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The Relation between Serotonergic Biomarkers and Behaviour : – studies on human primates, non-human primates and transgenic miceWargelius, Hanna-Linn January 2011 (has links)
Rationale: The serotonergic system is involved in the modulation of emotion and plays an important role for personality and vulnerability for psychiatric disorders. In the papers included in this thesis, we investigate three biological factors that have been studied in relation to psychiatric symptoms: Platelet monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) activity, and variations in the MAO-A and the serotonin transporter (5HTT) genes. We also study intensity dependent auditory evoked potentials (IAEP) as an intermediate phenotype for serotonergic capacity. Platelet MAO-B has been shown to be a biological marker for the properties of monoamine systems, with low activity being associated with vulnerability for high scores of sensation seeking, monotony avoidance, and impulsiveness, as well as for susceptibility for alcoholism. Functional polymorphisms in the promoter of the genes encoding MAO-A and the serotonin transporter result in high- or low- activity alleles that have been associated with numerous psychiatric symptoms. One hypothesis for the shaping of personality is that these genotype variants have prenatal effects on the wiring of the brain. Thus, exploring how the development of the brain is affected by different prenatal serotonin levels is relevant in this context. Observations: (i) Platelet MAOB activity was associated with monoamine metabolites in cerebrospinal fluid from cisterna magna in monkeys, as well as with voluntary alcohol intake, alcohol-induced aggression, and alcohol sensitivity. (ii) The long 5HTTLPR allele was associated with increased IAEP. (iii) The functional MAOA and 5HTT polymorphisms were associated with symptoms of ADHD-related traits in a population based sample of Swedish adolescents. Associations of these candidate genes with ADHD scores were strenghtened when the platelet MAOB activity was combined with genotype. (iv) Our pilot data showed that treatment of pregnant mice with 5HTT blocking antidepressives resulted in more serotonergic cellbodies in lateral wings of dorsal raphe in the offspring, when compared to saline treatment. Conclusions: Our studies support the notion that platelet MAOB activity and IAEP are endophenotypes for monoaminergic capacity and related behaviours. The functional candidate polymorphisms in MAOA and 5HTT were linked to behaviour, however, the cause-relationship is unclear and the explanation for the associations need to be further investigated, possibly with focus on prenatal effects of the polymorphisms.
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Investigation into changes of the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) gene promoter in association with in vivo prefrontal 5-HTT availability and reward function in human obesityDrabe, Mandy 24 September 2018 (has links)
A polymorphism in the promoter region of the human serotonin transporter (5-HTT)-coding SLC6A4 gene (5-HTTLPR) has been implicated in moderating susceptibility to stress-related psychopathology and to possess regulatory functions on human in vivo 5-HTT availability. However, data on a direct relation between 5-HTTLPR and in vivo 5-HTT availability have been inconsistent. Additional factors such as epigenetic modifications of 5-HTTLPR might contribute to this association. This is of particular interest in the context of obesity, as an association with 5-HTTLPR hypermethylation has previously been reported. Here, we tested the hypothesis that methylation rates of 14 cytosine-phosphate-guanine (CpG) 5-HTTLPR loci, in vivo central 5-HTT availability as measured with [11C]DASB positron emission tomography (PET) and body mass index (BMI) are related in a group of 30 obese (age: 36±10 years, BMI>35 kg/m2) and 14 normal-weight controls (age 36±7 years, BMI<25 kg/m2). No significant association between 5-HTTLPR methylation and BMI overall was found. However, site-specific elevations in 5-HTTLPR methylation rates were significantly associated with lower 5-HTT availability in regions of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) specifically within the obese group when analyzed in isolation. This association was independent of functional 5-HTTLPR allelic variation. In addition, negative correlative data showed that CpG10-associated 5-HTT availability determines levels of reward sensitivity in obesity. Together, our findings suggest that epigenetic mechanisms rather than 5-HTTLPR alone influence in vivo 5-HTT availability, predominantly in regions having a critical role in reward processing, and this might have an impact on the progression of the obese phenotype.:Introduction ............................................................................................................. 3
Homeostatic and hedonic control of food intake...................................................... 3
The obesity epidemic .............................................................................................. 4
The role of 5-HT in energy balance......................................................................... 5
The role of 5-HT in the PFC function....................................................................... 6
The role of the PFC in food intake .......................................................................... 7
The association between central 5-HT transporter (5-HTT) availability and obesity ..................................................................................................................................7
Genetics of obesity ................................................................................................. 8
Epigenetics of obesity ............................................................................................. 9
Objectives and hypothesis of the present work...................................................... 11
Manuscript ..... ....................................................................................................... 12
Summary ............................................................................................................... 20
References ............................................................................................................ 22
Appendices ............................................................................................................I
Glossary ................................................................................................................ I
Publications ........................................................................................................... IV
Selbstständigkeitserklärung................................................................................... V
Danksagung .......................................................................................................... VI
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Physiopathologie de l'hypertension artérielle pulmonaire expérimentale et humaine / Physiopathology of experimental and human pulmonary arterial hypertensionIzikki, Mohamed 24 July 2008 (has links)
La physiopathologie de l'hypertension artérielle pulmonaire (HTAP) implique de multiples mécanismes. Elle est caractérisée, entre autres, par la réduction de la production des facteurs vasodilatateurs, l'augmentation exagérée des facteurs vasoconstricteurs et des facteurs de croissance qui conduisent à la vasoconstruction, la prolifération et le remodelage vasculaire pulmonaire. Les cellules endothéliales pulmonaires secrètent des facteurs paracrines qui contribuent à l'hyperplasie des cellules musculaires lisses pendant la progression de l'hypertension artérielle pulmonaire. Le FGF2 produit par les cellules endothéliales et stocké dans la matrice extracellulaire, est l'un de ces facteurs très bien documenté pour entraîner une prolifération des CML. Cette étude montre que l'inhibition de l'expression pulmonaire du bFGF par l'injection répétée du SiRNA chez les rats traités à la MCT, est corrélée à l'amélioration des paramètres hémodynamiques, du remodelage vasculaire et de l'hypertrophie cardiaque droite, en traitement préventif et curatif. Chez les sujets atteints d'hypertension pulmonaire le niveau de la sérotonine circulant est très élevé. La biosynthèse de la sérotonine dépend de la tryptophane hydroxylase. Nous avons étudié l'impact des variations génétiques de la Tph1 et de la Tph2 sur le développement de l'HTAP chez les souris. Cette étude a montré que la déficience en Tph1 (Tph périphérique) protège les souris contre l'hypoxie alors que les souches de souris porteuses du polymorphisme C1473G au niveau du gène Tph2 (Tph centrale) montrent des phénotypes d'HTAP différents pendant l'hypoxie. En plus de l'importance de la TPH, l'expression du 5-HTT est aussi déterminant dans l'HTAP. Les souris SM22 surexprimant le 5-HTT dans les CML à un niveau proche de celui des CML des patients atteints d'hypertension artérielle pulmonaire développent spontanément une HTAP qui s'aggrave avec l'âge. Du fait de la baisse considérable de l'activité de ces deux enzymes, le NO synthase et la prostacycline synthase, au niveau des cellules endothéliales chez les patients HTAP, le taux de l'AMPc et du GMPc baisse. Les PDEs hydrolysent les deux messagers des agents vasodilatateurs prostacycline et oxyde nitrique, et l'utilisation des inhibiteurs de phosphodiestérases augmentent la concentration intracellulaire de GMPc et AMPc et causent la vasodilatation pulmonaire. Le traitements des rats HTAP avec l'inhibiteur du PDE4 (Roflumilast) avec deux doses 1,5 et 0,5mg/Kg/jour, a montré une régression de l'HTAP, baisse de l'hypertrophie cardiaque et du remodelage vasculaire des rats traités à la monocrotaline ou mises en hypoxie aigüe (10% O2), chez qui un traitement préventif et curatif a été effectué. / The physiopatholy of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) implies multiple mechanisms. It is characterized by the reduction of the production of vasodilatators factors, the overproduction of vasoconstrictor factors and growth factors which lead to the pulmonary vasoconstriction, and the pulmonary vascular remodeling. The pulmonary endothelial cells release paracrine factors which contribute to the hyperplasy of the smooth muscule cells (SMC) during the progression of PAH. The FGF2 produced by the endothelial cells and stored in the extracellular matrix is reproted to be involved in the SMC proliferation. This study shows that inhibition of the pulmonary expression of FGF2 by the repeated injection of SiRNA in the rats treated with monocrotaline (MCT), is correlated with the improvment of the hemodynamic parameters, vascular remodeling and right ventricular hypertrophy, in both, a preventive and a curative treatment. In pateints with PAH, it has been shown that the circulating level of serotonin is very high as compared to control patients. The biosynthesis of serotonin depends on tryptophan hydroxylase. Therefore, we studied the impact of the genetic variations of Tph1 and Tph2 on the development of PAH in mice. This study showed that deficiency in Tph1 (peripheral Tph) protects mice against the hypoxia-induced PAH severity during hypoxia. In addition to the importance of the Tph, the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) expression is also a determining factor in the development of PAH. Mice overexpressing 5-HTT (SM22-5-HTT+ mice) specifically in SMC develop spontaneously PAH in normoxia, which worsens with age. We observed a significant decrease int he rate of cAMP and cGMP produced in the endothelial cells from patients with PAH, which has been reported to be due to low activities of NO synthase and prostacyclin synthase. Phosphodiesterases (PDE)hydrolize the two messengers (cAMP and cGMP), and the use of specific inhibitors of PDE increases the intracellular concentration of cGMP and cAMP and causes pulmonary vasodilatation. A daily oral administration of Roflumilast (1,5 and 0,5 mg/kg/day) a specific inhibitor of PDE4, was effective in preventing and in reversin the PAH in both experimental model of PAH, the MCT and chronic hypoxia (10%O2,2 weeks)
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A Nonhuman Primate Model of the Out of Africa Theory Utilizing Chinese- and Indian-Derived Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta)Hunter, Jacob N. 28 April 2021 (has links)
Evidence suggests that certain genotypic variants associated with novelty-seeking and aggressiveness, such as the 7-repeat dopamine D4 receptor variant (DRD4-7R), short (s) allele of the serotonin transporter (5-HTT), and the low-activity variant of the MAOa promoter (MAOa-L), are more prevalent in human groups that radiated out of Africa than human groups that remained in Africa. Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), like humans, are a widespread species of primates that needed to adapt to different regional environments with one group, Indian-derived rhesus macaques, largely occupying predictable and resource-rich environments, while the other group, the Chinese-derived rhesus macaques, has come to occupy less predictable and resource-abundant environments. Rhesus macaques possess orthologues of these trait-related genes, making it possible to compare the frequency of genotypes associated with these traits between members of two strains. DNA was obtained from N=212 rhesus macaques (n=54 Chinese-derived, n=158 Indian-derived) and genotyped for DRD4 (n=98), 5-HTT (n=190), and MAOA (n=97). Analyses showed that Chinese-derived subjects exhibited higher frequencies of the DRD4-7R and 5-HTT-s-allele when compared to Indian-derived subjects. There were no strain differences in MAOA-L genotype groupings, but the Chinese-derived subjects exhibited a more frequent high-activity (MAOA-H-6R) allele when compared to the Indian-derived subjects. The results suggest that the Chinese-derived rhesus macaques possess a higher frequency of alleles associated with novelty-seeking, impulsivity, and aggressiveness compared to their Indian-derived peers and that those genotypically-mediated traits may have beneficial to both humans and rhesus macaques as they spread into novel and unfamiliar environments.
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A Nonhuman Primate Model of the Out of Africa Theory Utilizing Chinese- and Indian-Derived Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta)Hunter, Jacob N. 28 April 2021 (has links)
Evidence suggests that certain genotypic variants associated with novelty-seeking and aggressiveness, such as the 7-repeat dopamine D4 receptor variant (DRD4-7R), short (s) allele of the serotonin transporter (5-HTT), and the low-activity variant of the MAOa promoter (MAOa-L), are more prevalent in human groups that radiated out of Africa than human groups that remained in Africa. Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), like humans, are a widespread species of primates that needed to adapt to different regional environments with one group, Indian-derived rhesus macaques, largely occupying predictable and resource-rich environments, while the other group, the Chinese-derived rhesus macaques, has come to occupy less predictable and resource-abundant environments. Rhesus macaques possess orthologues of these trait-related genes, making it possible to compare the frequency of genotypes associated with these traits between members of two strains. DNA was obtained from N=212 rhesus macaques (n=54 Chinese-derived, n=158 Indian-derived) and genotyped for DRD4 (n=98), 5-HTT (n=190), and MAOA (n=97). Analyses showed that Chinese-derived subjects exhibited higher frequencies of the DRD4-7R and 5-HTT-s-allele when compared to Indian-derived subjects. There were no strain differences in MAOA-L genotype groupings, but the Chinese-derived subjects exhibited a more frequent high-activity (MAOA-H-6R) allele when compared to the Indian-derived subjects. The results suggest that the Chinese-derived rhesus macaques possess a higher frequency of alleles associated with novelty-seeking, impulsivity, and aggressiveness compared to their Indian-derived peers and that those genotypically-mediated traits may have beneficial to both humans and rhesus macaques as they spread into novel and unfamiliar environments.
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Impact des facteurs génétiques et cliniques sur la réponse au traitement par méthylphénidate chez des enfants avec un trouble déficitaire de l'attention/hyperactivitéVilain, Anne January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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HPA Axis Responsiveness Associates with Central Serotonin Transporter Availability in Human Obesity and Non-Obesity ControlsSchinke, Christian, Rullmann, Michael, Luthardt, Julia, Drabe, Mandy, Preller, Elisa, Becker, Georg A., Patt, Marianne, Regenthal, Ralf, Zientek, Franziska, Sabri, Osama, Bergh, Florian Then, Hesse, Swen 31 July 2024 (has links)
Background: Alterations of hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis activity and serotonergic
signaling are implicated in the pathogenesis of human obesity and may contribute to
its metabolic and mental complications. The association of these systems has not been investigated
in human obesity. Objective: To investigate the relation of HPA responsiveness and serotonin
transporter (5-HTT) availability in otherwise healthy individuals with obesity class II or III
(OB) compared to non-obesity controls (NO). Study participants: Twenty-eight OB (21 females;
age 36.6 10.6 years; body mass index (BMI) 41.2 5.1 kg/m2) were compared to 12 healthy NO
(8 females; age 35.8 7.4 years; BMI 22.4 2.3 kg/m2), matched for age and sex. Methods: HPA
axis responsiveness was investigated using the combined dexamethasone/corticotropin-releasing
hormone (dex/CRH) test, and curve indicators were derived for cortisol and adrenocorticotropic
hormone (ACTH). The 5-HTT selective tracer [11C]DASB was applied, and parametric images of the
binding potentials (BPND) were calculated using the multilinear reference tissue model and evaluated
by atlas-based volume of interest (VOI) analysis. The self-questionnaires of behavioral inhibition
system/behavioral activation system (BIS/BAS) with subscales drive, fun-seeking and reward were
assessed. Results: OB showed significant positive correlations of ACTH curve parameters with overall
5-HTT BPND (ACTHAUC: r = 0.39, p = 0.04) and 5-HTT BPND of the caudate nucleus (ACTHAUC:
r = 0.54, p = 0.003). In NO, cortisol indicators correlated significantly with BPND in the hippocampus
(cortisolAUC: r = 0.59, p = 0.04). In OB, BAS reward was inversely associated with the ACTHAUC
(r = 0.49, p = 0.009). Conclusion: The present study supports a serotonergic-neuroendocrine association,
which regionally differs between OB and NO. In OB, areas processing emotion and reward
seem to be in-volved. The finding of a serotonergic HPA correlation may have implications for other
diseases with dysregulated stress axis responsiveness, and for potential pharmacologic interven-tions.
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Participación del sistema cannabinoide endógeno en el control de las respuestas relacionadas con trastornos afectivosAso Pérez, Ester 19 December 2008 (has links)
Los trastornos emocionales de tipo depresivo y la ansiedad son las formas más prevalentes de enfermedad mental y suponen un serio problema de salud en la sociedad occidental. Recientemente, se ha postulado que el sistema endocannabinoide pueda ser un importante sustrato en el desarrollo de estos trastornos dada su participación en el control de las emociones. Nuestros resultados demuestran que los animales carentes del receptor cannabinoide CB1 manifiestan un fenotipo de tipo depresivo asociado a una deficiencia del factor neurotrófico BDNF en el hipocampo, que podría estar causada por los elevados niveles de glucocorticoides liberados en respuesta al estrés en estos mutantes. Por otra parte, el sistema endocannabinoide participa en los efectos inducidos por la nicotina sobre la ansiedad y en la expresión del síndrome de abstinencia de esta droga. Así, la actividad del receptor CB1 alivia los efectos ansiogénicos de dosis elevadas de nicotina y facilita los efectos ansiolíticos de dosis bajas. Además, la administración del agonista cannabinoide 9-THC atenúa las manifestaciones somáticas y emocionales negativas de la abstinencia de nicotina. En general, considerando los resultados presentados en esta Tesis Doctoral, podemos afirmar que el receptor CB1 participa de forma determinante en la recuperación del balance homeostático del organismo tras la exposición a un estímulo emocional negativo, bien sea una situación estresante aguda o sostenida, o bien una droga que incrementa los niveles de ansiedad o cuya retirada produce abstinencia. / Mood disorders such as depression and anxiety are the most common mental diseases and they suppose a serious health problem in our society. Recently, endocannabinoid system has been postulated to be an important substrate in the development of such disorders taking into account the role exerted by this neuromodulatory system in mood and emotions. Our results demonstrate that CB1 knockout mice exhibit a depressive-like phenotype associated to a deficiency in the neurotrophic factor BDNF in the hippocampus, which could be a consequence of the increased glucocorticoid release in response to stress exposure. On the other hand, the endocannabinoid system participates in nicotine induced effects on anxiety and in the expression of nicotine withdrawal. Thus, CB1 receptor activity attenuates anxiogenic-like effects and facilitates anxiolytic-like responses induced by high or low doses of nicotine, respectively. Moreover, 9-THC administration ameliorates somatic and negative motivational signs of nicotine withdrawal. In summary, the results presented in this Doctoral Thesis indicate that CB1 receptor participates in the recovery of the homeostatic balance after the exposure to negative emotional stimuli, either acute or sustained stress or a drug which induced anxiety-like effects or withdrawal signs after the end of the exposure.
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