ponto mais próximo. No experimento cujo o objetivo é reduzir os dados, foi possível reduzir para 4,43% a quantidade de pontos necessários para gerar a representação do ambiente com a utilização do algoritmo deste trabalho. O algoritmo de mapeamento 3-D feito com uso de modelos probabilísticos bem estabelecidos e disponíveis na literatura tem como base a probabilidade de eventos independentes e a proposta do trabalho envolvendo probabilidade a posteriori. O experimento de detecção de movimento foi gerado com a utilização da openCV e a tecnologia CUDA e utilizam a técnica do modelo de mistura gaussiana (GMM), foi analisado o tempo de processamento desempenhado por cada implementação e a qualidade do resultado obtido. Para obter uma representação precisa do ambiente foi conduzido o experimento que utiliza técnica iterativa do ponto mais próximo (ICP), para realização foi utilizado o sensor de movimento Kinect e os resultados apresentados não foram satisfatórios devido ao volume de dados adquiridos e a ausência de um sistema de estimativa da localização. / In robotics, map the environment is an important task, because it provides information for planning and executing movements of the robot. For this reason, studies presented here are aimed to build 3-D maps and techniques that aid in the task of mapping. When we build 3-D maps, we enable other researchers and robotics companies to develop analyzes and path planning in all six degrees of freedom rigid body that serves to model a mobile robot, manipulator or mobile robot manipulator.With a representation of the environment in 3-D, we increase the accuracy of the robot positioning in relation to the environment and also the positioning of objects that are inserted into the field of action of the robot. To solve the problem of mapping we presented theoretical techniques and their applications in each case studied.In the experiments in this work we adopted the creation of maps with grids of occupation. However, building grids of occupation assumes knowledge of the position of the robot on the environment.In this work we conducted three experiments and their aims are the reduction of data from failures and redundant information using probabilistic techniques, motion detection by background extraction technique and 3-D mapping technique using the closest point. In the experiment whose goal is to reduce the data has been further reduced to 4.43% the number of points required to generate the representation of the environment with the use of our algorithm.The algorithm of 3-D mapping done with probabilistic models available and well established in the literature is based on the probability of independent events and the proposed work involving the posterior probability.The motion detection experiment was performed with the use of openCV and CUDA technique using the Gaussian mixture model (GMM),and we analyzed the processing time and the quality of each implementation result.For an accurate representation of the environment was conducted the experiment using the technique of iterative closest point (ICP) was used to perform the motion sensor Kinect and the results were not satisfactory due to the volume of data acquired and the absence of a system location estimate.

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