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Sport and the state : ideology and practiceWilley, David Leonard January 1988 (has links)
The focus of the study is the growing involvement of the British state in sport from the early 1960s to the mid to late 1980s. The thesis maintains that the close association of the organisation of sport with education shifted under government and business influence towards an instrumental welfare role for the state, and towards a privatised entertainment oriented practice linked to business sponsorship and media influence. Investigation is based largely on primary material derived from documentary and interview sources, and draws on a critical analysis of relevant contributions in the sociology of sport categorised here under pluralist, social reproduction, culturalist and state-investment perspectives. Particular use is made of the concepts of collective consumption, corporatism and hegemony. The central theme is that sport has served a legitimatory purpose for the state. It is argued that state involvement in sport has a structural relationship with changing economic conditions, that political responses involved a complexity of factors, and that the ideological structuring and restructuring of the content and organisation of sporting practices has been framed by a tension between conservative and liberal forces. The Labour Party-led expansion of provision for sport has been shown to have been primarily a 'statist' stance underpinned by a corporate management ideology which, though increasing facilities, actually worked to reinforce inequalities. The Conservative Party though emphasising freedom and independence for organisations in sport has promoted central control and market values.
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Structure-function studies of human ribosome complexes / Etudes structure-fonction de complexes du ribosome humainKhatter, Heena 18 September 2014 (has links)
L’architecture et la régulation de la traduction eucaryote fut pendant longtemps un mystère pour les biologistes. Je présente ici un protocole détaillé pour purifier de manière homogène des ribosomes à partir de cellules HeLa, pour des études biochimiques mais également structurales. En utilisant ces ribosomes, j’ai obtenu des cristaux diffractant à faible résolution, pouvant être utilisés pour de futurs travaux. Une analyse par cryo-microscopie électronique (CME) a abouti à une structure à 5 A de résolution, permettant la construction d’un modèle. De plus, les facteurs eRF1 et eRF3 ont permis des premières études de la terminaison de la traduction par CME. Ces protéines en complexe ont également été étudiées par cristallographie aux rayons-X, montrant des interactions jusqu’alors jamais observées. L’ensemble de ce travail fournit des résultats importants pour la préparation et la description de la structure du ribosome humain, pavant la voie vers l’analyse de complexes fonctionnels. / Ribosomes comprise the translational machinery engaged in synthesizing proteins. The architecture and translation regulation of eukaryotic especially, human ribosomes, has been an enigma for a long time. I established a protocol for purifying homogenous ribosomes from HeLa cells which can be used for structural as well as biochemical analysis. Using these ribosomes, I obtained plate-like crystals of 80S diffracting to low resolution. A cryo electron microscopy analysis of these ribosomes yielded 5 Å resolution structure with secondary structures of rRNA and protein clearly visible. Furthermore, these ribosomes, along with the eukaryotic release factors (eRF1 and eRF3) purified by over-expression in bacteria, formed the basis for translation termination studies using cryo electron microscopy. Simultaneously, eRF1-eRF3 protein complex was explored by X-ray crystallography revealing new interactions. Together, this work paves the way for the analysis of functional ribosome complexes.
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Divadelní pouť / Theatre fairPantáková, Magdalena January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is focuses on "Theatre Fair" opened air cultural project which took place in the second half of nineteen eighties in Prague, where different art groups connected and integrated their performances. The goal is to introduce Theatre Fair and, concentrating specifically on theatre, examine how Theatre Fair participated in the new era of "non-concrete theatre" in The Czech Republic. There is a focus on the birth and structure of Theatre Fair, which is based on factual information. The text centres attention on each individual art group and its performances. It will bee seen that these performances are characterized by, and based on, historical theatrical inspiration. The thesis also addresses non-theatre areas such as music, visual arts and photography, which influenced the final shape of the project. It also reflects the activities that Theatre Fair engaged in on foreign tours. A considerable part of the thesis focuses on the characteristics of Theatre Fair and its theoretical basis. The project "Theatre Island", which followed the original Theatre Fair, is also considered in this thesis. In considerations of the distinctive visual art style of the project, a picture appendix is included in the thesis.
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O spray e a tinta: a cobertura da imprensa sobre os grafites artísticos na década de 80 / The spray and the paint, press coverage of 80s artistic graffitiDias, Sílvia Freire 22 March 2019 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga a cobertura que a imprensa fez sobre os grafites artísticos, em São Paulo, durante a década de 80, quando teve início o uso intenso de imagens em intervenções urbanas nas ruas da capital, configurando um movimento artístico. O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma reflexão sobre como a mídia registrou e interpretou este movimento surgido fora do circuito tradicional das artes, feito ilegalmente, em um momento que coincide com a redemocratização do País e com a pressão da sociedade por mais liberdade de expressão. Esta pesquisa aborda a história da produção de grafites artísticos em São Paulo a partir de entrevista com artistas que participaram deste movimento, além de relacionar esta história com a cobertura da imprensa. Para qualificar a análise da cobertura da mídia, este trabalho foi buscar nas teorias do jornalismo bases teóricas sobre construção da notícia, que levam em conta as rotinas de trabalho, com as pressões e limitações exercidas sobre esta atividade profissional em seu dia a dia. / This work looks into press coverage of artistic graffiti in São Paulo during the 80s, which first saw widespread use of images in urban interventions in the city\'s streets, in what amounted to an artistic movement. The goal of this work is to consider the media\'s portrayal and interpretation of this outlaw movement that emerged outside the mainstream art scene, concurrently with the country\'s transition back to democracy amid a societal push for more freedom of expression. This research approaches the history of artistic graffiti in São Paulo through interviews with artists who were part of that movement, and it relates said history with the coverage it got from the press. In a bid to qualify its analysis of media coverage, this work drew on journalism theory for theoretical foundations on the construction of the news, while taking into consideration the work routines, pressures, and limitations experienced by practitioners of this professional activity on a day-to-day basis.
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Música evangélica de missão e teologia no Brasil dos anos 80Álvaro Martins Santos Júnior 11 January 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa a fazer uma análise de canções cristãs evangélicas produzidas na
década de 80, tendo como influência as teologias contextuais praticadas no Brasil nesse
período, utilizando métodos exegéticos. A primeira parte traçará um breve panorama
sociológico do Brasil na década de 80 em conexão com a música praticada no período,
servindo como pano de fundo. A segunda evidenciará os agentes que influenciaram
diretamente o surgimento dessas músicas no Brasil e os referenciais teóricos desses agentes
no fazer e disseminar as canções de missão desse período. Também a segunda parte irá
tipificar essas canções, compostas sob a influência da teologia contextual, subdividindo-as em
categorias. À terceira parte, caberá a análise detalhada, visando a extrair dos textos das
canções a intencionalidade dos autores, ressaltando também os fatores específicos da
realidade elencada nos capítulos anteriores. / This paper aims to do an analysis of the Christian Evangelical songs produced in the decade
of the 80s, which were influenced by the contextual theologies practiced in Brazil during this
period, using exegetical methods. The first part will sketch out a brief sociological panorama
of Brazil in the 80s decade in connection with the music practiced in the period, serving as the
background. The second part will point out the agents who directly influenced the appearance
of these songs in Brazil and the theoretical references these agents used to make and
disseminate the mission songs of this period. The second part will also classify these songs,
composed under the influence of the contextual theology, subdividing them into categories.
The third part will be a detailed analysis, aiming at extracting from the texts of the songs the
intentionality of the authors, highlighting, as well, the specific factors of the reality spelled
out in the prior chapters.
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The Plight Of The Beautiful People: Sexuality And Death In Less Than Zero And The Doom GenerationMartinez, Ariana M 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
This essay analyzes how the films Less Than Zero and The Doom Generation intersect with their overlapping themes regarding sex, sexuality, and death. The intended goal of the readings in this essay is to examine how queerness was represented in film during the AIDS crisis, specifically through the feature of a sexually fluid trio of friends. It first identifies the common elements of both films, including the gender makeup of the friend group, ambiguous or unrealized queerness, the role of the car in sexual desire, and themes of death and demise. The essay then considers the context of the AIDS crisis and 80s conservatism, Lacanian ethics, and queer theory to dissect how these elements and themes are explored in opposing ways. My central argument then is that Less Than Zero uses these narrative elements in problematic ways to condemn its queer character and, subsequently, queer audiences, while The Doom Generation uses these elements to offer a more respectful and sympathetic view of its queer characters and audiences. This essay stands as another example of queer analysis conducted by a queer researcher to place both Less Than Zero and The Doom Generation in a unique conversation with one another as similar, though ultimately opposing films.
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L'essor des médias sociaux en Chine vu à travers le prisme des transformations sociétales : analyse de la naissance et du développement du cyber-espace chinois entre 1998 et 2016 / The rise of social media in China seen through the prism of societal transformations : analysis of the birth and development of Chinese cyber-space between 1998 and 2016Cui, Shuning 19 December 2018 (has links)
Dans un pays comme la Chine, où fonctionne un régime politique de front unique du Parti communiste, le système médiatique est caractérisé par la propagande, la concordance des points de vue et le secret. Au fur et à mesure du développement d’Internet et des réseaux sociaux, les citoyens chinois, en particulier les jeunes, se sont saisis de cet espace public numérique pour échanger des opinions en tâchant de contourner les médias de masse dominants officiels. La mobilisation en ligne des citoyens suscite un nouveau phénomène socio-politique en Chine. Notre recherche porte sur les usages du Web par la génération post-80 et les représentations qui sous-tendent ses expressions et actions en ligne. En analysant soixante-neuf entretiens semi-directifs réalisés avec des internautes répartis en quatre catégories, nous avons observé leurs réactions vis-à-vis d’affaires publiques controversées. Nous avons particulièrement interrogé ces jeunes cyber-citoyens sur les quatre réactions possibles à la censure d’Internet : l’indifférence, le silence, l’autocensure, et surtout la résistance. Aujourd’hui, le cyberespace n’est pas seulement une plate-forme de propagande pour restaurer et maintenir l’autorité du Parti communiste, mais aussi un espace où les citoyens s’accordent ou s’opposent dans des conversations interminables en ligne et hors ligne. Cela peut pousser certaines organisations officielles ou non-gouvernementales à résoudre des problèmes sociaux et/ou politiques. Dans ce contexte, nous cherchons à analyser le rôle socio-politique de l’espace public numérique et à vérifier s’il pourrait être une variante de la sphère publique habermassienne et exercer une influence sur la démocratie électronique dans la Chine contemporaine. / In China, the political regime is the united front, which supports, reinforces the leadership of the Communist Party and makes a media system characterised by secret, propaganda and unanimity of viewpoints. With the development of the Internet, Chinese citizens, especially the younger demographic, take advantage of the online public escape to express themselves and exchange ideas, by bypassing dominant mass media. The online mobilisation of Chinese citizens raises a new and interesting socio-political phenomenon. Therefore, our research will examine the web habits of the post-80's generation and to explore the representations that underly their online behaviour. From the analysis of semi-structured interviews carried out with 69 cyber citizens, which are classified by four categories, we observed their reactions to controversial public affairs. The analysis aims to identify four possible reactions to online censorship: indifferent attitudes, silence, self-censorship, and the resistance. It is noticeable that today cyberspace is not just a propaganda platform aimed at restoring and maintaining the Communist party’s authority, but also a wide-open space where citizens agree or disagree in endless controversies online and below the line. This may push some official or non-governmental organisations to solve social and/or political problems. In this context, we seek to analyse the socio-political role of the digital public space and to verify if it could be a variant of the Habermasian public sphere and influence e-democracy in contemporary China.
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Řízení a kontrola regionálních médií v Československu v 70. a 80. letech 20. století na příkladu informování o kulturních událostech pardubického okresu / Directing and control of regional media in Czechoslovakia in the 70s and 80s of the 20th century based on the example of media reflection of culture events in Pardubice districtSkalecká, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation thesis addresses the history of public relations of the Communist Party in Czechoslovakia in Pardubice district. It is focussed at the period of so-called normalization. Firstly, it discusses the historical context of the time for understanding the crisis of the system in 70s and 80s. The first chapters describe so-called Prague spring and military invasion in August 1968. Next chapters stress changes in politics and media after the election of Gustáv Husák to become First Secretary of the Communist Party in April, 1969. The second part of text is case study about Pardubice district. The main topic of dissertation thesis are newspaper of Pardubice district - Zář. But there are also chapters about radio, factory newspaper, regional Union of Czech Journalists or College in Pardubice and editors of student magazine. In the second part of case study attention is focussed on cultural section of newspaper Zář and its main topics - for example political anniversaries and the role of culture. In cultural section I analyze which information and how they were, or were not presented to public. Supervision and control over the media content was one of the main regime's tools to take over the culture area and its presentation.
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Produktová reklama 70. - 80. let v Československu a její návrat / Product Advertisement in Czechoslovakia in 70s - 80s and its comebackVomelová, Petra January 2017 (has links)
- the market through the campaign RETRO Týden comparing fifteen "retro" packages that were sold during socialistic era fifteen "present" s'
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Kinetic Analysis of Mammalian Translation InitiationYi, Sung-Hui 13 December 2021 (has links)
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