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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A delicadeza dos meus sentimentos: a dependência alcoólica feminina representada por homens e mulheres em processo de recuperação alcoólica / The tenderness of my feelings: female alcohol dependence as represented by men and women in alcohol rehabilitation

Vívian Nara Bracco Luccas 09 November 2015 (has links)
RESUMO: Estudos epidemiológicos têm demonstrado o aumento de consumo alcoólico e da dependência alcoólica entre mulheres, algo que era até então considerado majoritariamente um problema da população masculina. A presente investigação parte desta constatação, mas também, a problematiza, à medida que se observa que o processo de emancipação feminina tem trazido à cena social um personagem que permaneceu por muito tempo na invisibilidade, ou seja, a mulher alcoólica. Este estudo, de caráter qualitativo, baseado na literatura sócioantropológica sobre o processo saúdeadoecimento e na perspectiva de gênero, investiga a dependência alcoólica entre as mulheres. Seu objetivo foi compreender os sentidos e os significados da dependência alcoólica feminina entre homens e mulheres alcoólicos em processo de recuperação em Alcoólicos Anônimos. Para tanto, fez-se trabalho de campo em 5 unidades de AA próximas da região central do município de Campinas. Durante o período de março a setembro de 2013, ocorreram visitas regulares aos grupos e 16 entrevistas com alguns de seus participantes, sendo 8 homens e 8 mulheres entrevistadas. Os resultados alcançados no trabalho de campo apontam para um crescimento da busca por ajuda institucional para tratamento antialcoólico entre as mulheres. Dentre outros achados, verificou-se que embora tenha ocorrido uma ampliação do acesso das mulheres nos espaços de tratamento, ainda permanece forte algumas representações sociais negativas e preconceituosas acerca da dependência alcoólica feminina que constrange a inserção e a permanência das mulheres nos cinco serviços de recuperação alcoólica estudados. Apesar disso, a partir da análise da instituição AA e das entrevistas de seus membros, homens e mulheres, o AA não deve ser considerado nem conservador e nem sexista em sua origem. Ou seja, ao que tudo indica, as concepções negativas atreladas às mulheres alcoólicas advém do universo social externo ao grupo, incorporado e reproduzido pelos alcoólicos, especialmente os homens, resultando, assim, na dificuldade de integração das mulheres nos grupos analisados. Os resultados desta pesquisa dialogam com a produção e o debate acadêmico sobre a mulher alcoólica no campo do estudo de álcool. Revelando que não necessariamente tem havido um crescimento da dependência alcoólica entre as mulheres, mas sim, um aumento da visibilidade social do grupo / ABSTRACT: Epidemiological studies have shown an increase in alcohol consumption and alcohol dependence among women, a problem that had so far been predominantly associated with the male population. This investigation not only starts with that realization but also problematizes it as we observe that the female emancipation process has brought to the social scene a character that had long remained invisible: the alcoholic woman. This qualitative study, based on the socio-anthropological literature about the health-illness process and on the gender perspective, looks into female alcohol dependence. It aims to understand the senses and meanings of female alcohol dependence among alcoholic men and women in Alcoholics Anonymous rehabilitation. To that end, field work has been carried out at five AA units located close to the central region of the city of Campinas. From March to September, 2013, the groups were regularly visited and 17 of their participants (8 men and 9 women) were interviewed. The field work results point to an increase in women\'s search for institutional help to get anti-alcoholic treatment. Other findings indicate that, even though women\'s access to spaces of anti-alcoholic treatment has broadened, some negative and prejudiced social representations about female alcohol dependence remain strong and constrain women\'s insertion and permanence in the five alcohol rehabilitation services that were studied. Nevertheless, the analysis of the AA institution and its members\' interviews, both men and women, suggests that the AA is neither conservative nor sexist in its origin. It seems that the negative conceptions regarding alcoholic women emerge from the social universe external to the group, incorporated and replicated by the alcoholics, particularly men, making it difficult for women to integrate into the studied groups. The research findings establish a dialogue with the academic production and debate on the alcoholic woman in the alcohol study field. They reveal that, rather than an increase in alcohol dependence among women, there has been a rise in the social visibility of this group

Nákupné chovanie matiek na internete / Online shopping behaviour of mothers

Karaffa, Matúš January 2011 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to make a research of shopping behaviour of mothers on internet and find common pattern of this behaviour. Due to this common patterns, recommendations for online businesses will be determined. The research will be made as anonymous observation of visitors of baby food and diapers e-shop www.Feedo.cz. Author of the thesis is owner of www.Feedo.cz. Before the research is started, hypotheses for the research will be determined. Based on this hypotheses, software tools, used for collection of visitors behaviour data, will be set up. The goal of the thesis will be reached by analyzing collected data a confirming or disproving determined hypotheses. Based on analysis results, specific recommendation of online business will be defined. Own contribution of the thesis will consist in determination of hypotheses based on real business problems, collections of behaviour data of www.Feedo.cz visitors, setting up software tools, analyzing collected data and defining specific recommendations fo online businesses. Keywords: online business, customer behaviour research, Google Analytics, mother, anonymous observation

Svépomocné skupiny pro lidi se závislostí na návykových látkách v kraji Vysočina / Self-help Support Groups for People With Substance Abuse in Vysočina Region

Pavelková, Iveta January 2017 (has links)
Network services for people who are addicted to drugs are diverse in the Czech Republic. In individual regions there is different drug situations and the availability of professional services. Substitutable and other options for individuals, who would like to do something with their addiction, can be self-help support groups. In the Czech Republic there are various self-help support groups. Best known are Alcoholics Anonymous and others similar groups, based on the same pattern. These groups are completely independent and they are not guided by experts. The theoretical part deals with problems of substance abuse, addiction, the health care system for people abuse substances or addictive behavior and finally describes the history of self-help support groups and other incurred self-help support groups. The practical part focuses on the implementation of the research focused on the effect of self-help support groups in the region and to the characteristics of their members. The research aims to map the function of self-help support groups for people with substance abuse in the region Vysočina and also describes groups and their members in terms of their characteristics and sociodemographic data. Key words: Self-help Support Groups - Anonymous Alcoholics - alcohol - drug abuse - addiction

Použití smart-karet v moderní kryptografii / The use of smart-cards in modern cryptography

Kočíř, Michal January 2013 (has links)
This thesis discusses the general use of smart cards in MULTOS in cryptographic applications. At first is described two types of authentication - the authentication by the subject with focusing on authenticators and the authentication by the knowledge. Furthermore there is the description of the anonymous authentication and attribute authentization. This is followed by a description of smart cards with a focus on MULTOS cards. There is also performed analysis of programmable smart cards .NET, JavaCard and MULTOS. Practical part is focused on the implementation of an authentication scheme, which is being developed at FEEC. The communication of authentication protocol is between the MULTOS card and reader connected to a PC. The protocol is composed of cryptographic functions such as random number generation, hash function, modular exponentiation, modular multiplication and difference of large numbers. It was also implemented the measurement of specific applications.

Nabídka a význam svépomocných skupin v ČR se zaměřením na Prahu / Supply and the importance of self-groups in the Czech Republic with a focus on Prague

Hrušková, Eliška January 2016 (has links)
Self-help groups are an interesting phenomenon and they could serve as a significant complement to the social services. Nevertheless they don't attract much attention in the Czech republic. In the theoretical part this thesis is trying to describe in detail how the self-help groups work, how they can complement social services and what are their risks and limitations. In the practical part a research was conducted in order to understand and map the situation of Czech self-help groups. This research was based on the internet search engine and registry of social services providers. The goal of the research was to map the self-help groups in the Czech republic in relation to geographical and typological allocation. The outcome of the research is a directory of active self-help groups that should serve both social workers and potencial clients of the self-help groups.

Node-Link Mapping and Rational Recovery: Enhancing the Recovery Process

Schmidt, Eric A. (Eric Alexander) 08 1900 (has links)
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) continues to be the most accepted approach for the treatment of addictions in the United States. However, due to recent evidence questioning the effectiveness of AA, the need for alternative approaches to the treatment of addictions has become clear. The following research addresses the efficacy of one such alternative, Rational Recovery (RR). Node-Link Mapping (NLM), a graphic communication technique which uses links and nodes as building blocs to facilitate and enhance communication of information as well as awareness in a counseling environment, was implemented to enhance the recovery process. Three groups of ten (10), chemically dependent, adjudicated subjects were exposed to three different treatment approaches at an outpatient counseling center. The Experimental group received RR with NLM, the Comparison group was exposed only to RR, and the Control group continued in treatment according to the protocol of the counseling agency. All subjects were given the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory-2 (SASSI-2) as a measurement of symptoms associated with chemical dependency. The subjects were also administered the Rotter Internal-External Locus of Control Scale (Rotter I-E Scale) to determine locus of control prior to treatment and any change after treatment.

Consequences of distance learning : Effects of the Corona pandemic on students’ grades

Martinsson, Jonas January 2021 (has links)
The Corona pandemic and Covid-19 has affected the entire globe where we had to adapt to a new way of living and a new standard of doing things. For the universities in Sweden and around the world this generally meant that the universities had to switch to online teaching and digital examinations to the largest extent possible. Even though we have lived in this new kind of every day we know barely anything about how this has affected the grades of the students, and what we can learn about it to do things more effectively in the future. In this paper, I examine the possible effects on grades for students at the university level by using newly collected data from Linnaeus University’s department of economics and statistics. Results show that the grades after the decision to switch to online teaching and digital exams in March of 2020, overall became higher for both males and females but no significant difference between the genders were found.

Proces léčby alkoholismu v rámci společenství Anonymních alkoholiků / The process of addiction treatment in the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous

Němcová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
This thesis concerns an alternative approach to the alcohol-addiction treatment within the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous and highlights the importance of self-help groups in the contemporary society. This worldwide biggest self-help group uses sociologically important processes to achieve a new way of life connected with sobriety. I have studied these processes through the participant observation. Alcoholics Anonymous influences its members through its specific culture which reflects in group rituals, high level of group affiliation, spirituality and co-constructed community story, which bears the member's knowledge. This thesis looks on the transition to identity of the sober alcoholic and the new way of living according to Twelve-Step program of Alcoholics Anonymous through the perspective of drift model of conversion, transition rituals or principles used in the narrative therapy. Within these processes there occurs radical reconstruction of perceptual, cognitive and behavioral schemes which influence the meanings in the interpretation of everyday life and consecutively change the identity of the individual and his social action. These changes of the individual are strengthened by the group members and then gradually spread out of the group boundaries too.

Anonyma rekryteringsprocesser : ett verktyg för ökad mångfald? / Anonymous recruitment processes : a tool for increased diversity?

Sillanpää, Emma, Gillholm, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
: Dagens svenska arbetsmarknad är etniskt segregerad och det lyfts ofta att utrikes födda har en utsatt position på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur företag arbetar med att öka etnisk mångfald på arbetsplatsen och hur anonyma rekryteringsprocesser kan bidra till det arbetet. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka hur HR-personal arbetar med att skapa en så rättvis rekryteringsprocess som möjligt och därmed bidrar till en minskad etnisk segregerad arbetsmarknad. Syftet besvaras genom två frågeställningar, på vilket sätt arbetar HR i organisationen för att främja mångfalden samt vilken betydelse har en anonym rekryteringsprocess för att bidra till mångfald. Tidigare forskningar visar att mångfaldsarbetet medför mycket fördelar som arbetsmotivation, legitimitet, företagsimage och rättvis behandling. Att vilja möta omvärldens krav är en stark drivkraft till varför företag arbetar med mångfald. Anonym rekrytering lyfts som ett verktyg som kan minska ojämlikheten i rekryteringsprocessen samt minskar risken för att chefer tar beslut baserade på stereotyper. Tidigare forskning lyfter även att arbetsmarknaden är etniskt segregerad i Sverige och att utrikes födda ofta blir bortvalda på grund av etnicitet trots att de besitter samma kompetens och erfarenheter som inrikes födda. Kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts för att genomföra studien där sju respondenter från fem olika företag inom privat sektor har intervjuats. Resultatet visar att HR-funktionen arbetar med att öka medvetenheten kring mångfald och dess positiva effekter på arbetsplatsen, samt att anonym rekrytering är ett verktyg som skapar en mer jämlik rekryteringsprocess och kan bidra till starkare mångfald på arbetsplatsen. / Today's Swedish labor market is ethnically segregated and it is often highlighted that foreign- born people have a vulnerable position on the Swedish labor market. The purpose of this study is to investigate how companies work to increase ethnic diversity in the workplace and how anonymous recruitment processes can contribute to that work. Furthermore, the study aims to investigate how HR personnel work to create as fair a recruitment process as possible and thereby contribute to a reduced ethnically segregated labor market. The purpose is answered through two questions, in which way does HR work in the organization to promote diversity and what is the importance of an anonymous recruitment process in contributing to diversity. Previous research shows that diversity work brings many benefits such as work motivation, legitimacy, company image and fair treatment. Wanting to meet the demands of the outside world is a strong driving force behind why companies work with diversity. Anonymous recruitment is highlighted as a tool that can reduce inequality in the recruitment process and reduce the risk of managers making decisions based on stereotypes. Previous research also highlights that the labor market is ethnically segregated and that foreign-born people are often excluded because of ethnicity, even though they have the same skills and experience as domestic-born people. Qualitative semi-structured interviews have been used to conduct the study where seven respondents from five different companies in the private sector have been interviewed. The result shows that the HR function works to increase awareness of diversity and its positive effects in the workplace and that anonymous recruitment is a tool that creates a more equal recruitment process and can contribute to stronger diversity in the workplace.

Autobiography as Service

Jesser, Frederick A., IV 13 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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