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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Ánálise de alterações no gene receptor de andrógeno em homens com infertilidade idiopática / Analysis of changes in the androgen receptor gene in men with idiopathic infertility

MESQUITA, Wyara Elanne de Jesus Castro 31 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:16:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao wyara biologia.pdf: 1287742 bytes, checksum: 4b2f592f2b219248664d4916820cd874 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-31 / Male idiopathic infertility is related to defects in normal spermatogenesis, due to genetic causes. The spermatogenesis is a dependent process on high levels of male sex hormones, the androgens. The androgen, in turn, perform its function when associated with the androgen receptor (AR), protein encoded by AR gene. Mutation in AR gene lead to a synthesis of non functional AR, which results in the failure of the process of spermatogenesis and, consequently, causes male infertility. This work has as its main objective the verification of the occurrence of mutation in the AR gene in patients with male idiopathic infertility who come from the HC-UFG Human Reproduction Center. Samples were analyzed from 206 patients. The result was that 95 patients were found to be normal while 111 with an altered result for the spermogram. The samples were amplified for exons 1, 4, 6, 7 and 8 of the AR gene and the results subjected to statistical analysis, Mann Whitney, logistic regression, and chi tests. The existence of the relationship between defects of sperm and AR gene mutation was verified. The analysis of the relationship between the spermogram and the AR gene mutation in five evaluated exons was significant only for exons 1 and 7. Patients with numerical unsettled spermogram had a higher frequency of mutations in exon 7, teratozoospermics in exon 1 and exon 7 in astenozoospermics patients. Exons 4, 6 and 8 showed no meaningful statistical relationship in reference to the alteration of the spermogram. Among results related to social custom, alcohol proved to be significant for mutation in the AR gene. This study has reaffirmed the relationship between the presence of mutation in AR genes as probable causes of defects in spermatogenesis. Consequently, male idiopathic infertility depends not only on the genetic factor, but also on the association between this factor and the environment where man inhabits / A infertilidade masculina idiopática está relacionada a defeitos na espermatogênese normal, devido a causas genéticas. A espermatogênese é um processo dependente de altos níveis de hormônios sexuais masculinos, os andrógenos. E os andrógenos, por sua vez, exercem sua função quando associados ao receptor androgênico (RA), proteína codificada pelo gene RA. Mutações no gene RA levam a síntese do RA não funcional, o que acarreta em falhas no processo de espermatogênese e consequentemente causam infertilidade masculina. O trabalho teve como principal objetivo verificar a ocorrência ou não de mutação no gene RA em pacientes com infertilidade masculina idiopática do Centro de Reprodução Humana do HCUFG. Foram analisadas 206 amostras de pacientes, sendo 95 normais e 111 alterados para o espermograma. As amostras foram amplificadas para os exons 1, 4, 6, 7 e 8 do gene RA e os resultados submetidos às análises estatísticas, teste U, quiquadrado e regressão logística. Foi verificada a existência de relação entre alteração no espermograma e mutação no gene RA. A análise da relação entre espermograma e mutação no gene RA dos cinco exons avaliados foi significativa somente para os exons 1 e 7. Os pacientes com alteração numérica para o espermograma apresentaram uma freqüência maior de mutações no exon 7, os pacientes teratozoospérmicos no exon 1 e os astenozoospérmicos no exon 7. Os exons 4, 6 e 8 não apresentaram relação estatística significativa para alterações no espermograma. Dentre os resultados referentes aos hábitos sociais, o etilismo mostrou-se significativo para mutações no gene RA. A realização desse estudo vem reafirmar a relação entre presença de mutações no gene RA como prováveis causas de defeitos na espermatogênese e, consequentemente, infertilidade masculina idiopática, não dependendo exclusivamente do fator gênico, mas da associação entre este fator e o meio ambiente onde o homem está inserido

Uloga insulinskih i IGF1 receptora u regulaciji steroidogeneze i mitohondrijallne biogenze u Leydigovim ćelijama / The role of insulin and IGF1 receptors in regulation of teroidogenesis and mitochondrial biogenesis in Leydig cells

Radović Sava 31 May 2019 (has links)
<p>Leydig-ove&nbsp; ćelije&nbsp; testisa&nbsp; su&nbsp; primarno&nbsp; mesto&nbsp; sinteze mu&scaron;kih polnih hormona. Ovi hormoni su neophodani za reproduktivno,&nbsp; ali&nbsp; i&nbsp; za&nbsp; op&scaron;te&nbsp; zdravlje&nbsp; budući&nbsp; da&nbsp; su<br />ozbiljni zdravstveni problemi često povezani sa njihovom smanjenom produkcijom.&nbsp; Insulin i insulinu sličan faktor rasta&nbsp; 1,&nbsp; IGF1&nbsp; <em>(engl.</em>&nbsp; insulin&nbsp; like&nbsp; growth&nbsp; factor&nbsp; 1),&nbsp; i<br />signalizacija koju pokreću preko svojih receptora&nbsp; (INSR i IGF1R),&nbsp; su&nbsp; jedan&nbsp; od&nbsp; ključnih&nbsp; faktora&nbsp; koji&nbsp; reguli&scaron;u specifični razvoj tkiva, pa i samih gonada. Ipak,&nbsp; uloga&nbsp; i<br />mehanizmi&nbsp; delovanja&nbsp; ovih&nbsp; receptora&nbsp; u&nbsp; steroidogenim tkivima nisu&nbsp; u potpunosti&nbsp; poznati.&nbsp; Stoga je&nbsp; istraživanje&nbsp; uokviru ove&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp; koncipirano sa ciljem da se,&nbsp; na&nbsp; modelu&nbsp; prepubertalnih&nbsp; (P21)&nbsp; i&nbsp; adultnih&nbsp; (P80) mužjaka mi&scaron;eva sa kondicionalnom delecijom<em> Insr </em>i <em>Igf1</em>r gena&nbsp; u&nbsp; steroidogenim&nbsp; ćelijama&nbsp; (Insr/Igf1r-DKO), defini&scaron;e uloga INSR i IGF1R u regulisanju diferencijacije i&nbsp; steroidogene&nbsp; funkcije&nbsp; Leydig-ovih&nbsp; ćelija.&nbsp; Pored&nbsp; toga, mužjaci&nbsp; i&nbsp; ženke&nbsp; P21&nbsp; mi&scaron;eva&nbsp; sa&nbsp; istom&nbsp; delecijom&nbsp; su kori&scaron;ćeni&nbsp; za&nbsp; praćenje&nbsp; ekspresije&nbsp; glavnih&nbsp; markera mitohondrijalne&nbsp; biogeneze&nbsp; i&nbsp; fuzije/arhitekture&nbsp; u&nbsp; Leydigovim&nbsp; ćelijama,&nbsp; ovarijumima&nbsp; i&nbsp;&nbsp; nadbubrežnim&nbsp; žlezdama. Rezultati&nbsp; su&nbsp; potvrdili&nbsp; da&nbsp; delecija&nbsp; Insr&nbsp; i&nbsp; Igf1r&nbsp; u<br />steroidogenim&nbsp; tkivima&nbsp; utiče&nbsp; na&nbsp; diferencijaciju&nbsp; i funkcionalne karakteristike Leydig-ovih ćelija P21 i P80 mi&scaron;eva,&nbsp; upućujući&nbsp; na&nbsp; pojavu&nbsp; tzv.&nbsp; &bdquo;feminizacije&ldquo;.&nbsp; Broj<br />Leydig-ovih&nbsp; ćelija&nbsp; izolovanih&nbsp; iz&nbsp; P21&nbsp; i&nbsp; P80&nbsp; Insr/Igf1rDKO&nbsp; mi&scaron;eva&nbsp; bio&nbsp; je&nbsp; smanjen,&nbsp; a&nbsp; morfologija&nbsp; i ultrastruktura&nbsp; ovih&nbsp; ćelija&nbsp; izmenjene&nbsp; kod&nbsp; P21&nbsp; Insr/Igf1rDKO&nbsp; mi&scaron;eva.&nbsp; Steroidogeni&nbsp; kapacitet&nbsp; i&nbsp; aktivnost,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i ekspresija&nbsp; glavnih&nbsp; elemenata&nbsp; steroidogene&nbsp; ma&scaron;inerije <em>(Lhcgr, Star, Cyp11a1, Cyp17a1, Hsd3b1&nbsp; i&nbsp; 6, Hsd17b3,</em><br /><em>Sf</em>1)&nbsp; bili su&nbsp; smanjeni&nbsp; u Leydig-ovim ćelijama P21 i P80 <em>Insr/Igf1</em>r-DKO mi&scaron;eva,&nbsp; dok je ekspresija transkripcionih represora&nbsp; steroidogeneze&nbsp; (Arr19&nbsp; i&nbsp; Dax1)&nbsp; bila&nbsp; povećana specifično&nbsp; u&nbsp; istim&nbsp; ćelijama,&nbsp; ali&nbsp; ne&nbsp; i&nbsp; u&nbsp; ostatku&nbsp; testisa.<br />Transkripcioni&nbsp; profil&nbsp; markera&nbsp; mu&scaron;kog&nbsp; pola&nbsp; (<em>Sry,&nbsp; Sox9, Amh</em>)&nbsp; bio&nbsp; je&nbsp; izmenjen&nbsp; u Leydig-ovim ćelijama P21 i P80 <em>Insr/Igf1r</em>-DKO&nbsp; mi&scaron;eva.&nbsp; Transkripcija&nbsp; markera&nbsp; ženskog pola (<em>Rspo1, Wnt4</em>) u testisima,&nbsp; kao i ekspresija&nbsp; Cyp19a1 i&nbsp; produkcija estradiola (E2) u Leydig-ovim ćelijama,&nbsp; P21 i&nbsp; P80&nbsp;<em> Insr/Igf1r</em>-DKO&nbsp; mi&scaron;eva&nbsp; bile&nbsp; su&nbsp; povećane. Transkripcija&nbsp; markera&nbsp; mitohondrijalne&nbsp; biogenze (<em>Ppargc1a,&nbsp; Tfam</em>,&nbsp; <em>Mtnd1</em>)&nbsp; bila&nbsp; je&nbsp; smanjena&nbsp; u&nbsp; Leydigovim&nbsp; ćelijama&nbsp; P21&nbsp; <em>Insr/Igf1r</em>-DKO&nbsp; mi&scaron;eva,&nbsp; dok&nbsp; supromene&nbsp; ekspresije&nbsp; izostale&nbsp; u&nbsp; ovarijumima&nbsp; ženki&nbsp; istog&nbsp; genotipa.&nbsp; Isti&nbsp; markeri&nbsp; su&nbsp; bili&nbsp; povećani&nbsp; u&nbsp; nabdubrežnim&nbsp; žlezdama&nbsp; oba&nbsp; pola.&nbsp; Markeri&nbsp; mitohondrijalne fuzije/arhitekture&nbsp; (<em>Mfn1&nbsp; i&nbsp; Mfn2)</em>&nbsp; bili&nbsp; su&nbsp; povećani&nbsp; u Leydig-ovim ćelijama P21 <em>Insr/Igf1r</em>-DKO mi&scaron;eva, &scaron;to je&nbsp; praćeno&nbsp; i&nbsp; naru&scaron;enom&nbsp; mitohondrijalnom&nbsp; fazom steroidogeneze (produkcija progesterona), kao i brojem i&nbsp; morfologijom ovim organela.&nbsp; Ekspresija istih markera u ovarijumima&nbsp; bila&nbsp; je&nbsp; nepromenjena.&nbsp; Sumirano,&nbsp; rezultati ovog istraživanja&nbsp; su&nbsp; pokazali&nbsp; da su&nbsp; INSR i IGF1R&nbsp; važni za&nbsp; diferencijaciju&nbsp; i&nbsp; steroidogenu&nbsp; funkciju&nbsp; Leydig-ovih&nbsp; ćelija&nbsp; P21&nbsp; i&nbsp; P80&nbsp; mi&scaron;eva.&nbsp; Takođe,&nbsp; ovi&nbsp; receptori&nbsp; su&nbsp; važni regulatori&nbsp; markera&nbsp; mitohondrijalne&nbsp; biogeneze&nbsp; i fuzije/arhiteture u steroidogenim ćelijama mu&scaron;kih gonada&nbsp; P21 mi&scaron;eva, ali ne i u steroidogenim ćelijama ovarijuma.&nbsp;</p> / <p>Leydig cells of testes are the primary site of the male sex hormones&nbsp; synthesis.&nbsp; These&nbsp; hormones&nbsp; are&nbsp; indispensable for&nbsp; both&nbsp; reproductive&nbsp; and&nbsp; general&nbsp; health&nbsp; since&nbsp; serious health&nbsp; problems&nbsp; are&nbsp; often&nbsp; associated&nbsp; with&nbsp; their&nbsp; reduced production.&nbsp; Insulin&nbsp; and&nbsp; insulin-like&nbsp; growth&nbsp; factor&nbsp; 1, IGF1&nbsp; (insulin&nbsp; like&nbsp; growth&nbsp; factor&nbsp; 1),&nbsp; and&nbsp; signaling triggered through&nbsp; their receptors (INSR and IGF1R), are&nbsp; one of the key&nbsp; factors&nbsp; that regulate specific development of&nbsp; tissue&nbsp; including&nbsp; gonads.&nbsp; However,&nbsp; the&nbsp; role&nbsp; and mechanisms&nbsp; of&nbsp; these&nbsp; receptors&nbsp; action&nbsp; in&nbsp; steroidogenic tissues are not known enough. This study was designed to&nbsp; observe &nbsp; the role of INSR and IGF1R in regulating the differentiation and steroidogenic function of Leydig cells by using the model of prepubertal (P21) and adult (P80) male mice with the conditional deletion of the&nbsp; Insr&nbsp; and Igf1r&nbsp; genes&nbsp; in&nbsp; steroidogenic&nbsp; cells&nbsp; (<em>Insr/Igf1r-</em>DKO).&nbsp; In addition,&nbsp; male&nbsp; and&nbsp; female&nbsp; P21&nbsp; mice&nbsp; with&nbsp; the&nbsp; samedeletion were used to monitor the expression of the main markers&nbsp; of&nbsp; mitochondrial&nbsp; biogenesis&nbsp; and fusion/architecture&nbsp; in&nbsp; Leydig&nbsp; cells,&nbsp; ovaries&nbsp; and&nbsp; adrenal glands.&nbsp; The&nbsp; results&nbsp; confirmed&nbsp; that&nbsp; deletion&nbsp; of&nbsp;<em> Insr</em>&nbsp; and<em> Igf1r&nbsp;</em> in&nbsp; steroidogenic&nbsp; tissues&nbsp; influences&nbsp; differentiation and&nbsp; functional&nbsp; characteristics&nbsp; of&nbsp; Leydig&nbsp; cells&nbsp; isolated from&nbsp; P21&nbsp; and&nbsp; P80&nbsp; mice,&nbsp; suggesting&nbsp; an&nbsp; appearance&nbsp; of &quot;feminization&quot;.&nbsp; The&nbsp; number&nbsp; of&nbsp; Leydig&nbsp; cells&nbsp; isolated from&nbsp; both&nbsp; P21&nbsp; and&nbsp; P80&nbsp; <em>Insr/Igf1</em>r-DKO&nbsp; mice&nbsp; was reduced.&nbsp; Morphology&nbsp; and&nbsp; ultrastructure&nbsp; of&nbsp; Leydig&nbsp; cells were&nbsp; disturbed&nbsp; in&nbsp; P21&nbsp; <em>Insr/Igf1r-</em>DKO&nbsp; mice. Steroidogenic capacity and activity, as well as expression of the main elements of&nbsp; steroidogenic machinery (<em>Lhcgr, Star, Cyp11a1, Cyp17a1, Hsd3b1&nbsp; and&nbsp; 6, Hsd17b3, Sf1) </em>were&nbsp; decreased&nbsp; in&nbsp; Leydig&nbsp; cells&nbsp; from&nbsp; P21&nbsp; and&nbsp; P80 I<em>nsr/Igf1</em>r-DKO&nbsp; mice,&nbsp; while&nbsp; the&nbsp; expression&nbsp; of transcriptional&nbsp; repressors&nbsp; of&nbsp; steroidogenesis&nbsp; (<em>Arr19</em>&nbsp; and <em>Dax1) </em>was increased&nbsp; in the same cells, but not in the rest of&nbsp; the&nbsp; testes.&nbsp; Transcription&nbsp; profile&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; male&nbsp; sex markers&nbsp; (<em>Sry,&nbsp; Sox9</em>,&nbsp; <em>Amh</em>)&nbsp; was&nbsp; altered&nbsp; in&nbsp; Leydig&nbsp; cells from&nbsp; P21&nbsp; and&nbsp; P80&nbsp; <em>Insr/Igf1</em>r-DKO&nbsp; mice.&nbsp; Transcription of the female sex markers (<em>Rspo1, Wnt4</em>) in the testes, as well&nbsp; as&nbsp; <em>Cyp19a1&nbsp; </em>expression&nbsp; and&nbsp; estradiol&nbsp; (E2) production in Leydig cells,&nbsp; from P21 and P80&nbsp; I<em>nsr/Igf1</em>rDKO&nbsp; mice&nbsp; were&nbsp; increased.&nbsp; Transcription&nbsp; of mitochondrial&nbsp; biogenesis&nbsp; markers&nbsp; (<em>Ppargc1a,&nbsp; Tfam, Mtnd1</em>)&nbsp; was&nbsp; declined&nbsp; in&nbsp; Leydig&nbsp; cells&nbsp; from&nbsp; P21<em> Insr/Igf1r-</em>DKO mice, while changes were absent in&nbsp; the ovaries of the same genotype.&nbsp; Transcription of the&nbsp; same markers&nbsp; was&nbsp; increased&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; adrenal&nbsp; glands&nbsp; of&nbsp; both sexes.&nbsp; The&nbsp; mitochondrial&nbsp; fusion/architecture&nbsp; markers (<em>Mfn1</em>&nbsp; and&nbsp; <em>Mfn2</em>)&nbsp; were&nbsp; increased&nbsp; in&nbsp; Leydig&nbsp; cells&nbsp; from<em> Insr/Igf1r</em>-DKO&nbsp; mice&nbsp; and&nbsp; followed&nbsp; by&nbsp; disturbedmitochondrial&nbsp; phase&nbsp; of&nbsp; steroidogenesis&nbsp; (progesterone production), as well as&nbsp; decreased&nbsp; number and&nbsp; disturbed morphology&nbsp; of&nbsp; mitochondria.&nbsp;&nbsp; Expression&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; same markers&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; ovaries&nbsp; was&nbsp; unchanged.&nbsp; In&nbsp; summary, results&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; study&nbsp; showed&nbsp; that&nbsp; INSR&nbsp; and&nbsp; IGF1R&nbsp; are important in differentiation and steroidogenic function of Leydig&nbsp; cells&nbsp; from&nbsp; P21&nbsp; and&nbsp; P80&nbsp; mice.&nbsp; Also,&nbsp; these receptors&nbsp; are&nbsp; important&nbsp; regulators&nbsp; of&nbsp; mitochondrial biogenesis&nbsp; and&nbsp;&nbsp; fusion/architecture&nbsp; markers&nbsp; in steroidogenic&nbsp; cells&nbsp; of&nbsp; P21&nbsp; male&nbsp; mice,&nbsp; but&nbsp; not&nbsp; in steroidogenic cells of ovaries.</p>

Tibia Morphology & Bone Marrow Adipose Tissue Phenotype is Controlled by Sex Steroids in C57BL/6 Mice

Sherman, Shermel B. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Transcriptomes of testis and pituitary from male Nile tilapia (O. niloticus L.) in the context of social status

Thönnes, Michelle, Prause, Rebecca, Levavi-Sivan, Berta, Pfennig, Frank 18 April 2024 (has links)
African cichlids are well established models for studying social hierarchies in teleosts and elucidating the effects social dominance has on gene expression. Ascension in the social hierarchy has been found to increase plasma levels of steroid hormones, follicle stimulating hormone (Fsh) and luteinizing hormone (Lh) as well as gonadosomatic index (GSI). Furthermore, the expression of genes related to gonadotropins and steroidogenesis and signaling along the brain-pituitary-gonad axis (BPG-axis) is affected by changes of an animal’s social status. In this study, we use RNA-sequencing to obtain an in-depth look at the transcriptomes of testes and pituitaries from dominant and subordinate male Nile tilapia living in long-term stable social hierarchies. This allows us to draw conclusions about factors along the brain-pituitary-gonad axis that are involved in maintaining dominance over weeks or even months. We identify a number of genes that are differentially regulated between dominant and subordinate males and show that in high-ranking fish this subset of genes is generally upregulated. Genes differentially expressed between the two social groups comprise growth factors, related binding proteins and receptors, components of Wnt-, Tgfβ- and retinoic acid-signaling pathway, gonadotropin signaling and steroidogenesis pathways. The latter is backed up by elevated levels of 11-ketotestosterone, testosterone and estradiol in dominant males. Luteinizing hormone (Lh) is found in higher concentration in the plasma of long-term dominant males than in subordinate animals. Our results both strengthen the existing models and propose new candidates for functional studies to expand our understanding of social phenomena in teleost fish.

Stem cell factor/c-Kit signalling in normal and androgenetic alopecia hair follicles

Randall, Valerie A., Jenner, Tracey J., Hibberts, Nigel A., De Oliveira, Isabel O., Vafaee, Tayyebeh January 2008 (has links)
No / Androgens stimulate many hair follicles to alter hair colour and size via the hair growth cycle; in androgenetic alopecia tiny, pale hairs gradually replace large, pigmented ones. Since stem cell factor (SCF) is important in embryonic melanocyte migration and maintaining adult rodent pigmentation, we investigated SCF/c-Kit signalling in human hair follicles to determine whether this was altered in androgenetic alopecia. Quantitative immunohistochemistry detected three melanocyte-lineage markers and c-Kit in four focus areas: the epidermis, infundibulum, hair bulb (where pigment is formed) and mid-follicle outer root sheath (ORS). Colocalisation confirmed melanocyte c-Kit expression; cultured follicular melanocytes also exhibited c-Kit. Few ORS cells expressed differentiated melanocyte markers or c-Kit, but NKI/beteb antibody, which also recognises early melanocyte-lineage antigens, identified fourfold more cells, confirmed by colocalisation. Occasional similar bulbar cells were seen. Melanocyte distribution, concentration and c-Kit expression were unaltered in balding follicles. Androgenetic alopecia cultured dermal papilla cells secreted less SCF, measured by ELISA, than normal cells. This identifies three types of melanocyte-lineage cells in human follicles. The c-Kit expression by dendritic, pigmenting, bulbar melanocytes and rounded, differentiated, non-pigmenting ORS melanocytes implicate SCF in maintaining pigmentation and migration into regenerating hair bulbs. Less differentiated, c-Kit-independent cells in the mid-follicle ORS stem cell niche and occasionally in the bulb, presumably a local reserve for long scalp hair growth, implicate other factors in activating stem cells. Androgens appear to reduce alopecia hair colour by inhibiting dermal papilla SCF production, impeding bulbar melanocyte pigmentation. These results may facilitate new treatments for hair colour changes in hirsutism, alopecia or greying.

Mating behavior as non-invasive biomarker in Xenopus laevis for the assessment of endocrine disrupting compounds

Hoffmann, Frauke 23 May 2012 (has links)
Hormonell wirksame Chemikalien, wie Pflanzenschutzmittel oder Pharmaka gelangen durch Abwässer in die Umwelt und akkumulieren vor allem in Oberflächengewässern. Ein erhöhtes Augenmerk liegt auf Substanzen, die durch (anti)androgene und (anti)östrogene Wirkungsweise die Reproduktion von Tieren und Menschen beeinträchtigen. Bei den bisherigen Nachweismethoden für diese Stoffe handelt es sich um invasive Methoden, die das Töten der Tiere beinhalten. Diesen Methoden mangelt es jedoch an der nötigen Sensitivität, um umweltrelevante Konzentrationen der endokrinen Disruptoren (EDs) nach Kurzzeitexposition nachweisen zu können, sowie am Vermögen, alle vier Wirkmechanismen (androgen, antiandrogen, östrogen und antiöstrogen) mit einer einzelnen Testmethode feststellen und unterscheiden zu können. In dieser Studie wurde deshalb mit Hilfe männlicher Afrikanischer Krallenfrösche (Xenopus laevis) eine Testmethode entwickelt, bei der die Frösche verschiedenen (anti)androgenen und (anti)östrogenen EDs ausgesetzt wurden und ihr Rufverhalten untersucht wurde. Diese nicht-invasive Methode erwies sich als schnell und höchst sensitiv. Zudem war es erstmals möglich, die vier verschiedenen Wirkmechanismen allein anhand veränderter Ruftypen und Rufparameter zu bestimmen und zu unterscheiden. Darüber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass bei Anwendung dieser Methode die Möglichkeit besteht, die Versuchstiere in weiteren Tests wiederzuverwenden, da die Rufparameter nach einer expositionsfreien Zeit von sechs Wochen wieder Kontrollwerte erreichten. Zusammengefasst kann die hier vorgestellte verhaltensphysiologische und damit nicht-invasive Methode als Biomarker für den Nachweis von (anti)androgenen und (anti)östrogenen EDs verwendet werden. Ferner zeigt die hohe Sensitivität des Tests, sowie die Möglichkeit der vollautomatischen Analyse enormer Datenmengen, dass dieser schnelle Verhaltenstest ein großes Potential hat, ein sensitiver, standardisierter und nicht-invasiver Biomarker zu werden. / Endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs), such as herbicides, pesticides or pharmaceuticals enter the environment via sewage effluents and especially accumulate in surface waters. Research efforts so far mainly focused on EDCs with (anti)androgenic and (anti)estrogenic modes of action (MOAs), which can interfere with reproductive biology of vertebrates. To date, biomarkers for the assessment of such compounds are invasive techniques, which are not sensitive enough to detect EDCs after short-term exposures and which cannot distinguish between the four MOAs. Hence, in this study a non-invasive method for the assessment of EDCs was developed using male African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) as model species. Frogs were exposed to individual (anti)androgenic and (anti)estrogenic EDCs in the surrounding water and their calling behavior was analyzed. This non-invasive method turned out to be a fast and highly sensitive biomarker for the detection of (anti)androgenic and (anti)estrogenic EDCs. Moreover, this method was able to differentiate between the four different MOAs solely by determining affected parameters of the calling behavior. It was also shown that by using this method, it might be possible to reuse already tested experimental animals, because the measured affected parameters were reversed after a period of six weeks under control conditions. Taken together the here established non-invasive behavioral method can be used as biomarker for the detection of (anti)androgenic and (anti)estrogenic EDCs. Furthermore, the high sensitivity of this testing method, as well as the possibility of analyzing vast datasets rapidly in a completely automated fashion indicate the huge potential for this rapid behavior test to become a sensitive, standardized, non-invasive biomarker.

Contribution of the small-conductance calcium-activated potassium channels to the sex differences in the predisposition to atrial fibrillation

Tannous, Georges 07 1900 (has links)
L’incidence de la fibrillation auriculaire (FA), l'arythmie cardiaque la plus fréquente, est plus élevée chez les hommes que chez les femmes, indépendamment de l’âge. Cette différence entre les sexes, également observée chez les souris, peut être attribuée à la régulation des canaux ioniques par les hormones sexuelles. Ce projet vise à étudier et comparer les canaux potassiques activés par le calcium à faible conductance (SK1-3) entre les sexes pour mieux comprendre leur rôle dans la prédisposition masculine à la FA. L’oreillette gauche de souris CD-1 mâles et femelles adultes (2-5 mois) a été étudiée. Les études d'immunofluorescence des canaux SK1-3 révèlent une distribution au niveau des T-tubules similaire entre les sexes. Cependant, l’expression protéique de SK2, l’isoforme le plus abondant, montre une diminution chez les mâles, indépendante des niveaux d’ARNm. Les données de patch-clamp indiquent une densité du courant ISK plus faible chez les mâles. Des souris gestantes de même âge, un modèle à haut niveau d’oestrogènes, présentent un niveau de SK2 similaire à celui des non-gestantes, mais plus élevée que chez les mâles. Ensuite, les souris C57BL/6, ayant des niveaux d’androgènes plus faibles que les CD-1, ne montrent pas de différences significatives entre les sexes dans l’expression de SK2, suggérant une régulation par les androgènes plutôt que par les oestrogènes. En résumé, ISK est plus faible chez les souris mâles que chez les femelles, une différence médiée par SK2 et régulée par les androgènes, offrant des nouvelles perspectives pour cibler les canaux SK dans le traitement de la FA. / The incidence of atrial fibrillation (AF), the most common cardiac arrhythmia, is higher in men than in women, regardless of age. This sex difference, also observed in mice, is attributable in part to differences in the regulation of ion channels by sex hormones. Therefore, this project aims to study and compare the small-conductance calcium-activated potassium channels (SK1-3) between sexes to better understand their role in male predisposition to AF. The left atrium of adult male and female CD-1 mice (2-5 months) was studied. Immunofluorescence studies of SK1-3 channels reveal that their distribution at the level of the T-tubules is similar between sexes. However, the SK2 protein expression, the most abundant SK isoform, shows a decrease in the left atria of males, a difference independent of the mRNA levels. The patch-clamp data show that the ISK current density is lower in males. Age-matched pregnant CD-1 mice, a model with elevated estrogen levels, show a level of expression of SK2 similar to non-pregnant mice, still higher than that observed in male mice. However, the C57BL/6 mice, presenting with lower androgen levels than CD-1 mice, do not show any significant sex differences in the level of SK2, suggesting an androgen-mediated regulation rather than by estrogens. In summary, the ISK current density is smaller in male mice than in females, a difference mediated by SK2 and regulated by androgens. This offers new insights for targeting the SK channels in the treatment of AF.

Untersuchungen zur normalen und pathologischen Steuerung der Nebennierenrinden-Androgene im Kindesalter

L'Allemand-Jander, Dagmar 17 July 2003 (has links)
Die Reifung der Zona reticularis der Nebennieren-Rinden (NNR) und ihrer Androgen-Sekretion vor der Pubertät unterscheidet sich bei Menschen und höheren Primaten von der NNR-Reifung anderer Species, z.B. der Nager. Die Sekretion der NNR-Androgene leitet die Pubertätsentwicklung ein. Die NNR-Androgene erlangen medizinische Bedeutung dadurch, dass sie bei Frauen zu Hirsutismus und Fertilitätsstörungen führen können. Neben diesen Symptomen stellen sie einen Risikofaktor für die Entwicklung eines Polycystischen-Ovar-Syndroms (PCOS) dar, das ungefähr 7 % der prämenopausalen Frauen betrifft. Lange Zeit war nicht bekannt, wie die Differenzierung der Zona reticularis beim Menschen reguliert wird. Sicher ist ACTH bei weitem das bedeutsamste übergeordnete Hormon für die globale adrenocorticale Differenzierung und Funktion. Weitere Faktoren sind speziell für die Androgensekretion verantwortlich, aber nicht genau definiert. Nun wurde zunächst in zellbiologischen Experimenten belegt, dass die ACTH-Wirkung durch ein Spezies-spezifisches Muster von Wachstumsfaktoren autokrin moduliert wird und so die postnatale Entwicklung der Nebenniere steuern kann. Die vorliegenden Untersuchungen an menschlichen NNR-Zellen von Kindern und Erwachsenen in Primärkultur zeigen erstmals, dass IGF-I und IGF-II differenzierte Funktionen dieser Zellen aufrecht erhalten. IGF-I und, mehr noch, IGF-II steigern die Steroid-Biosynthese und ACTH-Ansprechbarkeit, und sie fördern die Bildung von Androstendion, einem delta5-Androgen der Zona reticularis. Darüberhinaus bewirkt Insulin in physiologischen sowie in micromolaren Konzentrationen den IGFs ähnliche Änderungen der Steroidsynthese. In Querschnittsuntersuchungen an gesunden Kindern vor der Pubertät sowie Kindern mit einfacher Adipositas konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Körperzusammensetzung mit den NNR-Androgenen zusammenhängt. Über die Mediatoren IGF-I, Insulin und Leptin wird offensichtlich der NNR der Zustand von Gewicht und Wachstum des Kindes signalisiert, auch bei pathologischer Körperzusammensetzung, wie dem Prader-Willi-Syndrom. Während die Adipositas die Androgen-Bildung steigern kann, ist sie jedoch selbst nicht der kausale Faktor einer vorzeitigen Nebennierenrindenreifung. Der Prämaturen Pubarche können in 5 - 10 % der untersuchten weiblichen Population ein nicht-klassisches AGS oder NNR-Tumoren zugrunde liegen. Bei den verbleibenden Kindern besteht eine eigentlich harmlose Reifungsbeschleunigung mit normaler Wachstumsprognose. Betrachtet man diese Kinder mit idiopatischer Prämaturer Adrenarche jedoch genauer, so finden sich zwei Untergruppen mit langfristigen Risiken: erstens zeigen Kinder mit einer sogenannte manifesten Heterozygotie für einen 21-Hydroxylase-Defekt Auffälligkeiten des Wachstums, die eine Endgrössenreduktion bewirken könnten, und zweitens wird bei Jugendlichen mit einer Überstimulierbarkeit der NNR diese "Exaggerated Adrenarche" für ein nachfolgendes PCOS verantwortlich gemacht. Schliesslich scheint es vor dem Hintergrund der sich epidemieartig ausbreitenden Zunahme des Übergewichts im Kindesalter angezeigt, den Bezug dieser NNR-Störungen zur Adipositas und der Hyperinsulinämie weiter zu klären. / The prepubertal maturation of the zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex and its androgen secretion in man and higher primates differs from other species, e.g. rodents. The secretion of adrenal androgens induces the pubertal development. The importance of adrenal androgens is derived from them being the cause for hirsutism and fertility disorders in women. In addition they represent a risk factor for the development of the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), that affects about 7% of all pre-menopausal women. The regulation of the differentiation of the zona reticularis was unknown for a long time. However, ACTH is by far the most important hormone to regulate the global adrenocortical differentiation and function. In addition, other yet undefined factors are specifically responsible for the secretion of adrenal androgens. The cell-biological experiments presented here demonstrate that the effects of ACTH can be modulated in an autocrine manner by a species-specific pattern of growth factors so as to allow for the control of the postnatal development of the adrenal gland. The present investigations in human adrenocortical cells of children and adults in primary culture show for the first time that IGF-I and IGF-II maintain the differentiated function of these cells. IGF-I and to an even greater extent IGF-II enhance the biosynthesis of steroids and ACTH-responsiveness, and they promote the production of androstenedione, a delta5-androgen of the zona reticularis. Moreover, insulin, in physiological as well as in micromolar concentrations, induces changes in steroid production similar to the IGFs. In cross-sectional studies of healthy pre-pubertal children and children with simple obesity, it was shown that body composition is associated with adrenal androgens. Mediated by IGF-I, insulin and leptin, body composition apparently signals the child's state of weight and growth to the adrenals, even in patients with abnormal body composition, e.g. the Prader-Willi syndrome. While obesity may enhance androgen production, it is not the direct causal factor to induce premature adrenal maturation. In 5-10% of the female population investigated, premature pubarche is caused by non-classical adrenal hyperplasia or an adrenocortical tumour. In the remaining children, there is merely a harmless acceleration of maturation with normal growth prediction. A closer look at the children with idiopathic premature adrenarche, however, reveals two subgroups with long-term risks: First, children with a so called manifest heterozygosity of a 21-hydroxylase-defect show growth abnormalities, possibly reducing final height. Second, in adolescents with enhanced stimulation of the adrenal cortex, this 'exaggerated adrenarche' is held responsible for the subsequent development of PCOS. Finally, with regard to the rapidly spreading epidemic of overweight in children, it seems essential to study into greater depth the relationship between these adrenal dysfunctions and obesity or hyperinsulinism.

Androgen secretion and cardiovascular risk factors in women with and without PCOS:studies on age-related changes and medical intervention

Puurunen, J. (Johanna) 26 May 2015 (has links)
Abstract Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age. The main features of the syndrome include menstrual irregularities and hyperandrogenism. In addition to symptoms related to fertility, some women also suffer from an unfavourable metabolic profile including impaired glucose tolerance, dyslipidaemia and low-grade chronic inflammation. In the present studies we aimed to investigate the role of age on adrenal and ovarian androgen secretion in 79 women with PCOS and 98 healthy women, with special focus on the menopause. Furthermore, we studied the effects of combined hormonal contraceptives (CHCs) administered orally, transdermally and vaginally (n=42, healthy women, 9 weeks) and atorvastatin treatment (n=28, women with PCOS, 6 months) on androgen levels and metabolic factors. Androgen secretion capacity was analysed by using adrenal and ovarian stimulation tests and glucose tolerance by using oral and intravenous glucose tolerance tests. Furthermore, chronic inflammation was assessed via assay of C-reactive protein and pentraxin-3. Basal and stimulated adrenal and ovarian androgen production was elevated and levels remained higher in women with PCOS compared with healthy women even after the menopause. Furthermore, women with PCOS presented with enhanced insulin resistance and chronic inflammation, which persisted beyond menopausal transition. During CHC treatment, the route of administration was insignificant, and all treatments impaired insulin sensitivity and increased chronic inflammation. In women with PCOS, treatment with atorvastatin improved chronic inflammation and the lipid profile as expected, but worsened glucose tolerance and did not affect testosterone levels. Regardless of strict exclusion criteria, where only relatively healthy women with PCOS were recruited, the results showed that enhanced androgen secretion and unfavourable metabolic alterations associated with PCOS persist through menopausal transition. The findings emphasize the importance of monitoring glucose metabolism during the use of CHCs, especially in women with known risks of type 2 diabetes. Atorvastatin treatment exacerbates insulin resistance in women with PCOS and therefore the treatment should only be considered after individual risk assessment of cardiovascular disease and not just because of PCOS. / Tiivistelmä Monirakkulainen munasarjaoireyhtymä (PCOS) on hedelmällisessä iässä olevien naisten yleisin hormonaalinen ongelma. Tyypillisiä PCOS:n oireita ovat munarakkuloiden epäsäännöllisestä kypsymisestä johtuvat kuukautiskierron häiriöt ja miessukuhormonien eli androgeenien liikatuotanto. Hedelmällisyyttä heikentävien oireiden lisäksi PCOS:än liittyy aineenvaihdunnan ongelmia, kuten heikentynyttä sokerinsietoa sekä taipumus rasva-aineenvaihdunnan häiriöihin ja krooniseen tulehdukseen. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin ikääntymisen ja vaihdevuosien vaikutuksia lisämunuais- ja munasarjaperäiseen androgeenieritykseen 79 PCOS-naisella ja 98 terveellä naisella. Lisäksi tutkittiin eri yhdistelmäehkäisyvalmisteiden antoreittien (suu, iho, emätin) (n=42, terveet naiset, 9 viikkoa) ja atorvastatiinihoidon (n=28, PCOS-naiset, 6 kuukautta) vaikutuksia androgeenitasoihin ja aineenvaihdunnallisiin muuttujiin. Androgeenieritystä tutkittiin lisämunuaisten ja munasarjojen stimulaatiotesteillä ja sokeriaineenvaihdunnan muutoksia suun kautta ja suonensisäisesti tehtävillä sokerirasituskokeilla. Tulehduksellista tilaa mitattiin määrittämällä C-reaktiivisen proteiinin ja pentraksiini-3:n pitoisuuksia. Lisämunuaisten ja munasarjojen androgeenieritys oli PCOS-naisilla lisääntynyt terveisiin naisiin verrattuna, ja ero säilyi vaihdevuosi-iän jälkeen. PCOS-naisilla esiintyi myös enemmän heikentynyttä sokerinsietoa ja kroonista tulehdusta vielä vaihdevuosi-iän jälkeenkin. Hormonaalinen yhdistelmäehkäisy heikensi insuliiniherkkyyttä sekä pahensi pitkäaikaista tulehdusta annostelureitistä riippumatta. Atorvastatiinihoito puolestaan paransi pitkäaikaista tulehdusta sekä rasva-aineenvaihduntaa PCOS-naisilla, mutta huononsi sokerinsietoa ja insuliiniherkkyyttä eikä sillä ollut vaikutusta testosteronitasoihin. Koska poissulkukriteerit olivat tiukat, tutkimuksiin valikoitui varsin terveitä PCOS-naisia. Siitä huolimatta osoittautui, että PCOS:än liittyvä lisääntynyt androgeenituotanto sekä epäedulliset aineenvaihdunnan muutokset jatkuvat vielä vaihdevuosi-iän jälkeen. Hormonaalisen yhdistelmäehkäisyn käytön aikana olisi hyvä seurata sokeriaineenvaihdunnan muutoksia erityisesti niillä naisilla, joilla on kohonnut riski sairastua aikuistyypin diabetekseen. Atorvastatiinihoito huonontaa PCOS-naisilla insuliiniherkkyyttä, minkä vuoksi hoito tulisi aloittaa vain yksilöllisen riskiarvion perusteella.

Aspectos do desenvolvimento psicológico, social e sexual em pacientes com distúrbios do desenvolvimento sexual (DDS) 46, XY expostos no período pré-natal e concentrações normais ou reduzidas de testosterona / Aspects of psychological, social and sexual development in patients with disorders of sex development (DSD) 46, XY exposed to normal or reduced levels of testosterone during prenatal period

Oliveira Junior, Ari Alves de 18 October 2013 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência da exposição a níveis normais ou reduzidos de testosterona durante a vida intrauterina no desenvolvimento psicológico, social e sexual dos pacientes com DDS 46, XY. Pacientes e métodos: Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo. Os 53 participantes são pacientes portadores de DSD 46,XY devido a defeitos de produção de testosterona ou deficiência da 5alfa-RD2, todos eles com genitália ambígua que resultou na atribuição do sexo feminino ao nascimento. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo 1 (G1) - pacientes com DDS 46, XY, devido a defeito na produção de testosterona, constituído por 29 pacientes, 8 deles com deficiência de 17beta-HSD3, 7 com hipoplasia das células de Leydig, 7 com disgenesia gonadal parcial, 6 com deficiência 17alfa-hidroxilase e 1 com deficiência 3beta-HSD2; Grupo 2 (G2) - constituído por 24 pacientes com deficiência de 5alfa-RD2. Foi utilizado um questionário com 32 perguntas abrangendo aspectos do desenvolvimento psicológico, social e sexual destes pacientes. Resultados: Foi encontrada uma diferença significativa nos seguintes aspectos do desenvolvimento psicológico, social e sexual dos participantes do estudo: maior incidência de masturbação, fantasias eróticas e desejo de ter filhos em pacientes com deficiência da 5alfa-RD2 com sexo social masculino. Nas pacientes com sexo social feminino o desejo de ter filhos foi maior naquelas com DDS 46, XY por defeitos na produção de testosterona do que naquelas com deficiência da 5alfa-RD2 (p < 0,05), enquanto que o desejo de ter filhos foi maior nos homens com deficiência 5alfa-RD2 (p > 0,05). O número de indivíduos casados foi significativamente maior no grupo dos pacientes com DDS 46, XY por defeitos na produção de testosterona do que no grupo dos pacientes com DDS 46, XY por deficiência da 5alfa-RD2 (p = 0,003). Em conclusão, nossos resultados indicam uma possível influência da exposição aos andrógenos durante a vida pré-natal no desenvolvimento psicológico e social, bem como em aspectos da vida sexual dos pacientes adultos com DDS 46, XY / The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of exposure to normal or reduced levels of testosterone during intra-uterine life in psychological, social, and sexual development of patients with DSD 46, XY. Patients and methods: This is a retrospective study. The 53 participants were patients with DSD 46, XY due to defects in production of testosterone or deficiency of 5alfa-RD2, all of them with ambiguous genitalia and female sex assignment at birth. These patients were divided into two groups: Group 1 (G1) - patients with DSD 46, XY, due to a defect in the production of testosterone, consisting of 29 people, 8 with deficiency of 17beta-HSD3, 7 with Leydig cell hypoplasia, 7 with partial gonadal dysgenesis, 6 with 17alfa-hydroxylase deficiency ,1 with 3beta-HSD2 deficiency, Group 2 (G2) - consisting of 24 patients with deficiency of 5alfa-RD2. We used a questionnaire with 32 questions covering aspects of psychological, social and sexual development of these patients. Results: A significant difference was found in the following aspects of psychological, social and sexual development of these patients: higher incidence of masturbation, erotic fantasies and desire for children in patients with deficiency of 5alfa-RD2 with male social sex. In patients with female social sex, the desire to have children was higher in those with DSD 46, XY by defects in the production of testosterone than in those with deficiency of 5alfa-RD2 (p < 0.05), while the desire to have children in men was higher in those with 5alfa-RD2 (p > 0.05). The number of married individuals was significantly higher in the group of patients with DSD 46, XY by defects in the production of testosterone than in the group of patients with DSD 46, XY by deficiency of 5alfa-RD2 (p = 0.003). In conclusion, our results indicate a possible influence of exposure to androgens during prenatal life in psychological and social development, as well as in aspects of sexual life of adult patients with DSD 46, XY

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