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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study of two organ chorale preludes of Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) transcribed by Wilhelm Kempff (1895-1991)

Lee, Jung-Ok 01 May 2013 (has links)
Wilhelm Kempff was one of the greatest pianists of the twentieth century, and his interpretation of Germanic piano literature has been honored in Europe, Africa, Asia, and America by many distinguished musicians and music-lovers. But perhaps because he was already sixty-nine years old at the time of his American debut in New York in 1964, his reputation as a pianist tends to be disregarded in English speaking nations. Even Alfred Brendel acknowledges in his book Me of All People: "I return again and again to Kempff, because he is a pianist who seems frequently underestimated today." Furthermore, Kempff's activities as a transcriber, organist, and composer are even less well known. Thus this paper will introduce Wilhelm Kempff's life and music, and present a study of his solo piano transcriptions of J. S. Bach's chorale preludes for organ. In Kempff's autobiographical novel, Unter Dem Zimbelstern: Das Werden eines Musikers ("Under the Cymbal Star: The Development of a Musician"), a Bildungsroman ("education novel") published in 1951 when he was fifty-six years old, he describes the environment in which he grew up: an environment steeped in music and Protestantism. Within a strong family tradition of church music organists, he heard Bach's organ repertoire, as well as conversations about Lutheran faith. His father and paternal grandfather were both Lutheran church organists, and Kempff too was an excellent organist. J. S. Bach's organ repertoire, especially his chorale for organ, were deeply ingrained in Kempff's childhood. It is generally very difficult to find sacred music repertoire for the piano; however, Kempff's transcriptions of the chorale preludes represent a small--though important--contribution of sacred literature to the piano repertoire. In The Pianist's Guide to Transcriptions, Arrangements, and Paraphrases, Maurice Hinson characterizes Kempff's transcriptions as follows: "Kempff makes clear distinctions between the various parts and uses ingenious fingering to create beautiful legato (without relying totally on the pedal). He also seems to enjoy the interplay of tone colors, finding the right register, and establishing the particular timbre of each part in polyphonic writing." This paper will examine: 1) basic transcription techniques; 2) coloration/timbre; 3) fingering to create beautiful legato; 4) pedaling; and 5) pedagogical suggestions. Kempff transcribed eight of Bach Chorales for solo piano, two of which will be discussed in this paper: 1) Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ ("I call to you, Lord Jesus Christ" BWV639,); 2) Nun Komm der Heiden Heiland ("The Saviour of the Heathen now comes," BWV659a). This paper also will present a brief history of piano transcriptions, followed by a detailed analysis of the two chorales, examining Kempff's methods through comparison with the original works for organ, and demonstrating how Kempff's musicianship as a pianist and organist is reflected in his Bach transcriptions.

Betriebs- und Landnutzungsformen 2008 in Sachsen

Heinrich, Katrin, Ullrich, Falk, Hofmann, Elke 08 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Der Bericht analysiert die Anpassungsreaktionen sächsischer Landwirte auf geänderte agrarpolitische Rahmenbedingungen und auf Marktentwicklungen im Jahr 2008. Untersucht wurde die Entwicklung der Acker- und Grünlandnutzung und der Betriebsformen. Ebenfalls wird auf die flächenmäßigen Veränderungen infolge der Agrarumweltprogramme eingegangen. Die Aufhebung der Stilllegungsverpflichtung, Steuererhöhung für Biokraftstoffe und veränderte Preisrelationen zwischen den Ackerkulturen bewirkten 2008 eine Ausweitung des Getreideanbaus und der Ackerfutterfläche zu Lasten der Ölsaatenflächen. Mit 59 Prozent wurde der bislang höchste Getreideanteil an der Ackerfläche Sachsens erzielt. Der Rapsanteil sank von 20 auf 18 Prozent. Mit einem Flächenzuwachs um 10 Prozent besetzte der Ackerfutteranbau einen Teil der nicht mehr stillzulegenden Fläche. Gegenüber dem Vorjahr hatten deutlich weniger Betriebe ihren Produktionsschwerpunkt im Bereich der Tierhaltung. Die mit Milchvieh- und Rinderhaltung verbundene Betriebsform Futterbau ging leicht zurück. Bei der Milchviehhaltung setzte sich der Rückgang der Bestände fort. Die Anzahl der Milchviehhalter sank 2008, ähnlich der Vorjahre, um rund 3 Prozent auf 1.222 Unternehmen. Trotzdem ist noch jeder dritte Landwirtschaftsbetrieb im Vollerwerb ein Milchproduzent.

Investigation into jaundice in farmed catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, Sauvage) in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

Luu, Truc T. T. January 2013 (has links)
Disease outbreaks continue to be a major problem in the sustainable development of the aquaculture industry. Clinical outbreaks can negatively impact on the welfare of the fish and the economic gain derived from this industry. Jaundice observed as a yellow colouration in the abdominal skin, sclera of the eyes and fin bases is a significant health problem affecting the Vietnamese freshwater catfish industry. This study was designed to investigate jaundice of farmed catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus using several complementary approaches. These included clinical investigations and identification of potential aetiological agents as well as epidemiological analyses to identify farm-based risk factors for this economically devastating condition occurring in the catfish farms of the Mekong Delta. The results of this survey demonstrated that the jaundice was not linked to a single geographical location as affected fish were found widely distributed throughout the five main production areas. Nor was any association found between any weight groupings, feed type or feeding regime applied in the affected farms. The highest prevalence occurred between June to October and fish mortalities ranged from 1 to 10% in the study sites. The duration of this condition was significantly correlated (P < 0.05) to mortality but not to total farm area, depth of pond, stocking density, or amount of water exchanged. The number of fish ponds affected was not as high in the large-scale farms compared to the small-scale farms. The results from the clinical description study showed that the affected fish were suffering a form of jaundice or icterus. Histological examination revealed a number of serious pathologies in the affected fish. Spleenomegaly was associated with the loss of cell structure and connective tissue and the haematopoietic tissue had large areas of necrosis. In the liver, histological changes consisted of vasculitis and multifocal to diffuse hepatocellular necrosis. The presence of haemosiderin was observed in melano-macrophage centres in the spleen and kidney of jaundiced fish. No single pathogen was identified in the jaundiced fish. Myxosporean infection was found in both apparently normal fish and jaundiced fish. However, there was a definite tendency for jaundiced fish to be more heavily infected. Histopathological examination found several changes that could not be ascribed to specific aetiological factors and presume that both groups (jaundiced alone and myxosporean-affected jaundiced fish) have similar lesions. The results of this study would suggest that the parasite identified as M. pangasii was not a primary pathogen associated with the haemolytic jaundice. Neither were the gills myxosporeans associated with the haemolytic jaundice and they may be considered more as a nuisance rather than as primary pathogens in farmed P. hypophthalmus in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Univariate analysis of the whole dataset showed several variables were significantly associated with the haemolytic jaundice. However, none of the variables achieved lasting statistical relevance in multivariable models. In conclusion, this study identified a haemolytic jaundice condition affecting farmed P. hypophthalmus in Vietnam, but no single aetiological agent or farm based risk factor was identified with this condition. Several priority areas for further work were identified and include a prospective, longitudinal cohort study to identify further the risk factors associated with the clinical jaundice condition.

Aspects of systematics and host specificity for Gyrodactylus species in aquaculture

Paladini, Giuseppe January 2012 (has links)
Of the 430+ extant species of Gyrodactylus, ectoparasitic monogenetic flukes of aquatic vertebrates, Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg, 1957 is arguably the most well-known. Following the introduction of this species into Norway in the 1970s with consignments of infected Atlantic salmon smolts, Salmo salar L., this species has had a devastating impact on the Norwegian Atlantic salmon population, decimating wild stocks in over 40 rivers. Gyrodactylus salaris is the only OIE (Office International des Epizooties) listed parasitic pathogen of fish and has been reported from 19 countries across Europe, though many of these records require confirmation. The UK, Ireland and some selected watersheds in Finland are currently recognised as G. salaris-free states; however, the threat that this notifiable parasite poses to the salmon industry in the UK and Ireland is of national concern. Current British contingency plans are based on the assumption that if G. salaris were to be introduced, the parasite would follow similar dynamics to those on salmonid stocks from across Scandinavia, i.e. that Atlantic strains of Atlantic salmon would be highly susceptible to infection, with mortalities resulting; that brown trout, Salmo trutta fario L., would be resistant and would lose their infection in a relatively short period of time; and that grayling, Thymallus thymallus (L.), would also be resistant to infection, but would carry parasites, at a low level, for up to 143 days. Two of the objectives of this study were to confirm the current distribution of G. salaris across Europe, and then, to investigate the relative susceptibility of British salmonids to G. salaris, to determine whether they would follow a similar pattern of infection to their Scandinavian counterparts or whether, given their isolation since the last glaciation and potential genetic differences, they would exhibit different responses. It has been almost six years since the distribution of G. salaris across Europe was last evaluated. Some of the European states identified as being G. salaris-positive, however, are ascribed this status based on misidentifications, on partial data resulting from either morphological or molecular tests, or according to records that have not been revisited. Additional Gyrodactylus material from selected salmonids was obtained from several countries to contribute to current understanding regarding the distribution of G. salaris across Europe. From the work conducted in the study, G. salaris is reported from Italy for the first time, alongside three other species, and appears to occur extensively throughout the central region without causing significant mortalities to their rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), hosts. The analysis of archive material from G. salaris-positive farms would suggest that G. salaris has been in the country for at least 12 years. Material obtained from rainbow trout from Finland and Germany was confirmed as G. salaris supporting existing data for these countries. No specimens of G. salaris, however, were found in the additional Gyrodactylus material obtained from Portuguese and Spanish rainbow trout, only Gyrodactylus teuchis Lautraite, Blanc, Thiery, Daniel et Vigneulle, 1999, a morphologically similar species was found. Gyrodactylus salaris is now reported from 23 out of ~50 recognised states throughout Europe, only 17 of these however, have been confirmed by either morphology or by an appropriate molecular test, and only ten of these records have been confirmed by a combination of both methods. To assess the susceptibility of English and Welsh salmonids to G. salaris, a number of salmonid stocks of wild origin, were flown to the Norwegian Veterinary Institute (NVI) in Oslo, where they were experimentally challenged with G. salaris. Atlantic salmon from the Welsh River Dee, S. trutta fario from the English River Tyne and T. thymallus from the English River Nidd, raised from wild stock in government hatcheries, were flown out and subsequently challenged with G. salaris haplotype A. After acclimation, each fish was infected with ~50–70 G. salaris and marked, so that parasite numbers on individual fish could be followed. The dynamics on individual fish were followed against a control (Lierelva Atlantic salmon). The experiment found that the number of G. salaris on S. salar from the River Dee continued to rise exponentially to a mean intensity (m.i.) of ~3851 G. salaris fish-1 (day 40 post-infection). These salmon were highly susceptible, more so than the Norwegian salmon control (m.i. ~1989 G. salaris fish-1 d40 post-infection) and were unable to regulate parasite numbers. The S. trutta fario and T. thymallus populations, although initially susceptible, were able to control and reduce parasite burdens after 12 (m.i. ~146 G. salaris fish-1) and 19 (m.i. ~253 G. salaris fish-1) days, respectively when peak infections were seen. Although the latter two hosts were able to limit their G. salaris numbers, both hosts carried infections for up to 110 days (i.e. when the experiment was terminated). The ability of S. trutta fario and T. thymallus to carry an infection for long periods increases the window of exposure and the potential transfer of G. salaris to other susceptible hosts. The potential role that brown trout may play in the transmission and spread of G. salaris in the event of an outbreak, needs to be considered carefully, as well as the interpretation of the term “resistant” which is commonly used when referring to brown trout’s susceptibility to G. salaris. The current British surveillance programmes for G. salaris are focused on the screening of Atlantic salmon and on the monitoring of the rainbow trout movements. The findings from this study demonstrate that G. salaris can persist on brown trout for long periods, and suggest that brown trout sites which overlap with Atlantic salmon or rainbow trout sites are also included within surveillance programmes and that the role that brown trout could play in disseminating infections needs to be factored into contingency/management plans. Throughout the course of the study, a number of parasite samples were sent to the Aquatic Parasitology Laboratory at Stirling for evaluation. Some of these samples represented Gyrodactylus material that were associated with fish mortalities, but the species of Gyrodactylus responsible appeared to be new to science. A further aspect of this study was, therefore, to investigate these Gyrodactylus related mortalities in aquaculture stock and to describe the species found in each case, which may represent emerging pathogens. The two new species, Gyrodactylus orecchiae Paladini, Cable, Fioravanti, Faria, Di Cave et Shinn, 2009 and Gyrodactylus longipes Paladini, Hansen, Fioravanti et Shinn, 2011 on farmed gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata L., were collected from several Mediterranean farms. The finding of G. orecchiae in Albania and Croatia was associated with 2–10% mortality of juvenile stock and represents the first species of Gyrodactylus to be formally described from S. aurata. Subsequently, G. longipes was found in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Italy, and at the Italian farm site, it occurred as a mixed infection with G. orecchiae, but these infections did not appear to result in any loss of stock. Unconfirmed farm reports from this latter site, however, suggest that a 5–10% mortality of juvenile S. aurata was also caused by an infection of Gyrodactylus, which is suspected to be G. longipes. Additional samples of Gyrodactylus from a gilthead seabream farm located in the north of France have been morphologically identified as G. longipes, extending the geographical distribution of this potentially pathogenic species to three countries and three different coasts. In addition to these samples, some specimens of Gyrodactylus from a Mexican population of rainbow trout were sent for evaluation.

L’aprofitament del mar en els segles XVI i XVII: estudi comparatiu de les almadraves de la corona d’aragó

Vidal Bonavila, Judit 05 June 2015 (has links)
Al llarg dels segles, el mar Mediterrani, font de recursos i d’intercanvis, ha vist com les societats que s’hi han establert desenvolupaven tècniques per aprofitar les seves riqueses. Alhora, ha estat escenari de continus enfrontaments derivats de la confluència de múltiples factors. La present tesi analitza la política, l’economia i la societat del litoral de la Corona d’Aragó en els segles XVI i XVII amb l’objectiu concret de conèixer l’aprofitament del mar, a partir d’un sistema de pesca: les almadraves. Sicília, Sardenya, València i Catalunya van protagonitzar un complex negoci, d’àmplies expectatives, enfocat a la pesca de la tonyina, que va significar millores tècniques, una nova visió de la vida al litoral, una lluita contra els perills del mar, però sobretot, un impuls econòmic. Les almadraves van contribuir a una organització social pròpia que unia aquests territoris amb uns interessos comuns, que els va portar a cooperar i a competir pels mercats. Totes aquestes relacions van proporcionar una millora en el desenvolupament del mar alhora que, sense saber-ho, constituïen un ric llegat cultural i lingüístic que, sobretot a les illes, constitueix una part important en el conjunt de la història marítima. / En el transcurso de los siglos, el Mediterráneo, como fuente de recursos y de intercambios, ha visto como las sociedades que se establecieron en su litoral desarrollaron técnicas para aprovechar sus riquezas. Al mismo tiempo ha sido escenario de reiterados conflictos derivados de la confluencia de varios factores. La presente tesis analiza la política, la economía y la sociedad del litoral de la Corona de Aragón en los siglos XVI y XVII con el objetivo concreto de conocer el aprovechamiento del mar, a partir de un sistema de pesca: las almadrabas. Sicilia, Cerdeña, Valencia y Cataluña protagonizaron un complejo negocio, con amplias expectativas, que se centraba en la pesca del atún y que significó una notable evolución tecnológica, una nueva visión de la vida en el litoral, una lucha contra los peligros del mar, pero por encima de todo, un impulso económico. Las almadrabas han contribuido a estructurar una organización social propia que conectaba unos territorios con intereses comunes, que les llevó a cooperar y a competir por los mercados. Estas relaciones proporcionaron una mejora en el desarrollo del mar, al mismo tiempo que, sin saberlo, contribuyeron a enriquecer el legado cultural y lingüístico que, sobre todo en las islas, constituía una parte importante en el conjunto de la historia marítima. / Over the centuries, Mediterranean Sea has been a strategic and resource site. So as to exploit its riches, large variety of techniques was developed. However, Mediterranean Sea also witnessed constant clashes during this period for its interest. This thesis analyzes the coast of the Crown of Aragon from its politics, economy and society, with a specific aim; acknowledge sea profit during sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, while a certain kind of tuna fishing called almadraba was applied. Sicily, Sardinia, Valencia and Catalonia took part in this broad business, which meant the need in technical improvements and a struggle against the dangers of the sea. But it especially promoted life near the coast and an economic boost. All these regions used to have in common a characteristic social organization according their interests, which led them to cooperate but also compete in the markets. It also meant culture and linguistics enrichment. All in all, this kind of trap fishery is a remarkable part in those islands maritime history.

Aspectos Biológicos y Ecológicos del Salmonete de Fango Mullus barbatus L., 1758 y del Salmonete de Roca Mullus surmuletus L.,1758, del Mediterráneo Noroccidental.

Aguirre Villaseñor, Hugo 06 April 2000 (has links)
En el presente trabajo se analizan aspectos concretos de la biología y ecología de Mullus barbatus y M. surmuletus.En primera instancia, se pretende determinar algunas diferencias biológicas, merísticas y morfométricas de estas dos especies a lo largo de su desarrollo ontogénico. Se encontró que: 1) Contrario a lo reportado en la bibliografía, el género Mullus presenta pequeños dientes caninos en el premaxilar, no evidentes en especimenes >100 mm LT o poco evidentes en especimenes <50 mm LT. 2) Morfológicamente es posible separar a ambas especies a partir de las diferencias en las dimensiones cefálicas. 3) Las diferencias en la distribución de las especies esta relacionada directamente con el tipo de substrato. 4) Existe un desfase temporal en los periodos de asentamiento de ambas especies.En segundo lugar, se describen aspectos de la morfología y morfometría del otolito sagitta de Mullus barbatus y M. surmuletus, y se comparan las diferencias en la razón S/O (área del otolito/área del surco acústico), la cual se relaciona con la capacidad auditiva. Se encontró que: 1) La forma y el tamaño del otolito es distinto entre especies. 2) El oído interno del género Mullus no se puede considerar anatómicamente especializado. 3) M. surmuletus, que vive en hábitat más ruidosos, presentó una tasa S/O ligeramente mayor a la observada en M. barbatus.En tercer lugar, se examina la ultraestructura de los barbillones hioideos de las dos especies y se describe la morfología de las papilas gustativas externas (TBs) a lo largo del barbillón, y durante el desarrollo ontogénico de ambas especies. Encontrándose que: 1) Existen diferencias en el tamaño, densidad y patrones de asociación de las TBs a lo largo de los barbillones hioideos. Estas variaciones aumentan la capacidad de los organismos para localizar eficazmente las fuentes emisoras de estímulos. 2) Las diferencias entre especies de la distribución, densidad y tamaño de las TBs, hacen suponer que Mullus barbatus presente una mayor sensibilidad a estímulos químicos y mecánicos, que le facilitan la localización de sus presas en fondos fangosos con aguas turbias.Por otro lado, se analizan los hábitos alimenticios de ambas especies a partir de los contenidos estomacales. Encontrándose que: 1) La dieta de ambas especies esta dominada por presas bentónicas, complementada con componentes bentopelágicos. 2) El aumento poblacional de un recurso, provoca la concentración del forrajeo sobre estos componentes, mientras que una baja dominancia, incrementa el intervalo de tamaños y tipos de presas. 3) La amplitud del nicho trófico de Mullus barbatus es menor al de M. surmuletus. En ambas especies, los organismos <100 mm LT consumen menos categorías tróficas que los adultos. 4) Mullus barbatus depreda las comunidades de fango, arena y ocasionalmente las de grava, mientras que M. surmuletus accede a las comunidades de arena, grava, substratos duros y eventualmente fango, esta segregación del nicho trófico, permite la coexistencia interespecífica.Finalmente, la integración de los resultados permite suponer que: 1) El sistema de TBs actúa como mecanismo compensatorio en el proceso de detección y captura de las presas. 2) La interacción de los estímulos visuales, sonoros, químicos y mecánicos, le confiere a ambas especies de peces un amplio espectro sensorial, maximizando de este modo la eficiencia de forrajeo y disminuyendo el riesgo de depredación. 3) Ambas especies se han adaptado a hábitat diferentes, de acuerdo a la tendencia de las especies del mismo origen para minimizar el solapamiento de sus nichos ecológicos. 4) Evolutivamente, el desarrollo de estructuras sensoriales distintas, juega un papel importante en este proceso. / Some aspects of the biology of the Red Mullet Mullus barbatus and the Striped Red Mullet, M. surmuletus were analysed in the present study.Firstly, the biological, meristic and morphometric intraespecific variations were analysed along the ontogeny of both species. Founding that: 1) Contrary to generic descriptions (based on adult specimens), the juveniles of M. barbatus and M. surmuletus have teeth in the premaxilla; however, the teeth are not visible in specimens >50 mm total length, because they are covered by lip tissue. 2) From cephalic morphology was possible separated both species. 3) The differences in the spatial distribution of both species were directly related with the substrata type. 4) There was a temporal separation in the settlement period of both species.In second hand, the morphological differences in the relationship between otolith area (O), sulcus acusticus area (S) and S/O ratio (related to the frequency response and the auditory threshold of the otolith) were compared. Founding that: 1) The shape and size of the otolith were different between species. 2) Anatomically, the inner ear of Mullus cannot be considered as specialized. 3) Mullus surmuletus has a higher S/O ratio than M. barbatus, which inhabits less noise ambient.Additionally, the ultrastructure of hyoid barbels of both species was analyzed. The taste bud (TBs) morphology was described both, along the barbel and along the ontogeny of each species. Founding that: 1) In both species, there were differences in size, density and grouping patterns of the TBs at different positions of the hyoidal barbel. Those variations enhance the fish capability to locate the stimulus transmitter source. 2) The formerly differences between species, possibility indicate a greater sensitivity to chemical and mechanical stimuli in M. barbatus, these differences allow to located their preys in muddy bottoms and turbid waters.Besides, the feeding habit of Mullus barbatus and M. surmuletus were analysed from the gut contents. Founding that: 1) The diet of both species were dominated by benthonic preys and complemented by benthopelagic preys. 2) The demographic explosion of a given prey cause the foraging concentration onto this prey, whereas a demographic decrees cause an increment in type and range size of prey. 3) The Mullus barbatus niche bread was smaller than M. surmuletus. In both species, the fishes <100 mm LT ate less kind of prey than the fishes >100 mm. 4) . The majority of trophic items consumed exclusively by M. barbatus contained species associated with detritus, slime, mud or sludge bottoms, whereas the majority of trophic items consumed exclusively by M. surmuletus contained species associated with sand, gravel or hard substratum, this trophic niche segregation allows the interspecific coexistence.Finally, the integration of the results allows suppose that: 1) The TBs system act as a compensatory mechanism in the detection and capture of their preys. 2) The interaction between the visual, chemical, mechanical and auditory stimuli allows both species of the genus Mullus to have a wide sensorial field. In this way, they maximize the efficiency of foraging and reduce the predation risk. 3) Both species have adapted to different habitats, in accordance with the tendency to minimize competition and predation in species of common origin. 4) By evolution, the development of distinct sensorial structures played a fundamental role in this process of specific differentiation.

Potencial del acoplamiento GC-MS para la determinación de contaminantes orgánicos en muestras de matriz compleja

Nácher Mestre, Jaime 17 March 2011 (has links)
A lo largo de esta Tesis Doctoral se investiga el potencial analítico y la aplicabilidad del acoplamiento instrumental GC-MS mediante diferentes analizadores de masa. La Tesis Doctoral consta de tres partes diferenciadas. En la primera se desarrolla, valida y aplica metodología analítica basada en el acoplamiento GC-MS para la determinación de contaminantes orgánicos persistentes en muestras procedentes de la acuicultura marina. Entre las muestras se incluyen materias primas de origen vegetal y animal, piensos con diferente composición y filetes de dorada cultivada. Concretamente se desarrollan metodologías para la determinación de PAHs y PBDEs. Para ello se utilizaran analizadores de triple cuadrupolo y tiempo de vuelo. La utilización de un analizador de triple cuadrupolo como herramienta de análisis ofreció una elevada sensibilidad y selectividad para el análisis de compuestos target a niveles traza. La utilización del analizador de tiempo de vuelo permitió una confirmación adicional de los positivos de PAHs determinados mediante el triple cuadrupolo. En la segunda parte de la Tesis se han explorado las posibilidades que ofrece el analizador de tiempo de vuelo desde el punto de vista cualitativo y confirmativo de contaminantes orgánicos mediante técnicas de screening. Concretamente se realizaron estudios sobre muestras de sales marinas, salmueras y aguas medioambientales. La utilización del analizador de tiempo de vuelo ha permitido la realización de diferentes enfoques de análisis screening, bien con analitos preseleccionados (análisis target), analitos no seleccionados previamente (análisis non-target) y analitos seleccionados post adquisición con equipos de MS (análisis post-target). Por último, las metodologías analíticas disponibles se aplican al estudio de la posible bioacumulación de PAHs, OCs y PBDEs en los productos de la acuicultura marina, mediante un estudio experimental que incluye un ciclo completo de engorde de doradas (Sparus aurata L.) en el marco del Proyecto AQUAMAX (Sustainable Aquafeeds to Maximise the Health Benefits of Farmed Fish for Consumers. www.aquamaxip.eu). Las muestras consideradas en este estudio fueron materias primas de origen vegetal y animal, piensos con diferente composición y filetes de dorada cultivada. El trabajo desarrollado en esta Tesis Doctoral ha permitido concluir que la estrategia a seguir depende principalmente del objetivo que se desea alcanzar, considerando el uso de una instrumentación u otra en función de las necesidades requeridas. En esta Tesis Doctoral se ha desarrollado y aplicado metodología analítica altamente especializada con instrumentación avanzada basada en el acoplamiento GC-MS. La metodología desarrollada presenta excelentes características analíticas y resulta de interés tanto en análisis de rutina de estos contaminantes como para la investigación y búsqueda de contaminantes de creciente interés, tanto en el mundo alimentario como en el campo medioambiental.

Foraging Ecology of Seabirds at Sea: Significance of Commercial Fisheries in the NW Mediterranean.

Arcos Pros, José Manuel 20 December 2001 (has links)
Seabirds feeding ecology was studied at sea to assess the significance of two commercial fisheries, trawlers (demersal fishery with diurnal activity) and purse seiners (pelagic fishery with nocturnal activity), in the NW Mediterranean. Trawlers offered high amounts of discards (mostly fish of small size) on a predictable basis, and consequently attracted large numbers of seabirds. At the Ebro Delta, discards provided in average 65% of the energy requirements of the seabird breeding community, being most important for large gulls and of little significance for terns. Purse seiners produced few discards, on an irregular basis, and attracted lower numbers of seabirds during discarding (after dawn). During the fishing operation, at night, only Audouin's Gulls Larus audouinii attended these vessels, capturing live fish concentrated near the sea surface, attracted by powerful lamps. During the breeding season, Audouin's Gulls preferentially attended trawlers in spite of potential competition with the more aggressive and opportunistic Yellow-legged Gulls Larus cachinnans, since the former showed to be more efficient at capturing discards and reduced competition by showing a wider range of feeding techniques. Only during trawler closures, Audouin's Gulls occurred in important numbers at purse seiners (thus acting as a secondary food resource for most individuals). During the non-breeding season Audouin's Gulls shifted to preferentially attend purse seiners, presumably because competition at trawlers strengthened at this period. The rare and threatened Balearic Shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus also made significant use of discards, which represented more than 40% of the energy requirements of the whole population during the breeding season. Seabirds feeding upon discards showed higher levels of mercury, as discards make accessible to them demersal fish that is more polluted than epipelagic fish (natural prey for most seabirds). Thus, the risks of toxicity by this metal are higher for those species capturing discards. Given the significance of commercial fisheries for seabirds in the NW Mediterranean, and considering the increasing ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management, fisheries managers should regard these birds when designing fishing policies.

Untersuchungen zur Koi-Herpesvirus-Infektion

Füllner, Gert, Steinhagen, Dieter, Baumer, Agnes, Fabian, Marc, Runge, Martin, Bräuer, Grit, Böttcher, Kerstin, Mohr, Kornelia, Göbel, Susanne, Neumann, Eva-Maria, Thiem, Annegret, Gahsche, Jan, Striese, Michael, Teufert, Steffen 21 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In einem interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekt wurden die Übertragungswege der Koi-Herpesvirus-Infektion (KHV) untersucht. Die Erkrankung verminderte das Speisekarpfenaufkommen in Sachsen um 40 % und verursachte dadurch bei den betroffenen Teichwirtschaften hohe wirtschaftliche Schäden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Teichablaufwasser und Wildfische weniger an der Weiterverbreitung der Erkrankung beteiligt sind als bisher angenommen. Hauptinfektionsweg ist die Übertragung durch infizierte Karpfen. Die Weiterverbreitung erfolgt entweder durch Besatz latent erkrankter Fische oder durch Verschleppung kranker oder frisch getöteter Karpfen durch Wildtiere. Eine erfolgreiche Sanierung von Karpfenteichen durch Trockenlegung, Branntkalkapplikation und Besatz mit virusfreien Fischen ist möglich. Bei den bisher angewandten Branntkalkdosierungen von ca. 1 t/ha konnte eine Gefährdung adulter Amphibien, aber auch der in Karpfenteichen vorkommenden Amphibienlarven in situ bisher nicht festgestellt werden.

Mining the behavioural reality of fish-fisher interactions to understand vulnerability to hook-and-line fishing

Monk, Christopher 27 February 2019 (has links)
Angelerfolg hängt vom Fischverhalten ab und selektiver Fang aufgrund vererbbarer Verhaltensmerkmale kann sich auf Fischpopulationen auswirken. Die anglerische Vulnerabilität ergibt sich aus einer Kombination aus dem Zustand des Fisches, dem Zusammentreffen mit dem Fanggerät und den Eigenschaften desselben. Höhere Aktivität sollte die Begegnungswahrscheinlichkeit mit dem Fanggerät und dadurch die Vulnerabilität steigern. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es zu verstehen, wie Bewegungsmuster die Vulnerabilität durch die Angelfischerei beeinflussen. Dazu habe ich das Verhalten von vier Arten (Karpfen, Cyprinuscarpio, Schleie, Tinca tinca, Barsch, Perca fluviatilis, und Hecht, Esox lucius) in einem See mittels akustischer Telemetrie gemessen. Zudem habe ich verhaltensselektives Angeln auf Benthivore (Karpfen und Schleie) von festen Plätzen mit dem mobilen Angeln auf einen aktiven Raubfisch (Barsch) und einen Lauerjäger (Hecht) verglichen. Barsche wurden gezielt von freiwilligen, unterschiedlich versierten Anglern in GPS-überwachten Booten beangelt, um zu verstehen, wie Anglerfähigkeiten verhaltensbasierte Selektion beeinflussen. Für die individuell wiederholbare Aktivität von Karpfen, Schleie und Barsch lag keine Angelselektivität vor, da das Zusammentreffen mit Fanggeräten in keinem Zusammenhang mit der Vulnerabilität stand. Beim Barsch hingegen hing die Vulnerabilität mit der Habitatwahl zusammen. Die Geschicklichkeit der Angler verstärkte die Selektion durch höhere Mortalität. Für große Hechte mit großem Aktionsradius kann ein auf Begegnungen basierender Mechanismus nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die wichtigsten Verhaltensweisen, die die Vulnerabilität durch die Angelfischerei ausmachen und nach denen eine Selektion erwartet wird, häufig erst nach dem Zusammentreffen von Fisch und Fischer stattfinden. Jedoch kann die Bedeutung dieser Fisch-Fischer Begegnungen für die Vulnerabilität art- und fischereispezifisch sein. / Capturing fish by angling depends on fish behaviour. Selective capture based on heritable behaviours may have ramifications for fish populations and fishing communities, but the behavioural components of angling vulnerability are unclear. Conceptually, vulnerability derives from a combination of a fish’s internal state, gear encounter rate and gear quality. Accordingly, greater activity or space use is expected to increase vulnerability via elevated encounter rates with fishing gear. However, behaviourally selective angling may also interact with angler behaviour (e.g. skill). My aim was to understand the role of fish movement and space use in driving angling vulnerability. I measured the behaviour and angling vulnerability of four species (viz. carp, Cyprinus carpio, tench, Tinca tinca, perch, Perca fluviatilis, and northern pike, Esox lucius) using whole-lake high resolution acoustic telemetry. Perch were targeted by variably skilled anglers in GPS tracked boats to understand how skill affects selection. I have therefore contrasted behaviourally selective angling of benthivores (carp and tench) targeted from fixed angling sites, an active top predator (perch) targeted by searching anglers and an ambush predator (northern pike) targeted by searching anglers. Angling was unselective for repeatable carp, tench or perch activity and movement as encounter was unrelated to vulnerability. Vulnerability related to perch habitat choice as shown by a latitudinal division of captured and uncaptured perch and high skilled anglers only strengthened selection via greater enacted mortality. Finally, large pike with greater space use were most vulnerable to angling and an encounter based mechanism cannot be ruled out. In conclusion, the key behaviours distinguishing angling vulnerability, upon which selection should be expected, frequently operate after a fish-fisher encounter, but the importance of fish-fisher encounters for vulnerability may be species and fishery specific.

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