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On the putative role of Pelota in stem cell differentiation / On the putative role of Pelota in stem cell differentiationKata, Aleksandra 19 January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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The mechanisms underlying synaptic transmission at the layer 4 of sensory cortical areas / The mechanisms underlying synaptic transmission at the layer 4 of sensory cortical areasHuang, Chao-Hua 13 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Μελέτη της λειτουργικής συμπεριφοράς συστήματος τροφοδοσίας θέσεων εργασίας με ελέγχους μέσω PLC / Study of the operational behavior of a PLC controlled supply systemΠαπανικολάου, Θωμάς 09 March 2011 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι ο σχεδιασμός και η ανάπτυξη προγράμματος ελέγχου του συστήματος ηλεκτρικών παροχών του Εργαστηρίου Ηλεκτρομηχανικής Μετατροπής Ενέργειας, με τη χρήση Προγραμματιζόμενου Λογικού Ελεγκτή. Συγκεκριμένα, κατά τη διάρκεια εκπόνησης της διπλωματικής αυτής εργασίας, αναπτύχθηκε πρόγραμμα ελέγχου ομαλής εκκίνησης ασύγχρονου τριφασικού κινητήρα, με τη βοήθεια ενός ηλεκτρομηχανικού ζεύγους αποτελούμενου από μηχανή συνεχούς ρεύματος, συνδεδεμένης σε κοινό άξονα με σύγχρονη μηχανή. Επιπλέον, αναπτύχθηκε ένα αυτοματοποιημένο πρόγραμμα ελέγχου της ισχύος της σύγχρονης μηχανής του Εργαστηρίου, καθώς και ένα πρόγραμμα για βελτίωση του συντελεστή ισχύος της εγκατάστασης, λειτουργώντας τη σύγχρονη μηχανή, είτε ως γεννήτρια παραλληλισμένη στο δίκτυο, είτε ως κινητήρα εν κενώ. Τέλος, πραγματοποιήθηκαν εκτενείς δοκιμές στα δύο αυτά προγράμματα και γενικότερα στο σύστημα παροχής τάσεων του Εργαστηρίου, με σκοπό την πλήρη ετοιμότητα του για τους εκπαιδευτικούς και εργαστηριακούς σκοπούς για τους οποίους απευθύνεται. / The purpose of this thesis is to design and develop a control system of the Electromechanical Energy Conversion Laboratory, using a Programmable Logic Controller. Specifically, during the preparation of this thesis, a control program three phase asynchronous motor soft-starter has been developed, using a electromechanical couple consisting of machine dc coupled to a common shaft with a sychronous machine. Additionally, an automated program to control power of modern machine workshop as well as a program to improve the power factor of the installation has been developed, using a modern machine, either as a generator , either as a motor.Finally, there have been extensive tests on these two programs and generally in the supply system of the laboratory, in order to the system be totally ready for use.
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Développement de surface artificielles pour cathode sous forme de couche mince pour accumulateurs Li-ion / Development of artificial surface layers for thin film cathode materialsCarrillo solano, Mercedes alicia 30 October 2015 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la recherche de différentes compositions de couches minces pouraccumulateurs Li-ion.Une première partie a été dédiée au dépôts de cathode sous forme de couche mince d’unmatériau connu, LiCoO2, et d’un matériau alternatif, Li(NiMnCo)O2 en utilisant le dépôtphysique en phase vapeur (PVD) et le dépôt chimique en phase vapeur (CVD),respectivement. Les résultats (LiCoO2) ont montrés comment, après cyclage, il y a diminutionde la capacité à cycler à régime rapide et augmentation de la résistance à l’interface. Ladiffraction des rayons X a montré la présence de différentes orientations, peu cristallisées,appartenant à la phase LiCoO2 HT selon confirmation par la littérature. Les couches mincesde Li(NixMnyCo1-x-y)O2 ont été préparées par dépôt chimique en phase vapeur assisté paraérosol. La diffraction des rayons X et l’analyse Rietveld utilisant le modèle March-Dollase aété mise en oeuvre pour la détermination de la texture et des caractéristiques microstructurales.La morphologie des films a été caractérisée par microscopie électronique à balayage. L’étudea montré que la concentration de la solution de précurseur et la pression totale ont un effetmajeur sur la morphologie des films et leur texture.Une seconde partie s’est focalisée sur l’interface cathode-électrolyte pour trois cas d’étude : 1)couche mince de matériau de cathode LiCoO2, 2) couche mince de LiCoO2 recouvert de ZrO2et 3) couche mince de LiCoO2 recouvert de LIPON. L’interface cathode-électrolyte de cestrois cas d’étude a été étudiée avant et après cyclage galvanostatique afin de déterminer lescaractéristiques de la couche de surface et les changements provenant à l’interface lors dufonctionnement de l’accumulateur. L’interface des couches minces de LiCoO2 a été étudiéeplus en détail après trempage dans un électrolyte liquide afin de comprendre l’effet desprocédures de stockages courts dans les accumulateurs.De plus, les couches minces de LiPON ont été étudiées sur la base de changementsstructuraux se produisant avec la nitruration et sa corrélation à un possible mécanisme ayantlieu durant la conduction ionique. / The present work was based on the investigation of different thin film components of Li ionbatteries. A first part was dedicated to the deposition of cathodes in thin film form of aknown material, LiCoO2, and an alternative one, Li(NiMnCo)O2 employing physical vapordeposition (PVD) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD), respectively. Results on thedeposition of LiCoO2 showed how after cycling there is a reduction of rate capability andincrease in interface resistance. The X-ray diffraction pattern showed the presence of severalorientations related to the known HT phases found in literature for LiCoO2 with lowcrystallinity. On the other hand Li(NixMnyCoz)O2 thin films prepared via aerosol assistedCVD were analyzed with X-ray diffraction and Rietveld refinement using the March-Dollasemodel for the determination of the texturing and microstructural characteristics. Additionallythe morphology of the films was characterized using scanning electron microscopy. Theinvestigation showed that concentration of precursor solution and process pressures have asignificant effect on the film morphology and texturing. A second part was focused on the cathode-electrolyte interface for three case studies: 1) asdeposited LiCoO2 cathode thin film, 2) ZrO2 coated LiCoO2 thin film and 3) LiPON coatedLiCoO2 thin film. The interface cathode-electrolyte of these three cases were studied beforeand after galvanostatic cycling to determine surface layer characteristics and changes arisingon the interface after battery operation. The interface of a bare LiCoO2 layer was furtherstudied after soaking in liquid electrolyte to elucidate the effect of short storage procedures inbatteries.Surface analysis done on LiCoO2 thin films showed changes occurring at the interface layersafter the electrode was in short contact with the electrolyte solution and after galvanostaticcycling. Washing and soaking the electrode material in electrolyte and solvent showed thatsurface reactions start from the first contact. A main component of the electrolyte solution,LiPF6, has critical effect since it can decompose and form HF which reacts with carbonatesand forms LiF on the surface. Given the large amount of LiF, a high reactivity of LiCoO2 withthe decomposed species was observed, as the main components of the film were related to thedecomposed LiPF6 salt.The surface chemistry of the layer formed on LiCoO2 after cycling was mainly based ondecomposed species from the electrolyte salt arising from carbonated and fluorinated species.Artificial surface layers were deposited on LiCoO2 by means of rf sputtering. The thin layersof ZrO2 and LiPON used as coatings had minor effects on the original film morphology andcrystalline structure. An XPS analysis of the interface showed how the nature of each layerafter galvanostatic cycling was different for each case. The resulting artificial surface layerformed from ZrO2 coating showed mainly inorganic species, while the LiPON coatedcathode showed an organic nature. The final surface layers after electrochemical cycling ofthe ZrO2 coated film resembled that of the uncoated LiCoO2. Additionally, LiPON thin films were studied on the basis of structural changes occurringwith nitrogenation and its correlation to a possible mechanism during ion conduction.Composition of phosphate glasses with rf sputtering was proven to be greatly influenced bythe gas ratio employed. The largest variations were observed for lower amounts of N2 in thegas mixture. The IR spectra results showed important differences in the short range order forfilms with a similar amount of lithium. The lithium phosphorus oxynitride films depositedhere presented glassy structures with mainly ortho and pyro-phosphate units with smallamounts of short metaphosphate chains. Nitrogen insertion favors stability of lithium bygiving an environment with lower potential energy, as was evidenced by the far-IR results.
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Synthèse et caractérisation de sulfures de métaux de transition comme matériaux d’électrode positive à forte capacité pour microbatteries au lithium / Synthesis and characterization of transition metal sulfides as high-capacity positive electrode materials for lithium microbatteriesFlamary-Mespoulie, Florian 30 November 2016 (has links)
L’industrie microélectronique en perpétuelle évolution impose de nouvelles spécifications pour les futures générations de microbatteries au lithium. Pour ces dispositifs, il est désormais impératif d’améliorer la capacité volumique des matériaux actifs d’électrode positive ainsi que d’abaisser leur tension de fonction-nement aux alentours de 1,5 V. Ce travail propose d’étudier le comportement de sulfures de métaux de transition de formule MSx (M = Fe, Co, Ni, Ti ; x = 1, 2), réagissant vis-à-vis du lithium selon un mécanisme de conversion, à un potentiel adapté à l’application. Déposés sous forme de couches minces par pulvérisa-tion cathodique radiofréquence à cathode à effet magnétron, ces sulfures ont été caractérisés en termes de composition, morphologie et structure. Dans la plupart des cas, des films cristallisés avec une incorpo-ration minime d’oxygène ont été obtenus sans chauffage intentionnel des substrats. L’utilisation d’une configuration en couches minces et d’un électrolyte solide, propres aux microbatteries, permet une bonne réversibilité des réactions ainsi qu’une prévention des réactions parasites généralement observées pour ces sulfures en électrolyte liquide. Une caractérisation fine des propriétés électrochimiques de ces matériaux en microbatterie tout-solide au lithium a donc pu être réalisée, permettant de corréler la réver-sibilité des cycles d’insertion / extraction du lithium avec la nature du cation de métal de transition mais aussi avec la concentration en soufre dans l’électrode. / The overgoing evolution of the microelectronics industry implies new specifications when it comes to next generations of lithium microbatteries. It is now of utmost importance for these devices to increase the volumetric capacity of the positive electrode material and bring the working potential down to approxi-mately 1.5 V. Hence, this work is aimed at studying the behavior of transition metal sulfides, of formula MSx (M = Fe, Co, Ni ; x = 1, 2), which react towards lithium through conversion reaction mechanism at an adapted potential. Thin films of these materials, prepared via non-reactive radiofrequency magnetron sputtering were structurally, morphologically and compositionally characterized prior to their integration in microbatteries. In most cases, crystallized films were obtained without any intentional heating of the substrates. Also, very low oxygen incorporation within the deposited materials was observed. Thanks to the combined use of thin film and all-solid-state configuration in the microbatteries, good reversibility of the reactions is allowed and parasitic reactions generally observed for transition metal sulfides electrodes in conventionally used liquid electrolytes cells can be avoided. Thus, deep electrochemical characteriza-tions were successfully conducted on the microbatteries. For these materials, it was shown that the re-versibility of the lithium insertion / extraction cycles during operation is directly linked to the nature of the transition metal cation and to the overall sulfur concentration in the electrode material.
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The Transformation of the Human Person Through Contemplation: An Analysis of John Cassian's ConferencesHorn, Lindsay R. 09 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Yeast Chorismate Mutase: Molecular Evolution of an Allosteric Enzyme / Die Chorismatemutase der Bäckerhefe: Molekulare Evolution eines Allosterischen EnzymsHelmstaedt, Kerstin 31 October 2002 (has links)
Die Chorismatmutase (CM, EC, kodiert durch ARO7, katalysiert die Claisen-Umlagerung von Chorismat zu Prephenat in der Biosynthese von Tyrosin und Phenylalanin. Das relativ kleine, dimere Enzym der Hefe Saccharomyces cerevisiae wird allosterisch durch Tryptophan aktiviert und allosterisch durch Tyrosin inhibiert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Theorie widerlegt, dass die Chorismatemutase an der Osmoregulation und Vakuolenentstehung beteiligt ist. Die Analyse einiger Stämme mit punktmutiertem oder deletiertem ARO7-Gen zeigte ausschließlich eine Funktion in der Aminosäure-Biosynthese. Die Fusion an das grün-fluoreszierende Protein ermöglichte die Lokalisierung der CM in Cytoplasma und Kern der Hefezelle.Auf Proteinebene wurde der intramolekulare Signalübertragungsweg von den allosterischen zu den aktiven Zentren näher untersucht. Es wurden Chimären-Enzyme hergestellt, in denen das molekulare Scharnier L220s zwischen der katalytischen und allosterischen Domäne ausgetauscht wurde gegen den entsprechenden Bestandteil homologer Pilzenzyme. Die kinetische Analyse zeigte, dass dieser Proteinteil essentiell ist für die Unterscheidung zwischen dem Signal Aktivierung bzw. Inhibierung. Diese Region ist auch für die Dimerisierung der CM von Bedeutung. Durch Austausch hydrophober Aminosäuren gegen geladene Reste in und in der Nähe dieses Scharniers wurde eine stabile, monomere Enzymvariante hergestellt. Diese CM zeigte reduzierte Aktivität und keine Regulation, aber das kodierende Gen komplementierte die Tyrosin- und Phenylalanin-Auxotrophie der Zellen. Diese Ergebnisse unterstützen die Theorie, dass das Hefeenzym durch gleichzeitige Evolution von Regulations- und Stabilisierungsmechanismen aus einem monomeren, unregulierten Vorläuferprotein entstanden ist, welches dem der Escherichia coli CM ähnlich war. Um weitere Erkenntnisse über die Prinzipien der Proteinstabilisierung zu erhalten, wurde auch die Chorismatmutase on Thermus thermophilus charakterisiert, nachdem das kodierende Gen kloniert war. Dieses Enzym ist ähnlich zu der strukturell einzigartigen Chorismatmutae aus Bacillus subtilis, wird aber, im Gegensatz zu letzterem durch Tyrosin in seiner Aktivität gehemmt. Modellierungsstudien zeigten, dass wie auch bei anderen Proteinen verstärkte Hydrophilität von Oberflächen, erhöhte Hydrophobizität innerhalb der Struktur wie auch die Versteifung von Loops in der Nähe des aktiven Zentrums zur Stabilisierung dieser Proteinfaltung beitragen.
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Quantitative analysis of neuropathological alterations in two transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer's diseaseKurdakova, Anastasiia 23 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Characterization of the fusion protein mNG-Aβ1-42 as a fluorescence reporter probe for amyloid structureFredén, Linnéa January 2020 (has links)
Alzheimer’s Disease, also called AD, is a horrible, degenerative brain disease that more than 35 million people over the world have. Today, there is no cure for this disease, only treatments that are temporarily relieving the symptoms. The two proteins that is thought to be the main cause of AD is amyloid β (Aβ) and tau. Previously, people have tried studying Aβ in vivo using green fluorescent protein fusion together with Aβ. However, this is difficult since the aggregation of Aβ will lead to loss of fluorescence. This study aimed to crystallize the fusion protein mNG-A β1-42 and to investigate its properties as a molecular fluorescent Aβ-amyloid specific probe. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) was used to confirm that the majority of the protein was not in the form of soluble aggregates. The DLS experiments were followed by several rounds of crystallization trials. Initial screening and the subsequent narrowing down of potential conditions where mNG-Aβ1-42 could form crystals. Several staining experiments were conducted as well, including staining brain tissue from mouse with both Swedish and Arctic mutation, from human patients with sporadic AD and from human patients with AD with the Arctic mutation. The DLS experiments showed that the protein used in the crystallization experiments mostly consisted of molecular particles of the same radius. However, there was clear evidence of some larger species present that could have been a potential problem for crystallization. Crystallization experiments suggested that PEG 8000 was the most promising precipitant amongst other conditions identified for crystallization of mNG-Aβ1-42. However, the study was ultimately unsuccessful in developing crystals of sufficient high quality for diffraction studies to commence. The staining experiments demonstrated that mNG-Aβ1-42 could bind both by itself and with another amyloid probe, Congo red, and with antibodies in brain tissue from mouse with both Swedish and Arctic mutation, from human patients with sporadic AD and from human patients with AD with the Arctic mutation. In conclusion, several characteristics of mNG-Aβ1-42 were revealed in this study.
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Fast and approximate computation of Laplace and Fourier transforms / Schnelle und approximative Berechnung von Laplace- und Fourier-TransformationenMelzer, Ines 04 April 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, we treat the computation of transforms with asymptotically smooth and oscillatory kernels. We introduce the discrete Laplace transform in a modern form including a generalization to more general kernel functions. These more general kernels lead to specific function transforms. Moreover, we treat the butterfly fast Fourier transform. Based on a local error analysis, we develop a rigorous error analysis for the whole butterfly scheme. In the final part of the thesis, the Laplace and Fourier transform are combined to a fast Fourier transform for nonequispaced complex evaluation nodes. All theoretical results on accuracy and computational complexity are illustrated by numerical experiments.
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