Spelling suggestions: "subject:"horizon"" "subject:"l'horizon""
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Repensando el Horizonte Medio: el caso de Conchopata, Ayacucho, PerúIsbell, William H. 10 April 2018 (has links)
Rethinking the Middle Horizon: A Case Study at Conchopata, Ayacucho, PerúKnowledge about the past is socially created, in historical contexts that influence how we understand and interpret archaeological information. Consequently, as time change we must be prepared to modify our thinking about prehispanic cultures. The Middle Horizon cultural period and the archaeological site of Conchopata, in Peru's Ayacucho valley, seemed very well understood but recent excavations have revealed unexpected new possibilities.Archaeologists believed that a new religious ideology spread from Tiwanaku initiated the Middle Horizon at Conchopata. But newly defined «D»-shaped temple buildings, associated with the art called «Tiwanaku» have no parallels in Tiwanaku´s Lake Titicaca homeland.Conchopata was considered haphazard in form, occupied primarily by specialists in the production of pottery. But new research shows that much of Conchopata's architectural core was planned and enclosed by perimeter walls, and a palace may have been located in the city's architectural core. Numerous new offerings of giant pottery have been excavated, suggesting that these ceremonial ceramics may have been brewing and serving sets for feast organized by ancient kings. Several forms of burials have been identified ranging from interments to Bedrock Cavity Interment and Mortuary Building Interments, and one grave might have been a royal tomb. Finally a suite of radiocarbon dates confirm much thinking about Middle Horizon chronology, but they suggest that Tiwanaku iconography did not arrive at Conchopata until the middle of the phase, when a long tradition of polychrome ceramic painting already existed. Apparently Conchopata was more than the recipient of new religion and art from the Altiplano. We must be prepared to abandon old ideas about Conchopata and the Middle Horizon as more convincing understandings emerge. / El conocimiento del pasado se crea socialmente, en contextos históricos que influyen en la forma en que se entiende e interpreta la información arqueológica. En consecuencia, a medida que los tiempos cambian, los arqueólogos deben estar preparados para modificar su forma de pensar acerca de las culturas prehispánicas. Tanto el periodo cultural denominado Horizonte Medio como el sitio arqueólogico de Conchopata, en el valle de Ayacucho, Perú, parecían bien comprendidos hasta el momento; sin embargo, excavaciones recientes han revelado nuevas e inesperadas posibilidades.Los arqueólogos creían que una nueva ideología religiosa proveniente de Tiwanaku dio comienzo al Horizonte Medio en Conchopata, pero los recientemente definidos templos en forma de «D», que se encuentran asociados con el arte denominado «Tiwanaku», no tienen paralelo en el área de origen de Tiwanaku en el lago Titicaca.Conchopata era considerado como un centro de forma irregular y habitado primariamente por especialistas en la elaboracion de cerámica, pero las nuevas investigaciones demuestran que gran parte de su núcleo arquitectónico fue bien planificado y circundado por muros perimetrales y que podría haber existido un palacio en él. Se han excavado numerosas ofrendas de cerámica gigante, lo que sugiere que esta cerámica ceremonial podría haber sido usada para preparar y servir bebidas en fiestas organizadas por los antiguos reyes. Varias formas de contextos funerarios han sido identificados, desde estructuras simples, en cavidades en la roca madre, hasta construcciones mortuorias especiales. Finalmente, un conjunto de fechados radiocarbónicos confirma algunas ideas acerca del Horizonte Medio, pero sugieren también que la iconografía Tiwanaku no llegó a Conchopata hasta mediados de su ocupación, cuando una larga tradición de cerámica polícroma ya existía en la zona. Aparentemente, Conchopata fue mucho más que un simple receptor de una nueva religión y arte procedentes del altiplano. Por ello, los arqueólogos deben estar preparados para dejar de lado viejas ideas acerca de este complejo y del Horizonte Medio, a medida que emergen interpretaciones más convincentes.
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Textiles del Horizonte Medio. Las evidencias de Huaca Malena, valle de AsiaAngeles, Rommel, Pozzi-Escot, Denise 10 April 2018 (has links)
Middle Horizon Textiles: Evidence from Huaca Malena, Asia ValleyArchaeological research was undertaken in 1997 at Huaca Malena in the Asia valley of Peru's south central coast, under the auspices of the Asia Municipal Government. The archaeological complex consists of an Early Intermediate architectural complex that has a huge Middle Horizon Epoch 2B and 3 cemetery intruded into its upper platforms. These intrusive tombs consist of circular pits containing several individuals. Textile wrappings on the bodies reveal a stratified society in which elites possessed extremely fine weavings characterized by Wari iconography reminiscent of the Conchopata and Atarco ceramic styles. Also associated, however, are textiles from other regional traditions, providing a new and broader vision of Middle Horizon societies. / Bajo los auspicios de la Municipalidad de Asia, en 1997 se realizaron estudios en el sitio denominado Huaca Malena, valle de Asia, costa sur-central del Perú. Esta es una construcción del Periodo lntermedio Temprano, sobre cuyas plataformas superiores se emplazó un gran cementerio correspondiente a las épocas 2B y 3 del Horizonte Medio. Las tumbas intrusivas son de planta circular y contienen varios individuos. Los fardos funerarios reflejan una sociedad estratificada cuyos contextos de elite contienen finísimos tejidos con iconografía wari, que recuerda a La cerámica de los estilos Conchopata y Atarco. Asociados a estos, igualmente, aparecen tejidos relacionados a otras tradiciones regionales y locales, lo que permite obtener una visión más amplia de las sociedades del Horizonte Medio.
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The Thirteen Towers of Chankillo: Archaeoastronomy and Social Organization at the First Solar Observatory in America / Las Trece Torres de Chankillo: arqueoastronomía y organización social en el primer observatorio solar de AméricaGhezzi, Iván, Ruggles, Clive 10 April 2018 (has links)
The Thirteen Towers of Chankillo run north-south along a low ridge within a fourth century BC ceremonial complex in north coastal Perú. From evident observing points within the adjacent buildings to the west and east, they formed an artificial toothed horizon that spanned —almost exactly— the annual rising and setting arcs of the Sun. The Chankillo towers thus provide evidence of early solar horizon observations, and of the existence of sophisticated Sun cults, preceding by almost two millennia the Sun pillars of Inca Cusco. / Las Trece Torres son un conjunto de estructuras dispuestas en una hilera de orientación Norte-Sur en la cima de una colina en Chankillo, un centro ceremonial del siglo IV a.C. ubicado en la costa norte del Perú. A partir de puntos de observación evidentes en los edificios adyacentes al este y al oeste de las torres, estas estructuras conforman un horizonte artificial "dentado" que comprende, casi exactamente, el arco anual de salida y puesta del Sol. De esta manera, las Trece Torres proporcionan evidencias de la práctica de observaciones solares y un sofisticado culto solar que preceden, por casi dos milenios, a los "pilares del Sol" del Cusco inca.
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El Castillo de Huarmey: una plataforma funeraria del Horizonte MedioPrümers, Heiko 10 April 2018 (has links)
"El Castillo" de Huarmey: A Middle Horizon Burial PlatformDue to excellent conditions of preservation excavations at the Middle Horizon site "El Castillo" de Huarmey have yielded many textiles. It is now clear that the majority of the textiles known as "Moche-Huari" come from this site. In this paper architectural remains at the site and other surface findings are described and discussed. These new data shed interesting light on cultural dynamics in this region during the Middle Horizon. / Gracias a unas excelentes condiciones de conservación, se ha podido recuperar un gran número de tejidos del "Castillo" de Huarmey, complejo correspondiente al Horizonte Medio. La mayoría de los tejidos "moche-huari" que se conocen actualmente provienen de este sitio. En este trabajo se discuten tambien los restos arquitectónicos conservados, así como hallazgos de superficie de otros tipos de materiales. Los datos obtenidos revelan aspectos interesantes acerca de la dinámica cultural en esta región durante el Horizonte Medio.
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Sonay: un centro wari celular ortogonal en el valle de Camaná, PerúMalpass, Michael A. 10 April 2018 (has links)
Sonay: A Wari Orthogonal Cellular Center in the Camana Valley, PerúThe site of Sonay is located in the Camana Valley of southern Peru. Investigations in the 1990s revealed the presence of a Wari center at the site, identified by its characteristic orthogonal architecture. Testing of the site recovered two radiocarbon samples that provided tenth century dates for the construction of the center. Few artifactual remains were recovered, suggesting a brief occupation of the site. Descriptions of the research are presented, together with an interpretation of the significance of the results. The late dates for the center support the emerging view that Wari political power lasted considerably longer that early researchers had indicated. / EI sitio de Sonay está ubicado en el valle de Camaná en el centro sur del Perú. Las investigaciones durante los años noventa dieron a conocer la presencia de un centro wari, identificado por la característica arquitectura ortogonal. Las excavaciones de prueba en el sitio produjeron dos muestras radiocarbónicas que arrojaron fechas hacia el décimo siglo d.C. para su construcción. Se encontraron pocos artefactos, lo que sugiere una ocupación breve. Se presenta una descripción de las investigaciones tanto como una interpretación de la importancia de los resultados. Las fechas tardías del centro apoyan la nueva visión de que el poder político wari duró mucho más tiempo de lo que anteriores investigadores indicaban.
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Contribuição dos horizontes profundos do solo para o fornecimento de nutrientes em plantações de eucalipto / Contribution of deep horizons of the soil to nutrients supply in eucalypts plantationsEduardo Vinicius da Silva 06 September 2011 (has links)
No Brasil, a alta produtividade das plantações florestais tem despertado grande interesse em relação à nutrição das árvores. Diante disso, este trabalho tratou de 2 estudos sobre a absorção de nutrientes pelas árvores de Eucalyptus grandis. O primeiro avaliou o potencial de absorção de N, K e Ca pelas árvores de E. grandis (6 anos de idade - 25 m de altura média) em função da profundidade, da textura e da umidade do solo. Através de tubos de plástico, aplicou-se conjuntamente os marcadores NO3 --15N, Rb+ (análogo ao K+) e Sr2+ (análogo ao Ca2+) nas profundidades de 10, 50, 150 e 300 cm, num Latossolo vermelho textura média e num Latossolo vermelho argiloso. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com 3 repetições de pares de árvores por profundidade de injeção e por tipo de solo. Após a injeção dos marcadores nas quatro profundidades, coletou-se dessas árvores folhas recém expandidas em vários períodos do verão, sendo o experimento repetido no período do inverno. O conteúdo de água foi monitorado continuamente em diferentes profundidades dos dois solos. A partir das quatro profundidades de injeção dos marcadores, a determinação das concentrações foliares de Rb, de Sr e da percentagem de átomo de 15N permitiu estimar a potencial absorção relativa (PAR) e a potencial absorção relativa específica (PARE), definida na divisão da PAR pela densidade de raízes finas em cm cm-3 (DRF), na camada de solo correspondente. O segundo, através de microeletrôdos seletivos de íons, mediu os fluxos de NH4 +, NO3 -, K+ e H+ (nmol m-2 s-1) em soluções de NH4NO3 (50 µM) e KNO3 (50 µM). Os microeletrôdos foram posicionados ao longo da raiz desde a ponta (0 cm) até 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0; 3,0; 5,0; e 8,0 cm de distância da ponta da raiz. Os fluxos foram medidos na raiz fina de 4 mudas de E. grandis que permaneceram numa solução pré-tratamento menos concentrada (50 µM) e na raiz fina de 4 mudas que permaneceram numa solução pré-tratamento mais concentrada (500 µM). No primeiro estudo, os resultados sugeriram que as raízes finas de E. grandis apresentaram um contraste entre as taxas potenciais de absorção e a profundidade, dependendo do nutriente. No segundo estudo, a tendência de maior absorção K+ e NH4 + em relação ao NO3 - pôde ter ocorrido devido às células das raízes de E. grandis serem mais permeáveis ao K+ e a forma preferencial de absorção de nitrogênio desta espécie ser o NH4 +. Os padrões distintos de absorção de NH4 +, K+ e NO3 -, desde a ponta da raiz das mudas de E. grandis até 8 cm de distância, puderam resultar das diferenças morfológicas, como: maior absorção de íons entre a zona de diferenciação e elongação celular das raízes e a zona de maturação celular (zona branca até 2 cm de distância da ponta); e diminuição da absorção na zona em que as células do córtex começaram a morrer ou já estavam mortas (zona escura entre 2 e 8 cm de distância da ponta da raiz). / The high productivity of forest plantations in Brazil has attracted great interest in relation to the nutritional aspect of trees. Therefore, this work deals with two studies on nutrient uptake by trees of Eucalyptus grandis. The first assessed the potential uptake of N, K and Ca by E. grandis trees (6 years of age 25 m mean height), in Brazil, as a function of soil depth, texture and water content. We injected NO3 --15N, Rb+ (analogue of K+) and Sr2+ (analogue of Ca2+) tracers simultaneously in a solution through plastic tubes at 10, 50, 150 and 300 cm in depth in a sandy and a clayey Ferralsol soil. A complete randomized design was set up with 3 replicates of paired trees per injection depth and soil type. Recently expanded leaves were sampled at various times after tracer injection in the summer, and the experiment was repeated in the winter. Soil water contents were continuously monitored at the different depths in the two soils. Determination of foliar Rb and Sr concentrations and 15N atom% made it possible to estimate the relative uptake potential (RUP) of tracer injections from the four soil depths and the specific relative uptake potential (SRUP), defined as RUP, per unit of fine root length density (RLD) in the corresponding soil layer. The second, in solutions of NH4NO3 (50 µM) and KNO3 (50 µM) were measured the flows of NH4 +, NO3 -, K+ and H+ (nmol m-2 s-1) through microelectrodes selective ions. Along the root, the microelectrodes were positioned at the root tip (0 cm) to 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, and 8.0 cm away of the root tip. The flows were measured in fine roots of 4 E. grandis seedlings that remained in a pretreatment solution less concentrated (50 µM) and fine root of 4 seedlings that remained in pretreatment solution more concentrated (500 µM) through ion selective microelectrode. In the first study, the results suggest that the fine roots of E. grandis trees exhibit contrasting potential uptake rates with depth depending on the nutrient. In the second, the trend towards greater uptake K+ and NH4 + in relation to NO3 - may be due to the root cells of E. grandis are more permeable to K+ and to the preferred form of nitrogen absorption of this species is NH4 +. The different absorptions patterns of NH4 +, K+ and NO3 - along the roots of E. grandis seedlings from the root tip up to 8 cm away can be the result of morphological differences, such as higher absorption of ions between the zone of cell differentiation and elongation of the roots and cell maturation zone (white zone up to 2 cm away from tip), and decreased absorption in the area where the cortical cells start dying or already are dead (dark zone between 2 and 8 cm away from the root tip).
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Concepção de passado, presente e futuro na I apologia de Justino Mártir: Uma visão do tempo histórico no século II D.C. / Conception of past, present and future in the first apology of Justin Martyr: A vision of historical time in the 2nd century D.C.Santos, Samuel Nunes dos 06 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-12-11T11:19:17Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-09-06 / Justin Martyr, in his First Apology, disputes the way Christians were being judged before the Roman magistrates. Because he does not agree with this, he exposes his arguments in favor of Christians. In order to strengthen his argument, Justin brings us past and contemporary events and relies on his eschatological hopes. The use of temporalities in his arguments led us to ask how he understood his present time. Based on the historical time of definition proposed by Reinhart Koselleck, we set out to analyze the First Apology to understand Justin's look towards his own time. We look after, in this way, to try to understand what factors underlie his tension, which would explain its vision of the world. In the search for a better understanding of these factors, we propose three steps: To broaden the knowledge about our source through the study of its form and content to analyze the most present intertextuality in his work (his conception of prophet and prophecy from Judeo-Christian literature) and, finally, the way he dealt with past, present, and future temporalities. / Justino Mártir, em sua I Apologia, contesta a forma como os cristãos eram julgados diante dos magistrados romanos. Sentindo que estes estavam sendo injustiçados, ele expõe seus argumentos a favor dos cristãos. A fim de corroborar seus argumentos, Justino traz-nos eventos passados e contemporâneos e se apoia em suas esperanças escatológicas. Essa construção textual de Justino nos levou a perguntar sobre como ele compreendia o seu próprio tempo. Para tanto, utilizamos a definição de tempo histórico proposta por Reinhart Koselleck que defende que o tempo histórico é a “tensão entre o espaço de experiência e o horizonte de expectativa” (KOSELLECK, 2006, p. 313). Tratamos, desta forma, de buscar entender que fatores subjaziam sua tensão, que explicariam sua visão de mundo. Para melhor entender tais fatores, nos propomos, a seguir três passos: conhecer melhor nossa fonte ampliando os nossos conhecimentos sobre sua forma e conteúdo, analisar a intertextualidade mais presente em sua obra (sua concepção de profeta e profecia a partir da literatura judaico-cristã) e, por fim, a forma como ele lidava com as temporalidades passado, presente e futuro.
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Prise de risques dans les banques : incitations, mesures de performance et horizon des actionnaires / Risk-taking in banks : incentives, performance measurcs and investors horizonPetit-Romec, Arthur 30 November 2015 (has links)
Face à l'ampleur de la crise financière de 2007-2008, comprendre la prise de risques des banques et ses déterminants est devenu une question centrale aussi bien pour les académiques en finance que pour les régulateurs. Dans cette thèse, nous analysons le rôle joué par l'objectif de maximisation de la rentabilité des fonds propres (RoE), omniprésent dans les banques, au regard de la prise de risques. A travers de nombreux tests empiriques, nous mettons en évidence que le RoE est associé à des prises de risques extrêmes et que des incitations monétaires à maximiser cette mesure existaient pour les dirigeants de banques dans les années précédant la crise. Le RoE, utilisé comme principale mesure de performance dans les banques, s'avère en réalité être un indicateur avancé de leur risque et de leur vulnérabilité dans les crises. Afin de mieux comprendre l'attachement des banques au RoE. nous avons également étudié la légitimité de cette mesure en temps normal, c'est-à-dire hors périodes de crise. Les résultats indiquent qu'avant la crise, les risques latents associés au RoE n'étaient que partiellement pris en compte et que la maximisation du RoE n'a pas bénéficié aux actionnaires des banques. A la lumière de ces résultats, la validité du RoE comme mesure de performance apparait d'autant plus surprenante. Enfin, dans une troisième partie, nous questionnons l'approche générale en matière de régulation qui a été de considérer que plus de capital était souhaitable, et ce quelle que soit la nature des investisseurs qui l'apportent. Nous montrons que l'horizon des actionnaires joue un rôle central puisque les banques qui avaient plus d'investisseurs court-terme ont moins résisté (moins bonne performance et plus faible probabilité de survie) pendant la crise. / The 2007-2008 financial crisis prompted much handwringing among academics and regulators as to why banks had taker on so much risks and what factors drove risk-taking. In this thesis, we focus on the responsibility of the focalization on RoE as main performance measure in inducing risk-taking in banks. Our empirical tests show that RoE is associated with strategies of excessive risk-taking and that bank managers had monetary incentives to maximize RoE in the years leading up to the crisis. While RoE is used as a key performance measure in banks, it proves to be a leading indicator of a bank's risk and vulnerability during crises. To better understand the reluctance of banks to abandon RoE despite its perverse effects on risk-taking, we assess in the second article, the validity of RoE as a performance measure outs ide of financial crises. Results indicate that in the pre-crisis period, the information conveyed by RoE on bank risk was only partially taken into account and that RoE did not guarantee a superior performance for bank shareholders in normal periods. Giver these results, the enduring reliance on RoE in banks is even more surprising and questionable. In the third article, we challenge the general view in the area of bank regulation which is that more capital is better, irrespective of who provided it. We show that the investment horizon of bank capital providers plays a crucial role since banks with more short-term investors performed worse and had a lower survival probability during the crisis.
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Heterogeneous Optimality of Lifetime Consumption and Asset Allocation : Growing Old in SwedenRadeschnig, Jessica January 2017 (has links)
This thesis covers a utility optimizing model designed and calibrated for agents of the Swedish economy. The main ingredient providing for this specific country is the modeling of the pension accumulation and pension benefits, which closely mimics the Swedish system. This characteristic is important since it measures one of the only two diversities between genders, that is, the income. The second characteristic is the survival probability. Except for these differences in national statistics, men and women are equal. The reminding model parameters are realistically set estimates from the surrounding economy. When using the model, firstly a baseline agent representing the entire labor force is under the microscope for evaluating the model itself. Next, one representative woman and one representative man from the private and public sectors respectively, composes a set of four samples for investigation of heterogeneity in optimality. The optimum level of consumption and risk-proportion of liquid wealth are solved by maximizing an Epstein-Zin utility function using the method of dynamic programming. The results suggests that both genders benefit from adapting the customized solutions to the problem.
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Investiční možnosti obyvatel v ČR / Investment Options Population in the Czech RepublicDvořák, Milan January 2014 (has links)
The main goal of this work is to simplify the plethora of information on the topic of investment and formulate them into a form, that is understandable for the normal investor. Thus, the investor gets the theoretical framework to find appropriate product, or a way to to invest in capital markets. Partial aim is to highlight the pitfalls associated with investing, define essential factors necessary for the proper choice of each investment and give specifics of individual investment instruments. Last but not least, simulations of selected investment instruments, assessing their development along with identification key factors having influence on the result of investment.
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