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Constitutional negotiations in federal reforms: interests, interaction orientation, and the prospect of agreementLorenz, Astrid January 2011 (has links)
Constitutional amendments in federal political systems have to be negotiated between national and sub-national actors. While theories of negotiation usually explain the outcome by looking at these actors, their preferences and bargaining powers, the theoretical model developed in this article also includes their interaction orientation. The article determines a typical sequence of bargaining and arguing and identifies favourable conditions for cooperation based on different interaction orientations. The article states that actors can reconcile the conflicting logics of intergovernmental or party competition and joint decision-making in constitutional politics through a sequence of bargaining and arguing. However, constitutional amendments negotiated in this way run the risk of undermining the legitimacy and functionality of constitutions.
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Explaining constitutional change: comparing the logic, advantages and shortcomings of static and dynamic approachesLorenz, Astrid January 2012 (has links)
There is a large and diverse body of empirical research on constitutional change and "new constitutionalism" in contemporary societies, yet a general theory of constitutional change is still lacking. Researchers interested in democratic constitutionalism are confronted with various competing assumptions and explanations regarding particular, often unrelated, cases. In order to facilitate cross-referencing and conceptual consistency in the study of new constitutionalism in Latin America, this chapter provides an overview of the main theoretical perspectives on constitutional change beyond the specific regional context of Latin America, classifies the existing studies on constitutional change, and discusses their individual advantages and shortcomings.
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Die Beeinflussung des europäischen Gesetzgebungsprozesses durch Lobbying - Eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel der Unternehmensteuerharmonisierung / The influence of lobbying on legislation in the EU – An empirical analysis of corporate tax harmonizationZeiner, Judith January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Aufgrund der gestiegenen Komplexität der Umwelt ist es für den Gesetzgeber unerlässlich, Experten in die Entscheidungsfindungsphase einzubeziehen, um funktionsfähige Regelwerke zu erstellen. Diese Spezialisten sind in der Theorie in Informationslieferanten und Interessensvertreter zu differenzieren. Die Vorgehensweisen "echter" Lobbyisten haben sich im Laufe der Zeit auf eine äußerst diskrete Ebene verschoben, sodass ein Sichtbarmachen nicht legitimierter Handlungen sich als ein äußerst schwieriges Unterfangen darstellt. Die politikwissenschaftlichen Ansätze zum empirischen Nachweis von Lobbyismusaktivitäten im Gesetzgebungsprozess werden daher einerseits auf die Anwendbarkeit im Steuerrecht überprüft und die bestmögliche Methodenkombination auf das europäische Vorhaben einer Gemeinsamen Konsolidierten Körperschaftsteuer-Bemessungsgrundlage (GKKB) angewandt. Es ist hierdurch möglich, eine begrenzte Anzahl von Individuen, Verbänden und Unternehmen aus der Gesamtheit der durch offizielle Dokumente der Europäischen Kommission sichtbaren Akteure herauszufiltern, denen eine erhöhte Beteiligung am Entstehungsprozess des Richtlinienentwurfs nachgesagt wird. / Due to the risen complexity of the environment, it is necessary for the legislator to integrate experts into the discussions to establish executable laws. On paper, these specialists have to be divided into information provider and lobbyists. The course of action of "real" lobbyists has changed over time to a more discreet level. In account of this, the visualization of these actions is a difficult undertaking. Nevertheless, the political science approach to illustrate the existence of lobbying in the legislative process on an empiric basis is proven on communicableness to the taxation law. The specified combination of techniques is executed on the European project of a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB). It is possible to carve out a limited group of individuals, associations and corporations, which seem to be highly integrated in the developmental process of the proposal for a council directive.
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Turkey As A Major Gas Transit Hub CountryUmucu, Tayfun Yener 01 October 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The demand for natural gas has been growing much faster than the demand for other primary resources and it is expected that the European Union (EU)& / #8217 / s dependency on natural gas will continue to grow. For this reason gas supply security policy has been more important lately than before on the European political agenda in securing a smooth supply of gas. According to the EU external policy directives, EU natural gas energy security can be enhanced by diversifying geographical origin as well as transit routes.
Turkey in that concept was assumed as one of the important transit hub countries to reach the new sources in the Azerbaijan and Central Asia region as well as in the Middle East.
However, the transportation of gas from this region to Europe through the new route via Turkey has become very complex issue in terms of technical and political point of view arising from suppliers within their export policy and from the U.S& / #8217 / s bilateral sanctions.
This dissertation argues that under the present circumstances especially due to the difficulties in the supplier side being a major transit gas hub country will be very difficult for Turkey combined with the increasing internal gas demand in the next decade.
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Ordnung und Wandel des Grundgesetzes als Ergebnis des Wechselspiels von Politik und RechtLorenz, Astrid 19 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Soll Verfassung nicht nur in alt-konstitutionalistischer Manier Politik und Staat einhegen und begrenzen, sondern Letzteren auch Ziele und Orientierung verleihen, im Idealfall sogar gesellschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen adäquat verarbeiten, dann kann sie nicht als bloß statisches Normengefüge begriffen und interpretiert werden. Vielmehr müssen unter von der Verfassung selbst gesetzten Bedingungen Änderungen möglich sein. In diesem dialektischen Spannungsverhältnis, in dem Wandel eine spezifische verfassungsrechtlich begründete Ordnung voraussetzt und Verfassung dauerhaft nur Akzeptanz finden kann, wenn sie Wandel verfassungskonform verarbeitet, bewegt sich die Verfassungspolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Der vorliegende Aufsatz geht der Frage nach, inwieweit dieses Wechselverhältnis von Politik und Recht die Entwicklung des Grundgesetzes geprägt hat. Welche auf Ordnung angelegte Normen wurden verändert? Lassen sich Trends des gestalterischen Wandels der Verfassung erkennen? Um diese Fragen beantworten zu können, skizziert der Beitrag zunächst die zentralen Ordnungsprinzipien des Grundgesetzes, wie sie 1948/49 gefasst wurden. Im zweiten und dritten Teil schildert er die Charakteristika der Verfassungsänderungen, die entweder durch Gesetz oder infolge Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts stattfanden. Abschließend resümiert der Aufsatz die Reichweite des Verfassungswandels, diskutiert dessen Legitimation und die Fähigkeit des Grundgesetzes, politisches Handeln zu ordnen.
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Explaining constitutional changeLorenz, Astrid 19 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
There is a large and diverse body of empirical research on constitutional change and "new constitutionalism" in contemporary societies, yet a general theory of constitutional change is still lacking. Researchers interested in democratic constitutionalism are confronted with various competing assumptions and explanations regarding particular, often unrelated, cases. In order to facilitate cross-referencing and conceptual consistency in the study of new constitutionalism in Latin America, this chapter provides an overview of the main theoretical perspectives on constitutional change beyond the specific regional context of Latin America, classifies the existing studies on constitutional change, and discusses their individual advantages and shortcomings.
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The "European integration paradox" : comparing EU practice and discourse on the role of parliaments in the EU in the Assemblée nationale and the Bundestag across time / Le "paradoxe de l’intégration européenne" : une comparaison diachronique des pratiques de l’Union européenne et des discours sur le rôle des parlements dans l’UE à l’Assemblée nationale et au BundestagThomas, Anja 13 December 2016 (has links)
La thèse compare l’Assemblée nationale et le Bundestag en ce qui concerne l’évolution dans le temps des pratiques des affaires européennes qu’ont les députés, et de leurs discours sur le rôle des parlements dans l’UE. Elle met en lumière une évolution paradoxale : A mesure que les députés se saisissent de l’Europe, les pratiques parlementaires nationales imprègnent de plus en plus leurs discours sur la démocratie parlementaire dans l’UE. L’analyse se fait à travers une « description dense » (« thick description») fondée sur des documents, de la littérature secondaire et des entretiens avec des acteurs parlementaires, en activité aujourd’hui ou dans le passé. Les débats parlementaires sont analysés à l’aide d’une méthode qualitative-quantitative qui compare les clivages des discours dans le temps. La thèse soutient l’argument selon lequel les néo-institutionnalismes, qui prévalent actuellement dans les études européennes, ne suffisent pas pour comprendre les processus d'institutionnalisation, qui ont lieu dans les parlements nationaux, parallèlement à l'évolution de la législation européenne. En intégrant des éléments de la « practice theory », du social-constructivisme de Peter Berger et Thomas Luckmann et de l’« ancien » institutionnalisme de Max Weber, on peut comprendre les observations comme le fruit d’un changement des « motifs d’action » discursive des acteurs. A mesure que leur expérience de l’UE s’accroit, les députés évaluent la démocratie européenne de moins en moins sur la base de réflexions a priori sur le futur de l’intégration européenne, mais en fonction des pratiques qu’ils expérimentent tous les jours. / The thesis compares EU practice and discourse on the role of parliaments in the EU across time, in the Assemblée nationale and the Bundestag. The thesis brings to light the presence of a European Integration Paradox: Members of Parliaments’ rising experience in EU participation has led to an increasing importance of domestic roles for MPs’ ‘word and deed’ in EU affairs. EU practice is analysed through ‘thick description,’ which is based on primary and secondary interview evidence with current and historical parliamentary actors as well as the study of documents and secondary literature. Assessments of discourse on the role of parliaments are conducted through a systematic deductive-inductive analysis of debates on selected EU treaty changes. This thesis argues that neo-institutionalisms currently prevalent in EU studies are inadequate for understanding the institutionalisation processes at work in national parliaments with increasing EU legislation. Integrating elements of practice theory, of the social-constructivists Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann and the ‘old’ institutionalism of Max Weber, the observations can be interpreted as change of ‘motives’ of discursive action of the actors. With rising experience of ‘doing EU’, Members of Parliament evaluate the role of parliaments in the EU less on the basis of a priori considerations but depending of their day-to-day parliamentary practice.
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Constitutional negotiations in federal reformsLorenz, Astrid 19 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Constitutional amendments in federal political systems have to be negotiated between national and sub-national actors. While theories of negotiation usually explain the outcome by looking at these actors, their preferences and bargaining powers, the theoretical model developed in this article also includes their interaction orientation. The article determines a typical sequence of bargaining and arguing and identifies favourable conditions for cooperation based on different interaction orientations. The article states that actors can reconcile the conflicting logics of intergovernmental or party competition and joint decision-making in constitutional politics through a sequence of bargaining and arguing. However, constitutional amendments negotiated in this way run the risk of undermining the legitimacy and functionality of constitutions.
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Internet věcí v praxi / The Internet of Things in PracticeBajgl, Vojtěch January 2018 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis, is the Internet of Things, and its use in applied practice, with a subsequent design of a custom system of smart home automatization. It acquaints the reader with the issues of automated home and smart systems, including a basic familiarization of regulations as declared by law about electronic devices. The attributes of miniature computer platforms, developmental boards, and wireless modules for the design of custom systems are analyzed and compared. The biggest part of the thesis is dedicated to a design of a custom system, specifically designing the central processing module and other controlling modules for controlling various electric home appliances. The main controlling unit of the system is a Raspberry Pi 2B unit, with which it is possible to control a device in a household through an user-friendly web application.
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Parler, pour quoi faire ? : la délibération parlementaire à l’Assemblée nationale et au Sénat (2008-2012) / Speaking, what for? : parliamentary deliberation at the Assemblée nationale and the Sénat from 2008 to 2012Viktorovitch, Clément 03 December 2013 (has links)
Les théories de la démocratie délibérative admettent deux modèles, dialogique et rhétorique, réservant chacun au Parlement un rôle central : élaborer les décisions par la discussion délibérative ; contribuer à la formation du jugement des citoyens par le débat contradictoire. Cette thèse explore les fondements empiriques de ces modèles. A travers l’analyse argumentative des débats en séance publique et l’observation ethnographique des échanges en commission, elle compare l’idéal normatif aux pratiques du Parlement français. Discussions délibératives et débats contradictoires se révèlent alors faire partie intégrante des interactions parlementaires. La discussion délibérative se déploie principalement au Sénat et en commission, bien qu’elle émerge parfois à l’Assemblée nationale et en séance publique. Son influence sur la législation demeure limitée, sans être pour autant négligeable. L’hémicycle de l’Assemblée nationale apparaît, lui, comme l’espace privilégié du débat contradictoire. Ces résultats plaident en faveur du bicamérisme, qui permet de concilier les rôles pédagogique et législatif des débats parlementaires. Ils mettent également en avant l’incertitude de la séance publique : loin de se contenter d’enregistrer les décisions gouvernementales, celle-ci se révèle fréquemment comme un espace d’arbitrage et d’élaboration des décisions. Cette étude est enfin l’occasion, à travers l’analyse inductive des données recueillies, de proposer une contribution à la théorie politique : identifier les caractéristiques argumentatives de la discussion délibérative, confirmer et préciser les vertus du débat contradictoire, affiner l’effet du huis clos sur les discussions. / Deliberative democracy theories allow two different dialogical and rhetorical models which both give a central role to the Parliament: elaborating decisions by way of deliberative discussion and contributing to the formation of the citizens’ judgement by way of contradictory debates. This thesis explores the empirical foundations of these models. Through the argumentative analysis of public session debates and the ethnographical observation of exchanges in committees, it compares the normative ideal to the practices of the French Parliament. Deliberative discussions and contradictory debates thus reveal themselves to be an integral part of parliamentary interactions. Deliberative discussion is mainly deployed in the Sénat and in committees, even though it sometimes emerges at the Assemblée nationale and during public sessions. Its influence on legislation remains limited though not entirely insignificant. On the other hand, the hemicycle of the Assemblée nationale appears to be a prime space for contradictory debate. These results advocate for a bicameral system, which allows the educational and legislative aspects of parliamentary debates to be reconciled. They also highlight the uncertainty of public sessions: far from being restricted to the registering of governmental decisions, these sessions are frequently used to arbitrate and elaborate decisions. Finally, through the inductive analysis of the collected data, this study is the opportunity to put forward a contribution to political theory: identifying the argumentative characteristics of deliberative discussion, confirming and pointing out the virtues of contradictory debate, and clarifying the effects of an in camera environment on discussions.
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