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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessing Staff Turnover: A View from Hotel Workers in Reykjavík : Causes and Impacts

Guðmundsdóttir, Sunna, Kammerland, Emeli January 2018 (has links)
Staff turnover is an endemic issue in the hospitality industry, worldwide. Voluntary staff turnover has been the focus of many studies in the past decades and many researchers have constantly intended to connect a number of variables to it. This study deals with a human perspective of staff turnover and the aim was to add to the understanding of staff turnover within the hospitality industry. This was achieved by conducting in-depth interviews with hotel workers in three and four-star hotels in Reykjavík, Iceland. The causes and impacts of the turnover was examined with qualitative method. Investigation of the factors influencing employees’ intention to leave their current organization and the impact staff turnover causes to the remaining staff was carried out. The results revealed that professional advancement is a critical predictor for the employees to leave, along with factors such as work content, personal reasons, organizational factors and the nature of the tourism industry. Furthermore, the impact staff turnover causes on the staff are factors such as social connections, increased responsibilities and time and energy consumption.

Processutveckling: en konceptmodell för arbetsmetodiken vid utveckling av resenärsprocesser : En fallstudie på Swedavia, Arlanda flygplats

Jakobsson, Sandra, Strömberg, Joakim January 2017 (has links)
Flygplatser utgör en nyckelroll i dagens samhälle. De fungerar inte enbart som ett centrum för samverkan mellan transportmedel, utan även som en mötesplats för resenärer. Trängsel i terminalerna har blivit ett betydande problem för de som flyger regelbundet och i flera fall har minskad kötid blivit synonymt med hög kvalitet för resenären. En effektivare hantering av resenären är nödvändig och kräver tillförlitliga processer. Att arbeta med processer är inget nytt, det har länge varit centralt för verksamhetsprocesser och arbetsflöden, främst inom tillverkningsindustrin men den omfattande litteraturgenomgången påvisar att det finns få processorienterade modeller som specifikt tillämpas på en resenärsprocess. Fallföretaget, Swedavia, arbetar aktivt med resenärsprocessen inom flygbranschen. De har utvecklat en viss metodik men denna är inte effektiv nog då de upplever problematik på grund av det ökade antalet resenärer. Syftet med studien är därför att skapa en konceptmodell för arbetsmetodiken vid utveckling av resenärsprocessen på flygplatser, med avsikt att tillföra en ny tillämpning till området för processutveckling. Modellen avser även hjälpa fallföretaget Swedavia att bli effektivare i sin processutveckling. Studiens metod har en abduktiv forskningsansats. Först genomfördes en utförlig litteraturgenomgång vilken utmynnade i ett första utkast av en konceptmodell med tolv nyckelfaktorer för processorientering kopplade till resenärsprocessen. Därefter genomfördes åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med berörd personal på fallföretaget. Valet av fallföretag motiveras av deras generaliserbarhet, då samtliga respondenter arbetar med utveckling av Sveriges största flygplats, Arlanda. Avsikten med intervjuerna var att tydliggöra hur arbetet med utvecklingen av resenärsprocessen ser ut idag samt avgöra hur processorienterade de är. Slutligen analyserades konceptmodellen utifrån empirin, vilket resulterade i korrigeringar och en slutgiltig modell. Det vetenskapliga bidraget är utvecklingen av en konceptmodell för resenärsprocesser. Den slutliga konceptmodellen består av fem nyckelfaktorer, vilka är; processägare och -beskrivningar, stöd och engagemang, mätverktyg, organisation samt ständiga förbättringar. Den framtagna modellen är ett visuellt stöd för att hjälpa organisationer att bli effektivare i deras utveckling av en resenärsprocess. Den fungerar som ett verktyg för att förbättra processer och att utvärdera företag. / Airports have come to be one of the key elements in today’s society. They do not only serve as a center for interoperability, but also as a meeting place for travelers. Congestion in the terminals has become a significant problem for those who fly regularly and in many cases reduction of queue time has become synonymous with high quality travelling. Therefore, more efficient handling of the traveler is necessary and requires reliable processes. Working with processes has been central to business procedures and workflows for a long time, mainly in the manufacturing industry but the comprehensive literature review indicates that there are few process-oriented models specifically applied to the passenger departure process. The case company, Swedavia, is actively working with passenger departure processes in the aviation industry. They have developed a certain methodology, but it is not effective enough as they have experienced problems due to the increased number of travelers. For that reason, the aim of the study is to create a conceptual model for the work methodology when developing the passenger departure process at airports, with the intention of introducing a new application to ​​process development. The model also aims to help Swedavia become more efficient in its process development. The study's method has an abductive research approach. First, a detailed literature review was conducted, which resulted in a first draft of a conceptual model with twelve key factors for process orientation linked to the traveler process. Eight semi-structured interviews were then conducted with relevant personnel at the case company. The choice of case company is motivated by their generalizability, as all respondents work with the development of Sweden's largest airport, Arlanda. The purpose of the interviews was to clarify what their work on developing the traveler process looks like and also to what extent they are process oriented. Finally, the conceptual model was analyzed based on empirical findings, resulting in corrections and a definitive model for developing the passenger departure process. The scientific contribution is the development of a conceptual model for passenger departure processes. The final conceptual model consists of five key factors, which are: process owners and descriptions, support and commitment, measurement tools, organization and continuous improvement. The proposed and identified model works as a visual support to help organizations become more efficient in their development of a passenger departure process. It is a useful tool to improve processes and to evaluate businesses.

Developing an integrated method of controlling the flow of departing passengers : a study of passenger departure processes at Abu Dhabi International Airport

Al-Dhaheri, Abdulla January 2015 (has links)
Today, airports form a key part of global infrastructure in an increasingly globalised world. There is great competition between them to attract passengers and serve airlines in their role of transporting people regionally and internationally. Abu Dhabi International Airport is one such airport. Terminal 3 is the home of Abu Dhabi’s major carrier, Etihad Airways, one of the world’s fastest-growing international airlines. The research described in this thesis focuses on applying the Lean methodology to the passenger departure process in Terminal 3. The essential essence of ‘Lean’ is doing more with fewer resources by adopting a programme of continuous process improvement resulting in continually declining costs, mistakes and work-in-progress. The special environment of any airport, especially a major international hub made applying Lean principles difficult. This resulted from the large presence of Class I wastes or muda which could potentially change, perhaps dramatically, at short notice. This made this research significantly different from previous applications of Lean philosophy. Also, large, cumulative variations in demand set in an environment where rapid expansion of the airport is taking place also created major difficulties because of the shifting flow of passengers. Despite this, the research succeeded in achieving its aim and developed various rules from parameters based on the acronym SERVICE and an associated implementation methodology based on the Lean philosophy. Together these will help airline managers and staff to eliminate the waste of available resources and so increase passenger flow through various stages of the process in line with Lean philosophy. The research makes several important contributions to knowledge, especially in the field of Lean improvements. The contribution of this work arises from its systematic examination of the passenger departure process. The research has facilitated developing a detailed model which addresses both particular process groups and the effects of passenger class on the allocation and use of resources. This research has shown that large differences exist between the operating environment of a major international airport and those processes to which Lean principles have previously been applied. Nevertheless, despite these differences, this research has proved the Lean philosophy may be usefully applied to airport operations. Operating conditions within the passenger departure process mean that understanding the special operating environment of airports is vital. This research resulted in a discrete event simulation model of the airport much more accurate and detailed than those described in previous studies of passenger departure processes. The research then proved an improved model, which may be used experimentally to support conclusions reached from the broader application of Lean philosophy. The research observed and analysed the effects of large and cumulative peaks and troughs in demand against a background of rapid development of Abu Dhabi Airport. The researcher also evaluated the special internal and external effects on the processes, often at short notice. Consequently, there is no single ‘universal’ solution because of the major need for operational flexibility and for a close correlation between operational and strategic need. Despite these many difficulties the results of this research are a practical and straightforward series of improvements, which may be applied by airport staff themselves without need for complex computer models, simulation or dedicated experts. This will create conditions for continuously improving process performance during the passenger departure process. It will also help managers accurately identify critical areas where more radical action of increasing physical resources is needed. Finally, based on findings, the research makes several recommendations for further work.

Learning/Volunteer Abroad (LVA) Programs at the University of Ottawa: An Examination of the Preparation and Training Students Receive Prior to Departure

Oberhammer, Jennifer January 2016 (has links)
Learning/volunteer abroad (LVA) programs offer important opportunities for students to develop cross-cultural skills and global competence. Universities recognize the value of international experiential learning programs in terms of skills development and career preparation as one component in their internationalization policies and priorities. Scholarly studies on international education and LVA programs have examined university internationalization priorities in promoting international experiential learning. Other scholarly contributions to the field of LVA have documented the nature of students’ experiences, learning outcomes, critical analysis of impacts, and motivations, among other important research areas. Within the LVA scholarship, there are frequent references to the importance of pre-departure training and preparation of students. Many of the references to the value of pre-departure training move beyond practical information (such as staying safe and staying healthy while abroad) to more critical discussions of cross-cultural learning opportunities, ethical considerations, and impacts. Despite these references to the importance of pre-departure training, there are few studies documenting the nature and content of pre-departure training for students participating in international experiences through an academic institution. As a result, there is no clear sense of the range of pre-departure training programs, what information students are receiving as part of their pre-departure training or the impact of training on the outcomes of the students’ learning. This thesis aimed to fill this gap by examining the preparation and training provided to students prior to their international experiences. Through the utilization of a case study approach based on the University of Ottawa’s LVA programs’ pre-departure training, this research specifically analysed the content that is currently employed during pre-departure training and how it ranged across LVA programs. The findings demonstrate that, while all LVA programs provided pre-departure training and covered similar content themes, there was also a range in the content provided across the LVA programs’ pre-departure training. Specifically, the greatest diversity in content was found in the depth of discussion provided to students regarding cross-cultural understanding, ethics, experiential learning, and reflection. Analysis of the identified differences across LVA programs suggest there are likely implications for students’ learning generated from their experience abroad. When students are not prepared to critically understand the complexities associated with living, studying, and/or working cross-culturally and how to reflect upon and generate knowledge from their experiences overseas, learn/volunteer programs may have limited or even negative impacts on cross-cultural understanding and global competence.

A noted departure: metafiction and feminist revision in a tradition of fantasy literature

Bausman, Cassandra Elizabeth 01 January 2015 (has links)
When Ursula K. LeGuin revisited the world of Earthsea with Tehanu (1990), her return to an established classic of the fantasy genre came with a powerful desire to revisit its construction and reinterpret its assumptions from a female perspective. Drawn to the side of her dying former tutor, protagonist Tenar is repeatedly posed with the question of what to do with his lore books, which could never offer to her what they had his conventionally male students. Even if this time-honored tradition excludes her, however, Tenar cannot bring herself to discard or abandon the books, for all that they seem "nothing to her, big leather boxes full of paper." Traveling on foot, forced often to flee for her life and pack light, she feels compelled to carry these book on her back. For Tenar, the tomes are a considerably "heavy burden," and, given the context in which this novel appears, this female protagonist's struggle with the weight of traditional, respected patriarchal male text is particularly significant. In LeGuin's fantasy, the image of Tenar traversing her story with Ogion's great "lore-books" strapped to her back is emblematic of the struggle many authors have faced in negotiating the received texts and tropes of their generic inheritance in order to create female-centered fantasy. Indeed, the transformation of Ogion's great lore-books into Tenar's conflicted baggage literalizes what many other texts have more figuratively confronted. My dissertation, "A Noted Departure: Metafiction and Feminist Revision within a Tradition of Fantasy Writing," considers the compelling frequency of such self-conscious textual moments in female-centered fantasy of the 80s and 90s and argues for their importance as a writing strategy that challenges the assumptions of more formulaic fantasy texts and tropes, especially those that inform expectations about roles for women. Examining this moment in which the legacy of a revisionist feminist impulse converges with a post-modern, post-structural metafictional critique of traditional narrative forms and the ideologies they encode, my dissertation sheds light on many critically ignored self-conscious fantasy texts which feature heroines whose critical, textual negotiations bring readers to reconsider the nature of fantasy and the danger and wonder, the limits and liberty, of fictional representation. Taken together, as important and largely overlooked entries in a genre which thrives on the tension between tradition and innovation, these works represent a significant transitional moment in the fantasy genre, bridging the gap between a relatively limited female presence and a more contemporary diversity. My first chapter, "Doing the "Not Done": Wrede's 'Improper' Princess and her Whimsical Revision of Fairy-Tale Expectation and Convention," demonstrates the fluid link between the established tradition of feminist fairy tale revision and the self-critical generic departure my dissertation presents as an important literary moment in the fantasy genre. As the archive my dissertation constitutes might be understood as the answer to Angela Carter's frustrated plea that we must "move beyond revision," this chapter acknowledges the fairy tale's potency as a purveyor of romantic archetypes and, thereby, of cultural precepts for young women in a reading of The Enchanted Forest Chronicles (1990-5). In threading seemingly simple and conventional plotlines together with unexpected and innovative departures, Wrede upsets narrative expectation and undercuts generic convention, particularly those associated with the 'princess' trope. Achieving her critical commentary on the commonplaces of the genre by first invoking the traditional before establishing a heroine who positions herself against it, Wrede's plot also reveals the importance of textual negotiation and interpretation, and this chapter underscores the generative relationship this kind of critical interplay bears on the need for new plots and narrative options. Chapter two, "'In Search of 'Something New': Metafiction as Critical and Creative Discourse" offers a sustained discussion of the theoretical work of metafiction. Opening with an examination of the historical precedent of feminist metafiction and its desire to create an alternative tradition to a limited masculinist tradition in the 60s, 70s and early 80s, I demonstrate how aptly feminist metafiction aligns with a fantasist's impulse to challenge the same constraints within genre. Examining how metafiction can function as a critical and creative narrative strategy within a generic context, I adapt the conceptions of theorists such as Roland Barthes, Jean Genette, Gayle Greene, Amie A. Doughty, and Brian Stonehill to an understanding of how metafiction functions in fantasy. "Plotting Change, Imagining Alternatives: Metafiction as Revision in Feminist Fantasy," argues that while thematic or plot-based investigations into feminist fantasy are useful, understanding the way in which generic push-back occurs requires closer attention to the writing strategies which articulate such artistic feats and aesthetic negotiations. This third chapter examines several significant but critically ignored fantasy works which demonstrate how writers of this period signal their departure from generic tradition through key metafictional moments in which a heroine herself invokes text or turns, within her own story, to a text that exists within her own world. Alanna of Trebond in The Song of the Lioness series (1983, 84, 86, 88), Daikin of The Farthest Away Mountain (1976), and Talia in The Heralds of Valdemaar series ("Arrows Trilogy," 1987-88) all experience transformative and liberatory adventures that afford a break with tradition that is drawn along lines of both gender and narrative. Thus, texts occupy a central role in these adventures, providing opportunities to investigate the cultural role they play and the tensions they surface between providing inspiration and motivation on the one hand and limitations that must be overcome on the other. As revisionist quest-narratives which are also deeply internal feminist Bildungsroman, the frequently close relationship between heroine and text in these works is deeply telling; such metafictional moments allow their adventures to advance not only plot or individual story, but a critical conversation about the literary conventions and cultural traditions which condition their representation. In calling attention to the critical work of these metafictional moments, I reveal that the most fruitful feminist fantasy criticism must not be only about plot, but the possibility of plot. Indeed, as these heroines become legends themselves, their narratives not only deconstruct traditional discourses, engaging with the need to re-write tradition, to counter narrative expectation and convention with the creation of new stories; they also more collectively re-mythologize. In creating new stories and new patterns of storytelling, this chapter reveals how these writers do not just expose the cultural power of tradition and myth and critique the representation of women within them, but counter its absences and suppressions with their own mythopoesis. Taken together, such a wealth of significant but critically ignored examples demonstrates how writers employ metafiction as a strategy to enact criticism and imagine alternatives in the fantasy genre, particularly in terms of expanding narrative possibilities for heroines. My fourth chapter, "Convention Undone: UnLunDun's Unchosen Heroine and Narrative (Re)Vision," examines China Miéville's UnLunDun (2007) as a deliberate response to a tradition of fantasy writing, lampooning, in particular, the portal-quest fantasy. Revealing narrative adherence to traditional patterns as false and hollow, and those who trust them uncritically as foolishly naïve, Miéville reminds readers of the importance of innovation, of critical interaction with narrative tradition, and the unfinished nature of both narrative and identity. In a tour-de-force of a self-and-genre-conscious metafictionality, Miéville explores the pit-falls of expectation and the potential which comes from the creation of an alternative narrative--and with it, an alternative heroine in Deeba, whose journey works both with and against the perspective traditions of 'The Book' (a talking tome whose authority proves less than accurate). Ultimately, I argue that Deeba's quest and her transformation into a celebrated, unchosen heroine reveals the degree to which success lies in making the old useful again, and the narrative she reshapes is a vivid illustration of both what it means to revise or reimagine and the necessity of such a critical process. In a world of fragments and the discarded, this book speaks to the genre at large, asking what might be constructed from the inherited baggage of traditional understandings, and what can be done in spite of their limitations and previously established identities or functions. Commonly engaged in the construction of questioning, questing stories, the writers I study have crafted pioneering, uncertain heroines who act out a self-conscious awareness that presses against the genre's limits. As these writers must struggle with the loaded material they wish to weave into new story shapes, so, too, do their fictional creations meditate upon the way in which their journey or character diverges from the expected. These are heroines in the making, heroines whose identities are not fixed easily in text but who must constitute it through an engagement with texts both familiar and new. As books which are also about books, as stories which take story as explicit subject matter, these works feature textual negotiation as a necessary critical process at the level of plot. Moreover, in presenting such metafictions as a critical, questioning comparison to a traditional norm, generic expectation, or narrative inheritance experienced as limited or confining, these works also shed light on the possibility of alternative plots and call special attention to the kinds of artistic and ideological negotiations necessary for such stories to be told in our own realistic worlds as well as in our fantasies. Thus, my dissertation highlights the importance of a writer's impulse to reflect and revise the tradition in which they participate and underscores the creative and critical potential of furthering dialogue between texts and conventions. As my readings demonstrate, the fascination fantasy holds as an enduring art form may well be contingent upon the genre's potential for self-conscious interplay and its protean capacity to refigure narration as a meaningful form of discourse.

Návrh RNAV SID a STAR tratí pro letiště Brno Tuřany / Design of RNAV SID and STAR air routes for Brno-Tuřany airport

Zvolánek, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
The main content of this master’s thesis is design of RNAV SID and STAR routes for Brno Tuřany Airport. The study analyses usage of current conventional instrument arrivals and departures published for the aerodrome and describes its TMA. The new precision RNAV routes and the terminal area are designed based on the indentified information. A detailed construction of the chosen departure procedure is enclosed.

Konstrukce RNAV přístrojových odletů pro dráhu 03C na letišti Kunovice / Construction RNAV instrument departures for runway 03C at the Kunovice airport

Dostál, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with RNAV-1 departure routes for runway 03C at the Kunovice airport. Suggested routes are linked to the new RNAV-1 routes in TMA Brno. RNAV SID maps and construction of one of the departure track are also done and described in this master´s thesis. Beyond design of RNAV-1 routes are also analyzed influences and factors in the master´s thesis that affect the construction of these routes. Construction of RNAV SID routes are based on the knowledge and shortcomings conventional routes that are resulted from the analysis of the current departure routes at the Kunovice airport. In the second part of the thesis is submitted 3 variants of departure routes for Kunovice airport.

Safety of Earthen Stormwater Infiltration Best Management Practices (BMP) Adjacent to Highways

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is required to comply with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination (NPDES) permit, which includes the infiltration of stormwater runoff from highways and implementing soil based best managements practices (BMPs). Stormwater BMPs are in place to prevent pollution in stormwater runoff as well as to facilitate the stormwater discharge from the road. Per this new permit, Caltrans is to install soil based BMPs that can absorb the 85th percentile of a 24-hour stormwater event. In order to absorb the stormwater runoff, the area used is the Clear Recovery Zone (CRZ), which are the road embankments/slopes located adjacent to the roadside. The CRZ must be traversable and recoverable in order to meet roadside traffic safety standards. A major concern for Caltrans is the uncertainty on how these BMPs will affect the safety of a vehicle, if a vehicle were to interact with the soft soils. In order to provide an insight on the effects of the BMPs, the modeling and simulation of vehicle dynamics under certain interactions between the roadside, soil, and vehicle was completed. The research used computer simulations to quantify the probability of rollover accidents under several different vehicle, driving and ground conditions. The vehicles traversing typical archetype roadsides on soft soil are simulated using MsMac3D software. It was important to model the properties of the vehicle, roadside, mechanical and hydraulic properties of soils realistically in order to obtain an accurate representation of a real-world vehicle and soil interaction. The outcome was a library of simulations that provided quantifiable data on the effect that soft soils have on the safety and rollover potential of a vehicle traversing the CRZ. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering 2019

Assessing the hydrogeologic characteristics and sources of groundwater recharge and flow in the Elandsfontein aquifer, West Coast, Western Cape, South Africa

Smith, Kezia January 2020 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / This study is part of the current investigation of the Elandsfontein aquifer to assist with the management of the system and to ensure the protection of the associated Langebaan Lagoon RAMSAR listed site. The Elandsfontein aquifer unit is situated adjacent to the Langebaan Road aquifer in the Lower Berg River Region. The aquifer unit is bordered by the Langebaan Lagoon (west), possible boundary toward the Langebaan Road aquifer (north), the Groen River bedrock high (southeast) and the Darling batholith (south).

A Study of the Effect of Looming Intensity Rumble Strip Warnings in Lane Departure Scenarios

Sandberg, David January 2015 (has links)
In lane departure warning systems (LDWS) it is important that the auditory warning triggers a fast and appropriate reaction from the driver. The rumble strip noise is a suitable warning to alert the driver of an imminent lane departure. A short reaction time is important in lane departure scenarios, where a late response may have fatal consequences. For abstract sounds an increase in intensity can influence the perceived urgency level of the warning, which may also trigger a faster reaction from the listener. In this thesis, the effect of a rumble strip warning with looming (increasing) intensity was analyzed by letting test persons drive a driving simulator and measuring how quickly they reacted to the auditory warning. These results were compared with those for a rumble strip warning with a constant intensity, and two versions of an abstract warning; constant intensity and looming intensity. A survey regarding the perceived urgency, annoyance and acceptance of the warnings was also carried out. The results show no differences in reaction time between the four warning signals. This may be because the test persons expected the warnings, or because of their limited experience. The survey suggests that adding a looming intensity to the rumble strip warning results in a higher urgency, while keeping the annoyance low, which could be of importance to avoid unwanted reactions from the driver. / I varningssystem för personbilar används ofta ett system som signalerar ett stundande ofrivilligt lämnande av körfältet, s.k. lane departure warning systems (LDWS), genom att en varningssignal ljuder. Det är viktigt att en sådan akustisk varningssignal frammanar en snabb och lämplig reaktion från föraren. Ljudet av en bullerräffla är en lämplig varningssignal för detta ändamål. En kort reaktionstid är viktig när fordon är på väg att ofrivilligt lämna körfältet, då en långsam reaktion kan ha förödande konsekvenser. Studier på abstrakta akustiska varningssignaler har visat att en ökande intensitet kan få en varning att verka mer brådskande, vilket i sin tur kan leda till att lyssnaren reagerar snabbare. I denna rapport analyseras hur ett bullerräffleljuds ökande intensitet påverkar förarens reaktionstid. Analysen gjordes genom att mäta reaktionstiden hos testpersoner som körde en bilsimulator med fyra olika varningssignaler; en bullerräffleljudsvarning och en abstrakt varning, båda med konstant intensitet och ökande intensitet. Reaktionstiderna för de olika signalerna jämfördes, varpå en enkät utfärdades där testpersonerna uppgav hur brådskande och irriterande de uppfattade varningarna, samt till vilken grad de skulle acceptera varningarna i ett verkligt körscenario. Resultaten visar inga skillnader i reaktionstid mellan varningarna, vilket kan bero på att testpersonerna förutsåg när varningarna skulle komma, eller på grund av deras begränsade erfarenhet av bullerräffleljud. Enkätens utfall antyder att bullerräffleljudsvarningen med ökande intensitet är mer brådskande än versionen med konstant intensitet, men att irritationsnivån inte påverkas när intensiteten ökar, vilket kan vara viktigt för att inte framkalla oönskade reaktioner hos föraren.

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