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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialinių pedagogų kompetencijų ugdymo galimybės vaikų globos namuose / Prospects of development of competencies of social educators in children’s residential care facilities

Gorienė, Svetlana 04 July 2012 (has links)
Vaikų globos įstaigose dirbantys socialiniai pedagogai kasdien susiduria su įvairiausiomis vaikų sociaizacijos problemomis. Vis daugiau pedagogų, ugdančių socialinės rizikos vaikus supranta, kad kai kuriose situacijose nebeužtenka studijų, seminarų ar kursų metu įgytų kompetencijų minėtoms problemoms išspręsti. Susidariusios situacijos ir nuolat kylančios naujos problemos reikalauja nuolatinio kompetencijų atnaujinimo, tobulinimo, naujų gebėjimų bei įgūdžių įgijimo. Taigi, daugelis socialinių pedagogų yra susirūpinę savo profesinio tobulėjimo bei kompetencijų ugdymo būtinybe, tačiau ne visada turi realias galimybes šiam siekiui įgyvendinti. / Social educators working in child care institutions encounter a wide variety of socialization problems for children every day. More and more teachers educating children who belong to social risk groups perceive that in some cases the competences acquired at university studies, seminars or courses are not enough to solve the aforementioned problems. The emerging situations and continually rising new problems require constant update and development of competences, as well as acquisition of new abilities and skills. So, many social educators are concerned about the necessity of developing their professional competences, but they do not always have opportunities to reach the objective. The object of the research is opportunities for social educators to develop competences in child care institutions.

Uma reflexão sobre o curso \"Ações Multiplicadoras: o museu e a inclusão sociocultural\" da Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo / A reflection about the course \"Multiplicative actions: museum and social inclusion\" of Pinacoteca of the State of Sao Paulo

Gama, Flavia dos Santos Oliveira 09 August 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa analisar o impacto do curso de formacao para educadores sociais, tambem conhecido por Acoes Multiplicadoras: o museu e a inclusao sociocultural, uma das frentes de trabalho da Pinacoteca do Estado de Sao Paulo. A investigacao tem a intencao de esclarecer como as acoes educativas da Pinacoteca podem contribuir com o trabalho dos educadores sociais. Quais sao os ganhos e limites de sua intervencao? Elas auxiliam na inclusao e expansao do publico em vulnerabilidade social? Qual e a percepcao do educador social? Ao promover o encontro entre o publico em vulnerabilidade social e as obras de arte, acredita-se estar reduzindo a desigualdade do acesso aos bens e servicos culturais. Todavia, alguns autores criticam esse pensamento afirmando nao ser possivel criar um vinculo profundo e duradouro. A principal abordagem metodologica utilizada na pesquisa foi a qualitativa e para coletar os dados selecionamos os participantes do curso nos anos de 2012 e 2013. Nessa ocasiao, consideramos a observacao participativa, a aplicacao de questionario e a entrevista com a coordenadora do Programa de Inclusao Sociocultural - PISC. Atraves da observacao participante, verificou-se que o sentido do curso e ressignificado segundo a realidade e o esforco criativo do educador social, a quem ele contribui ampliando sua atuacao profissional. Ficou evidente tambem que o seu intuito e difundir as potencialidades do museu e acessibilizar instrumentos e recursos que podem ser usados em projetos socioeducativos. Mas no que tange ao desejo da instituicao por formar novos publicos, nao se pode contar nem com a consolidacao da parceria, e nem com a modificacao significativa do publico, ja que este tem pouca capacidade de criar habitos culturais duradouros / The aim of this work is to analyse the impact of the course for social educator formation, also known as Acoes Multiplicadoras; o museu e a inclusao sociocultural, one of the initiatives of the Sao Paulo State Pinacotheca. The investigation intents to understand how educational initiatives by the Pinacotheca may be an aid to the work of social educators. What are the gains and the limits of their intervention? Do these initiatives help in including and expanding the public under social vulnerability? What are the perceptions of the social educator? When trying to promote an encounter between the public under social vulnerability and the works of art, one believes that the inequality of the access to cultural assets and services is reduced. However, some authors criticise this point of view, by stating that it is not possible to create deep and lasting links. The present research used mainly a qualitative approach. In order to collect the data, I selected the participants of the course in the years 2012 and 2013. In this occasion, I engaged in a participative observation and applied forms. I also interviewed the coordinator of the Sociocultural Inclusion Program. Through participative observation, I verified that the meaning of the course is resignified according to the reality and the creative efforts of the social educator, who has in this way his or her professional activity enlarged. It became evident too that its goal is to take to the public the possibilities of the museum and to grant access to the instruments and resources that can be used in socioeducational projects. Yet, as regards the ambition of the institution to form new publics, it is not possible to assert either that the cooperation is consolidated or that the public has been substantially modified, once that the public does not have the capacity to create lasting habits

Identidades de educadoras sociais: trajetórias de vida e formação / Identities of socials educators: trajectories of life and formation.

Buccini, Isabel Cristina 13 April 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho objetiva investigar os impactos do processo de formação sistemática em serviço, a partir do estudo de um grupo de oito educadoras sociais que trabalham na Organização Não Governamental Ação Comunitária, localizada no bairro do Campo Limpo, extremo da zona sul de São Paulo. Partindo do princípio de que a formação e o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional destas educadoras são pautados também no seu espaço de atuação, procurou-se identificar as possíveis contribuições do processo de formação permanente realizado pela instituição na constituição das identidades pessoais e profissionais das educadoras pesquisadas. Além dos possíveis impactos decorrentes da formação contínua, serão examinadas também as influências exercidas pelas trajetórias de vida e as experiências pessoais que marcaram os ambientes familiares e escolares do grupo estudado. Por meio da produção de registros escritos significativos, depoimentos orais, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e registros de memória pessoal (fotos), as educadoras sociais, participantes desta pesquisa, puderam realizar um intenso exercício autobiográfico, propulsor de uma possível tomada de consciência dos processos que influíram em suas trajetórias de vida pessoais e profissionais. Buscando aportes nos referenciais teóricos da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural, foi possível perceber que este processo de formação pode gerar mudanças significativas nas formas de ser, pensar, agir e relacionar-se daqueles que dele participam. Os processos psíquicos de constituição identitária, podem muitas vezes passar despercebidos pelos sujeitos que vivem mergulhados nas exigências da sociedade moderna, iminentemente imediatista, capaz de compreender o \"ser\" apenas em seu \"aqui e agora\", desconsiderando o caráter permanente de busca de \"si mesmo\", de \"inconclusão\", de \"devir\" ou \"vir a ser\", inerentes à constituição da identidade humana. / The present work objective to investigate the impacts of the process of systematic formation in service, from the study of a group of eight social educators that work at no government organization Ação Comunitária located at Campo Limpo area, extreme southern zone of São Paulo. To coming from of the principle of that the formation and the personal and professional development of these educators are also methodicals in its space of performance, looked for identify the possible contributions of the process formation permanent realized by institution in the constitution of the personal and professional identities of the educators. Beyond the possible decurrent impacts of the continuous formation, the influences exerted for the personal trajectories of life and experiences will also be examined that marked in familiar and school environments of the studied group. By means of the production of written registers significant, verbal account through half-structuralized interviews and registers of personal memory (photos), the participant social educators of this research, had been able to carry through an intense autobiographical, exercise of a possible taking of conscience of the processes that had influenced in its personal and professional trajectories of life. Searching support in the theoretical reference of Historical-Cultural Psychology, was possible to perceive that this process of formation can generate significant changes in the forms in the forms of being, thinking, to act and to become related of that of it they participate. The phychic processes of identity constitution, can many times pass unobserved for the citizens that live dived in the requirements of the modern society, imminently immediate, capable to understand the \"being\" only in its \"here and now\", disrespecting the permanent character of search of \"itself exactly\", \"no conclusion\" of \"devir\" or \"coming to be\" inherent to the constitution of the identity human being.

Uma reflexão sobre o curso \"Ações Multiplicadoras: o museu e a inclusão sociocultural\" da Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo / A reflection about the course \"Multiplicative actions: museum and social inclusion\" of Pinacoteca of the State of Sao Paulo

Flavia dos Santos Oliveira Gama 09 August 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa analisar o impacto do curso de formacao para educadores sociais, tambem conhecido por Acoes Multiplicadoras: o museu e a inclusao sociocultural, uma das frentes de trabalho da Pinacoteca do Estado de Sao Paulo. A investigacao tem a intencao de esclarecer como as acoes educativas da Pinacoteca podem contribuir com o trabalho dos educadores sociais. Quais sao os ganhos e limites de sua intervencao? Elas auxiliam na inclusao e expansao do publico em vulnerabilidade social? Qual e a percepcao do educador social? Ao promover o encontro entre o publico em vulnerabilidade social e as obras de arte, acredita-se estar reduzindo a desigualdade do acesso aos bens e servicos culturais. Todavia, alguns autores criticam esse pensamento afirmando nao ser possivel criar um vinculo profundo e duradouro. A principal abordagem metodologica utilizada na pesquisa foi a qualitativa e para coletar os dados selecionamos os participantes do curso nos anos de 2012 e 2013. Nessa ocasiao, consideramos a observacao participativa, a aplicacao de questionario e a entrevista com a coordenadora do Programa de Inclusao Sociocultural - PISC. Atraves da observacao participante, verificou-se que o sentido do curso e ressignificado segundo a realidade e o esforco criativo do educador social, a quem ele contribui ampliando sua atuacao profissional. Ficou evidente tambem que o seu intuito e difundir as potencialidades do museu e acessibilizar instrumentos e recursos que podem ser usados em projetos socioeducativos. Mas no que tange ao desejo da instituicao por formar novos publicos, nao se pode contar nem com a consolidacao da parceria, e nem com a modificacao significativa do publico, ja que este tem pouca capacidade de criar habitos culturais duradouros / The aim of this work is to analyse the impact of the course for social educator formation, also known as Acoes Multiplicadoras; o museu e a inclusao sociocultural, one of the initiatives of the Sao Paulo State Pinacotheca. The investigation intents to understand how educational initiatives by the Pinacotheca may be an aid to the work of social educators. What are the gains and the limits of their intervention? Do these initiatives help in including and expanding the public under social vulnerability? What are the perceptions of the social educator? When trying to promote an encounter between the public under social vulnerability and the works of art, one believes that the inequality of the access to cultural assets and services is reduced. However, some authors criticise this point of view, by stating that it is not possible to create deep and lasting links. The present research used mainly a qualitative approach. In order to collect the data, I selected the participants of the course in the years 2012 and 2013. In this occasion, I engaged in a participative observation and applied forms. I also interviewed the coordinator of the Sociocultural Inclusion Program. Through participative observation, I verified that the meaning of the course is resignified according to the reality and the creative efforts of the social educator, who has in this way his or her professional activity enlarged. It became evident too that its goal is to take to the public the possibilities of the museum and to grant access to the instruments and resources that can be used in socioeducational projects. Yet, as regards the ambition of the institution to form new publics, it is not possible to assert either that the cooperation is consolidated or that the public has been substantially modified, once that the public does not have the capacity to create lasting habits

Identidades de educadoras sociais: trajetórias de vida e formação / Identities of socials educators: trajectories of life and formation.

Isabel Cristina Buccini 13 April 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho objetiva investigar os impactos do processo de formação sistemática em serviço, a partir do estudo de um grupo de oito educadoras sociais que trabalham na Organização Não Governamental Ação Comunitária, localizada no bairro do Campo Limpo, extremo da zona sul de São Paulo. Partindo do princípio de que a formação e o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional destas educadoras são pautados também no seu espaço de atuação, procurou-se identificar as possíveis contribuições do processo de formação permanente realizado pela instituição na constituição das identidades pessoais e profissionais das educadoras pesquisadas. Além dos possíveis impactos decorrentes da formação contínua, serão examinadas também as influências exercidas pelas trajetórias de vida e as experiências pessoais que marcaram os ambientes familiares e escolares do grupo estudado. Por meio da produção de registros escritos significativos, depoimentos orais, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e registros de memória pessoal (fotos), as educadoras sociais, participantes desta pesquisa, puderam realizar um intenso exercício autobiográfico, propulsor de uma possível tomada de consciência dos processos que influíram em suas trajetórias de vida pessoais e profissionais. Buscando aportes nos referenciais teóricos da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural, foi possível perceber que este processo de formação pode gerar mudanças significativas nas formas de ser, pensar, agir e relacionar-se daqueles que dele participam. Os processos psíquicos de constituição identitária, podem muitas vezes passar despercebidos pelos sujeitos que vivem mergulhados nas exigências da sociedade moderna, iminentemente imediatista, capaz de compreender o \"ser\" apenas em seu \"aqui e agora\", desconsiderando o caráter permanente de busca de \"si mesmo\", de \"inconclusão\", de \"devir\" ou \"vir a ser\", inerentes à constituição da identidade humana. / The present work objective to investigate the impacts of the process of systematic formation in service, from the study of a group of eight social educators that work at no government organization Ação Comunitária located at Campo Limpo area, extreme southern zone of São Paulo. To coming from of the principle of that the formation and the personal and professional development of these educators are also methodicals in its space of performance, looked for identify the possible contributions of the process formation permanent realized by institution in the constitution of the personal and professional identities of the educators. Beyond the possible decurrent impacts of the continuous formation, the influences exerted for the personal trajectories of life and experiences will also be examined that marked in familiar and school environments of the studied group. By means of the production of written registers significant, verbal account through half-structuralized interviews and registers of personal memory (photos), the participant social educators of this research, had been able to carry through an intense autobiographical, exercise of a possible taking of conscience of the processes that had influenced in its personal and professional trajectories of life. Searching support in the theoretical reference of Historical-Cultural Psychology, was possible to perceive that this process of formation can generate significant changes in the forms in the forms of being, thinking, to act and to become related of that of it they participate. The phychic processes of identity constitution, can many times pass unobserved for the citizens that live dived in the requirements of the modern society, imminently immediate, capable to understand the \"being\" only in its \"here and now\", disrespecting the permanent character of search of \"itself exactly\", \"no conclusion\" of \"devir\" or \"coming to be\" inherent to the constitution of the identity human being.

Socialinio pedagogo vaidmuo įveikiant penktosios klasės mokinių nenorą mokytis / Social educator's role in overcoming the 5th former's unwillingness to attend school

Pažėrienė, Asta 05 June 2004 (has links)
A transitional period from primary to secondary school is not always smooth an successful for many students. For psychologically weaker students, the transition to the fifth form can cause a negative attitude to school and learning as well as influence not only their progress but their psyche and physical development in general. It is concidered that the fifth form is one of the critical points of learning disorders. Unwilling to learn students find themselves on the street more often than any other students. According to the survey of educational politicians and educators, the main reason of non-attendance of school is students’ unwillingness to learn, fatigue or the decline of their interest in subjects. Students are usually dissatisfied with school activities, because it is difficult to study, there is an overload, constant fatigue or they are just not interested in subjects. The target of the post-graduate paper is social educator’s activity in a secondary school. The problem analysed is reluctance to learn at secondary school. The hypothesis of the work is that there is a possibility to develop positive emotions and change students’ attitude to learning through the implementation of successful students’ adaptation into school society. The objective of the survey is to analyse a social educator’s role and activity functions for overcoming the fifth formers’ unwillingness to learn. The objective has been realized while analysing social educator’s role and activity... [to full text]

Socialinio pedagogo kaip konsultanto asmeninių savybių vertinimas / Evaluation of social pedagogue's as consultant's personal features

Pelenytė, Iveta 21 August 2013 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojamas socialinio pedagogo kaip konsultanto asmeninių savybių vertinimas. Konsultavimas yra viena iš socialinio pedagogo veiklos funkcijų. Įvairių mokslininkų atlikti tyrimai skelbia, kad efektyviam konsultavimui turi įtakos konsultanto asmeninės savybės. Šio bakalauro darbo objektas - socialinio pedagogo kaip konsultanto asmeninių savybių vertinimas. Tyrimo tikslas - atskleisti socialinio pedagogo kaip konsultanto asmeninių savybių vertinimą. Tyrimo duomenys buvo renkami naudojant apklausos raštu metodą (anketą). Anketa sudaryta iš uždaro ir atviro tipo klausimų. Tyrimo duomenys apdoroti taikant aprašomąją statistiką (vidurkių, standartinių nuokrypių analizė ir neparametrinius testus (Kruskal-Wallis). Tyrime dalyvavo 40 Šiaulių universiteto bakalauro pakopos trečio ir ketvirto kurso socialinės pedagogikos studentai ir 64 Vilniaus, Kauno, Klaipėdos, Šiaulių miesto ir rajono socialiniai pedagogai. Tyrimo metu gauti duomenys atskleidė, kad socialinis pedagogas kaip konsultantas pasižymi tam tikromis asmeninėmis savybėmis. Jam būdingos psichologinės savybės: empatija, savęs pažinimas, savo darbo ir konsultacinės veiklos prasmės ir veiksmingumo suvokimas, kitokių žmonių vengimas bei kitų asmenų kritikavimas už nepriimtinus veiksmus. Asmeninės savybės išryškėjusios iš socialinių kompetencijų bloko: pareigos ir atsakomybės jausmas kokybiškai dirbti, komunikabilumas, gebėjimas dirbti komandoje, konfliktų sprendimo įgūdžiai bei uždarumas, santūrumas, problemų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Bachelor thesis analyzes the social educator as consultant personal assessment. Consulting is one of the social educators operating functions. Scientific studies have proved that effective counseling is affected by the counselors’ personal characteristics. This bachelor’s object is the evaluation of social educators’ as consultant’s personal characteristics. This study is to reveal social educators as consultant’s characteristics evaluation. Survey data was collected by using a written survey method (questionnaire). Questionnaire was based on open and closed questions. Survey data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics (averages, standard deviations, and analysis of nonparametric tests (Kruskal-Wallis)). Survey involved 40 Siauliai University undergraduate third and fourth-year students of social pedagogy and 64 in Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda, Siauliai city and district social workers. Survey data revealed that social educator as a consultant has certain personal qualities. Social educator has psychological qualities: empathy, self-knowledge, their work and consulting activities meaning and effectiveness of the perception of other people, criticism of others for the unacceptable actions. Personal qualities emerged from the social competency unit: a sense of duty and responsibility to deliver quality work, communication skills, teamwork, conflict resolution skills and reticence, postponement of the solutions for the next day, and conflicting in order to express their... [to full text]

Socialinių pedagogų raiškos ypatumai Lietuvoje ir Jungtinėje Karalystėje / The peculiarities of social educators expression in Lithuania and the United Kingdom

Juozaitytė, Jūratė 06 September 2013 (has links)
Darbo problema: Kokie pagrindiniai socialinių pedagogų raiškos Lietuvoje ir Jungtinėje Karalystėje ypatumai, veikiant skirtingose socialinėse terpėse? Darbo objektas: Socialinių pedagogų raiška Lietuvoje ir Jungtinėje Karalystėje. Darbo tikslas – atkleisti socialinių pedagogų raiškos Lietuvoje Ir Jungtinėje Karalystėje ypatumus. Baigiamojo darbo uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti veiksnius ir motyvus, įtakojusius socialinio pedagogo profesijos pasirinkimą Lietuvoje ir Jungtinėje Karalystėje socialinių pedagogų tarpe. 2. Nustatyti socialiniams pedagogams Lietuvoje ir Jungtinėje Karalystėje svarbius ir būdingus gebėjimus bei savybes. 3. Atskleisti kokias esmines kompetencijas ir/ar kvalifikacijos dalis labiausiai įgalina iš(si)ugdyti socialinių pedagogų studijų programos Lietuvoje ir Jungtinėje Karalystėje. Išvados: 1. Lietuvos socialiniai pedagogai dažniausiai savo specialybę pasirinko po 12 klasės egzaminų, o Jungtinės Karalystės socialiniai pedagogai dažniausiai apsisprendė 11-12 klasėje (p<0,05). Lietuvos ir Jungtinės Karalystės respondentų profesijos pasirinkimą dažniausiai įtakojo pašaukimas, pasiekimai artimoje pasirinktai profesijai veikloje, polinkiai ir interesai, mokėjimai ir įgūdžiai, noras padėti socialinės rizikos vaikams, likusiems be tėvų globos, noras padėti asmenims, turintiems socialinių problemų, noras padėti asmenims, negalintiems pasirūpinti savimi, bet nuomonių pasiskirstymas skiriasi (p<0,05). Lietuvoje dažniau nei Jungtinėje Karalystėje trūksta socialinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work Problem: What are the main expression of social educators in Lithuania and the United Kingdom, in different social media? Object: Expression of social educators in Lithuania and the United Kingdom. Aim : to discovery the characteristics of expressions of social educators in Lithuania and the United Kingdom. Tasks: 1. Explore the factors and considerations influencing the choice of the social educator professions in Lithuania and the United Kingdom. 2. Set up the social educators in Lithuania and the United Kingdom, the relevant and specific skills and qualities. 3. The disclosure of the essential competencies and/or qualifying part of most of the social educators study programme enables you to bring up in Lithuania and the United Kingdom. Conclusions. 1. Lithuanian social educators often chose their profession after the 12th grade exams, and the United Kingdom social educators often decide in class 11- 12 (p < 0.05). Lithuania and the United Kingdom respondents choice of profession is mostly influenced by calling, progress in the activity close to his profession, in clinations and interests, abilities and skills, and desire to help the children at risk which grow without parental care, the desire to help people which have social problems, a desire to help people who are unable to take care of themselves, but the distribution of opinions differ (p < 0,05). Lithuania lack social educators more often(p < 0.05) than the United Kingdom, the lack of social educators. The... [to full text]

Vou pra rua e bebo a tempestade: representações de educadores de rua de Fortaleza

Silva, Roberto dos Santos da January 2011 (has links)
SILVA, Roberto dos Santos da. Vou pra rua e bebo a tempestade: representações de educadores de rua de Fortaleza. 2011. 310f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Sociologia, Fortaleza (CE), 2011. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-10-24T15:59:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2011-DIS-RSSILVA.pdf: 2720281 bytes, checksum: 49542384ced7766c42d043e32f0a3de2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo(marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-10-24T17:28:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2011-DIS-RSSILVA.pdf: 2720281 bytes, checksum: 49542384ced7766c42d043e32f0a3de2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-10-24T17:28:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2011-DIS-RSSILVA.pdf: 2720281 bytes, checksum: 49542384ced7766c42d043e32f0a3de2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / This dissertation deals with the unveiling of the symbolic representations of street social educators and part of the educators working on state-owned institutional sheltering programs Criança Fora da Rua, Dentro da Escola (Child Out of the Streets, Inside the School) and Ponte de Encontro (Encounter Bridge) developed, respectively, by the Ceará State Government and the City Hall of Fortaleza, which treat children and adolescents in situations of social vulnerability. The present research examines the motivations for entering and exercising the profession, the values ​​which guide their educational practice, the prospects for the projected result of this activity and the demands regarding their working conditions, in order to realize what elements these subjects bring to the operationalization of their activity, beyond what is recommended by their employers. Common characteristics were identified with regard to the values ​​that regulate the action of the educators, but they found different conditions to convert them into practice, according to the model of care related to each program. The motivations were typified and interconnections between them were discovered and other representations studied. It was also verified great dissatisfaction with working conditions and loss of perspective to continue in their current role by most educators investigated. It was noticed that there are different professional habitus among educators, which are related to their previous work experiences, conditions of entrance into those institutions, types of motivation and what kind of conceptions and working methods are adopted by each organization researched. / Esta dissertação versa sobre o desvelamento das representações simbólicas dos educadores sociais de rua e de parte dos educadores de acolhimento institucional dos programas estatais Criança Fora da Rua Dentro da Escola e Ponte de Encontro, pertencentes, respectivamente, ao Governo do Estado do Ceará e à Prefeitura de Fortaleza, que atendem crianças e adolescentes em situação de vulnerabilidade social. Foram examinados os valores que guiam sua prática educativa, as motivações para o ingresso e exercício dessa profissão, as perspectivas projetadas para o resultado dessa atividade e sua avaliação e demandas referentes às suas condições de trabalho, com vista a perceber que elementos estes sujeitos trazem para a operacionalização de sua atividade, para além do que é preconizado por suas entidades empregadoras. Constatou-se que existem pontos em comum no que se refere aos valores que orientam a ação do educador, mas estes encontram diferentes condições para convertê-los em prática, conforme o modelo de atendimento de cada programa. As motivações foram tipificadas e encontrou-se interconexões entre elas e as demais representações estudadas. Verificou-se também grande insatisfação com as condições de trabalho e perda de perspectiva de continuar em sua atual função pela maior parte dos investigados. Foi percebido também que existem diferentes habitus profissionais entre os educadores que estão relacionados com sua trajetória anterior, condição de ingresso na instituição, tipos de motivação e que tipo de concepções e formas de trabalho são adotadas por cada organização estudada.

Vou pra rua e bebo a tempestade: representaÃÃes de educadores de rua de Fortaleza

Roberto dos Santos da Silva 02 August 2011 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / Esta dissertaÃÃo versa sobre o desvelamento das representaÃÃes simbÃlicas dos educadores sociais de rua e de parte dos educadores de acolhimento institucional dos programas estatais CrianÃa Fora da Rua Dentro da Escola e Ponte de Encontro, pertencentes, respectivamente, ao Governo do Estado do Cearà e à Prefeitura de Fortaleza, que atendem crianÃas e adolescentes em situaÃÃo de vulnerabilidade social. Foram examinados os valores que guiam sua prÃtica educativa, as motivaÃÃes para o ingresso e exercÃcio dessa profissÃo, as perspectivas projetadas para o resultado dessa atividade e sua avaliaÃÃo e demandas referentes Ãs suas condiÃÃes de trabalho, com vista a perceber que elementos estes sujeitos trazem para a operacionalizaÃÃo de sua atividade, para alÃm do que à preconizado por suas entidades empregadoras. Constatou-se que existem pontos em comum no que se refere aos valores que orientam a aÃÃo do educador, mas estes encontram diferentes condiÃÃes para convertÃ-los em prÃtica, conforme o modelo de atendimento de cada programa. As motivaÃÃes foram tipificadas e encontrou-se interconexÃes entre elas e as demais representaÃÃes estudadas. Verificou-se tambÃm grande insatisfaÃÃo com as condiÃÃes de trabalho e perda de perspectiva de continuar em sua atual funÃÃo pela maior parte dos investigados. Foi percebido tambÃm que existem diferentes habitus profissionais entre os educadores que estÃo relacionados com sua trajetÃria anterior, condiÃÃo de ingresso na instituiÃÃo, tipos de motivaÃÃo e que tipo de concepÃÃes e formas de trabalho sÃo adotadas por cada organizaÃÃo estudada. / This dissertation deals with the unveiling of the symbolic representations of street social educators and part of the educators working on state-owned institutional sheltering programs CrianÃa Fora da Rua, Dentro da Escola (Child Out of the Streets, Inside the School) and Ponte de Encontro (Encounter Bridge) developed, respectively, by the Cearà State Government and the City Hall of Fortaleza, which treat children and adolescents in situations of social vulnerability. The present research examines the motivations for entering and exercising the profession, the values &#8203;&#8203;which guide their educational practice, the prospects for the projected result of this activity and the demands regarding their working conditions, in order to realize what elements these subjects bring to the operationalization of their activity, beyond what is recommended by their employers. Common characteristics were identified with regard to the values &#8203;&#8203;that regulate the action of the educators, but they found different conditions to convert them into practice, according to the model of care related to each program. The motivations were typified and interconnections between them were discovered and other representations studied. It was also verified great dissatisfaction with working conditions and loss of perspective to continue in their current role by most educators investigated. It was noticed that there are different professional habitus among educators, which are related to their previous work experiences, conditions of entrance into those institutions, types of motivation and what kind of conceptions and working methods are adopted by each organization researched.

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