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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rezension zu: Das System der Partikelverben mit „an“. Eine konstruktionsgrammatische Untersuchung (Sprache und Wissen. 12)

Lasch, Alexander 01 September 2022 (has links)
Reviewed Work(s): Das System der Partikelverben mit „an“. Eine konstruktionsgrammatische Untersuchung (Sprache und Wissen. 12) by Marc Felfe. Review by: Alexander Lasch.

Manipulering av bildhastighet och dess känslomässiga påverkan på tittarupplevelse vid olika format / Manipulation of frame rate and its emotional effect on viewer perception in different formats

O'Grady, William, Währme, Emil January 2023 (has links)
Frame rate is a fundamental element of creating the illusion of movement in video based media. For almost a century film has been produced in agreement with a standard frame rate of 24 frames per second, originally established due to technical limitations. This number lives on for films today, despite many technological innovations and other video based media formats straying from this standard. With contemporary video technology, content cannot only be recorded in higher frame rate; frames can also be artificially interpolated. So called Frame Interpolation technology now comes as a pre-installed feature on most televisions. As a consequence, this has formed a debate on how video based media should be presented, not least when it is artificially generated outside of the creators’ control. This study therefore aims to explore how manipulation of a video clip’s frame rate influences the viewer experience and thereby if the use of Frame Interpolation technology in televisions is justified. A study was conducted wherein participants were shown video clips in their original frame rate and compared them to artificially manipulated copies. The results showed that there is no definitive frame rate that is preferred by all participants and that some participants did not perceive any difference at all. It is also shown that the artificial manipulation of frame rate is generally not appreciated, and that criticisms against its use are misguided in terms of content shown. It is then discussed how television manufacturers should reconsider the use of Frame Interpolation technology. Lastly, we affirm how the results of this study are limited in accuracy by its scope. Further exploration of the subject is suggested to further consider these results found here and the results of earlier papers. / Bildhastigheten i videobaserad media är en fundamental aspekt i hur vi översätter stillbild till rörlig bild. Sedan ett sekel tillbaka produceras film enligt en standard bildhastighet på 24 bilder per sekund, på grund av tekniska begränsningar. Den siffran lever kvar än idag, trots tekniska innovationer samt andra videobaserade medier som töjt på denna standard. Med modern teknik kan media inte bara spelas in i högre bildhastigheter; bilder kan också artificiellt interpoleras. Frame Interpolation-teknik som den kallas kommer numera förinställd på de flesta tv-apparater. Som konsekvens har det förts debatt för och emot högre bildhastigheter, inte minst när de manipuleras av tv-tillverkare utöver skaparnas kontroll. Den här studien vill ta reda på hur manipulering av ett videoklipps bildhastighet påverkar människors känslomässiga tittarupplevelse och därigenom om bruk av Frame Interpolation-teknik i tv-apparater är motiverad. Undersökningen testade deltagarna genom att visa klipp i sin ursprungliga bildhastighet i jämförelse med artificiellt manipulerade kopior. Studien visade att det inte binärt går att bestämma en bildhastighet som deltagarna fann definitivt bäst och att skillnaden inte är uppenbar för alla. Resultatet visar också att artificiell manipulering av bildhastighet inte uppskattas, och att kritiken riktar sig mot fel innehåll. Det diskuteras därför om tv-tillverkare bör överväga användningen av Frame Interpolation-teknik. Slutligen klargörs det varför man ska ställa sig kritisk inför resultaten utifrån studiens begränsningar. Vidare forskning föreslås som kan stödja studiens och liknande studiers slutsatser.

From a defence opt-out to a defence opt-in : Exploring the Danish government’s framing of their policy shift regarding the military aspects of the EU´s CSDP

Tuvelius, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
When the Danish government conducted a policy shift, calling for an overturn of the defence opt-out of the European common security and defence policy (CSDP) during the spring of 2022, it was not clear that the public would vote yes. It is not challenging for existing research to explain why the government changed its attitude towards the EU, a more interesting focus, however, is how a government in a pressured situation tries to conduct a credible policy change. This study explores how the Danish government conducted a policy shift, utilising a two-step analytical framework involving frame analysis and, more precisely, frame alignment strategies to study how the government changed their framing of the EU and NATO as solutions. This field of study is essential to comprehend how military policy is created in the public sphere towards the population. The results indicate a shift in the framing of the EU, moving from being framed as a non-military security provider towards being recognised by the Danish government as an individual military security actor. However, it is still vital for Denmark to highlight NATO's distinctive role in Danish military policy. The shift is conducted using the frame alignment strategies of; bridging, amplification and downplaying to essentially the same extent as previous studies predicted.

Design, Validation, and Optimization of a Rear Sub-frame with Electric Powertrain Integration

Walters, David Michael 18 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.


ADRIANA CESCHIN RIECHE 26 September 2024 (has links)
[pt] O presente estudo insere-se no campo da Tradução especializada, da Terminologia e da Terminografia bilíngue voltada para tradutores, com foco no papel dos verbos como termos no âmbito da linguagem especializada da aviação, uma vez que os recursos terminológicos tradicionais disponíveis neste domínio não contemplam essa classe de palavras. A pesquisa foi realizada com base em corpora comparáveis em inglês e português do subdomínio de Tráfego Aéreo, e adaptou a metodologia proposta por Pimentel (2012) para descrever verbos especializados com base no modelo teórico da Semântica de Frames (FILLMORE 1976, 1977, 1982, 1985; FILLMORE e ATKINS 1992) e atribuir equivalências graças às descrições obtidas. Na Semântica de Frames, frames são um cenário comum de conhecimento com base no qual os significados podem ser interpretados. Partindo de dados dos corpora compilados, foram selecionados e analisados verbos considerados termos neste subdomínio, e frames semânticos foram propostos usando a FrameNet (RUPPENHOFER et al., 2010) como inspiração para abarcar os diferentes significados identificados. Outro recurso empregado para propor frames foi a cena de tráfego aéreo, inspirada nos princípios da Terminologia Baseada em Frames (FABER 2006), e utilizada para estruturar o conhecimento desta área de especialidade. Na presente pesquisa, os verbos especializados evocam frames com referência a uma etapa da cena de tráfego aéreo em que as ações ocorrem, nos quais alguns elementos obrigatórios (elementos de frame nucleares) desempenham papéis específicos (e.g. ENTIDADE, AUTORIDADE, LOCAL NO AR, LOCAL NO SOLO) e outros representam informações adicionais (elementos de frame não nucleares), como circunstâncias, finalidade e tempo ou duração em que cada ação se desenrola. Os frames reúnem termos com significados semelhantes nos dois idiomas, sendo, portanto, candidatos a equivalentes. Do total de 119 termos validados (64 em inglês e 55 em português), reunidos em 32 frames semânticos, 133 pares de equivalentes foram identificados, dos quais 118 foram considerados plenos por compartilhar o mesmo significado e a mesma estrutura de argumentos, pertencer à mesma etapa da cena de tráfego aéreo e evocar o mesmo frame da mesma maneira; e 15 pares foram considerados equivalentes parciais por não atender a pelo menos um desses critérios. Ao lançar luz na busca por equivalentes, este estudo pode ser relevante para o ensino de Tradução e Terminologia, uma vez que, ao procurar descrever o comportamento de verbos como termos especializados, poderá auxiliar tradutores profissionais e em formação a melhor embasar suas decisões tradutórias. / [en] This study pertains to the field of Specialized Translation, Terminology and Bilingual Terminography aimed at translators, focusing on the role of verbs as terms within the specialized language of aviation, considering that verbs are often overlooked in traditional terminological resources available in this domain. The research was carried out based on comparable corpora in English and Portuguese from the Air Traffic subdomain and adapted the methodology proposed by Pimentel (2012) to describe specialized verbs based on the theoretical model of Frame Semantics (FILLMORE 1976, 1977, 1982, 1985; FILLMORE and ATKINS 1992) and assign equivalences thanks to the descriptions obtained. In Frame Semantics, frames are a common knowledge scenario on the basis of which meanings can be interpreted. Based on data from the compiled corpora, verbs considered terms in this subdomain were selected and analyzed, and semantic frames were proposed using FrameNet (RUPPENHOFER et al., 2010) as inspiration to encompass the different meanings identified. Another means for proposing frames was the air traffic scene inspired by the principles of Frame-Based Terminology (FABER 2006) and used to structure knowledge in this subdomain. In the present research, specialized verbs evoke frames with reference to the stage of the air traffic scene in which the actions occur, where some mandatory elements (nuclear frame elements) play specific roles (e.g. ENTITY, AUTHORITY, LOCATION IN THE AIR, LOCATION ON THE GROUND) and others represent additional information (non-core frame elements) such as circumstances, purpose and time or duration in which each action unfolds. Frames bring together terms with similar meanings in both languages, thus rendering them candidate equivalents. From the total of 119 validated terms (64 in English and 55 in Portuguese), gathered in 32 semantic frames, 133 pairs of equivalents were identified, of which 118 were considered full equivalents for sharing the same meaning and the same argument structure, belonging to the same stage of the air traffic scene and evoking the same frame in the same way; and 15 pairs were considered partial equivalents because they did not meet at least one of these criteria. By shedding light on the search for equivalents, this study may be relevant for the teaching of Translation and Terminology, since, by describing the behavior of verbs as specialized terms, it may help translators and translation students to better support their translation decisions.

Klimatförbättrad betong- eller trästomme i en byggnad : - Vilket alternativ är mest fördelaktigt ur ett livscykelperspektiv / Climate-improved concrete or wooden frame in a building : - Which alternative is most advantageous from a lifecycle perspective

Pezic, Nedim, Al-Omari, Saif January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Výuka španělského jazyka a průřezová témata RVP ZV / The teaching of Spanish language and the partial issues of Frame educational programme for basic education

MALENICKÁ, Jana January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this study is to sketch how is possible to put together teaching of an foreign language (in our case Spanish) and the Frame educational programme for basic education. The author of this project went out of the requirements contemporary school reform due to are used sc. Frame topics, which are taught in diverse ways during lessons.

Static analysis of functional programs with an application to the frame problem in deductive verification / Analyse statique de programmes fonctionnels avec une application au problème du frame dans le domaine de la vérification déductive

Andreescu, Oana Fabiana 29 May 2017 (has links)
Dans le domaine de la vérification formelle de logiciels, il est impératif d'identifier les limites au sein desquelles les éléments ou fonctions opèrent. Ces limites constituent les propriétés de frame (frame properties en anglais). Elles sont habituellement spécifiées manuellement par le programmeur et leur validité doit être vérifiée: il est nécessaire de prouver que les opérations du programme n'outrepassent pas les limites ainsi déclarées. Dans le contexte de la vérification formelle interactive de systèmes complexes, comme les systèmes d'exploitation, un effort considérable est investi dans la spécification et la preuve des propriétés de frame. Cependant, la plupart des opérations ont un effet très localisé et ne menacent donc qu'un nombre limité d'invariants. Étant donné que la spécification et la preuve de propriétés de frame est une tache fastidieuse, il est judicieux d'automatiser l'identification des invariants qui ne sont pas affectés par une opération donnée. Nous présentons dans cette thèse une solution inférant automatiquement leur préservation. Notre solution a pour but de réduire le nombre de preuves à la charge du programmeur. Elle est basée sur l'analyse statique, et ne nécessite aucune annotation de frame. Notre stratégie consiste à combiner une analyse de dépendances avec une analyse de corrélations. Nous avons conçu et implémenté ces deux analyses statiques pour un langage fonctionnel fortement typé qui manipule structures, variants et tableaux. Typiquement, une propriété fonctionnelle ne dépend que de quelques fragments de l'état du programme. L'analyse de dépendances détermine quelles parties de cet état influent sur le résultat de la propriété fonctionnelle. De même, une fonction ne modifiera que certaines parties de ses arguments, copiant le reste à l'identique. L'analyse de corrélations détecte quelles parties de l'entrée d'une fonction se retrouvent copiées directement (i.e. non modifiés) dans son résultat. Ces deux analyses calculent une approximation conservatrice. Grâce aux résultats de ces deux analyses statiques, un prouveur de théorèmes interactif peut inférer automatiquement la préservation des invariants qui portent sur la partie non affectée par l’opération concernée. Nous avons appliqué ces deux analyses statiques à la spécification fonctionnelle d'un micro-noyau, et obtenu des résultats non seulement d'une précision adéquate, mais qui montrent par ailleurs que notre approche peut passer à l'échelle. / In the field of software verification, the frame problem refers to establishing the boundaries within which program elements operate. It has notoriously tedious consequences on the specification of frame properties, which indicate the parts of the program state that an operation is allowed to modify, as well as on their verification, i.e. proving that operations modify only what is specified by their frame properties. In the context of interactive formal verification of complex systems, such as operating systems, much effort is spent addressing these consequences and proving the preservation of the systems' invariants. However, most operations have a localized effect on the system and impact only a limited number of invariants at the same time. In this thesis we address the issue of identifying those invariants that are unaffected by an operation and we present a solution for automatically inferring their preservation. Our solution is meant to ease the proof burden for the programmer. It is based on static analysis and does not require any additional frame annotations. Our strategy consists in combining a dependency analysis and a correlation analysis. We have designed and implemented both static analyses for a strongly-typed, functional language that handles structures, variants and arrays. The dependency analysis computes a conservative approximation of the input fragments on which functional properties and operations depend. The correlation analysis computes a safe approximation of the parts of an input state to a function that are copied to the output state. It summarizes not only what is modified but also how it is modified and to what extent. By employing these two static analyses and by subsequently reasoning based on their combined results, an interactive theorem prover can automate the discharching of proof obligations for unmodified parts of the state. We have applied both of our static analyses to a functional specification of a micro-kernel and the obtained results demonstrate both their precision and their scalability.

Víceúčelový rekreační objekt / Multipurpose Rekreational Facility

Holá, Ludmila January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the proposal of a multifunctional recreational facility. The complex of buildings consists of a guesthouse and stables. The guesthouse is a single-storey building with a residential attic. It also includes a restaurant with a mini-brewery and a shop selling horse riding products. The guesthouse is designed to accommodate up to 41 people. The first floor is barrier-free. The main entrance of the guesthouse and the shop faces southwest. The restaurant is accessible from the southeast. There are paved guest parking areas around the buildings. The building of stables with its accompanying facilities is a single-storey which is designed to stable 17 horses. The main entrance of the stables faces southeast and the building is also accessible from the northeast and the northwest. Both buildings have a gabled roof which consists of supporting rafters. The buildings are as designed a timber-frame construction with a supporting frame made of timber pillars which is coated with the FERMACELL boards.

Selected works for solo frame drums by B. Michael Williams.

Nicholson, Jason Eugene 08 1900 (has links)
In 1993, American percussionist and composer B. Michael Williams published Four Solos for Frame Drums. This collection is considered the first work written exclusively for solo frame drum in Western notation. Williams primarily modeled his solos around traditional rhythms and techniques from Middle Eastern musical traditions as well as Glen Velez's virtuosic style of playing frame drums. He also drew influence from the music of South India and Sub-Saharan Africa. Williams intentionally combines the aforementioned elements as a means to expose his students and audience members to the music and drumming of these regions. The purpose of this paper is to provide a detailed analysis of select compositions for solo frame drum by B. Michael Williams in order to assist future performers in making well-informed interpretive decisions. The analysis will highlight the compositional style, structural components, technical demands and important performance considerations of four pieces by Williams: Quatrinity, Etude in Arabic Rhythms, Another New Riq and Rhythmic Journey no. 1: (From Conakry to Harare).

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