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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Los yacimientos con equínidos del Cretácico superior del Prepirineo de la provincia de Lleida

Gallemí Paulet, Jaume 01 April 1993 (has links)
En el apartado de introducción, se plantea el estado actual de conocimiento y problemática que presentan los equínidos del Cretácico y se relacionan los trabajos relativos al conocimiento de los equínidos cretácicos en España desde el primero (Cotteau, 1860) hasta la presente tesis doctoral. Sigue a esta introducción un apartado estratigráfico en el que se sitúan los yacimientos estudiados en el contexto geológico, esencialmente en las secuencias deposicionales propuestas en el Prepirineo centro-meridional (Simó, 1985 y 1986; Souquet, 1986) y en las unidades litoestratigráficas reconocidas en la zona objeto de estudio que incluyen los trabajos de Gallemí et al. (1982 y 1983) para el sector E de la misma. Las edades atribuidas a cada yacimiento están basadas en estudios monográficos de carácter paleontológico relativos a palinomorfos, carófitas, ostrácodos, foraminíferos planctónicos y bentónicos, corales, braquiópodos, inocerámidos, rudistas y ammonoideos que han tomado como base la región o parte de la misma. En el capítulo de Sistemática se detallan las especies identificadas en cada uno de los yacimientos, ordenadas sistemáticamente y con sus sinonimias. Mientras que en la ordenación sistemática se usa, a nivel supragenérico, la propuesta de Smith (1984), modificada parcialmente a posteriori en Smith y Wright (1989 y 1990), a nivel genérico se sigue el Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (Moore, R.C., ed. 1966). Además de seguir las recomendaciones del Código Internacional de Nomenclatura Zoológica (ICZN, 1985), para la confección de los listados de sinonimia, se han usado los símbolos introducidos por Richter (1948) repropuestos por Matthews (1973). Dentro del Orden Cidaroida han podido reconocerse Poriocidaris cenomanensis (Cotteau, 1855), Cyathocidaris cenomanensis (Agassiz, 1840), Tylocidaris (Oedematocidaris) pleracantha (Agassiz, in Agassiz y Desor, 1846), Sardocidaris gibberula (Agassiz, in Agassiz y Desor, 1846), S. ramondi (Leymerie, 1851) y Hirudocidaris? corbaricus (Lambert, 1909). Del Orden Salenioida se han identificado Salenia bourgeoisi Cotteau, 1860, Salenia cf. geometrica Agassiz, 1838 y Tetragramma variolare (Brongniart, in Cuvier y Brongniart, 1822). Los representantes del Orden Phymosomatoida son Phymosoma hexaporum Lambert, 1927, Codiopsis doma (Desmarest, in Defrance, 1825), C. douvillei Vidal, 1921, C. regalis Arnaud, in Cotteau, 1887, Goniopygus major Agassiz, 1838, G. marticensis Cotteau, 1865 y G. royanus d’Archiac, 1851. La única especie del Orden Pygasteroida registrada ha sido Pygaster truncatus Agassiz, 1840. El Orden Holectypoida está representado por Coenholectypus cenomanensis (Guéranger, in Cotteau y Triger, 1859), C. proximus (Lambert, 1907), C. turonensis (Desor, in Agassiz y Desor, 1847), Anorthopygus orbicularis (Grateloup, 1836), Discoides inferus (Desor, in Agassiz y Desor, 1847), Conulus gigas (Cotteau, 1856), C. haugi Lambert, 1927, Globator ovulum (Lamarck, 1816) y Echinogalerus belgicus Lambert, 1910. Las especies pertenecientes al Orden Cassiduloida son Nucleopygus minor Desor, 1842, Rhynchopygus sp., Parapygus nanclasi (Coquand, 1860), Fauraster priscus Lambert, in Lambert y Thiéry, 1924 y Catopygus columbarius (Lamarck, 1816). Del Orden Holasteroida se incluyen Cardiaster granulosus (Goldfuss, 1826), C. integer (Agassiz, 1847), Cardiotaxis heberti (Cotteau, 1860), Echinocorys conoidea (Goldfuss, 1826), E. gr. scutata Leske, 1778, E. tenuituberculata (Leymerie, 1851), Echinocorys sp., Hemipneustes leymeriei Hébert, 1875, H. pyrenaicus Hébert, 1875, Holaster laevis Brongniart, 1822, H. trecensis Leymerie, 1842, Offaster dallonii Lambert, 1927, O. aff. senonensis (d’Orbigny, 1853), Pseudoffaster caucasicus (Dru, 1884) y Sternotaxis placenta (Agassiz, in Agassiz y Desor, 1847). Las especies representativas del Orden Spatangoida son Micraster antiquus Cotteau, 1887, M. aturicus Hébert, in Seunes, 1891, M. brevis Desor, in Agassiz y Desor, 1847, M. gourdoni Cotteau, 1889, M. heberti de Lacvivier, 1877, M. laxoporus d’Orbigny, 1855, M. matheroni Desor, in Agassiz y Desor, 1847, M. stolleyi Lambert, 1901, Hemiaster (Bolbaster) batalleri Lambert, 1933, H. (B.) prunella (Lamarck, 1816), H. (B.) sp. gr. prunella (Lamarck, 1816), H. excavatus Arnaud, 1883 y Proraster atavus (Arnaud, in Cotteau, 1883). El único representante del Orden Orthopsida es Orthopsis miliaris (d’Archiac, 1835). Al margen de las especies reconocidas, se ha señalado la presencia, por vez primera en España de algunas especies: Cyathocidaris cyathifera (Agassiz), Tylocidaris (Oedematocidaris) pleracantha (Agassiz), Codiopsis regalis Arnaud, Goniopygus major Agassiz, Discoides inferus (Desor), Nucleopygus minor Desor, Cardiaster granulosus (Goldfuss) y Micraster laxoporus d’Orbigny. Asimismo han podido modificarse los intervalos de presencia de algunas especies tales como: Phymosoma hexaporum Lambert no sólo del Maastrichtiense inferior sino ya desde el Campaniense superior; Codiopsis douvillei Vidal no sólo en el Santoniense inferior sino desde el Coniaciense superior hasta el Campaniense inferior; Nucleopygus minor Desor no sólo del Santoniense inferior sino ya desde el Coniaciense superior; Hemiaster excavatus Arnaud no sólo del Santoniense superior sino desde el Coniaciense superior; Proraster atavus (Arnaud) no del Campaniense sino desde el Coniaciense superior hasta la base del Santoniense superior; Orthopsis miliaris (d’Archiac) no sólo del Maastrichtiense inferior sino ya desde el Campaniense superior. En lo tocante a conclusiones taxonómicas, pueden destacarse varios hechos: 1) La presencia, más o menos discontinua, en la zona estudiada de especies de un mismo género durante el Cretácico superior; dicha presencia está en muchos casos relacionada con los nichos ecológicos preferidos por dichos grupos de especies. Coenholectypus, Cardiaster, Echinocorys y Micraster son ejemplos de dichos géneros. 2) La presencia continuada en la zona de especies del género Micraster a lo largo del intervalo Coniaciense superior-Campaniense superior, que ha permitido determinar la evolución de las especies de dicho género presentes en la zona surpirenaica central durante dicho intervalo. Ello ha permitido completar el esquema faunístico propuesto por Stokes (1975) para la denominada “Provincia Pirenaica”. Las conclusiones bioestratigráficas se concretan en el establecimiento de cinco cenozonas, a saber: la Cenozona Cenomaniense inferior, la Cenozona Turoniense- Coniaciense (inferior), la Cenozona Coniaciense superior-Santoniense superior, la Cenozona Campaniense y la Cenozona Maastrichtiense inferior. La distribución geográfica de las especies que conforman cada una de dichas cenozonas se ha trasladado sobre la reconstrucción paleogeográfica de Dercourt et al. (1985) correspondiente (o más próxima) a cada intervalo para obtener una serie de consideraciones paleobiogeográficas. / En l’apartat d’introducció, es planteja l’estat actual de coneixement i problemàtica que presenten els equinoïdeus del Cretaci i es relacionen els treballs relatius al coneixement dels equinoïdeus cretacis a Espanya des del primer (Cotteau, 1860) fins a la present tesi doctoral. Segueix a aquesta introducció un apartat estratigràfic en el que es situen els jaciments estudiats en el context geològic, essencialment en las seqüències deposicionals proposades en el Prepirineu centre-meridional (Simó, 1985 i 1986; Souquet, 1986) i en les unitats litostratigràfiques reconegudes en la zona objecte d’estudi que inclouen els treballs de Gallemí et al. (1982 i 1983) per al sector E de la mateixa. Les edats atribuïdes a cada jaciment es basen en estudis monogràfics de caràcter paleontològic relatius a palinomorfs, caròfits, ostràcodes, foraminífers planctònics i bentònics, coralls, braquiòpodes, inoceràmides, rudistes i ammonoïdeus que han pres com a base la regió o part de la mateixa. En el capítol de Sistemàtica es detallen les espècies identificades a cada un dels jaciments, ordenades sistemàticament i amb les seves sinonímies. Mentre que en l’ordenació sistemàtica s’usa, a nivell supragenèric, la proposta de Smith (1984), modificada parcialment a posteriori a Smith i Wright (1989 i 1990), a nivell genèric se segueix el Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (Moore, R.C., ed. 1966). A més de seguir les recomanacions del Codi Internacional de Nomenclatura Zoològica (ICZN, 1985), per a la confecció dels llistats de sinonímia, s’han usat els símbols introduïts per Richter (1948) i tornats a proposar per Matthews (1973). Dins de l’Ordre Cidaroida s’han pogut reconèixer Poriocidaris cenomanensis (Cotteau, 1855), Cyathocidaris cenomanensis (Agassiz, 1840), Tylocidaris (Oedematocidaris) pleracantha (Agassiz, in Agassiz i Desor, 1846), Sardocidaris gibberula (Agassiz, in Agassiz i Desor, 1846), S. ramondi (Leymerie, 1851) i Hirudocidaris? corbaricus (Lambert, 1909). De l’Ordre Salenioida s’han identificat Salenia bourgeoisi Cotteau, 1860, Salenia cf. geometrica Agassiz, 1838 i Tetragramma variolare (Brongniart, in Cuvier i Brongniart, 1822). Els representants de l’Ordre Phymosomatoida són Phymosoma hexaporum Lambert, 1927, Codiopsis doma (Desmarest, in Defrance, 1825), C. douvillei Vidal, 1921, C. regalis Arnaud, in Cotteau, 1887, Goniopygus major Agassiz, 1838, G. marticensis Cotteau, 1865 i G. royanus d’Archiac, 1851. La única espècie de l’Ordre Pygasteroida registrada ha estat Pygaster truncatus Agassiz, 1840. L’Ordre Holectypoida és representat per Coenholectypus cenomanensis (Guéranger, in Cotteau i Triger, 1859), C. proximus (Lambert, 1907), C. turonensis (Desor, in Agassiz i Desor, 1847), Anorthopygus orbicularis (Grateloup, 1836), Discoides inferus (Desor, in Agassiz i Desor, 1847), Conulus gigas (Cotteau, 1856), C. haugi Lambert, 1927, Globator ovulum (Lamarck, 1816) i Echinogalerus belgicus Lambert, 1910. Les espècies pertanyents a l’Ordre Cassiduloida són Nucleopygus minor Desor, 1842, Rhynchopygus sp., Parapygus nanclasi (Coquand, 1860), Fauraster priscus Lambert, in Lambert i Thiéry, 1924 i Catopygus columbarius (Lamarck, 1816). De l’Ordre Holasteroida s’inclouen Cardiaster granulosus (Goldfuss, 1826), C. integer (Agassiz, 1847), Cardiotaxis heberti (Cotteau, 1860), Echinocorys conoidea (Goldfuss, 1826), E. gr. scutata Leske, 1778, E. tenuituberculata (Leymerie, 1851), Echinocorys sp., Hemipneustes leymeriei Hébert, 1875, H. pyrenaicus Hébert, 1875, Holaster laevis Brongniart, 1822, H. trecensis Leymerie, 1842, Offaster dallonii Lambert, 1927, O. aff. senonensis (d’Orbigny, 1853), Pseudoffaster caucasicus (Dru, 1884) i Sternotaxis placenta (Agassiz, in Agassiz i Desor, 1847). Les espècies representatives de l’Ordre Spatangoida són Micraster antiquus Cotteau, 1887, M. aturicus Hébert, in Seunes, 1891, M. brevis Desor, in Agassiz i Desor, 1847, M. gourdoni Cotteau, 1889, M. heberti de Lacvivier, 1877, M. laxoporus d’Orbigny, 1855, M. matheroni Desor, in Agassiz i Desor, 1847, M. stolleyi Lambert, 1901, Hemiaster (Bolbaster) batalleri Lambert, 1933, H. (B.) prunella (Lamarck, 1816), H. (B.) sp. gr. prunella (Lamarck, 1816), H. excavatus Arnaud, 1883 i Proraster atavus (Arnaud, in Cotteau, 1883). L’únic representant de l’Ordre Orthopsida és Orthopsis miliaris (d’Archiac, 1835). Al marge de les espècies reconegudes, s’ha assenyalat la presència, per primer cop a Espanya d’algunes espècies: Cyathocidaris cyathifera (Agassiz), Tylocidaris (Oedematocidaris) pleracantha (Agassiz), Codiopsis regalis Arnaud, Goniopygus major Agassiz, Discoides inferus (Desor), Nucleopygus minor Desor, Cardiaster granulosus (Goldfuss) i Micraster laxoporus d’Orbigny. També han pogut modificar-se els intervals de presència d’algunes espècies como ara: Phymosoma hexaporum Lambert no només del Maastrichtià inferior sinó ja des del Campanià superior; Codiopsis douvillei Vidal no només en el Santonià inferior sinó des del Coniacià superior fins al Campanià inferior; Nucleopygus minor Desor no només del Santonià inferior sinó ja des del Coniacià superior; Hemiaster excavatus Arnaud no només del Santonià superior sinó des del Coniacià superior; Proraster atavus (Arnaud) no del Campaniense sinó des del Coniacià superior fins a la base del Santonià superior; Orthopsis miliaris (d’Archiac) no només del Maastrichtià inferior sinó ja des del Campanià superior. Pel que fa a conclusions taxonòmiques, poden destacar-se diversos fets: 1) La presència, més o menys discontinua, a la zona estudiada d’espècies d’un mateix gènere durant el Cretaci superior; aquesta presència és en molts casos relacionada amb els nínxols ecològics preferits per aquests grups d’espècies. Coenholectypus, Cardiaster, Echinocorys y Micraster són exemples d’aquests gèneres. 2) La presència continuada en la zona d’espècies del gènere Micraster al llarg de l’interval Coniacià superior-Campanià superior, que ha permès determinar la evolució de les espècies d’aquest gènere presents a la zona sudpirenaica central durant aquest interval. Això ha permès completar l’esquema faunístic proposat per Stokes (1975) per a la denominada “Província Pirenaica”. Les conclusions biostratigràfiques es concreten en l’establiment de cinc cenozones, a saber: la Cenozona Cenomanià inferior, la Cenozona Turonià-Coniacià (inferior), la Cenozona Coniacià superior-Santonià superior, la Cenozona Campanià i la Cenozona Maastrichtià inferior. La distribució geogràfica de les espècies que conformen cada una d’aquestes cenozones s’ha traslladat sobre la reconstrucció paleogeogràfica de Dercourt et al. (1985) corresponent (o més pròxima) a cada interval per a obtenir una sèrie de consideracions paleobiogeogràfiques. / The introductory chapter explains the state of the art of the knowledge and problems related to Cretaceous echinoids, and provides a full relationship of the papers dealing with the study of the cretaceous echinoids in Spain from the first one (Cotteau, 1860) to this doctoral thesis. Next chapter deals with stratigraphy and locates all the studied fossil sites in their geological context, essentially into the depositional sequences proposed for the south-central Prepyrenees (Simó, 1985 & 1986; Souquet, 1986) and into the lithostratigraphic units recognised in the studied area including Gallemí et al. (1982 & 1983) works for its eastern sector. The ages attributed to each fossil locality are based on monographic palaeontological studies dealing with palinomorphs, charophytes, ostracods, planktonic and benthonic foraminifers, corals, brachiopods, inoceramids, rudists and ammonites developed in the region or in areas belonging to it. The systematic palaeontology chapter provides the detailed study of the species identified at each fossil locality, systematically ordered and with their synonymies. While at supra-generic level, the proposal of Smith (1984) partially modified a posteriori by Smith & Wright (1989 and 1990) is used in the systematic classification, at generic level the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (Moore, R.C., ed. 1966) is followed. Apart from following the recommendations of the International Code on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN, 1985), for the construction of the synonymy lists, the symbols introduced by Richter (1948) and re-proposed by Matthews (1973) have been used. From Order Cidaroida, Poriocidaris cenomanensis (Cotteau, 1855), Cyathocidaris cenomanensis (Agassiz, 1840), Tylocidaris (Oedematocidaris) pleracantha (Agassiz, in Agassiz & Desor, 1846), Sardocidaris gibberula (Agassiz, in Agassiz & Desor, 1846), S. ramondi (Leymerie, 1851) and Hirudocidaris? corbaricus (Lambert, 1909) have been recognised. From Order Salenioida, Salenia bourgeoisi Cotteau, 1860, Salenia cf. geometrica Agassiz, 1838 and Tetragramma variolare (Brongniart, in Cuvier & Brongniart, 1822) have been identified. The representatives of Order Phymosomatoida are, Phymosoma hexaporum Lambert, 1927, Codiopsis doma (Desmarest, in Defrance, 1825), C. douvillei Vidal, 1921, C. regalis Arnaud, in Cotteau, 1887, Goniopygus major Agassiz, 1838, G. marticensis Cotteau, 1865 & G. royanus d’Archiac, 1851. The only registered species of Order Pygasteroida has been Pygaster truncatus Agassiz, 1840. Order Holectypoida is represented by Coenholectypus cenomanensis (Guéranger, in Cotteau & Triger, 1859), C. proximus (Lambert, 1907), C. turonensis (Desor, in Agassiz & Desor, 1847), Anorthopygus orbicularis (Grateloup, 1836), Discoides inferus (Desor, in Agassiz & Desor, 1847), Conulus gigas (Cotteau, 1856), C. haugi Lambert, 1927, Globator ovulum (Lamarck, 1816) and Echinogalerus belgicus Lambert, 1910. The species belonging to Order Cassiduloida are Nucleopygus minor Desor, 1842, Rhynchopygus sp., Parapygus nanclasi (Coquand, 1860), Fauraster priscus Lambert, in Lambert & Thiéry, 1924 and Catopygus columbarius (Lamarck, 1816). From Order Holasteroida Cardiaster granulosus (Goldfuss, 1826), C. integer (Agassiz, 1847), Cardiotaxis heberti (Cotteau, 1860), Echinocorys conoidea (Goldfuss, 1826), E. gr. scutata Leske, 1778, E. tenuituberculata (Leymerie, 1851), Echinocorys sp., Hemipneustes leymeriei Hébert, 1875, H. pyrenaicus Hébert, 1875, Holaster laevis Brongniart, 1822, H. trecensis Leymerie, 1842, Offaster dallonii Lambert, 1927, O. aff. senonensis (d’Orbigny, 1853), Pseudoffaster caucasicus (Dru, 1884) and Sternotaxis placenta (Agassiz, in Agassiz i Desor, 1847) are included. Species representative of Order Spatangoida are Micraster antiquus Cotteau, 1887, M. aturicus Hébert, in Seunes, 1891, M. brevis Desor, in Agassiz & Desor, 1847, M. gourdoni Cotteau, 1889, M. heberti de Lacvivier, 1877, M. laxoporus d’Orbigny, 1855, M. matheroni Desor, in Agassiz & Desor, 1847, M. stolleyi Lambert, 1901, Hemiaster (Bolbaster) batalleri Lambert, 1933, H. (B.) prunella (Lamarck, 1816), H. (B.) sp. gr. prunella (Lamarck, 1816), H. excavatus Arnaud, 1883 and Proraster atavus (Arnaud, in Cotteau, 1883). The only representative of Ordre Orthopsida is Orthopsis miliaris (d’Archiac, 1835). Some of the species mentioned above, are recognised in Spain for the first time: Cyathocidaris cyathifera (Agassiz), Tylocidaris (Oedematocidaris) pleracantha (Agassiz), Codiopsis regalis Arnaud, Goniopygus major Agassiz, Discoides inferus (Desor), Nucleopygus minor Desor, Cardiaster granulosus (Goldfuss) and Micraster laxoporus d’Orbigny. It has also been possible to modify the presence intervals of some species: Phymosoma hexaporum Lambert not only from the lower Maastrichtian but already from the upper Campanian; Codiopsis douvillei Vidal not only in the lower Santonian but from the upper Coniacian to the lower Campanian; Nucleopygus minor Desor not only from the lower Santonian but already from the upper Coniacian; Hemiaster excavatus Arnaud not only from the upper Santonian but already from the upper Coniacian; Proraster atavus (Arnaud) not from the Campanian but from the upper Coniacian to the base of the upper Santonian; Orthopsis miliaris (d’Archiac) not only from the lower Maastrichtian but already from the upper Campanian. Concerning the taxonomic conclusions, some facts may be pointed out: 1) The presence, more or less discontinuous, in the studied area of several species of a single genus along the upper Cretaceous; this presence is often related to the ecological niches preferred by these groups of species. Coenholectypus, Cardiaster, Echinocorys and Micraster are examples of such genera. 2) The continuous presence in the area of species belonging to genus Micraster along the interval upper Coniacian-upper Campanian, allowing to determine the evolution of these species present in the south-central Pyrenean area during this interval. This fact has lead to complete the faunistic scheme proposed by Stokes (1975) for his so-called “Pyrenean Province”. The biostratigraphic conclusions are represented by the stablishment of five cenozones: the Lower Cenomanian Cenozone, the Turonian-(Lower) Coniacian Cenozone, the Upper Coniacian-Upper Santonian Cenozone, the Campanian Cenozone and the Lower Maastrichtian Cenozone. The geographic distribution of the species conforming each of these cenozones, has been plotted on the palaeogeographic reconstruction of Dercourt et al. (1985) corresponding (or closest) to each interval to obtain several palaeobiogeographic considerations.

Inocerámidos (Bivalvia) del Cretácico superior de la Cuenca Navarro-Cántabra y de la Plataforma Nord-Castellana. Paleontología y Bioestratigrafía

López Sanjaume, Gregorio 14 December 1990 (has links)
En esta Tesis se han estudiado las faunas de inocerámidos del Turoniense al Santoniense de la Cuenca Navarro-Cántabra, así como las de la región septentrional de la Plataforma Nord-Castellana. Para ello se han realizado un total de 34 series, que han sido muestreadas nivel a nivel; así mismo, se han muestreado 14 yacimientos puntuales. Los distintos niveles con inocerámidos han estado situados dentro de las formaciones reconocidas en esta área por Amiot (1982) y Floquet et al. (1982). El muestreo de los distintos niveles ha permitido identificar un total de 75 especies y subespecies de inocerámidos. La totalidad de estas especies están figuradas en las láminas localizadas al final de este trabajo. Todas las especies reconocidas corresponden al género Inoceramus Sowerby. El subgénero Inoceramus Sowerby está representado por 4 especies, Mytiloides Brongniart por 19 especies y subespecies, Magadiceramus Seitz por 7 especies y subespecies, Platyceramus Seitz por 30 especies y subespecies y Cordiceramus Seitz por 11 especies y subespecies. El estudio de los inocerámidos se ha realizado a partir de su ornamentación, morfología general y la cuantificación de su variación ontogenética, que se encuentra en el anexo 3 de esta Tesis. En algunas especies, el estudio conjunto de los ejemplares de la Cuenca Navarro-Cántabra y de la Plataforma Nord-Castellana y del material tipo ha permitido revisar la especie. La distribución de estos inocerámidos ha permitido identificar 12 asociaciones de inocerámidos, que abarcan desde el Turoniense hasta el Santoniense. Estas asociaciones han sido correlacionadas con las zonas de inocerámidos establecidas en el Norte de Alemania por Tröger (1989). Así mismo, se ha estudiado detalladamente la zonación de inocerámidos propuesta por Wiedmann y Kauffman (1978) para el Norte de España, indicando los problemas que plantea. La edad de las formaciones de esta área que proponen Amiot (1982) y Floquet et al. (1982) ha sido modificada a partir de la información de los inocerámidos. La repartición paleobiogeográfica de las distintas especies y subespecies de inocerámidos también ha sido estudiada en este trabajo, remarcando las principales diferencias con otras regiones. / En aquesta Tesi s’han estudiat les faunes de inoceràmids del Turonià al Santonià de la Conca Navarro-Càntabra, així com les de la regió septentrional de la Plataforma Nord-Castellana. Per això, s’han realitzat un total de 34 series, que han estat mostrejades nivell a nivell; a més a més, s’han mostrejat 14 jacimentos puntuales. Els diferents nivells amb inoceramids s’han situat en el context de les formacions reconegudes en aquesta àrea per Amiot (1982) i Floquet et al. (1982). El mostreig dels diferents nivells ha permès identificar un total de 75 espècies i subespècies de inoceràmids. La totalitat d’aquestes espècies son figurades a les làmines localitzades al final d’aquesta Tesi. Totes les espècies reconegudes pertanyen al gènere Inoceramus Sowerby. El subgènere Inoceramus Sowerby és representat per 4 espècies, Mytiloides Brongniart per 19 espècies i subespècies, Magadiceramus Seitz per 7 espècies i subespècies, Platyceramus Seitz per 30 espècies y subespècies i Cordiceramus Seitz per 11 espècies i subespècies. L’estudi dels inoceràmids s’ha realitzat a partir de la seva ornamentació, morfologia general i la quantificació de la seva variació ontogenètica, que es troba a l’annexa 3 d’aquesta Tesis. En algunes espècies, l’estudio conjunt dels exemplars de la Conca Navarro-Càntabra i de la Plataforma Nord-Castellana i del material tipus ha permès revisar l’espècie. La distribució d’aquests inoceràmids ha permès identificar 12 associacions de inoceràmids, que van des el Turonià inferior fins els Santonià superior. Aquestes associacions s’han correlacionat amb les zones de inoceràmids establertes al Nord d’Alemanya per Tröger (1989). A més a més, s’ha estudiat curosament la zonació de inoceràmids proposada per Wiedmann i Kauffman (1978) pel Nord d’Espanya, tot indicant-hi els problemes que planteja. L’edat de les formacions d’aquesta àrea que proposen Amiot (1982) i Floquet et al. (1982) s’ha modificat a partir de la informació dels inoceràmids. La repartició paleobiogeogràfica de les diferents espècies i subespècies de inoceràmids també s’ha estudiat en aquesta Tesi, tot remarcant-hi les principals diferencies amb altres regions. / Inoceramid faunas of the Navarro-Cantabrian Basin and the North Castilian Platform have been studied in this Philosophical Doctorate Thesis, ranging from Turonian to Santonian ages. Thirty four sections have been sampled bed by bed, as well as fourteen additional localities. The inoceramid levels have been related to those formations recognised in this area by Amiot (1982) and Floquet et al. (1982). The study of all inoceramid specimens has allowed me to identify 75 species and subspecies, all of them appearing figured in the plates at the end of this Ph. D. Thesis. All species recognised in this Ph. D. Thesis belongs to genus Inoceramus Sowerby. The subgenus Inoceramus Sowerby is represented by 4 species, Mytiloides Brongniart by 19 species and subspecies, Magadiceramus Seitz by 7 species and subspecies, Platyceramus Seitz by 30 species and subspecies and Cordiceramus Seitz by 11 species and subspecies. Inoceramids have been identified by means of their Shell morphology and shape, ornamentation, and ontogenetic variation (appendix 3 of Ph. D. Thesis). Comparative studies of inoceramids from the Navarro-Cantabrian Basin and the North-Castilian Platform and type species housed in different museums around the world have allowed me to modify the species concept of some of them. Twelve inoceramid assemblages have been identified ranging from lowermost Turonian to uppermost Santonian. These assemblages have been correlated with those from northern Germany areas established by Tröger (1989). Moreover, the northern Spain inoceramid zonation scheme proposed by Wiedmann and Kauffman (1978) has been revised and discussed, reporting several problems arising. By means of the inoceramid assemblage’s ages, the age of the lithological formations of this area, previously established by Amiot (1982) and Floquet et al. (1982), have been modified. The study of the palaeobiogeographic distribution of northern Spain inoceramid species and subspecies, has studied and main differences with other regions have been reported.

Προσομοίωση των λειτουργικών χαρακτηριστικών του ασυρμάτου δικτύου WiMAX - 802.16

Παπαστυλιανού, Χαράλαμπος 10 March 2014 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσης διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η προσομοίωση των λειτουργικών χαρακτηριστικών του ασύρματου δικτύου ΙΕΕΕ 802.16. Στο 1ο κεφάλαιο επιχειρείται μια εισαγωγή στην ασύρματη πρόσβαση ευρείας ζώνης. Στο 2ο κεφάλαιο γίνεται περιληπτική αναφορά στην εξέλιξη του WiFi, τον τρόπο λειτουργίας του και τη σημασία του ως πρόγονος του WiMAX. Στο 3ο κεφάλαιο γίνεται εισαγωγή στο WiMAX, τα διάφορα υποπρότυπα που κυκλοφορούν, τις τεχνολογίες που χρησιμοποιούν και σύγκριση με άλλες υπάρχουσες ασύρματες τεχνολογίες. Στο 4ο κεφάλαιο γίνεται σε βάθος εξερεύνηση του φυσικού στρώματος του WiMAX. Στο 5ο κεφάλαιο μελετούμε το στρώμα πρόσβασης μέσου του προτύπου. Στο 6ο κεφάλαιο αναλύουμε την αρχιτεκτονική του δικτύου WiMAX. Για το πρακτικό μέρος της διπλωματικής στο 7ο κεφάλαιο έγινε προσομοίωση του φυσικού στρώματος ενός ασύρματου ευρυζωνικού πομποδέκτη του υποπροτύπου IEEE 802.16-2004, με χρήση κεραιών ΜΙΜΟ, για σταθερή (fixed) πρόσβαση. Στο 8ο κεφάλαιο βρίσκονται τα συμπεράσματα από τις προσομοιώσεις. / --

Διερεύνηση της διαδικασίας της κυψελοειδούς διάσπασης λόγω αύξησης της συνδρομητικής κίνησης σε αστικό περιβάλλον για δίκτυα 3ης γενιάς

Σιάμπου, Φωτεινή 25 June 2008 (has links)
Στα δίκτυα κινητής τηλεφωνίας τρίτης γενιάς, όπου η απαίτηση για την επέκταση της χωρητικότητας του συστήματος αυξάνεται με τον αριθμό των χρηστών καθώς και με την ποσότητα της πληροφορίας που απαιτείται για ένα δεδομένο εξυπηρετητή, η απαίτηση για επέκταση του εύρους ζώνης είναι υψίστης σημασίας. Παρόλα αυτά, τα προβλήματα της συμφόρησης είναι συχνά αναπόφευκτα, ιδιαίτερα στα ασύρματα κανάλια, όπου η χωρητικότητα είναι πιο σπάνια, αλλά και στα αστικά κέντρα όπου το συνδρομητικό φορτίο είναι ιδιαίτερα ψηλό. Στις μέρες μας, η αυξανόμενη πυκνότητα χρηστών, αλλά και οι τεχνολογίες επείγουσας κατανάλωσης εύρους ζώνης δημιουργούν μια ακόμη μεγαλύτερη ανισορροπία. Καθώς όμως το εύρος ζώνης παραμένει σπάνιο και σταθερό, νέες μέθοδοι θα πρέπει να ευρεθούν για την αντιμετώπιση των προβλημάτων συμφόρησης. Μια από αυτές είναι η κυψελοειδής διάσπαση, μια μέθοδος η οποία επιτρέπει τη δημιουργία μικρότερων κυψελών. Έτσι ο ίδιος αριθμός καναλιών χρησιμοποιείται για μικρότερη περιοχή, ενώ για την ίδια πιθανότητα συμφόρησης περισσότεροι χρήστες μπορούν να ανατεθούν στην κυψέλη. / -

The last 70 kyr of Rano Aroi (Easter island, 27ºS) peat record: New insights for the Central Pacific paleoclimatology

Margalef Marrasé, Olga 14 March 2014 (has links)
Tesi realitzada a l'Institut Jaume Almera (CSIC) / The PhD entitled “Last 70kyr of Rano Aroi (Easter Island, 27ºS) peat record: New insights for Central Pacific paleoclimatology” presents an environmental and climate reconstruction of Easter Island during the last 70.000 years. To accomplish this purpose, two peat cores of 14 and 4 meters have been retrieved from the center and the margin of the Rano Aroi peatland. Facies description and age model allowed us to decipher that the peat started accumulating 70.000 years ago, what means that this is the oldest peat record recovered up to the moment over the Southern Pacific. To investigate changes in the type of accumulated peat we determined total carbon, nitrogen and sulfur (TC, TN, TS) of organic matter as well as stable isotope values of each element (delta13C, delta15N, delta34S). In order to decipher the composition of the mineral content, X-Ray Fluorescence measurements was performed over the cores, obtaining the quantity of Ca, Fe and Ti. Additionally, the concentration of the major, minor and trace elements was determined by spectrometry (ICP-AES). The geochemical approach was complemented by the study of macrofossil (plant or animal remains as seeds or insects) and pollen content, what permitted to reconstruct vegetation changes on the mire and the island. The combination of geochemical and biological proxies defined three main hydric conditions (flood, drought and baseline conditions) of the peatland that have been alternated along Late Pleistocene and Holocene. During MIS 4 (70 to 60 kyr BP in Rano Aroi), the hydric and environmental conditions in the mire were stable and resembled mire baseline conditions. Open grasslands covered Rano Aroi catchment area and C4 Poaceae dominated the mire. Early MIS 3 (60 to 40 cal kyr BP in Rano Aroi) was marked by the onset of wet events. During the first half of MIS 3 and probably driven by the wetter and warmer conditions Asteraceae and other small trees became gradually more abundant, forming small and scattered forests around the Terevaka volcano, while C3 peat forming plants colonized the Aroi mire. Late MIS 3 was a very dry period, which led to peat oxidation and exposure shortly after 39 cal kyr BP. These conditions changed on early MIS 2 (27.8–19 cal kyr BP). The water table recovered and peat accumulation resumed under C3 plant dominance. The evidence of the onset of deglaciation is concordant with Raraku Lake environmental development and was dated at 17.5 cal kyr BP in both sites. The regional mid-Holocene dry period is well characterized at Rano Aroi from 5 to 2.5 cal kyr BP. The correlation between Rano Aroi record and other circumpacific sites suggests important changes in the atmospheric or oceanic circulation on Central Pacific during Late Pleistocene. In particular, the Rano Aroi record indicates that the episodes of maximum precipitation over the island correlate with North Atlantic Heinrich stadials and other stadials. During these stadials, the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) migrated to the south while the South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ) shifted eastwards provoking the arrival of storm systems over the island. In accordance to this atmospheric and oceanic restructuration, Rano Aroi wet events also correlated with periods of a reduced Sea Surface Temperature (SST) gradient along the Equator. This fact indicates that more humid conditions over the Easter Island region occurred when the Walker circulation was reduced. The Central Pacific climate was also influenced by high latitude dynamics, like the changes in Intermediate Antarctic Water formation and the position of the Southern Westerlies. / La tesi titulada: "Last 70kyr of Rano Aroi (Easter Island, 27ºS) peat record: New insights for Central Pacific paleoclimatology" presenta una reconstrucció climàtica i ambiental de l’illa de Pasqua (Rapa Nui) pels darrers 70.000 anys. Per aquest propòsit es van estudiat dos testimonis de 14 i 4 metres, extrets del centre i marge de la torbera de Rano Aroi. Per determinar els canvis en el tipus de torba acumulada es van obtenir els perfils de carboni, nitrogen i sofre total (TC, TN, TS) així com els corresponents isòtops estables (delta13C, delta 15N, delta 4S). La variabilitat en el contingut de Calci, Ferro i Titani (Ca, Fe, Ti) es va obtenir amb mesures de Fluorescència de Rajos X mitjançant core-scanner. Usant espectrometria (ICP-AES) es va determinat la concentració d’elements majoritaris, minoritaris i traça de la fracció inorgànica. El conjunt d’indicadors geoquímics es va complementar amb l’estudi de macrofòssils (restes animals i vegetals com insectes o llavors) i la determinació del contingut pol•línic del registre. La integració de les dades geoquímiques i biològiques ha permès establir tres condicions hídriques (inundació, sequera, condicions de base) de la torbera que s’han anat alternant durant els darrers 70.000 anys. Durant el MIS 4 la vegetació de la conca consistia en amplis prats de Poaceae i la formació de la torba es produïa per acumulació de restes de plantes de tipus C4. L’inici del MIS 3 va estar caracteritzat per l’ocurrència d’episodis de forta precipitació. Durant aquest període, les creixents temperatures i l’elevada precipitació varen afavorir l’establiment d‘Asteraceae formant possiblement petites clapes de bosc al voltant de Rano Aroi. La vegetació de tipus C3 va colonitzar la torbera, tot produint un canvi en la isotopia de carboni present fins a dia d’avui. El final del MIS 3 va ser caracteritzat per un llarg període sec situat en algun moment entre els 39 i els 31 kyr cal BP. A l’inici del MIS 2, la làmina d’aigua de la torbera es va recuperar tot reactivant l’acumulació de torba. L’Holocè es registra com a un període relativament sec, interromput puntualment per un episodi humit als 5.8 kyr cal BP. La correlació de la historia ambiental de Rano Aroi amb altres registres del circumpacific han permès deduir canvis en la circulació oceànica i atmosfèrica del Pacífic Central. En concret, el registre de Rano Aroi indica que els episodis de màxima precipitació de l’illa correlacionen amb períodes estadials freds definits a l’Atlàntic Nord al llarg del darrer cicle glacial. Durant els estadials, la zona de convergència intertropical (ITCZ) es va desplaçar cap el sud mentre que la zona de convergència del Pacífic Sud (SPCZ) va migrar en direcció est. Aquesta reestructuració atmosfèrica va comportar una major arribada de tempestes ciclòniques a l’illa. El clima del Pacífic central també es va veure influenciat per les dinàmiques de altres latituds, com els canvis en la formació d’aigües intermèdies antàrtiques o la posició dels vents meridionals de l’oest.

Implantation and placentation in the dasyurid marsupial, Sminthopsis crassicaudata / Claire Roberts.

Roberts, Claire T. January 1995 (has links)
Copies of author's previously published works, inserted. / Bibliography :p.137-167. / xi, 167, [54]p. leaves of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Research performed on several aspects of the reproductive biology of the female, fat-tailed dunnarts (Sminthopsis crassicaudata). Investigates the origin of the shell membrane, the stage of embryonic development at which it is lost and implantation takes place, the morphological features of fetal-maternal cellular interactions at implantation and placentation. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Anatomy and Histology, 1995

CMRF-56+ BDC loaded with prostate TAA as a potential immunotherapy for prostate cancer.

Robert Coleman Unknown Date (has links)
Prostate cancer (PC) is the most common visceral cancer amongst men in Australia and elsewhere in the world. The American Cancer Society estimated that in 2006, PC alone would account for about 33% of newly diagnosed cancer in men, and be responsible for 9% of cancer related deaths in men. In men with advanced, metastatic PC, hormone therapy is widely accepted as the treatment of choice and produces good initial responses in most patients. However, many patients will relapse and become resistant to further hormone manipulation. Currently used treatment modalities for these patients are intended to palliate symptoms and therefore improve quality of life; the long term survival benefit of currently used management strategies is marginal at best. The limited treatment modalities with survival benefit for patients with advanced PC results in the need for development of novel therapies. Enhancement of the natural anti-tumour defences of the immune system to recognise and destroy tumour cells appears as a favourable alternative to prior therapies. Use of autologous dendritic cells (DC) as stimulators of an anti-tumour response has shown promise in several phase I, II and III trials. The Mater Medical Research Institute has developed a novel system for the isolation of blood DC (BDC). This system utilizes an antibody selection system based on a human/mouse chimeric CMRF-56 (huCMRF-56) monoclonal antibody (mAb) which has been engineered from the prototype murine IgG1 CMRF-56 mAb. Pre-clinical studies have demonstrated that the huCMRF-56 mAb isolates a CMRF-56+ cell population comparable to that obtained with the murine IgG1 CMRF-56 mAb with a sufficient CMRF-56+ BDC purity and yield to warrant its use as a BDC based immunotherapy. The objective of this research project was to validate the use of the huCMRF-56 mAb isolated BDC preparations in PC immunotherapy. This was achieved by; i) determining the optimal concentration of the huCMRF-56 mAb at which to perform isolations in order to obtain a CMRF-56+ cellular preparation with purity, yield and cellular composition, in terms of DC subsets, B cells, monocytes and contaminating cells, comparable to that obtained with the murine mAb, which has shown efficacy in in vitro studies; ii) Demonstrating that CMRF-56+ preparations obtained from PC patients using the huCMRF-56 BDC mAb are comparable to those from healthy donors (HD) and iii) demonstrating functional capacity of both freshly isolated and cryopreserved CMRF-56+ BDC isolated preparations to induce anti-tumour cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses in both HD and PC patients. These studies utilised the appropriate immunostaining techniques and flow cytometry to determine the CMRF-56+ cell yield, CMRF-56+ BDC purity and viability of the preparation. To determine functional capacity CMRF-56+ preparations were isolated from HD and PC patients, and loaded with the prostate tumour associated antigens (TAA) and control antigen peptides: prostate specific antigen-3 (PSA-3), prostatic acid phosphatase- 5 (PAP-5), prostatic specific membrane antigen-2 (PSMA-2), flu matrix protein (FMP) and/or melanoma antigen recognised by T cells (MART). Co-culture experiments were set up with autologous peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and induction of CTL responses were assessed using pentamer staining and ELISPOT assay. The working concentration of the huCMRF-56 mAb of 1.28mg/ml was determined to immunoselect a cellular preparation with maximal BDC purity, BDC yield and total viable cell number. Phenotyping studies of this preparation demonstrated it to be predominately comprised of antigen presenting cells (APC) and enriched for BDC with several BDC subsets immunoselected. CMRF-56+ preparations immunoselected from HD and PC donors were similar and comparable to previously described preparations immunoselected using the original murine CMRF-56 mAb. From antigen loaded CMRF-56+ preparations, specific major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class 1 restricted CD8 lymphocyte responses were generated against prostate TAAs in 2 of 5 HD and 1of 3 PC donors and against FMP in 1 of 3 PC and 5 of 5 HD. Cryopreserved antigen loaded CMRF-56+ BDC preparations from HD generated antigen specific FMP or MART-1 CTL responses in 3 of 4 HD, however anti-prostate TAA CTL responses were not observed. The humanised CMRF-56 mAb immunoselects a cellular preparation enriched in BDC and capable of effective uptake and presentation of antigen. The CMRF-56+ BDC enriched preparation, loaded with PC TAA is capable of inducing specific anti tumour responses in vitro. While further preclinical studies are required, the preparation, loaded with PC TAA shows promise as a potential immunotherapy for PC.

Διερεύνηση παραμέτρων και υλοποίηση αλγορίθμου για τον κυψελοειδή σχεδιασμό (cell planning) ψηφιακών ασυρμάτων κέντρων δεύτερης και τρίτης γεννιάς [sic]

Παπαιωάννου, Χαράλαμπος 08 January 2013 (has links)
Σε αυτή την εργασία πρώτα από όλα αναλύουμε τις βασικές έννοιες και αρχές μιας κυψελοειδούς σχεδίασης, καθώς και σημαντικές λειτουργίες που εκτελούνται σε ένα κυψελωτό σύστημα. Επίσης παρουσιάζουμε βασικές αρχές της μοντελοποίησης ενός ασύρματου καναλιού. Δίνουμε μεγάλη έμφαση σε όλα τα παραπάνω ,για να μπορέσει ο αναγνώστης να κατανοήσει τη λογική με την οποία στη συνέχεια κατασκευάζουμε τους αλγόριθμους που βοηθάνε στον κυψελοειδή σχεδιασμό ψηφιακών ασύρματων κέντρων δεύτερης και τρίτης γενιάς. Αφού αναλύσουμε τον τρόπο υλοποίησης των αλγορίθμων, στη συνέχεια τους χρησιμοποιούμε για τον κυψελοειδή σχεδιασμό του δήμου Πατρέων χρησιμοποιώντας την τεχνολογία gsm για να κατανοήσουμε καλύτερα τη λειτουργία τους. Στην ουσία δηλαδή αφού έχουμε κατασκευάσει τους αλγόριθμούς μας, οι οποίοι μπορούν αναλόγως των παραμέτρων που θα τους βάλουμε να χρησιμοποιηθούν για δίκτυα δεύτερης και τρίτης γενιάς, τους βάζουμε τις παραμέτρους του gsm και εκτελούμε μία προσομοίωση για την περιοχή του δήμου Πατρέων. Για να μπορέσουμε να κατανοήσουμε τις παραμέτρους του gsm αφιερώνουμε μία ενότητα στην περιγραφή της αρχιτεκτονικής του. Συνεπώς στο τέλος της εργασίας ο αναγνώστης είναι σε θέση να κατανοήσει πλήρως την διαδικασία που πρέπει κάποιος να εξακολουθήσει για να υλοποιήσει μια κυψελοειδής σχεδίαση σε οποιαδήποτε γεωγραφική περιοχή, χρησιμοποιώντας οποιαδήποτε τεχνολογία 2ης και 3ης γενιάς με τη βοήθεια των αλγορίθμων που κατασκευάσαμε. / -

Estimativa da evapotranspiração de referência pela equação de Hargreaves em clima subtropical / Evapotranspiration estimation of the reference of the Hargreaves equation in subtropical climate

Lima, Layla Gerusa Souza [UNESP] 07 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by LAYLA GERUSA SOUZA LIMA null (laylalima.ufra@hotmail.com.br) on 2017-04-08T02:48:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Material da defesa 07-03-2017 novo.pdf: 1448895 bytes, checksum: 0d7b350c764e606a9c30dbefcfed7243 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luiz Galeffi (luizgaleffi@gmail.com) on 2017-04-11T17:26:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 lima_lg_me_jabo.pdf: 1448895 bytes, checksum: 0d7b350c764e606a9c30dbefcfed7243 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-11T17:26:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 lima_lg_me_jabo.pdf: 1448895 bytes, checksum: 0d7b350c764e606a9c30dbefcfed7243 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Uma forma de verificar a eficiência de métodos de estimativa da evapotranspiração de referência (ET0) e realizar comparativo com a equação de Penman-Monteith FAO-56, recomendado pela FAO. Objetivou-se com o desenvolvimento avaliar a equação de Hargreaves, comparando-a com a equação de Penman-Monteith FAO-56, a fim de verificar a possibilidade de estimar-se a evapotranspiração de referência para as condições climáticas do município de Jaboticabal, em SP, bem como fazer a calibração local desta equação. Para esse fim, foram utilizados dados do período de 01/01/2009 a 31/12/2015 de uma estação meteorológica automatizada instalada na área experimental do Departamento de Engenharia Rural da FCAV/UNESP, Câmpus de Jaboticabal, SP. Por intermédio da estação meteorológica, foram obtidas medidas da radiação solar global, radiação líquida, temperatura do ar, umidade relativa do ar, velocidade do vento. A análise dos resultados foi realizada aplicando-se técnicas que verificam a integridade dos dados meteorológicos e utilizando metodologias de análise dos dados médios e desvios padrões da ETo. Foi realizada a calibração local da equação de Hargreaves por meio do ajuste do parâmetro empírico HE (expoente empírico de Hargreaves) da equação. A integridade dos dados da estação meteorológica foi aceitável. O resultado de avaliação do método, utilizando a metodologia de análise de desvios padrões diários da ETo, considerando-se a equação de Penman-Monteith FAO-56 como padrão, indica que foi estabelecida uma relação linear, portanto, podem ser comparados. Conclui-se que equação de Hargreaves é uma opção para estimar os valores de ETo em clima do tipo subtropical, em locais em que a disponibilidade de dados climáticos é limitada. / One way to verify the efficiency of estimation methods of reference evapotranspiration (ET0) is to compare with FAO-56 Penman-Monteith equation, recommended by FAO to estimate the reference evapotranspiration (ET0). The objective of this work was to evaluate the Hargreaves equation, comparing it to the FAO-56 Penman-Monteith equation, aiming verify the possibility of estimating the reference evapotranspiration for the climatic conditions of Jaboticabal, SP and calibrate this equation. For this purpose we collected data from Jan/01/2009 to Dec/31/2015 in an automated meteorological station installed at Department of Rural Engineering in FCAV / UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP Campus Experimental Area. Data of global solar radiation, liquid radiation, air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed were collected. The analysis of the results was carried out applying techniques that verify the integrity of the meteorological data as well using methodologies of analysis of the average data and standard deviations of the ET0. The local calibration of the Hargreaves equation was performed by adjusting the empirical parameter HE (empirical Hargreaves exponent) of the equation. The integrity of the weather station data was acceptable. The method evaluation result, using the methodology of analysis of daily standard deviation of the ET0, considering the Penman-Monteith FAO-56 equation as standard, indicates that it established a linear relation. As a result, they can be compared. The Hargreaves equation is an option to estimate ET0 values in subtropical climate in places where the climatic data availability is scarce.

Tradução do questionário The Measure of Processes of Care (MPOC-56): análise da inteligibilidade do instrumento em língua portuguesa brasileira / Translation and adaptation to Brazilian Portuguese Language of the questionnaire The Measure of Processes of Care: analysis of instrument readability

Berti, Giseli Bueno 15 February 2018 (has links)
A tradução de protocolos na área da saúde tem possibilitado a aplicação de testes elaborados internacionalmente em virtude da baixa elaboração de instrumentos no Brasil, sendo, dessa forma, a tradução, uma ferramenta para a validação desses instrumentos e sua utilização por pesquisadores brasileiros. Entretanto, a maioria das traduções não é realizada por profissionais de tradução, mas sim por qualquer indivíduo que tenha o conhecimento linguístico do idioma estrangeiro e da língua portuguesa não sendo, dessa forma, profissional da área. Esse aspecto desfavorece a inteligibilidade do texto, isto é, o instrumento é traduzido, sua interpretação por parte dos participantes, torna-se ambígua ou confusa, em virtude da falta de compreensão na própria língua portuguesa do documento. Ao propor a tradução em língua portuguesa do instrumento Measure of Processes of Care 56 (MPOC-56), elaborado no Canadá e com a finalidade de verificar o atendimento do paciente por profissionais e pelo centro de terapia sob a perspectiva dos pais e a verificação da inteligibilidade permite ao tradutor não somente legitimar sua tradução, como também tornar mais acessível ao público em geral uma construção semântica, para que não ocorram equívocos na aplicação do questionário validado, tornando-o, dessa forma, um instrumento relevante para a área da Saúde e da Tradução Científica. Desse modo, o objetivo geral buscou traduzir o instrumento e verificar sua inteligibilidade na Língua Portuguesa. A pesquisa teve caráter metodológico, em virtude de investigações dos métodos de obtenção, organização e análise dos dados para a tradução de um instrumento. Para compor a metodologia, também foi utilizada a etapa do brainstorming, a qual contribuiu para o diálogo entre os peritos da área e a pesquisadora, objetivando a inteligibilidade do instrumento. Por meio do brainstorming, foi possível constatar que a etapa da retrotradução pode ser dispensada do processo tradutório em consequência do trabalho do profissional de tradução com os peritos bilíngues da área. / Health protocols translation has made possible the application of tests internationally organized due to a low production of instruments in the Brazilian Health area. So, translation is made a tool to validate these instruments and its utilization by Brazilian researchers. Nevertheless, most translations are not elaborated by translator professionals, but by any individual who knows the linguistic system of a foreign language and the Brazilian Portuguese language, not being, in this case, a professional translator. This point disfavors the readability of texts, that is, the translated instrument and its interpretation by participants become ambiguous or confused, due to the lack of comprehension in the Portuguese language itself in the document. When proposing the translation in the Brazilian Portuguese language of the protocol Measure of Processes of Care-56 (MPOC-56), produced in Canada in order to verify the attendance of patients by professionals and the therapy Centre from the perspective of parents and, specially, to Speech and Language area, the analysis of readability allows the translator not only to justify his/her translation, but also to make it more available to public in general a semantic construction not to occur mistakes on validated instrument and contributing to be a relevant protocol not only to Health, but also to the Scientific Translation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to translate and to verify the readability of the questionnaire translated into the Brazilian Portuguese. For this study, a methodological research was used in order to obtain and organize documents to translate the instrument. By means of brainstorming step, it was possible to conclude that one professional translator is enough to translate and to do the back translation and, by consulting experts in a certain area can contribute to Brazilian Heath Area to improve validation of protocols or to translate Brazilian protocols to another foreign language.

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