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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Greywater treatment by Fenton, Photo-Fenton and UVC/H2O2 processes

Wee Hong, Chin, weehong_chin@yahoo.com.au January 2009 (has links)
Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have been used to treat drinking water and wastewater but their application to greywater is limited to photocatalysis. Therefore, three homogeneous AOPs were investigated in this project: Fenton, photo-Fenton, and UVC/H2O2 processes. Alum and ferrous sulphate coagulation were also compared and their supernatants were treated by UVC/H2O2. The process comparisons were based on the removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD), treatment type (physical separation versus chemical oxidation), sludge formation, complexity in operation, required pH, visual aesthetic of effluent and energy requirement. Treating greywaters collected from the researcher's home or laboratory, alum coagulation achieved 73% COD removal and was more effective than ferrous sulphate coagulation (49%) and the Fenton process (45%). The photo-Fenton process removed 83% COD, compared with 87% by overnight settlement and subsequent UVC/H2O2 treatment. Using ferrous sulphate and alum, sequential coagulation and UVC/H2O2 treatment removed 91% and 98% COD, respectively. Overnight settlement generated little sludge and the subsequent UVC/H2O2 treatment removed most organic contaminants by oxidation. All other processes produced a large quantity of chemical sludge from coagulation which requires appropriate disposal. Also, the residual iron in some treated water was not aesthetically desirable. The Fenton and photo-Fenton processes were complex and involved the optimisation of multiple parameters. Their requirement for different procedures according to the greywater type presents a major challenge to process design and operation. Due to the non-selectivity of the hydroxyl radicals (●OH), the UVC/H2O2 process was capable of treating all greywaters collected by the researcher, and its operation was moderate in complexity. The COD removal was modelled as a pseudo first-order reaction in terms of H2O2 dosage: The rate constant (k´) increased linearly up to 10 mM H2O2, above which the excess H2O2 scavenged the ●OH and reduced the rate. The overall kinetics of COD removal followed a second-order equation of r = 0.0637 [COD][H2O2]. In contrast to the literature, operation of UVC/H2O2 in acidic conditions was not required and the enhanced COD removal at the initial pH of 10 was attributed to the dissociation of H2O2 to O2H-. Maintaining the pH at 10 or higher resulted in poorer COD removal due to the increased decomposition rate of H2O2 to O2 and H2O. The performance of the UVC/H2O2 treatment was unaffected for initial pH 3 - 10 with the initial total carbonate concentration (cT) of 3 mM. For initial cT ≥ 10 mM, operating between pH 3 and 5 was essential. After 3 hours of the UVC/H2O2 treatment, the effluent met the requirement of Class B reclaimed water specified by the Environment Protection Authority of Victoria, and less than 1 org/100 mL of Escherichia coli survived. A subsequent treatment such as filtration may be required to meet more requirements for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), turbidity and total suspended solids. Since the biodegradability (as BOD5:COD) of the greywater was increased from 0.22 to 0.41 with 2 hours of UVC/H2O2 treatment, its integration with a subsequent biological treatment may be viable to reduce the costs and energy consumption associated with the UVC/H2O2 process.

Mechanisms and modelling of sonochemically-mediated free radical degradation of contaminants

Han, Hyungjin, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2009 (has links)
Hazardous and recalcitrant pollutants in the environments have led to a great many environmental issues these days. Many researchers have focused on the approaches to treatment of these pollutants which contaminate environments such as soil, surface and groundwater. As an advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), sonolysis which is the oxidation technology involving the use of ultrasonic irradiation, has proven to be successful for the treatment and remediation of contaminated environments. In this thesis, hydrogen peroxide formation and formic acid degradation by ultrasonic irradiation of well-characterised solutions are described under various conditions in order to determinate reaction mechanism by which peroxide degradation and contaminant degradation occur. The effect of gas properties and frequency on hydrogen peroxide and formic acid degradation are examined. Experimental results obtained are analyzed in light of the reactions occurring. Successful mathematical modeling of the result s obtained confirms that, for the most part, hydrogen peroxide and formic degradation occur by free radical generation within bubbles with subsequent transfer of these radicals to the bubble-water interface where the majority of the degradation occurs. The effect of Fe(II) addition which can lead to Fenton reactions in the bulk solution are also investigated. Experimental and model results show that the heterogeneous reactions can enhance the degradation of formic acid in the presence of Fe(II). Oxidation of phenol by ultrasonic irradiation under a variety of initial conditions and solution environments is also described and validated by a simple kinetic model. The model developed will be useful for improving our understanding of free radicals behaviour and the interplay between free radical generation and contaminant degradation.

Treatment of persistent organic pollutants in wastewater with combined advanced oxidation

Badmus, Kassim Olasunkanmi January 2019 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are very tenacious wastewater contaminants with negative impact on the ecosystem. The two major sources of POPs are wastewater from textile industries and pharmaceutical industries. They are known for their recalcitrance and circumvention of nearly all the known wastewater treatment procedures. However, the wastewater treatment methods which applied advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are documented for their successful remediation of POPs. AOPs are a group of water treatment technologies which is centered on the generation of OH radicals for the purpose of oxidizing recalcitrant organic contaminants content of wastewater to their inert end products. Circumvention of the reported demerits of AOPs such as low degradation efficiency, generation of toxic intermediates, massive sludge production, high energy expenditure and operational cost can be done through the application of the combined AOPs in the wastewater treatment procedure. The resultant mineralisation of the POPs content of wastewater is due to the synergistic effect of the OH radicals produced in the combined AOPs. Hydrodynamic cavitation is the application of the pressure variation in a liquid flowing through the venturi or orifice plates. This results in generation, growth, implosion and subsequent production of OH radicals in the liquid matrix. The generated OH radical in the jet loop hydrodynamic cavitation was applied as a form of advanced oxidation process in combination with hydrogen peroxide, iron (II) oxides or the synthesized green nano zero valent iron (gnZVI) for the treatment of simulated textile and pharmaceutical wastewater.

Degradation of organic compounds in paper and testile industrial wastewaters by advanced axidation processes

Pérez Moya, Montserrat 16 November 2001 (has links)
Les activitats de recerca destinades a la solució dels problemes de contaminació de les aigües estan patint un fort increment en els darrers anys. Entre les indústries més contaminants, cal esmentar la tèxtil i la paperera, i més concretament, els efluents provinents d´etapes deblanqueig. Quan els tractaments biològics convencionals d'aquests efluents contaminants no són efectius, la utilització de tecnologies emergents, tals com els processos d´oxidació avançada (AOP´s), basats en la formació in situ de radicals hidroxil, es mostra adient. Amb l´objectiu de provar la viabilitat de tractar efluents contaminants amb el radical hidroxil, vàrem triar l´ozonització i la fotocatàlisi per abordar efluents de blanqueig de pastes papereres generats en el laboratori. Aquesta prova mostrà que la fotocatàlisi pot reduir eficientment el contingut de carrega orgànica tot seguint una equació cinètica de Langmuir-Hinshelwood. A més, la combinació simultània de fotocatàlisi i ozonització produí un efecte sinèrgic que millorava el rendiment respecte al cas d´aplicar ambdós AOP´s de manera seqüencial.Tot i assumint que el radical hidroxil era l´oxidant adequat, planificàrem un extens estudi, fent servir aigües residuals industrials i distints AOP´s. La disminució del TOC i el cost en el tractament varen ésser els paràmetres contrastats en els distints estudis, amb l´objectiu de descobrir els principals avantatges i inconvenients de cada procés. El procés d´ozonització requeria disminuir el seu cost. La presència d´ions ferro en el procés ozó/UVA va aconseguir la reducció d´un 90% de TOC conjuntament amb una disminució del 15% en el cost. L´ús seqüencial de tractaments genera millors resultats (addició de ferro amb o sense llum, seguit per una etapa d´ozonització). Conclusions similars es varen obtenir en treballar amb una matriu sintètica de 2,4-diclorfenol (compost trobat usualment en els efluents de blanqueix de pasta de paper).Referent a la fotocatàlisi, s´ha posat de manifest la necessitat d´utilitzar una font de llum potent i/o la millora de l´eficiència de la llum incident en el catalitzador de TiO2. En aquest sentit vàrem provar dues vies: (a) la utilització d´un nou muntatge experimental amb una font de llum de 125 W. Determinacions d´AOX, toxicitat aguda, fenols i de GC-MS ens van portar a concloure que els compostos orgànics de clor eren eliminats eficientment en l´aigua residual. (b) la utilització de guies d'ones recobertes de TiO2. Solució que permet augmentar l´eficiència amb la que el catalitzador aprofita la llum incident per tal de millorar el disseny de reactors fotocatalitics.L´últim procés provat, el reactiu Fenton, en presència de llum solar o artificial, es va aplicar a la degradació d´efluents de blanqueig tèxtils o paperers. La degradació del contingut de càrrega orgànica d'aquests effluents s´assolia preferentment a pH = 3. El primer estudi es realitzà sobre un efluent de blanqueig de pastes de paper. La funció aproximada del sistema, estimada a partir del disseny experimental, mostrà que concentracions inicials inadequades de reactiu Fenton afectaven negativament al procés, a causa de reaccions competitives entre aquest i altres espècies oxidatives. Així mateix, la temperatura augmentà clarament les velocitats de la reacció, inclús sense presència de radiació. La millora en la disminució del TOC és particularment significativa quan les proporcions de reactiu Fenton són inadequades (en passar de 25 ºC a 40 ºC es pot aconseguir una reducció en el cost de l´ordre del 80%). Per altre banda, la llum solar aconsegueix reduir fins un 70 % el cost total d'un tractament de dues hores de durada. L'anàlisi de GC-MS constata l´eliminació dels compostos clorfenòlics. Un segon estudi sobre un efluent tèxtil corroborà la gran importància de la temperatura i de la presència de llum solar. En resum, tots els AOP´s provats mostren, sota condicions experimentals adequades, la capacitat de degradació del contingut orgànic present en efluents de blanqueig procedents d´indústries papereres i tèxtils. / There is an ever increasing amount of research activities especially devoted to the solution of water pollution problems.The pulp and textile industries are considered to be some of the largest polluters of all industries. The biggest problem with those industries consists in the polluted effluents discharged during the bleaching process because conventional biological treatments are not effective in treating these toxic pollutants. In these cases, the emerging technologies called Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) represent an attempt to mineralize the contaminants by the in situ formation of hydroxyl radicals.In order to determine the effectiveness of treating effluents with the hydroxyl radical we chose the photocatalytic and ozonation processes to treat bleaching pulp effluents generated in the laboratory. Our results demonstrated that the photocatalytic process could efficiently reduce the organic content in accordance with the Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetic equation. Moreover, simultaneously combining photocatalysis and ozonation provided a synergistic effect that was superior in performance to that of applying the photocatalysis and ozonation processes sequentially.Our tests with laboratory bleaching pulp effluents assumed that the hydroxyl radical was the proper oxidant to be use. An extensive study was undertaken using industrial wastewaters and different AOPs. TOC decay and treatment costs were the operative variables compared in the study in order to discover the benefits and shortcomings of each process.It is imperative that the ozonation process decreases the treatment costs. The addition of iron ions to bleaching mill wastewater undergoing ozone/UVA treatment resulted in high rates of TOC removal (90%) and in a significant cost reduction (15%). Additionally, sequential processing (stirred iron, with or without light irradiation, followed by an ozonation stage) led to even better results. Similar results were obtained on the synthetic sample of 2,4-dichlorophenol (a compound typically found in paper pulp bleaching effluents) investigated. We noticed that the photocatalytic process requires either a powerful light source or an improvement of the light utilization efficiency of the TiO2 catalyst, or maybe both, to be most effective. We tested two strategies: (a) A new experimental setup that used a high power light (125 W) to accelerate the reaction rate. AOX, acute toxicity, phenol and a GC-MS analysis led us to conclude that the chlorine organic compounds were efficiently eliminated from the treated wastewater. (b) The second approach consisted in using titanium dioxide (TiO2)-coated waveguides. This approach increases the light utilization efficiency of the TiO2 catalyst with the aim of improve the reactor's design.The last process that was tested involved the addition of Fenton reagent to the bleaching pulp and textile effluents in conjunction with either artificial or solar light The degradation of the organic contents was successfully performed at pH = 3.The first study was performed on bleaching pulp effluent. The approximate function of the system, as assessed by the experimental design, showed that initial non-optimum concentrations of the Fenton reagent were detrimental to the process because of competitive reactions of the Fenton reagent with oxidative species. On the other hand, temperature markedly increased the reaction rates, even without light irradiation. The improvement in TOC removal was particularly significant when the reagent ratios were not optimal. A decrease in cost around 80% is possible by just increasing the temperature from 25ºC to 40ºC. Moreover, solar light reduced the total cost of a two hour treatment by up to 70 % and efficiently removed the chlorophenolic compounds as shown by GC-MS analysis.The second study performed on textile wastewater corroborates the importance of the temperature parameter and the utility of solar energy. In summary, all AOPs tested displayed the capability to degrade the organic components of bleaching Kraft mill and textile mill effluents under suitable experimental conditions.

Review of Methods of Wastewater Reuse to Diminish Non-Biodegradable Organic Compounds.

Bitow Meles, Desbele January 2014 (has links)
Wastewater reuse is very important in water resource management for both environmental and economic reasons. Unfortunately, wastewater from textile industries is difficult to treat by convectional wastewater treatment technologies. Now days, polluted water due to color from textile dyeing and finishing industries is burning issue for researchers. Textile or industrial wastewaters contain non-biodegradable organic compounds, which cannot be easily biodegraded because of their complex chemical structure. Dye wastewater discharged from textile wastewaters is one example of non-biodegradable organic compounds and it is difficult to remove dye effluent by convectional wastewater treatment methods. Therefore, this thesis deals about a review of advanced treatment technologies, which can de-colorize and remove non-biodegradable organic compounds from textile wastewater effluents. In addition to this, the potential and limitation of these advanced treatment methods are reviewed. Advanced treatment technologies reviewed in this paper are; Adsorption process, Membrane bioreactor (MBR) and advanced oxidation process (AOPs).

Sulfate Radical-Based Environmental Friendly Chemical Oxidation Processes for Destruction of 2-Chlorobiphenyl (PCB) and Chlorophenols (CPs)

RASTOGI, ADITYA 22 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Heterogeneous photo-Fenton treatment of melanoidin wastewater at near neutral pH by ZnO@SnOx@nZVI catalyst on glass fiber / Heterogen foto-Fenton-behandling av avloppsvatten från melanoidin vid nära neutralt pH med ZnO@SnOx@nZVI-katalysator på glasfiber

Liu, You January 2024 (has links)
Melanoidin, a high molecular-weight heterogeneous pollutant in the effluents of molasses-using industries, poses a significant threat to the environment due to its non-biodegradability, unpleasant odour, and harmful effect. Various advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) that produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) are used for the degradation of melanoidins. Heterogeneous photo-Fenton process has emerged as a promising alternative approach in wastewater treatment owing to its enhanced catalytic activity, lower hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) consumption, and reusability of the catalyst. In this work, we investigated the photo-Fenton oxidation of melanoidins using heterogeneous catalyst ZnO@SnOx@nZVI supported on a flexible substrate. The effects of reaction pH, amount of catalyst and H2O2 on color and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal, as well as the removal kinetics, were studied. It is found that the developed heterogeneous catalyst can lead to 97.3% decolorization of melanoidin (7000 COD) after 4 hours irradiation of simulated sunlight at pH 6 with a much lower dosage of H2O2 than the stoichiometric ratio with respect to COD. The generation of ·OH free radicals and residual H2O2 were monitored to understand the mechanism of melanoidin degradation at near-neutral pH with insufficient H2O2. The findings of this work have significant implications in treatment of non-biodegradable organic pollutants, owing to the advantages in avoiding low pH treatment condition, reducing the cost of H2O2, and enhanced chemical stability of photo-Fenton catalyst. / Melanoidin, en heterogen förorening med hög molekylvikt i avloppsvatten från industrier som använder melass, utgör ett betydande hot mot miljön på grund av dess icke-biologiska nedbrytbarhet, obehagliga lukt och skadliga effekt. Olika avancerade oxidationsprocesser (AOP) som producerar reaktiva syreföreningar (ROS) används för nedbrytning av melanoidiner. Heterogen foto-Fenton-process har framstått som ett lovande alternativ för avloppsrening på grund av dess förbättrade katalytiska aktivitet, lägre väteperoxid (H2O2) förbrukning och återanvändbarhet av katalysatorn. I detta arbete undersökte vi foto-Fenton-oxidationen av melanoidiner med hjälp av heterogen katalysator ZnO@SnOx@nZVI som stöds på ett flexibelt substrat. Effekterna av reaktionens pH, mängden katalysator och H2O2 på färg och avlägsnande av kemisk syreförbrukning (COD), liksom avlägsnandets kinetik, studerades. Det visade sig att den utvecklade heterogena katalysatorn kan leda till 97,3% avfärgning av melanoidin (7000 COD) efter 4 timmars bestrålning av simulerat solljus vid pH 6 med en mycket lågre dosering av H2O2 än det stökiometriska förhållandet med avseende på COD. Generering av ·OH fria radikaler och kvarvarande H2O2 övervakades för att förstå mekanismen för nedbrytning av melanoidin vid nära neutralt pH med otillräcklig H2O2. Resultaten av detta arbete har betydande konsekvenser vid behandling av icke- biologiskt nedbrytbara organiska föroreningar, på grund av fördelarna med att undvika behandlingsförhållanden med lågt pH, minska kostnaden för H2O2 och förbättrad kemiska stabilitet hos foto-Fenton-katalysatorn.


Kosera, Vitor Sena 08 March 2017 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-24T19:37:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vitor Sena Kosera.pdf: 2784094 bytes, checksum: 960f241504b5d1829f16f8713f9dddad (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Triclosan is a compound with bactericidal effect that is frequently used in personal hygiene products. Recently, it has been found in surface water and wastewater even after conventional treatment. In the search for efficient alternative methods of degradation, are studied among them Oxidative Advanced Processes (AOPs), which are based on hydroxyl radical generation (HO), which is a strong oxidizing agent. The objective of this work was to study the degradation of triclosan using Heterogeneous Photocatalysis (HP), characterized by the use of a free and immobilized photocatalyst. In this work titanium dioxide (TiO2) and zinc oxide (ZnO) were used as photocatalysts. An analytical routine was established using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) followed by partial validation. The determination of the TCS in aqueous solution was performed in the linear range of 0.1 to 10.0 mg L-1, with R2 = 0.999, limit of detection (LOD) 0.3 mg L-1 and limit of quantification (LOQ) 1. 0 mg L-1. The characterization of the catalysts allowed to identify for the TiO2 the anatase phase, with a bandgap of 3.22 eV. The immobilization of this catalyst in calcium alginate does not cause great damage to its activity, since the characterization of the spheres demonstrated that in fact the TiO2 was present in them, in an amount of 0,267 ± 0,058 mg per sphere, according to FEG images, had a rough surface. Complementing the characterization, the images by EDS also showed that the catalyst was evenly distributed throughout the surface. In the studies with ZnO as catalyst, we identified the wurtzite phase, with bandgap of 3.14 eV. In the same way as previously, the immobilization does not cause damage to its catalytic activity, as well as the morphology of its spheres are being very close to TiO2 and also with surface distribution in all the analyzed areas (0.267 ± 0.058 mg ZnO per sphere). Also, a factorial design of experiments was carried out, where the best conditions found for both catalysts were pH 10 and 30 mg L-1. The kinetics of degradation demonstrated that the photolysis followed a first-order reaction whereas for the others the order followed was of pseudo-first order. The half-life times between free and immobilized studies did not show large variations, but TiO2 was slightly higher than ZnO. As good results with artificial radiation were achieved, studies with solar radiation were performed. The photolysis continued with a first order of reaction (t1/2 = 16.98 min) while the FH with immobilized TiO2 continued to follow a pseudo-first order (t1/2 = 22.88 min). The ZnO changed to second order (T1/2 = 11.72 min), demonstrating good efficiency using a renewable source of radiation. In the mineralization studies, TOC analysis were used to monitor the total organic matter removal of the samples. In these studies TiO2 presented a great advantage in relation to photolysis, because with about 18h of reaction, the photocatalysis was able to mineralize amounts greater than 90% while the photolysis was only about 40%. This difference was not so great for ZnO, because with this time there was a gain of approximately 10%, but it also showed superiority. These differences are easily observed using the half-life times, where for the photolysis the mineralization followed a first-order reaction with t1/ 2 = 1565 min, while the TiO2 and ZnO followed a second-order reaction with t1/2 = 76.14 min and t1/2 = 1354 min respectively. / O triclosan é um composto com ação bactericida e bastante utilizado em produtos de higiene pessoal. Recentemente, tem sido encontrado em águas superficiais e efluentes mesmo após tratamento convencional. Na busca de métodos mais eficientes de degradação, métodos alternativos têm sido estudados, estando entre eles os Processos Avançados de Oxidação (PAOs), os quais são baseados na geração do radical hidroxila (HO•), que é um forte agente oxidante. Sendo assim o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a degradação do triclosan utilizando a Fotocatálise Heterogênea (FH), caracterizada pelo uso de um fotocatalisador em suspensão e imobilizado. Neste trabalho foram utilizados como fotocatalisadores o dióxido de titânio (TiO2) e o óxido de zinco (ZnO). Foi realizado o estabelecimento de uma rotina analítica utilizando-se cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) seguido da validação parcial. A determinação do TCS em solução aquosa foi realizada na faixa linear de 0,1 a 10 mg L-1, com R2=0,999, limite de detecção (LD) 0,3 mg L-1 e limite de quantificação (LQ) 1,0 mg L-1. A caracterização dos catalisadores permitiu identificar para o TiO2 a fase anatase, com bandgap de 3,22 eV. A imobilização deste catalisador em alginato de cálcio não trouxe grandes prejuízos a sua atividade, pois a caracterização das esferas demonstrou que de fato o TiO2 estava presente nelas, numa quantidade de 0,267±0,058 mg por esfera, a qual possuía, segundo imagens por FEG, uma superfície rugosa. Complementando a caracterização as imagens por EDS demonstraram também que o catalisador estava distribuído de forma uniforme por toda a superfície. Nos estudos com o ZnO como catalisador, identificou-se a fase wurtzita, com bandgap de 3,14 eV. Da mesma maneira que anteriormente, a imobilização não acarretou em prejuízos na sua atuação catalítica, além da morfologia de suas esferas serem muito próximas das do TiO2 e também com distribuição superficial por todas as áreas analisadas (0,267±0,058 mg de ZnO por esfera). Também foi realizado um planejamento fatorial de experimentos onde para ambos catalisadores as melhores condições encontradas foram de pH 10 e 30 mg L-1. As cinéticas de degradação demonstraram que a fotólise segue uma reação de primeira ordem enquanto que para as demais a ordem foi de pseudo-primeira ordem. Os tempos de meia-vida entre os estudos em suspensão e imobilizados não apresentaram grandes variações, mas o TiO2 foi ligeiramente superior ao ZnO. Como bons resultados com radiação artificial foram alcançados, estudos com radiação solar foram realizados. Nestes a fotólise segue uma cinética de reação de primeira ordem (t1/2 = 16,98 min) enquanto que as FH com TiO2 imobilizado segue uma reação de pseudo-primeira ordem (t1/2= 22,88 min). Para o ZnO a ordem da reação encontrada foi de segunda ordem (t1/2=11,72 min), demonstrando boa eficiência quando utiliza-se uma fonte renovável de radiação. Nos estudos de mineralização, avaliou-se a remoção do carbono orgânico total (COT) após tempos pré-determnados. Nestes estudos o TiO2 utilizado como semicondutor em suspensão apresentou ampla vantagem em relação a fotólise, pois com cerca de 18h de reação, a fotocatálise conseguiu mineralizar quantidades superiores a 90% enquanto que a fotólise foi de apenas cerca de 40%. Esta diferença não foi tão significativa para o ZnO, pois neste a diferença foi aproximadamente 10%, mas demonstrou também superioridade em relação a fotólise. Estas diferenças são facilmente observadas utilizando os tempos de meia-vida, onde para a fotólise a mineralização seguiu uma reação de primeira ordem com t1/2 = 1565 min, enquanto que o TiO2 e o ZnO seguiram uma reação de segunda ordem com t1/2 = 76,14 min e t1/2=1354 min, respectivamente.

Kinetic Study on Degradation of Gas-phase 1, 3-Butadiene and Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether Acetate (PGMEA) by UV/O3

Huang, Bo-Jen 24 October 2005 (has links)
This study investigates the rate kinetics for BD and PGMEA oxidation by UV/O3 process. The reactor constructs of a 100 cm x 20 cm x 85 cm (L x W x H) stainless steel chamber, in which four vertical steel plates (20 cm x 65 cm, W x H) were inserted to establish a plug flow path for the flowing gas. The reactor has a total effective volume of 170 L. Each of the five compartments of the reactor is equipped with an individual UV irradiation system with a 3.0-cm x 15-cm (ID x L) quartz sheath that housed an UV lamp, and two electric UV power inputs of 0.147 or 0.294 W/L were obtained. The gas flows perpendicularly to the UV lamps in the reactor. The influent tested VOC concentration was adjusted to about 50 ppm, and the gas flows were controlled at the individual flow rate of 60 and 120 L/min. The effects of moisture content (relative humidity, RH), ozone dosage (initial molar ratio of ozone to the tested VOC, m) and UV volumetric electric power input on the removal of the tested VOCs are investigated in the study. Also, kinetic models of the tested VOCs by photolysis, ozonation and UV/O3 have been developed and confirmed with reference to the experimental data. According to the kinetic models, both photolysis rate and oxidation rate by UV/O3 are following the first order behavior with respect to the tested VOC concentrations which are low. The result reveals the absorbance for the reactions is weak absorbance under UV irradiation. The reaction rates are proportional to the UV electric power inputs in UV-initiated reactions. And the parameter, £i, which represents the ratio of OH radical consumption rate by the tested VOC to the total OH radical consumption rate, can be obtained by simulating the performance of experimental data of OH reactions. The experimental results reveal that for BD oxidation with a gas space time of 85 sec and RH = 40 ¡V 99%, BD photolysis did not occur at wavelength of 185 nm with UV electric power inputs of 0.147 and 0.294 W/L. The ozonation efficiency of BD reached 90% at m = 3.5, and RH had no influence on the removal efficiency of BD. The removal efficiencies by UV/O3 process reached 90% with m = 2.2 and 1.6 for UV power inputs of 0.147 and 0.294 W/L, respectively. The addition of ozone apparently encouraged BD removal efficiency by UV/O3 process. And the enhancement of ozone dosage (m = 0.5 ¡V 4.4) would promote the decomposition of BD more effectively than the enhancements of UV power input (from 0.147 to 0.294 W L-1) and RH (from 40 to 99%). For PGMEA photolysis in a batch reactor with volume of 1.188 L, the photolysis occurred at wavelength of 185 nm under UV irradiation. And the photolysis rate follows the first order behavior with respect to the concentration of PGMEA. But PGMEA photolysis did not occurred at UV wavelength of 254 nm. PGMEA ozonation was performed in the same batch reactor; and the removal efficiency of only 50% at m = 3.96 would take 35 min. So, PGMEA ozonation in the plug flow reactor did not be observed at the conditions of the gas space time of 85 sec and RH = 15 ¡V 99%. Besides, the photolysis of PGMEA was carried out at the above conditions. The removal efficiency of PGMEA by UV/O3 could reach 90% at the conditions of the gas space time of 170 sec, UV volumetric electric power input of 0.294 W/L and m = 2.9. And the enhancement of UV power input (from 0.147 to 0.294 W L-1) would promote the decomposition of PGMEA more effectively than the addition of ozone dosage (m = 1.05 ¡V 15.63) and RH = 15 ¡V 99%.

Oxidation characteristics of fluorine-, nitrogen-, and sulfur-containing organic compounds by UV/O3

Chang, Ken-Lin 10 September 2007 (has links)
DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) is a liquid with a high boiling point (189 oC) that has been extensively utilized in various industries owing to its ability to dissolve various organic and inorganic compounds. DMSO is increasingly being adopted as a detergent or a photo-resistant stripping solvent in manufacturing semiconductors and liquid crystal displays (LCD). Therefore, DMSO is now a major component of wastewater. The biological treatment of DMSO-containing wastewater generates noxious DMS (dimethyl sulfide) and other compounds that may cause odor problems. Also having a high water solubility and a moderate boiling point (110 oC), tetrafluoro propanol (TFP) has been extensively applied in the manufacture of CD-R and DVD-R, due to its ability to dissolve organic dyes. The spin coating process produces a large amount of wastewater containing TFP. No reports have been written on the biodegradability of TFP to the authors¡¦ knowledge. Additionally, HMDS (hexamethyldisilazane) has been extensively used in life science microscopy and material science. For instance, the semiconductor industry employs HMDS to promote the adhesion of photo-resistant material to oxide(s). HMDS is classified as a carcinogen, and has an ammonia odor. Condensing incinerators have been found to be unsuitable for treating HMDS-containing waste gases, because of the formation of silicon dioxide, which blocks porous adsorbents. Biological treatment also appears to be unpromising due to its low water solubility and limited biodegradability. This investigation evaluates the feasibility, effectiveness and oxidation characteristics of aqueous DMSO, TFP and gaseous HMDS (hexamethyldisilazane) by UV/O3 processes. A reactor made entirely of acrylic plastic with an effective volume of 10 L was employed for the reactions. The tested VOCs concentrations were adjusted to 400¡V890mg/L and 772¡V887 mg/L for DMSO and TFP, respectively, and the gas (ozone-enriched air) flow rate was controlled at 3L/min. The effects of various solution pH values (acidic, alkaline, uncontrolled), solution temperatures (26 oC, 37 oC, 48 oC and 60 oC), and UV wavelengths (254 nm and 185+254 nm) on the removal of tested VOCs were studied . Additionally, the operation costs of treating DMSO and TFP by UV/O3 were estimated. Experimental results demonstrate that acidic conditions (pH = 3.6) favored the degradation of DMSO, and that the removal efficiency could reach 95% at a volumetric UV intensity P/V of 2.25 W/L and a reaction time of 120 min. However, alkaline conditions (pH = 9.5) favored the decomposition of TFP, with the removal efficiency reaching 95% at P/V = 2.5 W/L and a reaction time of 60 min. Both DMSO and TFP exhibited zero-order degradation kinetics when sufficient ozone was supplied. Raising the oxidation temperature did not increase the UV/O3 oxidation of TFP in the tested concentration and temperature ranges. Operation costs of the UV/O3 per unit volume of wastewater with DMSO or TFP are comparable to those of the methods described in the literature. For the gaseous HMDS oxidation, two batch reactors with effective volumes of 1.2 and 5.8 L were used employed with the decomposition occurred under UV (185+254 nm) irradiation and UV (254 nm)/O3 processes. Tests were performed with initial HMDS concentrations of 32¡V41mg/m3 under various initial ozone dosages (O3 (mg)/HMDS (mg) =1¡V5), atmospheres (N2, O2, and air), temperatures (28 oC, 46 oC, 65 oC and 80 oC), relative humilities (20%, 50%, 65% and 99%) and volumetric UV power inputs (0.87 W/L, 1.74 W/L, 4.07 W/L and 8.16 W/L) to assess their effects on the HMDS degradation rate. Results of this study demonstrate that the decomposition rates for the UV (185+254 nm) irradiation exceeded those for the UV (254 nm)/O3 process for all conditions. UV (185+254 nm) decompositions of HMDS displayed apparent first-order kinetics. A process with irradiation of UV (185+254 nm) to HMDS in air saturated with water at temperatures of 46¡V80 oC favors the HMDS degradation. With the above conditions and a P/V of around 8 W/L, k≈ 0.20 s−1, and over 90% of the initial HMDS was degraded in a time of 12s. The main mechanisms for the HMDS in wet air streams irradiated with UV (185+254 nm) were found to be caused by OH free radical oxidation produced from photolysis of water or O (1D) produced from photolysis of oxygen. Economic evaluation factors of UV (185+254 nm) and UV (254 nm)/O3 processes at various UV power inputs were also estimated.

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