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A influÃncia da terceira parte na mudanÃa de footing em chats educacionais / The influence of the third part in changing educational footing in chatsGeÃrgia Maria Feitosa e Paiva 30 April 2013 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / nÃo hà / Esta tese tem como objetivo analisar atà que ponto e sob quais circunstÃncias a presenÃa da
terceira parte influencia ou interfere nos chats educacionais virtuais por meio das mudanÃas de
footing dos participantes desses chats e da polidez linguÃstica que eles investem em momentos de
mudanÃa. Para tanto, tomamos como base os estudos de Goffman (1967; 1981), Brown; Levinson
(1978; 1987), Leech (1983; 2005), e as investigaÃÃes de Paiva (2004), Paiva; Rodrigues-Junior
(2008) e Pereira (2009). Para a realizaÃÃo da pesquisa, contamos com a colaboraÃÃo dos alunos e
dos professores das disciplinas SociolinguÃstica, LinguÃstica Textual e Leitura e ProduÃÃo de
Textos AcadÃmicos, ofertadas no curso de graduaÃÃo Letras-PortuguÃs da Universidade Federal
do CearÃ. Cada participante respondeu a um questionÃrio com questÃes que visaram compreender
seus hÃbitos e afinidades com a ferramenta chat educacional virtual. Depois de tabular e cruzar as
informaÃÃes presentes nos questionÃrios, e de analisar quinze chats, verificamos que a figura do
professor conteudista nÃo somente atua como terceira parte ou zona de influÃncia como tambÃm
chega a interferir na mudanÃa de footing dos participantes da interaÃÃo. O tipo de mudanÃa de
footing mais significativo à o de formato de produÃÃo, no qual foi possÃvel observar que na
presenÃa da terceira parte tutores e alunos procuram ser mais animadores do que responsÃveis ou
autores. TambÃm na presenÃa da terceira parte, os alunos evitaram inserir frames de longa
duraÃÃo. Com relaÃÃo à mudanÃa de footing por estrutura de participaÃÃo, a presenÃa da terceira
parte parece ter condicionado a exclusÃo momentÃnea do tutor na interaÃÃo durante a sua
presenÃa, que, por sua vez, excluiu alunos, neste mesmo momento interacional. Estes resultados
demonstram que o movimento interno Ãs interaÃÃes sociais (footing) realizadas em chats
educacionais virtuais à bastante sensÃvel à presenÃa de membro hierarquicamente superior,
podendo inclusive se prolongar na sua ausÃncia. Com esta investigaÃÃo, concluÃmos que a
escolha de determinadas estratÃgias de polidez como use marcadores de identidade e grupo,
inclua ouvinte e falante na mesma atividade, nominalize, distancie-se do ator e adicione
formalidade; distancie-se dos pronomes eu e vocà auxiliam no estabelecimento e na mudanÃa de
footings pelos participantes, pois demonstram o nÃvel de engajamento empreendido, sinalizando
em quais momentos o observador interfere na projeÃÃo de suas faces. / This research aims at analyzing what extent and under what circumstances the presence of third
part influences or interferes with the educational virtual chats through changes in participantsâ
footing in these chats and linguistic politeness that they invest in turning points.Our work in this
dissertation seeks to achieve this relationship which, in our view, seems inseparable for
understanding social relations. Therefore, as the basis of our studies we take Goffman (1967,
1981), Brown; Levinson (1987, 1978), Leech (1983, 2005), and more recently, investigations by
Paiva; Rodrigues-Junior (2008), Paiva (2004) and Pereira (2009). To achieve the researchâs aims,
we had the collaboration of students and teachers from Sociolinguistics, Linguistics and Textual
Reading and Production of Academic Texts disciplines, offered in the Portuguese Literature
course at the Federal University of CearÃ. The participants answered a questionnaire that aimed
to understand their habits and affinities with educational virtual chat tools. After crossing and
tabling the information provided in the questionnaires and analyzing fifteen chats, we found that
the figure of the content teacher does not only act as a third part or zone of influence, but also
he/she interferes in some instances to the changing in participants of the interactionâs footing. The
most significant type of footing change is in the format of production, in which tutors and
students demonstrate that in the presence of the third part, they seek to be more impeller than
sponsors or authors. Also, in the presence of the third part, students avoid inserting frames of
long duration. Regarding the change of footing for participation structure, the presence of the
third part seems to have conditioned the momentary exclusion of the tutor interaction during its
presence, which in turn, excluded students, even in this moment of interaction. These results
demonstrate that the internal motion to social interactions (footing) held in virtual educational
chats is very sensitive to the presence of higher-ranking member, and it can even extend during
its absence. With this investigation, we can conclude that the choice of certain politeness
strategies, such as use group and identity markers, include listener and speaker in the same
activity, nominalize, hold off yourself from the author and add formality, hold off yourself from
pronouns such as I and you assist in establishing and changing footings by the participants
because they demonstrate the level of engagement undertaken, signaling to which moments the
observer interferes with the projection of their faces.
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Estimativas de parâmetros genéticos para escores de estrutura corporal (frame) em bovinos de corte da raça Nelore / Estimates of genetic parameters for body structure scores (frame) in Nelore beef cattleAndréa Roseli Vançan Russo Horimoto 20 May 2005 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo obter estimativas de parâmetros genéticos para escores de frame estimados por modelos propostos a partir da análise de dados de animais zebuínos (FRAME_GMA) e pelas equações propostas pela Federação Americana de Melhoramento de Gado de Corte (Beef Improvement Federation) (FRAME_BIF), bem como verificar as correlações entre escores de frame obtidos pelas duas metodologias e entre cada um dos escores e as variáveis independentes consideradas em avaliações genéticas de bovinos de corte da raça Nelore. Foram analisados dados de 12.728 animais provenientes de dois rebanhos da Agro-Pecuária CFM Ltda., com idades entre 490 a 610 dias. Os modelos de melhor ajuste para FRAME_GMA incluíram altura de garupa aos 18 meses, peso aos 18 meses e interação altura e peso. As estimativas de herdabilidade para FRAME_GMA e FRAME_BIF em análises uni-característica foram: 0,26 ± 0,03 e 0,23 ± 0,03, respectivamente; e, em análises bi-característica, essas estimativas foram 0,28 e 0,24, respectivamente. Os coeficientes de correlação fenotípica e genética de Pearson e de Spearman entre FRAME_GMA e FRAME_BIF para machos e fêmeas foram positivos e de alta magnitude, variando de 0,83 a 0,92. Os coeficientes de correlação fenotípica e genética entre cada escore de frame e as variáveis independentes altura de garupa, peso e idade na data da medida de altura foram sempre superiores para o FRAME_GMA em relação ao FRAME_BIF. Os parâmetros genéticos e os coeficientes de correlação indicam que o FRAME_GMA se adapta melhor ao conjunto de dados quando comparado ao FRAME_BIF. Outros estudos devem ser conduzidos para avaliar a aplicabilidade do modelo proposto a outras populações e em outras faixas etárias, bem como, estimativas de parâmetros genéticos para escores de frame na raça Nelore / This research was carried out to estimate genetic parameters for estimated frame scores for models proposed from the analysis of data of Nelore beef cattle (FRAME_GMA) and for the equations proposed by Beef Improvement Federation (FRAME_BIF), as well, to verify the correlations among frame scores obtained by the two methodologies and among each one of the scores and the independent variables considered in genetic evaluations of Nelore beef cattle. Data of 12,728 animals from Agro-Pecuária CFM Ltda. were analyzed, with ages between 490 and 610 days. The models of better adjustment for FRAME_GMA included hip height at 18 months, weight at 18 months and interaction height and weight. Estimates of heritability for FRAME_GMA and FRAME_BIF in single trait analysis were: 0.26 ± 0.03 and 0.23 ± 0.03, respectively; and, in mult trait analysis, these estimates were 0.28 and 0.24, respectively. The coefficients of phenotypic and genetic Pearson and Spearman correlations between FRAME_GMA and FRAME_BIF for males and females were positive and high magnitude, varying from 0.83 to 0.92. The coefficients of phenotypic and genetic correlation between each one of the frame scores and the independent variables hip height, weight and age at height measurement always went higher to FRAME_GMA than FRAME_BIF. The genetic parameters and the correlation coefficients indicate that FRAME_GMA was better than FRAME_BIF. Other studies were necessary to evaluate the applicability of the proposed model to other populations and in other age groups, as well, estimates of genetic parameters for frame scores in Nelore beef cattle
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Stress Analysis of Bogie Frame StructureChodeshwar Korsa Veera Bhadraiah, Dora Bharadwaj January 2017 (has links)
The Bogie frame is an important and integral member of bogie. In Indian Railways, LHB (Linke Hofmann Busch) coaches are used as passenger coaches. They are equipped with FIAT bogie frames. Inorder to overcome the limitations of the existing FIAT bogie frame structure, a new bogie frame structure namely New CASNUB Bogie Frame is designed to equip with LHB coach. The New CASNUB Bogie Frame design is validated by conducting Stress analysis using ANSYS Mechanical APDL software. The stresses induced in both the frame structures are compared. Stresses induced in the New CASNUB Bogie frame are lesser than in the FIAT Bogie frame and are within the allowable stress limits of material used. New CASNUB Bogie Frame can be used as an alternative for LHB coaches in Indian Railways.
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Politisk gestaltning av Europaparlamentsvalet i svenska dagstidningarAndreas, Andersson Kurdve January 2017 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur den politiska gestaltningen i de svenska dagstidningarna Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet skiljer sig åt under olika tidsperioder och därmed vid de olika valen; Europaparlamentsvalet samt Svenskt Riksdagsval. Uppsatsen utgår från teorier om andrahandsval och vad det innebär samt teorier om mediegestaltning av politik och vilken roll det kan ha. Uppsatsen jämför Europaparlamentsvalet 2014 med Svenska Riksdagsvalet 2014 för att belysa skillnaderna mellan de två valen samt hur de gestaltas i nämnda dagstidningar. Vidare belyses läsaren om hur Europaparlamentsvalet har förändrats över tid genom en undersökning av perioden år 2003-2004 i syftet att uppmärksamma hur Europaparlamentsvalet som ägde rum år 2004 gestaltades och tolkades av samma svenska dagstidningar då som vid senare tidsperiod. Uppsatsen avslutar i att diskutera resultatet och gör försök att förklara Europaparlamentsvalet position idag samt i framtiden utifrån den empiri och de teorier om andrahandsval som uppsatsen utgick från.
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Konstrukční uspořádání zadní části rámu vozidla Formule Student / Formula Student Chassis Rear Part DesignHajer, Václav January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with description of the design of the rear of the vehicle structure of Formula Student processed by using a 3D CAD system. Formula have to fulfill all requirements Formula Student rules. The requirements and rules are given by building of engine and other considered engine components. The final version of the design of the rear part is assembled with the supplied front and the computational model is created to simulate the torsional stiffness of the FEM system. Another analysis model is created for a foreign supplied frame construction. Both of these frames are in terms of torsional stiffness evaluated and mutually compared. There are also mentioned selected Formula Student rules and overview of the formula frames and their overview.
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Moderna trä- och betongstommar i flerbostadshus : En teknisk jämförelse av ett fyravåningshus med två stomalternativ. / Modern timber and concrete structures in apartment buildings : A technical comparison of a four-storied building with two structural options.Bohlin, Pelle, Lindroth, Olle January 2012 (has links)
Målet med detta arbete var att belysa skillnaderna mellan ett fyravåningshus med trä- respektive halvprefabricerad betongstomme ur ett tekniskt perspektiv för att utröna vilket stomalternativ som är att föredra. Faktorer som belystes var: Tjocklekar på bärverksdelar Längsta möjliga spännvidder Installationsmontering Elementmontering Grundstorlek Ljudisolerande förmåga Risk för fuktskador Branddimensionering Projekteringskomplexitet Bygghandlingar från ett befintligt flerbostadshus med trästomme erhölls och analyserades, och ett hus med likvärdig stomme av betong projekterades. Bärverket med halvprefabricerad betong dimensionerades efter rådande Eurokoder och detaljer utformades enligt gällande lagar och regler samt erkänd branschstandard. Ur de tekniska perspektiv som avhandlats i denna rapport väger fördelarna med betong något tyngre än träalternativets fördelar trots att egenskaperna i vissa hänseenden är mycket lika. Betongalternativet ger stora fördelar vad gäller brand och ljud och är samtidigt enklare att projektera, medan trä har sina fördelar i montering och grundläggning. Att välja en stomme av trä till ett flerbostadshus verkar också ha fördelar i de icke avhandlade aspekterna, t.ex. miljö och arbetsmiljö. För att uppfylla ljud-, brand- och fuktkrav i ett trähus krävs det avancerade byggsystem som innebär stor komplexitet i projekteringen vilket kräver ett nära samarbete mellan träprojektör och fabrikör. / The goal with thisdegree project was to highlight the differences between an apartment building with a timber frame and partly prefabricated concrete frame from a technical point of view to determine which alternative that is preferable. Highlighted factors were: Thicknesses of load-bearing parts The maximum length of floor structures Assembly of installations Assembly of the frame-parts Sound-insulating ability Moisture problems Dimension of fire-protection Project-complexity Construction documents from an existing apartment building with a timber frame were obtained and analyzed, and a concrete frame house with similar abilities was projected. The half-prefabricated concrete construction was designed with current eurocodes and details were designed according to laws, regulations and recognized industry standards. From the technical perspective that has been discussed in this report, the advantages with concrete frames are greater than the timber alternative, despite the fact that they in some aspects are very similar. The concrete option provides significant benefits in terms of fire and sound abilities and it is also easier to design, while the timber option has its advantages in assembly and foundation. Choosing a frame of timber to an apartment building also seems to have advantages in the environmental and work environmental aspects. To fulfill the sound, fire and moisture requirements which are needed in a timber house it requires advanced building system that involves complexity of the design which requires close cooperation between the constructional engineer and the manufacturer.
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Prefabricerade stomsystem: massivträ- eller betongstomme för flervåningshus : En teknisk jämförelseanalysOlsson, Sebastian January 2020 (has links)
Betong och trä är två material som används till prefabricerade stomsystem. Dessa material har förutom utseende olika tekniska egenskaper för fukt, brand och ljud. Syftet med examensarbetet är att göra en jämförelse av de tekniska egenskaperna för prefabricerade betongstommar (sandwich-element) och prefabricerade trästommar (massivträ) samt att avgöra vad som är mest lämpligt för flervåningshus (två–fem våningar). Resultatet visar att båda stommarna går att använda för flervåningshus, men för att få tillräcklig brandsäkerhet behöver trästommen en större dimension. Trä påverkas mer och lättare av fukt än betong. Det kan även behövas en dubbelkonstruktion för väggar och bjälklag i trä för att ta bort de ljudbryggorna som skapas. Detta gör att dimensioneringen av bjälklag och väggar av trä blir större än för betong. Träkonstruktioner har också högre krav på knutpunkter mellan byggdelarna för att minimera flanktransmissionerna. För betongstommar är det de tillhörande byggnadsdelarna som fönster och uteluftsintag som i större grad påverkar ljudisoleringsförmågan. Slutsatsen är att prefabricerade trä- och betongstommar har olika tekniska egenskaper sett till brand, fukt och ljud. Trä är mer känsligt för brand, fukt och ljud. Det ställs därför högre krav på utformningen av konstruktionen och hanteringen av trästommar för att uppnå samma egenskaper som en betongstomme. Trästommen får oftast en större dimensionering för att klara kraven som ställs på de tekniska egenskaperna och det är framförallt ljudkravet som blir avgörande för dimensioneringen.
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The Effects of Framing in Election News Coverage on a Voter's Intention to VoteCapron, Maddie Sue 04 December 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Flyktingvågen 2015 – En samhällsbelastning eller en humanitär kris? : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsanalys av hur flyktingkrisen gestaltades i svensk nyhetsjournalistik. / The refugee wave 2015 – a burden to the society or a humanitarian crisis? : A quantitative and qualitative content analysis of how the refugee crisis was shaped in Swedish news journalism.Ornat, Julia, Sankell, Josef January 2021 (has links)
This thesis examines how four of the national newspapers in Sweden portray the events in late 2015 referred to as the refugee crisis. According to previous research, theimmigration received a lot of media attention and has often been portrayed negatively. Due to the size of the wave and the time it lasted, it is necessary to narrow the selection of published news articles about the topic to a specific time frame and event, which is the introduction of temporary border controls in Sweden, that became a turning point during the wave. The selection makes this thesis unique among the broad previous research. The framing theory is a substantial part of this study, that uses both qualitative framing analysis and quantitative content analysis in order to examine whether the events are portrayed by newspapers through a crisis frame or a human interest frame. The mentioned frames mean that the wave is either portrayed as a negative impact on the country or that the media focuses on the humanitarian situation. The study will alsotake into consideration whether the Swedish newspapers frame politics as strategy andgame. As well as who is quoted in the articles and whether there are differences between news coverage before and after the introduction of temporary border controls. The examined newspapers most often portray the refugee wave as a burden to the society. Framing of the events is rarely done through the human interest frame while the crisis frame is applied in most articles. In addition, most of the quotes come from politicians and political commentators and it is only occasionally that quotes from the refugees occur. The applied framing can be then seen as one of politics as strategy andgame, where there are political winners and losers. The analysis showed no significant difference between news coverage before and after the introduction of border controls.
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Analysis of Tripod shaped high rise building using Tubed Mega Frame structuresRimal, Sujan Kumar, Grennvall, Levi January 2017 (has links)
Most of the tall buildings that are built today have a straight and vertical shape, because vertical buildings are more stable and easily built than slanted ones. In the case of vertical building, bending moments in the base only exists from horizontal loads such as wind and seismic loads, but in slanted buildings there will also be bending moments from dead and live loads. In addition, transportation inside the building is also a challenge when it comes to slanted buildings. However, a new elevator system that ThyssenKrupp has developed will solve that problem. This new elevator has an ability to move in all direction both vertically and horizontally. The new structural system, Tube Mega Frame (TMF), has been studied and proved to have better efficiency than the central core with outriggers. Moving the bearing structure to the perimeter of the building, gives smaller overturning moment and better stability due to longer lever arm from the center. This thesis focuses on applying the Tube Mega Frame system to a slanted building which has a tripod structure. Different types of TMFs were used to compare the efficiency of the buildings performance. The TMF contains perimeter frame and mega columns with different binding systems such as belt walls and bracings. A pre-study has been carried out in order to see the overall behavior of the tripod shape. Different heights and inclinations have been analyzed with stick models. The analysis has been performed in the finite element software SAP2000 and deflections due to dead load was compared. The buildings with least deflection considering maximum height and maximum inclination was chosen for further model analysis in finite element software ETABS. Furthermore, a short study of different bracings system has been performed for the lateral loads and it concluded that X-bracing have better performance. The main study of this thesis focused on the two building models of 450 m with 7° inclination and 270 and 15° inclination. For each model, five different TMF systems were applied and analyzed. The TMF includes perimeter frame, perimeter frame with belt wall, mega columns, mega columns with belt wall and mega columns with bracings. Deformations due to wind load, seismic load and modal vibration has been compared. It concluded that the least deformation is achieved by the TMF mega columns with bracings for both models with two different heights. The periods of the building are comparatively lower than other systems. The deflection from TMF mega columns with belt walls did not differ much from the TMF mega columns with bracings. For the 270 m high building, the top story displacement was remarkably small because of the three legs, making it stiffer and stable. Even with the p delta effect, there were only millimeters of difference in top story displacement. TMF perimeter frame had a lower deflection than with belt wall, which should have been exact opposite. The reason was while making the total volume of buildings equal, the addition of belt walls led to thinner columns in the perimeter and lower stiffness.
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