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Steel and composite building frames: sway response under conventional loading and development of membranar effects in beams further to an exceptional actionDemonceau, Jean-François 19 June 2008 (has links)
The present thesis is dedicated to the study of the behaviour of steel and composite steel-concrete building frames with a particular attention paid to the beam-to-column joint behaviour. Two main topics are investigated herein: the behaviour of sway building frames subjected to conventional loadings and the development of the membrane forces in structural beams further to the loss of a column.
Regarding the first topic, the main objective is to propose a simplified analytical method to predict the ultimate load factor of composite sway building frames, a case not yet covered by the actual codes and standards.
To achieve this goal, the behaviour of composite joints subjected to bending moments is first studied through experimental and analytical investigations; indeed, the joints are key elements influencing the response of sway frames. Through these investigations, a new collapse mode is identified for single-sided composite joints subjected to hogging moments and an analytical method is proposed and validated to introduce this new collapse mode in the joint design. In addition, an analytical method is also proposed and validated to predict the response of composite joints subjected to sagging moment, a situation which can occur in composite sway frames subjected to horizontal loads but not yet covered by the actual codes.
Afterwards, the numerical tool used to predict the response of composite sway frames is validated through a benchmark study and through comparisons with experimental test results coming from two tests performed in European laboratories. With the so-validated software, the behaviour of actual sway building frames (i.e. frames extracted from existing buildings) is investigated, highlighting their particularities.
The applicability to composite sway frames of two simplified analytical method initially developed for steel sway frames (an elastic one called the amplified sway moment method and a plastic one called the Merchant-Rankine approach) is then studied. From these investigations, it is demonstrated that the elastic method can be applied with good confidence to composite sway frames while the plastic one illustrates the same problems of accuracy already observed in previous studies on steel sway frames; in particular, the plastic method may prove to be very unsafe if the collapse mode associated to the ultimate limit state is a panel plastic mechanism.
Finally, according to these results, a simplified analytical method is developed for the prediction of the ultimate load factor of steel and composite sway frames. The proposed method is founded on the Ayrton-Perry formulation and is validated through comparison to results obtained with full non-linear numerical analyses performed on more than 300 steel and composite frames. The so-validated method is easy to apply and permits to predict with a very good accuracy the ultimate load factor of a sway frame and the collapse mode appearing at the ultimate limit state.
Founded on the knowledge gained from the previous topic on the structural behaviour of steel and composite structures, the behaviour of such structures subjected to an exceptional event is investigated within the second topic. The main objective is to propose a simplified analytical procedure to predict the development of the membrane forces within a structure further to the loss of a column and their effects on the structural response.
In a first step, a general procedure allowing the prediction of the response of a structure further to the loss of a column is first defined, with a particular attention paid to the influence of the development of the catenary action on this response.
Then, an experimental test performed at Liège University and simulating the loss of a column in a composite frame is described. The objective of this test is to observe the development of the catenary action within the tested structure and its effect on the joint behaviour. The described test constitutes a European first in this domain.
Also, as for the previous topic, the behaviour of joints is investigated in details. Here, the particularity is the fact that the joints are subjected to combined bending moments and axial loads when the membrane effects developed in the structure. In a previous PhD thesis presented at Liège University, an analytical procedure founded on the component method was developed to predict the response of steel joints subjected to such loading. Within the present thesis, this method is extended to composite joints and validated through comparisons to experimental tests.
Afterwards, the numerical tool used for the numerical investigations is validated through a benchmark study and through comparisons with the results of the experimental test performed at Liège University. In particular, the difficulty of simulating the actual behaviour of beam-to-column joints subjected to combined bending moments and axial loads is illustrated.
With the so-validated software, a simplified substructure modelling, on which the developed analytical method is founded, is then validated. In addition, parametric numerical studies are performed on the substructure modelling in order to identify the parameters to be considered within the developed method.
Finally, the developed simplified analytical method is described and validated through comparisons between the experimental results and the analytical prediction. With this easy-to-apply method, a very good accuracy is achieved; in particular, it is possible to predict the requested deformation capacity in the structural elements where plastic hinges are developed and the membrane forces which have to be supported by the structure./
La présente thèse est dédiée à létude du comportement des portiques de bâtiments en acier et mixte acier-béton avec une attention particulière portée sur le comportement des assemblages poutre-colonne. Deux sujets principaux sont abordés : létude du comportement des portiques à nuds transversalement déplaçables soumis à un chargement classique et létude du développement des efforts membranaires dans les poutres dun portique suite à la perte dune colonne.
Concernant le premier sujet, lobjectif principal est de proposer une méthode analytique simplifiée permettant de prédire le multiplicateur de charge ultime de portiques mixtes à nuds transversalement déplaçables, cas non encore couvert par les codes actuels.
Pour atteindre cet objectif, le comportement des assemblages mixtes soumis à des moments de flexion est étudié dans un premier temps aux travers détudes expérimentales et analytiques, les assemblages étant des éléments clés dans létude du comportement des portiques à nuds transversalement déplaçables. Via ces études, un nouveau mode de ruine est mis en évidence pour les assemblages mixtes externes et une méthode analytique est proposée et validée pour la prise en compte de ce nouveau mode de ruine dans le dimensionnement de ces assemblages. De plus, une méthode analytique est également proposée et validée pour prédire la réponse des assemblages mixtes soumis à moment positif, situation pouvant apparaître dans les portiques mixtes à nuds transversalement déplaçables soumis à un chargement horizontal mais non encore couverte par les codes actuels.
Ensuite, loutil numérique utilisé pour prédire la réponse des portiques est validé par une étude comparative réalisée avec différents logiciels et par une comparaison à des résultats expérimentaux provenant de deux essais réalisés dans des laboratoires européens. Avec cet outil ainsi validé, le comportement de portiques mixtes réels (cest-à-dire extraits de bâtiments existants) est étudié en mettant en évidence leurs particularités.
Lapplicabilité à des structures mixtes de deux méthodes simplifiées initialement développées pour des portiques en acier à nuds transversalement déplaçables (une élastique intitulée amplified sway moment method et une plastique intitulée approche de Merchant-Rankine) est alors étudiée. Suite à cette étude, il est démontré que la méthode élastique peut être assurément appliquée aux portiques mixtes tandis que la méthode plastique démontre les mêmes problèmes de précision que ceux déjà observés dans des études précédentes réalisées sur des portiques en acier ; en particulier, la méthode peut se révéler être très insécuritaire si le mécanisme de ruine associé à létat limite ultime est un mécanisme plastique de panneau.
Finalement, suite à cette dernière observation, une méthode analytique simplifiée est développée pour la prédiction du multiplicateur de charge ultime de portiques mixtes et en acier à nuds transversalement déplaçables. La méthode proposée est fondée sur la formulation dAyrton-Perry et est validée par des comparaisons à des résultats obtenus via des analyses non-linéaires réalisées sur plus de 300 portiques en acier et mixtes. La méthode ainsi validée est facile à utiliser et permet dobtenir le multiplicateur de ruine dun portique avec une très bonne précision ainsi que le mode de ruine apparaissant à létat limite ultime.
Suite à lexpérience acquise sur le comportement des structures en acier et mixtes soumises à un chargement « classique », le comportement de celles-ci soumises à une action exceptionnelle a alors été étudié. Lobjectif principal est la proposition dune méthode analytique simplifiée permettant de prédire le développement des forces membranaires dans une structure suite à la perte dune colonne et leurs effets sur la réponse structurale.
Dans un premier temps, une procédure générale permettant de prédire la réponse dune structure lors de la perte dune colonne est définie, mettant en évidence linfluence du développement des efforts membranaire sur cette réponse.
Un essai expérimental réalisé à lUniversité de Liège et simulant la perte dune colonne dans un portique mixte est ensuite présenté. Lobjectif de cet essai est dobserver le développement des efforts membranaires dans la structure testée et leurs effets sur le comportement des assemblages. Lessai présenté constitue une première européenne dans ce domaine.
Comme pour le sujet précédent, le comportement des assemblages est aussi étudié en détail. Ici, la particularité est le fait que les assemblages sont soumis à la fois à des moments de flexion et à des efforts axiaux lorsque les effets membranaires se développent dans la structure. Dans une thèse de doctorat précédente présentée à lUniversité de Liège, une procédure analytique fondée sur la méthode des composantes a été développée pour prédire la réponse dassemblages en acier soumis à un tel chargement. Dans la présente thèse, cette méthode est étendue au cas des assemblages mixtes et validées via des comparaisons à des résultats expérimentaux.
Ensuite, loutil numérique utilisé est validé par une étude comparative réalisée avec différents logiciels et par des comparaisons aux résultats de lessai réalisé à lUniversité de Liège. En particulier, la difficulté de simuler le comportement réel dassemblages soumis à une action combinée defforts de flexion et defforts axiaux est illustrée.
Avec le logiciel ainsi validé, un modèle simplifié de sous-structure permettant de développer la méthode analytique simplifiée est défini et validé via des études numériques. De plus, des études paramétriques sont réalisées sur ce modèle afin didentifier les paramètres à prendre en compte dans la méthode développée.
Finalement, la méthode simplifiée développée est décrite et validée via des comparaisons entre les résultats expérimentaux et les prédictions analytiques. Avec cette méthode facile à utiliser, une très bonne précision est obtenue ; en particulier, il est possible de prédire la demande en terme de capacité de déformation au niveau des éléments structuraux où se forment des rotules plastiques et de déterminer les efforts membranaires devant être supportés par la structure.
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Automatic plastic-hinge analysis and design of 3D steel framesHoang Van Long, spzv 24 September 2008 (has links)
A rather complete picture of automatic plastic-hinge analysis onto steel frames under static loads is made in the present thesis. One/two/three-linear behaviours of mild steel are considered. The frames are submitted to fixed or repeated load. The geometric nonlinearity is taken into account. The beam-to-column joints of structures could be rigid or semi-rigid. The compact or slender cross-sections are examined. The investigation is carried out using direct or step-by-step methods. Both analysis and optimization methodologies are applied. From the fundamental theory to the computer program aspect are presented. Various benchmarks in open literatures are tested demonstrating the efficiency of the implementation.
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Helgonlika politiker och maktlösa arbetslösa : En undersökning av attityder och värderingar i politikers metaforerCarling, Lisza January 2005 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att försöka besvara frågan: Vilka attityder och värderingar kommer till uttryck i Lars Ohlys respektive Göran Hägglunds användning av metaforer i debatten om arbetslöshetspolitiken? Jag har valt att studera de metaforer som förekommer när det gäller arbetslösa, arbetslöshet och den egna politiken i frågan. Jag har också analyserat de metaforer som används när de talar om/bemöter sina motståndare och deras politik. De artefakter jag har använt i min undersökning är två tal samt en TV-sänd partiledardebatt. Min ena hypotes var att det i talarens val av metaforer döljer sig attityder och värderingar som kanske inte syns vid ett oreflekterat mottagande av talarens budskap. Efter att ha studerat de båda partiledarnas val och användning av metaforer vill jag, till viss del, påstå att en stor del av metaforerna öppet signalerar attityder och värderingar, inte minst när de tillskriver varandra negativa sådana. Men vissa värderingar syns först efter lite hårdare skrapande på ytan. Det intressanta är dock att båda partierna tycks vilja tillskriva sig själva liknande attityder och värderingar som i bägge fallen bygger på solidaritet, empati och förståelse. Samtidigt, som de båda, vill tillskriva varandra rakt motsatta värderingar. Min andra hypotes var att jag skulle kunna se övergripande frames som visar på olika underliggande attityder och värderingar, och till viss del tycker jag mig ha fått min hypotes besannad. Ohly och Hägglund visar prov på övergripande frames och metaforsystem som kan påverka hur vi, och de,uppfattar vår omvärld och därmed också hur vi handlar. Ohly skapar en frame för de arbetslösa som oskyldiga offer som står maktlösa inför yttre krafter. Hägglund koncentrerar istället sin frame för arbetslöshetspolitiken kring behovet av goda förutsättningar för företagande. Dessa olika attityder till frågan om arbetslöshet lämnar olika handlingsutrymme. Sammanfattningsvis kan jag säga att det i en undersökning som denna är svårt att dra en kortfattad slutsats, då den rika flora av metaforer som används kan tolkas som olika attityder och värderingar, och därmed präglas attityder och värderingar av mångfald. / In this dissertation (written in Swedish), I have tried to answer the question ”Which attitudes and values are expressed in the metaphores that Lars Ohly and Göran Hägglund uses in the debate of unemployement?” I have studied the metaphores used when they mention the question of unemployement, but also when they talk about their respective political parties’ politics and the other party’s political standpoint. One of my hypothesis was that the choice of metaphores conceals attitudes and values that are not so apparent for an unreflected listening. Though, in some aspects, my reserach has shown that some of the metaphores openly signals attitudes and values. Not the least when they try to give each other negative values. And yet, some values are not as apparent, it takes some reflection to notice them. One interesting thing, though, is, that they both tries to givet hem selves attitudes and values built upon solidarity, compassion and understanding – meanwhile they both tries to attach the oposing values upon each other. Another hypothesis was that I also would be able to se frames that could show underlying attitudes and values. In some ways I did find this. Ohly, as well as Hägglund, shows examples of ”overall-frames” and systems of metaphores which can affect the way we percept our world and also the way we chose to act and make decisions. Ohly creates a frame for the unemployed as innocent victims, who powerlessly faces outer forces, while Hägglund concentrates his frame around the need of good conditions for companies. These two different attitudes towards the question of unemployement creates different alternatives on how to decide and act. It is hard to draw a short conclusion in an analysis as this one, since the richness of the metahpores used can be interpreted as different values and attitudes. One conclusion is that values and attitudes are characarized whith multitude. / Bilagor ej bifogade. Exempel på analyserade metaforer finns dock i uppsatsen.
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Simple Models For Drift Estimates In Framed Structures During Near-field EarthquakesErdogan, Burcu 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Maximum interstory drift and the distribution of this drift along the height of the structure are the main causes of structural and nonstructural damage in frame type buildings subjected to earthquake ground motions. Estimation of maximum interstory drift ratio is a good measure of the local response of buildings. Recent earthquakes have revealed the susceptibility of the existing building stock to near-fault ground motions characterized by a large, long-duration velocity pulse. In order to find rational solutions for the destructive effects of near fault ground motions, it is necessary to determine drift demands of buildings. Practical, applicable and accurate methods that define the system behavior by means of some key parameters are needed to assess the building performances quickly instead of detailed modeling and calculations.
In this study, simple equations are proposed in order for the determination of the elastic interstory drift demand produced by near fault ground motions on regular and irregular steel frame structures. The proposed equations enable the prediction of maximum elastic ground story drift ratio of shear frames and the maximum elastic ground story drift ratio and maximum elastic interstory drift ratio of steel moment resisting frames. In addition, the effects of beam to column stiffness ratio, soft story factor, stiffness distribution coefficient, beam-to-column capacity ratio, seismic force reduction factor, ratio of pulse period to fundamental period, regular story height and number of stories on elastic and inelastic interstory drift demands are investigated in detail. An equation for the ratio of maximum inelastic interstory drift ratio to maximum elastic interstory drift ratio developed for a representative case is also presented.
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Code Aided Frame Synchronization For Frequency Selective ChannelsEkinci, Umut Utku 01 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Frame synchronization is an important problem in digital communication systems. In frame synchronization, the main task is to find the frame start given the flow of the communication symbols. In this thesis, frame synchronization problem is investigated for both additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels and frequency selective channels. Most of the previous works on frame synchronization consider the simple case of AWGN channels. The algorithms developed for this purpose fail in frequency selective channels. There is limited number of algorithms proposed for the frequency selective channels. In this thesis, existing frame synchronization techniques are investigated for both AWGN and frequency selective channels. Code-aided frame synchronization techniques are combined with the methods for frequency selective channels. Mainly two types of code-aided frame synchronization schemes are considered and two new system structures are proposed for frame synchronization. One of the proposed structures performs better than the alternative methods for frequency selective channels. The overall system for this new synchronizer is composed of a list synchronizer which generates the possible frame starts, a channel estimator, a soft output MLSE equalizer, and a soft output Viterbi decoder. A mode separation algorithm is used to generate the statistics for the selection of the true frame start. Several experiments are done and the performance is outlined for a variety of scenarios.
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Twist in the list : frame semantics as vocabulary teaching and learning toolAtzler, Judith Kerstin 31 May 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study, which is grounded in applied linguistics, was to investigate two ways of presenting vocabulary in a German language class in order to determine whether Frame Semantics is a feasible tool with regards to students’ vocabulary acquisition and culturally appropriate usage of vocabulary. In addition, this study examined learners’ attitudes toward the new method of vocabulary teaching and learning.
A total of 34 university students enrolled in four second-semester German classes participated in this study. In the Control Group rote memorization techniques were used, while the in the Treatment Group frame semantics was utilized for the teaching and learning of vocabulary.
The data was analyzed through quantitative methods. The quantitative data was derived from an online demographic survey, a vocabulary pre-test, two vocabulary post-tests (an immediate post-test and delayed post-test), a cultural appropriateness pre-test, two cultural appropriateness post-tests (an immediate post-test and delayed post-test), as well as an pre-test and post-test attitude scale provided as an online questionnaire.
Analysis of the data indicates that there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups with regards to their cultural appropriate usage of the vocabulary items, and no statistically significant differences were observed with regards to vocabulary recall and retention. In addition, only the factor of enjoyment yielded significant differences with regards to learners’ attitude, while the factors of motivation, interest and confidence did not show statistically significant differences between the groups. Thus, the results indicate that both methods – Frame Semantics and the more traditional methods – are suitable for vocabulary learning and teaching as both methods resulted in an increase of learners’ vocabulary knowledge, including long-term retention. / text
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Criteria for the validation of specialized verb equivalents : application in bilingual terminographyPimentel, Janine 05 1900 (has links)
Multilingual terminological resources do not always include valid equivalents of legal terms for two main reasons. Firstly, legal systems can differ from one language community to another and even from one country to another because each has its own history and traditions. As a result, the non-isomorphism between legal and linguistic systems may render the identification of equivalents a particularly challenging task. Secondly, by focusing primarily on the definition of equivalence, a notion widely discussed in translation but not in terminology, the literature does not offer solid and systematic methodologies for assigning terminological equivalents. As a result, there is a lack of criteria to guide both terminologists and translators in the search and validation of equivalent terms.
This problem is even more evident in the case of predicative units, such as verbs. Although some terminologists (L‘Homme 1998; Lerat 2002; Lorente 2007) have worked on specialized verbs, terminological equivalence between units that belong to this part of speech would benefit from a thorough study. By proposing a novel methodology to assign the equivalents of specialized verbs, this research aims at defining validation criteria for this kind of predicative units, so as to contribute to a better understanding of the phenomenon of terminological equivalence as well as to the development of multilingual terminography in general, and to the development of legal terminography, in particular.
The study uses a Portuguese-English comparable corpus that consists of a single genre of texts, i.e. Supreme Court judgments, from which 100 Portuguese and 100 English specialized verbs were selected. The description of the verbs is based on the theory of Frame Semantics (Fillmore 1976, 1977, 1982, 1985; Fillmore and Atkins 1992), on the FrameNet methodology (Ruppenhofer et al. 2010), as well as on the methodology for compiling specialized lexical resources, such as DiCoInfo (L‘Homme 2008), developed in the Observatoire de linguistique Sens-Texte at the Université de Montréal. The research reviews contributions that have adopted the same theoretical and methodological framework to the compilation of lexical resources and proposes adaptations to the specific objectives of the project.
In contrast to the top-down approach adopted by FrameNet lexicographers, the approach described here is bottom-up, i.e. verbs are first analyzed and then grouped into frames for each language separately. Specialized verbs are said to evoke a semantic frame, a sort of conceptual scenario in which a number of mandatory elements (core Frame Elements) play specific roles (e.g. ARGUER, JUDGE, LAW), but specialized verbs are often accompanied by other optional information (non-core Frame Elements), such as the criteria and reasons used by the judge to reach a decision (statutes, codes, previous decisions). The information concerning the semantic frame that each verb evokes was encoded in an xml editor and about twenty contexts illustrating the specific way each specialized verb evokes a given frame were semantically and syntactically annotated. The labels attributed to each semantic frame (e.g. [Compliance], [Verdict]) were used to group together certain synonyms, antonyms as well as equivalent terms.
The research identified 165 pairs of candidate equivalents among the 200 Portuguese and English terms that were grouped together into 76 frames. 71% of the pairs of equivalents were considered full equivalents because not only do the verbs evoke the same conceptual scenario but their actantial structures, the linguistic realizations of the actants and their syntactic patterns were similar. 29% of the pairs of equivalents did not entirely meet these criteria and were considered partial equivalents. Reasons for partial equivalence are provided along with illustrative examples. Finally, the study describes the semasiological and onomasiological entry points that JuriDiCo, the bilingual lexical resource compiled during the project, offers to future users. / Les ressources multilingues portant sur le domaine juridique n‘incluent pas toujours d‘équivalents valides pour deux raisons. D‘abord, les systèmes juridiques peuvent différer d‘une communauté linguistique à l‘autre et même d‘un pays à l‘autre, car chacun a son histoire et ses traditions. Par conséquent, le phénomène de la non-isomorphie entre les systèmes juridiques et linguistiques rend difficile la tâche d‘identification des équivalents. En deuxième lieu, en se concentrant surtout sur la définition de la notion d‘équivalence, notion largement débattue en traductologie, mais non suffisamment en terminologie, la littérature ne propose pas de méthodologies solides et systématiques pour identifier les équivalents. On assiste donc à une absence de critères pouvant guider tant les terminologues que les traducteurs dans la recherche et la validation des équivalents des termes. Ce problème est encore plus évident dans le cas d‘unités prédicatives comme les verbes. Bien que certains terminologues (L'Homme, 1998; Lorente et Bevilacqua 2000; Costa et Silva 2004) aient déjà travaillé sur les verbes spécialisés, l‘équivalence terminologique, en ce qui concerne ce type d‘unités, bénéficierait d‘une étude approfondie. En proposant une méthodologie originale pour identifier les équivalents des verbes spécialisés, cette recherche consiste donc à définir des critères de validation de ce type d‘unités prédicatives afin de mieux comprendre le phénomène de l‘équivalence et aussi améliorer les ressources terminologiques multilingues, en général, et les ressources terminologiques multilingues couvrant le domaine juridique, en particulier.
Cette étude utilise un corpus comparable portugais-anglais contenant un seul genre de textes, à savoir les décisions des cours suprêmes, à partir duquel 100 verbes spécialisés ont été sélectionnés pour chaque langue. La description des verbes se base sur la théorie de la sémantique des cadres (Fillmore 1976, 1977, 1982, 1985; Fillmore and Atkins 1992), sur la méthodologie de FrameNet (Ruppenhofer et al. 2010), ainsi que sur la méthodologie développée à l‘Observatoire de linguistique Sens-Texte pour compiler des ressources lexicales spécialisées, telles que le DiCoInfo (L‘Homme 2008). La recherche examine d‘autres contributions ayant déjà utilisé ce cadre théorique et méthodologique et propose des adaptations objectives du projet. Au lieu de suivre une démarche descendante comme le font les lexicographes de FrameNet, la démarche que nous décrivons est ascendante, c‘est-à-dire, pour chaque langue séparément, les verbes sont d‘abord analysés puis regroupés par cadres sémantiques. Dans cette recherche, chacun des verbes « évoque » un cadre ou frame, une sorte de scénario conceptuel, dans lequel un certain nombre d‘acteurs obligatoires (core Frame Elements) jouent des rôles spécifiques (le rôle de juge, le rôle d‘appelant, le rôle de la loi). Mis en discours, les termes sont souvent accompagnés d‘autres renseignements optionnels (non-core Frame Elements) comme ceux des critères utilisés par le juge pour rendre une décision (des lois, des codes, d‘autres décisions antérieures). Tous les renseignements concernant les cadres sémantiques que chacun des verbes évoque ont été encodés dans un éditeur xml et une vingtaine de contextes illustrant la façon spécifique dont chacun des verbes évoque un cadre donné ont été annotés. Les étiquettes attribuées à chaque cadre sémantique (ex. [Compliance], [Verdict]) ont servi à relier certains termes synonymes, certains termes antonymes ainsi que des candidats équivalents.
Parmi les 200 termes portugais et anglais regroupés en 76 cadres, 165 paires de candidats équivalents ont été identifiés. 71% des paires d‘équivalents sont des équivalents parfaits parce que les verbes évoquent le même scénario conceptuel, leurs structures actancielles sont identiques, les réalisations linguistiques de chacun des actants sont équivalentes, et les patrons syntaxiques des verbes sont similaires. 29% des paires d‘équivalents correspondent à des équivalents partiels parce qu‘ils ne remplissent pas tous ces critères. Au moyen d‘exemples, l‘étude illustre tous les cas de figure observés et termine en présentant les différentes façons dont les futurs utilisateurs peuvent consulter le JuriDiCo, la ressource lexicale qui a été compilée pendant ce projet.
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以語體變異現象驗證認知框架之存在 / Stylistic Variation as Surface Evidence for Frame高子貽, Kao, Tzu Yi Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果顯示(一)框架的概念可藉由語體變異現象驗證。語言形式策略包含詞彙的語意密度、正式性、詞頻,以及句型的複雜性、完整性、特定句型模式(Sentences patterns)等;(二)在敘述架構(Narrative Structure)中,語體變異現象主要用來標示闡述(Elaboration),其次是評價(Evaluation)部分;在對話結構(Conversational Structure) 中,語體變異現象則主要用來標示話題延續(Topic Continuity)(三)語體變異現象主要可用來辨識言說行動中的斷言行為(Assertive),其次為表述行為(Expressives)和指示行為(Directives);(四)語體變異現象可用來辨識語用合作原則中的量的準則和方式準則;(五)語體變異現象驗證框架具有階層性的概念,包含主要三大階層—Denotative level、Metalinguistic level、和Metacommunicative level。 / The aim of this study is to investigate how frame can be manifested through stylistic variation. Linguistic devices and functional strategies which related to stylistic variation for the manifestation of frame are discussed; the distributions between linguistic devices and functional strategies of stylistic variation for frame are also patternized. Last, stylistic variation can help to identify hierarchical structure of frame is verified.
This study is corpus-based that all of the data are face-to-face, spontaneous, dyadic conversations, extracted from NCCU Corpus of Spoken Mandarin. Seven samples are analyzed. “Turn” is using as measurement of linguistic unit to count the amount of stylistic variation for frame. In addition, only the goals of stylistic variation are counted and categorized. Criteria for data classification includes linguistic criteria (includes lexical devices and syntactic devices) and functional criteria (includes discourse structure, illocutionary acts, and Cooperative Principle).
The results of data analysis show that (1) frame can be identified through stylistic variation of lexical choices based on semantic density, word formality, and word frequency, as well as through shifting of syntactic devices which include sentence complexity, sentence completeness, and sentence patterns. (2) On discourse level in a narrative, stylistic variation is most frequently used to signal elaboration, less is evaluation; on discourse level in a conversation, stylistic variation is most frequently used to signal topic continuity. (3) Among the five types of illocutionary acts, stylistic variation is applied most frequently for assertives, less for expressives and directives, and never for commisssives and declaration.(4) Among Cooperative Principle, stylistic variation is applied most frequently for Maxim of Quantity and Maxim of Manner. (5) Last, hierarchical structure of frame, including subordinate denotative level, metalinguistic level, and dominant metacommunicative level, are verified in this study.
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Advanced Analysis of Steel Frame Structures Subjected to Lateral Torsional Buckling EffectsYuan, Zeng January 2004 (has links)
The current design procedure for steel frame structures is a two-step process including an elastic analysis to determine design actions and a separate member capacity check. This design procedure is unable to trace the full range of load-deflection response and hence the failure modes of the frame structures can not be accurately predicted. In recent years, the development of advanced analysis methods has aimed at solving this problem by combining the analysis and design tasks into one step. Application of the new advanced analysis methods permits a comprehensive assessment of the actual failure modes and ultimate strengths of structural steel systems in practical design situations. One of the advanced analysis methods, the refined plastic hinge method, has shown great potential to become a practical design tool. However, at present, it is only suitable for a special class of steel frame structures that is not subject to lateral torsional buckling effects. The refined plastic hinge analysis can directly account for three types of frame failures, gradual formation of plastic hinges, column buckling and local buckling. However, this precludes most of the steel frame structures whose behaviour is governed by lateral torsional buckling. Therefore, the aim of this research is to develop a practical advanced analysis method suitable for general steel frame structures including the effects of lateral-torsional buckling. Lateral torsional buckling is a complex three dimensional instability phenomenon. Unlike the in-plane buckling of beam-columns, a closed form analytical solution is not available for lateral torsional buckling. The member capacity equations used in design specifications are derived mainly from testing of simply supported beams. Further, there has been very limited research into the behaviour and design of steel frame structures subject to lateral torsional buckling failures. Therefore in order to incorporate lateral torsional buckling effects into an advanced analysis method, a detailed study must be carried out including inelastic beam buckling failures. This thesis contains a detailed description of research on extending the scope of advanced analysis by developing methods that include the effects of lateral torsional buckling in a nonlinear analysis formulation. It has two components. Firstly, distributed plasticity models were developed using the state-of-the-art finite element analysis programs for a range of simply supported beams and rigid frame structures to investigate and fully understand their lateral torsional buckling behavioural characteristics. Nonlinear analyses were conducted to study the load-deflection response of these structures under lateral torsional buckling influences. It was found that the behaviour of simply supported beams and members in rigid frame structures is significantly different. In real frame structures, the connection details are a decisive factor in terms of ultimate frame capacities. Accounting for the connection rigidities in a simplified advanced analysis method is very difficult, but is most critical. Generally, the finite element analysis results of simply supported beams agree very well with the predictions of the current Australian steel structures design code AS4100, but the capacities of rigid frame structures can be significantly higher compared with Australian code predictions. The second part of the thesis concerns the development of a two dimensional refined plastic hinge analysis which is capable of considering lateral torsional buckling effects. The formulation of the new method is based on the observations from the distributed plasticity analyses of both simply supported beams and rigid frame structures. The lateral torsional buckling effects are taken into account implicitly using a flexural stiffness reduction factor in the stiffness matrix formulation based on the member capacities specified by AS4100. Due to the lack of suitable alternatives, concepts of moment modification and effective length factors are still used for determining the member capacities. The effects of connection rigidities and restraints from adjacent members are handled by using appropriate effective length factors in the analysis. Compared with the benchmark solutions for simply supported beams, the new refined plastic hinge analysis is very accurate. For rigid frame structures, the new method is generally more conservative than the finite element models. The accuracy of the new method relies on the user's judgement of beam segment restraints. Overall, the design capacities in the new method are superior to those in the current design procedure, especially for frame structures with less slender members. The new refined plastic hinge analysis is now able to capture four types of failure modes, plastic hinge formation, column buckling, local buckling and lateral torsional buckling. With the inclusion of lateral torsional buckling mode as proposed in this thesis, advanced analysis is one step closer to being used for general design practice.
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Linha de montagem para a produção de habitações em light steel frame : projeto e otimizaçãoVivan, André Luiz 25 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Alison Vanceto (alison-vanceto@hotmail.com) on 2016-10-17T11:06:05Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-05-25 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (FINEP) / The Construction Industry (CI), regarding the production of single-family housing in Brazil, is
still characterized by the use of techniques and technologies that are highly dependent on
knowledge and manpower experience. Thus, in most projects involving the construction of
single-family housing, there are handcraft features when the building site is understood as a
production system. Thus, it is common to observe the pathological manifestations
appearance in post-occupational analysis, in addition to non-compliance with deadlines and
budgets. In this sense, this thesis suggests that the CI breaks with some technical and
cultural paradigms from the use of an industrialized building system, such as Light Steel
Frame (LSF) and from the use of assembly lines, focusing the industrialization of singlefamily
housing production. This proposal is based on four steps involving theoretical and
experimental approaches. The theoretical approaches involved the structuring of a
systematic literature review, which were identified gaps in scientific knowledge and the
research hypothesis, besides the development of basic theoretical framework, the product
definition and production system design. The experimental approach was represented by
activities related to computer simulation of the production system and its subsequent
optimization. The computer simulation was performed with the ProModel® software where
was simulated the production of five hundred housing units from the programming logic of
the designed system. Seven scenarios were simulated, with the results of its simulation it
was possible to identify the most efficient configuration from optimizing the use of some
resources, identified by layout B. In addition, the main results of the simulations show that it
is possible to assembly the housing unit designed at 11.14 hours, with a cycle time of 5.56
hours, with the settings of scenario seven. The purpose of this thesis and the results can be
considered relevant because promote innovation for both the consumer market and to the
academy, since it deals with concepts little used or known in the CI. It also enables greater
speed and volume of production, facing the Brazilian housing deficit, with significant quality
improvements. / A Indústria da Construção Civil (ICC), no que tange a produção de habitações unifamiliares
no Brasil, ainda se caracteriza pelo uso de técnicas e tecnologias que são altamente
dependentes do conhecimento e experiência do operário. Assim, na maior parte dos
empreendimentos que envolvem a construção de habitações unifamiliares, verificam-se
características artesanais quando se aborda o canteiro de obras como um sistema
produtivo. Dessa forma, é comum se atestar o surgimento de manifestações patológicas em
análises pós-ocupacionais, além do corrente descumprimento de prazos e orçamentos.
Neste sentido, a presente tese sugere que a ICC rompa com alguns paradigmas técnicos e
culturais a partir do uso de um sistema construtivo industrializado, como o Light Steel Frame
(LSF) associado ao uso de Linhas de Montagem, com o objetivo de se industrializar a
produção de habitações unifamiliares. Esta proposta se fundamentou em quatro etapas que
envolveram abordagens teóricas e experimentais. As abordagens teóricas envolveram a
estruturação da revisão bibliográfica sistemática, onde foram identificadas as lacunas do
conhecimento científico e a hipótese de pesquisa, além do desenvolvimento do referencial
teórico básico, a definição do produto e o projeto do sistema de produção. Já a abordagem
experimental foi representada pelas atividades referentes à simulação computacional do
sistema de produção e posterior otimização do mesmo. A simulação computacional foi
executada com o software ProModel®, em que foi simulada a produção de quinhentas
unidades habitacionais a partir da programação da lógica do sistema projetado. Ao todo
foram simulados sete cenários; com os resultados de suas simulações foi possível identificar
a configuração mais eficiente, a partir da otimização do uso de alguns recursos, identificado
pelo layout B. Além disso, os principais resultados das simulações mostram que é possível
montar a unidade habitacional projetada em 11,14 horas, com um tempo de ciclo de 5,56
horas com as configurações do cenário sete. A proposta dessa tese e os resultados obtidos
podem ser considerados relevantes, pois promovem a inovação tanto para o mercado
consumidor quanto para a academia, uma vez que lida com conceitos pouco utilizados ou
conhecidos na ICC. Além disso, possibilita maior rapidez e volume de produção, frente ao
déficit habitacional brasileiro, com ganhos significativos de qualidade.
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