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Zapojení zaměstnavatelů do poskytování služeb péče o děti předškolního věku v ČR / Involvement of employers in the provision of care for preschool children in the Czech RepublicRumanová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
My thesis deals with the involvement of employers in the provision of child care services in the Czech republic, their legislative options, motivations, and challenges associated with providing these services. In addition to the so-called. "firm" kindergartens governed by the School Low, recently there was established new child care in children's groups. I try to describe and explain the process of creating this new legislation using optics of Multiple Streams Theory. The conducted expert interviews and interviews with representatives of employers helped me with the identification of external motivations and influences mainly from the state and the surrounding environment and internal factors directly related to the organization. Problem areas mainly concern the establishment of the service and its sustainability. At the conclusion of the thesis, there are formulated recommendations that could help a greater involvement of employers in the provision of childcare services.
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Un regard sociologique sur la néolibéralisation des services de garde au QuébecGentil, Olivier 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire examine le traitement politique des services de garde au Québec, dans son articulation à l'expansion de l'État néolibéral. Nous nous intéressons au rôle attribué à ces services dans la « régulation d'ensemble » de l'économie, à leurs effets sur l'organisation des rapports sociaux de genre et de classe, ainsi qu'aux discours légitimant l'intervention (ou non) de l'État dans ce secteur d'activité. Trois périodes sont examinées : 1) le moment providentiel (1945-1979) ; 2) la période de transition néolibérale (1980-2003) ; 3) le moment néolibéral (2004-2015). Par le biais d'une analyse des publications gouvernementales et de la « littérature grise », nous cherchons ainsi à comprendre les logiques guidant l'élaboration des politiques gouvernementales dans ce domaine. Les principes et les idées dégagées du corpus sont évalués au regard des concepts de défamilialisation, de démarchandisation et de collectivisation.
Après avoir soutenu la familialisation des activités domestiques dans l'après-guerre, l'État québécois s'intéresse de plus en plus aux services de garde à partir des années 1980. L'investissement dans ce secteur d'activité connaît ensuite des avancées spectaculaires à la fin des années 1990 avec la création des centres de la petite enfance. Observons qu’au même moment, le gouvernement adopte une série de réformes visant le retour à l'équilibre des finances publiques et la « modernisation » de l'État québécois. On procède alors à des compressions budgétaires importantes dans la plupart des programmes sociaux. Enfin, après avoir rallié la faveur des élu.e.s, la politique de services de garde connaît plusieurs changements au cours des dernières décennies suivantes, menant progressivement à la privatisation de l'offre. Ce changement est principalement observé à travers les phénomènes de fiscalisation des subventions gouvernementales, c'est-à-dire l'investissement dans les programmes fiscaux et l'abandon progressif du principe de prix unique.
Ce mémoire vise à contribuer à une meilleure compréhension des débats et des discours entourant les services de garde au Québec depuis l'après-guerre. En retraçant la sociohistoire des services de garde sur le temps long, nous montrons l'influence considérable des discours et des cibles économiques du gouvernement dans l'évolution des politiques publiques rattachées à la petite enfance. / This thesis examines the political treatment of childcare services in the province of Quebec, as it
relates to the expansion of the neoliberal state. We focus our attention on the role attributed to
these services in the "overall regulation" of the economy, their impact on gender and class
relations’ organization, as well as on the rhetoric legitimizing, on the one hand, state intervention
in this sector of activity and, on the other hand, its absence thereof. Three periods are examined:
1) the welfare period (1945-1979); 2) the neoliberal transition period (1980-2003); 3) the
neoliberal period (2004-2015). Through an analysis of documents (both governmental and from
the “grey literature”), we seek to understand the logic guiding the development of government
policies in this field. The principles guiding state action in this matter that we have identified are
evaluated through the lens of the following concepts: de-familialization, de-commodification and
After supporting the familialization of domestic activities in the post-war period, the Quebec
government became increasingly interested in childcare services in the 1980s. Investment in this
sector of activity then experienced spectacular growth at the end of the 1990s with the creation
of early childhood centers. At the same time, the government adopted a series of reforms aimed
at restoring balance to public finances and the "modernization" of the state. Significant cuts thus
followed in most social programs. Finally, after gaining the favor of elected officials, daycare
service policy underwent several changes over the following decades, gradually leading to the
privatization of services. This change is mainly observed through the taxation of government
subsidies, the investment in tax programs and the gradual abandoning of the unique price policy.
This thesis contributes to a better understanding of the debates and discourses surrounding
childcare services in Quebec, in a context of neoliberalization of the state. By studying the social
history of childcare services over a long period, we show the influence of government discourse
and economic targets on the choice of whether or not to invest in childcare services.
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Proud to Send Those Parachutes Off: Central Utah's Rosies During World War IIBorneman, Amanda Midgley 17 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
World War II affected individuals across the nation, both on the home front and on the front lines. Manti, Utah received a new industry, a parachute plant, in connection with the war. Hundreds of women from Sanpete County and neighboring counties were employed through the duration of the war in everything from sewing and inspection to supervision of production. Some of the women utilized childcare facilities, some formed a union, and many found community and familial support. For many of them, this wartime wage work provided a welcomed alternative to the work usually found in rural areas, such as farm work, housework, and café work. Women were primarily motivated to work out of patriotic duty and economic opportunity. In many wartime industries, women were in previously male-dominated occupations and lost their jobs at the conclusion of the war. In contrast, the parachute plant offered its women workers the opportunity to continue working when the plant began manufacturing clothing after the war, and the surrounding rural community was largely supportive of its working women. This study makes a case for the long-term impact of wartime work upon individual women. Work experience outside the home affected the women's estimation and definition of themselves. The war period was a crucial event in women's lives, not just an important passing stage. Oral histories allow interpretation in the context of their adult lives from a long-term perspective. By delving into community and family situations and looking at these women on an individualized basis in the long-term, this study goes deeper than surveys and makes substantive contributions to our understanding of the war's influence. The period of wartime work, when viewed in the long-term context of the women's lives, was significant especially in that women had additional economic resources at their disposal and acquired new-found confidence and skills. Women's work experiences provoked desire for future work and served as a source of confidence to them. Personal, individualized victories for women, often ignored or concealed by aggregate statistics on women's work during and immediately following the war, were a reality for women in Manti and likely elsewhere in America.
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De l’évaluation des capacités langagières à la participation sociale d’enfants d’âge préscolaire : étude d’une population clinique et des écrits scientifiquesBreault, Chantale 04 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse veut optimiser l’évaluation d’enfants de 2 à 5 ans vivant avec un trouble développemental du langage (TDL), en se centrant moins sur leurs déficits et davantage sur leur participation sociale. Premièrement, la stabilité des atteintes langagières documentées par l’orthophoniste à l’âge préscolaire est vérifiée dans un échantillon d’enfants référés en clinique spécialisée. Deuxièmement, les méthodes d’évaluation de la participation pertinentes à cet âge, particulièrement dans le domaine de la socialisation, sont recensées. Troisièmement, l’applicabilité d’un modèle d’évaluation hiérarchique de la compétence sociale en collaboration avec le personnel éducateur et enseignant est testée dans une population clinique. Deux études de cohorte ont été menées avec des données extraites des dossiers médicaux d’enfants ayant consulté dans une clinique psychiatrique en petite enfance sur une période de dix ans (N = 466), et les écrits scientifiques ont été synthétisés par une revue de la portée.
Selon la première étude, la présence ou l’absence de difficultés langagières demeure très stable (94%) entre deux conclusions orthophoniques, chez des enfants référés en clinique spécialisée durant la petite enfance (n = 149). Au terme de la revue de littérature, les 480 publications retenues font état de 186 méthodes différentes visant à évaluer la participation d’enfants de 2 à 5 ans, notamment dans le domaine de la socialisation. Cette revue confirme aussi que le Profil socio-affectif de l’enfant (PSA; LaFreniere et al., 1997) est une mesure de la compétence sociale répandue dans le monde. La dernière étude permet d’identifier dans l’échelle de compétence sociale du PSA deux facteurs distincts, proposés selon le modèle théorique d’Ashton (2018). En contrôlant plusieurs caractéristiques d’enfants consultant en clinique avec TDL (n = 217) et sans TDL (n = 99), un modèle d’équation structurelle supporte la pertinence d’évaluer d’abord l’adaptation sociale (liée à la satisfaction des enfants, des pairs et des adultes dans l’interaction) puis, seulement si des difficultés d’adaptation sont observées, le fonctionnement social (lié aux comportements que l’enfant actualise).
Les retombées de cette thèse sont importantes. D’abord, elle démontre que des enfants référés en bas âge vers des services spécialisés ont un profil langagier extrêmement stable au préscolaire, par opposition à ce qui avait été documenté dans la population générale. L’identification précoce du risque de persistance peut influencer les services offerts à ces enfants durant une période critique de leur développement. Ensuite, l’évaluation des impacts fonctionnels, désormais requise pour conclure à un TDL, peut être facilitée par la recension interdisciplinaire de mesures d’évaluation de la participation, notamment dans le domaine de la socialisation. Finalement, l’applicabilité d’un modèle hiérarchique d’évaluation de la compétence sociale, testé dans une population clinique en utilisant un outil déjà utilisé au Québec, pourrait favoriser la concertation de l’orthophoniste, du personnel éducateur et des partenaires d’autres disciplines, afin de favoriser l’inclusion de l’enfant dans les contextes éducatifs en petite enfance. En somme, les trois études offrent des ressources supplémentaires à l’orthophoniste et à toutes les personnes intéressées par un paradigme d’évaluation plus social que médical, dans le cadre de pratiques collaboratives et centrées sur la famille. / This thesis aims to optimize the assessment of children aged 2 to 5 years with a developmental language disorder (DLD), focusing less on their deficits and more on their social participation. First, the stability of language impairments documented by the speech-language pathologist (SLP) at preschool age is verified in a sample of children referred to a specialized clinic. Second, participation assessment methods relevant to children aged 2 to 5 years, particularly in the area of socialization, are identified. Third, the applicability of a hierarchical assessment model of social competence in collaboration with educators and teachers is tested in a clinical population. Two cohort studies were conducted using data extracted from the medical records of children seen in an early childhood psychiatric clinic over a ten-year period (N = 466), and the scientific literature was synthesized by a scoping review.
The first study’s results documented that the presence or absence of language difficulties remained very stable (94%) in children referred to a specialized clinic during early childhood (n = 149) when two SLP assessments were compared. The 480 publications retained at the end of the literature review report 186 different methods for assessing the participation of children aged 2 to 5 years, particularly in the area of socialization. This review also confirms that the Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation (SCBE; LaFreniere & Dumas, 1995) is a widely used measure of social competence in the world. The last study identifies two distinct factors in the SCBE social competence scale, based on Ashton's (2018) theoretical model. Controlling for several characteristics of children consulting in clinic with DLD (n = 217) and without DLD (n = 99), a structural equation model supports the appropriateness of first assessing social adjustment (related to child, peer, and adult satisfaction with interaction) and then, only if adjustment difficulties are observed, social functioning (related to the behaviors the child actualizes).
The implications of this thesis are significant. First, it demonstrates that children referred to specialized services at an early age have an extremely stable language profile in the preschool period, in contrast to what has been documented in the general population. Early identification of persistence risk may influence the services provided to the child during a critical period of development. Second, the assessment of functional impacts, now required to conclude that a child has DLD, can be facilitated by the interdisciplinary review of measures of participation, particularly in the area of socialization. Finally, the applicability of a hierarchical model of social competence assessment, tested in a clinical population using a standardized tool already in use in Quebec, could foster collaboration among SLPs, preschool educators and teachers, and partners from other disciplines, to promote child inclusion in early childhood and preschool settings. In sum, all three studies provide additional resources for the SLP and all those interested in a more social than medical assessment paradigm, within collaborative, family-centered practices.
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<b>Exploring the Experiences of </b><b>Pregnant Graduate Students</b>Carolina Maria De Sevilla Torres (20410775) 11 December 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This phenomenological study seeks to document the lived experiences of pregnant graduate students. Feminist theory and intersectionality will be used to analyze the social supports, social experiences and communication about the availability of resources for pregnant graduate students based on participant answers. Specifically, information about what university support is available to pregnant students was sought. Participants were also asked for their suggestions on social supports for pregnant graduate students. Participants reported the need for a system to help pregnant and parenting students to connect within their campus and across campuses, expanded social supports during pregnancy and the postpartum period such as miscarriage support, and clearly communicated program and university wide policies regarding pregnancy. Two participants discussed how becoming mothers positively impacted their role as researchers and academics. The need for more accessibility on campus and more virtual and hybrid options for pregnant students was highlighted. Results suggest a shift towards acceptance and celebration of pregnant bodies in academia. The role of graduate student unions in helping pregnant graduate students was also discussed. Clinical and systemic applications for family therapists and education policy are recommended.</p>
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Pragmatique et compétence sociale au préscolaire : étude d'une mise en pratique d'une intervention de groupe auprès d'enfants ayant un trouble développemental du langage probable ou nonDionne, Marylène 12 1900 (has links)
Depuis plusieurs années, la pratique orthophonique tend à s’éloigner d’une approche biomédicale pour plutôt s’inscrire dans un modèle social axé sur les besoins et la participation sociale de la personne. Les jeunes enfants qui ont un trouble développemental du langage (TDL) peuvent rencontrer des difficultés de compétence sociale qui se manifesteront par des impacts fonctionnels dans leurs activités et interactions sociales. Afin de soutenir leur développement et leur pleine participation sociale, une intervention orthophonique précoce est souvent nécessaire. Bien que les relations entre langage et compétence sociale demeurent à explorer, les quelques études disponibles font ressortir le rôle important de la pragmatique. Or, il existe actuellement peu d’études qui documentent les effets des interventions ciblant les compétences pragmatiques chez les enfants ayant un TDL, et celles qui sont disponibles ont principalement été réalisées auprès d’enfants du primaire et en modalité individuelle. Ainsi, l’intention principale qui a mené à cette thèse est de contribuer à l’identification des meilleures pratiques orthophoniques pour soutenir le développement des enfants d’âge préscolaire ayant un TDL probable dans l’un de leurs milieux de vie significatifs, soit le service de garde éducatif à l’enfance (SGEE). Pour ce faire, une intervention ciblant les habiletés pragmatiques et qui est offerte en modalité de groupe dans des SGEE a été mise à l’étude. Les objectifs poursuivis sont : 1) Décrire les relations entre les compétences pragmatiques, les compétences linguistiques et la compétence sociale des enfants d’âge préscolaire fréquentant un service de garde éducatif à l’enfance, 2) Décrire la démarche clinique ayant menée à l’élaboration de l’intervention de groupe proposée et en décrire la faisabilité et 3) Décrire les effets de l’intervention de groupe sur les compétences pragmatiques et sur la compétence sociale des enfants d’âge préscolaire ayant un TDL probable.
Pour répondre aux objectifs, trois études issues d’un même grand projet de recherche ont été développées. Des mesures linguistiques (diversité lexicale et longueur moyenne des énoncés en mots), pragmatiques (questionnaire parental, intentions de communication, récit d’expérience personnelle et mesures observationnelles) et de compétence sociale (questionnaire rempli par l’éducatrice) ont été récoltées. Concernant l’intervention, les groupes qui ont participé à ce volet du projet de recherche ont bénéficié de 10 rencontres d’intervention à raison d’une rencontre d’environ une heure par semaine.
En utilisant un devis transversal, la première étude a permis d’identifier que les enfants ayant un TDL probable présentent des difficultés sur le plan de leur ajustement social comparativement à leurs pairs sans difficultés, et ce plus particulièrement en ce qui concerne leur autonomie. Les résultats suggèrent que les habiletés de conversation et de narration personnelle sont fortement associées à l’ajustement social de l’enfant.
Ensuite, l’intervention de groupe proposée a été décrite de manière détaillée dans la deuxième étude. Cette étude a également démontré la faisabilité du modèle d’intervention et le potentiel de se transposer aux milieux cliniques. Les études de cas présentées ont aussi permis de décrire la dynamique interactionnelle entre l’orthophoniste et l’enfant ayant un TDL probable lors de l’intervention. Il en ressort que l’orthophoniste offre un soutien individualisé à l’enfant au sein du groupe afin de faciliter sa participation et développer son initiative conversationnelle.
Enfin, au moyen d’un devis quasi-expérimental, la dernière étude a fait ressortir les effets de l’intervention sur la pragmatique et la compétence sociale des enfants. Les analyses de groupe suggèrent des effets limités de l’intervention sur la pragmatique des enfants. Les études de cas révèlent tout de même que l’intervention proposée peut être associée à des gains sur le plan de la narration et de l’initiative conversationnelle. De plus, les analyses de groupe et les études de cas suggèrent que les habiletés de compétence sociale se sont améliorées à la suite de l’intervention.
Les résultats de cette thèse permettent de mieux comprendre les impacts fonctionnels rencontrés par les enfants ayant un TDL probable dans leur milieu de garde. Ceci contribue à faciliter l’identification des besoins de ces enfants. Ils permettent aussi d’approfondir les connaissances liées à l’efficacité des interventions pragmatiques de groupe au préscolaire tout en explicitant la démarche clinique. Les constats qui découlent de cette thèse permettent de formuler des recommandations quant aux pratiques orthophoniques pour soutenir l’intégration des enfants ayant un TDL probable. Ils soulèvent aussi des pistes d’exploration pour les recherches futures afin d’assurer le développement global des jeunes enfants fréquentant un milieu de garde. / For several years, there’s been a shift in speech-language therapy practice from a biomedical approach towards a socio-political model of disability focused on one’s needs and social participation. Children with developmental language disorder (DLD) may experience social competence difficulties that will have functional impacts in their social activities and interactions. In order to fully support their development and social participation, early intervention is often necessary. Although the relationships between language and social competence remain to be explored, the few studies currently available highlight the important role of pragmatics. However, there are currently not enough studies reporting the efficacy of interventions targeting pragmatic skills in children with DLD, and those available were mainly one to one intervention aimed at school-aged children. Thus, the main intention that led to this thesis is to contribute to the identification of best speech-language therapy practices supporting the development of preschool children at risk of DLD in one of their significant life environments, namely the educational childcare service. To do so, a group intervention targeting pragmatic skills and implemented in daycares was studied. The objectives are: 1) Describe the relationships between pragmatic skills, linguistic skills and social competence of preschool children attending an educational childcare service, 2) Describe the clinical approach that led to the development of the proposed group intervention and describe its feasibility and 3) Describe the effects of the group intervention on the pragmatic skills and social competence of preschool children with probable DLD.
To meet the objectives, three studies from the same large research project were developed. Linguistic measures (lexical diversity and mean length of utterances in words), pragmatic measures (parental questionnaire, communication intents, personal experience narrative and observational measures) and social competence (questionnaire completed by the childcare educator) were collected. Concerning the intervention, the groups which participated in this part of the research project benefited from 10 intervention sessions at a rate of one session of approximately one hour per week.
Using a cross-sectional design, the first study identified that children at risk of DLD have difficulties in terms of their social adjustment compared to their peers without difficulties, and more particularly regarding their autonomy. Results suggest that conversation and personal narrative skills are strongly associated with children's social adjustment.
Then, the group intervention was described in detail in the second study. This study also demonstrated the feasibility of the intervention model and the potential to be transposed to clinical settings. The case studies presented also made it possible to describe the interactional dynamics between the speech-language therapist and the child at risk of DLD during the intervention. It appears that the speech-language therapist offers individualized support to the child within the group in order to facilitate their participation and develop their conversational initiative.
Finally, using a quasi-experimental design, the last study highlighted the effects of the intervention on children's pragmatics and social competence. Group results suggest limited effects of the intervention on pragmatic skills. The case studies nevertheless reveal that the intervention can be associated with gains in terms of personal narrative and conversational initiative. Additionally, group results and case studies suggest that social competence skills improved following the intervention.
The results of this thesis allow, on the one hand, a better understanding of the functional impacts encountered by children with probable DLD in their childcare environment. This helps to facilitate the identification of the needs of these children. On the other hand, they deepen the knowledge on the efficacy of pragmatic interventions in preschool children while describing the proposed group intervention. The findings resulting from this thesis make it possible to formulate recommendations regarding speech-language therapy practices supporting inclusion of children with at risk of DLD. They also raise avenues of exploration for future research to ensure the overall development of young children attending daycares.
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How Germans use their time / essays on the reconciliation of work and social lifeScheffel, Juliane 01 September 2011 (has links)
Diese Dissertation besteht aus vier Aufsätzen, die zur empirischen Literatur der Allokation der Arbeitszeit beitragen. Der erste Artikel untersucht die Wechselbeziehung zwischen Arbeit und Sozialleben von Paaren und untersucht die Synchronisation der Arbeitszeiten. Ein neuer Analyseansatz wird vorgeschlagen, der es ermöglicht, den durchschnittlichen Einfluss der Arbeitsbedingungen der deutschen Bevölkerung auf die Allokation der Freizeit zu bestimmen. Der zweite Aufsatz untersucht, ob Arbeit zu unüblichen Bedingungen gemäß der Theorie kompensierender Lohndifferentiale durch höhere Löhne entlohnt wird. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass solche Arbeiter 9--10 Prozent höhere Stundenlöhne erhalten. Diese Zuschläge haben einen u-förmigen Verlauf über die Einkommensverteilung für Schichtarbeiter. Die Ausrichtung der Analyse auf monetäre Kompensation solcher Arbeitsbedingungen, vernachlässigt mögliche adverse Auswirkungen auf das Sozialleben und die Gesundheit. Der dritte Artikel untersucht daher nicht-pekuniäre Aspekte. Freizeit wird in solchen Jobs zu einem höheren Anteil allein verbracht, was sich negativ auf das Wohlbefinden auswirken kann, da der Grenznutzen der Freizeit sinkt. Die drastischen Auswirkungen dieser Arbeit zieht ein erhöhtes Risiko auf den mentalen und physischen Gesundheitszustand mit sich, der sich aus einer signifikant niedrigeren Schlafallokation ergibt. Besonders betroffen sind ältere Arbeitnehmer, die eine höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit haben, diesen Arbeitsbedingungen schon über einen längeren Zeitraum ausgesetzt zu sein. Abschließend untersucht der vierte Aufsatz den kausalen Zugewinn auf die elterliche Zeit mit Kindern, den Arbeitnehmer durch mehr zeitliche Arbeitsflexibilität erreichen. Gleitzeitregelungen erlauben es Müttern somit, etwa 30 Prozent mehr ihrer verfügbaren Zeit mit ihren Kindern zu verbringen. Zeitliche Flexibilität kann somit die adversen Effekte der Beschäftigung von Müttern auf die kognitive Entwicklung ihrer Kinder abmildert. / This thesis consists of four essays that contribute to the empirical literature of the allocation of market work. The first essay studies the interrelation between working schedules and social life of couples by investigating the synchronization of schedules. A novel approach is proposed that allows for a determination of the average impact of working conditions of the German population on the allocation of leisure. From these findings, couple-specific conclusions concerning the active synchronization of schedules can be drawn. The second essay is devoted to empirically testing the assumption of compensating wage differentials predicting that work at non-standard hours shall be compensated by higher wage rates. The results suggest 9--10 percent higher hourly wage rates. Wage premia are U-shaped across the earnings distribution for shift workers. Since the focus on monetary compensation of such working condition neglects potential adverse consequences on the worker''s social life and individual health, the third essay explores such non-pecuniary aspects. Such jobs entail significantly higher levels of solitary leisure which is likely to adversely affect the worker''s well-being by reducing the marginal utility of leisure. The more severe consequence of work at undesirable hours is the augmented risk to physical and mental health which arises from the significantly lower allocation of time to sleep. In particular older workers who are potentially exposed to such working conditions over a longer time horizon bear the highest risks. Finally, the fourth essay studies the causal gain from temporal work flexibility on parental time with children. Flexitime arrangements allow mothers to spend 30 percent more of their disposable time on childcare. The results are generalizable to Germany as a whole. The paper provides empirical support for the importance of temporal work flexibility on mitigating adverse effects of maternal employment on the child''s cognitive development.
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Terapeutiese begeleiding van die jong kind in kindersorg wie se ouers op 'n onnatuurlike wyse gesterf hetEngelbrecht, Stephanie 30 November 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In today's society our children are being incredibly exposed to trauma and death. Parents want to protect their children against hardship and loss and it is evident that todays society is characterized by social pathology. In view of the above the researcher studied literature extensively to investigate the affect of the phenomenon
of death and trauma in the life of the young child. In order to establish the availability of therapy programs for the young child in childcare whose parents died in an unnatural way. It was evident that the present South African society is indeed characterized by
conflict, homicide and violence. The death of a parent is a traumatic experience for the young child (aged two to seven years). VVhen death occurs suddenly it was found that the grief process is more complex.
Through the process of literature study and empirical investigation it seems that many young children, who lost their parents through unnatural death, are placed in childcare institutions. In this study it was established that the fact that children were placed in childcare did not always imply that therapeutic intervention took place.
Limited financial support and social services contributed to insufficient therapeutical intervention. Furthermore it was found that the investigated childcare institutions couldn't provide the researcher with therapeutic programmes. This study therefore indicates that there is a need for the development of therapeutic programmes for the
young child in childcare. whose parents died in an unnatural way. / In die hedendaagse samelewing blyk dit dat kinders al hoe meer aan dood en trauma blootgestel word. Hoewel ouers graag hulle kinders wil beskerm teen hartseer en verlies, blyk dit dat vandag se samelewing gekenmerk word deur 'n vorm van sosiale patologie. In die lig van voorafgaande, het die navorser literatuurstudie onderneem
om die teenwoordigheid en die fenomeen van dood en trauma in die lewe van die jong kind te ondersoek. 'n Verdere literatuurstudie is ook onderneem om die rou ervaring van die jong kind te ondersoek. Die navorser wou ook in hierdie studie vasstel of daar terapeutiese begeleiding aan die jong kind in kindersorg, wie se ouers
op 'n onnatuurlike wyse gesterf het, beskikbaar is. Daar is in die studie gevind dat die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing inderdaad gekenmerk word deur konflik, moord en misdaad. Die afsterwe van 'n ouer is 'n
traumatiese ondervinding vir die jong kind (twee tot sewe jaar). Wanneer die dood skielik en onverwags intree, is bevind dat die rouproses gekompliseerd is. Deur die proses van literatuurstudie en empiriese ondersoek blyk dit dat verskeie jong kinders wie se ouers op 'n onnatuurlike wyse gesterf het, in kindersorginstansies
geplaas word. Daar is in hierdie studie bewys dat hoewel die kind in kindersorginstansies geplaas word, terapeutiese begeleiding nie altyd plaasvind nie. Hierdie gebrekkige terapeutiese begeleiding word toegeskryf aan die feit dat nie voldoende finansiele ondersteuning en maatskaplike dienste is nie. Daar is verder
gevind dat kindersorginstansies, wat aan die studie deelgeneem het, nie oor traumaterapie programme vir terapeutiese begeleiding beskik nie. Hierdie studie toon dus dat daar 'n behoefte is vir die ontwikkeling van terapeutiese programme vir die jong kind in kindersorg wie se ouers op 'n onnatuurlike wyse gesterf het. / Educational studies / M. Ed. (Voorligting)
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Parental human investment : economic stress and time allocation in RussiaBruckauf, Zlata January 2013 (has links)
A decade of growth and wealth generation in Russia ended in 2009 with the collapse in GDP and rising unemployment. This Great Recession added new economic challenges to the ‘old’ problems facing children and families, including widening income inequalities and the phenomenon of social orphanage. One question is how the new and existing material pressures affect parent–child relationships. This research contributes to the answer by examining, in aggregate terms, the role poverty plays in the allocation of parental time in this emerging economy. Utilising a nationally representative sample of children, it explores how child interactions with parents are affected by aggregate and idiosyncratic shocks. Drawing on the rational choice paradigm and its critique, we put forward the Parental Time Equilibrium as an analytical guide to the study. This theoretical approach presents individual decisions concerning time spent with children over the long term as the product of a defined equilibrium between resources and demands for involvement. We test this approach through pooled cross-sectional and panel analyses based on the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey dataset from 2007 to 2009. Children in low-income households face the double disadvantage of a lack of money and time investments at home, with both persistent and transient poverty being associated with lower than average parental time inputs in the sample. Moreover, while on average, we find that children do maintain the amount of time they spend with their parents under conditions of severe financial strain, low–income children lose out on play time with the mother. Material resources cannot be considered in isolation from structural disadvantages, of which rural location in particular is detrimental for parent–child time together. The study demonstrates that the cumulative stress of adverse macro-economic conditions and depleted material resources makes it difficult for parents to sustain their human investment in children. The evidence this study provides on the associations between economic stress and pa-rental time allocations advances our knowledge of the disparities of in the childhood experience in modern Russian society. The findings strongly support the equal importance of available resources and basic demand for involvement, thus drawing policy attention to the need to address both in the best interests of children.
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Faculty Senate Minutes April 4, 2016University of Arizona Faculty Senate 03 May 2016 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.
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