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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La Educación Física como elemento de mejora de la Competencia Social y Ciudadana. Investigación-Acción en torno a la aplicación de un programa basado en la prevención y resolución de conflictos desde el área Educación Física.

Monzonís Martínez, Núria 11 December 2015 (has links)
La presente tesis desarrolla los resultados de una investigación-acción que persiguió mejorar la Competencia Social y Ciudadana del alumnado, y con ello favorecer la prevención y resolución pacífica de los conflictos. Para lograr esta transformación en pro de una buena convivencia, se diseñó y aplicó un programa de intervención desde el área de Educación Física y las sesiones de tutoría y la vez, se analizó y evidenció su efectividad bajo la rigurosidad científica. El enfoque de la investigación se justifica social y científicamente por tres factores: el papel de la escuela en la formación de ciudadanos capaces de ejercer una ciudadanía justa y de afrontar creativamente los conflictos naturales de la vida en sociedad; la prevención de los problemas de convivencia en los centros educativos; y la aportación de nuevos conocimientos en torno a la temática de las Competencias Básicas. En la consecución de nuestro objetivo, priorizamos la EF como motor de aprendizaje social porque es un área que emana vivencias y experiencias en primera persona, a la vez que requiere de la interacción social para desarrollar sus contenidos. Puesto que requeríamos vincularnos interactivamente con el objeto a investigar, el paradigma socio-crítico nos ayudó a comprender y captar la esencia educativa y los comportamientos derivados de nuestra acción. Asimismo, el enmarcamos dentro de la metodología cualitativa permitió adaptar el proceso de investigación a la complejidad de las situaciones que se dan en el aula y ejercer al mismo tiempo el rol de docente y de investigador. Concretamente, optamos por el método de la investigación-acción participativa, porque consideramos que su estructura reflexiva facilitaría: implicar en el estudio a un grupo de maestros colaboradores, resolver los problemas surgidos, garantizar la calidad del conocimiento científico obtenido y simultáneamente constatar los avances en el clima de convivencia de las sesiones de EF. Puesto que nos interesó ir más allá de la visión del investigador, empleamos diferentes instrumentos de recogida de información para captar la perspectiva de los diferentes agentes implicados: docente-investigador, alumnos y maestros. Aunque especialmente nos basamos en la observación participante y en el análisis de documentos, que aportaron evidencias de naturaleza cualitativa, consideramos oportuno respaldarlos con otros datos cuantitativos obtenidos a partir de un cuestionario dirigido al alumnado, una observación no participante y un ranking sociométrico. Finalmente, los resultados triangularon la visión de los tres agentes y se vincularon a tres ejes: las causas y resoluciones de los conflictos en EF, las conductas prosociales manifestadas por los alumnos durante las sesiones de EF y el desarrollo del programa y los beneficios de conectar las sesiones de EF y de tutoría. / This thesis presents the results conducted in an action research project that attempted to improve the social and citizen competence of students helping prevent conflicts as well as promote peaceful conflict resolution. To achieve this and work towards the better wellbeing of students, an intervention program was designed and implemented in physical education and homeroom class sessions. The focus of the research is socially and scientifically based on three factors: the role of schools in preparing citizens capable of being just and fair who can creatively resolve ordinary conflicts; preventing problems that arise from working together in educational institutes; and new knowledge development regarding key competencies. Physical Education was the primary variable in achieving our goal because it allows for diverse and first-hand experiences that also require social interaction in order to fully develop. Considering our needs, the socially-critical paradigm helped us understand and capture the educational essence and behaviour derived from our actions. Likewise, by focusing on qualitative methodology, we were able to adapt our investigation to deal with complex situations that occur in the classroom and at the same time confront them as both a teacher and researcher. We specifically opted for the action research method, because we believe its a reflective structure that facilitates: cooperative teacher involvement from the study group, resolves conflicts that arise, and ensures the quality of the scientific knowledge gained while at the same time monitoring the progress made during the PE classes. We employed different methods of collecting data to capture distinct perspectives from the implied stakeholders: teacher-researchers, students and teachers. Although our observations were primarily based on our participants and on the analysed documents, which provided qualitative evidence, we also considered it appropriate to support them with other quantitative data obtained from a student questionnaire and non-participant observations. In the end, the results brought together the different points-of-view from each stakeholder, connecting three axes: the causes and solutions of conflicts that arise in PE, pro-social behaviour exhibited by students during PE class, and the benefits of curriculum development that integrates PE in the homeroom.

Análisis del asesoramiento externo en educación en función de las asistencias técnicas educativas en Chile y los factores que determinan su impacto en la escuela

Lagos Rebolledo, Patricio Alejandro 18 December 2015 (has links)
El asesoramiento externo en educación ha logrado posicionarse de manera importante como una forma de apoyo a las escuelas que buscan revisar sus procesos internos con el fin de mejorar los aprendizajes de los estudiantes. Son varios los países que han optado por incluir en las políticas educativas los sistemas de apoyo a los centros educativos (Inglaterra, Estados Unidos, Nueva Zelanda, Suecia) y, entre ellos, encontramos a Chile, cuyo sistema educativo cuenta con un amplio mercado de Asistencias Técnicas Educativas que prestan servicios de asesoramiento externo a los colegios. La investigación analiza el funcionamiento de las ATE a las escuelas en el contexto Chileno. Específicamente, aborda el efecto que tienen las asistencias técnicas como un sistema de apoyo externo a la escuela para favorecer procesos de cambio. El objetivo general es: analizar el proceso de asesoramiento que desarrollan las Asistencias Técnicas Educativas en la escuela y los factores que determinan su impacto en la misma. Considerando que las ATE se han transformado en una estrategia bastante demandada por las escuelas, con una variada oferta de personas, empresas e instituciones de educación superior que entregan este servicio de apoyo externo, es necesario conocer, desde la voz de los que han recibido asesoramiento, cómo han impactado las ATE en las escuelas. En este sentido, se define la ATE como: un servicio de asesoría directa a los establecimientos educacionales provista por consultores externos, cuyo propósito es iniciar o sostener procesos de mejoramiento. Además, es preciso conocer los modelos de asesoramiento y el rol que asumen los asesores durante el proceso de asistencia y, contrastarlos con los cambios que se generan en las escuelas. La investigación asume un enfoque metodológico mixto concurrente. La población de estudio son escuelas que hayan sido asesoradas por una ATE, la técnica de muestreo es no probabilística intencional. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el cuestionario, elaborado especialmente para esta investigación y la entrevista semiestructurada. Los informantes fueron docentes y directivos de escuelas que recibieron asistencia técnica. Los análisis aplicados a los datos fueron de tipo estadístico (AFE, ANOVA, t para muestras independientes y Regresión Logística Binaria), para las preguntas abiertas que contenía el cuestionario se aplicó un análisis estadístico de datos textuales (AEDT) y, para el análisis de las entrevistas se recurrió a la teoría fundamentada. Los resultados muestran que, en general, los docentes manifiestan una baja valoración respecto del impacto que pueda tener la ATE en las escuelas, así como también de su funcionamiento. Se han presentado diferencias significativas entre los docentes de las escuelas de titularidad Municipal y Particulares Subvencionadas (PS), donde los profesores de las escuelas PS presentan una mejor valoración de las ATE. A pesar de esta baja valoración, también se puede observar que la variable que más influye en el asesoramiento es la duración del proceso y, en el caso del modelo de asesoramiento, se aprecia que los modelos de colaboración y de facilitación pueden mejorar el impacto en las escuelas. Respecto de rol del asesor, se observa que el rol tipificado como facilitador puede mejorar la probabilidad de impacto de las ATE en los cambios en las escuelas. También, aparecen como variables relevantes que actúan como barreras y facilitadoras del asesoramiento, la comunicación entre asesor y asesorado, las actitudes del asesor, una cultura organizacional abierta al cambio, la participación de los docentes todas las etapas del asesoramiento, la disposición de los profesores hacia el apoyo externo. Respecto de la sostenibilidad de los cambios, se observó que las ATE no desarrollan acciones dirigidas a la institucionalización, por lo tanto las mejoras no se mantienen en el tiempo. / External advice in education has established itself to a significant extent as a form of support for schools seeking to review their internal processes in order to improve student learning. A number of countries (England, the United States, Australia, Sweden) have chosen to include school support systems in their educational policies. Among them is Chile, where there is an extensive market for Technical Educational Assistance (TEA) and the provision of external advice to schools. The research analyses the performance of TEA in schools in the Chilean context. Specifically, the effectiveness of technical assistance as a system of external support to schools to enable processes of change. The overall objective is: to analyse the advisory process carried out by Technical Educational Assistance in schools and the factors that determine its impact on them. Since TEA has become a highly sought-after strategy for schools, with a wide range of individuals, companies and institutions of higher education providing this service of external support, it is necessary to discover, through the feedback of those who have received it, what effect TEA has had on the schools where it has featured. For our purposes, TEA is defined as direct advisory services to educational establishments provided by outside consultants, whose purpose is to initiate or sustain processes of improvement. It is also necessary to know the advisory models used and the roles assumed by the consultants during the advisory process and correlate them with the changes occurring in schools. The research adopts a concurrent mixed methodological approach. The study population is composed of schools that have been advised by TEA, the sampling technique is purposive non-probabilistic. The instruments used were a questionnaire, specially developed for this research, and semi-structured interviews. The informants were teachers and directors of schools which had received technical assistance. The analyses applied to the data were statistical (EFA, ANOVA, t for independent samples and binary logistic regression); the open questions in the questionnaire received a statistical analysis of textual data (SATD) and grounded theory was applied to the analysis of interviews. The results show that, in general, teachers give a low valuation, both to the impact TEA may have in schools, and to its practices. There were significant differences between teachers in public schools and those in schools under subsidized private ownership, the latter giving a better assessment of TEA. Despite the low average valuation, we can also see that the most influential variable is the duration of the process, and with reference to the advisory model, we see that the models of collaboration and facilitation can improve the impact on schools. Regarding the role of the advisor, it appears that the role typically referred to as 'facilitator' can enhance the probability that TEA will produce changes in schools. In addition, relevant variables that act as barriers to, or facilitators of, the process include: the communication between the advisor and their client, the attitude of the advisor, the openness to change of the organizational culture of the school, the level of participation of teachers in all stages of the advisory process, and the attitude of the teachers towards external support in general. Regarding the sustainability of the changes, it was observed that TEA does not develop behaviours which lead to the institutionalization of changes, such that improvements are not sustained over time.

Efectes sobre la creativitat del canvi del sistema educatiu. Contrast entre EGB i ESO

Figueres i Grassiot, Rosa 26 April 2002 (has links)
Aquesta tesi es va desenvolupar per poder demostrar que la creativitat en tant que component de la intel·ligència no es pot ensenyar, però sí que podem interactuar-hi tant per estimular-la, com per reprimir-la, especialment en l'entorn escolar.Per això vam treballar amb una mostra d'alumnes de centres públics de la mateixa edat i condicions sociofamiliars, la meitat de la quals estava escolaritzat en un IES cursant 2n. D'ESO i l'altre meitat en dues escoles de primària cursant 8è. D'EGB; i ens vam marcar com objectiu principal corroborar que l'evolució de la creativitat era diferent en funció del sistema educatiu que seguien els alumnes.Alhora que aprofitàvem per estudiar el perfil d'aquells alumnes que tot i estar integrats a la Reforma continuaven abandonant els estudis, i confirmar que la teoria de que la creativitat pot aparèixer en qualsevol ambient, encara que sigui advers i /o repressiu continua vigent.Instruments de mesura utilitzats: Test del Factor "G" de Cattell i Torrance Test of Creative Thinking.Els resultats ens van demostrar que no era el sistema educatiu en sí el que estimulava la creativitat, sinó el canvi d'un tipus d'ensenyament a l'altre, que també va associat a un canvi d'entorn, pel fet de passar d'una escola de primària a un IES de secundària. Les puntuacions màximes en creativitat les vam observar quan els alumnes canviaven de centre i de sistema educatiu, per això es van donar en moments i edats diferents en cada un dels dos grups de la mostra. Per aquells que estaven escolaritzats en l'IES l'increment més important va ser sobre els 13 anys, desprès de iniciar l'ESO, en canvi, pels que procedien de les escoles de primària va ser dos anys més tard , quan es van integrar al segon cicle d'ESO.Al mateix temps vam poder comprovar que tot i la implantació generalitzada de la Reforma els alumnes amb creativitat elevada i QI normal o normal baix continuen abandonant els estudis per dificultats d'integració en l'entorn escolar. Especialment pel que fa al sexe masculí, donat que en aquest grup predomina el pensament divergent molt per sobre del raonament lògic i els interessos creatius per damunt dels acadèmics; tot això genera conflictes permanents a l'aula i accelera l'abandonament del centre tal i com venia passant abans del canvi de sistema educatiu. En les noies, que generalment toleren millor les limitacions i l'estructura educativa, només es sol produir l'abandonament quan el QI es francament baix.Finalment tal i com preconitzaven autors com Goertzel i Goertzel, Simonton i altres ens ha quedat clar que la creativitat es pot desenvolupar no només un ambient lliure de pressions i que faciliti l'elaboració i el plantejament de noves alternatives, sinó que un ambient més repressiu també pot ser un estímul per incrementar-la. / The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate that creativity, as an intellectual trait, can not be taught but can be stimulated or repressed interacting with school activities.The sample is composed of Public School pupils belonging to the same social and economical conditions, half of which is obtained from a 2nd course (ESO) from an IES, and the other half from 8th grade (EGB) from two different schools. The main goal was to assess the evolution of creativity depending on the educational system those pupils followed. Secondarily, a profile analysis of students that droped out was performed and the effects of odd environments on creativity improvement were tested. Formal measures of g factor an creativity were obtained by Cattell's g factor test and Torrance's test of creative thinking.Results showed that the educational system itself has no significant effect on creativity, but the change of system produces a significant improvement of that trait. As the maximum scores where observed when shifting educational system (and center) the appeared at different ages (13 and 15, in average) demonstrating that this improvement was not due neither to the educational method nor to a maturative effect.Pupils with high creativity an normal or low g still drop out the educational system, even within the reformed system. The high level of creativity constitutes a handicap for the integration in the ordinary school procedures whatever system is followed. This is specially significant for male pupils: Such a group has wider differences between divergent and convergent thinking, as well as in divergent and academic motivations. This is the origin of many classroom conflicts that accelerate the living of the formal education structures. For female pupils the drop out only occurs when g scores are very low.Finally, as was stated by Goertzel i Goertzel, Simonton and others, the kind of environment has no effects on creativity development. It the intensity of creative growing is the same in facilitatory environments and in very strict ones.

Participació infantil i educació. Escola, Lleure i Consells d’Infants = Children’s Participation and Education. School, Leisure and Child’s Councils

Agud Morell, Ingrid 30 June 2014 (has links)
Les experiències que fomenten l’educació en democràcia i la formació per a la ciutadana són molt necessàries en la nostra societat, que cada cop requereix més aquesta participació social i política per part dels seus ciutadans. Tot i que existeix un gran reconeixement teòric i legal de la participació infantil, encara no hi ha prou coneixement ni estratègies predeterminades que puguin ajudar a millorar i promoure la participació en tots els àmbits educatius de la vida dels infants. La tesi que presentem aborda el tema de la participació infantil en alguns escenaris on aquesta té lloc de forma intencional i sistemàtica com són els àmbits de l’escola, l’educació en el lleure (concretament l’escoltisme) i l’àmbit comunitari (en el nostre estudi a través de l’experiència dels Consells d’Infants). Tots tres són escenaris pedagògics que aposten per promoure la participació infantil amb l’objectiu d’oferir una educació complerta que inclou la formació per a la ciutadania i en valors. En segon lloc, ens proposàvem identificar els efectes que aquestes experiències tenen sobre els propis infants, en els centres i en les comunitats. Per tal d’arribar a aquestes fites, vàrem dur a terme un estudi emmarcat en el paradigma interpretatiu i l’ús d’una metodologia qualitativa, en concret un estudi de casos, ja que ens permetia un accés als escenaris complert i acurat, ens possibilitava l’observació, l’accés als documents oficials i la indagació en les subjectivitats dels agents implicats en les experiències. Aquesta decisió també es fonamentà en l’assumpció de que existeixen experiències en tots tres àmbits educatius esmentats amb el potencial d’aportar llum i inspiració a altres experiències educatives per a infants. Els resultats de la tesi ens han portat a definir els eixos clau del funcionament participatiu que haurien de tenir les experiències de participació infantil en qualsevol dels àmbit educatiu estudiats, i també a identificar els efectes que aquesta produeix. Per una banda, els infants que exerceixin la participació sota les característiques descrites, obtenen en primer lloc, una incidència educativa, oferint-los aprenentatges en les quatre dimensions (conèixer, fer, conviure i ser) que els capaciten per a que siguin capaços de planificar i gestionar la seva vida personal, social i política. I en segon, els hi aporta benestar personal. Seguidament, les institucions milloren el seu funcionament i organització, promouen la innovació, es converteixen en llocs que pertanyen veritablement als infants i donen resposta de manera més acurada a les necessitats dels infants. Per últim, la participació infantil beneficia al conjunt de la societat, oferint ciutadans implicats i compromesos, amb pensament crític i disposats a canviar allò que els hi sembla injust. A més, la participació ofereix un servei a la comunitat, suma una mirada més i assumeix la seva obligació de complir amb els Drets dels Infants. / Experiences encouraging democratic education to form active citizens are a key factor in our current societies, which are requiring increasingly more and more social and political engagement from its citizens. Despite the legal and theoretical recognition of children participation, specific methods or practices have not been defined to enhance children’s participation in an effective way. The dissertation addresses the topic of children’s participation in some scenarios where this occurs intentionally and systematically, as in the contexts of the school, leisure education (specifically scouting) and in the community level (concretely we study the participation through the experience of local Children’s Councils). Such scenarios are committed to promoting children’s participation with the aim of providing a complete education that includes education for the citizenship. We also aim to identify the effects those practices produce on children, on the institutions and on the communities where they are developed. To address these research objectives, we conducted a case study, which is a method framed in the interpretative paradigm and the use of qualitative methodologies. We decided to conduct a case study research due to the following reasons: it provides the researcher a full and comprehensive access to the educational settings; it allows enquiring the target population’s subjectivity; it allows the researcher to observe and to be immersed in the scenario without contaminating it. Furthermore, we do not pretend to reach generalizable conclusions, but to be able to draw a “way to do” that can contribute with new knowledge and ideas for all professionals involved in similar educational experiences. We have been able to describe the three core axis for the functioning of children participation in the areas of the school, leisure and children’s councils. We have also shown the benefits that participation produces on different levels (personal, institutional and communitarian), and consequently, it can be understood as a key for democratic societies. We can report that children participation has an educational effect and increases children’s subjective welfare. Furthermore, we report the institutions improve their work and organization, they become child-friendly scenarios and also, they are able to give more accurate responses to children needs. Finally, children participation also benefits the society since it forms engaged citizens willing to make a difference; it also offers a community service and makes the community to be more committed to Children’s Rights.

Personalidad moral y desarrollo de competencias éticas del profesorado para educar en valores

Carreño Rojas, Patricio 08 July 2014 (has links)
El estudio de investigación se circunscribe en la formación ética del profesorado. Se pretende indagar en aquellos aspectos que, en términos éticos, movilizan las decisiones y acciones de los docentes, particularmente en contexto de experiencias de controversias morales que han vivido los docentes en sus prácticas profesionales, lo que posibilita reconocer algunas dimensiones de la personalidad moral y los valores que el profesor estima, y de este modo fundamentan el modo de comprender y poner en práctica la educación en valores. La investigación presenta tres temáticas esenciales. En primer lugar se plantea el recorrido de la axiología, y desde allí, establecemos nuestro posicionamiento frente a los valores desde un enfoque relacional, para comprender no sólo la realidad de los valores, sino sobre todo su sentido. Un segundo tema está referido a una comprensión de la personalidad moral del profesorado en clave de “construcción,” en donde entendemos la personalidad como meta, como realidad humana dada pero al mismo tiempo por hacer; como una realidad que integra de manera dinámica su pasado, presente y futuro. Un tercer tema se refiere a las competencias e identidad moral y narrativa del profesorado. La literatura sobre las competencias profesionales destaca que el docente debe ser un experto en saber hacer y actuar frente a situaciones complejas que vive a diario, pero creemos que este enfoque olvida que una de las tareas del docente es también saber cómo ser y actuar, con los recursos que posee para educar en valores. En términos metodológicos, presentamos el marco metodológico de la investigación a través del método biográfico-narrativo, cuyo trabajo de campo ha sido la construcción de entrevistas y relatos biográficos de un grupo de profesores provenientes de diversas escuelas. Se desarrolla un trabajo de construcción de relatos de experiencias personales y profesionales vividas por los docentes, y desde aquí, se desarrolla un análisis desde un enfoque ético-pedagógico. Esta investigación se inscribe en la preocupación por ofrecer al profesorado algunas pistas de reflexión y acción para el fortalecimiento de su vocación docente, desde una construcción de la identidad moral en que pueda comprenderse a sí mismo como un sujeto ético llamado a ser un educador en valores en la escuela. / The research study deals exclusively with the teachers’ ethical training. The aim is to investigate those aspects that, under ethical terms, mobilise the teachers’ decisions and actions particularly in a context of experiences of moral controversies the teachers have lived through their professional practices, making possible the recognition of some aspects of the moral personality and the values cherished by the teacher, and that back up the way of understanding and putting into practice the education in the moral ethical values. The research presents three essential themes. First of all, we consider the axiology path and from then we establish our opinion facing the values from a relational approach to understand not only the values reality but also above all its meaning. A second theme refers to an understanding of the teachers’ moral personality in a “constructive” spirit where we understand the personality as an objective, as a given human reality but at the same time undone, as a reality integrating its past, present and future in a dynamic way. A third theme refers to the teachers’ competences and moral and narrative identity. Literature on professional competences emphasises that the teacher should be an expert on knowing how and act in front of complex situations of the teacher’s everyday life, but we believe that this approach forgets that one of the teacher’s expertise is also to know how to be and act using the resources that are by hand to educate in the moral values. In methodological terms, we present the research methodological framework throughout the biographical-narrative method whose field work has been constructed with interviews and biographical stories of a teachers’ group from different schools. A task of construction of teachers’ both personal and professional experiences stories is realised, and based on that, an analysis is developed from an ethical-pedagogical approach. This research is concerned with offering to the teachers some reflection and action hints to strengthen their educational vocation from a construction of the moral identity where they can understand themselves above all as ethical subjects called to be educators in the moral ethical values at school.

Engaging with parents in decision making processes : a three phase study illuminating teachers' viewpoints and parents' perceptions to explore a school's approach

Shirley, Melanie January 2013 (has links)
Empirical evidence shows that parental engagement improves children’s learning, social competence and physical health from preschool years through childhood and adolescence and into adulthood. Yet reasons as to what can motivate, or hinder parents to become involved are complex. Research suggests that parental engagement is maximised when parents are actively engaged in decision making (Harris & Goodall, 2007; Irvine, 2005; DCSF, 2009; Ranson, 2011). The aims of the current study were: 1) to illuminate the practice of an individual school regarding how they view engaging with parents in decision making; and 2) to explore the activities that the school employs in engaging with parents and to investigate which of these activities the parents view to be important, positive and worthwhile. Q-methodology was used for the first phase of this study and sought to identify and describe the school staff members’ views of the about the concept of engaging with parents of children described with special educational needs in decision making. Two distinctive viewpoints were revealed: 1) parents as partners and 2) respecting and valuing parents. The second phase of the study employed a focus group to identify the activities the school employs. Finally a survey was used in the third phase to explore which of these activities were rated as most positive and worthwhile by parents. Interestingly the findings from the focus group and the survey corresponded to factors related to the psychological need for competence, autonomy and relatedness in relation to parents’ intrinsic motivation to engage with the school. Proposals are made in relation to implications for the practice of schools as well as suggestions for further research.

(RE) creating a theatre of myth : pedagogy and cultural heritage in a theatre for Cypriot youth

Polycarpou, Charis January 2002 (has links)
This thesis will argue that the contemporary educational system of Cyprus denies young people opportunities to participate in the creation of their culture, which can provide the nest for the exploration and understanding of their individual and collective lives. Culture, in schools, is treated not as a dynamic process in which the young people can play the main role but instead as a static field of knowledge that should be studied and learnt. This approach, however, contradicts the same principles that were the foundations of the ancient culture that the young Greeks have inherited from the past whose performative and participatory nature ascribed to it a proactive and democratic public life that guaranteed everyone the right to speak and act. This thesis argues that the Greek young people of contemporary Cyprus should be entitled to participation in recreating and reconstructing the meanings and values of those stories that have inherited from the past and that bind them together as one people in ways that help them make sense of their contemporary private and public roles. The thesis argues that the myths of the past should be reinterpreted and repositioned again in the present to respond to the immediate social context of the young people in a participatory and democratic way so as to enable a progress of this culture and a connection between the past, the present and the future. The thesis shows that culture is under continuous reconstruction taking on the example of fifth century BC Athens where theatre and public life fed one another and developed to respond to the current socio-historical context of the time. Throughout, the thesis shows in what ways theatre can provide the means for the investigation of the inherent meanings in the myths of the past and also its significance in playing the role of the social agent that can enable transformation and progress. The thesis consists of an introduction, eight chapters and a conclusion. In the Introduction I identify the problem that exists in the contemporary educational system of Cyprus concerning the way that the field of culture is approached and present the conceptual framework that provides the foundation for proposing a new Theatre of Myth. Chapter one provides a critical reflection on and analysis of the oral culture of Homer to the democratic fifth century BC Athens and the birth of tragedy. Chapter two studies, both from the ideal and the material aspect, the social role of the Athenian tragic theatre and its polis during the fifth century. Chapter three seeks to base the arguments made in the thesis of the educational and political role of the fifth century theatre through a critical analysis of its form and content. Chapter four identifies and supports the principles of the proposed Theatre of Myth, drawing from the twentieth century developments in Modem Drama whilst chapter five shows how the Drama-in-Education tradition attempts to bridge the practices in the Modem Drama paradigm to come closer to the proposed theatre model. Chapter six provides the methodology followed for a pilot case study that attempts to transfer the Theatre of Myth into practice, which is the preoccupation of chapter seven. Chapter eight discusses and analyses the findings of the case study to inform the theoretical lines of the model of the Theatre of Myth. Some conclusions are discussed concerning the potential and the limitations of the Theatre of Myth in the end of the thesis.

Experienzielle Kommunikation. Wie kann soziales Miteinander in komplexen Situationen gelingen? / Experiencial communication. How is social cooperation in complex situations possible?

Hofmann, Tony January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Wie ist im „Chaos“ der Postmoderne ein soziales Miteinander möglich, das Stabilität und Halt bietet und in dem sich Individuen dennoch in ihrer Autonomie völlig frei entfalten können? Tony Hofmann skizziert in seiner Dissertation Antworten auf diese essenzielle Frage. Das Herzstück des Buches, das „Prozessmodell der experienziellen Kommunikation“, zeichnet sich durch eine achtsamkeitsorientierte, körper- und erlebensbezogene Grundhaltung aus (Focusing). Menschen, die experienziell kommunizieren, erleben • Kongruenz der eigenen Intention mit den tatsächlichen, ausgesprochenen Worten (Ich - Ich), • ein schöpferisches Potenzial im Kontakt mit dem jeweiligen Gegenüber (Ich - Du) und • die Freiheit, auf die (oft unvorhersehbare) Eigendynamik eines Gesprächs aktiv Bezug nehmen zu können (Ich - Es/Wir). Hiervon ausgehend werden pädagogische Prinzipien und konkrete Fragesätze abgeleitet, die in der Praxis anwendbar sind. Sie ermöglichen eine stimmige Bezogenheit aufeinander, bei der Gegensätze zur Ressource werden. Die Arbeit richtet sich an Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die an Hochschulen, aber auch in pädagogischen, sonderpädagogischen und psychosozialen Praxisfeldern tätig sind, und die ein Interesse daran haben, ein eindeutiges und klar kommunizierbares fachliches Profil, sowie persönliche Stimmigkeit im beruflichen Handeln zu entwickeln. / How is social cooperation possible in conjunction with free individual self-fulfillment? In his dissertation Tony Hofmann sketches answers to this essential question.

The computation problem with sequential decoding.

January 1965 (has links)
Bibliography: p. 76-77. / Contract AF 19(628)-500

Nonlinear least-squares filtering and frequency modulation

January 1960 (has links)
Arthur Dickson Hause. / "August 25, 1960." Issued also as a thesis, M.I.T. Dept. of Electrical Engineering, August 22, 1960. / Bibliography: p.48-49. / Army Signal Corps Contract DA36-039-sc-78108. Dept. of the Army Task 3-99-20-001 and Project 3-99-00-000.

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