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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Iconografia del retaule a Catalunya (1675-1725)

Roig i Torrentó, M. Assumpta 29 November 1990 (has links)
No description available.

Paisagem e Arquitetura no Rio de Janeiro, iconografia do olhar conciliador de pintores e arquitetos

Bahia de Andrade, Tarcisio 30 September 2003 (has links)
La tesis tiene como objeto de investigación el paisaje de Río de Janeiro, consolidada por una estructura topográfica - la naturaleza - y otra humana - la arquitectura -. El deseo por la conciliación que la arquitectura impregna ante el paisaje, es la hipótesis de un embate inalcanzable. Y una vez que se entiende el paisaje como un hecho cultural, su estudio está acotado por la mirada artística de pintores y arquitectos entre un límite histórico que en Brasil va desde la llegada del Neoclasicismo hasta la consolidación del Arte Moderno. Si el punto inicial es en los comienzos del siglo XIX, cuando varios artistas europeos desembarcaron en Brasil a menudo como integrantes de misiones expedicionarias con el objetivo de catalogar, registrar, observar, más tarde con el Arte Moderno, que se opone al Neoclasicismo, llega una nueva etapa del arte producido en Brasil, pues es cuando la cultura brasileña finalmente reconoce una expresión propia en si misma. Dividido en dos partes, en la cual la primera trata de las representaciones de Río de Janeiro a través de los pintores, mientras la segunda está dedicada a las representaciones de los arquitectos, la tesis tiene su organización según relaciones dialécticas. Así, si una parte trata de la mirada de los pintores y la otra la de los arquitectos, por su vez cada parte está subdividida en dos capítulos, los dos primeros referentes al ojo extranjero, mientras que el segundo de cada parte trata del ojo local, es decir, de los artistas brasileños o extranjeros radicados en Brasil que retrataron el paisaje inmerso en el ambiente cultural de la ciudad de Río de Janeiro. / This thesis has the landscape of Rio de Janeiro, as a case study. Such a landscape is both consolidated by a "topographic structure" - the nature - and a "human structure" - the architecture -. The wish for conciliation which the architecture assumes as regards to landscape is the possibility of a confrontation that will be proved to be unreachable. As landscape is understood as a cultural fact, this research takes the artistic look of painters and architects to delimitate the universe of analysis which, in terms of Brazil, starts with the advent of the Neoclassicism and extends until the consolidation of the Modernism. The starting point for investigation is then, the beginning of the XIX century, when several European artists had disembarked in Brazil, most frequently as members of missionary expeditions whose objectives were essentially to catalogue, to register, to observe. Contrasting to this, this study points out that the Modernism, opposing to the Neoclassicism, come to establish a new path for the art produced in Brazil, as Brazilian culture eventually recognizes in itself its own expression. To reach such findings, this thesis is divided in two parts organized according to dialectic relations. The first part deals with the representations of Rio de Janeiro through the painters, and the second is dedicated to the representations of the architects. Each one of these two parts is further divided into two chapters. Both first chapters refer to the foreign look, whereas both second deal with the domestic look. Such a look encompasses Brazilian, as well as foreign artists, who had portrayed the landscape, at the time they were living and participating to the cultural environment of the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Dibujo y pensamiento en la obra de Rafael Masó

Marañón González, Rafael Carlos 01 February 2002 (has links)
Rafael Masó, arquitecto noucentista, es además, el artista adecuado para el análisis de una obra totalmente gráfica.Dibujos, escritos, gráficos y bocetos, son los elementos idóneos para que las ideas sobre la expresión gráfica, queden reflejados en esta Tesis Doctoral.Para conocer su obra gráfica, es necesario llegar a lo más profundo de sus pensamientos transmitidos por historiadores y la Familia Masó. Tanto su obra arquitectónica, como sus dibujos, son conocidos por expertos y estudiosos de la arquitectura catalana y española. Esta Tesis pretende incidir en la importancia de la representación y las formas de expresión que el Arquitecto utilizó como paso previo a sus proyectos.Pero para analizar al Masó Arquitecto y Dibujante, hay que conocer un poco su entorno y sus conocimientos de otras materias que no fueran la arquitectura, ya que además de arquitecto era un hombre polifacético: pintor, poeta, político, dibujante (cerámicas, vidrieras, publicitarios), diseñador de muebles y lo que podríamos llamar el "arquitecto artesano".Esta Tesis sobre el Arquitecto Rafael Masó, estudia su biografía desde su infancia en Gerona, a sus estudios de Arquitectura en Barcelona y después su profesión en Gerona. Masó, gran precursor del Movimiento Noucentista, junto con otros intelectuales, siguiendo las directrices de Prat de la Riba y Eugeni d'Ors, vive la convulsión del momento, el cambio generacional de arquitectos importantes seguidores de Antonio Gaudí y toma otro camino en función de los movimientos Centroeuropeos.La Tesis, consta de dos tomos.1º Tomo. · Una biografía: Familia, amigos, compañeros, artesanos, gente ligada a él tanto por la arquitectura como en el aspecto social y político.· Un análisis de la historia del Noucentismo en Cataluña y su comparación con otros países de Centro Europa.· Relación de Masó con la corriente "Noucentista" y su obra.· Un repaso del Masó polifacético: Escritor, pintor, político, diseñador gráfico de cerámicas y vidrieras.· Bibliografía.2º Tomo. Los Dibujos de Masó.· Dibujos arquitectónicos para la realización de sus proyectos y que se desglosa de la siguiente manera: Croquis. (Alzados), Alzados, Plantas, Perspectivas.· Dibujos de pequeño formato (bocetos), son los dibujos plasmados en libretas de campo. Se recogen en 24 libretas y dibujos sueltos. Las 13 primeras libretas numeradas del dibujo 1 al 252. Libretas del 14 al 18, tienen una numeración adicional y las restantes están controladas respecto a la cuantía de dibujos y alguna tiene su propia numeración.· Dibujos de arquitectura interior. Dibujos de muebles y perspectivas de la decoración de viviendas anteriormente proyectadas por él.· Se incluyen unas fichas de todos los proyectos realizados por Masó, en las que se especifican el número de dibujos en cada uno de ellos.· Para finalizar con las "Conclusiones" sobre la Tesis.· Se incluyen unos apuntes de cómo se desarrolló la Tesis en cada momento de su elaboración.

Oteiza, arquitectura como desocupación espacial

Moral Andrés, Fernando 15 June 2007 (has links)
Jorge Oteiza Embil (Orio, 1908 - San Sebastián, 2003) diseñó diferentes intervenciones en el campo de la arquitectura. Cronológicamente llegamos a encontrar cerca de 25 operaciones de diferente orden y planteamiento. En 1958 - 1959 realiza, junto con el arquitecto Roberto Puig Álvarez, el Proyecto para el Monumento a José Batlle y Ordóñez en Montevideo. La Tesis comprueba cómo Oteiza se implica en la intervención con gran intensidad, revelando, a través del Monumento, importantes parámetros para entender su concepción del espacio. Éste es el componente principal de cualquier construcción arquitectónica.Este memorial nos llevará a explorar una parte de la compleja producción que desarrolló Jorge Oteiza. La localización de toda la documentación existente es una tarea prioritaria con el fin de poder trabajar con los datos reales. Los archivos corroboran la problemática que implica conocer este proyecto: Uruguay, Francia y España son los puntos donde encontraremos el Monumento. Desde esta plataforma podemos descubrir la obra en verdadera magnitud. El estudio de la misma se hará con instrumentos específicos de la arquitectura como el dibujo y también con el procesado de todas las imágenes y escritos vinculados con el tema. La Tesis se estructura en 5 partes, 2 vinculadas con el proceso documental y 3 con la comprensión e interpretación del proyecto. Estas últimas nos conducirán por la obra y todo lo que gravita sobre la misma: .-"el Objeto": un proyecto destinado al homenaje del ex-presidente uruguayo José Batlle y Ordóñez, con una localización ubicada en el Parque Rodó de Montevideo. Un Concurso, anómalo en su desenlace que convocó a 74 propuestas de 25 países. Un trabajo, de Oteiza y Puig articulado con tres elementos de geometría radical y con la intención de generar un espacio espiritual. Una propuesta que emplea el vacío como principal instrumento de construcción arquitectónica. .-"el Proceso": los trabajos previos empleados en su definición. El manifiesto - memoria como postura ante el arte en general y ante la arquitectura en particular. Las esculturasesbozos que sirvieron para estudiar diferentes relaciones entre las partes y el todo de la propuesta. Los proyectos-bocetos que concentraron diferentes intereses y sistemas compositivos con anterioridad al empleo de los mismos en el Monumento. Todo ello supone un conjunto de claves que nos muestran el sistema creativo que pudo sustentar la intervención uruguaya. .-"el Paisaje": que implica una actividad reflexiva y operativa sobre el mismo. Se estudia la composición del mismo en su partes primigenias. Se valora el proceso de integración y relación de las obras con el medio. Se analiza el destino de las mismas: el hombre, como razón última de toda actuación y que supondría una transformación social.El desarrollo secuencial utilizado, desde lo singular del ejemplo, hasta lo general del ideario, busca ascender y consolidar cada uno de los niveles de conocimiento al tiempo que se establece una lectura transversal sobre el trabajo del oriotarra en este campo. El conjunto de todo ello nos hará profundizar más sobre el espacio y su definición a través de Oteiza, lo que nos sitúa ante un proceso transcendente y abierto: "La verdadera transcedencia espiritual de un arte nuevo y original es la verdadera creación estética: la desocupación espacial". (Jorge Oteiza) / ABASTRACTJorge Oteiza Embil (Orio, 1908 - San Sebastián, 2003) designed various interventions in the architecture field. Chronologically we could find about 25 operations of different level and planning. He designs in 1958-1959, together with the architect Roberto Puig Alvarez, the Project for The Monument to José Batlle y Ordóñez in Montevideo. The thesis certifies the way Oteiza highly implicated himself in the intervention, revealing through the monument important parameters that help understand his conception about space. This is the main component of any architectural construction. The memorial will lead us to explore part of the complex production developed by Jorje Oteiza. Locating all the existing documents was a priority task in order to work with the real information. Understanding this project implicates problems that gather together in several archives: Uruguay, France and Spain, are the places where we will find The Monument. From this platform we are able to discover the work at the real scale. For the study we will use architectural specific tools as the drawings and we will also process all the related images and texts. The thesis structure is formed by 5 parts, 2 of them linked to the documentation process and the other 3 related to the project comprehension and interpretation. These last 3 chapters will lead us through the work and work-connected areas of influence: .-"the Object": a project meant to be a tribute for the ex-president of Uruguay José Batlle y Ordóñez, located in the Rodó Park of Montevideo. An anomalous ending competition called 74 designs from 25 countries. The Oteiza and Puig project articulates itself by the means of three elements with radical geometry and the intention of generating a spiritual space. It is a project that uses the empty space as the main tool for architectural construction..-"the Process": the previous work employed for its definition. Manifesto - memory as an attitude towards art in general and towards architecture in particular. The sketchsculptures were used for studying different relations between the parts and the whole of the proposal. The outline-projects concentrated various interests and composition systems before their utilization in The Monument. All this mean a set of keys showing us the creating system that supported the Uruguayan intervention. .-"the Landscape": that implicates a reflective and operating activity. The composition it is being studied on its original parts. The integration process and the relationship between the works and the environment are being valued. The works assignment it is being analyzed: the human being, as the final reason of any action, meaning a social transformation. The sequential development used, from the singularity of the example to the generality of the ideology, is ascending and consolidating every one of the knowledge levels meanwhile a cross lecture of the architect work in this field is set. The whole discussion will help us deepen on the space and its definition according to Oteiza, setting us in front of a transcendental and open process: "The true spiritual transcendence of a new and original art is the true esthetical creation: the spatial clearance". (Jorge Oteiza)

Relationships Between Topography And Kerkenes (turkey), A Gis Analysis

Atalan Cayirezmez, Nurdan 01 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigates the effect of topography in ancient city Kerkenes using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Kerkenes, an Iron Age city located on a batholith in Yozgat province, Turkey, was chosen because of its exceptional size, short life and the availability of extensive data. Approximately seven kilometres of city wall in Kerkenes, including towers and seven gates, enclose 2.5 km&sup2 / . The research comprises topographic analysis and settlement data analysis. Elevation values collected by Global Positioning System (GPS) and 1:25000 scaled topographic maps are used to create and analyze elevation, slope and aspect maps. Basic statistics of the city wall, towers and gates are calculated and a procedure is then followed to examine the city wall, towers and gates to understand reasons for the line of the city wall, the uneven distribution of gates, the position of each individual gate, the positions and spacing of towers, and the water catchments. Advantages of the elevated site of Kerkenes for the foundation of a new capital within the region are demonstrated. The GPS data do not show statistically significant differences then the 1:25000 scaled topographic maps in regional scale, especially analyzing the elevation and slope data. Topographic analyses reveal that approximately 75% of the city wall coincides with the topographic divide which shows the city walls may serve both for urban water collection and for defence. City wall has divided into two as East section and West section by a north-south axis from the north end point of the city. There are 41 and 27 towers are detected on the West and East section, respectively. Towers on the West section are more closely spaced than the East section. There are also two and five gates in the West and East section, respectively. The East section of the city wall overlaps with the topographic divide only in the northeastern part. This situation can not be traced along the southeastern part of Kerkenes which may be the reason to include the strategically important two higher altitude areas (Kiremitlik and Kale) inside the city. The city wall in the West section, however, runs along the topographic divide which affects the number and the distribution of the towers.

The Impacts Of The Younger Dryas Period On Plant And Animal Food Resources Of The Ancient Natufian Culture And The Economy

Egemen, Ferah 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This masters thesis investigates the environmental/climatic change that is thought to have brought about the economic shift and transition from Palaeolithic economic system of hunting gathering to Neolithic economic system of agriculture and domestication period around 11.000-10.000 years ago. This study uses the collected animal and plant data of the Natufian culture in the Levant region from the previous zooarchaeological and archaeobotanical literature anlyses. It shows a significant mathematical difference in the zooarchaeological assemblage measures between the Early and Late Natufian sites by calculating Economic value parameters of the Early and the Late Natufian sites, a comparison analysis was made in terms of percentage frequencies of animals site by site and between early-late periods. The result shows a significant animal food supply decrease and change-shift shown during the Younger Dryas climatic crisis times of the whole Late Natufian period sites total and early to late site by site individually, compared to whole Early Natufian period sites. It shows there is a possibility that some big-base camp Late Natufian occupation sites were better able to create coping mechanisms against food crisis/food shortage and more successfully than other Late Natufian sites during the climatic food crisis period. It shows supporting with the animal-plant data and changes in the human bones, burial practices, human teeth, diet changes and anthropological studies evidence, a big social-economic-cultural change and a huge food crisis was highly possible and humans highly possibly lived an economic crisis and an highly connected-related social-cultural crisis during the Younger Dryas in the Late Natufian times human societies.

Έκφραση των TRK υποδοχέων των νευροτροφινών στο φυσιολογικό σε σύγκριση με το φλεγμονώδες έντερο του ανθρώπου

Λαϊνά, Ελένη 15 December 2008 (has links)
Πρόσφατα δεδομένα υποδεικνύουν ότι η έκφραση του p75NTR και των Trk υποδοχέων των νευροτροφινών (TrkA, TrkB, TrkC) είναι ιδιαίτερα σημαντική όχι μόνο στη νευρωνική επιβίωση κατά τη διάρκεια της ανάπτυξης και την ενήλικο ζωή αλλά και σε ποικίλες κυτταρικές διαδικασίες όπως η ανοσολογική απάντηση του οργανισμού σε φλεγμονές. Ο σκοπός αυτής της μελέτης ήταν να ερευνήσει την κυτταρική εντόπιση και κατανομή του p75NTR και των Trk υποδοχέων των νευροτροφινών στην ελκώδη κολίτιδα σε σύγκριση με το φυσιολογικό έντερο του ενήλικα ανθρώπου χρησιμοποιώντας την ανοσοϊστοχημική μέθοδο. Στη μελέτη συμπεριελήφθησαν 45 περιπτώσεις ελκώδους κολίτιδας και 5 δείγματα φυσιολογικού εντέρου. Παρατηρήθηκε αύξηση της έκφρασης όσον αφορά τους TrkA υποδοχείς τόσο στο επιθήλιο όσο και στα κύτταρα του εντερικού νευρικού συστήματος στο φλεγμονώδες σε σχέση με το φυσιολογικό έντερο. Έντονη έκφραση των TrkB υποδοχέων ταυτοποιήθηκε στο μυϊκό τοίχωμα των αγγείων και στα εντεροενδοκρινή κύτταρα του επιθηλίου στο φλεγμονώδες και στο φυσιολογικό έντερο. Μειωμένη έκφραση, τόσο στο επιθήλιο όσο και στο εντερικό νευρικό σύστημα, όσον αφορά την έκφραση των TrkB και TrkC υποδοχέων παρατηρήθηκε στις περιπτώσεις ελκώδους κολίτιδας σε σχέση με το φυσιολογικό έντερο. Ο p75NTR παρουσίασε έκφραση αποκλειστικά στα πλέγματα του νευρικού συστήματος, τόσο στο φυσιολογικό όσο και στο φλεγμονώδες έντερο. Τα παραπάνω αποτελέσματα υποδεικνύουν ότι οι νευροτροφίνες μέσω της δέσμευσής τους με τους Trk υποδοχείς και τον p75NTR πιθανόν εμπλέκονται στην παθογένεια των φλεγμονών όπως η ελκώδης κολίτιδα κατά την ενήλικο ζωή. / -

A Global Analysis of Synthetic Genetic Interactions & a Genetic Analysis of Muscle Arm Development in Caenorhabditis elegans

Byrne, Alexandra 01 March 2010 (has links)
Understanding gene function and genetic relationships is elemental in our efforts to better understand biological systems. Here, I describe a reliable high-throughput approach, Systematic Genetic Interaction analysis (SGI), capable of revealing both weak and strong genetic interactions in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. I also present evidence that UNC-73 functions cell-autonomously in an UNC-40 pathway to direct muscle arm extension in C. elegans. Previous efforts to systematically describe genetic interactions between redundant genes on a global scale either have focused on core biological processes in protozoans or have surveyed catastrophic interactions in metazoans. I investigated synthetic genetic interactions between eleven ‘query’ mutants in conserved signal transduction pathways and hundreds of ‘target’ genes compromised by RNAi. A network of 1246 genetic interactions was uncovered through an unbiased global analysis of the interaction matrix, establishing the largest metazoan genetic interaction network to date. To investigate how genetic interactions connect genes on a systems-wide level, the SGI network was superimposed with existing networks of physical, genetic, phenotypic and co-expression interactions. Fifty-six putative functional modules were identified within the superimposed network, one of which regulates fat accumulation and is coordinated by bar-1(ga80)/β-catenin interactions. This led to the discovery that SGI interactions link distinct functional modules on a global scale, which is a previously unappreciated level of organization within metazoan systems. In addition, I present evidence that the properties of genetic networks are conserved between C. elegans and S. cerevisiae, but that the connectivity of the interactions within the current networks is not. Although the buffering between functional modules may differ between species, studying these differences may provide insight into the evolution of divergent form and function. In C. elegans the postsynaptic membrane of the neuromuscular junction reaches its destination through an active process of guided cell extension. The worm has 95 body wall muscles (BWMs) that extend projections called 'muscle arms' to motor axons. The muscle arms harbour the postsynaptic elements of neuromuscular junctions. The stereotypical pattern of muscle arm extension was exploited in a forward genetic screen for new genes required for guided cell migration by looking for mutations that caused a reduction in the number of arms that extend to the motor axons. One of the resulting mutants was tr117, which extended half the number of arms compared to wild type animals. Genetic mapping, complementation tests, and sequencing revealed that tr117 was a mutation in unc-73/Trio, which encodes a guanine nucleotide exchange factor. Expression of UNC-73 specifically in the BWMs rescued the muscle arm development defects of unc-73(e936) mutants, indicating that UNC-73 functions cell-autonomously to regulate muscle arm extension. UNC-73::CFP was localized to muscle arm termini in a pattern similar to that of UNC-40/Dcc, which directs muscle arm extension. UNC-73 over-expression suppressed the Madd phenotype of unc-40 null worms and unc-73(e936) suppressed ectopic myopodia induced by UNC-40 over-expression. These results indicate that UNC-73 functions downstream of UNC-40 in a pathway that regulates muscle arm extension.

A Global Analysis of Synthetic Genetic Interactions & a Genetic Analysis of Muscle Arm Development in Caenorhabditis elegans

Byrne, Alexandra 01 March 2010 (has links)
Understanding gene function and genetic relationships is elemental in our efforts to better understand biological systems. Here, I describe a reliable high-throughput approach, Systematic Genetic Interaction analysis (SGI), capable of revealing both weak and strong genetic interactions in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. I also present evidence that UNC-73 functions cell-autonomously in an UNC-40 pathway to direct muscle arm extension in C. elegans. Previous efforts to systematically describe genetic interactions between redundant genes on a global scale either have focused on core biological processes in protozoans or have surveyed catastrophic interactions in metazoans. I investigated synthetic genetic interactions between eleven ‘query’ mutants in conserved signal transduction pathways and hundreds of ‘target’ genes compromised by RNAi. A network of 1246 genetic interactions was uncovered through an unbiased global analysis of the interaction matrix, establishing the largest metazoan genetic interaction network to date. To investigate how genetic interactions connect genes on a systems-wide level, the SGI network was superimposed with existing networks of physical, genetic, phenotypic and co-expression interactions. Fifty-six putative functional modules were identified within the superimposed network, one of which regulates fat accumulation and is coordinated by bar-1(ga80)/β-catenin interactions. This led to the discovery that SGI interactions link distinct functional modules on a global scale, which is a previously unappreciated level of organization within metazoan systems. In addition, I present evidence that the properties of genetic networks are conserved between C. elegans and S. cerevisiae, but that the connectivity of the interactions within the current networks is not. Although the buffering between functional modules may differ between species, studying these differences may provide insight into the evolution of divergent form and function. In C. elegans the postsynaptic membrane of the neuromuscular junction reaches its destination through an active process of guided cell extension. The worm has 95 body wall muscles (BWMs) that extend projections called 'muscle arms' to motor axons. The muscle arms harbour the postsynaptic elements of neuromuscular junctions. The stereotypical pattern of muscle arm extension was exploited in a forward genetic screen for new genes required for guided cell migration by looking for mutations that caused a reduction in the number of arms that extend to the motor axons. One of the resulting mutants was tr117, which extended half the number of arms compared to wild type animals. Genetic mapping, complementation tests, and sequencing revealed that tr117 was a mutation in unc-73/Trio, which encodes a guanine nucleotide exchange factor. Expression of UNC-73 specifically in the BWMs rescued the muscle arm development defects of unc-73(e936) mutants, indicating that UNC-73 functions cell-autonomously to regulate muscle arm extension. UNC-73::CFP was localized to muscle arm termini in a pattern similar to that of UNC-40/Dcc, which directs muscle arm extension. UNC-73 over-expression suppressed the Madd phenotype of unc-40 null worms and unc-73(e936) suppressed ectopic myopodia induced by UNC-40 over-expression. These results indicate that UNC-73 functions downstream of UNC-40 in a pathway that regulates muscle arm extension.

A programming model for corporate financial management

January 1973 (has links)
by Stewart C. Myers and Gerald A. Pogue. / Bibliography: leaves [1]-2.

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