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Traffic-aware scheduling and feedback reporting in wireless networks / Ordonnancement et feedback dans les réseaux sans fil avec prise en compte du traficDeghel, Matha 22 May 2017 (has links)
La demande des systèmes de communication sans fil pour des débits élevés continue d'augmenter, et il n'y a pas de signes que cette tendance va se ralentir. Trois des techniques les plus importantes qui ont émergé pour répondre à de telles demandes sont l'OFDMA, le relais coopératif et le MIMO. Afin d'utiliser pleinement les capacités des systèmes appliquant de telles techniques, il est essentiel de développer des algorithmes efficaces d'ordonnancement et, plus généralement, des algorithmes efficaces d'allocation de ressources. Les études classiques sur ce sujet examinent des systèmes où les demandes de données des utilisateurs ne sont pas prises en considération et/ou un CSI parfait et complet est supposée être disponible pour le mécanisme d'ordonnancement. Cependant, dans la pratique, différentes limitations peuvent entraîner l'absence d'une connaissance parfaite et/ou complète du CSI, telles que les ressources limitées pour le feedback, le co^ut de sondage et le retard dans le processus de feedback.Par conséquent, dans cette thèse nous examinons les problèmes d'ordonnancement et de feedback sous des considérations réalistes concernant la connaissance du CSI. L'analyse est effectuée au niveau des paquets et considère la dynamique des files d'attente avec des processus d'arrivée arbitraires, et où la mesure de performance principale que nous adoptons est la stabilité des files d'attente. La première partie de la thèse considère un système MIMO multipoint à multipoint utilisant le mode TDD, tout en supposant un backhaul à capacité limitée et en tenant compte du coût du feedback. En ce qui concerne la technique de gestion de l'interférence, nous appliquons l'alignement d'interférence (IA) si plus d'une paire sont actives et SVD si une seule paire est active. La deuxième partie de la thèse considère un système OFDMA avec plusieurs utilisateurs et canaux, où un feedback retardé et limité est pris en compte. Deux scénarios sont étudiés, à savoir le système sans relais et le système avec relais. Pour ce dernier, nous considérons une imperfection supplémentaire supposant que les utilisateurs ont une connaissance incomplète des coefficients du fading entre la station de base et le relais. / Demand of wireless communication systems for high throughputs continues to increase, and there are no signs this trend is slowing down. Three of the most prominent techniques that have emerged to meet such demands are OFDMA, cooperative relaying and MIMO. To fully utilize the capabilities of systems applying such techniques, it is essential to develop eficient scheduling algorithms and, more generally, eficient resource allocation algorithms. Classical studies on this subject investigate in much detail settings where the data requests of the users are not taken into consideration or where the perfect and full CSI is assumed to be available for the scheduling mechanism. In practice, however, diferent limitations may result in not having perfect or full CSI knowledge, such as limited feedback resources, probing cost and delay in the feedback process. Accordingly, in this thesis we examine the problems of scheduling and feedback allocations under realistic considerations concerning the CSI knowledge. Analysis is performed at the packet level and considers the queueing dynamics in the systems with arbitrary arrival processes, where the main performance metric we adopt is the stability of the queues. The first part of the thesis considers a multi-point to multi-point MIMO system with TDD mode under limited backhaul capacity and taking into account the feedback probing cost. Regarding the interference management technique, we apply interference alignment (IA) if more than one pair are active and SVD if only one pair is active. The second part of the thesis considers a multiuser multichannel OFDMA-like system where delayed and limited feedback is accounted for. Two scenarios are investigated, namely the system without relaying and the system with relaying. For the latter one, an additional imperfection we account for is that the users have incomplete knowledge of the fading coeficients between the base-station and the relay.
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L’amélioration des performances des systèmes sans fil 5G par groupements adaptatifs des utilisateurs / Performance improvement of 5G Wireless Systems through adaptive grouping of usersHajri, Salah Eddine 09 April 2018 (has links)
5G est prévu pour s'attaquer, en plus d'une augmentation considérable du volume de trafic, la tâche de connecter des milliards d'appareils avec des exigences de service hétérogènes. Afin de relever les défis de la 5G, nous préconisons une utilisation plus efficace des informations disponibles, avec plus de sensibilisation par rapport aux services et aux utilisateurs, et une expansion de l'intelligence du RAN. En particulier, nous nous concentrons sur deux activateurs clés de la 5G, à savoir le MIMO massif et la mise en cache proactive. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous nous concentrons sur la problématique de l'acquisition de CSI dans MIMO massif en TDD. Pour ce faire, nous proposons de nouveaux schémas de regroupement spatial tels que, dans chaque groupe, une couverture maximale de la base spatiale du signal avec un chevauchement minimal entre les signatures spatiales des utilisateurs est obtenue. Ce dernier permet d'augmenter la densité de connexion tout en améliorant l'efficacité spectrale. MIMO massif en TDD est également au centre du quatrième chapitre. Dans ce cas, en se basant sur les différents taux de vieillissement des canaux sans fil, la périodicité d'estimation de CSI est supplémentaire. Nous le faisons en proposant un exploité comme un degré de liberté supplémentaire. Nous le faisons en proposant une adaptation dynamique de la trame TDD en fonction des temps de cohérence des canaux hétérogènes. Les stations de bases MIMO massif sont capables d'apprendre la meilleure politique d’estimation sur le uplink pour de longues périodes. Comme les changements de canaux résultent principalement de la mobilité de l'appareil, la connaissance de l'emplacement est également incluse dans le processus d'apprentissage. Le problème de planification qui en a résulté a été modélisé comme un POMDP à deux échelles temporelles et des algorithmes efficaces à faible complexité ont été fournis pour le résoudre. Le cinquième chapitre met l'accent sur la mise en cache proactive. Nous nous concentrons sur l'amélioration de l'efficacité énergétique des réseaux dotes de mise en cache en exploitant la corrélation dans les modèles de trafic en plus de la répartition spatiale des demandes. Nous proposons un cadre qui établit un compromis optimal entre la complexité et la véracité dans la modélisation du comportement des utilisateurs grâce à la classification adaptative basée sur la popularité du contenu. Il simplifie également le problème du placement de contenu, ce qui se traduit par un cadre d'allocation de contenu rapidement adaptable et économe en énergie. / 5G is envisioned to tackle, in addition to a considerable increase in traffic volume, the task of connecting billions of devices with heterogeneous service requirements. In order to address the challenges of 5G, we advocate a more efficient use of the available information, with more service and user awareness, and an expansion of the RAN intelligence. In particular, we focus on two key enablers of 5G, namely massive MIMO and proactive caching. In the third chapter, we focus on addressing the bottleneck of CSI acquisition in TDD Massive MIMO. In order to do so, we propose novel spatial grouping schemes such that, in each group, maximum coverage of the signal’s spatial basis with minimum overlapping between user spatial signatures is achieved. The latter enables to increase connection density while improving spectral efficiency. TDD Massive MIMO is also the focus of the fourth chapter. Therein, based on the different rates of wireless channels aging, CSI estimation periodicity is exploited as an additional DoF. We do so by proposing a dynamic adaptation of the TDD frame based on the heterogeneous channels coherence times. The Massive MIMO BSs are enabled to learn the best uplink training policy for long periods. Since channel changes result primarily from device mobility, location awareness is also included in the learning process. The resulting planning problem was modeled as a two-time scale POMDP and efficient low complexity algorithms were provided to solve it. The fifth chapter focuses on proactive caching. We focus on improving the energy efficiency of cache-enabled networks by exploiting the correlation in traffic patterns in addition to the spatial repartition of requests. We propose a framework that strikes the optimal trade-off between complexity and truthfulness in user behavior modeling through adaptive content popularity-based clustering. It also simplifies the problem of content placement, which results in a rapidly adaptable and energy efficient content allocation framework.
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Performance Optimization of Virtualized Packet Processing Function for 5G RAN / Prestandaoptimering av virtualiserad packet processing-funktion för 5G RANÖstermark, Filip January 2017 (has links)
The advent of the fifth generation mobile networks (5G) presents many new challenges to satisfy the requirements of the upcoming standards. The 5G Radio Access Network (RAN) has several functions which must be highly optimized to keep up with increasing performance requirements. One such function is the Packet Processing Function (PPF) which must process network packets with high throughput and low latency. A major factor in the pursuit of higher throughput and lower latency is adaptability of 5G technology. For this reason, Ericsson has developed a prototype 5G RAN PPF as a Virtualized Network Function (VNF) using an extended version of the Data Plane Development Kit’s Eventdev framework, which can be run on a general purpose computer. This thesis project optimizes the throughput and latency of a 5G RAN PPF prototype using a set of benchmarking and code profiling tools to find bottlenecks within the packet processing path, and then mitigates the effects of these bottlenecks by changing the configuration of the PPF. Experiments were performed using IxNetwork to generate 2 flows with GTP-u/UDP/IPv4 packets for the PPF to process. IxNetwork was also used to measure throughput and latency of the PPF. The results show that the maximum throughput of the PPF prototype could be increased by 40.52% with an average cut-through latency of 97.59% compared to the default configuration in the evaluated test case, by reassigning the CPU cores, performing the packet processing work in fewer pipeline stages, and patching the RSS function of the packet reception (Rx) driver. / Med den annalkande femte generationen av mobila nätverk (5G) följer en rad utmaningar för att uppnå de krav som ställs av kommande standarder. Den femte generationens Radioaccessnätverk (RAN) har flera funktioner som måste vara väloptimerade för att prestera enligt ökade krav. En sådan funktion är Packet Processing-funktionen (PPF), vilken måste kunna bearbeta paket med hög genomströmning och låg latens. En avgörande faktor i jakten på högre genomströmning och lägre latens är anpassningsbarhet hos 5Gteknologin. Ericsson har därför utvecklat en prototyp av en PPF för 5G RAN som en virtuell nätverksfunktion (VNF) med hjälp av DPDK:s Eventdev-ramverk, som kan köras på en dator avsedd för allmän användning. I detta projekt optimeras genomströmningen och latensen hos Ericssons 5G RAN PPF-prototyp med hjälp av ett antal verktyg för prestandamätning och kodprofilering för att hitta flaskhalsar i pakethanteringsvägen, och därefter minska flaskhalsarnas negativa effekt på PPFens prestanda genom att ändra dess konfiguration. I experimenten användes IxNetwork för att generera 2 flöden med GTP-u/UDP/IPv4-paket som bearbetades av PPFen. IxNetwork användes även för att mäta genomströmning och latens. Resultaten visade att den maximala genomströmningen kunde ökas med 40.52% med en genomsnittlig latens på 97.59% jämfört med den ursprungliga PPF-prototypkonfigurationen i testfallet, genom att omfördela processorkärnor, sammanslå paketbearbetningssteg, och att patcha RSS-funktionen hos mottagardrivaren.
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Digitalisering inom industriell produktion - Utmaningar och möjligheter med 5G i tillverkande industrier / Digitalization within industrial production - Challenges and opportunities with 5G in manufacturing industriesMenghes, Robel, Tokhmpash Norouzi, Dian January 2019 (has links)
Digitaliseringen har fått en ökad uppmärksamhet i samhället och i olika industrier som följd av framtagandet av ny teknologi som driver utvecklingen framåt. Dagens teknik har idag en inverkan i det vardagliga levnadssättet och kommer även att påverka företag som verkar i alla möjliga branscher, men i synnerhet tillverkningsindustrin vars bransch genomgår en digital transformation som kallas för Industri 4.0. Rapporten har som syfte att undersöka de utmaningar och möjligheter som finns med introducerandet samt implementerandet av 5G teknologin i tillverkande industrier. Metoden i denna studie är en kvalitativ studie där fyra intervjuer har hållits med två företag från användarsidan, Scania och AstraZeneca, samt två företag från utvecklarsidan, Ericsson och H&D Wireless. Utöver detta gjordes en litteratursökning för att skapa en teoretisk grund samt en observation på Scania Smart Factory för att undersöka utvecklarmiljön. Resultaten från intervjuerna och litteratursökningen visade att det finns möjlighet till stabilare tillgänglighet med cellulär teknik. Tekniken förväntas leverera en hög och jämn nivå, och är således mer driftsäkert jämfört med Wi-Fi som kan ha höga toppar och låga bottnar. Vidare finns möjlighet till ett bättre dataflöde i form av högre hastighet samt en större mängd data som kan hanteras, det förväntas bli renare i fabrikerna eftersom kabelledningar kan ersättas med nätverksdosor som sitter i taket samt en ökad flexibilitet i produktionen. Gällande RTLS applikationen som H&D Wireless har utvecklat finns möjlighet till förbättrad precisionslokalisering med 5G. De intervjuade ser liknande utmaningar när det kommer till utveckling och implementation, bland annat anpassandet av utrustning och verktyg, ett kunskapsgap mellan utvecklare och användare samt framtagandet av en 5G standard. Resultaten visar att företag som utvecklar tjänster och applikationer är långt fram i värdekedjan och är beroende av företags investeringar i tekniken och infrastruktur, samtidigt som dessa inte är med och framställer 5G standarden. Vidare innebär en förbättrad tillgänglighet att tekniken har stor användning vid monitorering av utrustning och kritiska processer, men kan komma att konkurreras med nya versioner av Wi-Fi om tekniken får prestandaförbättringar. / Digitalization has gained increased attention in society as well as in various industries as a consequence of the development of new technology that drives growth ahead. Today’s technology has an impact in people’s everyday life and will also affect corporations that operate in all sorts of industries, but especially the manufacturing industry whose industry is undergoing a digital transformation called Industry 4.0. This paper investigates the challenges and opportunities that exist with the introduction and implementation of 5G technologies in manufacturing industries. The method in this study is a qualitative study where four interviews have been held with two companies form the user side, Scania and AstraZeneca,and two companies from the development side, Ericsson and H&D Wireless. In addition to this, a literature search was made to develop a theoretical foundation as well as an observation at Scania Smart Factory Lab to examine the development environment and to see the potential use of the technology. The results from the qualitative study and the literature search showed that there is an opportunity of a more stable availability with cellular technology. It is expected to deliver a high and even level, and is thus more reliable compared to Wi-Fi, which can have high peaks and low bottoms. Furthermore, there is the possibility of a better data flow in form of higher speed as well as a larger amount of data that can be handled. For the RTLS application that H&D Wireless has developed, there is a possibility of improved precision location with 5G. The interviewees see similar challenges when it comes to development and implementation, including the adaption of equipment and tools, a knowledge gap between developers and users, and the development of a 5G standard. The results show that companies that develop services and applications are far ahead in the value chain and are dependent on the users investments in the technology and infrastructure, while these are not involved in constructing the 5G standard. In addition, improved availability means that the technology has great use in monitoring equipment and critical processes, but may be competing with new versions of Wi-Fi if the technology acquires performance improvements.
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Deep Learning for Predicting Electrical Power in 5G / Djupinlärning för att förutspå elektrisk effekt för 5GMellberg, Robert January 2022 (has links)
5G is currently being implemented around the world. A way to save resources in 5G could be to have several sector carriers sharing one power source. This requires being able to predict the electrical power of the sector carriers to make sure they do not exceed the capability of the power source. This thesis investigates deep learning for predicting the electrical power of a sector carrier. The chosen deep learning models are Multilayer perceptron (MLP) and Long short-term memory network (LSTM) and they are trained and evaluated on seven generated datasets from a sector carrier in Lund. The study consists of two parts, comparing the predictive performance between MLP and LSTM as well as determining the importance of each input feature on the predictions. It is concluded from the results that the MLP outperforms the LSTM in all datasets and should be the preferred model. The most important input feature for the predictions is by far the number of Resource elements (REs) used per slot. The number of Physical resource blocks (PRBs), modulation, scaling, number of streams and codebook indices have varying importance. The results can be used for guidance when implementing a real time system for which model and which input features to include. More work is required in investigating how the models perform on aggregated data from several sector carriers and determining if the models could feasibly be implemented for real time predictions. / 5G håller på att implementeras runtom i världen. Ett sätt att spara resurser i 5G skulle kunna vara att ha flera sektorbärare dela på en strömkälla. För att implementera detta behöver man kunna förutsäga effekten av sektorbärarna för att försäkra sig om att de inte kommer överstiga den maximala effekten strömkällan tillåter. I denna avhandling undersöks djupinlärning för att förutsäga effekten av en sektorbärare. De använda djupinlärningsmodellerna är Multilayer perceptron (MLP) och Long short-term memory (LSTM) och de tränas och utvärderas på sju stycken olika dataset genererade från en sektorbärare i Lund. Studien är uppdelad i två delar, en del där MLP och LSTM jämförs med hänsyn till deras prediktiva förmåga och en del där varje datavariabel utvärderas till hur viktig den är för modellernas förutsägelser. Från resultaten kunde slutsatsen dras att MLP presterar bättre än LSTM på alla sju dataset och att MLP bör väljas före LSTM. Den viktigaste datavariabeln är antalet resurs element med en signifikant skillnad jämfört med övriga datavariabler. Antalet fysiska resursblock, modulationen, skalningsfaktorn, antalet strömmar och kodboksindex har varierande viktighet. Resultaten kan användas som stöd för implementering av realtid system för att bestämma lämplig model och data. Mer arbete krävs för att undersöka hur modellerna presterar på data som är aggregerat från flera sektorbärare samt undersöka huruvida det är genomförbart att implementera ett realtid system för förutsägelser utifrån beräkningskraft och kostandsanalys.
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Towards reducing bandwidth consumption in publish/subscribe systemsYe, Yifan January 2020 (has links)
Efficient data collection is one of the key research areas for 5G and beyond, since it can reduce the network burden of transferring massive data for various data analytics and machine learning applications. Specifically, 5G offers great support for massive deployment of IoT devices, and the number of IoT devices is exploding.There are mainly two complementary ways for achieving efficient data collection: one is integrating data processing into the collection process via e.g. data filtering, aggregation; the other one is reducing the amount of the data needs to be transferred via e.g. data compression/approximation.In this thesis, efficient data collection is studied from the mentioned two perspectives. In particular, we introduce enhanced syntax and functionalities to the message queueing telemetry transport (MQTT) protocol, such as data filtering and data aggregation. Furthermore, we enhance the flexibility of MQTT by supporting customized or user-defined functions to be executed in the MQTT broker, and thus data processing in the broker will not be constrained to the predefined processing functions. Lastly, dual prediction is studied for reducing the data transmissions by maintaining the same learning model on both sides of the sender and receiver. In particular, we study and prototype least mean square (LMS) as the dual prediction algorithm. Our implementations are based on MQTT and the benefits are shown and evaluated via experiments using real IoT data. / Effektiv datainsamling är ett av de viktigaste forskningsområdena för 5G och därefter, eftersom det kan minska nätbördan för att överföra massiva data för olika dataanalyser och maskininlärningsapplikationer. Specifikt erbjuder 5G bra stöd för massiv distribution av IoT-enheter, och antalet IoT-enheter exploderar.Det finns huvudsakligen två komplementära sätt att uppnå effektiv datainsamling: ett är att integrera databehandling i insamlingsprocessen via t.ex. datafiltrering, aggregering; den andra minskar mängden data som behöver överföras via t.ex. datakomprimering / tillnärmning.I denna avhandling studeras effektiv datainsamling ur nämnda två perspektiv.I synnerhet introducerar vi förbättrad syntax och funktionalitet till meddelandekö telemetri-transportprotokollet (MQTT), till exempel datafiltrering och dataggregation. Dessutom förbättrar vi MQTT-flexibiliteten genom att stödja anpassade eller användardefinierade funktioner som ska köras i MQTT-mäklaren, och därför kommer databehandling i mäklaren inte att begränsas till de fördefinierade behandlingsfunktionerna. Slutligen studeras dubbla förutsägelser för att minska dataöverföringarna genom att bibehålla samma inlärningsmodell på båda sidornaav avsändaren och mottagaren. I synnerhet studerar och prototypar vi minst genomsnitt kvadrat (LMS) som den dubbla förutsägelsealgoritmen. Våra implementeringar är baserade på MQTT och fördelarna visas och utvärderas via experiment med verkliga IoT-data.
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Capturing the Value of 5G in Smart Manufacturing / Värdefångst av 5G i Smart ManufacturingMirza, Helen, Wahlstén, Erika January 2021 (has links)
Suppliers of the next generation mobile network, 5G, promises increased performance which can ensure smart manufacturing. Smart manufacturing entails systems of wireless and connected sensors, robots and other devices that together are optimizing the manufacturing process with data. At the same time, 5G has become one of the major technological trends in manufacturing. Globally, efforts are being made to optimize assembly lines through smart manufacturing, but there is no evidence of 5G's promised performance in practice. This study addresses how an industrial company that offers smart tools should capture the value of 5G in the business model. This is done by examining if and what unique features 5G is providing, whether customers are ready for this technology and how 5G will affect the business model. The study is based on a case study at Atlas Copco AB, a Swedish industrial company that operates on a global scale. The collaboration was made with Atlas Copco's business area within Industrial Technique and with the divisions General Industry and Motor Vehicle Industry. Data was collected through interviews both internally at Atlas Copco and externally with their customers and were then combined with a literature study. The findings from this study can be summarized as follows: • 5G enables connectivity that is required for smart manufacturing processes.• Customers are in different phases of 5G adoption.• There is a difference in what characteristics customers value, and therefore 5G will not provide the same value for all customers.• The business model will need to be changed to a more service-oriented model when offering 5G, to be able to fully capture the value of 5G. At the end of the study, a summary is given of the study's conceptual and empirical contributions, as well as suggestions for future work. / Leverantörer av nästa generations mobilnät, 5G, utlovar ökad prestanda som kan garantera smart manufacturing. Smart manufacturing innebär system av trådlösa och anslutna sensorer, robotar och andra enheter som tillsammans optimerar tillverkningsprocessen med hjälp av data. Samtidigt har 5G blivit en av de stora teknologiska trenderna inom tillverkning. Globalt görs ansträngningar för att optimera monteringslinor genom smart manufacturing, men det finns ännu inga bevis för 5G:s utlovade prestanda i praktiken. Denna studie behandlar hur ett industriföretag som erbjuder smarta verktyg ska fånga värdet av 5G i affärsmodellen. Detta görs genom att undersöka om och i sådant fall vilka unika funktioner 5G tillhandahåller, om kunderna är redo för denna teknik och hur 5G kommer att påverka affärsmodellen. Studien grundar sig i en fallstudie på Atlas Copco AB, ett svenskt industriföretag med global närvaro. Studien gjordes i samarbete med Atlas Copcos affärsområde för Industriteknik, inom divisionerna för General Industry och Motor Vehicle Industry. Data samlades in genom intervjuer, både internt på Atlas Copco och externt med deras kunder och kombinerades sedan med en litteraturstudie. Resultaten från denna studie kan sammanfattas enligt följande: • 5G möjliggör anslutning som krävs för processer som är kopplade till smarta manufacturing.• Kunderna är i olika faser av 5G-adoptionen.• Det finns en skillnad i vilka egenskaper kunderna värderar och därför kommer 5G inte att ge samma värde till alla kunder. • Affärsmodellen måste sannolikt ändras till en mer serviceinriktad modell när man erbjuder 5G för att fullt ut kunna fånga värdet av 5G. I slutet av studien ges en sammanfattning av studiens konceptuella och empiriska bidrag samt förslag på framtida arbete.
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Topologias WDM-PON utilizando auto-alimentação com dupla cavidade óptica para Fronthaul analógico de redes 5G / Double-cavity self-seeding WDM-PON topologies as 5G networks analog FronthaulSouza, Adelcio Marques de 10 September 2018 (has links)
As futuras redes de acesso sem-fio, como a quinta geração de telefonia celular (5G), estão introduzindo e consolidando diversas tecnologias, tais como a operação em ondas milimétricas, picocélulas e o emprego massivo de antenas para diversidade espacial e temporal. Todas essas mudanças trazem desafios para a capacidade dos enlaces presentes nessas redes, como o backhaul e fronthaul. Nas últimas gerações, o ifronthaul tem utilizado Rádio-sobre-Fibra Digital (D-RoF, Digital Radio-over Fiber). Entretanto, neste novo paradigma, o processo de digitalização pode vir a consumir uma largura de banda excessiva e a transmissão analógica dos sinais de RF sobre a fibra se torna uma solução mais atrativa. Ao mesmo tempo, WDM-PON (Wavelength-Division-Multiplexing Passive-Optical-Network) é uma proeminente alternativa para o futuro das PONs, especialmente considerando o seu emprego como fronthaul. Para reduzir a necessidade de diversos transmissores diferentes, várias técnicas de auto-alimentação para obtenção de fontes ópticas agnósticas em comprimento de onda têm sido propostas. O presente trabalho faz um estudo de topologias de auto-alimentação com dupla cavidade para operarem como fronthaul analógico nas futuras redes de acesso sem-fio. Simulações numéricas utilizando o software Optisystem demonstram a viabilidade destas topologias em diversos cenários previstos para estas redes de acesso, especialmente considerando a operação em ondas milimétricas. Transmissões bem sucedidas foram obtidas para sinais ASK, M-PSK e M-QAM em frequências de microondas (1,25, 2,5 e 5 GHz) e ondas milimétricas (38 e 60 GHz) com vazões de 155 Mbps a 10 Gbps utilizando modulação direta e modulação externa. / Future radio access networks, such as the fifth generation mobile network (5G), are introducing and consolidating disruptive technologies, such as millimeter wave operation, dense picocell coverage and massive use of antennas for spatial and temporal diversity. These new technologies present a challenge for the capacity of the links that are present on these networks, including backhaul and fronthaul. In the latest cellular network generations, the fronthaul was typically implemented by Digital Radio-over-Fiber (D-RoF) technique. However, in this future context, the digitalization process would require a prohibitive bandwidth and the analog transmission of RF signals over the fiber can be a more attractive solution when compared to D-RoF. At the same time, Wavelength-Division-Multiplexing PON (WDM-PON) is prominent alternative for the future of PONs, especially considering its use as fronthaul. In order to avoid employing numerous distinct transmitters, several self-seeding techniques have been proposed to achieve colorless optical sources. This dissertation presents a numerical study of double-cavity self-seeding topologies to serve as analog fronthaul for future radio access networks. Numerical simulations using the software Optisystem demonstrate the feasibility of these topologies in various scenarios envisioned for these access networks, especially considering operation in millimeter waves. Successful transmission was achieved for ASK, M-PSK and M-QAM signals at microwave (1.25, 2.5 and 5 GHz) and millimeter wave (38 and 60 GHz) frequencies with throughput of 155 Mbps to 10 Gbps using direct and external modulation.
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Access Selection and Pricing in Multi-operator Wireless Networks / Sélection d'accès et tarification dans les réseaux sans fils à multi-opérateursFarhat, Soha 19 July 2016 (has links)
Notre travail se situe dans le contexte de partage de réseau mobile actif, ou un nombre d'opérateurs partagent leur accès radio, afin de former un système multi-technologie multi-opérateur. Le but de notre étude est de montrer les avantages de la coopération entre les opérateurs, principalement en ce qui concerne les revenus. De plus, nous cherchons des stratégies pour surpasser les conséquences négatives du partage des ressources, surtout celles touchant la performance des réseaux des opérateurs coopérants. Nous avons montré que les bénéfices de la coopération dépendent fortement du choix de partenaires, la tarification de service ( cout de transfert) entre les partenaires, et combien un opérateur partage de ses ressources. Notre travail consiste, en premier temps, à proposer un algorithme de sélection d'accès applicable dans un réseau multi-opérateurs. Cet algorithme devrait garantir la satisfaction en QoS de l'utilisateur et celle en profit de son opérateur d'accès à l'Internet. Ainsi, un algorithme adoptant une décision hybride, NP-BPA (Nearest Performance and Best Profit Algorithm), est proposé. En deuxième temps, nous étudions la tarification de service entre les opérateurs partenaires, précisément le coût de transfert d'un utilisateur. Ce dernier paye juste le prix du service que son opérateur d'accès à l'Internet détermine, il est inconscient du transfert. Les modèles de tarification proposés relient le coût de transfert d'un opérateur au prix adopté pour le service des clients. Le premier modèle, ACAG (As Client As Guest), suggère que le coût de transfert d'un opérateur soit égal à son prix de service. Le deuxième modèle, MIWC (Maximum Income When Cooperating), suggère que les coûts de transfert des opérateurs coopérants soient identiques, et égaux au prix de service le plus élevé des partenaires. Et, le troisième modèle, MCWC (Minimum Cost When Cooperating), suggère que les coûts de transfert des opérateurs coopérants soient identiques et égaux au plus petit prix de service des partenaires. La décision du meilleur modèle à adopter lors de la coopération, intervient une interaction entre les différents partenaires. Nous avons modélisé cette interaction à l'aide de la théorie de jeux. Nous avons exploité un jeu Stackelberg à deux niveaux, TPA (Transaction Pricing and Access Selection), où les opérateurs de service agissent comme Leaders et les opérateurs d'accès à l'Internet des utilisateurs à transférer agissent comme Followers. Finalement, nous avons considéré le mode d'accès hybride pour la coopération. Ce mode d'accès est proposé comme solution surtout pour les opérateurs partageant la plus grande capacité. La performance du réseau de ces opérateurs est relativement affaiblie suite à la coopération. Nous avons vérifié que le pourcentage de blocage diminue quand l'opérateur, ayant une capacité élevée, réduit le pourcentage de ressources partagées. Pour un même pourcentage de partage, le profit d'un opérateur diffère avec le modèle de tarification adopté. Ainsi, une bonne décision doit être prise, concernant le pourcentage de partage et le modèle de tarification, tout en tenant compte de l'effet de cette décision sur les autres partenaires du système. C'est pourquoi que nous avons proposé un nouvel jeu séquentiel à deux niveaux, afin de modéliser l'interaction entre les opérateurs, pour le partage de ressources et la tarification du coût de transfert. / We consider a roaming-based infrastructure sharing system, where multiple operators share their radio access in a multi-operator environment. Indeed, when the home operator of a user is unable to satisfy its constraints, because of lack of resources or QoS, a transaction event is triggered. It consists in transferring the considered user to another operator in order to access the service. Moreover, when there are more than two operators sharing their access, the user transfer process includes an access selection decision in order to choose the best operator for service. Furthermore, when a user is transferred, its home operator must pay some transaction cost as cooperation fees for the new service operator. This transaction is seamless to the user. Therefore, the inter-operators sharing agreement set for cooperation must include three important issues: the selection decision algorithm, the transaction cost pricing scenario, and the percentage of resources shared by each operator. In the first part, we introduce our selection decision algorithm in a multi-operator environment, NP-BPA (Nearest Performance and Best Profit Algorithm). It is based on a multi-criteria cost function which groups the different parameters that enable a satisfying selection decision, for the operators and users. In the second part, we study the transaction cost. We find rational that an operator sets its transaction cost as a function of its service price. We consider a sharing system of three partners, interacting to decide the best transaction cost. Taking into account that the service of a guest user may affect the probability of acceptance of a client, an operator looks for preserving the expected revenue from its client. Therefore, we propose the first pricing scenario, ACAG (As Client As Guest) that aims to set the transaction cost of an operator equal to its service price. However, every operator seeks to maximize its revenue; therefore it is expected to set a higher transaction cost. How much higher? This must respect the sharing agreement between different partners and the service prices they adopt. To be optimistic, we propose a second pricing scenario MIWC (Max In When Cooperating). With this scenario all partners agree to have a transaction cost equal to the highest service price announced in the system. But, this scenario may cause losses in some cases where an operator setting a low service price performs a lot of transactions. To be fair, we propose a third pricing scenario MCWC (Min Cost When Cooperating). With this scenario all partners agree to have a transaction cost equal to the lowest service price announced in the system. In order to decide the best pricing scenario to adopt in the sharing system, a two stage Stackelberg game, TPA (Transaction Pricing and Access Selection) game, is formulated. In this game, the operators are the players; the service operators are the leaders and the home operator of a transferred user is a follower. In the third part, we consider a three operator sharing system with hybrid access mode. In this system partners decide to share a restricted amount of their capacity. We show how the sharing factor affects the blocking rates and affect the global profits. Further, the achieved profit does not depend only on the sharing factor, but also on the adopted pricing scenario. Therefore an economic framework based on game theoretical analysis is proposed. It models the interaction between the sharing system operators for resource sharing and pricing, in addition to the access selection. A sequential game is formulated, where the players are the operators. In the first stage, the sharing partners decide the proportion of resources they will share and the transaction pricing scenario in order to maximize their own profits. In the second stage, the home operator of a transferred user selects the suitable service operator. A bi-level optimization problem is solved and equilibrium is found.
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[pt] O termo de ondas milimétricas refere-se à porção do espectro
eletromagnético com frequências entre 30 e 300 GHz, correspondente a
comprimentos de onda de 10 até 1 mm, respectivamente. As características das
ondas milimétricas diferem das micro-ondas e das infravermelhas, e são estas
diferenças que fazem com que um sistema de ondas milimétricas seja o candidato
ideal para algumas aplicações. Nos anos passados, a falta e o alto custo de fontes,
dispositivos, componentes e instrumentação adequada, para esta faixa de
frequências, levaram a um progresso muito devagar nesta área, no entanto, as
limitações dos sistemas infravermelhos e ópticos e a superlotação da região do
micro-ondas do espectro ocasionaram um maior interesse em frequências
milimétricas nos últimos anos. A quinta geração dos sistemas móveis deve estar
pronta nos próximos anos, e muitas pesquisas estão se desenvolvendo nas faixas de
28 GHz, 38 GHz e 60 GHz. A faixa de 60 GHz, na qual as ondas têm uma maior
atenuação comparada com as outras duas, oferece um maior espectro
eletromagnético. Nesta faixa de frequência, as ondas se refletem muito e pode se
aproveitar estas reflexões para uma melhor recepção sendo, por tanto, uma ótima
opção para comunicação móvel de curta distância com altas taxas de transferência
de dados. Para poder aproveitar a maior quantidade de multipercursos, a antena
receptora deve ter uma largura de feixe grande. Assim, neste trabalho, duas antenas
foram projetadas, construídas e, de alguma forma, testadas para uma frequência de
60 GHz, onde as larguras de feixe simuladas obtidas foram de 112 graus e 115
graus. / [en] The millimeter wave term refers to that portion of the electromagnetic
spectrum with frequencies between 30 and 300 GHz corresponding to wavelengths
of 1 to 10 mm. The characteristics of the millimeter wave differ from microwave
and infrared, and these differences make a millimeter wave system, an ideal
candidate for some applications. In the past the lack and the high cost of supplies,
devices, components and instrumentation suitable for this frequency band caused
very rambling progress in this area. However, the limitations of infrared optical
systems and overcrowding of the microwave spectrum region led to a greater
interest in the millimeter frequency in recent years and it is expected an increase in
this interest. The fifth generation of mobile systems should be ready in the coming
years, and many studies are developing in the 28 GHz, 38GHz and 60GHz bands.
In the 60 GHz band, waves has a higher attenuation compared to the other two, but
also offers greater electromagnetic spectrum, in this band, waves has a lot of
reflection, then, scattering can be taken for better reception. So, this band is a great
choice for short distance mobile communication with high data rates. To get the
greatest amount of multipath, the receiving antenna must have a wide beam width.
In this work, two antennas were designed, built and somewhat tested for a frequency
of 60 GHz for mobile environment, where the beam widths obtained are 112
degrees and 115 degrees.
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