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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudi de les inèrcies estructurals en anàlisis de correspondències. Aportacions per a una millora de les anàlisis

Daunis i Estadella, Josep 11 February 2005 (has links)
La memòria d'aquesta tesi doctoral s'estructura en un primer capítol on es descriuen els objectius de la tesi i l'organització del treball de recerca. Després, el Capítol 2: Anàlisis factorials de dades es destina a presentar les eines utilitzades en les anàlisis factorials de dades. S'introdueix una anàlisi de tipus general, l'anàlisi canònica per a la comparació de dos grups de variables, i llavors es generalitza per a mes de dos grups. Presentem les anàlisis de correspondències, simples i múltiples, com un cas particular de les anàlisis canòniques, però també des d'una perspectiva més clàssica. Es proporcionen tècniques de representació gràfica - representacions simètriques i Biplots - i el concepte d'inèrcia.En el Capítol 3: Models loglineals i models gràfics es desenvolupen els models loglineals i els models gràfics, el concepte d'independència condicional i el seu ús. Es desenvolupen, a continuació, la formulació dels models loglineals, les restriccions que els caracteritzen -suma zero o còrner zero- i les relacions de transició. Es realitza un estudi de la influència dels paràmetres en la generació de models, sobretot de la importància del termes de les interaccions sobre els termes independents i els efectes principals. En aquest capítol s'introdueix la deviància, com a raó de versemblança entre dos models, la seva expressió i relació amb l'estadístic χ2 i altres indicadors de divergència de models.El Capítol 4: Estudi de les inèrcies en anàlisis de correspondències s'inicia amb la relació entre la inèrcia, el coeficient de contingència i la deviància. A continuació, s'estudien les descomposicions de la inèrcia com a contribucions dels individus, modalitats o variables i s'apliquen a l'estudi de matrius quadrades. En referència a les anàlisis de correspondències múltiples de la taula de Burt, es fa la descomposició de les inèrcies per blocs i s'estudia la problemàtica dels blocs diagonals. S'estudien metodologies de tractament i es fa una proposta de metodologia per al tractament de matrius quadrades no simètriques basada en una doble descomposició, per una part en l'anàlisi de la simetria-no simetria i per l'altra utilitzant la reconstitució factorial de la part simètrica, basada en un algorisme k-EM, on k és l'ordre de reconstitució. La reconstitució k-EM pot ser aplicada a les taules diagonals de Burt i ens porta a una anàlisi equivalent al Joint Correspondence Analysis.En el Capítol 5: ACM respecte un model i ACM condicional es dedica a presentar les ACM sobre un model i l'ACM condicional, on una variable qualitativa externa juga el paper de partició. L'aportació es basa en realitzar l'estudi de la inèrcia i la seva descomposició, en dues parts lligades a la variable condicionadora externa: la inèrcia inter i la inèrcia intra. Es troba la formulació de la distribució i mitjançant aquesta, s'interpreta la importància o no del condicionament. Així doncs, usant l'ACM condicional i els models loglineals estudiem el comportament de la inèrcia en relació al model. El Capítol 6: ACM multicondicional considera les problemàtiques que genera la implementació de l'ACM multicondicional, ja que no es pot generalitzar trivialment del cas simple. Mitjançant l'estudi de les inèrcies condicionals i els models loglineals es desenvolupa una proposta d'anàlisi multicondicional. Aquests resultats són comparats amb els que s'obtenen en un procés de modelització loglineal. S'aplica la proposta a un exemple en el Capítol 7.El treball de recerca finalitza amb unes conclusions on es resumeixen les principals aportacions i s'indiquen quines podrien ser algunes línies de recerca futures en aquest camp i s'annexen les macros programades. / The research work memory is structured in a first chapter with the description of the objectives of the doctoral thesis and the research work organization. Then, the Chapter 2 Descriptive factorial analysis is exclusively dedicated to present the tools used in factorial analysis. A general analysis, the canonical analysis, to compare two groups of variables is introduced, and then it is generalized to more than two questions. We present correspondence analysis, simple and multiple, as a particular case of canonical analysis, but we present both methods also from a more classical point of view. We also introduce graphical techniques -symmetric displays and Biplots- and the inertia concept.Chapter 3 Loglinear and graphical models introduces briefly loglinear models and graphical models, the conditional independence concept and its use. Next, we develop the loglinear model formula and the constraints that characterize the model -zero sum or zero corner treatment- and the transition relations. We make a study of the influence of the parameters over the model generation, especially about the significance of interaction terms over principal and independent terms. In this chapter we introduce the deviance, as a likelihood ratio between two models, its expression and its relation with the χ2 statistic and other model divergence indicators. In Chapter 4 Study of the inertias in correspondence analysis we start with the relation among inertias, the contingence coefficient and deviance. Next, we study the inertia decomposition as the contribution of each individual, category or variable. It's applied to study the case of square matrices. With reference to the multiple correspondence analysis of the Burt table, we decompose inertia by blocks and we investigate the influence of the blocks of the diagonal. A summary of several treatment methodologies is done. We propose a new methodology to treat squared skew-symmetric matrices, based on a double decomposition, on the one hand, in the symmetry-skew-symmetry analysis and on the other using the factorial reconstitution of the symmetric part, based on a k-EM algorithm, where k is the reconstitution order. The k-EM reconstitution methodology can be applied to the diagonal tables of a Burt table, which leads a result equivalent to Joint Correspondence Analysis.In Chapter 5 - MCA with respect to a model and conditional MCA- firstly we start presenting MCA with respect to a model. Secondly we discuss conditional MCA, where an external variable plays a partitioning role. The contribution is based on studying the inertia and its decomposition in two parts linked to the external conditioning variables, the inter and intra inertia. Next, we find their distribution function and, by means of this, we can test the significance of the conditioning variable. Therefore, using the conditional MCA and loglinear models introduced before, we study the inertia behaviour with relation to the model and with different relation levels between the variables.The Chapter 6 -Multiconditional MCA- consideres problems generated by the implementation of multiple conditional analysis, since it is not possible to generalize this definition to the simple conditional case. By means of the study of conditional inertias and loglinear models, we develop our proposal for a multiconditional analysis. These results are compared with the results obtained in a loglinear modelling process. We apply our proposal to a data example in Chapter 7. The dissertation ends with a chapter of conclusions which sums up our principal contributions and suggests some future research lines in this field of investigation and with the macros programmed and used.

Space Weather Effects on Imaging Detectors in Low Earth Orbit

Johnson, Adam Alan 2010 August 1900 (has links)
The objective of this research is the statistical study of space weather e ects on im- age detectors in Low Earth Orbit. The Hubble Space Telescope is used as a resource for acquiring proton a ected images for statistical analysis. For the purpose of the present work, the space weather environment will consist of cosmic as well as solar proton particles. The proton occurrences evident in images from the Hubble Charge Coupled Device (CCD) have been used to calculate the probability of proton events, which is related to the local space weather particle ux. The proton particles transfer energy to the CCD silicon, which ultimately results in measured signal that is not originating from photon illumination. The signal due to the proton interactions is rst separated from the noise contribution and subsequently used in the determi- nation of a pulse height probability distribution. Separation of the noise from the proton events also leads to the measurement of proton streak lengths and orientations along with the associated probability distributions. The directionality of the space weather environment in Low Earth Orbit is examined using the distribution of proton streak angles. Statistics found from the Hubble are also used as a starting point for simulations that create synthetic proton signal images. The distributions resulting from the Hubble CCD analysis give the probability of the: number of proton events, which is related to the ux of the space weather protons; energy of proton events, which allows estimates of damaging proton interactions; length of proton streaks on the CCD, which shows the relative probability of a long traversing proton event; angle of proton event, which indicates the directionality of the space weather environment.

Isotopic Characteristics of Asian Dusts and Their Physicochemical Succession of Long-Range Transport

Chin, Wei-Min 04 September 2009 (has links)
ABSTRACT In this study, we conducted an intensive sampling of Asian dusts at Pescadores Islands for heavy Asian continental sandstorms (ACS) from February 22 to March 6, 2008. To investigate the succession of anthropogenic and natural pollutants for the ACS transportation, PM2.5 and PM2.5-10 were sampled by two dichotomous samplers once every four hours during the ACS periods, and furthermore analyzed their physicochemical properties, including mass concentrations, particle size distribution, water-soluble ionic species, carbonaceous contents, and metallic contents. Experimental results indicated that it was mainly fine particles (PM2.5) prior to the ACS, and the percentage of anthropogenic species (i.e., SO42-, NH4+, NO3-, Zn, Mn and OC) increased dramatically. However, it changed to coarse particles while the ACS overwhelming, and the percentage of crustal/marine species (i.e., Cl-, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Ca, Al, Mg and EC) increased. After the ACS, the concentrations of all species decreased substantially. However, the percentage of Cl- and Na+ increased, suggesting that sea breeze has constant influences on local suspended particles. In addition to the analysis of physicochemical properties of Asian dusts, this study applied a HYSPLIT MODEL to figure out the transportation routes and the source regions of the ACS. Backward trajectory analysis showed that the ACS was originated from the east portion of Inner Mongolia, namely the Onqin Daga Sandy Land and the Horqin Sandy Land. Moreover, seventeen soil samples were collected from the Tengger Desert, the Mu Us Desert, the Onqin Daga Sandy Land, and the Horqin Sandy Land in Inner Mongolia during the year of 2005. The soil samples were resuspended in a resuspension chamber and then collected by a dichotomous sampler. This study focused on PM2.5-10 particles that mainly influence the downwind regions, and then took the ACS samples and the resuspended soil samples to measure the Sr isotopic characteristics of 87Sr/86Sr ratios by a multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS). To characterize the isotopic properties of resuspended dust particles from the ACS source regions in northern China, and to correlate Asian dusts at the downwind regions of ACS with the source regions by Duncan¡¦s Multiple Range Test (DMR). The DMR results showed that the ACS was probably originated from the east portion of Inner Mongolia, namely the Onqin Daga Sandy Land and the Horqin Sandy Land, which concurred with the backward trajectory analysis.

"Clustering Categorical Response" Application to Lung Cancer Problems in Living Scales

Guo, Ling 22 April 2008 (has links)
The study aims to estimate the ability of different grouping techniques on categorical response. We try to find out how well do they work? Do they really find clusters when clusters exist? We use Cancer Problems in Living Scales from the ACS as our categorical data variables and lung cancer survivors as our studying group. Five methods of cluster analysis are examined for their accuracy in clustering on both real CPILS dataset and simulated data. The methods include hierarchical cluster analysis (Ward's method), model-based clustering of raw data, model-based clustering of the factors scores from a maximum likelihood factor analysis, model-based clustering of the predicted scores from independent factor analysis, and the method of latent class clustering. The results from each of the five methods are then compared to actual classifications. The performance of model-based clustering on raw data is poorer than that of the other methods and the latent class clustering method is most appropriate for the specific categorical data examined. These results are discussed and recommendations are made regarding future directions for cluster analysis research.


Omaish, Mostafa 30 November 2011 (has links)
Management of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) in an emergency department setting is challenging due to the complexity of the disease and the multi-disciplinary care environment, leading to the need for standardized protocols to ensure patient safety and care quality. Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) for ACS are prevalent but they are not directly applicable in the ED setting due to their complex narrative nature. In this thesis we present a knowledge modeling solution, using semantic web technologies, to computerize the ACS CPG published by the American Heart Association. Our knowledge modeling approach provides a modular characterization of the CPG knowledge and offers unique mechanisms to (a) update the knowledge model in response to periodic CPG updates; and (b) streamline the ACS management clinical pathway in response to resource constraints at an institution. The computerized CPG will serve as an ACS management decision support system, targeting tertiary hospitals in Saudi Arabia.

Crystal Coronaries: A Rare Case of Methamphetamine Induced Coronary Thrombosis and Acute Myocardial Infarction

Sanku, Koushik, Nemalikanti, Sanskrita, Patel, Jeetendra Bhagubhai 25 April 2023 (has links)
Methamphetamine abuse is a growing global health concern. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in methamphetamine users because of its significant effects on vasoconstriction, pulmonary hypertension, atherosclerotic plaque formation, cardiac arrhythmias, and cardiomyopathy. Stimulants like methamphetamine and cocaine are known to induce severe coronary vasospasm resulting in angina and myocardial infarction (MI), but MI secondary to methamphetamine-induced coronary thrombosis is rarely reported. A 40-year-old female with medical history of immune thrombocytopenia s/p splenectomy, NSTEMI, tobacco and substance abuse presented to the hospital via EMS in an unresponsive state. Patient was admitted to the hospital 20 days before the current episode with complaints of chest pain and was diagnosed with NSTEMI due to troponin elevation without EKG changes; Echocardiogram at that time showed a left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of 55-60% without any other abnormalities. Coronary angiography at that time was unremarkable except for mild luminal irregularities of the left anterior descending (LAD) artery. The patient’s symptoms resolved and was discharged home with a diagnosis of COVID-induced MI with nonobstructive coronaries. During the current episode, the patient started having crushing substernal chest pain radiating to left shoulder and associated with dizziness. She suffered cardiac arrest on the way to the hospital but was successfully resuscitated. EKG revealed anterior STEMI and the patient was loaded with aspirin. Emergent coronary angiography showed 100% occlusion of proximal LAD, while other coronaries were completely patent without any atherosclerotic plaque. A successful mechanical thrombectomy followed by a 4 x 28 mm drug-eluting stent was placed in the ostial-proximal LAD. TIMI-3 flow was restored and post-intervention troponin peaked at 70. Urine drug screen was positive for amphetamines and benzodiazepines. The echocardiogram showed a reduced LVEF of 30%. Patient was started on dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and ticagrelor, rosuvastatin, and low-dose metoprolol tartrate; further guideline-directed medical therapy could not be initiated due to patient’s low blood pressure. Hypercoagulability workup was negative for any abnormalities. As other usual causes were ruled out, the patient was deemed to have methamphetamine-induced coronary thrombosis resulting in myocardial infarction, and cardiomyopathy. Discussion Amphetamines are potent sympathomimetic agents that increase the risk of MI through various cardiovascular effects. Elevated serum catecholamines lead to increased heart rate, and blood pressure resulting in increased myocardial oxygen demand, while also inducing coronary vasospasm which can limit myocardial oxygen supply. Furthermore, in-vitro studies have shown amphetamines are prothrombotic as they can induce tissue factor (TF) expression, activate endothelial cells, and inhibit the activity of tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI). They also increase the expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), a key fibrinolysis suppressant. In contrast to cocaine, amphetamines can induce thrombosis even in a non-inflamed endothelium, affecting even young individuals without atherosclerotic risk factors. These cumulative procoagulant effects may result in coronary artery thrombi as seen in our patient, which combined with other adrenergic effects, poses a significant risk for acute coronary events.

First-Semester General Chemistry Curriculum Comparison of Student Success on ACS Examination Questions Grouped by Topic Following an Atoms First or Traditional Instructional Approach

Molina, Cathy D. 08 1900 (has links)
This study uses the ACS first-term general chemistry exam to determine if one curriculum approach is more effective in increasing student success than the other based on their performance on the ACS exam. Two chemistry curriculum approaches were evaluated in this study; the traditional curriculum (TC) and the Atoms First (AF) approach. The sample population was first-semester general chemistry students at Collin College in Frisco, TX. An independent sample t-test was used to determine if there were differences in overall performance between the two curriculum approaches on two different versions of the ACS exam. The results from this study show that AF approach may be a better alternative to the TC approach as they performed statistically significantly better on the 2005 exam version. Factor analysis was used to determine if there were differences between the two curriculum approaches by topic on the ACS exam. Eight different topics were chosen based on topics listed on the ACS Examinations Institute Website. The AF students performed better at a statistically significant level than the TC students on the topics of descriptive chemistry and periodicity, molecular structure, and stoichiometry. Item response theory was used to determine the chemistry content misconceptions held by the students taught under both curriculum approaches. It was determined that for both curriculum groups the same misconceptions as determined by the Zcrit values persisted.

Simulace vlivu teploty a proudění vzduchu v poli rozvaděče s frekvenčním měničem / Simulation of temperature and airflow in a field distributor with frequency converter

Melechovský, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
Presented work deals with heat transfer and its methods. At the beginning thesis describes the theory and the ways of heat transfer with connected quantities and equations. Then it explains the stack effect and impact of temperature on electro technical device. In work is also described ABB driver ACS line and calculation of heat transfer according to IEC 60890 standard. In the practical part there is the calculation of heat transfer in Flow Simulation simulating CFD program solved and finite element method is mentioned. Important part of work is devoted to setting and optimization of simulation. In conclusion are made some changes of construction of driver, dependence on heat transfer is inspected.

The Metabolic Transitions Regulated by the Estrogen-related Receptor (ERR) in Drosophila melanogaster

Li, Yan 01 January 2013 (has links)
In multicellular organism, bioenergetic metabolism is strictly regulated toward efficient generation of ATP. However, in certain situations, such as in limiting oxygen or in the rapidly proliferating system like growing juvenile or cancer cells, organisms apply the metabolic strategy that favors the production of biomass (e.g., nucleotides, amino acids, and lipids) over efficiency of ATP generation. The conserved estrogen-related receptors (ERRs) are master regulators in controlling metabolic homeostasis, and good candidates for mediating the metabolic transition induced by hypoxia and development. First, we investigate how dERR influences hypoxic adaptation in Drosophila melanogaster. We find that dERR is required for a competent hypoxic response alone, or together with hypoxia inducible factor (HIF), which is the main transcription factor modulating the hypoxic adaptation. We show that dERR binds to dHIFα and participates in the HIF-dependent transcriptional program in hypoxia. In addition, dERR acts in the absence of dHIFα in hypoxia and a significant portion of HIF-independent transcriptional responses can be attributed to dERR actions, including up-regulation of glycolytic transcripts. These results indicate that competent hypoxic responses arise from complex interactions between HIF-dependent and -independent mechanisms, and that dERR plays a central role in both of these programs. Secondly, we examine how dERR modulates metabolic transition toward the fatty acid oxidation at late L3 larva stage. We show that dERR is essential for the expression of an uncharacterized long-chain-fatty-acid acyl-CoA synthetase, CG4500, which is subject to induction by starvation. Furthermore, late L3 larvae of dERR mutants exhibit altered lipid profiles with elevated medium-chain and long-chain fatty acids. Together, with the previous finding that ERR directs an early switch toward glycolysis in the embryo, our studies indicate that ERR is a master regulator of programmed metabolic shifts through Drosophila development.

Percepção dos agentes comunitários de saúde acerca do trabalho em saúde junto a usuários de substâncias psicoativas e famílias: limitações e possibilidades de atuação / Perception of health community workers (HCW) about working with psychoactive substances users and families in a health service: limitations and possibilities of action

Fernandes, Mônica Pereira 24 September 2014 (has links)
A Atenção Básica caracteriza-se por preconizar ações de proteção, promoção, prevenção de agravos e manutenção à saúde, privilegiando a singularidade, complexidade, integralidade e o aspectos sociais, culturais e históricos da população assistida, Nesta perspectiva, destaca-se a atuação dos Programas de Saúde da Família (PSF), especialmente pelo trabalho realizado pelo agentes comunitários de saúde (ACS) que visa fomentar o vínculo através do acompanhamento longitudinal das famílias e tem o papel de elo e articulação com a rede pública de saúde. No contexto do uso abusivo de substâncias psicoativas (SPA) e acompanhamento das famílias, a atuação destes profissionais tem importância estratégica no território, mediando a relação da comunidade e os serviços de saúde. Isso por possibilitar a identificação dos casos, os encaminhamentos pertinentes e participação na implementação de intervenções específicas na comunidade. O objetivo deste estudo é, identificar e analisar as percepções que os ACS têm sobre o trabalho realizado em um sentido amplo, sobre o uso, usuário de SPA e familiares e da rede de atendimento. Trata-se de um estudo de caráter descritivo, com análise qualitativa de dados, que contou com a participação de 11 ACS que trabalham em dois núcleos com PSF de uma cidade do interior de São Paulo. O método de coleta de dados foram oito grupos focais (quatro em cada núcleo e gravados com autorização dos participantes), com utilização de 4 roteiros de condução com o total de 12 perguntas semi-diretivas, 3 por encontro. Também foi preenchida a ficha de caracterização dos ACS, com dados pessoais de idade, sexo, escolaridade e tempo de serviço no núcleo de PSF. Para tratamento dos dados, utilizou-se a análise temática de conteúdo; no processo de transcrição do material e leitura identificaram-se os temas (primeiro por serviço e depois juntos). Categorias emergiram e estabeleceu-se o seu nível de relevância, estipulado sob critério de intercessão entre o número de menções nos grupos versus número de menções por participantes, na graduação: Muito Relevante, Relevante e Pouco relevante. Ao todo foram 5 categorias centrais: Sujeito da ação de cuidar (Temas: suporte à família, vínculo contínuo perfil dos casos, participação em reuniões);Sentimentos associados ao trabalho(Temas: impotência, medo); Conhecimentos e crenças(Temas: visão do uso, do usuário de SPA e de sua família, mapeamento de problemas relacionados ao uso e tráfico);Atendimento em saúde ao usuário de SPA e famílias(Temas: dispositivos de encaminhamento intervenções no PSF, rede frágil de atendimento, políticas públicas frágeis); Especificidades do trabalho do ACS(Temas: trabalho na comunidade, organização do trabalho, capacitação, sobrecarga ocupacional).Concluiu-se que para os participantes do estudo, suas percepções envolviam sentimentos, valores e julgamentos acerca das SPA e do uso, necessidades e dificuldades sentidas na abordagem. Mencionaram ações de suporte oferecido e vínculo com as famílias de usuários de SPA, e sua percepção sobre a rede de atendimento. Cada núcleo executa ações de sensibilização e encaminhamento a serviços de saúde especializados, mas procuram manter o contato com as famílias dos usuários de SPA, devido ao vínculo estabelecido e da necessidade de acompanhamento no território. Apesar das percepções dos participantes convergirem, houve distinções pontuais quanto às peculiaridades no trabalho realizado e nos sentimentos vivenciados junto à população específica, justificado por diferenças nos perfis sociais dos residentes nos dois territórios de abrangência dos serviços e na organização do trabalho / Basic health cares characterized by recommending protective actions, health promotion, severity prevention and health maintenance, emphasizing the singularity, complexity, integrality and the social, cultural and historical aspects of the assisted population. In this perspective, the role of the Family Health Programs (FHP) is highlighted, especially for the work done by health community workers(HCW) which aims to enhance the bond through the longitudinal follow-up of families and has the role of linking and connecting with the public health system. In the context of psychoactive substances abuse (PSA) and follow-up of families, the work of these professionals is strategically important in the community, mediating the relationship between community and health services. This work allows the identification of cases, the relevance of referrals and participation in the implementation of specific interventions in the community. The aim of this study is to identify and analyze the perceptions that WCH have in a broadly sense on the work that is performed, substance using, PSA users and families and service network. This is a descriptive study, with qualitative data analysis, which included the participation of 11HCWworking on two FHP nucleus of an inner city in São Paulo. The data collection method consisted of eight focus groups(four in each nucleus, being recorded with the permission of the participants), using 4guiding scripts with a total of 12 semi-directive questions, 3 per encounter. The characterization of HCW form was also filled with personal data of age, gender, education and time of service at the FHP.For the data processing, the thematic content analysis was used; the themes were identified in the processes of transcribing the material an dreading(first of all by service and thentogether). Categories emerged and then it was established their level of relevance, stipulated by the criterion of intersection between the number of entries in groups versus number of participants mentions, with graduation of: Very Relevant, Relevant and PartiallyRelevant. Altogether, there were five main categories: Subject in theaction of caring(Themes: family support, continuous bond,cases profile, meeting participations); Work associated feelings(Themes:impotence,fear); Knowledge andbeliefs(Themes: point of view on PSA, psychoactivesubstances user\'sandtheir families, mappingproblemsrelated to usingandtrafficking substances); healthcare to PSA user and families(Themes:referral devices, FHP interventions, fragile et work care, fragile public policies); Working specifications of HCW(Themes:community work, work organization, training, work overload). In conclusion, participants perceptions involved feelings, valuesand judgments about the PSA, needs and difficulties experienced in this approach. They mentioned offered support action, bond with substance user\'s families and their perception of the service network. Each nucleus promote awareness actions and specialized health services referrals, yet try to maintain contact with the substance users\'s families due to their bond and need for assisting the comunity. Despite the convergent participants\' perceptions, there were specific distinctions in the work peculiarities and experienced feelings toward the specific population, differences were justified by social profilesof the residents in the two health services areas and work organization

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