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Lived Experiences of Women Over 50 Who Have Experienced Involuntary Job LossPhillips, Roxine Denise 01 January 2015 (has links)
Both the short-term and long-term unemployment rates for older workers in the United States have increased significantly since the 2007 recession. Researchers who examine the impact of involuntary job loss have predominantly focused on the experiences of men. Limited prior research exists on the job loss experiences of women over 50 years of age compared to men. The goal of this study was to address this gap in knowledge by examining the lived experiences of women over 50 who had experienced involuntary job loss, the barriers faced to reemployment, and the ways women overcame the barriers to reemployment. A phenomenological design was employed to gather data from a convenience sample of 10 women in a northeastern metropolitan city. Guided by the frameworks of Bandura and Leana and Feldman, this transcendental approach aimed to capture the lived experiences of the women who incurred involuntary job loss. Data transcribed from audio-taped interviews were manually coded and aligned with the appropriate research question. The findings highlighted the emotions, finances, family and social life of women following job loss. The findings suggest women faced age discrimination, organizational practices, technological challenges, and stereotypical beliefs in their attempts toward reemployment. The results of the study can be used to inform organizational leaders of the need for greater emphasis on programs offering solutions to older female workers seeking reemployment. The study promotes potential positive social change by informing organizational leaders of the experiences of women over 50 who had experienced involuntary job loss.
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Evaluation des effets d'insecticides sur deux types d'Hyménoptères auxilliaires des cultures, l'abeille domestique (Apis mellifera L.) et des parasitoïdes de pucerons : études de terrain à Madagascar et de laboratoire en FranceRafalimanana, Halitiana Joséa 01 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Les abeilles et les parasitoïdes de pucerons courent le risque d'exposition à des insecticides qui ne leur sont pas destinés. Nos objectifs consistent à évaluer ce risque sur le terrain et à contribuer à mettre au point des tests de toxicité létale et sublétale en laboratoire pour les deux types d'insectes. <br />A Madagascar, nous avons mené une enquête pour déterminer l'impact de pratiques paysannes en matière de protection de cultures d'agrumes sur les abeilles, et une expérimentation en parcelle de choux pour évaluer les effets de traitements insecticides sur les Hyménoptères parasites de pucerons. En France, nous avons déterminé en laboratoire les toxicités aiguës de la deltaméthrine, de la lambda cyhalothrine, du chlorpyriphos éthyle et du pyrimicarbe, pour les abeilles et le parasitoïde de pucerons, Aphidius ervi. Nous avons analysé, chez l'abeille, certaines causes de variabilité des doses létales à 50%. Nous avons également déterminé les effets d'insecticides sur le comportement d'orientation olfactive en olfactomètre chez l'abeille et A. ervi. <br />A Madagascar, le traitement pendant la floraison existe et les apiculteurs constatent des effets négatifs sur leurs ruches. L'expérimentation en parcelle de chou montre que le traitement insecticide contribue à retarder l'action des Hyménoptères parasites de pucerons. <br />En laboratoire, la toxicité varie en fonction du mode de pénétration et de la nature des matières actives. Chez l'abeille, les toxicités par ingestion collective et individuelle ne sont pas toujours comparables. L'importance du phénomène de trophallaxie dans cette différence a été précisée. Ainsi, la valeur de DL50 exprimée en ng/abeille dépend des conditions expérimentales. Les abeilles et A. ervi ayant survécu aux traitements insecticides et testés en olfactomètre, ne montrent pas ou peu de changement de comportement d'orientation vis-à-vis de l'odeur utilisée. Par contre, les abeilles recevant des DL20 et DL50 de deltaméthrine ont une capacité locomotrice réduite. Cette perturbation pourrait avoir des effets non négligeables sur les insectes auxiliaires dans un environnement pollué par les insecticides
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Machbarkeitstudie für einen industriellen supraleitenden Table Top ElektronenbeschleunigerJanssen, Dietmar, Pobell, Frank, Gabriel, Frank, Schneider, Christof, Michel, Peter, Enghardt, Wolfgang, Kudryavtsev, A., Haberstroh, Christoph, Sandner, W., Will, I., Prade, Haral, Büttig, Hartmut 31 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
At the Forschungszentrum Rossendorf the build-up of the superconducting 1.3 GHz accelerator ELBE is still in progress. Furthermore a new sc photo injector (SRF gun) is under development, which should accelerate electrons up to 10 MeV at 1.3 GHz frequency. The use of electron accelerators is also more and more interesting for applications where the destructive potential of the electrons are used like sterilization of medical waste and medical products, food irradiation or decontamination of sewage. For these processes a high power is required to achieve a high product throughput in a plant. The aim is therefore to use beam powers of around 100 kW or more. Since the applications of electron accelerators in industrial environments are steadily increasing one can speculate about transferring the above named state of the arte technology to industrial electron accelerators. At the FZR a feasibility study of such a table top electron accelerator (TTE) has been performed to investigate its technical limits and marketabilitys.
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Lived Experiences of Women Over 50 Who Have Experienced Involuntary Job LossPhillips, Roxine Denise 01 January 2015 (has links)
Both the short-term and long-term unemployment rates for older workers in the United States have increased significantly since the 2007 recession. Researchers who examine the impact of involuntary job loss have predominantly focused on the experiences of men. Limited prior research exists on the job loss experiences of women over 50 years of age compared to men. The goal of this study was to address this gap in knowledge by examining the lived experiences of women over 50 who had experienced involuntary job loss, the barriers faced to reemployment, and the ways women overcame the barriers to reemployment. A phenomenological design was employed to gather data from a convenience sample of 10 women in a northeastern metropolitan city. Guided by the frameworks of Bandura and Leana and Feldman, this transcendental approach aimed to capture the lived experiences of the women who incurred involuntary job loss. Data transcribed from audio-taped interviews were manually coded and aligned with the appropriate research question. The findings highlighted the emotions, finances, family and social life of women following job loss. The findings suggest women faced age discrimination, organizational practices, technological challenges, and stereotypical beliefs in their attempts toward reemployment. The results of the study can be used to inform organizational leaders of the need for greater emphasis on programs offering solutions to older female workers seeking reemployment. The study promotes potential positive social change by informing organizational leaders of the experiences of women over 50 who had experienced involuntary job loss.
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Traditionsprincipen : En studie av riskbilden vid köp enligt köplagenJohansson, Sandra January 2014 (has links)
En kommitté med uppgift att utreda huruvida en övergång bör ske från traditionsprincipen till avtalsprincipen tillsattes den 14 mars 2013. Utredningen har påkallats bland annat med anledning av att köpares okunskap, beträffande kravet på tradition, föranleder ett omedvetet risktagande från köparens sida i form av att en förvärvad vara kvarlämnas i säljarens besittning. Om en köpare kvarlämnar en köpt vara i säljarens besittning riskerar han enligt gällande rätt att gå miste om såväl varan som erlagd köpeskilling, med anledning av att förvärvet inte är skyddat mot säljarens borgenärer. Säljarens borgenärer har följaktligen möjlighet att ta en kvarlämnad vara i anspråk för täckning av säljarens skulder. Om en övergång skulle ske till avtalsprincipen skulle köparens förvärv erhålla skydd mot säljarens borgenärer vid köpeavtalets ingående och köparen skulle därför kunna hindra att en köpt, men kvarlämnad, vara tas i anspråk för täckning av säljarens skulder. Köparen erhåller emellertid enbart separationsrätt till en vara om köpet uppfyller kravet på individualisering. För att erhålla separationsrätt krävs även att köparen kan uppvisa betryggande bevisning till stöd för sin rätt, vilket kan medföra att köparen, om han efter köpet kvarlämnar varan i säljarens besittning, riskerar att gå miste om den på grund av att han inte kan styrka sin äganderätt. En övergång kan därför innebära att köparen likväl riskerar att gå miste om en köpt vara, dels eftersom han kan vara ovetandes om kravet på individualisering och dels eftersom han kan ha svårt att styrka sin rätt. Även säljaren vidtar, när han ingår ett överlåtelseavtal, en risk för att göra en förlust, men det är osannolikt att den risken skulle förändras med anledning av ett principbyte.
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L’invecchiamento della popolazione in atto, l’entrata in massa della donna nel mercato del lavoro, verificata negli ultimi anni, l’aumento delle aspettative di vita e l’allungamento dell’età pensionabile con la Riforma Fornero-Monti, contribuiscono al mutamento della morfologia della famiglia, dei contesti lavorativi e della società nel complesso rendendo palese l’esigenza di comprendere meglio le dinamiche che questi cambiamenti comportano. Nonostante l’invecchiamento delle lavoratrici rappresenti un cambiamento importante, non ci sono ancora molti studi che hanno analizzato questo fenomeno.
Il presente studio ha avuto l’obiettivo di comprendere e far luce sulle caratteristiche delle lavoratrici over 50, in particolar modo conoscere le peculiarità delle loro relazioni familiari/extra-lavorative e lavorative attraverso il concetto sociologico di Capitale sociale ritenuto di estrema importanza per comprendere il potenziale delle lavoratrici. La ricerca ha coinvolto, attraverso la compilazione di un questionario, 4962 lavoratrici tra i 50 e i 69 anni di 18 aziende associate a Valore D, su tutto il territorio italiano. Dallo studio emerge che le lavoratrici hanno ancora un buon livello di potenziale e che il CSF e CSL possono rivestire un ruolo importante come risorsa nella vita delle donne in questa fase di vita, ma anche per le aziende e la società stessa. / The aging of the population, the mass entry of women into the labor market, verified in recent years, the increase in life expectancy and the lengthening of the retirement age with the Fornero-Monti Reform, contributed to the change of the morphology of the family, of working contexts and of society as a whole, making clear the need to better understand the dynamics that these changes entail. Although the aging of female workers represents an important change, this phenomenon has not been analyzed yet.
The present study aims to understand and shed light on the characteristics of of workers over 50, especially to know the peculiarities of their family / extra-work and work relationships through the sociological concept of Social Capital considered of extreme importance to understand the potential of female workers. The research involved 4962 workers between 50 and 69 years of 18 companies associated with Valore D, throughout Italy, who completed a questionnaire.
The study shows that female workers still have a good level of potential and that the CSF and CSL can play an important important role as a resource for women in this phase of their life, but also for companies and society itself.
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Vytváření ideálu Sovětského svazu a jeho mediálního obrazu v československých médiích v 50. letech 20. století / The creation of the Soviet union's ideal and its media image in the Czechoslovak media in 1950'sCihlářová, Gabriela January 2012 (has links)
The objective of the present thesis entitled The creation of the Soviet union's ideal and its media image in the Czechoslovak media in 1950's is to show the effort of the major daily newspaper of that time - i.e. Rudé právo - to describe Soviet science. Creating a positive image of the Soviet Union through the presentation of scientific breakthroughs represents a significant way of building the ideal image of the USSR. More than fifty years later, it may be well analyzed which scientific fields were glorified by right, wherein the Soviet Union really excelled; and the rest, glorified only for propagandistic purposes. The theoretical part of this paper deals with the political situation in the USSR at the end of 40's and in the 50's as well as with the overall scientific environment during the same period. It characterizes the position of Rudé právo and describes the method of investigation. The paper however centers on the media analysis of ten separate time periods. The basic research method consists in historical and content- related analysis. The areas to be analyzed include the most important military research event of the decade under investigation - the successful test of the Soviet H-bomb, as well as the first successful use of nuclear energy for civilian purposes in the world - the startup...
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TU-Spektrum 3-4/2003, Magazin der Technischen Universität ChemnitzSteinebach, Mario, Friebel, Alexander, Häckel-Riffler, Christine, Tzschucke, Volker 09 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
4 mal im Jahr erscheinende Zeitschrift über aktuelle Themen der TU Chemnitz
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中國證券市場上的上證50ETF與滬深300ETF之間的統計套利研究 / The study of statistical arbitrage between SSE50 ETF and CSI300 ETF on the China’s security market邵玲玉, Shao, Ling Yu Unknown Date (has links)
此外,在此說明的是本文所採用的樣本資料為華夏上證50ETF和華泰柏瑞滬深300ETF在2016年7月1日到2016年10月31日每十分鐘的高頻交易價格資料,資料來源為中國大陸的WIND資料庫。 / This essay uses Huaxia SSE50 ETF (Code: SH510050) and Huataiborui CSI300 ETF (Code: SH510300), the two ETFs with the largest trading volume and the best liquidity in the China’s security market, as a pair for statistical arbitrage.
Firstly, we introduce the definition of the strategy—pair trading, and its current application in the global and China’s mainland stock market. Then, the essay presents the underlying assets of the two ETFs, SSE50 Index and CSI300 Index, and explains why we choose the two ETFs for statistical arbitrage.
Secondly, we analyze the correlation between Huaxia SSE50 ETF and Huataiborui CSI300 ETF, and build the co-integration model based on the correlation. Meanwhile, we establish the first-order error correction model to supplement the short-term imbalance of the two ETFs. On this basis, we set trading rules for simulated transaction. Moreover, we consider trading costs and stop-loss points in this article.
After simulated trading, we find that both the trading time and the return are not good enough when we set a standard deviation as the threshold. So we modify trading rules, using the two standard deviations and moving standard deviation as thresholds, but it still doesn’t work. In order to further verify the above conclusion, we change the sample data by adding two times of the original and using the daily closing price, and it reveals that when we use the daily closing price to trade, the yield is better than the high-frequency trading price.
There are two reasons for this conclusion. First, the standard deviation of the model’s residual is so little that the arbitrage space is small. Second, the coefficients of ECM is too little, which means the long-term stability of the model has little effect on the short-term volatility of the time series, thus leading to fewer arbitrage chances.
In addition, the data used in the article are from the Wind Database in China.
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Pohybové schopnosti dětí mladšího školního věku / Motor Skills of Children of Younger School AgeHůrková, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the search of the level of physical abilities of today's younger school-age children in comparison with the results of the 'Children's fitness badge' competition. Data comes from two smaller schools of the Central Bohemian region - Kounice Elementary School, year 1989 and from elementary school Sedlčany, year 2015. The thesis also discusses the differences between results in physically active and inactive pupils, between boys and girls, as well as the ability of today's students to meet the elementary level of the 'Children's fitness badge' points table. I studied these disciplines - the long jump, the 50 meters sprint and the cricket ball throw for my testing. Data were analyzed by using the statistical program SPSS. Key words Athletics, 'Children's fitness badge', younger school-age, long jump, 50 meters sprint, cricket ball throw.
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