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Androgenetic alopecia : a possible treatment and a relationship with hair greying : assessment of the herbal mixture Xiantene for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia and a relationship between early hair greying and the progression of androgenetic alopeciaDavies, Paul Gorton January 2010 (has links)
Hair plays an important role in human social and sexual communication. The androgen-stimulated, patterned loss of hair in cases of androgenetic alopecia (or common baldness) in genetically pre-disposed individuals, is associated with ageing and can cause marked phychological distress. However, it is poorly controlled. To investigate the effectiveness of daily topical application of a Chinese medicine-derived herbal mixture, Xiantene, on balding progression, two double-blind, placebo-controlled studies (3 and 12 months) were carried out on balding men using the trichogram approach. Xiantene significantly increased both the total number of hairs and those in anagen, improving the ratio of anagen:telogen hairs. This suggests that topical Xiantene increased the length of the anagen phase and may promote a cessation, or partial reversal, of the progression of androgenetic alopecia in men. Canities, loss of scalp hair colour, is another mark of ageing. To investigate whether early greying may protect follicles from androgenetic alopecia, the extent of alopecia, assessed using the Hamilton scale, was compared between men who first became grey before, or after, 30. Both alopecia and greying increased with age in 843 men (217 European, 626 Thai) whenever they first started greying. However, men who showed greying before 30 were significantly less bald, though more grey, in both groups. Hair follicle melanocytes synthesise the pigment melanin, producing reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative stress; losing melanocyte pigmentary activity, and therefore these toxic factors, appears to enable hair follicles to maintain their full size for longer, despite the androgen drive to miniaturisation.
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Correlação entre polimorfismos genéticos relacionados á hereditariedade, fatores hormonais e o câncer de próstata / Correlation between genetic polymorphisms related to heredity, hormonal factors and prostate cancerViana, Nayára Izabel 10 November 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O Câncer de Próstata (CaP) é a sexta neoplasia mais comum no mundo correspondendo a aproximadamente 10% do total de cânceres. No Brasil, o CaP é a neoplasia maligna não cutânea mais comum entre os homens. A hereditariedade é um dos principais fatores de risco do CaP, que se caracteriza pela herança de mutações em genes de susceptibilidade de alta penetrância que quando transmitidos aos descendentes aumentam o risco de desenvolvimento de tumores. Os andrógenos e estrógenos influenciam o desenvolvimento, maturação e manutenção da próstata, afetando a proliferação e a diferenciação. Isso tem despertado grande interesse no papel desses hormônios esteroides no desenvolvimento e manutenção tanto da próstata normal quanto maligna. Os Polimorfismos de Nucleotídeo Único (SNPs) são variantes de risco genéticos associados com uma série de doenças, incluindo o câncer. Considerando que a história familiar e que os componentes hormonais constituem fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento do CaP, acredita-se que a identificação de polimorfismos envolvidos nesses processos possa ter um papel relevante para auxiliar no desenvolvimento de ferramentas alternativas para a detecção precoce e para a definição do prognóstico desta neoplasia. OBJETIVOS: Analisar polimorfismos (SNPs) relacionados com histórico familiar e com fatores hormonais em amostras de sangue de pacientes com CaP e em homens saudáveis. Além disso, correlacionar os resultados da genotipagem com parâmetros clínico-patológicos. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi composto por 185 pacientes diagnosticados com CaP, sendo 97 casos esporádicos e 72 com histórico familiar (dois parentes de primeiro grau). O grupo controle foi composto por 70 amostras de sangue de indivíduos saudáveis, que comprovadamente não possuíam CaP e fazem acompanhamento com intuito preventivo. Foram selecionados 13 polimorfismos para análise: rs10486567, rs10993994, rs9364554, rs5945572, rs2735839, rs4430796, rs7501939, rs138213197, rs1271572, rs2987983, rs8072254, rs4919743 e rs3808330. A genotipagem foi realizada através da técnica de PCR em tempo real (qPCR) e correlacionada com o histórico familiar de CaP, PSA pré-operatório, graduação histológica de Gleason e estadiamento patológico. RESULTADOS: Analisamos a frequência dos polimorfismos selecionados e encontramos as seguintes correlações em nossos casos: os SNPs rs10486567 e rs9364554 aumentam a chance de desenvolvimento do CaP enquanto que o SNP rs8072254 diminui o risco. Com relação à hereditariedade, o SNP rs1271571 apresentou associação com o CaP esporádico. Na comparação com os fatores prognósticos encontramos que o SNP rs3808330 foi mais frequente em indivíduos que possuíam PSA < 10; o SNP rs7501939 foi mais frequente em indivíduos com menor escore de Gleason e ausência de recidiva e o SNP rs5945572 foi mais frequente em indivíduos com menor escore de Gleason na peça. CONCLUSÕES: De uma forma geral encontramos polimorfismos que parecem ter um papel relevante no desenvolvimento do CaP, na transmissão familiar e a fatores prognósticos. Estes importantes polimorfismos, ainda não haviam sido estudados na população brasileira e nosso trabalho identificou correlações ainda não demonstradas na literatura / BACKGROUND: Prostate Cancer (PCa) is the sixth most common cancer worldwide accounting for around 10% of all cancers. In Brazil, the PCa is the most common non-skin malignancy among men. Heredity is one of the main risk factors for PCa, which is characterized by mutations of heritage in highpenetrance susceptibility genes that when transmitted to offspring increase the risk of tumor development. Androgens and estrogens influence the development, maturation and maintenance of the prostate, affect proliferation and differentiation. This has aroused great interest in the role of these steroid hormones in the development and maintenance of both normal and malignant prostate. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) are variants of genetic risk associated with a number of diseases including cancer. Considering that the family history and hormonal components are risk factors for the development of PCa, we believe that the identification of polymorphisms involved in these processes may have an important role to assist in the development of alternative tools for early detection and to define the prognosis of this cancer. OBJECTIVES: To analyze polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with family history and hormonal factors in patient blood samples with PCa and in healthy men. In addition, to correlate the results of genotyping with clinical-pathological parameters. METHODS: The study consisted of 185 patients diagnosed with PCa, divided into 97 sporadic cases and 72 with a family history. The control group consisted of 70 blood samples from healthy individuals who had no proven PCa and do it for preventive purposes. We selected 13 polymorphisms for analysis: rs10486567, rs10993994, rs9364554, rs5945572, rs2735839, rs4430796, rs7501939, rs138213197, rs1271572, rs2987983, rs8072254, rs4919743 and rs3808330. Genotyping was performed by PCR in real time (qRT -PCR) and correlated with family history of PCa, preoperative PSA, Gleason histologic grading and pathological staging. RESULTS: We analyzed the frequency of the selected polymorphisms and found the following correlations in our cases: SNPs rs10486567 and rs9364554 increase the chance of developing PCa while the SNP rs8072254 decreases the risk. Regarding heredity, the SNP rs1271571 presented association with sporadic PCa. In comparison with the prognostic factors we found that the SNP rs3808330 was more frequent in patients who had PSA < 10; SNP rs7501939 was more frequent in patients with lower Gleason score and no recurrence and the SNP rs5945572 was more frequent in subjects with lower Gleason score on the surgical specimen. CONCLUSIONS: In general we found that polymorphisms that appear to have a relevant role in the development of PCa in family transmission and in prognostic factors. These important polymorphisms had not yet been studied in the Brazilian population and our work has identified correlations yet not demonstrated in the literature
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Perfil androgênico em pacientes obesos graves do sexo masculino submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica / Androgenic profile in severely obese male patients submitted to bariatric surgeryRosenblatt, Alberto 07 December 2012 (has links)
A obesidade está associada com um perfil hormonal reprodutivo alterado que afeta ambos os sexos. A perda de peso decorrente de intervenções cirúrgicas normaliza os níveis androgênicos nos indivíduos masculinos no curto prazo, porém nenhum estudo avaliou se estas alterações são duradouras, e se estão relacionadas a uma melhora da qualidade de vida sexual destes indivíduos. Objetivos: Avaliar o comportamento dos hormônios sexuais masculinos e a qualidade de vida sexual nos indivíduos obesos graves que perderam peso após a cirurgia bariátrica, em um seguimento pós-operatório cinco anos. Materiais e Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo prospectivo e observacional com 52 pacientes, que foram divididos em três grupos. O grupo operado compreendeu 23 indivíduos obesos graves que foram submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica há mais de cinco anos na Disciplina de Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo do Departamento de Gastroenterologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP). O grupo obeso controle era formado de 14 indivíduos obesos (IMC 30 kg/m2) atendidos no ambulatório da mesma instituição. O grupo controle não-obeso foi composto de 15 indivíduos com IMC < 30 kg/m2 selecionados de um ambulatório de urologia geral. Foram avaliados parâmetros antropométricos (índice de massa corporal (IMC), circunferência abdominal, volume testicular, ginecomastia e pressão arterial), exames bioquímicos, análise hormonal (incluindo testosterona total (TT), testosterona livre (TL), globulina ligadora dos hormônios sexuais (SHBG), sulfato de dehidroepiandrosterona (SDHEA), dehidroepiandrosterona (DHEA), hormônio folículo-estimulante (FSH), hormônio luteinizante (LH), estradiol (E2), prolactina, hormônio tireoestimulante (TSH), tiroxina (T4) e leptina), e questionários validados IIEF e AMS. O protocolo foi aplicado entre agosto de 2010 e janeiro de 2011. Resultados: A idade média (dp) dos participantes foi 47.6 ± 12.6, 53.1 ± 8.7 e 51.4 ± 9.8, respectivamente, o IMC nos pacientes operados reduziu de 59.8 ± 12.1 kg/m2 para 35.1 ± 7.7 kg/m2 (P<0.001), e o percentual de perda do excesso de peso médio foi de 71%. Nos três grupos, respectivamente, foram encontrados os seguintes valores hormonais relevantes, sendo que os demais hormônios não se mostraram diferentes (média ± dp): TT- 534.2 ± 231.4, 297.0 ± 110.3 e 494.7 ± 143.3 (P=0.001); TL - 349.4 ± 169.2, 243.3 ± 75 e 378.8 ± 147.6 (P=0.03); SHBG - 48.8 ± 23.8, 23.5 ± 8.3 e 32.8 ± 15.7 (P=0.001); insulina - 7.9 ± 6.5, 17.1 ± 6.9 e 5.7 ± 2.6 (P<.001). No grupo operado, TT se correlacionou negativamente com IMC (P<0.02), circunferência abdominal (P=0.009), níveis de insulina (P=0.004), leptina (P=0.001) e glicemia (P=0.002). SHBG correlacionou-se negativamente com IMC (P=0.002), circunferência abdominal (P=0.003), triglicérides (P=0.02), e leptina (P=0.01). TL correlacionou-se negativamente com idade (P=0.003), glicemia (P=0.01) e insulina (P=0.03). Os exames de função hepática TGO/ALT, TGP/AST e GGT mostraram diferenças estatísticas significantes entre os grupos, assim como HDL e LDL - colesterol, PCR, leucócitos e fibrinogênio (P<0.05). No questionário IIEF, os índices médios globais do grupo obeso operado foram melhores do que os do grupo obeso controle (56.7 ± 14.5, 49.1 ± 11.9 e 61.7 ± 7.5), embora sem significância estatística para qualquer das três populações. Na análise por domínios deste questionário, houve diferença estatística significante relativa à função erétil (P=0.01) e satisfação sexual de modo geral (p=0.04), mas somente entre os grupos controles obesos e não- obesos. O questionário AMS mostrou que, embora sem significância estatística, os indivíduos do grupo operado apresentavam o mesmo padrão de respostas dos não-obesos controles (31.0 ± 9.4, 37.4 ± 15.1 e 31.0 ± 8.8). Conclusão: Após cinco anos ou mais, os níveis de alguns hormônios sexuais e certos aspectos da qualidade de vida sexual mostraram-se melhores nos operados que em obesos controles, e compatíveis com os da população não obesa. Tal sucedeu a despeito da manutenção na categoria de obesos de quase ¾ dos indivíduos. Pode-se afirmar, portanto, que a cirurgia bariátrica, ainda sem reverter a totalidade das anormalidades androgênicas, revelou-se um método útil e vantajoso a longo prazo sob este prisma / Obesity is associated with an altered reproductive hormonal profile that can affect both sexes. The weight loss caused by bariatric surgery normalizes male hormone levels in the short term. However, the outcome of the levels of these hormones in the long term, and whether they are related to an improved sexual quality of life has not been evaluated. Objective: Evaluate the outcome of sex hormones and sexual quality of life of male subjects who underwent bariatric surgery for morbid obesity over a long follow-up period (> 5 years). Material and Methods: This was a prospective, observational study. Male patients (N=52) were consecutively recruited and three groups were considered: I) Bariatric subjects who underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) >5 years earlier (n=23) at the Division of Digestive Surgery, Department of Gastroenterology at the Faculty of Medicine, São Paulo University; II) Overweight and obese non-operated controls (n= 14) (IMC 30 kg/m2) recruited from the outpatient clinic of the same institution; III) Non-obese controls (n= 15) (IMC < 30 kg/m2) recruited from a urological outpatient clinic. Clinical, hormonal and biochemical parameters were evaluated, including retrospective information collected from hospital files. Variables analyzed were anthropometric parameters (body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, testicular volume, gynecomastia and blood pressure), inflammatory markers (C- reactive protein, fibrinogen), total testosterone (TT), free testosterone (FT), sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), DHEA sulfate (DHEA-S), estradiol (E2), prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), thyroxine (T4) and leptin, along with two validated questionnaires (International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) and the Aging Males` Symptoms (AMS). The protocol was applied between August 2010 and January 2011. Results: Mean age (sd) of the subjects was 47.6 ± 12.6, 53.1 ± 8.7 and 51.4 ± 9.8, respectively, BMI of the operated patients decreased from 59.8 ± 12.1 kg/m2 to 35.1 ± 7.7 kg/m2 (P<0.001), and mean percentage weight loss was 71%. In the three groups, respectively, the following hormones showed significant differences in mean levels (mean ± sd): TT- 534.2 ± 231.4, 297.0 ± 110.3 and 494.7 ± 143.3 (P=0.001); FT- 349.4 ± 169.2, 243.3 ± 75 and 378.8 ± 147.6 (P=0.03); SHBG - 48.8 ± 23.8, 23.5 ± 8.3 and 32.8 ± 15.7 (P=0.001); insulin - 7.9 ± 6.5, 17.1 ± 6.9 and 5.7 ± 2.6 (P<.001). In the operated group, TT correlated negatively with BMI (P<0.02), waist circumference (P=0.009), insulin levels (P=0.004), leptin (P=0.001) and glucose (P=0.002). SHBG correlated negatively with IMC (P=0.002), waist circumference (P=0.003), triglycerides (P=0.02), and leptine (P=0.01). TL correlated negatively with age (P=0.003), glucose (P=0.01) and insulin (P=0.03). Liver function tests (LFT) TGO/ALT, TGP/AST and gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) showed statistically significant differences among the groups, as well as HDL and LDL cholesterol, CRP, leucocytes and fibrinogen (P<0.05). The operated group scored higher in the IIEF questionnaire than the obese controls (56.7 ± 14.5, 49.1 ± 11.9 e 61.7 ± 7.5), but no significant differences among the three groups were found. Significant improvements in the IIEF domains erectile function (P=0.01) and overall sexual satisfaction (p=0.04) were found, but only between the obese controls and non-obese individuals. In the AMS questionnaire, operated patients and non-obese individuals showed the same pattern of responses, but no significant differences between these groups could be found (31.0 ± 9.4, 37.4 ± 15.1 e 31.0 ± 8.8). Conclusion: Despite almost ¾ of patients that were submitted to bariatric surgery 6- 16 years earlier were still categorized in the obese category, these individuals have shown a healthier sex hormone profile than obese control individuals and, in some aspects, they behaved like non-obese individuals. Bariatric surgery proved to be a reliable method to improve both male androgens and sexual quality of life in the longterm, even when a complete resolution of the hormonal imbalance has not been achieved
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The Role of Androgens in Male Pregnancy and Female Competitive Behavior in a Sex Role Reversed PipefishScobell, Sunny Kay 2011 December 1900 (has links)
The sex-role reversal and male pregnancy found in syngnathids are highly unusual traits in vertebrates. Reproductive hormones likely influence development and regulation of these traits. However, very few studies have examined the underlying hormonal mechanisms that mediate female competitive behavior and male pregnancy. New methodologies and better husbandry practices have made such studies more feasible in recent years. Research on a relatively small number of species has suggested that androgens are likely regulators of spermatogenesis and the development of the male brood pouch prior to pregnancy. Androgens are also potential candidates for mediating sex-role reversed behavior in female syngnathids. The goal of this dissertation was to examine the role of androgens in the male reproductive cycle and female intrasexual competitive behavior in the sex-role reversed Gulf pipefish, Syngnathus scovelli.
From review of the literature, I developed a model for the hormonal regulation of the male reproductive cycle in seahorses. I predicted that androgens would be low during the early stages of pregnancy and increase during the end of pregnancy as males go through another cycle of spermatogenesis in preparation for the next mating event. My study of 11-ketotestosterone and testis mass across the reproductive cycle in male S. scovelli supported this model. I also conducted several studies on the role of androgens in female competitive behavior. I determined that treatment with 11-ketotestosterone the evening prior to an intrasexual interaction resulted in an increase in competitive behavior in large over small test females. Conversely, treatment with 11-ketotestosterone one hour prior to an intrasexual interaction resulted in a decrease in competitive behavior in large over small females when stimulus female behavior was controlled. A comparative study of competitive and courtship behavior in S. scovelli and the closely related S. floridae suggested that sexual selection has affected competitive and courtship behavior in both males and females of these species. The diversity of reproductive patterns exhibited by syngnathids suggests that they will provide a unique opportunity to assess how hormonal regulation of reproductive behavior and function has evolved within this lineage.
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Perfil androgênico em pacientes obesos graves do sexo masculino submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica / Androgenic profile in severely obese male patients submitted to bariatric surgeryAlberto Rosenblatt 07 December 2012 (has links)
A obesidade está associada com um perfil hormonal reprodutivo alterado que afeta ambos os sexos. A perda de peso decorrente de intervenções cirúrgicas normaliza os níveis androgênicos nos indivíduos masculinos no curto prazo, porém nenhum estudo avaliou se estas alterações são duradouras, e se estão relacionadas a uma melhora da qualidade de vida sexual destes indivíduos. Objetivos: Avaliar o comportamento dos hormônios sexuais masculinos e a qualidade de vida sexual nos indivíduos obesos graves que perderam peso após a cirurgia bariátrica, em um seguimento pós-operatório cinco anos. Materiais e Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo prospectivo e observacional com 52 pacientes, que foram divididos em três grupos. O grupo operado compreendeu 23 indivíduos obesos graves que foram submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica há mais de cinco anos na Disciplina de Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo do Departamento de Gastroenterologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP). O grupo obeso controle era formado de 14 indivíduos obesos (IMC 30 kg/m2) atendidos no ambulatório da mesma instituição. O grupo controle não-obeso foi composto de 15 indivíduos com IMC < 30 kg/m2 selecionados de um ambulatório de urologia geral. Foram avaliados parâmetros antropométricos (índice de massa corporal (IMC), circunferência abdominal, volume testicular, ginecomastia e pressão arterial), exames bioquímicos, análise hormonal (incluindo testosterona total (TT), testosterona livre (TL), globulina ligadora dos hormônios sexuais (SHBG), sulfato de dehidroepiandrosterona (SDHEA), dehidroepiandrosterona (DHEA), hormônio folículo-estimulante (FSH), hormônio luteinizante (LH), estradiol (E2), prolactina, hormônio tireoestimulante (TSH), tiroxina (T4) e leptina), e questionários validados IIEF e AMS. O protocolo foi aplicado entre agosto de 2010 e janeiro de 2011. Resultados: A idade média (dp) dos participantes foi 47.6 ± 12.6, 53.1 ± 8.7 e 51.4 ± 9.8, respectivamente, o IMC nos pacientes operados reduziu de 59.8 ± 12.1 kg/m2 para 35.1 ± 7.7 kg/m2 (P<0.001), e o percentual de perda do excesso de peso médio foi de 71%. Nos três grupos, respectivamente, foram encontrados os seguintes valores hormonais relevantes, sendo que os demais hormônios não se mostraram diferentes (média ± dp): TT- 534.2 ± 231.4, 297.0 ± 110.3 e 494.7 ± 143.3 (P=0.001); TL - 349.4 ± 169.2, 243.3 ± 75 e 378.8 ± 147.6 (P=0.03); SHBG - 48.8 ± 23.8, 23.5 ± 8.3 e 32.8 ± 15.7 (P=0.001); insulina - 7.9 ± 6.5, 17.1 ± 6.9 e 5.7 ± 2.6 (P<.001). No grupo operado, TT se correlacionou negativamente com IMC (P<0.02), circunferência abdominal (P=0.009), níveis de insulina (P=0.004), leptina (P=0.001) e glicemia (P=0.002). SHBG correlacionou-se negativamente com IMC (P=0.002), circunferência abdominal (P=0.003), triglicérides (P=0.02), e leptina (P=0.01). TL correlacionou-se negativamente com idade (P=0.003), glicemia (P=0.01) e insulina (P=0.03). Os exames de função hepática TGO/ALT, TGP/AST e GGT mostraram diferenças estatísticas significantes entre os grupos, assim como HDL e LDL - colesterol, PCR, leucócitos e fibrinogênio (P<0.05). No questionário IIEF, os índices médios globais do grupo obeso operado foram melhores do que os do grupo obeso controle (56.7 ± 14.5, 49.1 ± 11.9 e 61.7 ± 7.5), embora sem significância estatística para qualquer das três populações. Na análise por domínios deste questionário, houve diferença estatística significante relativa à função erétil (P=0.01) e satisfação sexual de modo geral (p=0.04), mas somente entre os grupos controles obesos e não- obesos. O questionário AMS mostrou que, embora sem significância estatística, os indivíduos do grupo operado apresentavam o mesmo padrão de respostas dos não-obesos controles (31.0 ± 9.4, 37.4 ± 15.1 e 31.0 ± 8.8). Conclusão: Após cinco anos ou mais, os níveis de alguns hormônios sexuais e certos aspectos da qualidade de vida sexual mostraram-se melhores nos operados que em obesos controles, e compatíveis com os da população não obesa. Tal sucedeu a despeito da manutenção na categoria de obesos de quase ¾ dos indivíduos. Pode-se afirmar, portanto, que a cirurgia bariátrica, ainda sem reverter a totalidade das anormalidades androgênicas, revelou-se um método útil e vantajoso a longo prazo sob este prisma / Obesity is associated with an altered reproductive hormonal profile that can affect both sexes. The weight loss caused by bariatric surgery normalizes male hormone levels in the short term. However, the outcome of the levels of these hormones in the long term, and whether they are related to an improved sexual quality of life has not been evaluated. Objective: Evaluate the outcome of sex hormones and sexual quality of life of male subjects who underwent bariatric surgery for morbid obesity over a long follow-up period (> 5 years). Material and Methods: This was a prospective, observational study. Male patients (N=52) were consecutively recruited and three groups were considered: I) Bariatric subjects who underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) >5 years earlier (n=23) at the Division of Digestive Surgery, Department of Gastroenterology at the Faculty of Medicine, São Paulo University; II) Overweight and obese non-operated controls (n= 14) (IMC 30 kg/m2) recruited from the outpatient clinic of the same institution; III) Non-obese controls (n= 15) (IMC < 30 kg/m2) recruited from a urological outpatient clinic. Clinical, hormonal and biochemical parameters were evaluated, including retrospective information collected from hospital files. Variables analyzed were anthropometric parameters (body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, testicular volume, gynecomastia and blood pressure), inflammatory markers (C- reactive protein, fibrinogen), total testosterone (TT), free testosterone (FT), sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), DHEA sulfate (DHEA-S), estradiol (E2), prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), thyroxine (T4) and leptin, along with two validated questionnaires (International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) and the Aging Males` Symptoms (AMS). The protocol was applied between August 2010 and January 2011. Results: Mean age (sd) of the subjects was 47.6 ± 12.6, 53.1 ± 8.7 and 51.4 ± 9.8, respectively, BMI of the operated patients decreased from 59.8 ± 12.1 kg/m2 to 35.1 ± 7.7 kg/m2 (P<0.001), and mean percentage weight loss was 71%. In the three groups, respectively, the following hormones showed significant differences in mean levels (mean ± sd): TT- 534.2 ± 231.4, 297.0 ± 110.3 and 494.7 ± 143.3 (P=0.001); FT- 349.4 ± 169.2, 243.3 ± 75 and 378.8 ± 147.6 (P=0.03); SHBG - 48.8 ± 23.8, 23.5 ± 8.3 and 32.8 ± 15.7 (P=0.001); insulin - 7.9 ± 6.5, 17.1 ± 6.9 and 5.7 ± 2.6 (P<.001). In the operated group, TT correlated negatively with BMI (P<0.02), waist circumference (P=0.009), insulin levels (P=0.004), leptin (P=0.001) and glucose (P=0.002). SHBG correlated negatively with IMC (P=0.002), waist circumference (P=0.003), triglycerides (P=0.02), and leptine (P=0.01). TL correlated negatively with age (P=0.003), glucose (P=0.01) and insulin (P=0.03). Liver function tests (LFT) TGO/ALT, TGP/AST and gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) showed statistically significant differences among the groups, as well as HDL and LDL cholesterol, CRP, leucocytes and fibrinogen (P<0.05). The operated group scored higher in the IIEF questionnaire than the obese controls (56.7 ± 14.5, 49.1 ± 11.9 e 61.7 ± 7.5), but no significant differences among the three groups were found. Significant improvements in the IIEF domains erectile function (P=0.01) and overall sexual satisfaction (p=0.04) were found, but only between the obese controls and non-obese individuals. In the AMS questionnaire, operated patients and non-obese individuals showed the same pattern of responses, but no significant differences between these groups could be found (31.0 ± 9.4, 37.4 ± 15.1 e 31.0 ± 8.8). Conclusion: Despite almost ¾ of patients that were submitted to bariatric surgery 6- 16 years earlier were still categorized in the obese category, these individuals have shown a healthier sex hormone profile than obese control individuals and, in some aspects, they behaved like non-obese individuals. Bariatric surgery proved to be a reliable method to improve both male androgens and sexual quality of life in the longterm, even when a complete resolution of the hormonal imbalance has not been achieved
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Correlação entre polimorfismos genéticos relacionados á hereditariedade, fatores hormonais e o câncer de próstata / Correlation between genetic polymorphisms related to heredity, hormonal factors and prostate cancerNayára Izabel Viana 10 November 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O Câncer de Próstata (CaP) é a sexta neoplasia mais comum no mundo correspondendo a aproximadamente 10% do total de cânceres. No Brasil, o CaP é a neoplasia maligna não cutânea mais comum entre os homens. A hereditariedade é um dos principais fatores de risco do CaP, que se caracteriza pela herança de mutações em genes de susceptibilidade de alta penetrância que quando transmitidos aos descendentes aumentam o risco de desenvolvimento de tumores. Os andrógenos e estrógenos influenciam o desenvolvimento, maturação e manutenção da próstata, afetando a proliferação e a diferenciação. Isso tem despertado grande interesse no papel desses hormônios esteroides no desenvolvimento e manutenção tanto da próstata normal quanto maligna. Os Polimorfismos de Nucleotídeo Único (SNPs) são variantes de risco genéticos associados com uma série de doenças, incluindo o câncer. Considerando que a história familiar e que os componentes hormonais constituem fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento do CaP, acredita-se que a identificação de polimorfismos envolvidos nesses processos possa ter um papel relevante para auxiliar no desenvolvimento de ferramentas alternativas para a detecção precoce e para a definição do prognóstico desta neoplasia. OBJETIVOS: Analisar polimorfismos (SNPs) relacionados com histórico familiar e com fatores hormonais em amostras de sangue de pacientes com CaP e em homens saudáveis. Além disso, correlacionar os resultados da genotipagem com parâmetros clínico-patológicos. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi composto por 185 pacientes diagnosticados com CaP, sendo 97 casos esporádicos e 72 com histórico familiar (dois parentes de primeiro grau). O grupo controle foi composto por 70 amostras de sangue de indivíduos saudáveis, que comprovadamente não possuíam CaP e fazem acompanhamento com intuito preventivo. Foram selecionados 13 polimorfismos para análise: rs10486567, rs10993994, rs9364554, rs5945572, rs2735839, rs4430796, rs7501939, rs138213197, rs1271572, rs2987983, rs8072254, rs4919743 e rs3808330. A genotipagem foi realizada através da técnica de PCR em tempo real (qPCR) e correlacionada com o histórico familiar de CaP, PSA pré-operatório, graduação histológica de Gleason e estadiamento patológico. RESULTADOS: Analisamos a frequência dos polimorfismos selecionados e encontramos as seguintes correlações em nossos casos: os SNPs rs10486567 e rs9364554 aumentam a chance de desenvolvimento do CaP enquanto que o SNP rs8072254 diminui o risco. Com relação à hereditariedade, o SNP rs1271571 apresentou associação com o CaP esporádico. Na comparação com os fatores prognósticos encontramos que o SNP rs3808330 foi mais frequente em indivíduos que possuíam PSA < 10; o SNP rs7501939 foi mais frequente em indivíduos com menor escore de Gleason e ausência de recidiva e o SNP rs5945572 foi mais frequente em indivíduos com menor escore de Gleason na peça. CONCLUSÕES: De uma forma geral encontramos polimorfismos que parecem ter um papel relevante no desenvolvimento do CaP, na transmissão familiar e a fatores prognósticos. Estes importantes polimorfismos, ainda não haviam sido estudados na população brasileira e nosso trabalho identificou correlações ainda não demonstradas na literatura / BACKGROUND: Prostate Cancer (PCa) is the sixth most common cancer worldwide accounting for around 10% of all cancers. In Brazil, the PCa is the most common non-skin malignancy among men. Heredity is one of the main risk factors for PCa, which is characterized by mutations of heritage in highpenetrance susceptibility genes that when transmitted to offspring increase the risk of tumor development. Androgens and estrogens influence the development, maturation and maintenance of the prostate, affect proliferation and differentiation. This has aroused great interest in the role of these steroid hormones in the development and maintenance of both normal and malignant prostate. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) are variants of genetic risk associated with a number of diseases including cancer. Considering that the family history and hormonal components are risk factors for the development of PCa, we believe that the identification of polymorphisms involved in these processes may have an important role to assist in the development of alternative tools for early detection and to define the prognosis of this cancer. OBJECTIVES: To analyze polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with family history and hormonal factors in patient blood samples with PCa and in healthy men. In addition, to correlate the results of genotyping with clinical-pathological parameters. METHODS: The study consisted of 185 patients diagnosed with PCa, divided into 97 sporadic cases and 72 with a family history. The control group consisted of 70 blood samples from healthy individuals who had no proven PCa and do it for preventive purposes. We selected 13 polymorphisms for analysis: rs10486567, rs10993994, rs9364554, rs5945572, rs2735839, rs4430796, rs7501939, rs138213197, rs1271572, rs2987983, rs8072254, rs4919743 and rs3808330. Genotyping was performed by PCR in real time (qRT -PCR) and correlated with family history of PCa, preoperative PSA, Gleason histologic grading and pathological staging. RESULTS: We analyzed the frequency of the selected polymorphisms and found the following correlations in our cases: SNPs rs10486567 and rs9364554 increase the chance of developing PCa while the SNP rs8072254 decreases the risk. Regarding heredity, the SNP rs1271571 presented association with sporadic PCa. In comparison with the prognostic factors we found that the SNP rs3808330 was more frequent in patients who had PSA < 10; SNP rs7501939 was more frequent in patients with lower Gleason score and no recurrence and the SNP rs5945572 was more frequent in subjects with lower Gleason score on the surgical specimen. CONCLUSIONS: In general we found that polymorphisms that appear to have a relevant role in the development of PCa in family transmission and in prognostic factors. These important polymorphisms had not yet been studied in the Brazilian population and our work has identified correlations yet not demonstrated in the literature
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The limbic-hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in Alzheimer's diseaseNäsman, Birgitta January 1994 (has links)
Dysfunction of the limbic-hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (LHPA) axis is a common finding in advanced dementia. In this study, the function of the LHPA axis at different levels was investigated in patients with dementia and in healthy elderly. A subtle disturbance in the feedback regulation of the LHPA axis was found in patients with early (i.e., mild to moderate) Alzheimer’s disease (AD). After 0.5 mg dexamethasone, serum cortisol levels were less suppressed in AD patients and plasma adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) levels were lower as compared with healthy elderly. After stimulation with human corticotropin-releasing hormone a blunted ACTH response was found in AD patients while relative serum cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone, and androstenedione responses were increased. Significant correlations were found between low plasma ACTH levels and temporal lobe atrophy and between low peak plasma ACTH levels and hippocampal atrophy measured with computer tomography. Patients with advanced AD and multi-infarct dementia had lower basal levels of dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate in combination with no difference in cortisol levels, resulting in a high cortisol/DHAS ratio. The difference persisted after adjustments for age and sex in a multivariate analysis. In patients with early AD, basal serum levels of dehydroepiandrosterone and androstenedione were increased, and this increase was accentuated after stimulation with ACTH. Peripheral glucocorticoid sensitivity was examined by skin vasoconstrictor blanching tests. Patients with AD and patients treated with glucocorticoids showed skin blanching at higher clobetasol concentrations than healthy elderly. These findings justify further investigations on the role of LHPA axis dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease and its possible importance for the pathophysiology of the disease. / digitalisering@umu
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Mechanistic Insights Into The Androgen Regulation Of Transforming Growth Factors-Beta (TGF-β)Desai, Kartiki 08 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Androgenetic alopecia: a possible treatment and a relationship with hair greying. Assessment of the herbal mixture Xiantene for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia and a relationship between early hair greying and the progression of androgenetic alopeciaDavies, Paul G. January 2010 (has links)
Hair plays an important role in human social and sexual communication. The
androgen-stimulated, patterned loss of hair in cases of androgenetic
alopecia (or common baldness) in genetically pre-disposed individuals, is
associated with ageing and can cause marked phychological distress.
However, it is poorly controlled. To investigate the effectiveness of daily
topical application of a Chinese medicine-derived herbal mixture, Xiantene,
on balding progression, two double-blind, placebo-controlled studies (3 and
12 months) were carried out on balding men using the trichogram approach.
Xiantene significantly increased both the total number of hairs and those in
anagen, improving the ratio of anagen:telogen hairs. This suggests that
topical Xiantene increased the length of the anagen phase and may promote
a cessation, or partial reversal, of the progression of androgenetic alopecia
in men.
Canities, loss of scalp hair colour, is another mark of ageing. To investigate
whether early greying may protect follicles from androgenetic alopecia, the
extent of alopecia, assessed using the Hamilton scale, was compared
between men who first became grey before, or after, 30. Both alopecia and
greying increased with age in 843 men (217 European, 626 Thai) whenever
they first started greying. However, men who showed greying before 30
were significantly less bald, though more grey, in both groups. Hair follicle
melanocytes synthesise the pigment melanin, producing reactive oxygen
species (ROS) and oxidative stress; losing melanocyte pigmentary activity,
and therefore these toxic factors, appears to enable hair follicles to maintain
their full size for longer, despite the androgen drive to miniaturisation. / Tri-Mill Charitable Trust, Global Beauty International Management Ltd.
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Impact of Short-Term Isoflavone Intervention in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Patients on Microbiota Composition and MetagenomicsHaudum, Christoph, Lindheim, Lisa, Ascani, Angelo, Trummer, Christian, Horvath, Angela, Münzker, Julia, Obermayer-Pietsch, Barbara 20 April 2023 (has links)
Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects 5–20% of women of reproductive age worldwide and is associated with disorders of glucose metabolism. Hormone and metabolic signaling may be influenced by phytoestrogens, such as isoflavones. Their endocrine effects may modify symptom penetrance in PCOS. Equol is one of the most active isoflavone metabolites, produced by intestinal bacteria, and acts as a selective estrogen receptor modulator. Method: In this interventional study of clinical and biochemical characterization, urine isoflavone levels were measured in PCOS and control women before and three days after a defined isoflavone intervention via soy milk. In this interventional study, bacterial equol production was evaluated using the log(equol: daidzein ratio) and microbiome, metabolic, and predicted metagenome analyses were performed. Results: After isoflavone intervention, predicted stool metagenomic pathways, microbial alpha diversity, and glucose homeostasis in PCOS improved resembling the profile of the control group at baseline. In the whole cohort, larger equol production was associated with lower androgen as well as fertility markers. Conclusion: The dynamics in our metabolic, microbiome, and predicted metagenomic profiles underline the importance of external phytohormones on PCOS characteristics and a potential therapeutic approach or prebiotic in the future.
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