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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entwicklung eines 3D Neutronentransportcodes auf der Basis der Ray-Tracing-Methode und Untersuchungen zur Aufbereitung effektiver Gruppenquerschnitte für heterogene LWR-Zellen

Rohde, Ulrich [Projektleiter], Beckert, Carsten 31 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Standardmäßig erfolgt die Datenaufbereitung der Neutronenwirkungsquerschnitte für Reaktorkernrechnungen mit 2D-Zellcodes. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, einen 3D-Zellcode zu entwickeln, mit diesem Code 3D-Effekte zu untersuchen und die Notwendigkeit einer 3D-Datenaufbereitung der Neutronenwirkungsquerschnitte zu bewerten. Zur Berechnung des Neutronentransports wurde die Methode der Erststoßwahrscheinlichkeiten, die mit der Ray-Tracing-Methode berechnet werden, gewählt. Die mathematischen Algorithmen wurden in den 2D/3D-Zellcode TransRay umgesetzt. Für den Geometrieteil des Programms wurde das Geometriemodul eines Monte-Carlo-Codes genutzt. Das Ray-Tracing wurde auf Grund der hohen Rechenzeiten parallelisiert. Das Programm TransRay wurde an 2D-Testaufgaben verifiziert. Für einen Druckwasser-Referenzreaktor wurden folgende 3D-Probleme untersucht: Ein teilweise eingetauchter Regelstab und Void (bzw. Moderator mit geringerer Dichte) um einen Brennstab als Modell einer Dampfblase. Alle Probleme wurden zum Vergleich auch mit den Programmen HELIOS (2D) und MCNP (3D) nachgerechnet. Die Abhängigkeit des Multiplikationsfaktors und der gemittelten Zweigruppenquerschnitte von der Eintauchtiefe des Regelstabes bzw. von der Höhe der Dampfblase wurden untersucht. Die 3D berechneten Zweigruppenquerschnitte wurden mit drei üblichen Näherungen verglichen: linearer Interpolation, Interpolation mit Flusswichtung und Homogenisierung. Am 3D-Problem des Regelstabes zeigte sich, dass die Interpolation mit Flusswichtung eine gute Näherung ist. Demnach ist hier eine 3D-Datenaufbereitung nicht notwendig. Beim Testfall des einzelnen Brennstabs, der von Void (bzw. Moderator geringerer Dichte) umgeben ist, erwiesen sich die drei Näherungen für die Zweigruppenquerschnitte als unzureichend. Demnach ist eine 3D-Datenaufbereitung notwendig. Die einzelne Brennstabzelle mit Void kann als der Grenzfall eines Reaktors angesehen werden, in dem sich eine Phasengrenzfläche herausgebildet hat.

Characteristics of Concrete Containing Fly Ash With Hg-Adsorbent

Mahoutian, Mehrdad Unknown Date
No description available.

Hydro-mechanical behaviour of bentonite-based materials used for high-level radioactive waste disposal

Wang, Qiong 10 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This study deals with the hydro-mechanical behaviour of compacted bentonite-based materials used as sealing materials in high-level radioactive waste repositories. The pure MX80 bentontie, mixtures of MX80/crushed claystone and MX80/sand were used in the investigation. An experimental study on the swelling pressure of the bentonite-based materials was first performed. The results evidenced the effects of water chemistry, hydration procedure and duration, pre-existing technological void and experimental methods. Emphasis was put on the relationship between the swelling pressure and the final dry density of bentonite. Afterwards, the water retention test, hydration test and suction controlled oedometer test were conducted on samples with different voids including the technological void and the void inside the soil. By introducing the parameters as bentonite void ratio and water volume ratio, an overall analysis of the effects of voids on the hydro-mechanical response of the compacted material was performed. To get better insight into the seal evolution in case of technological void, the effects of final dry density and hydration time on the microstructure features were also characterized. Then, the hydraulic properties under unsaturated state were investigated by carrying out water retention test and infiltration test as well as the microstructure observation. The results obtained allowed relating the variation of hydraulic conductivity to the microstructure changes. A small scale (1/10) mock up test of the SEALEX in situ experiment was also performed to study the recovery capacity of bentonite-based material with consideration of a technological void. The results were used for interpreting the in-situ observations. With a reduced time scale, it provides useful information for estimating the saturation duration and sealing effectiveness of the field design. Finally, the experimental data obtained in the laboratory on bentonite/sand mixture were interpreted in the framework of the Barcelona Expansive Model (BExM). By comparing the model with the experimental results, the performance and limitation of the model were analyzed

Xxl, Metropolis As The Object Of Architecture

Alturk, Emre 01 May 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Beginning with its historical setting, architectural discourse conceived city as its ultimate object, as the ultimate extension of the composition: the largest building. It relentlessly aimed to link its &ldquo / pure&rdquo / object&mdash / building&mdash / to the city either by locating the two within the general processes of material production or through analogies. Yet, despite such continuity, architecture&rsquo / s relationship with the city was conceived as the projection of an internal economy onto the city and remained unilateral. Architecture operated from the small scale to the large scale, radiating its &lsquo / specificity&rsquo / through the city via building. It became obvious in the late 20th century that it was not the &lsquo / architectural specificity&rsquo / to penetrate into modern metropolis but vice versa. Being a complex agglomeration of cultural systems&mdash / including design itself&mdash / metropolitan multiplicity resists the determination of significance of built environment through the specific codes of any institutionalized practice. Acknowledging such a complex system of relationships, namely &ldquo / metropolitan non-design,&rdquo / this study offers a reassessment of &lsquo / architectural design&rsquo / within the contemporary &lsquo / metropolitan condition.&rsquo / Departing from the disjunction(s) between the significance attributed through design and its appropriation through metropolitan non-design, work at hand aims to elaborate a new mode of &lsquo / architectural intervention&rsquo / compatible with the metropolitan instability. Through a cross-examination of Rem Koolhaas&rsquo / s &lsquo / Delirious New York&rsquo / and OMA&rsquo / s &lsquo / Parc de la Villette,&rsquo / concepts such as &lsquo / program,&rsquo / &ldquo / void,&rdquo / &ldquo / Bigness&rdquo / and &lsquo / architectural scale&rsquo / will be reassessed. Moreover, the goal is to replace the conception of architecture-metropolis relationship that is formulated through a duality with one that is conceived in terms of interacting, contiguous signifying structures.

Hålrumsvariationer vid asfalttillverkning : En fallstudie vid Skanska enligt DMAIC avseende förbättringsmöjligheter vid kalltillsatt asfaltåtervinning / Void volume variations in asphalt manufacturing : A case study at Skanska based on DMAIC regarding opportunities for improvement when using cold RAP

Johansson, Paulina January 2018 (has links)
Att optimera hålrumshalten i färdig beläggning är essentiellt bland annat för att en vägkonstruktion inte ska få sprickor, spårbildning eller andra deformationer vid temperaturväxlingar  (Monismith, 1992). Eftersom både återvunnen och jungfrulig asfaltmassa består av stenmaterial, bitumen och tillsatsmedel är återvunnen asfalt värd den jungfruliga massans vikt ton för ton vid utbyte i ett arbetsrecept (Brock & Richmonds, 2007). I takt med att asfaltåtervinning blivit vanligare ökar dock komplexiteten, då återvunnet material är betydligt svårare än jungfruligt att karaktärisera (Karlsson & Isacsson, 2006). Eftersom användningen av återvunnet material förväntas öka samtidigt som lite forskning gjorts i ämnet är det därför av vikt att undersöka hålrumshalter vid kalltillsatt asfaltåtervinning. För studien undersöktes asfaltmassan ABT11 160/220 vid kalltillsättning av upp till 25 % asfaltåtervinning. Sex Sigmas problemlösningsmetodik DMAIC, vilket står för ett projektbaserat förhållningssätt i de fem faserna define, measure, analyze, improve och control, användes för att få en djupgående förståelse för hålrumsproblematiken. I metodiken användes i sin tur statistisk processtyrning och försöksplanering för att svara på studiens syfte, vilket var att granska och utvärdera orsakerna till varför hålrumshalter under asfalttillverkning varierar vid tillsättning av kallt asfaltgranulat samt ge rekommendationer för en förbättrad produktion med avseende på hålrumshalt. Efter granskning av historiska data, beräkningar, intervjuer och observationer ansågs de viktigaste orsakerna till hålrumsvariationer uppkomma från de fem källorna datahantering, kommunikation, resurshantering, materialkunskap och organisationskultur, där de två sistnämnda ansågs vara rotorsaker. På grund av examensarbetets avgränsning granskades endast materialkunskapen mer djupgående. För att fördjupa materialkunskapen valdes faktorerna asfaltåtervinning, jungfruligt bitumen, jungfruligt filler samt tillverknings- och instampningstemperatur ut för fortsatta studier genom två experiment. I det första experimentet granskades hur hålrumshalten påverkades av olika instampningstemperaturer genom en OFAT-studie och i det andra experimentet ansattes ett 24-1 faktorförsök enligt Splitplot där hålrummet mättes vid vanlig instampningstemperatur (135 ˚C) samt genom en vägsimulering. Resultatet från det första experimentet uppvisade ett förhållande enligt ett tredjegradspolynom mellan hålrum och instampningstemperatur med stora hålrumsförändringar under 125 ˚C och över 145 ˚C. Detta medför att det är av än större vikt att kontrollera temperaturen för lågtempererad massa och massa med mycket återvinning för att uppnå godkända hålrum vid utläggning. Det andra experimentet visade att även bitumen och återvinning är signifikanta effekter för hålrummet, där minskade bitumenhalter och ökade återvinningshalter medför högre hålrumshalter samt att återvinningshalter över 15 % medför oönskad ökning av hålrumshalter vid utläggning på väg. För att avhjälpa orsakerna till hålrumsvariationerna rekommenderas att data samlas, utvärderas, kommuniceras och följs upp i större utsträckning genom användning av statistisk processtyrning, värdeflödesanalyser och fortsatta materialstudier. Organisationskulturen bör förändras för att skapa en förståelse för vikten av rekommenderade metoder. Kan rekommendationerna följas innebär det en uppskattad ekonomisk besparing på 11 520 000kr/år, samtidigt som det skulle innebära miljömässiga fördelar i form av bland annat ett minskat uttag av ändliga resurser och minskade CO2-utsläpp. / Optimizing void volumes are essential for the serviceability of asphalt concrete pavements, as fatigue cracking, rutting and other permanent deformations can be caused by e.g. temperature changes (Monismith, 1992). Since both reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and virgin asphalt concrete consist of mineral aggregate, bitumen and additives, RAP is worth the virgin material it replaces ton for ton (Brock & Richmonds, 2007). As the use of RAP becomes more and more popular, the complexity of asphalt manufacturing increases (Karlsson & Isacsson, 2006). This, because the recycled material is harder to characterize than virgin material. Since the usage of RAP is expected to increase in hot-mix asphalt (HMA), while little research has been made in the field of cold feed RAP, it is of great importance to investigate the void volumes with this method. During this study, ABT11 160/220 with the addition of up to 25% cold feed RAP was therefore investigated. Six Sigma’s project improvement methodology DMAIC, acronym for the five phases define, measure, analyze, improve and control, were used to get an in depth understanding for the variations in void volumes. In this method, Statistical Process Control and Design of Experiments were used to answer the research purpose, which was to investigate and evaluate the reasons to why void volumes during asphalt manufacturing varies when adding cold RAP and give recommendations for an improved production regarding void volumes. After an investigation of historic data, calculations, interviews and observations, the most important causes for variations in void volumes came from data collection, communication, resource management, material knowledge and organizational culture, where the last two are seen as root causes. Because of the research delimitations, only the material knowledge was looked into further. To extend the knowledge of the material, the factors RAP, virgin bitumen, virgin filler, manufacturing temperature and temperature for Marshall testing were analyzed through two experiments. In the first experiment, the relationship between void volumes and the temperature for Marshall testing were investigated through an OFAT study, and the second experiment was made through a 24-1 factorial design according to Split plot, in which the void volumes were measured through the normal Marshall testing temperature (135 ˚C) and through a road simulation.  The OFAT result showed that a third degree linear relationship is present between the void volumes and the Marshall testing temperature, with large changes for temperatures lower than 125 ˚C and greater than 145 ˚C. This entails an increased importance of controlling the temperature for warm-mix asphalt (WMA) and asphalt with increased volumes of RAP. The Split plot experiment showed that also bitumen and RAP are significant effects for the void volume, where decreased volumes of bitumen and increased volumes of RAP entails higher void volumes in the pavement. Over 15 % RAP also entails greater void volumes. To decrease the causes for variations in void volumes, the recommendation is to collect, evaluate, communicate and follow up data at a higher extent through implementation of statistical process control, value flow analysis and continued material studies. The organizational culture ought to be changed to create an understanding of the recommended methods. If the recommendations are followed, estimated economic savings of 11 520 000kr/year can be a reality, as well as environmental benefits of e.g. a decreased use of finite resources and reduced CO2 emissions.

Erro invalidante da dogmática do negócio jurídico

Kliemann, Ana Carolina January 2006 (has links)
A regulamentação das hipóteses de erro no Direito Obrigacional foi objeto de profunda alteração em razão da nova redação atribuída à matéria pelo novo Código Civil e em razão do novo cenário desenhado pelo princípio da manutenção do contrato. A presente dissertação trata das diferenças entre a regulamentação do erro em face do Código anterior (1916 – “CC/16”, artigos 86 a 113) e do novo Código (2002 – “CC/02”, artigos 138 a 166). Além disso, a dissertação trata sobre as conseqüências advindas do desfazimento do negócio jurídico por erro, inclusive sobre eventual indenização. As questões propostas e que subjazem esta dissertação são: em quais situações a parte pode requerer o desfazimento por erro? A existência de erro, somente, é suficiente para que se declare inválido o contrato? E quais são as conseqüências da invalidação do negócio jurídico? Há algum dever indenizatório? As respostas a essas questões serão umas, se analisadas a partir das regras do Código Civil de 1916, e outras, se respondidas com base nas regras do Código Civil de 2002. A dissertação analisa o fato de, em regra, a doutrina apontar como modificação do novo Código Civil a introdução do princípio da proteção da confiança daquele que não agiu em erro. Na verdade, no entanto, essa proteção já era implementada na vigência do Código Civil anterior (CC/16), por meio do dever de indenizar. Portanto, a proteção da outra parte não é novidade introduzida pelo novo Código Civil (CC/02). A tese exposta nesta dissertação aponta para o fato de que, além da proteção da outra parte, a lei protege o contrato em si, como uma forma de proteger o comércio, ou seja, todos os demais contratos que dependem dele, direta ou indiretamente. E essa proteção é colocada em prática ao se dificultar o desfazimento do negócio jurídico por erro. Nesse sentido, o novo Código Civil inovou ao acrescentar um outro requisito para o desfazimento do negócio por erro: a sua recognoscibilidade. / The regulation of the hypotheses of mistake in Contract Law has suffered deep modifications due to the new wording of the new Civil Code and the new scenario drafted by the principle of maintenance of the contract. The presented thesis covers the differences between the old regulation supported by the old Civil Code (1916 – “CC/16”, articles 86 to 113) and the new one (2002 – “CC/02”, articles 138 to 166). Besides that, it deals with the consequences of the extinguishment of the contract due to mistake, including the possibility of indemnification of the other party. The questions posed, which are beneath this thesis, are: in which situations a party may avoid a contract for mistake? The existence of the mistake, solely, is enough to make the contract unenforceable? And what are the consequences? Is there any duty of indemnification? The answers will be different according to the rules of the Civil Code of 1916 and the 2002 one. In general, writers have pointed out as the modification introduced by the new Civil Code the protection of the other party that has not acted in mistake. Actually, this protection has been in evidence since the old Civil Code (CC/16), what was put into practice throughout the duty of indemnification. Thus, the protection of the other party is not the change introduced by the new Civil Code (CC/02). The point is that the new law, besides protecting the other party, protects also the contract itself, as a means of protection of the market, or, in other words, all other contractual relations that depend on it, direct or indirectly. And this protection is put into practice by making more difficult to terminate the contract for mistake. In this sense, the new Civil Code added one more requisite: the recognosibility of the mistake.

Erro invalidante da dogmática do negócio jurídico

Kliemann, Ana Carolina January 2006 (has links)
A regulamentação das hipóteses de erro no Direito Obrigacional foi objeto de profunda alteração em razão da nova redação atribuída à matéria pelo novo Código Civil e em razão do novo cenário desenhado pelo princípio da manutenção do contrato. A presente dissertação trata das diferenças entre a regulamentação do erro em face do Código anterior (1916 – “CC/16”, artigos 86 a 113) e do novo Código (2002 – “CC/02”, artigos 138 a 166). Além disso, a dissertação trata sobre as conseqüências advindas do desfazimento do negócio jurídico por erro, inclusive sobre eventual indenização. As questões propostas e que subjazem esta dissertação são: em quais situações a parte pode requerer o desfazimento por erro? A existência de erro, somente, é suficiente para que se declare inválido o contrato? E quais são as conseqüências da invalidação do negócio jurídico? Há algum dever indenizatório? As respostas a essas questões serão umas, se analisadas a partir das regras do Código Civil de 1916, e outras, se respondidas com base nas regras do Código Civil de 2002. A dissertação analisa o fato de, em regra, a doutrina apontar como modificação do novo Código Civil a introdução do princípio da proteção da confiança daquele que não agiu em erro. Na verdade, no entanto, essa proteção já era implementada na vigência do Código Civil anterior (CC/16), por meio do dever de indenizar. Portanto, a proteção da outra parte não é novidade introduzida pelo novo Código Civil (CC/02). A tese exposta nesta dissertação aponta para o fato de que, além da proteção da outra parte, a lei protege o contrato em si, como uma forma de proteger o comércio, ou seja, todos os demais contratos que dependem dele, direta ou indiretamente. E essa proteção é colocada em prática ao se dificultar o desfazimento do negócio jurídico por erro. Nesse sentido, o novo Código Civil inovou ao acrescentar um outro requisito para o desfazimento do negócio por erro: a sua recognoscibilidade. / The regulation of the hypotheses of mistake in Contract Law has suffered deep modifications due to the new wording of the new Civil Code and the new scenario drafted by the principle of maintenance of the contract. The presented thesis covers the differences between the old regulation supported by the old Civil Code (1916 – “CC/16”, articles 86 to 113) and the new one (2002 – “CC/02”, articles 138 to 166). Besides that, it deals with the consequences of the extinguishment of the contract due to mistake, including the possibility of indemnification of the other party. The questions posed, which are beneath this thesis, are: in which situations a party may avoid a contract for mistake? The existence of the mistake, solely, is enough to make the contract unenforceable? And what are the consequences? Is there any duty of indemnification? The answers will be different according to the rules of the Civil Code of 1916 and the 2002 one. In general, writers have pointed out as the modification introduced by the new Civil Code the protection of the other party that has not acted in mistake. Actually, this protection has been in evidence since the old Civil Code (CC/16), what was put into practice throughout the duty of indemnification. Thus, the protection of the other party is not the change introduced by the new Civil Code (CC/02). The point is that the new law, besides protecting the other party, protects also the contract itself, as a means of protection of the market, or, in other words, all other contractual relations that depend on it, direct or indirectly. And this protection is put into practice by making more difficult to terminate the contract for mistake. In this sense, the new Civil Code added one more requisite: the recognosibility of the mistake.

Freeze-thaw performance of prestressed concrete railroad ties

Albahttiti, Mohammed T. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Civil Engineering / Kyle Riding / Air voids are purposefully entrained in concrete to provide freeze-thaw durability of prestressed concrete railroad ties. Durability assurance requires consistent provision of an air void system comprised of small, well-distributed bubbles in sufficient quantity for durability and a quality control method for testing tie freeze-thaw durability. Manufacturing processes at three concrete manufacturing plants were investigated in order to determine the effects of process variability on resulting concrete air void system variability. Variation in the concrete air void system and other rheological properties occurred as results of the manufacturing process and vibration. Freezing and thawing durability testing of prestressed concrete ties is currently performed by applying ASTM C666 on 3 x 4 x 11 to 16 in. specimens cut from the shoulders of concrete ties. However, excising these specimens from prestressed concrete could lead to stress changes in the sample and cracking, potentially causing false interpretations of results. Therefore, testing was undertaken to understand the effects of prestressing and sample extraction on freeze-thaw durability measured by ASTM C666. In order to assess the effects of sampling and testing procedures on freeze-thaw quality control testing results of prestressed concrete railroad ties, full ties, half ties, and 3 x 4 x 11 in. excised samples were tested. Freeze-thaw testing included determination of the optimal method to measure freeze-thaw deterioration in large sections, the effects of saw-cutting, and the presence of reinforcement. Results indicated that the Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity accurately represented deterioration in large sections. The presence of reinforcement in excised samples led to faster deterioration compared to cast ASTM C666 samples, while saw-cutting without reinforcement did not significantly affect freeze-thaw durability.

Numerical analysis of lead-free solder joints : effects of thermal cycling and electromigration

Zha, Xu January 2016 (has links)
To meet the requirements of miniaturization and multifunction in microelectronics, understanding of their reliability and performance has become an important research subject in order to characterise electronics served under various loadings. Along with the demands of the increasing miniaturization of electronic devices, various properties and the relevant thermo-mechanical-electrical response of the lead-free solder joints to thermal cycling and electro-migration become the critical factors, which affect the service life of microelectronics in different applications. However, due to the size and structure of solder interconnects in microelectronics, traditional methods based on experiments are not applicable in the evaluation of their reliability under complex joint loadings. This thesis presents an investigation, which is based on finite-element method, into the performance of lead-free solder interconnects under thermal fatigue and electro-migration, specifically in the areas as follows: (1) the investigation of thermal-mechanical performance and fatigue-life prediction of flip-chip package under different sizes to achieve a further understanding of IMC layer and size effects of a flip chip package under thermal cycling; (2) the establishment of a numerical method, simulating void-formation/crack-propagation based on the results of finite-element analysis, to allow the prediction of crack evolution and failure time for electro-migration reliability of solder bumps; (3) the establishment of a flow-based algorithm for combination effects of thermal-mechanical and electro-migration that was subsequent implemented in to an FE model to evaluate the reliability assessment of service lives associated with a flip chip package.

Erro invalidante da dogmática do negócio jurídico

Kliemann, Ana Carolina January 2006 (has links)
A regulamentação das hipóteses de erro no Direito Obrigacional foi objeto de profunda alteração em razão da nova redação atribuída à matéria pelo novo Código Civil e em razão do novo cenário desenhado pelo princípio da manutenção do contrato. A presente dissertação trata das diferenças entre a regulamentação do erro em face do Código anterior (1916 – “CC/16”, artigos 86 a 113) e do novo Código (2002 – “CC/02”, artigos 138 a 166). Além disso, a dissertação trata sobre as conseqüências advindas do desfazimento do negócio jurídico por erro, inclusive sobre eventual indenização. As questões propostas e que subjazem esta dissertação são: em quais situações a parte pode requerer o desfazimento por erro? A existência de erro, somente, é suficiente para que se declare inválido o contrato? E quais são as conseqüências da invalidação do negócio jurídico? Há algum dever indenizatório? As respostas a essas questões serão umas, se analisadas a partir das regras do Código Civil de 1916, e outras, se respondidas com base nas regras do Código Civil de 2002. A dissertação analisa o fato de, em regra, a doutrina apontar como modificação do novo Código Civil a introdução do princípio da proteção da confiança daquele que não agiu em erro. Na verdade, no entanto, essa proteção já era implementada na vigência do Código Civil anterior (CC/16), por meio do dever de indenizar. Portanto, a proteção da outra parte não é novidade introduzida pelo novo Código Civil (CC/02). A tese exposta nesta dissertação aponta para o fato de que, além da proteção da outra parte, a lei protege o contrato em si, como uma forma de proteger o comércio, ou seja, todos os demais contratos que dependem dele, direta ou indiretamente. E essa proteção é colocada em prática ao se dificultar o desfazimento do negócio jurídico por erro. Nesse sentido, o novo Código Civil inovou ao acrescentar um outro requisito para o desfazimento do negócio por erro: a sua recognoscibilidade. / The regulation of the hypotheses of mistake in Contract Law has suffered deep modifications due to the new wording of the new Civil Code and the new scenario drafted by the principle of maintenance of the contract. The presented thesis covers the differences between the old regulation supported by the old Civil Code (1916 – “CC/16”, articles 86 to 113) and the new one (2002 – “CC/02”, articles 138 to 166). Besides that, it deals with the consequences of the extinguishment of the contract due to mistake, including the possibility of indemnification of the other party. The questions posed, which are beneath this thesis, are: in which situations a party may avoid a contract for mistake? The existence of the mistake, solely, is enough to make the contract unenforceable? And what are the consequences? Is there any duty of indemnification? The answers will be different according to the rules of the Civil Code of 1916 and the 2002 one. In general, writers have pointed out as the modification introduced by the new Civil Code the protection of the other party that has not acted in mistake. Actually, this protection has been in evidence since the old Civil Code (CC/16), what was put into practice throughout the duty of indemnification. Thus, the protection of the other party is not the change introduced by the new Civil Code (CC/02). The point is that the new law, besides protecting the other party, protects also the contract itself, as a means of protection of the market, or, in other words, all other contractual relations that depend on it, direct or indirectly. And this protection is put into practice by making more difficult to terminate the contract for mistake. In this sense, the new Civil Code added one more requisite: the recognosibility of the mistake.

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