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The legitimate role of the medical-surgical staff nurse in Jordan : the views of patients, doctors and nursesShuriquie, Mona January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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What influences the practice of registered nurses in the perioperative environment? /Chadwick, Dorothy Lorraine January 2012 (has links)
This study seeks to explore what influences the practice of Registered Nurses in the perioperative environment. The term perioperative care denotes care given to patients in anaesthetics, during the surgical procedure, and immediate recovery following surgery and is generally referred to as pre-, intra-, and post-operative care. The research design was a qualitative case study involving 10 registered practitioners in the specialty of perioperative care. Case study design was chosen because of its appropriateness for exploratory study. This research took place in a teaching hospital and the area of study consisted of six operating theatres. Data were collected over one calendar year. The study focused on Registered Nurses. In order to understand more completely factors that influenced these nurses senior medical staff, senior operating department practitioners and the educational coordinator were also included. Information was obtained through individual in-depth interviews with this sample, focus group discussion with the nurses, and the analysis of departmental documentation. Analysis of the data was undertaken by thematic framework analysis and the review of departmental documentation. Study participation was voluntary, with recruitment by self-selection. Findings highlighted a variety of influences guiding the practice of participants, showing both the similarities and differences in their choice of what was important to them. Discussions of the Focus Group were able to verify information gleaned from the in-depth interviews and the review of departmental documentation. Responses in relation to the understanding of the concept of evidence identified a knowledge gap within the specialty. In spite of exhortation of professional bodies and Government Directives regarding the use of evidence to support practice, it was not found to be greatly influential. Instead leadership, teamwork, culture, and communication were the most influential perspectives for the participants of the study. The results will be circulated widely to the practice and academic communities through publication in relevant journals. They will also be disseminated to the participants and related stakeholders, such as professional bodies of perioperative practice, in the form of an executive summary.
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The development of a nursing technology : making visible the nursing contribution to the development of critical careCrocker, Cheryl January 2006 (has links)
In the context of one Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and one High Dependency Unit (HDU), this thesis explores and analyses the nursing contribution to the development of critical care. This comprises over more than half a century, focussing on nurses' relationship with, and perceptions of one 'technology', weaning from mechanical ventilation, as part of everyday nursing practice in the new millennium. My findings suggest that nurses take a task-focussed approach to weaning, treating it as a `medical' technology transferred to them from doctors, rather than seeing its potential to become a ‘nursing technology' in which the nurse is enabled to transform weaning into a way of implementing care in order to improve patient outcomes. Analysis demonstrates when nurses work in this way weaning is delayed and as a result patients will be exposed to greater morbidity and mortality. Theoretically, my argument builds in particular on Sandelowski's (1996, 1997,1998,2000,2000a, 2000b) work on the nursing – technology relation in which she describes how technology has shaped nursing practice and was shaped by nursing practice. I build on Sandelowski's ideas to develop two concepts that are central to my argument: technology transferred and technology transformed. I have used an ethnographic approach to study nurses using technology in the work place. The empirical data were obtained through fieldwork on one critical care unit in a large teaching hospital in the Midlands over a six-month period. The methods include participant observation, interviews with twelve nurses and the collection of over two–hundred and fifty hours of field notes. My study of the nursing role in critical care contributes new knowledge to two fields: first, the history of intensive care as a specialism within the wider development of the National Health Service (NHS). My work adds to this literature by making visible the nursing contribution to that development and, in the process, raising a question about the extent to which previous histories may have been misleading: these (see for example Lassen 1953, Hamilton 1963, Ibsen 1966, Hilberman 1975, Pontoppidan, Wilson, Rie & Schneider 1977, Cule 1989, Crocket and Mercer 1995, Gilbertson 1995, Le Fanu 1999, Kesecioglu 2000) have tended to assume that its development was a result of new medical technology. Second, is the literature on 'technology' as it relates, to nursing. I believe that my definition of a 'nursing technology' makes it possible for the first time to put structures in place which will transform nurses' contribution to patient care, improving patient outcomes. I conclude that rather than extending and expanding their roles through the transfer of technology, nurses transform those technologies that preserve the nursing role and can contribute to positive outcomes for patients. Only in this way will the nursing contribution to the development of critical care be recognised and valued.
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Qualidade de vida de adultos com câncer no primeiro ano após o transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticasMarques, Angela da Costa Barcellos January 2016 (has links)
Orientadora: Profª. Drª. Luciana Puchalski Kalinke / Coorientador: Prof. Dr. Paulo Ricardo Bittencourt Guimarães / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação Mestrado Profissional em Enfermagem. Defesa: Curitiba, 30/11/2016 / Inclui referências : f.82-93 / Linha de pesquisa : Processo de cuidar em saúde e enfermagem / Resumo: Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade de vida de pacientes adultos com câncer hematológico no primeiro ano após serem submetidos ao transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas. Estudo quantitativo, observacional, longitudinal e analítico, realizado em um hospital público localizado na região sul do Brasil, referência internacional na realização de transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas. A amostra foi composta por 45 pacientes adultos com câncer hematológico submetidos a esta terapêutica. A coleta de dados ocorreu no período de setembro de 2013 a junho de 2016 em três etapas do tratamento: prétransplante, 100 dias pós-transplante e 360 dias pós-transplante. Foram identificados o perfil sociodemográfico e clínico e aplicados os questionários Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 e Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Bone Marrow Transplant, ambos traduzidos e validados para o português - Brasil. Os resultados evidenciaram que a média de idade dos participantes foi de 36,6 anos, 53% (n=24) são do sexo feminino, 56% (n=25) casados ou em união consensual, 64% (n=29) possuem diagnóstico de leucemia, 55% (n=25) com tempo médio de diagnóstico de um a três anos e 71% (n=32) foram submetidos ao transplante alogênico. Quanto ao questionário Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30, foram resultados estatisticamente significantes, função física na amostra total (p=0,02), função física (p=0,03) e fadiga (p=0,008) no grupo alogênico. Em relação ao questionário Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Bone Marrow Transplant, a análise estatística evidenciou resultados significantes nos domínios bem-estar funcional (p=0,018), na amostra total. Bem-estar funcional (p=0,00025), bem-estar físico (p=0,01) e índice de avaliação de resultado do tratamento (p=0,01), no grupo alogênico. Esses resultados expressam as alterações na qualidade de vida dos pacientes revelando comprometimento nesses domínios. Porém, os pacientes consideram sua qualidade de vida boa após um ano de transplante, com recuperação gradual dos parâmetros basais. Os resultados da pesquisa geram subsídios para o estabelecimento de um plano de ação efetivo e individualizado com vistas a suprir as reais necessidades de cada paciente. Palavras-chaves: Qualidade de vida. Transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas. Enfermagem oncológica. Câncer hematológico / Abstract: This research aimed to evaluate the quality of life of adult patients with hematologic cancer in the first year, after undergoing transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells. This is a quantitative, observational, longitudinal, and analytical study, carried out in a public hospital in the south region of Brazil, international reference in performing transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells. The sample consisted of forty-five adult patients with hematologic cancers undergoing this therapy. Data collection occurred from September 2013 to June 2016, in three stages of treatment: (a) pretransplant; (b) hundred days post-transplant; and (c) tree hundred and sixty days posttransplant. Sociodemographic and clinical profiles were identified and Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 and Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Bone Marrow Transplant. Questionnaires were applied, both translated and validated for the Brazilian Portuguese. Results showed that the average age of participants was 36.6 years old, 53% (n= 4) were female, 56% (n=25) married or in a consensual union, 64% (n=29) were diagnosed with leukemia, 55% (n=25) with diagnosis' average time of one to three years, and 71% (n=32) underwent allogeneic transplantation. As for the Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 questionnaire, results were statistically significant for physical function in the total sample (p=0,02), and physical function (p=0,03), and fatigue (p=0,008) in the allogeneic group. Regarding the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Bone Marrow Transplant questionnaire, statistical analysis showed significant results in functional well-being areas (p=0,018), in the total sample. Functional well-being (p=0,00025), physical well-being (p=0,01) and evaluation of treatment outcome index (p=0,01), in allogeneic group. These results show the changes in the patients' quality of life, showing commitment in these areas. However, patients consider that their quality of life is good one year after transplantation, with gradual recovery of baseline parameters. The search results generate subsidies for the establishment of an effective and individualized action plan to meet the real needs of each patient. Keywords: Quality of life. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Oncology nursing.
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Avaliação da dor em crianças submetidas ao transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas : uma pesquisa convergente assistencialSampaio, Adriana Corrêa January 2016 (has links)
Orientadora: Profª Drª Nen Nalú Alves das Mercês / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação Mestrado Profissional em Enfermagem. Defesa: Curitiba, 11/03/2016 / Inclui referências : f.113-134 / Linha de pesquisa: Processo de cuidar em saúde e enfermagem / Resumo: A dor na criança é uma experiência desafiadora para os profissionais de enfermagem, pois exige conhecimento das fases de desenvolvimento e crescimento infantil e métodos específicos adequados para seu desenvolvimento cognitivo. Trata-se de uma Pesquisa Convergente Assistencial, desenvolvida no serviço de transplante de células- tronco hematopoéticas de um hospital de ensino, no período de outubro de 2014 a julho de 2015. Objetivou desenvolver a avaliação da dor das crianças submetidas ao transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas. Os participantes foram 11 crianças transplantadas e 36 profissionais de enfermagem, lotados na Unidade de internação. O estudo foi submetido e aprovado no Comitê de Ética do hospital de ensino, com o CAAE nº 34666314000000096 e parecer de nº 784.683. A coleta de dados foi desenvolvida em cinco etapas: 1ª sondagem do conhecimento dos profissionais de enfermagem; 2ª capacitação participante com os profissionais de enfermagem; 3ª aplicação das escalas de avaliação da dor unidimensional Faces Pain Scale Revised, e comportamental Faces, Legs, Activity, Cry and Consolability, com as crianças internadas; 4ª supervisão capacitante com os profissionais de enfermagem; e, 5ª grupo de discussão. A análise dos dados coletados foi realizada com base nos quatro processos da Pesquisa Convergente Assistencial: apreensão, síntese, teorização e transferência, na síntese temática por estatística descritiva simples. Resultados: Evidenciou-se durante a sondagem do conhecimento que os profissionais de enfermagem desconhecem os mecanismos da dor na criança; na capacitação participante, os profissionais identificam as principais causas de dor durante o transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas e, os métodos não farmacológicos utilizados durante este processo; na avaliação da dor, destacou-se a subestimação da dor pelos profissionais nos escores autorrelatados pelas crianças e, a falta de registro das avaliações no formulário da avaliação da dor pelos profissionais de enfermagem; na supervisão capacitante ocorreu a troca de informações entre a pesquisadora e profissionais sobre as particularidades da criança e sua dor e esclarecimento das dúvidas na prática da avaliação da dor na criança; e nos grupos de discussão ressaltou a importância da avaliação da dor. Considerou-se como potencialidades: os profissionais de enfermagem reconheceram as principais causas de dor e métodos não farmacológicos utilizados para a dor na criança no transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas; a utilização da pesquisa convergente assistencial fortaleceu a união da prática com a cientificidade; os profissionais de enfermagem compreenderam e aplicaram as escalas de avaliação de dor nas crianças durante o processo de transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas. As principais fragilidades encontradas no decorrer da pesquisa foram a falta de registro da avaliação da dor pelos profissionais de enfermagem, além do julgamento e questionamento sobre a dor na criança, o uso de placebo, a submedicação referida e, a não inclusão do acompanhante familiar no processo de avaliação da dor da criança. Os profissionais de enfermagem apesar de reconhecerem a dor na criança, necessitam de constante educação em serviço para o melhor manejo e tratamento desta dor. Palavras-chave: Dor. Avaliação de sintomas. Transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas. Criança. Enfermagem. / Abstract: Pain in children is a challenging experience for nursing professionals, since it requires knowledge of the stages of development and child growth, and appropriate specific methods for their cognitive development. It is a Convergent Care Research, developed in the service of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation of a teaching hospital from October 2014 to July 2015. It objectified to carry out the assessment of pain in children undergoing the transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells. Participants were 11 transplanted children and 36 nursing professionals, working at the Hospital Unit. The study was submitted and approved by the Ethics Committee, under number 34666314000000096, and opinion n. 784.683. Data collection was developed in five steps, as follows: 1st nursing professionals' knowledge survey; 2nd participant training with nursing professionals; 3rd application of the unidimensional Faces Pain Scale Revised, and behavioral Faces, Legs, Activity, Cry and Consolability Pain Scale to the hospitalized children; 4th supervised training with nursing professionals; and 5th discussion group. Analysis of the collected data was carried out grounded in the four processes of the Convergent Care Research: apprehension, synthesis, theorization and transference, in the thematic analysis by simple descriptive statistics. Results: During knowledge survey, it was evidenced that nursing professionals did not acknowledge pain in children; in the participant training, professionals identify the main causes of pain during hematopoietic stem cell transplantation as well as the non-pharmacological methods used during this process; in the pain assessment, it is pointed out the underestimation of the pain by the professionals from the children's self-reported scores, and lack of assessment records by the nursing professionals in the assessment formulary of pain; in the supervised training, there was information exchange between the researcher and the professionals on children's singularities and their pain, as well as the clarification of doubts on the practice of children's pain assessment; in addition, the importance of pain assessment was pointed out in the discussion groups. It was considered as potentialities: nursing professionals recognize the main causes of pain and non-pharmacological methods used for children undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; the use of the convergent care research strengthened the union of practice and scientific approach; nursing professionals understood and applied the pain assessment scales to the children during the process of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The main fragilities found along the research were the lack of pain assessment records by nursing professionals, besides the judgement and questioning of the pain in children, the use of placebo, the reported under-medication, and non-inclusion of the family companies in the process of pain assessment in children. In spite of recognizing the pain in children, nursing professionals need ongoing in-service education for better management and treatment of this pain. Keywords: Pain. Symptoms assessment. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Child. Nursing.
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Orientações para alta hospitalar de crianças no pós-transplante imediato de células-tronco hematopoiéticasZatoni, Débora Cristina Paes January 2016 (has links)
Orientadora: Profª Drª Maria Ribeiro Lacerda / Coorientadora: Profª Drª Ana Paula Hermann / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação Mestrado Profissional em Enfermagem. Defesa: Curitiba, 24/11/2016 / Inclui referências : f.90-97 / Área de concentração: Prática profissional de enfermagem / Resumo: O presente estudo objetivou identificar aspectos sobre as orientações realizadas pela equipe multiprofissional para a alta hospitalar de crianças no pós-TCTH, detectar as repercussões das orientações realizadas pela equipe multiprofissional para a alta hospitalar aos familiares cuidadores e crianças no pós-TCTH e apontar sugestões para o aprimoramento das orientações para a alta hospitalar de crianças no pós-TCTH. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, de natureza descritiva, desenvolvido nas unidades de internação e ambulatorial de um Serviço de Transplante de Medula Óssea (STMO) de um hospital de ensino de grande porte no município de Curitiba, Paraná. Foram selecionados 21 familiares cuidadores de crianças na fase de pós-TCTH imediato, 25 profissionais enfermeiros responsáveis pelo cuidado no período de internação, da fase pré-TCTH à fase pós-TCTH, 12 profissionais que compõem a equipe multiprofissional, entre os quais, profissionais em formação (residentes de psicologia e odontologia) do STMO, que trabalhavam no cuidado à criança nesse serviço e que estavam desenvolvendo suas atividades laborais há mais de seis meses. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, com início em janeiro de 2014 e término em março de 2016 e analisados por meio da Análise de Conteúdo Temático Categorial. Este estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Setor de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Federal do Paraná, parecer 398.957, CAEE 19772813.8.0000.0102, em 18 de setembro/2013. Tendo como referência a análise dos dados, foram elaboradas três categorias:"Aspectos das orientações para a alta hospitalar de crianças no pós-TCTH", "Repercussão das orientações de alta hospitalar para a criança e o familiar cuidador" e "Aprimoramento das orientações para a alta hospitalar de crianças no pós-TCTH". Constatou-se que as orientações são realizadas em diferentes momentos e de formas diversas, com destaque para sua importância sob a perspectiva dos profissionais e familiares cuidadores, porém com limitações apontadas pelos enfermeiros ao realizar tais orientações. Evidenciou-se interface existente entre a assimilação das orientações e as mudanças que elas acarretam na vida da criança e do familiar cuidador. Destaca-se a necessidade de melhorias no processo de orientação para a alta atualmente. Ademais, os dados expressam a relevância do profissional enfermeiro no que concerne à sua atuação durante o processo de alta hospitalar. Pretende-se que este estudo contribua para a elaboração de estratégias de cuidados e ações de educação em saúde, voltadas para as crianças submetidas ao TCTH, bem como a seus familiares. Palavras-chave: Transplante de células-tronco hematopoiéticas. Alta do paciente. Enfermeiro. / Abstract: The current study objectified to identify aspects on the guidance held by the multiprofessional team for children's hospital discharge following hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT), to detect the multiprofessional team's discharge guidance repercussions on family caregivers and children following HSTC, and put forward suggestions to improve guidance for children's discharge following HSCT. It is a descriptive, qualitative study developed within inpatient and outpatient units of a Bone Marrow Transplantation Service (BMTS) at a large teaching hospital in the municipality of Curitiba, Paraná State, Brazil. Twenty-one (21) family caregivers of children in the immediate post-HSCT phase were selected, 25 nursing professionals responsible for their care during hospitalization in the pre-HSCT and post-HSCT phases, 12 professionals comprising the multiprofessional team, among them graduates (Psychology and Odontology residents) from the BMTS, caring for children and working in this service for over six months. Data were collected by means of semi-structured interviews from March, 2014 to March, 2016, and analyzed by means of Thematic Content Analysis by categories. This study was approved by the Research Ethics Board from the Health Sciences Sector, Federal University of Paraná, opinion 398.957, CAEE 19772813.8.0000.0102, from September 18th, 2013. Three categories were elaborated regarding the data analysis, "Aspects of guidance for hospital discharge of children following HSCT", "Repercussion of guidance for hospital discharge among children and family caregivers", and "Refining guidance for hospital discharge of children following HSCT". It was evidenced that such guidance was held in different moments and in various ways, pointing out its importance under professionals and family caregivers' perspective, however it has limitations stressed by nurses while carrying out such guidance. It was pointed out the existing interface between guidance assimilation and changes that it brings about in children as well as in family caregivers' lives. It can be stressed the need to improve the current guidance process for hospital discharge. Moreover, data express nursing professionals' relevance concerning their actions during the hospital discharge process. This study is aimed to contribute to the elaboration of caring strategies and health education actions regarding children undergoing HSCT as well as their family members. Key words: Hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation. Patient discharge. Nurse.
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Cuidado domiciliar familiar : vivência no pós transplante de céculas-tronco hematopoiéticas pediátricoGomes, Ingrid Meireles January 2016 (has links)
Orientadora: Profª. Drª. Maria Ribeiro Lacerda / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem. Defesa: Curitiba, 21/11/2016 / Inclui referências : f. 114-123;133-134 / Área de concentração: Prática profissional de enfermagem / Resumo: O transplante de células-tronco hematopoiéticas é um procedimento complexo, de alto custo e em franco desenvolvimento, utilizado para tratamento de doenças hematológicas malignas, hereditárias, imunológicas, metabólicas e oncológicas. Embora envolva um grande arsenal de conhecimentos objetivos, aspectos subjetivos permeiam sua realização e determinam seu sucesso. Este estudo que defendeu a tese de que, estando a ação social do cuidar atrelada aos significados provenientes da vivência do transplante, o cuidado realizado em domicílio pelos cuidadores familiares de crianças no pós-transplante influencia e é influenciado pela interação entre o paciente, o cuidador, a família e a sociedade, incluindo os profissionais envolvidos. Para fomentar este conhecimento, os objetivos foram: compreender o significado da vivência do cuidador familiar em cuidar no domicílio de crianças em pós-transplante de células-tronco hematopoiéticas e elaborar uma teoria substantiva que explicite esta vivência. Foram utilizados o interacionismo simbólico como referencial teórico e a teoria fundamentada nos dados como metodologia. Foram feitas entrevistas com 36 cuidadores de pacientes pediátricos em pós-transplante, divididos em quatro grupos amostrais: o primeiro grupo contou com dez cuidadores que residiam em casas transitórias de apoio durante acompanhamento ambulatorial; o segundo, com sete cuidadores que, durante o acompanhamento ambulatorial, residiram em casas temporárias, mas já estavam em domicílio próprio; o terceiro, com onze cuidadores que regressaram ao seu domicílio de origem após alta hospitalar; e o quarto grupo contou com oito cuidadores de crianças que já haviam passado por mais de um transplante. A análise dos dados se deu por meio de codificações aberta, axial e seletiva e permitiu construir a teoria intitulada "Vivência do cuidado domiciliar familiar no pós-transplante de células-tronco hematopoiéticas pediátrico", que apontou como constructo central que "o cuidado domiciliar no pós-TCTH pediátrico significa para o cuidador familiar uma vivência aprendida, singular, intransferível e modificadora", e foi construída pela elaboração de 19 conceitos, associados a um esquema organizacional que compreende as causas, contexto, condições intervenientes, estratégias e consequências do fenômeno em estudo. A teoria proposta permitiu comprovar a tese defendida e propiciou a construção de conhecimento acerca das subjetividades que permeiam o fenômeno, possibilitando entendimento e preparo àqueles que ainda vivenciarão esta situação e aos profissionais que orientam e orientarão essas pessoas. Acredita-se que esta teoria tenha implicações para a prática, visto que, além do conhecimento construído, viabilizou a indicação de ações de cuidado ao cuidador e a pesquisa na área, por ter o diferencial de buscar o olhar global da vivência sem recortes temporais e conseguir apontar lacunas do conhecimento que ainda precisam de aprofundamento, como o binômio paciente-cuidador, a vivência de crianças, intervenções em cuidado ao cuidador e os diferentes ambientes de cuidado possíveis. Palavras-chave: Transplante de Células-Tronco Hematopoéticas; Cuidadores; Família; Cuidado da Criança; Assistência Domiciliar; Transplante de Medula Óssea. / Abstract: The hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is a complex, expensive and rapidly developing procedure, used for treatment of malignant, hereditary, immunological, metabolic and oncological hematological diseases. Although it involves a large arsenal of objective knowledge, subjective aspects permeate its achievement and determine its success. This study is proposed in order to support the thesis, that when human action is linked to the meanings obtained from the experience of the transplant, the care provided at home by family carers of children in post-transplant influences and is influenced by the interaction between the patient, the caregiver, the family and society, including professionals engaged. In order to foment this knowledge, the objectives were: to understand the meaning of the experience of the family's caregiver in the home of children going through post-transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells; develop a substantive theory that makes this experience explicit. Symbolic Interactionism was used as theoretical reference and the Grounded Theory as methodology. Interviews were conducted with 36 caregivers of post-transplant pediatric patients, who were divided into four sample groups: the first one included 10 caregivers who resided in transitional support houses during ambulatory treatment; the second one with 07 caregivers who resided in temporary houses during ambulatory follow-up, but were already in their own homes; the third one with 11 caregivers who returned to their home of origin after hospital discharge; and the fourth group with eight caregivers of children who had already gone through more than one transplant. The data analysis was carried out through open, axial and selective coding, which allowed to build the theory entitled "experiencing the family home care in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell post-transplantation." which pointed as central construct that "family home care in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell post-transplantation means for the family carer a singular, non-transferable, modifying and learned experience", and it was built from the development of 19 concepts associated with an organizational scheme comprising the causes, context, intervening conditions, strategies and consequences of the phenomenon under study. The proposed theory allowed to prove the defended thesis and also promoted the construction of knowledge about the subjectivities that permeate the phenomenon, enabling understanding and preparation to those who still will experience this and the professionals who advise and guide these people. It is believed that the theory has implications over practice, since in addition to the acquired knowledge, it has enabled the indication of care actions to the caregiver. Also, implications over the research in the area, since it has the differential of seeking the overall perspective of the experience without temporal interruptions and also identifying knowledge gaps that still need further development, such as the patient-caregiver relation, the experience of the children, care interventions to caregiver, and different possible care environments. Key words: Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation; Caregivers; Family; Child Care; Home Nursing; Bone Marrow Transplantation
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