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A comparative case study of newspaper coverage of the Umatilla Chemical Weapons Depot/Incinerator from 1994 to 1998.Robertson, Rogue Elliott 01 January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this case study was to compare the news coverage of The Umatilla chemical weapons by examining newspapers from different communities: The Oregonian and The Hermiston Herald. The author examines solution frames, pluralistic frames, episodic frames, and thematic frames and compares them across two newspapers. The study found the difference was not significant when comparing the use of solution frames between The Hermiston Herald and The Oregonian. In addition, there was not a significant difference in use of pluralistic framing by The Hermiston Herald and The Oregonian. However, there was a significant difference in the sources presented in the newspaper articles. There was also a significant presence of episodic frames compared to thematic frames in both the newspapers under examination.
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Embodied MetarepresentationsHinrich, Nicolás, Foradi, Maryam, Yousef, Tariq, Hartmann, Elisa, Triesch, Susanne, Kaßel, Jan, Pein, Johannes 06 June 2023 (has links)
Meaning has been established pervasively as a central concept throughout disciplines
that were involved in cognitive revolution. Its metaphoric usage comes to be, first and
foremost, through the interpreter’s constraint: representational relationships and contents
are considered to be in the “eye” or mind of the observer and shared properties
among observers themselves are knowable through interlinguistic phenomena, such
as translation. Despite the instability of meaning in relation to its underdetermination
by reference, it can be a tertium comparationis or “third comparator” for extended
human cognition if gauged through invariants that exist in transfer processes such as
translation, as all languages and cultures are rooted in pan-human experience and, thus,
share and express species-specific ontology. Meaning, seen as a cognitive competence,
does not stop outside of the body but extends, depends, and partners with other
agents and the environment. A novel approach for exploring the transfer properties
of some constituent items of the original natural semantic metalanguage in English,
that is, semantic primitives, is presented: FrameNet’s semantic frames, evoked by the
primes SEE and FEEL, were extracted from EuroParl, a parallel corpus that allows for
the automatic word alignment of items with their synonyms. Large Ontology Multilingual
Extraction was used. Afterward, following the Semantic Mirrors Method, a procedure
that consists back-translating into source language, a translatological examination of
translated and original versions of items was performed. A fully automated pipeline
was designed and tested, with the purpose of exploring associated frame shifts and,
thus, beginning a research agenda on their alleged universality as linguistic features of
translation, which will be complemented with and contrasted against further massive
feedback through a citizen science approach, as well as cognitive and neurophysiological
examinations. Additionally, an embodied account of frame semantics is proposed.
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Comparative study of Batch and Instance rendering for static geometry in OpenGL / Jämförelsestudie av Batch och Instance rendering för statisk geometri i OpenGLAlström, Marcus, Andersson, Christoffer January 2023 (has links)
Graphical rendering has use cases in many fields. When rendering in real time, such as in simulations or games, the time to compute each frame is of high importance. An important factor to reducing frame time is decreasing the amount of calls between the processor and graphics card. This is especially important when rendering a large amount of meshes, which is a collection of vertices representing some geometry. Two ways of achieving this are Batch and Instance rendering. This thesis aims to analyze and provide valuable insight into the factors that influence the decision between the techniques for static geometry, which is geometry that does not move. More specifically the thesis will investigate how vertex and mesh count affects the frame time. Both techniques were implemented using C++ and OpenGL and then compared against each other. The results showed that for low vertex amounts Batch rendering has lower frame time. Subsequently, at higher vertex amounts Instance rendering has lower frame time. The exact cut off depends on hardware, but in general the conclusion was that Batch rendering is better for simpler meshes while Instance rendering is better for more complex meshes. / Grafisk rendering är användbart inom många områden. När rendering sker i realtid, som i simulationer eller spel, har frame time vilket är tiden det tar att beräkna varje bildruta stor betydelse. En viktig faktor för att minska frame time är att minska antalet anrop mellan processorn och grafikkortet. Detta är särskilt viktigt vid rendering av en stor mängd meshes, vilket är en samling av noder som representerar geometri. Två sätt att uppnå detta är Batch och Instance rendering. Denna avhandling syftar till att analysera och ge värdefulla insikter i de faktorer som påverkar beslutet mellan teknikerna för statisk geometri, vilket är geometri som inte rör sig. Mer specifikt kommer avhandlingen att undersöka hur antalet noder och meshes påverkar frame time. Båda teknikerna implementerades med hjälp av C++ och OpenGL och jämfördes sedan med varandra. Resultaten visade att för låga antal noder har Batch-rendering kortare frame time. Däremot, vid högre antal noder har Instance rendering kortare frame time. Den exakta gränsen beror på hårdvaran, men den generella slutsatsen var att Batch-rendering är bättre för enklare meshes medan Instance rendering är bättre för mer komplexa meshes.
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Global Analysis and design of a complex slanted High-Rise Building with Tube Mega FrameAl-Nassrawi, Hamzah, Tsamis, Grigorios January 2017 (has links)
The need for tall buildings will increase in the future and new building techniques will emerge to full fill that need. Tyrénshas developed a new structural system called Tube Mega Frame where the major loads are transferred to the ground through big columns located in the perimeter of the building. The new concept has the advantage of eliminating the core inside the heart of the building but furthermore gives countless possibilities and flexibility for a designer. The elimination of the central core, plus the multiformity the Tube Mega Frame, can result new building shapes if combined with new inventions like the Multi elevator Thussenkrupp developed. Multi is a new elevator system with the ability to move in all directions apart from vertically. In this thesis research of the possible combinations between TMF and Multi was conducted. The building shaped resulted is only one of the many possible outcomes which the mix of Multi and TMF can have. The building was constructed in a way so the TMF would be the main structural system, the building would have inclinations so the multi elevator would be the only elevator appropriate for the structure and the height would be significantly large. The pre-study focused on the inclination and its particularities. The inclination played a significant role on how the inner forces were distributed in a structure. Under special circumstances the inclination could be even beneficial although inclination could result in axial forces on the slabs so the horizontal elements should be designed thoroughly not only for bending or shear but also for axial loading. The next phase was experimenting on different simple shaped buildings and combinations of them. The conclusions on the simple buildings formed the idea on how the main building would be. The main building was modeled using four different structural systems and their subcategories with seven models in total. Totally seven systems were compared in load combinations for wind, dead, live, and seismic loads and the global behavior was studied. The model comparison included maximum deformations and modes of vibrations. This way the best structural systems were discovered for the specific building shape and conclusions on inclination into a structure were made. The best structural systems and more reliable in terms of results but also in simplicity of construction were chosen to be designed in ETABS. The 50m belt system, the outside braces system and the diagrid system were designed. The design of the buildings was conducted using the American code ASCE /SEI 7-10. In the design two different mega columns were used to study how a solid or hollow cross section can affect the global behavior. Depending on the structural system the mega column had a major or minor effect on the stiffness of the structure. The design of the cross sections was divided in many groups since the complex geometry had an impact on how and where forces arised in the structure. The outside brace system had the best results in terms of less weight and global stiffness proving that in inclined building and columns with the correct bracing and triangulation of elements could extinguish the negative effects of inclination and even perform better compared to conventional buildings. The 50-belt system was furthermore studied in buckling since it was one of the best structural systems but with the least bracing, but also the least complex in terms of construction method. The automated buckling through ETABS was conducted and a more conservative approach where the user is defining the buckling length and support factors was used. In addition, a comparison between the user defined factors and global buckling was conducted. / Behovet av höga byggnader kommer att öka i framtiden och ny byggteknik kommer att uppfylla detta behov. Tyréns har utvecklat ett nytt konstruktionssystem som kallas Tube Mega Frame där de stora lasterna överförs till marken genom stora pelare i byggnadens omkrets. Det nya konceptet har fördelen att eliminera kärnan inuti byggnadens hjärta, men ger dessutom otaliga möjligheter och flexibilitet för en konstruktör. Avlägsnandet av den centrala kärnan, plus mångfalden av Tube Mega Frame, kan resultera i nya byggnadsformer i kombination med nya uppfinningar som Multi Lift ThyssenKrupphar utvecklat. Multi är ett nytt hissystem med möjlighet att röra sig i alla riktningar bortsett från vertikalt. I denna uppsats genomfördes forskning om möjliga kombinationer med TMF och Multi. Den formgivna byggnaden är bara ett av de många möjliga resultaten som blandningen av Multi och TMF kan ha. Byggnaden byggdes på ett sätt att TMF skulle vara det huvudsakliga struktursystemet, byggnaden skulle ha lutningar så att Multi skulle vara den enda lösning som är lämplig för konstruktionen och höjden skulle vara betydligt stor. Förstudien fokuserade på lutningen och dess särdrag. Lutningen spelar en viktig roll för hur de inre krafterna fördelas i en struktur. Under speciella förhållanden kan lutningen vara till och med fördelaktig, även om lutning kan resultera i axiella krafter på plattorna så att de horisontella elementen måste utformas noggrant, inte bara för böjning eller skjuvning. Nästa fas var att experimentera på olika enkla lutande bygg former och kombinationer av dem. Slutsatserna från dessa enkla byggnaderna bildade tanken på hur huvudbyggnaden skulle vara. Huvudbyggnaden modellerades med fyra olika strukturella system och deras underkategorier med totalt sju modeller. Hela sju system jämfördes i lastkombinationer med vind last, seismisk last, egenvikt, nyttig last och det globala beteendet studerades. Modellens jämförelse inkluderade maximala deformationer och vibrationer. På detta sätt upptäcktes de bästa strukturella systemen för den specifika byggformen och slutsatser om lutning i en struktur gjordes. De bästa strukturella systemen och mer tillförlitliga vad gäller resultat men också avseende enkel konstruktion valdes att utformas i ETABS. 50 m Bältessystemet, det yttre Bäcksystemet och Diagridsystemet konstruerades. Utformningen av byggnaderna utfördes med användning av den amerikanska normen ASCE / SEI 7–10. I designen användes två olika megapelare för att studera hur en solid eller ihålig tvärsektion kunde påverka det globala beteendet. Beroende på konstruktionssystemet kunde megapelaren ha en större eller mindre effekt på strukturens styvhet. Tvärsnittens konstruktion var uppdelad i många grupper eftersom komplexa geometrin har en inverkan på hur och där krafter uppstår i strukturen. Utvändiga stödsystem hade de bästa resultaten när det gäller mindre vikt och global styvhet, vilket viste att i lutande byggnader och pelare kunde den korrekta förstärkningen och trianguleringen av element skilja de negativa effekterna av lutning och till och med fungera bättre jämfört med konventionella byggnader. 50-bältesystemet studerades vidare förknäckning, eftersom det var ett av de bästa konstruktionssystemen, men med minst fackverk, men också det minst komplexa med avseende på konstruktionsmetod. Den automatiska knäckning analysgenom ETABS genomfördes och ett mer konservativt tillvägagångssätt där användaren definierar knäcklängden och stödfaktorerna. Dessutom genomfördes en jämförelse mellan de användardefinierade faktorerna och global knäckning.
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Design and Analysis of a Slanted Cable-stayed BuildingBradaric, Matea, Desimons, David January 2017 (has links)
The Tubed Mega Frame (TMF) is a structural system for high-rise building developed by Tyréns AB. Compared to conventional structural systems, the TMF is a coreless system that transfers the loads through the perimeter of the building instead and in turn enables ability to support new architectural shapes and forms of buildings. This thesis covers an initial study of a high-rise building with an unconventional shape implementing the TMF system, the Cable-stayed Building, which consists of a slanted tower with a cable-supported cantilever. The study of the building was divided in to a geometrical study and a cable study. The geometrical study was carried out to gain an initial understanding of the global structural behavior by altering specific geometrical parameters. The cable efficiency in terms of total vertical forces was investigated in the cable study by comparing different cable arrangements, cable diameters and prestressing forces for a fixed global geometry. The studies were performed under linear and nonlinear static conditions using the finite element software SAP2000 and ETABS. The results from the geometrical study showed that the cable efficiency increases in terms of larger vertical cable forces with a less inclined building and longer cantilever length. In addition, the results showed significant effects of geometric nonlinearities considering P-delta for different geometric cases. Furthermore, a study of the axial forces in the mega columns indicated that the most inclined building in which no uplifting forces and barely any tension occur along the mega columns, is the 7° incline with cantilever length 73.4 m. As abovementioned, the efficiency of the cables was compared for different arrangements, cable diameter and prestressing forces. The results indicated that as the prestressing force increases, the efficiency of cables rises more for smaller cable diameter than for larger. Furthermore, the comparison of fan- and harp-shape cable arrangements showed that the latter, including three pairs of cables, gives the highest cable efficiency relative to the amount of steel required of the cantilever bracing system. Nevertheless, the study indicates that the cable forces are inherently dependent on many parameters, such as the sag effect considered in the modulus of elasticity and the stress inducing temperature, which in turn depends on cable diameter, prestressing force and cable arrangement. To conclude the study, a modal analysis showed that the Cable-stayed Building is classified as a stiff building according to the guidelines from Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. Further research on the structure could be carried out within different areas, as this thesis is only an initial study of the structure. For instance, material nonlinearities, dynamic responses of the building as well as soil structure interaction, should be investigated further. / Tubed Mega Frame (TMF) är ett bärande system för höghus utvecklat av Tyréns AB. TMF är, till skillnad från nuvarande konstruktioner, ett system utan en bärande kärna som överför laster via byggnadens perimeter istället, vilket skapar nya förutsättningar gällande arkitektoniska former på höghus. I detta projektarbete genomförs en förstudie på en byggnad med en ovanlig design, Snedkabel Byggnaden, bestående av ett lutande torn och en konsol som bärs upp av kablar. Studien är uppdelad i en geometrisk analys och en kabel analys. Den geometriska studien syftar till att få en uppfattning om hur det globala bärande systemet beter sig genom att variera vissa geometriska parametrar. Syftet med kabel studiens är att undersöka kablarnas effektivitet genom att jämföra den totala vertikala kabelkraften med olika kabelsystem, kabeldiametrar och förspänningar för en fastställd geometri av byggnaden. Statiskt linjära och ickelinjära strukturanalyser genomfördes för båda studier i finita element programmen SAP2000 och ETABS. Resultaten från den geometriska studien visade att kabel effektiviteten ökar för en mindre lutad byggnad och en längre konsol, då kabelkrafterna ökar. Dessutom indikerar resultaten anmärkningsvärda effekter vid beaktandet av ickelinjäritet med P-delta för olika globala geometrier. En undersökning av axialkrafter i pelarna visar att den mest lutade byggnaden som inte ger upphov till upplyftande krafter och knappt några dragkrafter längs pelarna är byggnaden med 7° lutning och konsollängd på 73.4 m. Som tidigare nämnt undersöktes kablarna effektivitet genom att jämföra olika kabelsystem, kabeldiametrar och förspänningar. Resultaten påvisade att med högre förspänningar, desto mer ökar kabeleffektiviteten för mindre kabeldiameter än större. Dessutom visade jämförelsen mellan solfjäder- och harp-systemet att harp-systemet med tre kabelpar ger stört kabeleffektivitet i relation till stålmassan för stagningen i konsolen. Krafterna i kablarna beror i sig till stor del av exempelvis elasticitets modulen med hänsyn till kablarnas nedböjning och den spänningsinducerande temperaturen, som i sin tur beror på kabeldiameter, förspänning och kabelsystem. Avslutningsvis utfördes en modalanalys som visade på att Snedkabel Byggnaden klassificeras som en styv byggnad enligt riktlinjer från Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. Ytterligare studier på strukturen kan genomföras inom olika områden, då detta är en förstudie på byggnaden. Exempelvis på vidare forskning är att ta hänsyn till materialens ickelinjäriteter, byggnadens dynamiska respons samt samverkan mellan byggnad och grund.
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Underlag för projektering av ytterväggar : Kvalitativ analys av ytterväggar ur ett livslängdsperspektiv med fokus på fuktsäkerhet, robusthet och kostnad / Qualitative Analysis of Exterior Walls from a Lifetime Perspective Focusing on Moisture safety, Robustness and Cost : Underlag för projektering av ytterväggarPettersson, Beatrice, Olsson, Carolina January 2019 (has links)
Vid projektering av ytterväggar ställs höga krav på funktion och utformning. Ytterväggar har en mängd olika konstruktionslösningar beroende på stomsystem, fasadmaterial och andra förutsättningar. Uppdragsgivaren WSP, vill underlätta kvalitetssäkringen och minska tidsåtgången vid projektering med hjälp av framtagna typdetaljer. Typdetaljerna är utformade med hänsyn till aspekterna fuktsäkerhet, robusthet och kostnad. Intervjuer med konstruktörer, litteraturstudier samt kontakt med produktleverantörer, ligger till grund för arbetet. Utifrån analys av insamlat material har konstruktionslösningar tagits fram utifrån en maximal livslängd. Arbetet har resulterat i två typdetaljer för tung stomme och tre för lätt stomme, med fasadmaterialen puts, tegel samt skivmaterial. Tillhörande teknisk beskrivning, U-värde och kostnadsbild har tagits fram för vardera typdetalj. / Moisture saftey; Robustness; Cost; Exterior wall; Light frame; Heavy frame; Construction details Abstract på engelska: Function and design have always been critically important when designing exterior walls. Several designs can be possible but are largely dependent upon the framework system, facade material as well as various other considerations. The client, WSP, wish to guarantee quality whilst reducing planning time but also maintaining factors such as moisture safety, robustness and cost. The basis of the work consisted of interviews with designers, revision of literature and product supplier liaison. Based upon analysis of collected material, the designs have been developed to ensure a maximum life span. The result has produced both heavy and light frame designs by utilising plaster, brick and sheet materials for the facade construction. The relevant technical descriptions, U-values and overall cost estimates have been developed for each construction details.
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Conflicting Frames: A Comparative Analysis of General and Diasporic Media Framing of Violent Conflict in the Diaspora's HomelandBlom, Maartje January 2024 (has links)
Despite extensive research into the effects of framing in media, much less is still known about how and why these frames constructed. The field of media framing has also neglected reporting on violent conflict, instead focusing on different types of non-violent conflict, especially in terms of frame analysis. This study aims to expand on framing theory by studying the framing of diaspora-specific media in reporting on violent homeland conflict, in comparison with general media in the diaspora’s country of residence. Despite arguments that diasporic media negatively impact integration, further polarisation or contribute to conflict recreation in the country of residence, there has been little research into the reporting by diasporic media. In this thesis, I argue that diasporic and general media will differ in their framing of violent conflict in the diaspora’s homeland because of two factors: (1) the expected levels of interest and knowledge among the medium’s target audience and (2) the knowledge and objectives of the journalists producing the reporting. Through in-depth analysis of a collection of articles of the New York Times and the Armenian Mirror-Spectator on the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh War, I find that there are indeed considerable differences between the framing of the two news media. Diasporic media use more thematic framing in their reporting, whereas general media use more episodic framing in their reporting on the conflict. Furthermore, the framing by diasporic media aligns with central (conflict) narratives of the diaspora’s collective memory, whereas general media present a mix of different conflict perspectives. Finally, this analysis showcases some of the issues of applying concepts derived from the framing of non-violent contexts to violent conflict settings. These findings further the understanding of both the reporting of diasporic media, relative to the reporting by general media, and the knowledge on the types of framing used in reporting on violent conflict, and what drives the construction of such frames. This study also highlights the importance of the consideration of violent conflict in the study of framing, and the need for further research into framing of violent conflict.
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Impact of peace movements on a society immersed in conflict. An analysis of the framing processes of the Basque peace movement.Anton, Egoitz G. January 2011 (has links)
The Basque conflict has waged since the 1950s in its current form. However, with the arrival of democracy 36 years ago, the Basque Country has been the scene of an intense peace mobilization, dominated by two peace organizations: Gesto por la Paz, a group of community organizations that mobilize to publicly reject political violence, and Lokarri/Elkarri, an organization that includes a conflict resolution proposal based on dialogue between conflicting parties. While there is some literature on these organizations, none has analysed their extraordinary impact on Basque society.
This research explores how the Basque peace movement has impacted on the social and political culture of the Basque conflict. It seeks to understand the nature of this impact and to determine the channels and methods by which it was achieved, using frame analysis. Three interlinked questions serve to guide the research, asking first if there is a Basque Peace Frame and if it could be considered a master frame, how this Basque Peace Frame has evolved, and, finally, how the Basque Peace Frame has impacted on other Basque Civil Society Organizations related to the conflict. This qualitative research spans the period between the March 2006 declaration of ceasefire by ETA and the end of fieldwork for this research in September 2008. The research includes 18 in depth interviews, written media, and analysis of seven notable Basque social organizations related to the conflict, in addition to the two peace organizations mentioned above.
The research found the impact of the Basque peace movement in the Basque Country is significant and rich. The Basque Peace Frame developed based on the rejection of the use of violence as a political tool and identifies that violence as the main barrier to achieving an inclusive conflict resolution. The Basque peace movement organizations developed a specific kind of mobilization to enforce the Basque Peace Frame based on silent and symbolic acts. The objective was to counter the former dynamics of mobilization that were contentious and directed to promote Basque national rights. The Basque Peace Frame proposed a change in the way the political collective identity was constructed in the Basque Country, showing that an association between nationalism and violence is not obligatory. The Basque Peace Frame has evolved and spread between social organizations in the Basque Country, using sympathetic identity networks as the main channel of frame diffusion. Even organizations that did not reject the use of contentious methods of protest are now questioning the use of violence, signifying exciting prospects for the future of non-violent political action in the Basque Country. / La Fundacion La Caixa. Consejeria de Educación Universidades e Investigación of the Basque Country Government.
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Changes within localization practices : A case study of the Fatal Frame seriesNorén, Daniella January 2024 (has links)
Japanese video games have existed for decades now; however, the early games often lacked cultural elements and were thus easy to localize in other countries. As video games gained popularity and became more advanced, more of Japanese cultural elements started appearing in the games, which brought rise to translation problems. The localizers had to face the issue of whether to preserve or delete foreign culture elements within the game when these games were released in the West. As game localization of (Japanese) cultural elements is under-researched, this paper focuses solely on cultural terms. It attempts to see whether there is a change of translation techniques and if there is a shift regarding foreignization and domestication from the first game to the latest release within the game series Fatal Frame. The games were played in both their original form (Japanese) and the English localization in order to gather data which consists of cultural terms that appear in-game. Their translation was then analyzed to see if they were deemed to be foreignized or domesticated, followed by a comparison to see if there was a shift in the 22-year gap between the first and latest release. The result indicates that both games used the adaptation and equivalence (paraphrasing) techniques to a similar extent. The latest release preferred using the omission technique compared to the first, while the first game favored equivalence in conjunction with the borrowing technique. However, against expectation, the first game is considered more foreignized compared to the latest release, which goes against the trend seen in other mediums where translations are becoming more foreignized in modern times. This was also the result of a previous study within this area.
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Glasfiberram : Design av en glasfiberprodukt utgående från en StålproduktOlsson, Johannes January 2015 (has links)
I denna rapport kommer en processen av hur en glasfiberprodukt kan designas med utgångspunkt av en likvärdig produkt gjord i stål genomföras. Arbetet är gjort från uppdrag utav Roxtec international AB och handlar om designarbetet för en glasfiberram.Arbetet har gjorts med samarbete med Roxtec och utgår ifrån deras idéer om att designa en ny produkt för att hjälpa dem att få in sin produkt i fler marknader. I detta fall handlar det om att ha en glasfiberram gjord med långa fibrer för att kunna installera Roxtecs produkter i glasfiberskepp och båtar utan att bryta vissa certifikationer. Ramen används för att hålla tätningsmoduler på plats. Dessa tätningsmoduler pressas ihop vilket ger ett stort tryck på ramen.En stor del av arbetet handlar också om att ta reda på vilka olika tillverkningsmetoder som finns för glasfiber och hur de funkar med de koncepten som slutligen tas fram.I de första delarna av rapporten finns bakgrundsinformation om Roxtec och sedan information om de olika tillverkningsmetoderna som finns. Sedan går det vidare med information om de olika metoderna som används för att ta fram resultatet. Efter det fortsätter rapporten genom att visa ett antal koncept som sedan dimensioneras mot kraven som sätts på produkten.I den sista delen av rapporten ges sedan en rekommendation utifrån resultaten till Roxtec om vilken tillverkningsmetod som är lämplig och även en slutgiltig design på en glasfiberram. / In this report, a process of how a fiberglass product can be designed on the basis of an equivalent product made of steel be performed. The work is done through an assignment from Roxtec International AB and is about the design work for a fiberglass frame.The work has been done with cooperation with Roxtec and assumes their ideas about designing a new product in order to help them to get their product into more markets. In this case it is about a fiberglass frame made with long fibers in order to install Roxtec's products in fiberglass ships and boats without breaking certain certifications. The frame is used to hold the sealing modules in place. The sealing modules are then compressed which puts a heavy pressure on the frame.A large part of the work is also about finding out what different manufacturing methods there are for fiberglass and how they work with the concepts that will be developed.The first parts of the report provides background information about Roxtec and then information on the different manufacturing methods available. Then it provides information on the various methods used to produce the result. The report continues by displaying a number of concepts which are then designed to the requirements set on the product.In the last part of the report is a recommendation is given based on the results to Roxtec about which manufacturing method is appropriate and also a final design on a fiberglass frame.
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