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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Terceiro Setor e educação não formal: o impacto da formação continuada da ação comunitária na consciência política de educadores sociais das organizações conveniadas da zona sul e região metropolitana de São Paulo / Third sector and non-formal education: the impact of the continuing education of Ação Comunitária in the political consciousness of social educators partner organizations from south area and São Paulo metropolitan region

Grégorio, Maria Eugenia Augusto 07 November 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo analisar o impacto da formação continuada na Consciência Política de educadores sociais. Considerando as práticas de Educação Não Formal e a reconfiguração neoliberal entre Estado, mercado e sociedade civil a partir dos anos de 1990 no Brasil, foi estudada a formação continuada de uma Organização do Terceiro Setor, a Ação Comunitária, localizada no bairro do Campo Limpo, zona sul da cidade de São Paulo que firma convênios com Organizações de bairro da zona sul e região metropolitana de São Paulo para a oferta de Programas socioeducativos e formação continuada para líderes comunitários, gestores e educadores sociais. Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa com documentos públicos e internos da Ação Comunitária; grupo focal, entrevistas semiestruturadas e observação das aulas com os educadores sociais. Para a análise, foi utilizada a Análise de Conteúdo relacionando-a ao referencial teórico da Consciência Política. Os documentos revelaram que a formação continuada tem um modelo neoliberal construído dado o contexto onde está inserida contribuindo para a ampliação do desmantelamento do Estado quase como um caminho sem volta. O grupo focal, as entrevistas e a observação das aulas dos educadores sociais revelaram que a sua Consciência Política vem se construindo numa relação de oposição à Escola. / The present research aimed to analyze the impact of continuing training in political consciousness of social educators. Considering the practices of Non-Formal education and neoliberal rewriting between State, market and civil society from the year 1990 in Brazil, studied the formation of an organization of the third sector, community action, located in the neighborhood of Campo Limpo, the southern part of the city of São Paulo that firm partnerships with neighborhood organizations of the South and São Paulo metropolitan region to offer socalled \"Programs and continuing education for community leaders, social educators and managers. Qualitative research was conducted with public and internal documents of Ação Comunitária; focal group, semi-structured interviews and observation of lessons from social educators. For the analysis, content Analysis was used in relation to the theoretical framework of political consciousness. The documents revealed that the continuing education has a neoliberal model built given the context in which it operates, contributing to the expansion of the dismantling of the State almost as a one-way street. The focal group interviews and observation of social educators lessons revealed that his political consciousness has been building a relationship of opposition to school.

Socialinių pedagogų adaptacijos procesą lemiančių veiksnių profesinėje veikloje analizė / The Analysis of Social Educators‘ Adaptation Process Determining the Factors in the Professional Activities

Bujienė, Rūta 20 August 2013 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė adaptacijos samprata ir socialinių pedagogų adaptacijos profesinėje veikloje lemiančių veiksnių analizė.Iškelta hipotezė, jog sėkmingą socialinio pedagogo adaptaciją profesinėje veikloje lemia pradedančiojo sėkminga psichosocialinė, profesinė bei organizacinė adaptacija.Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo atlikti du tyrimai: kiekybinis ir kokybinis tyrimas. Atliekant kiekybinį tyrimą, siekta išsiaiškinti organizacinius, profesinius, psichosocialinius veiksnius lemiančius socialinių pedagogų adaptaciją profesinėje veikloje. Atliekant kokybinį tyrimą, siekta išsiaiškinti socialinio pedagogo veiklos sėkmes ir nesėkmes profesinės adaptacijos laikotarpiu. Kiekybiniu tyrimu atlikta statistinė (aprašomoji dažnių, vidurkių) duomenų analizė, o kokybiniame tyrime duomenys apdoroti, taikant turinio (content) analizės metodą. / The theoretical concept of the adaptation and the analysis of the determining factors of the social educators‘ adaptation in the professional activity are carried out in the work. The raised hypothesis that successful adaptation of a social educator in the professional activity leads the beginner‘s successful psychosocial, professional and organizational adaptation. Questionnaire survey method was used to carry out two tests: a qualitative and quantitative research. The quantitative research was used to find out the organizational, professional, psychosocial factors influencing social educators‘ adaptation in the professional activity. Performing the qualitative study it was used to find out the social pedagogues‘ successes and failures of the activity in the period of the professional adaptation. Using the quantitative research the statistical (descriptive frequencies, averages) data analysis is done and data are processed using the method of the content (content) analysis in the qualitative research.

Terceiro Setor e educação não formal: o impacto da formação continuada da ação comunitária na consciência política de educadores sociais das organizações conveniadas da zona sul e região metropolitana de São Paulo / Third sector and non-formal education: the impact of the continuing education of Ação Comunitária in the political consciousness of social educators partner organizations from south area and São Paulo metropolitan region

Maria Eugenia Augusto Grégorio 07 November 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo analisar o impacto da formação continuada na Consciência Política de educadores sociais. Considerando as práticas de Educação Não Formal e a reconfiguração neoliberal entre Estado, mercado e sociedade civil a partir dos anos de 1990 no Brasil, foi estudada a formação continuada de uma Organização do Terceiro Setor, a Ação Comunitária, localizada no bairro do Campo Limpo, zona sul da cidade de São Paulo que firma convênios com Organizações de bairro da zona sul e região metropolitana de São Paulo para a oferta de Programas socioeducativos e formação continuada para líderes comunitários, gestores e educadores sociais. Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa com documentos públicos e internos da Ação Comunitária; grupo focal, entrevistas semiestruturadas e observação das aulas com os educadores sociais. Para a análise, foi utilizada a Análise de Conteúdo relacionando-a ao referencial teórico da Consciência Política. Os documentos revelaram que a formação continuada tem um modelo neoliberal construído dado o contexto onde está inserida contribuindo para a ampliação do desmantelamento do Estado quase como um caminho sem volta. O grupo focal, as entrevistas e a observação das aulas dos educadores sociais revelaram que a sua Consciência Política vem se construindo numa relação de oposição à Escola. / The present research aimed to analyze the impact of continuing training in political consciousness of social educators. Considering the practices of Non-Formal education and neoliberal rewriting between State, market and civil society from the year 1990 in Brazil, studied the formation of an organization of the third sector, community action, located in the neighborhood of Campo Limpo, the southern part of the city of São Paulo that firm partnerships with neighborhood organizations of the South and São Paulo metropolitan region to offer socalled \"Programs and continuing education for community leaders, social educators and managers. Qualitative research was conducted with public and internal documents of Ação Comunitária; focal group, semi-structured interviews and observation of lessons from social educators. For the analysis, content Analysis was used in relation to the theoretical framework of political consciousness. The documents revealed that the continuing education has a neoliberal model built given the context in which it operates, contributing to the expansion of the dismantling of the State almost as a one-way street. The focal group interviews and observation of social educators lessons revealed that his political consciousness has been building a relationship of opposition to school.

Viol?ncia dom?stica contra adolescentes: o olhar dos educadores sociais

Amorim, Talita Carlos Maia 16 September 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:38:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TalitaCMA_DISSERT.pdf: 871119 bytes, checksum: fa903e57600912d2d02ff6ec758a1aa0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-09-16 / Domestic violence as a specific expression of violence against adolescents, is historically constructed from phenomenon of power relations that permeate the gender, ethnicity and social class, requiring differentiated attention. Sorting in A mass grave of what is understood by a child and teenager under the doctrines of the law of the minor and of irregular situation resulted, in General, in the preparation for the teenage audience, of policies and actions, fragile and inefficient with regard to domestic violence. Despite the status of children and adolescents clearly define what is meant by child and teenager, break with the menoristas doctrines and embrace the doctrine of integral protection, even if there is little guidance for the public actions and policies geared to the theme. Such deficiency contributes to characterize the current practice of social educators about domestic violence, marked by the absence of specific training; by inadequate working conditions; lack of preparation of the network of care. Thus, with the objective to start the discussion regarding the elements that make up the practice focused on this issue, the present study proposes to problematizing the design held by social educators working in public Social assistance of the city of Natal/RN, regarding the issue of domestic violence against adolescents, by paying attention to such things as their vocational integration, their training and their working conditions. Adopts norteadoras references as having its roots in the Pedagogia Problematizadora, Paulo Freire, and socio-historical perspective. The methodological procedure of nature quali-quantitative was lifting censit?rio and psychosocial characterization of educators together to State and local Departments of assistance; the application of questionnaire to educators, composed of open and closed issues; and observation and field journaling activities of their work. Of network professionals, 111 64 replied to the questionnaire, which represents more than 50% of the total. Psychosocial characterization exposes data as the predominance of low family income and female professionals; the note identified that do not have a professional technical parameter, and the activities carried out in accordance with the representations of each professional the respect of labour, problematic and adolescents involved, revealing an individual perspective of action. And a preliminary analysis of responses to the questionnaire pointed out that such professionals are subjected to precarious working conditions, as well as one realizes a relative ignorance about the network of care for adolescents at risk and ACE, all this resulting in restricted marginalizantes conceptions, and misleading information regarding domestic violence against teenagers. / A Viol?ncia Dom?stica, como uma express?o particular da viol?ncia contra adolescentes, constitui fen?meno historicamente constru?do a partir das rela??es de poder que perpassam o g?nero, a etnia e a classe social, demandando aten??o diferenciada. A classifica??o em uma vala comum do que se entendia por crian?a e por adolescente sob as doutrinas do direito do menor e da situa??o irregular resultou, em geral, na elabora??o, para o p?blico adolescente, de pol?ticas e de a??es fragilizadas e ineficientes no tocante ? viol?ncia dom?stica. N?o obstante o Estatuto da Crian?a e do Adolescente definir com clareza o que se entende por crian?a e por adolescente, romper com as doutrinas menoristas e adotar a doutrina da prote??o integral, ainda se constata pouca orienta??o para as a??es e pol?ticas p?blicas voltadas ao tema. Tal defici?ncia contribui para caracterizar a atual pr?tica dos educadores sociais com a viol?ncia dom?stica, marcada pela aus?ncia de forma??o espec?fica; por inadequadas condi??es de trabalho; pela falta de preparo da rede de atendimento. Assim, com o objetivo de iniciar a discuss?o a respeito de elementos que comp?em a pr?tica voltada para essa problem?tica, o presente estudo se prop?e a problematizar a concep??o detida pelos educadores sociais que atuam na rede p?blica de Assist?ncia Social da cidade do Natal/RN, a respeito da tem?tica da viol?ncia dom?stica contra adolescentes, atentando para itens como sua inser??o profissional, sua forma??o e suas condi??es de trabalho. Adota-se como refer?ncias norteadoras a reflex?o calcada na Pedagogia Problematizadora, de Paulo Freire, e na perspectiva s?cio-hist?rica. O procedimento metodol?gico, de natureza quali-quantitativa, constituiu-se de levantamento censit?rio e caracteriza??o psicossocial dos educadores junto ?s Secretarias Municipal e Estadual de Assist?ncia; da aplica??o de question?rio aos educadores, composto por quest?es abertas e fechadas; e da observa??o e registro em di?rio de campo das atividades de trabalho deles. Dos 111 profissionais da rede, 64 responderam ao question?rio, o que representa mais de 50% do total. A caracteriza??o psicossocial apresenta dados como a predomin?ncia de uma baixa renda familiar e de profissionais do sexo feminino; a observa??o permitiu identificar que o fazer profissional n?o tem um par?metro t?cnico, sendo as atividades realizadas de acordo com as representa??es de cada profissional a respeito do trabalho, da problem?tica e dos adolescentes envolvidos, revelando uma perspectiva individual de a??o. E uma an?lise preliminar das respostas ao question?rio apontou que tais profissionais s?o submetidos a prec?rias condi??es de trabalho, bem como se percebe um relativo desconhecimento acerca da rede de atendimento aos adolescentes em situa??o de risco e do ECA, tudo isso resultando em concep??es marginalizantes, restritas e deturpadas a respeito da viol?ncia dom?stica contra adolescentes.

Adaptace absolventů sociální pedagogiky na trhu práce / Adaptation of Social Pedagogy Graduates to the Labor Market

Říhová, Ivana January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis focused on the situation of Social pedagogy graduates in the labor market. It has a theoretical-empirical character. The theoretical part focus on Social pedagogy as a science and its contemporary position within the Czech legislation. Further it lists study possibilities of Social pedagogy in the Czech Republic, defines the possible scope of social educators and deals with the topic of graduates' adaptation to the labor market in general. The empirical part is devoted to research with seven respondents. The method used in this thesis is in-depth interviews. The research identifies challenges the graduates were facing while finding a job and while performing their profession, what made the adaptation proces easier and vice versa more difficult. The research showed that despite no legal definition of social pedagogy as a profession, graduates had no problems to find a job. However, the perceived difficulty for them, for example, was an inaccurate idea of using the gained experience. Respondents also made recommendations to current social pedagogy students. Most often mentioned was a recommendation to find own specialization in the social pedagogy while still studying.

Os sentidos atribu?dos ? medida socioeducativa de liberdade assistida por jovens em conflito com a lei e seus socioeducadores / The meanings attributed to social educative measures of assisted liberty applied to youngsters who are in conflict with the law and its social educators

Venancio, Magda Machado Ribeiro 09 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Magda Machado Ribeiro Venancio.pdf: 1047456 bytes, checksum: 8148df7b6f26219e88cbdbadfc2130d0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-09 / This research has as its objective to comprehend and analyze the meanings to which youngsters under social educative measures of assisted liberty and its social educators attribute to the Measure (Social Educational Measure of Assisted Liberty). Furthermore this study investigates the designation related to the adults who execute, orient, and accompany the Measure so that it corresponds to what is expected: to be social educative.The theoretic-methodological principal which sustained this analysis was that of historic-cultural psychology, represented by Vygotski and Leontiev as well as many of their readers. Such a choice of method lead to procedures which prioritized the observation of the interactions within the context of the Measure, focussing on different moments and activities which structure it. Further interviews and examinations were held and registered in field reports. The analysis' core developed around the contradictions which emerged from the moments of interaction of the research author and the context. As a result it was verified that the meanings attributed to the social educative measures are diverse not only by the youngsters but by the social educators as well. While for the youngsters the significance which prevails is of that related to obligation and repression, for the social educators it is of unsuccessful and unchanging transactions, which is mainly the compliance of legal determinations of bureaucratic procedures. At the same time, the social educators carry out their actions as orientational measures instead of educational measures, merely reproducing as is dictated in the legal documents. These measures constitute themselves as obstacles to the development of interactions which can promote the possibility of new methods of functioning between youngsters and social educators / Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo compreender e analisar os sentidos que jovens em medida socioeducativa de liberdade assistida e seus socioeducadores atribuem ? Medida. Objetivou-se ainda investigar se a denomina??o atribu?da aos adultos que executam, orientam e acompanham a Medida corresponde ao que dela se espera: que seja socieducativa. O aporte te?rico-metodol?gico que sustentou a an?lise ? o da psicologia hist?rico-cultural, representados por Vygotski e Leontiev, al?m de muitos de seus leitores. Tal escolha conduziu a procedimentos que priorizaram a observa??o das intera??es no contexto da Medida, focalizando os variados momentos e atividades que a constituem. Foram realizadas, tamb?m, entrevistas de aprofundamento e os dados das observa??es foram registrados em di?rio de campo. A an?lise teve como central as contradi??es que emergiram dos momentos de intera??o da pesquisadora com o contexto. Como resultados constatamos que s?o diversos os sentidos atribu?dos ?s medidas socioeducativas, tanto pelos jovens como pelos socioeducadores. Enquanto para os jovens os sentidos que prevalecem s?o de obrigatoriedade e repress?o, para os socioeducadores ? de media??es que n?o se efetivam como transformadoras, cuja principal caracter?stica ? o cumprimento de determina??es legais de ordem burocr?tica. Ao mesmo tempo, os socioeducadores configuram suas a??es como orienta??o de medida, e n?o como educativa, reproduzindo-as tal como previstas nos documentos legais. Esses sentidos constituem-se como entraves ao desenvolvimento de intera??es que promovam a possibilidade de novos modos de funcionar dos jovens e dos socioeducadores.

Neįgaliųjų įsidarbinimo galimybės socialinių pedagogų ir neįgaliųjų požiūriu / The view of social educators and disabled towards the employment opportunities for disabled

Barkauskaitė, Raimonda 21 August 2013 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojamos neįgaliųjų įsidarbinimo galimybės socialinių pedagogų ir neįgaliųjų požiūriu. Darbas žmogui yra viena svarbiausių ir prasmingiausių veiklų, kuri suteikia ne tik finansinį saugumą, bet ir padeda užmegzti kontaktus su kitais žmonėmis, palaikyti santykius, taip pat didina savigarbą. Socialiniai pedagogai ir patys neįgalieji yra tie asmenys, kurie mato neįgaliųjų integracijos situaciją iš arti ir jų požiūris gana plačiai parodo esamą situaciją. Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas – atskleisti neįgaliųjų įsidarbinimo galimybes socialinių pedagogų ir neįgaliųjų požiūriu. Siekiant įgyvendinti šį tikslą buvo pasitelktas kokybinis tyrimas, taikant turinio (content) analizės metodą. Tyrime dalyvavo dvi informantų grupės. Pirmąją grupę sudarė 6 socialiniai pedagogai dirbantys su neįgaliaisiais ir padedantys jiems profesijos įgijimo situacijoje. Antrąją grupę sudarė 6 asmenys turintys negalią. Informantai pasirinkti naudojant patogiąją tikslinę atranką. / Employment opportunities for people with disabilities from the point of view of social educators and people with disabilities are analysed in the present Bachelor’s Thesis. Employment is one the most important and meaningful activities for a human being providing with not only financial security but serving as means for making contacts with other people, establishment of relations, and increasing self-esteem as well. Social educators and people with disabilities themselves are the people who see the situation in respect of the situation in the field of integration of people with disabilities from a close range and their point of view reflects the current situation quite extensively. The key aim of this Paper is to reveal employment opportunities for people with disabilities from the point of view of social educators and people with disabilities. A qualitative study was used by applying a content analysis method in order to achieve this aim. Two groups of informants have participated in the study. The first group consisted of 6 social educators working with the disabled people and providing assistance to them in situations related to acquisition of an occupation. The second group consisted of 6 people with disabilities. The informants have been chosen using a convenient target selection method.

La validation des acquis de l'expérience, un dispositif transformateur : le secteur social et médico-social en exemple / The accreditation of previous learning, a transformer device : the social and medical-social sector in example

Sabasch, Francelise 12 June 2014 (has links)
Nous considérons que tout individu a une expérience à produire. Mais quel usage en fait-il ? La Validation des acquis de l’expérience propose ainsi de faire un retour de son expérience par une approche réflexive. Néanmoins, ne devons-nous pas nous interroger sur l’intérêt pour un être humain de s’engager dans un processus aussi long, aussi rigoureux et aussi générateur de changements ? Nous servir d’un ensemble de repères historiques, juridiques, philosophiques et de recherches scientifiques (en Sciences de l’éducation, en Sociologie), nous a paru être fondamental pour pouvoir mieux cerner la validité et la légitimité d’un dispositif comme celui de la Validation des acquis de l’expérience dans les pratiques professionnelles, en l’occurrence dans le secteur social et médico-social. L’objectif principal de cette étude qualitative et empirique est de mettre en exergue les effets transformateurs du dispositif de la Validation des acquis de l’expérience aussi bien sur les candidats que sur les autres acteurs. Nous avons ainsi, analysé les données inscrites dans le journal de bord au cours de l’observation in situ, et celles issues des 20 entretiens semi-directifs. Les résultats de cette recherche montrent la nécessité de concevoir le travail social et médico-social, à partir d’un processus de changement inéluctable, s’opérant chez le candidat à la Validation des acquis de l’expérience, tout en modifiant aussi bien, le fonctionnement institutionnel, que le positionnement des autres acteurs qui le composent. / Every individual has benefitted from some kind of experience (professional or personal).The question is what does one draw from experience ? The Accreditation of previous learning proposes an approach that evaluates this previous experience using a set of historic, legal and philosophical markers. Within the Accreditation of previous learning framework, it is possible to assess the validity and the legitimacy of an action plan concerning professional practices. My dissertation applies this approach to the social and medical-social sector. The Accreditation of previous learning could be considered as a relatively recent training system which could eventually influence other types of training courses and the actors involved in them.The main objective of this qualitative and empirical study is to highlight the effects of the Accreditation of previous learning plan on the candidates as well as on other actors. I analysed the data recorded in the logbook during in situ observation, and the result of twenty semi-directive interviews. The research results show the necessity of designing social and medical-social work, from the perspective of a process of inevitable change, taking place in the candidate’s for the Accreditation of previous learning, and of modifying the way social and medical-social institutions work as well as the way actors participate in them. / Consideramos que todo individuo tiene una experiencia que aplicar. Pero ¿ cómo lo hace ? El Procedimiento de evaluación y acreditación de las competencias profesionales (P.E.A.C) implica dar una vuelta por un enfoque reflexivo de la experiencia. Sin embargo, ¿ no deberíamos interrogarnos sobre el interés que pueda tener un ser humano en embarcarse en un proceso tan largo, tan riguroso y que genera tantos cambios? Servirnos de un conjunto de indicaciones históricas, jurídicas y filosóficas y de investigaciones científicas (en Ciencias de la Educación, en Sociología), nos apareció fundamental para poder cercar mejor la validez y la legitimidad de un dispositivo como el del P.E.A.C en las prácticas profesionales, en este caso en el sector social y médico social.El objetivo principal de este estudio cualitativo y empírico es poner de relieve los efectos transformadores del dispositivo del P.E.A.C tanto sobre los candidatos como sobre otros actores. De este modo, hemos analizando los datos del diario de abordo en el transcurso de la observación in situ, y los obtenidos de las veinte entrevistas a subdirectivos. Los resultados de esta investigación muestran la necesidad de concebir el trabajo social y médico social a través de un proceso de cambio ineluctable que se produce en el candidato del P.E.A.C, modificando no solamente el funcionamiento institucional, sino el posicionamiento de otros actores que intervienen.

Loucos ou heróis : um estudo sobre prazer e sofrimento no trabalho dos educadores sociais com adolescentes em situação de rua

Bottega, Carla Garcia January 2009 (has links)
Cette recherche analyse la dynamique santé/souffrance mentale vécue par des éducateurs sociaux de l'Escola de Ensino Fundamental Porto Alegre (École et Collège Porto Alegre [E.P.A.]) dans leur travail avec des adolescents en situation de rue. La psychodynamique du travail a servi de méthodologie pour explorer le rapport de plaisir et/ou souffrance de ces éducateurs sociaux au travail et pour identifier les stratégies individuelles et collectives qu'ils ont bâties pour faire face à leur travail quotidien. Elle a permis d'organiser un groupe de chercheurs et de fonctionnaires qui a pris la mesure de la dynamique vécue par les éducateurs sociaux. De fait, ces professionnels se sont formés dans un rapport direct aux transformations survenues historiquement dans les politiques publiques pour l'enfance et l'adolescence, au Brésil. Ces dernières les ont affectés et ont modifié leur façon de travailler, à partir de leur vécu pratique. Ces éducateurs sont mobilisés par la situation de vie du public dont ils s'occupent et par les relations établies avec leurs collègues et le réseau de services externe à l'établissement. Il y a évidement des liens de confiance et de coopération entre pairs qui empêche toute construction collective permettant de surmonter les difficultés rencontrées. Les changements de gestion survenus dans l'administration municipale et la discontinuité des programmes et projets ont eu une influence directe sur l'école et ses fonctionnaires. En même temps, le désir de transformer la réalité est toujours présent chez ces éducateurs, même s'il s'est émoussé. Tous les fonctionnaires de l'école reconnaissent l'importance d'entretenir un espace public de discussion pouvant qualifier leur travail, aussi bien en interne qu'en externe, et de construire des relations basées sur la confiance et la coopération pour transformer les situations de travail et créer de nouvelles manières de travailler et de promouvoir la santé. / Esta pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo a dinâmica saúde/sofrimento mental, vivida por educadores sociais, da Escola de Ensino Fundamental Porto Alegre (EPA), no trabalho com adolescentes em situação de rua. Foi utilizada a Metodologia em Psicodinâmica do Trabalho, para a investigação da relação de prazer e/ou sofrimento, no trabalho dos educadores sociais, além da identificação das estratégias individuais e coletivas, construídas por estes educadores, para o enfrentamento do cotidiano no trabalho. A utilização da Metodologia permitiu a organização de um grupo, entre pesquisadores e trabalhadores, que dimensionou a dinâmica vivida pelos educadores sociais. Verificou-se que esses profissionais são trabalhadores que tiveram sua formação construída em relação direta às transformações ocorridas, historicamente, nas políticas públicas para a infância e adolescência no país, sendo afetados por elas e transformando seu fazer, a partir da vivência prática no trabalho. Os educadores encontram-se mobilizados pela situação de vida do público atendido, assim como pelas relações estabelecidas com os colegas e a rede de serviços externa à escola. Há um esvaziamento dos vínculos de confiança e cooperação entre os pares, não possibilitando a construção coletiva de superação das dificuldades encontradas. As mudanças de gestão, ocorridas na administração municipal, bem como a descontinuidade dos programas e projetos, têm influenciado diretamente a escola e seus trabalhadores. Ao mesmo tempo, ainda permanece, nestes educadores, o desejo de transformação da realidade que, apesar de esmorecido, não foi totalmente abandonado. Para todos os trabalhadores da escola, é muito importante a manutenção de um espaço público de discussão, que possa qualificar seu trabalho, interna e externamente, e construir relações baseadas na confiança e cooperação. Isso é importante, no sentido de transformar as situações de trabalho, criando novos modos de trabalhar e de promover saúde. / The purpose of this research is to study the health/mental suffering dynamic experienced by social educators at the Porto Alegre School of Elementary Education (EPA) in their work with adolescents living on the streets. The psychodynamics at work method was used to investigate pleasure and/or suffering experienced during social educators' work, as well as to identify individual and collective strategies created by these educators to face everyday challenges at work. Using this method made it possible to organize a group including both researchers and workers that placed importance on the dynamic lived by these social educators. It was shown that these professionals are workers whose education has taken place as a direct result of transformations that have occurred in government policies on children and adolescents in Brazil, which affect them and transform their work through practical on-the-job experiences. These educators are emotionally moved by the living situation of the public they serve, as well as by the relationships they establish with their coworkers and the network of services surrounding the school. Bonds of trust and cooperation among peers are exhausted, thereby preventing them from collectively overcoming the difficulties they encounter. Changes in management occurring at the level of city administration, as well as the discontinuity of programs and projects directly affect the school and its workers. At the same time, these educators hold on to their desire to transform reality that although weakened has not been completely abandoned. For all of the school's workers, it is very important both to maintain a public space for discussion, where they can improve their work internally and externally, and to build relationships based on confidence and cooperation. This is important in that it transforms working situations, creating new ways of working and promoting health.

Loucos ou heróis : um estudo sobre prazer e sofrimento no trabalho dos educadores sociais com adolescentes em situação de rua

Bottega, Carla Garcia January 2009 (has links)
Cette recherche analyse la dynamique santé/souffrance mentale vécue par des éducateurs sociaux de l'Escola de Ensino Fundamental Porto Alegre (École et Collège Porto Alegre [E.P.A.]) dans leur travail avec des adolescents en situation de rue. La psychodynamique du travail a servi de méthodologie pour explorer le rapport de plaisir et/ou souffrance de ces éducateurs sociaux au travail et pour identifier les stratégies individuelles et collectives qu'ils ont bâties pour faire face à leur travail quotidien. Elle a permis d'organiser un groupe de chercheurs et de fonctionnaires qui a pris la mesure de la dynamique vécue par les éducateurs sociaux. De fait, ces professionnels se sont formés dans un rapport direct aux transformations survenues historiquement dans les politiques publiques pour l'enfance et l'adolescence, au Brésil. Ces dernières les ont affectés et ont modifié leur façon de travailler, à partir de leur vécu pratique. Ces éducateurs sont mobilisés par la situation de vie du public dont ils s'occupent et par les relations établies avec leurs collègues et le réseau de services externe à l'établissement. Il y a évidement des liens de confiance et de coopération entre pairs qui empêche toute construction collective permettant de surmonter les difficultés rencontrées. Les changements de gestion survenus dans l'administration municipale et la discontinuité des programmes et projets ont eu une influence directe sur l'école et ses fonctionnaires. En même temps, le désir de transformer la réalité est toujours présent chez ces éducateurs, même s'il s'est émoussé. Tous les fonctionnaires de l'école reconnaissent l'importance d'entretenir un espace public de discussion pouvant qualifier leur travail, aussi bien en interne qu'en externe, et de construire des relations basées sur la confiance et la coopération pour transformer les situations de travail et créer de nouvelles manières de travailler et de promouvoir la santé. / Esta pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo a dinâmica saúde/sofrimento mental, vivida por educadores sociais, da Escola de Ensino Fundamental Porto Alegre (EPA), no trabalho com adolescentes em situação de rua. Foi utilizada a Metodologia em Psicodinâmica do Trabalho, para a investigação da relação de prazer e/ou sofrimento, no trabalho dos educadores sociais, além da identificação das estratégias individuais e coletivas, construídas por estes educadores, para o enfrentamento do cotidiano no trabalho. A utilização da Metodologia permitiu a organização de um grupo, entre pesquisadores e trabalhadores, que dimensionou a dinâmica vivida pelos educadores sociais. Verificou-se que esses profissionais são trabalhadores que tiveram sua formação construída em relação direta às transformações ocorridas, historicamente, nas políticas públicas para a infância e adolescência no país, sendo afetados por elas e transformando seu fazer, a partir da vivência prática no trabalho. Os educadores encontram-se mobilizados pela situação de vida do público atendido, assim como pelas relações estabelecidas com os colegas e a rede de serviços externa à escola. Há um esvaziamento dos vínculos de confiança e cooperação entre os pares, não possibilitando a construção coletiva de superação das dificuldades encontradas. As mudanças de gestão, ocorridas na administração municipal, bem como a descontinuidade dos programas e projetos, têm influenciado diretamente a escola e seus trabalhadores. Ao mesmo tempo, ainda permanece, nestes educadores, o desejo de transformação da realidade que, apesar de esmorecido, não foi totalmente abandonado. Para todos os trabalhadores da escola, é muito importante a manutenção de um espaço público de discussão, que possa qualificar seu trabalho, interna e externamente, e construir relações baseadas na confiança e cooperação. Isso é importante, no sentido de transformar as situações de trabalho, criando novos modos de trabalhar e de promover saúde. / The purpose of this research is to study the health/mental suffering dynamic experienced by social educators at the Porto Alegre School of Elementary Education (EPA) in their work with adolescents living on the streets. The psychodynamics at work method was used to investigate pleasure and/or suffering experienced during social educators' work, as well as to identify individual and collective strategies created by these educators to face everyday challenges at work. Using this method made it possible to organize a group including both researchers and workers that placed importance on the dynamic lived by these social educators. It was shown that these professionals are workers whose education has taken place as a direct result of transformations that have occurred in government policies on children and adolescents in Brazil, which affect them and transform their work through practical on-the-job experiences. These educators are emotionally moved by the living situation of the public they serve, as well as by the relationships they establish with their coworkers and the network of services surrounding the school. Bonds of trust and cooperation among peers are exhausted, thereby preventing them from collectively overcoming the difficulties they encounter. Changes in management occurring at the level of city administration, as well as the discontinuity of programs and projects directly affect the school and its workers. At the same time, these educators hold on to their desire to transform reality that although weakened has not been completely abandoned. For all of the school's workers, it is very important both to maintain a public space for discussion, where they can improve their work internally and externally, and to build relationships based on confidence and cooperation. This is important in that it transforms working situations, creating new ways of working and promoting health.

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