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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Super spin glass behaviour in diluted Fe-Au, Ag and Cu nanogranular thin films.

Alba Venero, Diego 08 July 2011 (has links)
Es esta tesis se ha estudiado el comportamiento de las interacciones magnéticas en sistemas nanoparticulados de Fe disueltos en matriz diamagnética y metálica (concretamente Au, Ag y Cu) en forma de película delgada (espesor menor de 300 nm) con una baja concentración de Fe. La aleaciones fueron depositadas mediante la técnica "DC-magnetron sputtering", produciendo muestras de alta calidad: altamente repetitivas y homogéneas. Para caracterizar dichas películas se han utilizados diversas técnicas, tanto estructurales (difracción de rayos X, microscopía electrónica de transmisión, espectroscopía de dispersión de rayos X, medidas de transporte eléctrico variando tanto la temperatura como el campo magnético aplicado) como magnéticas mediante un magnetómetro SQUID (ciclos de histéresis a distintas temperaturas, procesos de enfiamento sin y con campo (ZFC/FC) y susceptibilidad con campo magnético alterno) y con dicroísmo circular magnético de rayos X en los bordes de absorción L2,3 del Au. En nuestro estudio en concreto, los resultados obtenidos han sido sorprendentes por dos motivos. El primero es la gran cantidad de interacciones existentes pese a la dilución (del orden del 10% at. en Fe), observando ciclos de histéresis a temperatura ambiente. Este comportamiento no había sido observado previamente en la literatura, remarcando la importancia de la nanoestructura, destruyendo la fase superparamagnética. El segundo resultado fuera de lo común es la obtención de fases tipo vidrio de espín en sistemas que clásicamente no lo admitian debido a su fuerte comportamiento kondo, como son las aleaciones de FeCu y FeAg. La existencia de nanopartículas magnéticas permite rodear este problema.

Computational modelling of the vortex state in high-temperature superconductors

Fangohr, Hans January 2002 (has links)
The vortex state in high temperature superconductors is investigated using computer simulations. Vortices are represented as particles and we employ Langevin dynamics to study the statics and dynamics of the system. We show that the long-range nature of the vortex-vortex interaction can result in numerical artefacts, and provide two techniques to overcome these problems: (i) using a ‘smooth’ cut-off which reduces the interaction force near the cut-off smoothly to zero, and (ii) an infinite lattice summation technique applicable for a K0-Bessel function interaction potential. Using these methods, we investigate a two-dimensional vortex system driven over a weak random potential. We observe the moving Bragg glass regime, and study the recently predicted critical transverse force. Our results agree with and extend other theoretical and numerical works, and provide important confirmation for the moving glass theory. We investigate the critical transverse force as a function of system size, temperature, driving force and disorder strength. We provide numerical estimates to assist experimentalists in verifying its existence. We study vortex matter in three-dimensional layered superconductors in the limit of zero Josephson coupling. The long-range nature of the electromagnetic interaction between pancake vortices in the c-direction allows us to employ a meanfield method: all attractive inter-layer interactions are described by a substrate potential, which pancakes experience in addition to the in-layer pancake repulsion. Using an averaged pancake-density, we iteratively re-compute the substrate potential. The self-consistent method converges, depending on temperature, either to a pancake lattice or a pancake liquid. We investigate different methods to perform these simulation efficiently, and compute the instability line for the transition from solid to liquid, the melting line and the entropy jump across the transition.

Transient electric birefringence of macromolecular systems

Rudd, P. J. January 1974 (has links)
The transient electric birefringence method, i. e. the transient Kerr effect, has been employed to study the optical, electrical and geometrical properties of three macromolecular systems. An apparatus is described in which the birefringence could be measured when d. c. electric field pulses (of duration 1μs to 5s and strength up to 50 KV/cm) and a. c. electric field pulses (of duration greater than 5 ms, of frequency up to 20 kHz, and strength up to 3 KV/Cm) were applied to solutions of macromolecules. Both the linear and quadratic optical systems have been employed to measure the induced birefringence. A theoretical analysis and review of the errors implicit in such measurements is given, with suggested alignment and calibration procedures. For the first time in electro-optic work, a data-logging system and computer program have been developed and employed, and enabled the automatic recording of transient responses with subsequent high speed data analysis. Measurements have been made on a polypeptide poly – β – benzyl – 1 – aspartate in two solvents. These show how the method can be used to study a rigid macromolecule. A novel investigation was made on the interaction of an anionic surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulphate, with a flexible polymer, polyvinylpyrrolidone. The large variation of Kerr constant observed with addition of surfactant indicated a great potential use of this method for studying polymer surfactant interactions. An aqueous suspension of the bacteria E. coli was also studied, but changes in turbidity and not birefringence were the origin of the observed effects. Novel practical methods of investigation, and turbidity calculations carried out with the aid of a computer enabled size parameters and electrical properties to be determined for E. coli. For the first time such results were in agreement with electro-optic light scattering measurements.

Finite element modelling and PGD based model reduction for piezoelectric and magnetostrictive materials / Modélisation en éléments finis et réduction de modèle basé sur PGD pour les matériaux piézoélectrique et magnétostrictive

Qin, Zhi 02 December 2016 (has links)
Les techniques sur la récupération d'énergie qui visent à permettre aux réseaux de capteurs sans fil (Wireless Sensor Network, WSN) de devenir autonomes, sont reconnues comme des élément cruciaux pour répondre aux futurs besoins des objets connectés portés par l'internet des objets (Internet of Things, IoT). C’est dans ce contexte que les matériaux fonctionnels piézoélectriques et magnétostrictifs, qui peuvent être utilisés dans une large gamme de systèmes de récupération d'énergie, ont un regain d’intérêt au cours de ces dernières années. Cette thèse porte sur la modélisation multiphysique de ces deux matériaux fonctionnels avec la méthode éléments finis et par la réduction de modèle pour les systèmes qui en résultent, sur la base de la décomposition propre généralisée (Proper Generalized Decomposition, PGD). La modélisation de ces matériaux fonctionnels reste difficile bien que la recherche dans ce domaine a été l'objet de plusieurs études depuis des décennies. Une multitude de difficultés existent, parmi lesquelles les trois suivantes qui sont largement reconnues. La première difficulté résulte de la description mathématique des propriétés de ces matériaux qui est compliquée ; ce qui est particulièrement vrai pour les matériaux magnétostrictifs pour lesquels leurs propriétés dépendent de facteurs environnementaux externes tels que la température, la contrainte et le champ magnétique d’excitation. La deuxième difficulté résulte des effets de couplage entre les champs électromagnétiques, élastiques et thermiques qui doivent être considérés mutuellement, ce qui est au-delà de la capacité de la plupart des outils de simulation existants. La troisième difficulté vient du fait que les systèmes deviennent de plus en plus compacts pour être intégrés et/ou embarqués. Dans ce cas la modélisation multi-échelle est nécessaire, ce qui signifie que des modèles numériques tridimensionnels (3D) doivent être employés. Le travail présenté ici fournit des solutions pour répondre aux difficultés mentionnées. Une modélisation multiphysique sur la base des formes différentielles est d'abord établie. Dans cette modélisation, les quantités sont discrétisés en utilisant les éléments de Whitney appropriés. Après la discrétisation, le système est résolu en un bloc unique, ce qui évite les itérations entre les solutions physiques différentes tout en conduisant à des convergences rapides. La formulation prend en compte, la loi de comportement linéaire des matériaux piézoélectriques, et une loi de comportement non linéaire pour les matériaux magnétostrictifs basée sur le principe de l’énergie libre exprimé par le modèle (Discrete Energy-Averaged Model, DEAM). La mise en œuvre de notre formulation permet de décrire les comportements des matériaux fonctionnels piézoélectriques et magnétostrictifs à des coûts numériques raisonnables. Suite à cela, deux algorithmes basés sur la PGD pour la réduction de modèle sont proposés. Ces deux algorithmes ont permis de réduire considérablement le problème dimensionnel des modèles multiphysiques tout en en conservant de très bonnes précisions. Les algorithmes proposés fournissent également des moyens pour gérer le couplage avec la non-linéarité d’une manière efficiente. L’ensemble de nos modèles sont vérifiés et validés par des exemples représentatifs. / The energy harvesting technology that aims to enable wireless sensor networks (WSN) to be maintenance-free, is recognized as a crucial part for the next generation technology mega- trend: the Internet of Things (IoT). Piezoelectric and magnetostrictive materials, which can be used in a wide range of energy harvesting systems, have attracted more and more interests during the past few years. This thesis focuses on multiphysics finite element (FE) modeling of these two materials and performing model reduction for resultant systems, based on the Prop- er Generalized Decomposition (PGD). Modeling these materials remains challenging although research in this area has been under- going over decades. A multitude of difficulties exist, among which the following three issues are largely recognized. First, mathematically describing properties of these materials is com- plicated, which is particularly true for magnetostrictive materials because their properties depend on factors including temperature, stress and magnetic field. Second, coupling effects between electromagnetic, elastic, and thermal fields need to be considered, which is beyond the capability of most existing simulation tools. Third, as systems becoming highly integrated whole-scale simulations become necessary, which means three dimensional (3D) numerical models should be employed. 3D models, on the other hand, quickly turns intractable if not properly built. The work presented here provides solutions in respond to the above challenges. A differential forms based multiphysics FE framework is first established. Within this frame- work quantities are discreted using appropriate Whitney elements. After discretization, the system is solved as a single block, thus avoiding iterations between different physics solutions and leading to rapid convergences. Next, the linear piezoelectric, and a free energy based nonlinear magnetostrictive constitutive model called Discrete Energy Averaged Model (DE- AM) are incorporated into the framework. Our implementation describes underlying material behaviors at reasonable numerical costs. Eventually, two novel PGD based algorithms for model reduction are proposed. With our algorithms, problem size of multiphysics models can be significantly reduced while final results of very good accuracy are obtained. Our algo- rithms also provide means to handle coupling and nonlinearity conveniently. All our methodologies are demonstrated and verified via representative examples.

Modelling and experimental observation of ferrroelectric domains

Sui, Dan January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on studying the interaction and evolution of the needle domains in barium titanate single crystal through the simulation and experimental methods. The results are expected to assist in the interpretation of the arrangement and evolution of the needle domains and improve the design of future material. The existence of a needle domain gives rise to an internal stress field and electric field around the needle tip, which influences the polarization switching process and crack propagation in a single crystal. A model is established to study the interaction and evolution of the needle domains in barium titanate single crystals using the theory of dislocations. Considering the electrical and mechanical incompatibility at the needle tip, the fields produced by a needle domain are represented using the fields due to the equivalent edge dislocations and line charges distributed over the needle tip. Accordingly, the dislocation fields derived by Barnett and Lothe for anisotropic piezoelectric media are used to analyse the stress and electric fields around the needle domains. The calculation of the modified Peach-Koehler force and the total energy due to the needle domains is used to study the interaction among the needle domains and the stability of the needle pattern. Through experimental observation, we further know about the microstructure and common pattern of needle domains. X-ray diffraction is used to map the shape of needle tip and detect the strain field around the needle tip. The interaction of pairs of needle domains in an infinite piezoelectric body is studied. It is found that the needle tip interactions tend to be dominated by the electrostatic terms. Additionally, the stability of groups of needle domains is investigated. Stable configurations of needle domains in a herringbone pattern are identified, consistent with experimental evidence. However, comb-like arrays of needles are found to be unstable. This is contrary to experimental observations, where needle domains are observed in aligned arrays. This contradictory result leads to an analysis of the effect of charge produced by the polarization jump at a needle tip on domain interaction. The existence and position of stable equilibrium states are found to be sensitive to a change in the quantity of polarization charge. When the polarization charge is reduced to about 48% of its theoretical value, the modified model works well to interpret the stability of comb-like needle pattern and herringbone needle pattern. A viscous model is proposed to further analyse the evolution of the needle domains under the external perturbation. Based on the superposition theory proposed by Van der Giessen, boundary value problems are discussed. Single needles and pairs of needle domains are selected to analyse the effect of boundary condition on the distribution and arrangement of the needle domains. After that, the evolution of the comb-like needle domains under the applied external loads is studied. During the process of analysis, a lattice friction model, and the viscous model are compared.

Some aspects of magnetohydrodynamics

Hunt, Julian C. R. January 1967 (has links)
This thesis is an account of various phenomena caused by the interaction of the motion of electrically conducting fluids with magnetic fields. Such phenomena, the study of which is usually known as Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), occur on a galactic, planetary or laboratory length scale; however in this thesis we concentrate on those phenomena which can be reproduced in the laboratory. In chapter 2 we study the laminar flow of uniformly conducting, incompressible fluids in rectangular ducts under the action of transverse magnetic fields. We begin by proving that when the duct has a constant cross-section the solution is unique and then analyse theoretically some of the curious effects on the flow of the duct's walls being electrically conducting. We find close agreement between the results of these theories and the experiments of Alty (1966) and Baylis (1966). We then analyse the flow in ducts with varying cross-sections. In chapter 3 we analyse some of the curious flows and current streamline patterns produced by placing electrodes on the non-conducting walls of a container, filled with a conducting fluid, and passing electric currents between the electrodes in the presence of a strong magnetic field. In chapter 4 we analyse some of the theoretical limitations on the use of Pitot tubes and electric potential (e.p.) probes in MHD flows, and provide some estimates of the errors to be expected. In chapter 5 we analyse the stability of parallel flows in parallel magnetic fields and also some aspects of the stability of the flows analysed in chapters 2 and 3. In chapters 6, 7 and 8 we describe our experimental apparatus, the experiments to investigate directly some of the flows analysed theoretically in chapters 2 and 3 by means of Pitot and e.p. probes, and experiments to measure the MHD errors inherent in the use of these probes. We concluded that the curious phenomena predicted actually exist. We also learnt much about the use of Pitot and e.p. probes, especially as some of the experimental results were as predicted in chapter 4.

Liquid crystal blue phase for electro-optic displays

Tian, Linan January 2014 (has links)
Liquid crystals are a vast and diverse class of materials which ranges from fluids made up of simple rods, polymers and solutions, to elastomers and biological organisms. Liquid crystal phases are neither crystalline, nor a ‘normal’ isotropic liquid, but lie somewhere in between these two common states of matter. Liquid crystals have found enormous use in display devices due to their electro-optic properties. In this thesis, the optical and electro-optical properties of some chiral liquid crystalline phases are studied. The optical and electro-optical behaviour of liquid crystalline blue phases has been investigated via a detailed analysis of the reflection spectrum from thin, vertical field (VF) cells. Spectral analysis in this thesis was performed using a numerical fitting technique based on the Berreman 4x4 matrix method. The validity of the technique was proved through comparisons of independent measurements with the calculated physical parameters. A novel Kerr effect measurement method was proposed in this thesis and a known material was used to verify this new method. The Kerr constant together with its dispersion relation was measured using a white light source. An unusually large Kerr constant, K, is determined in the blue phases of a non-polymer stabilized material, ~ 3x10-9 mV-2 (BPI). The large value of K is attributed to significant pre-transitional values of the dielectric anisotropy and birefringence. K follows an inverse dependence on temperature which is more marked in BPII than BPI, and we consequently suggest that the BPI demonstrates properties best suited to electro-optic devices. The field effects in blue phase include electrostriction and the influence of the Kerr effect was separated from electrostriction phenomena for the first time in this work. Finally in the Kerr effect measurements, the Kerr constant in the optically isotropic dark conglomerate phase of a bent-core material was studied for the first time, with rather low values, ~1x10-11 mV-2. The low Kerr constant can be understood in the context of the physical properties of the material. Supercooling phenomena in the blue phase were studied through an analysis of the optical properties in thin cells. Features including the Bragg reflection peak jump and hysteresis are measured through the reflection spectra. A blue phase sample with a single orientation over an area of millimeters was prepared to help the spectra study of the blue phases. Although some previous reports indicated that there may be a new blue phase in the supercooled region, we find that there is no evidence shows that the supercooled blue phase has a different structure from the BPI.Chiral molecules have been included as dopants in achiral bent-core materials to produce a range of new chiral mixtures. Different host materials and chiral dopants have been used to produce several chiral nematic materials in which the chiral nematic phase, the underlying smectic phase and the blue phases are examined. The order parameter is determined as a function of temperature in the chiral nematic phase, and compared to that determined for several calamitic materials; no discernible difference is found. A study of the pitch divergence in the chiral nematic phase of the bent-core mixtures shows interesting properties at both low temperature (as the smectic phase is approached) and at high temperatures (at the transition to the blue phase). An unusual phase separation of the chiral dopant in the mixtures is reported, and details are deduced through a comparison between different mixtures. It is found that a dopant with similar clearing point to the bent-core material has less likelihood of phase separation. Although the blue phase temperature range is extended in these mixtures in comparison with typical values for calamitic materials, it does not extend beyond 2K in any of the materials. Both blue phase I and the fog phases are observed in these chiral bent core systems, but no BPII is observed in any of the materials studied. The small k33 (~ 2.8 pN at 10 K below clearing point) in the bent-core host material is suggested as one of the reasons that the blue phase range is not enhanced as much as may have been expected from reports by other authors.

Nouvelle méthode d'estimation des différences de temps d'arrivée pour la localisation des objets connectés haut débit / New TDOA based localization method for HDR systems

Jafari, Ahmadreza 02 March 2015 (has links)
La vision future de l'internet des objets (IdO) et Internet du Tout (OIE) plongera les personnes soi-disant environnements intelligents impliquant un grand nombre de secteurs d'applications telles que l'habitat intelligent, smart-villes, surveillance de l'environnement, l'e-santé ... IdO et l'OIE ont tendance à faire des objets du quotidien lisible, identifiable, localisable, adressable et contrôlable via le déploiement sans fil généralisée et l'Internet. Parmi ces capacités, la localisation et plus largement le positionnement omniprésente joueront, dans un proche avenir, un rôle clé pour promouvoir une autre vision émergente: un Internet spatio-temporelle des lieux (IoP), qui serait en mesure de structurer et d'organiser, par des moyens des approches sans fil d'énergie savez, le contenu spatial d'Internet. Il est bien connu que dans les réseaux locaux sans fil et personnelles, l'encombrement du spectre, les communications à faible efficacité énergétique et l'exploitation insuffisante des ressources spatiales sont parmi les facteurs qui peuvent ralentir son développement en termes de débit et de l'autonomie. Pour surmonter ces restrictions inévitables, la technologie de localisation sans fil, comme le mécanisme pour découvrir relation spatio-temporelle entre les objets connectés, apparaît ici aussi comme une des solutions clés. Ce est parce que les techniques de localisation dédiés à la communication sans fil peuvent aider à développer plus largement l'exploitation des ressources spatiales et de permettre la conduite routage optimisé pour une faible énergie communication multi-hop et la décongestion du spectre pour Green ICT (Information et Communication Technology). Pour proposer des systèmes optimisés atteindre à la fois la communication des taux de données élevés et la localisation précise, nous définissons un TDOA bien adapté (Time Difference of Arrival) méthode basée en mesure d'effectuer la localisation basée sur des signaux de communication et de données seulement. Avec cette technique, contrairement estimations TDOA classiques, il est possible de diminuer considérablement la complexité des infrastructures nécessaires en utilisant des configurations SIMO (Single Input Multiple Output), MISO (Multiple Input Single Output) ou MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) dans les objets connectés . Toute cette étude est faite dans le cadre de l'IEEE 802.11ad spécifications de l'alliance standard et WiGig, mais les solutions proposées sont compatibles avec d'autres normes et peuvent être étendues à d'autres applications de contexte courant nécessitant entrées de localisation tels que la robotique par exemple ou de shopping intelligent... / The forthcoming vision of Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Everything (IoE) will immerse people in so-called Smart Environments involving a great number of sectors of applications such as smart habitat, smart-cities, environment monitoring, e-health… IoT and IoE tend to make everyday objects readable, recognizable, locatable, addressable and controllable via the widespread wireless deployment and the internet. Among these capabilities, localization and more extensively the ubiquitous positioning will play, in the next future, a key role to promote another emerging vision: a spatio-temporal Internet of Places (IoP), which would be able to structure and organize, by means of wireless energy aware approaches, the spatial content of Internet. It is well known that in wireless local and personal area networks, the spectrum congestion, the low energy efficiency communications and the insufficient exploitation of the spatial resources are among the factors that may slow down its development in terms of throughput and autonomy. To overcome these unavoidable restrictions, wireless localization technology, as the mechanism for discovering spatio-temporal relationship between connected objects, appears here also as one of the key solutions. This is because dedicated localization techniques in wireless communication can help in developing more extensively the exploitation of spatial resources and allow driving optimized routing for low energy multi-hop communication and spectrum decongestion for Green ICT (Information and Communication Technology). To propose optimized systems achieving both high data rate communication and precise localization, we define a well suited TDOA (Time Difference of Arrival) based method able to perform localization based on communication signals and data only. With this technique, unlike conventional TDOA estimations, it is possible to drastically decrease the complexity of required infrastructures by using either SIMO (Single Input Multiple Output), MISO (Multiple Input Single Output) or MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) configurations in connected objects. This whole study is made within the framework of the IEEE 802.11ad standard and WiGig alliance specifications, however the proposed solutions are compatible with other standards and can be extended to other context aware applications requiring localization inputs such as robotics for example or smart shopping...

Nanostructuration d'or pour la biodétection plasmonique et la diffusion Raman exaltée de surface : réalisation, caractérisation et modélisation / Gold nanostructuration for plasmonic biosensors and Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering : fabrication, characterization and numerical simulation

Bryche, Jean-François 14 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la réalisation de nanostructures d'or sur substrat de verre afin d’en étudier les propriétés plasmoniques et de les optimiser pour des applications dans le domaine des biocapteurs. L'objectif principal a été de démontrer la faisabilité de combiner sur une même biopuce, les biocapteurs à résonance de plasmon de surface propagatif (SPR) et ceux basés sur la diffusion Raman exaltée de surface (SERS). Nous montrons que la présence d’un film d’or sous les nanostructures est très favorable pour une double caractérisation SPR-SERS. Afin d’étudier plus en détails les couplages entre les différents modes plasmoniques existants dans ces substrats et ainsi pouvoir déterminer la structure optimale, l’essentiel des échantillons a été réalisé par lithographie électronique. La nanoimpression assistée par UV (UV-NIL) a aussi été développé au cours de cette thèse afin de réaliser un nombre important d'échantillons et répondre aux futurs besoins de l'industrie des biocapteurs. Les performances de ces échantillons réalisés par UV-NIL ont été comparées avec ceux fabriqués par lithographie électronique. Les diamètres des nanodisques d'or varient de 40 nm à 300 nm et les périodes de 80 nm à 600 nm en fonction de la technique de fabrication. En SERS, des facteurs d’exaltation de 10^6 à 10^8 ont été obtenus grâce à la présence du film d’or continu sous le réseau de nanodisques. Ce gain est fonction de l’épaisseur du film d’or, de la longueur d’onde d’excitation utilisée et du taux de remplissage des nanostructures. En SPR, nous avons démontré expérimentalement et théoriquement la possibilité de couplage entre les modes localisés et propagatifs donnant lieu à un nouveau mode hybride, potentiellement plus sensible car plus confiné. Les calculs numériques développés pour simuler le comportement de structures réelles (présence d’arrondi, de flanc ou de couche d’accroche) confirment les résultats obtenus. L’ensemble de ce travail a permis de manière expérimentale et théorique d’apporter une meilleure compréhension des propriétés plasmoniques aux échelles nanométriques sur des structures constituées de réseaux de nanostructures d'or, notamment sur film d’or. Par ailleurs, une étude précise des différentes étapes technologiques a permis de comprendre quels éléments impactent significativement les propriétés plasmoniques des échantillons et donc améliorent ou dégradent les performances de ces substrats en tant que biocapteur. Au final, les échantillons réalisés ont été testés et validés en tant que biocapteur au sein d'un appareil bimodal SPR-SERS. / This thesis is focused on gold nanostructuration on glass substrate in order to study and optimize their plasmonic properties for biosensing applications. The main goal was to demonstrate the feasibility of combining on a single biochip, Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging (SPRI) and Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) measurements. We have demonstrated that adding a gold film under the nanostructures was highly beneficial for a dual SPRI-SERS characterization. In order to optimize the geometry of the nanostructures and understand the various plasmonic modes, most of the samples were first made by electron beam lithography. Nanoimprinting assisted by UV (UV-NIL) was also developed during this thesis to manufacture samples in large quantities and reply to the future industrial needs for biosensing applications. Performances of these UV-NIL samples were compared with those produced by e-beam lithography. Diameters and periods of gold nanodisks range respectively from 40 nm to 300 nm and 80 nm to 600 nm, depending on the manufacturing technique used. In SERS, enhancement factor of 10^6 to 10^8 were obtained thanks to the presence of the continuous gold film under the nanodisks array. We found that this gain is a function of the thickness of the gold film, the excitation wavelength used and the nanostructures filling factor. In SPRI, we have demonstrated experimentally and theoretically the existence of a coupling between the propagating and localized plasmonic modes, resulting in a new hybrid mode, potentially more sensitive due to its high confinement. Numerical models confirm these results, taking into account the defects found in real samples (rounded edges, imperfect lateral side, adhesion layer). The whole work proposes a better understanding, both experimentally and theoretically, of the plasmonic properties at nanoscale of gold nanostructures with and without an underlying gold film. Moreover, a detailed study of the different technological processes helps to understand which steps significantly impact the plasmonic properties of the samples and their performance as a biosensor. Finally, these samples were characterized and validated on a bimodal instrument SPRI-SERS.

Locally driven complex plasmonic nanoantenna systems / Lokal angetriebene komplexe plasmonische Nanoantennen-Systeme

Grimm, Philipp Martin January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Metallic nanostructures possess the ability to support resonances in the visible wavelength regime which are related to localized surface plasmons. These create highly enhanced electric fields in the immediate vicinity of metal surfaces. Nanoparticles with dipolar resonance also radiate efficiently into the far-field and hence serve as antennas for light. Such optical antennas have been explored during the last two decades, however, mainly as standalone units illuminated by external laser beams and more recently as electrically driven point sources, yet merely with basic antenna properties. This work advances the state of the art of locally driven optical antenna systems. As a first instance, the electric driving scheme including inelastic electron tunneling over a nanometer gap is merged with Yagi-Uda theory. The resulting antenna system consists of a suitably wired feed antenna, incorporating a tunnel junction, as well as several nearby parasitic elements whose geometry is optimized using analytical and numerical methods. Experimental evidence of unprecedented directionality of light emission from a nanoantenna is provided. Parallels in the performance between radiofrequency and optical Yagi-Uda arrays are drawn. Secondly, a pair of electrically connected antennas with dissimilar resonances is harnessed as electrodes in an organic light emitting nanodiode prototype. The organic material zinc phthalocyanine, exhibiting asymmetric injection barriers for electrons and holes, in conjunction with the electrode resonances, allows switching and controlling the emitted peak wavelength and directionality as the polarity of the applied voltage is inverted. In a final study, the near-field based transmission-line driving of rod antenna systems is thoroughly explored. Perfect impedance matching, corresponding to zero back-reflection, is achieved when the antenna acts as a generalized coherent perfect absorber at a specific frequency. It thus collects all guided, surface-plasmon mediated input power and transduces it to other nonradiative and radiative dissipation channels. The coherent interplay of losses and interference effects turns out to be of paramount importance for this delicate scenario, which is systematically obtained for various antenna resonances. By means of the here developed semi-analytical toolbox, even more complex nanorod chains, supporting topologically nontrivial localized edge states, are studied. The results presented in this work facilitate the design of complex locally driven antenna systems for optical wireless on-chip communication, subwavelength pixels, and loss-compensated integrated plasmonic nanocircuitry which extends to the realm of topological plasmonics. / Metallische Nanostrukturen besitzen die Fähigkeit, Resonanzen im sichtbaren Wellenlängenbereich zu unterstützen, die mit lokalisierten Oberflächenplasmonen in Verbindung stehen. Diese erzeugen hochverstärkte elektrische Felder in der unmittelbaren Nähe von Metalloberflächen. Nanopartikel mit dipolarer Resonanz strahlen zudem effizient in das Fernfeld ab und dienen somit als Antennen für Licht. Solche optischen Antennen wurden in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten erforscht, allerdings hauptsächlich als eigenständige Einheiten, welche von externen Laserstrahlen angeregt werden, und in jüngerer Zeit als elektrisch getriebene Punktquellen, die jedoch lediglich über grundlegende Antenneneigenschaften verfügen. Diese Arbeit erweitert den aktuellen Stand von lokal getriebenen optischen Antennensystemen. In einem ersten Fallbeispiel wird das elektrische Antriebsschema einschließlich inelastischem Elektronentunneln über einen Nanometer-Spalt mit der Yagi-Uda-Theorie zusammengeführt. Das resultierende Antennensystem besteht aus einer passend verdrahteten, gespeisten Antenne, die einen Tunnelübergang enthält, sowie mehreren nahe gelegenen parasitären Elementen, deren Geometrie mit analytischen und numerischen Methoden optimiert wird. Experimentelle Befunde für eine ungeahnte Direktionalität der Lichtemission von einer Nanoantenne werden erbracht. Es werden Parallelen im Leistungsverhalten zwischen Radiofrequenz- und optischen Yagi-Uda-Anordnungen gezogen. Als zweites wird ein Paar elektrisch kontaktierter Antennen mit unterschiedlichen Resonanzen als Elektroden in einem Prototyp einer organischen lichtemittierenden nanoskaligen Diode eingesetzt. Das organische Material Zinkphthalocyanin, welches asymmetrische Injektionsbarrieren für Elektronen und Löcher aufweist, ermöglicht in Verbindung mit den Elektrodenresonanzen die Schaltbarkeit und Kontrolle der emittierten Wellenlänge und der Direktionalität bei Umkehr der Polarität der angelegten Spannung. In einer abschließenden Studie wird der nahfeldbasierte Antrieb von stäbchenförmigen Antennsystemen mittels eines Wellenleiters detailliert untersucht. Perfekte Impedanzanpassung, entsprechend einer verschwindenden Rückreflexion, wird erreicht, wenn die Antenne bei einer spezifischen Frequenz als verallgemeinerter kohärenter perfekter Absorber agiert. Hierbei nimmt sie die gesamte wellenleitergeführte Eingangsleistung, vermittelt durch ein Oberflächenplasmon, auf, und überträgt sie auf andere nichtstrahlende und strahlende Dissipationskanäle. Das kohärente Zusammenspiel von Verlusten und Interferenzeffekten erweist sich für dieses empfindliche Szenario, das systematisch für verschiedene Antennenmoden erzeugt wird, als äußerst wichtig. Mit Hilfe des hier entwickelten semi-analytischen Werkzeugsets werden auch komplexere Ketten aus Nanostäbchen untersucht, bei denen topologisch nichttriviale lokalisierte Randzustände auftreten. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Ergebnisse erleichtern die Entwicklung komplexer lokal angetriebener Antennensysteme für optische drahtlose Kommunikation auf einem Computerchip, Subwellenlängenpixel und verlustkompensierte integrierte plasmonische Nanoschaltkreise, welche sich bis auf das Gebiet der topologischen Plasmonik erstrecken.

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