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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Apostle Paul and homosexuality : a socio-historical study / Petrus Hendrik Botha

Botha, Petrus Hendrik January 2004 (has links)
Like many other people I have thought about the biblical understanding of homosexuality. Because of my previous study on sexual purity before marriage and the exegetical work done on key biblical passages for that study, I thought I understood where the real issues lay regarding the subject of homosexuality. This study is an attempt to contribute to the current discussion in the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa on the topic of homosexuality. In bringing this study to its final format I have received the indispensable help of others. First and foremost I wish to express my gratitude to my promoter, Professor Fika J van Rensburg. I am indebted to him beyond what mere words could convey in terms of gratitude. Our academic relationship spans five years and has developed into a warm friendship. It has been to my matchless benefit to be associated with him. I have profited much from his biblical knowledge, scholarly experience and overall passion and love for the Lord Jesus Christ. I also want to thank Reverend Erlo Stegen of Mission Kwasizabantu for his support and spiritual guidance. It is very special to be associated with a person who preaches the Word of God unambiguously and who has given and dedicated his life to Christ and Christ alone. Through his dedication Mission Kwasizabantu had become a home to the spiritual homeless and a refuge for the spiritual weary. The Mission has also been my home since 1994. I would like to express appreciation to Dr Andre van Niekerk and the North-West University for the financial support to complete this study. It is my prayer that the critical reader of this thesis will acknowledge that the money was well invested. I also wish to express my sincere gratitude to my friend, Reverend Frits van der Menve, for proofreading the manuscript. A special word of thanks to the personnel of the Ferdinand Postma and Jan Lion Cachet Libraries for their help and assistance. All my requests were always met with a smile and helpful attitude. All work done for me was executed in a spirit of kindness and benevolence. Lastly, I would like to thank my wife Andra and my son Chris, whose lives are inextricably bound with my own and who shared in the sacrifices associated with this study. / Thesis (Ph.D. (New Testament))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.

“The Kingdom of God cannot be inherited by ἀρσενοκοῖται! (1 Cor 6:9)” : Who are they, and why is Paul condemning them?

Hedlund, Simon January 2015 (has links)
This paper will look at the interpretation and translation of ἀρσενοκοῖται (1 Cor 6:9) in the list of people who will not inherit the kingdom of God. The word is mentioned in 1 Cor 6:9-10, and it has been translated in ways going from “homosexual”, “men who lay with men” and “sodomite” to “a man who lets others use himself or who uses others for debauchery” and “pedophile”. By looking at the views on sexuality, and male same-sex sexuality in particular, pertaining the Greco-Roman society and the Jewish culture contemporary to Paul, and also paying attention to the textual context as well as the context of the congregation in Corinth, the study has its aim set on finding what the word might have denoted to the first readers in the congregation in Corinth, and to Paul. The goal, then, is not to find a translation of the word ἀρσενοκοῖται that is literal, but to find one that is as close to a dynamic equivalent as is possible. This goal will, hopefully, be attained by giving the translation to the modern reader that is the one most likely to connote the same ideas and emotional connotations as the Greek word did in its original context. As the meaning of words change with time and context, there is a need for a translation that can bridge the gap created by that shift of meaning. Building that bridge in the case of ἀρσενοκοῖται is the goal of this paper. When the meaning, or meanings, that is found most likely to have been attained by the ancient readers is found, there will be a critical evaluation of some of the modern translations (and some a bit older) of the word in 1 Cor 6:9 to see if there already exists a translation that can be said to reach the goal of dynamic equivalence, given the meaning that is found most plausible in this paper. The study will argue that that is not the case, and therefore also propose a new translation, one that is argued to be closer to dynamic equivalence than those that has been evaluated. This translation is ”Men who sexually exploit men to gain social powers”. / Denna uppsats undersöker översättningen och tolkningen av ordet ἀρσενοκοῖται, det ord som avslutar 1 Kor 6:9 och är del av en lista över dem som inte kan ärva Guds rike (6:9-10). Ordet har översatts på olika sätt genom tiderna, med förslag som sträcker sig från “homosexuella”, “sodomiter”, “män som ligger med män” till “en man som låter utnyttja sig eller utnyttjar andra till osedlighet” och “pedofiler”. Genom att titta på hur sexualitet, och främst då manlig homosexualitet, sågs i den grekisk-romerska och judiska kontexten på Paulus tid, samt studera ordets litterära kontext och församlingens kontext i Korint, är målet att utröna vad ἀρσενοκοῖται bar med sig för betydelser och konnotationer för Paulus och de första mottagarna i Korint. Vad ett ord betyder är inte alltid statiskt över tid och rum utan förändras ofta, om än gradvis. Det riskerar därför att uppstå en klyfta mellan det som ordet från början innebar samt uppfattades som att det innebar, och hur det uppfattas idag. Den här uppsatsens mål är att överbrygga den klyftan för ἀρσενοκοῖται genom att ta reda på vad det grekiska ordet innebar i sin ursprungliga kontext och sedan ge en översättning som på bästa möjliga sätt ger en modern läsare konnotationer som i högsta möjliga grad stämmer överens med de konnotationer som de antika läsarna fick när de mötte ordet. Detta innebär alltså att målet inte är att ge en bokstavlig översättning av ἀρσενοκοῖται, utan en dynamisk ekvivalent översättning, där läsaren så långt det är möjligt får möjligheten att uppfatta det de första läsarna uppfattade. När den, eller de, meningar det är mest troligt att ordet bar med sig i sin ursprungliga kontext är konstaterade, kommer en kritisk utvärdering utifrån den slutsatsen göras av ett antal moderna översättningar (och några lite äldre), för att se om det finns en existerande översättning som uppnår dynamisk ekvivalens. Det kommer visa sig att så inte är fallet, och en ny översättning kommer därför att föreslås: ”Män som sexuellt utnyttjar män för att vinna social makt”.

The Apostle Paul and homosexuality : a socio-historical study / Petrus Hendrik Botha

Botha, Petrus Hendrik January 2004 (has links)
Like many other people I have thought about the biblical understanding of homosexuality. Because of my previous study on sexual purity before marriage and the exegetical work done on key biblical passages for that study, I thought I understood where the real issues lay regarding the subject of homosexuality. This study is an attempt to contribute to the current discussion in the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa on the topic of homosexuality. In bringing this study to its final format I have received the indispensable help of others. First and foremost I wish to express my gratitude to my promoter, Professor Fika J van Rensburg. I am indebted to him beyond what mere words could convey in terms of gratitude. Our academic relationship spans five years and has developed into a warm friendship. It has been to my matchless benefit to be associated with him. I have profited much from his biblical knowledge, scholarly experience and overall passion and love for the Lord Jesus Christ. I also want to thank Reverend Erlo Stegen of Mission Kwasizabantu for his support and spiritual guidance. It is very special to be associated with a person who preaches the Word of God unambiguously and who has given and dedicated his life to Christ and Christ alone. Through his dedication Mission Kwasizabantu had become a home to the spiritual homeless and a refuge for the spiritual weary. The Mission has also been my home since 1994. I would like to express appreciation to Dr Andre van Niekerk and the North-West University for the financial support to complete this study. It is my prayer that the critical reader of this thesis will acknowledge that the money was well invested. I also wish to express my sincere gratitude to my friend, Reverend Frits van der Menve, for proofreading the manuscript. A special word of thanks to the personnel of the Ferdinand Postma and Jan Lion Cachet Libraries for their help and assistance. All my requests were always met with a smile and helpful attitude. All work done for me was executed in a spirit of kindness and benevolence. Lastly, I would like to thank my wife Andra and my son Chris, whose lives are inextricably bound with my own and who shared in the sacrifices associated with this study. / Thesis (Ph.D. (New Testament))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.

In or out – the privilege of taxation : The half-shekel and the temple tax in the Talmud Yerushalmi

Selvén, Sebastian January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Hbtq-frågor, varför  då? Barnen är ju så små... : En studie om huruvida lärare tar tillvara på hbtq-perspektiv i sin undervisning i årskurs F-3

Odenholm, Jenny January 2014 (has links)
This study investigates whether teachers working with children ages 6 – 9 are including an LGBTQ perspective in their teaching methods. The purpose is to critically examine sexuality and gender as part of the teaching methods in Swedish schools; whether teachers are working with LGBTQ questions in their classes, and if so, how. The following research questions are answered:  Are the teachers incorporating an LGBTQ perspective in their classes, and if so, in what sense? Are LGBTQ questions relevant and of interest in the education? Do teachers feel like they have gained the right tools in their pedagogical education and/or in their workplace to work with LGBTQ questions in their class room? And if so, in what way?  The method used is qualitative research in the form of interviews and observations. The conclusions reached are that in theory most teachers agree that an LGBTQ perspective is of importance in the classes; however in practice it is not that easy. Most teachers agree that is it difficult to incorporate this perspective. All teachers stress that their pedagogical education lacked in providing an LGBTQ perspective, but a couple teachers point out that they have received it from their workplace instead.

Svensklärares erfarenheter av distansundervisning / Teachers in the subject Swedish and their experiences of distance education

Edinsdotter, Nadja January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att belysa distanslärares utmaningar och erfarenheter i svenskämnet. Det gjordes genom kvalitativa intervjuer med lärare som arbetar, eller har arbetat, med svenska på distans. Resultatet studerades enligt olika konceptioner och de viktigaste resultaten visade att lärarrollen ändras på distans från att vara en pedagogisk ämneslärare till att bli en bedömare av svenskämnet. Det visade även att lärarna nu anser att de har tid att vara lärare och att det finns goda möjligheter till anpassningar för eleverna. Alla lärare arbetar med en statisk planering som gör att viktiga delar ur läroplanen går förlorade. Kontakten mellan lärare och elever förändras och de hittar andra sätt att lära känna varandra på. Grupparbeten och diskussioner förekommer inte vilket innebär att eleverna inte bara tappar delar ur läroplanen utan även ur kursplanerna. / The purpose with this study was to illustrate distance teachers challenges and experiences. This was done through qualitative interviews with teacher who work, or has work, with teaching Swedish through distance. The result was studied according to different conceptions and the most important results showed that the role of teacher changed from being a pedagogical subject teacher to become a judge of the subject Swedish. It also showed that teachers now feel that they have more time to be a teacher and that there is good facilities for adaptation for the pupils. All teachers worked with a static planning that makes important parts of the curriculum perish. The contact between teachers and pupils changes and they find other way to get to know each other. Group work and discussions does not occur which mean that the student does not only lack parts of the curriculum but also from the syllabuses.

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