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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How do people construct comfort within their interior spaces? : a study of objects and circumstances between clothes and the building skin that influence comfort and the use of energy

Oji, Obioma Elizabeth January 2017 (has links)
This interdisciplinary PhD-by-practice examines how people construct comfort within their interior spaces through the study of objects, structures, membranes, situations and circumstances between clothes and the building skin. (In)tangible efficiencies of comfort and movement are problematised in this research. It provides new insights into the desire-lines of comfort, which are the habitual routines and interactions that individual’s practice to control their everyday energy use. The audience for this research includes academics, professionals, and those interested in how objects and circumstances influence physical, physiological and psychological interior comfort. The research methods that were applied included novel experimental interior design techniques of data gathering, demonstrated in the GYRO, AMNIOTIC SAC and COSY workshops. Co-researcher responses were generated in text, image and three-dimensional form. These immersive workshops examined specific interior sites, including: the conceptualisation of a product based structure that utilised gyroscopic principles; the prenatal spatial interior of the amniotic sac membranes were studied to posit how this space of origin influences our lifelong comfort desires. In addition, a range of lifecycle scenarios were created to facilitate the understanding of comfort through various objects and circumstances e.g. a cot, pram, loftbed, train, wheelchair, lounge, ambulance, and coffin. Analysis of the data evidenced representations and patterns of comfort desire-lines. Relationships with animate and inanimate objects were identified, connecting with differing dependent and autonomous comfort aspirations. The outcomes of this research can aid investigations into energy use, relocating efficiency discourses from the building skin to interior interstitial space.

Recherche sur les connaissances scientifiques dans la poésie persane classique: une étude des arbres et des fruits dans la Khamsa de Nezâmî Ganjavî

Van Ruymbeke, Christine January 1997 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Estudo de técnica de controle para seguimento automático de terreno em aeronave de grande porte

Ricardo Bacha Borges 21 September 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata do estudo de uma técnica de controle de sistemas aplicada ao problema do vôo em seguimento de terreno de uma aeronave de grande porte. O problema em si surgiu devido à invenção do radar e do míssil terra-ar, criando a necessidade da aeronave se esconder, voando baixo e usando o relevo como escudo. Muitos equipamentos e aeronaves foram desenvolvidos para realizar a tarefa, sendo alguns apresentados neste texto. Existem critérios de QDV - qualidade de vôo - específicos para o vôo em seguimento de terreno, a maioria criados na década de 1960, sendo eles considerados como requisitos neste estudo. Os métodos tradicionalmente utilizados para realizar a tarefa são apresentados, sendo feita uma revisão da bibliográfica existente. O modelo de aeronave usado é o Boeing 747-100, tendo os seus coeficientes de estabilidade e controle levantados e o modelo matemático construído no Matlab/Simulink, sendo então linearizado para a aplicação da técnica de controle em estudo. Os requisitos para o sistema de controle projetado são então explicitados, sendo extraídos, basicamente, dos critérios de qualidade que são apresentados neste trabalho. A técnica de controle aplicada ao problema é uma malha interna que usa uma estrutura de controle de dois graus de liberdade de Kreisselmeier, criando um CAS - sistema de aumento de controle - de aceleração normal, e uma malha externa de controle de altitude que usa um controlador do tipo avanço de fase. Alguns critérios de QDV são aplicados ao sistema controlado, tendo apresentado bons resultados para condições de vôo favoráveis (baixa massa e alta velocidade), enquanto que em condições menos favoráveis (maior massa e menor velocidade) os resultados dos testes de QDV variaram de aceitáveis até insatisfatórios. Um terreno também é gerado para realizar o teste de performance na tarefa de seguimento de terreno, sendo que os resultados atingidos são bastante bons, conseguindo o sistema seguir a trajetória de referência para todos os casos, exceto no de maior massa e menor velocidade.

Diagnostic modeling and diagnosability evaluation of mechanical systems

Clark, Garrett E. 23 November 1993 (has links)
Consideration of diagnosability in product design promises to increase product quality by reducing maintenance time without increasing cost or decreasing reliability. Methods for investigating the diagnosability of mechanical and electro-mechanical systems are described and are applied to the Bleed Air Control System (BACS) on the Boeing 747-400. The BACS is described and a diagnostic model is developed using information from the system Failure Modes and Effects Analysis. Emphasis is placed on the relationships between the system's functions and its components. Two metrics for the evaluation of system diagnosability and two metrics for the evaluation of component diagnosability are defined. These metrics emphasize diagnostic ambiguity and are combined with the probability of different system failures to weight the effects of each failure. Three modified systems are produced by reassigning functions from one component to another. The resulting effects on the system and component diagnosability are evaluated. We show that by changing these relationships system diagnosability can be improved without adding sensors or other components. / Graduation date: 1994

Gain scheduling for a passenger aircraft control system to satisfy handling qualities

Guo, Wei 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis considers the problem of designing gain scheduled flight control system (FCS) for large transport aircraft that satisfy handling qualities criteria. The goal is to design a set of local Linear Time Invariant (LTI) controllers to cover the wide non- linear aircraft operation flight envelope from the viewpoint of the handling qualities assessment. The global gain scheduler is then designed that interpolates between the gains of the local controllers in order to transfer smoothly between different equilibrium points, and more importantly to satisfy the handling qualities over the entire flight envelope. The mathematical model of the Boeing 747-100/200 aircraft is selected for the purpose of the flight controller design and handling qualities as- sessment. In order to achieve an attitude hold characteristic, and also improve the dynamic tracking behavior of the aircraft, longitudinal pitch Rate Command-Attitude Hold (RCAH) controllers are designed as the local flight controllers at the specific equilib- rium points in the flight envelope by means of a state space pole placement design procedure. The handling qualities assessment of the aircraft is presented, based on which the scheduler is designed. A number of existing criteria are employed to assess the han- dling qualities of the aircraft, including the Control Anticipation Parameter (CAP), Neal and Smith, and C∗ criteria. The gain scheduled flight controller is found to have satisfactory handling qualities. The global gain scheduler is designed by interpolating the gains of the local flight controllers in order to transfer smoothly between different equilibrium points, and more importantly to satisfy the handling qualities over the flight envelope. The main contribution of this research is the combination of the gain scheduling technique based on the local controller design approach and handling qualities as- sessment. The controllers are designed based at a number of operating points and the interpolation between them (scheduling) takes place through the scheduling scheme functions. The aircraft augmented with gain-scheduled controller performs satisfactorily and meets the requirement of handling qualities. Moreover, the per- formance using the gain-scheduled controller is considerably improved compared to the performance using the fixed one.

Ibn Isḥâq and al-Wâqidî revisited : a case study of Muḥammad and the Jews in biographical literature

Faizer, Rizwi Shuhadha, 1946- January 1995 (has links)
Si ra-maghazi, which tells of the life of the Prophet and the early Islamic community, is not a historical genre. A literary mode which has its origins in an oral transmission, it is essentially hagiographic in spirit. The literature carries some unique characteristics. Constituted of numerous individual traditions juxtaposed one next to the other, it is--other than for those key events that have become mythologized--essentially dependent on the compiler and his purpose for its layout. / This dissertation explores the genre through a comparative case study of Muhammad and the Jews as narrated in the Kitab si rat rasul Allah of lbn Ishaq and the Kitab al-maghazi of al-Waqidi. Appreciating the interpretation of the individual compiler concerned, it compares, in terms of method, structure, sources, chronology, and style, their different approaches to the subject of the early establishment of Islam. The differences reinforce the argument for appreciating si ra-maghazi as literary rather than a historical genre. More importantly, they bring into focus the tendentious nature of si ra-maghazi to understand why neither one of these texts may be used to substantiate the information in the other.

Ibn Isḥâq and al-Wâqidî revisited : a case study of Muḥammad and the Jews in biographical literature

Faizer, Rizwi Shuhadha, 1946- January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Arquitetura de um piloto automático longitudinal "hardware in the loop" com o simulador de vôo X-Plane.

Sérgio Ronaldo Barros dos Santos 11 September 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de uma plataforma dedicada para a implementação de sistemas de controle longitudinal para o Boeing 747-400, utilizando diferentes topologias para a malha de controle. Inicialmente são estudados os conceitos de movimentação longitudinal para um corpo rígido, determinando o modelo aerodinâmico longitudinal completo e também os modelos aproximados para o período curto e longo de uma aeronave genérica. Usando os coeficientes de estabilidade e as derivadas longitudinais do Boeing 747-400, foram determinadas as equações dinâmicas para este avião. Conhecendo as equações dinâmicas para o Boeing 747-400 os controladores foram projetados usando duas topologias distintas de malha de controle. A malha de controle longitudinal composta por uma realimentação de taxa de arfagem é a topologia mais abordada neste trabalho. Utilizando esta abordagem foram projetados os controladores contínuos de altitude e velocidade vertical. Uma outra forma abordada para o projeto dos controladores contínuos de altitude e velocidade vertical, é feita substituindo a malha interna de taxa de arfagem por um sistema de compensação contínua, no qual será usado para estabilizar a resposta de saída da malha interna de controle do ângulo de arfagem. Os controladores contínuos projetados foram devidamente discretizados. As equações de diferença obtida no processo de discretização foram utilizadas para a implementação dos controladores no microprocessador Rabbit 2000. Os controladores digitais implementados no Rabbit 2000 são testado, verificado e validado usando o Boeing 747-400 disponível no simulador de vôo X-Plane. A interação entre o hardware dedicado e o PC portado pelo X-Plane é feita através do envio e recebimento de pacotes de dados por meio do módulo de comunicação Ethernet (TCP/IP) através do protocolo UDP (Uniform Datagram Protocol) disponíveis em ambos os sistemas. Os resultados obtidos nestes ensaios são comparados com os resultados das simulações do sistema de controle longitudinal usando os controladores projetados e as equações dinâmicas do Boeing 747-400 implementadas no MATLAB/SIMULINK.

Möbeltischlerei und höfische Raumausstattungen im (Groß-) Herzogtum Mecklenburg-Schwerin vom Ende des 18. bis zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts / Bedingungen und Vernetzungen – Nachfrage und Ablehnung

Janke, Nico 20 June 2018 (has links)
Gegenstand dieser Arbeit sind die Möbelherstellung auf dem Gebiet des (Groß-) Herzogtums Mecklenburg-Schwerin und die vom (Groß-) Herzog Friedrich Franz I. in Auftrag gegebenen Neuausstattungen von Appartements in der Zeit vom Ende des 18. bis ins erste Viertel des 19. Jahrhunderts. Sie wurden für zwei Generationen Erbprinzen anlässlich ihrer Hochzeiten vorgenommen. Zum einen wird nach der Qualität der im Land hergestellten Tischlerwaren und nach den stilistischen Impulsen sowie ökonomischen Bedingungen ihres Entwerfens und Anfertigens gefragt. Zum anderen gilt es nachzuvollziehen und zu begründen, wie sich der (Groß-) Herzog bei den Neuausstattungen gegenüber den Tischlern seines Landes verhielt und wie diese Projekte von den bei Hof tätigen Architekten organisiert wurden. Die vorliegende Arbeit in zwei Teile gegliedert: Im ersten Teil werden zunächst die Bedingungen der Tischlerausbildung und Möbelherstellung in den Städten Mecklenburgs und den Städten im westlichen Teil der damaligen preußischen Provinz Pommern (heute Vorpommern) erarbeitet und durch Vergleich mit politisch oder wirtschaftlich verbundenen Regionen bewertet. Man gewinnt ein zwar nicht lückenloses, aber detailreiches Bild von der Situation der Mecklenburger Tischlerämter. Im zweiten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die höfischen Raumausstattungen sowie die bei ihrer Planung und Ausführung vom Herzogshaus beschrittenen Wege erläutert. Dabei wird ein Wandel in der Repräsentations- und Wohnkultur des Mecklenburger Hofes deutlich. Die (Groß-) Herzöge zwischen circa 1790 und 1840 erteilten keine großen Aufträge, um das (Tischler-) Gewerbe zu fördern, obwohl fortlaufende kriegerische Auseinandersetzungen im 18. verheerende Auswirkungen auf die Bevölkerung hatten. In der Konsequenz entwickelte sich hierzulande keine eigenständige Möbelkunst. Großherzog Friedrich Franz I. nutzte die dynastischen Verbindungen und die Kontakte seiner Architekten zu den großstädtischen Märkten für seine Projekte. / This dissertation deals with the topics of cabinet making in the former (Grand) Dukedom Mecklenburg-Schwerin and the projects for new interior decoration of the appartments for two generations of hereditary princes. The new interiors were ordered by the (Grand) Duke Frederic Franz I. of Mecklenburg-Schwerin between 1799 and 1822 due to the upcoming marriages of the princes. For answering the questions in both the fields I consider on the one hand the quality of the produced furnitures circa 1790 and 1850. On the other hand I investigate whether the (Grand) Duke engaged the cabinetmakers of his own land for his projects or not. The question also is how interior planning and bulding were organized by the architects of the court. To address this it is necessary to study the historical documents. My text is divided into two parts. In part one, I investigate the conditions of the practical and theoretical education of the carpenters in Mecklenburg and the towns of the Western part of the former Prussian province Pomerania. Today it is part of the German federal state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. I discuss all the still existing furniture and drawings of cabinetmaker’s work for which the regions or cities where they were made are verifiable. In the end it is possible to draw a picture of the possible capability of the carpenters in the (Grand) Dukedom of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. In addition to this I compare the results to the situations in other regions which were connected by trade and the exchange of the knowledge by the craftmen. In the second part of this dissertation, the planning and organization during realisation of the court interiors will be introduced and explained. In the end it is possible to see a change in the culture of representation and court life. The (Grand) Dukes didn’t support the cabinetmaker’s trade by special orders in between 1799 and 1850. As a consequence in this country the art of furniture making could not prosper. Frederic Franz I. relied on dynastic relations and the contact of his architects to the international markets in Hamburg and Berlin.

Implication des femmes dans le cycle de changement des produits d'ameublement domestique : manifestations du désir de changement, pratiques de consommation divergentes et contribution au design écologique / Involvement of women in the cycle of change of domestic furniture products : manifestations of the desire for change, divergent comsuption practices and contribution to ecological design

Zouaghi, Salma 08 December 2017 (has links)
Les produits d'ameublement domestique sont soumis à l'accélération de leur cycle de renouvellement. Ce phénomène n'est pas sans conséquences écologiques et sanitaires. Cette recherche analyse les pratiques de consommation de ces produits par les femmes, le genre le plus intéressé par l'aménagement et la décoration intérieure, dans le but d'étudier les facteurs qui sont à l'origine du désir de changement, notamment du sentiment de lassitude, les habitudes et les fréquences de renouvellement ainsi que leurs intentions en matière de préoccupation écologique. La mise en œuvre des méthodes de recherche et de traitement, issues pour l'essentiel des sciences humaines et sociales, met en lumière une catégorie de consommatrices qui résistent à la consommation des produits industrialisés et choisissent des pratiques de consommation citoyenne qui se basent essentiellement sur Je bricolage et le recyclage des produits usagés. Ces «créatifs culturels» sont à l'origine de l'émergence d'une culture éthique qui est en train de se confirmer et qui va sans doute modifier les valeurs de la société du futur. Les designers sont plus que jamais invités à se pencher de plus près sur ce nouveau profil de consommatrices dans l'idée de la production participative, du co-design. / Home furnishings are subject to an acceleration of their renewal cycle. This phenomenon has ecological and sanitary consequences. This research analyzes the consumption practices of these products by women, the gender that is most interested in interior design and decoration. It studies the factors that drive the desire for change, such as the feeling of weariness, the habits and frequencies of renewal, and women's concerns towards ecological issues. The implementation of research and treatment methods, ail coming from social sciences, highlights a category of consumers who resist to the consumption of industrialized products and choose consumption practices that are mainly based on DIY and recycling. These "cultural creatives" individuals are at the origin of the emergence of an ethical culture that is growing and that will undoubtedly modify the values that will shape the society of the future. The designers are more than ever invited to look more closely at this new profile of consumers in the idea of participative production : the co-design.

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