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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Scientific journals go DAISY

Gardner, John A., Kelly, Robert A. January 2010 (has links)
ViewPlus is collaborating with the American Physical Society (APS), DAISY, and several other companies and agencies to enable APS to publish its scientific journals in the highly accessible DAISY XML format. All text, math, and figures will be accessible to everybody, including people with print disabilities. The first experimental APS DAISY publications are targeted for 2010. All APS journals will eventually be published in DAISY form, and other scholarly publishers are expected to follow suit.

Αξιολόγηση της αποτελεσματικότητας των ΔΕΠΠΣ/ΑΠΣ/νέου εκπαιδευτικού υλικού. Παιδαγωγική και διαχειριστική διάσταση

Λουκόπουλος, Αριστείδης 01 July 2014 (has links)
Η εισαγωγή της διαθεματικότητας στη χώρα μας υλοποιήθηκε στη χώρα μας με την πιο πρόσφατη μεταρρύθμιση των Αναλυτικών Προγραμμάτων Σπουδών (ΑΠΣ), στις αρχές της δεκαετίας του 2000, μέσω του προγράμματος παραγωγής των ΔΕΠΠΣ/ΑΠΣ/νέου εκπαιδευτικού υλικού. Στην παρούσα διατριβή επιχειρείται η αξιολόγηση του συγκεκριμένου προγράμματος ως προς την παιδαγωγική και τη διαχειριστική του διάσταση. Για την αξιολόγηση της παιδαγωγικής διάστασης αξιοποιήθηκαν μεθοδολογικά εργαλεία του προγράμματος PISA 2003 στην επίλυση προβλήματος, ενώ για την αξιολόγηση τη διαχειριστικής διάστασης του προγράμματος αξιοποιήθηκαν μεθοδολογικά εργαλεία που αφορούν τη συγκριτική αξιολόγηση, τους δείκτες ποιότητας, την αποτελεσματικότητα και την αποδοτικότητα, τα διεθνή πρότυπα διασφάλισης ποιότητας και την ανάλυση κόστους. Το δείγμα της έρευνας αποτέλεσαν 496 μαθητές της Γ΄ Γυμνασίου από 62 Γυμνάσια της Αχαΐας. Τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας δείχνουν ότι η εφαρμογή της διαθεματικής προσέγγισης της γνώσης βελτίωσε την επίδοση των μαθητών στην επίλυση προβλήματος και στις ανώτερες νοητικές λειτουργίες, ενώ σε επίπεδο διαχειριστικής διάστασης παραγωγής του εκπαιδευτικού υλικού διαπιστώθηκε η ορθολογική διαχειριστική διάσταση της παραγωγής των ΔΕΠΠΣ/ΑΠΣ/νέου εκπαιδευτικού υλικού. / The implementation of Cross Curricularity in Greece took place with the most recent reform of Analytic Programs of Study (APS), in the beginning of decade 2000 via the program of production of DEPPS/APS/new educational material. In the present dissertation is attempted the evaluation of this particular program as for the pedagogics and its administrative dimension. For the evaluation of pedagogic dimension were developed methodological tools from PISA 2003 in the problem solving, while for the evaluation of comparative developed concrete indicators. It was developed the international quality standards administrative dimension of program were developed methodological tools that concern the comparative evaluation, the indicators, the efficiency, the effectiveness, the International Standards and the cost analysis. The sample of research was 496 students of C class from 62 high schools of Achaia prefecture. The results of research show that the application of Cross Curricularity improved the student performance in problem solving and their higher mental functions, while at managing production dimension of the educational material found rationalize the production of DEPPS of /APS/new educational material.

Judėjimo trajektorijos modeliavimas naudojant atstumo jutiklius / Motion trajectory planning using distance sensors

Jonikas, Paulius 04 July 2014 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjami algoritmai skirti automatiniam automobilio parkavimui. Pasirinkti du algoritmai: pirmasis remiasi ultragarso sonarų teikiama informacija, antrasis ultragarso sonarų ir vaizdo kameros teikiamais duomenimis. Abu algoritmai remiasi fuzzy logika. Nustatyta, kad realiomis sąlygomis atlikti automatinį automobilio parkavimą remiantis tik ultragarso sonarais yra nepatikima – patikimumas ir sistemos nauda ženkliai pagerėja pasitelkus vaizdo kamerą. Įsisavinus ir perpratus robotikos platformą Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio 4 sukurtas automobilio modelis grafinėje miesto aplinkoje. Modelis aprūpintas sonarais ir vaizdo kameromis, todėl gali būti universaliai naudojamas parkavimosi algoritmų bandymams ir analizei Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio 4 vizualios simuliacijos aplinkoje (VSE). / The thesis „Motion Trajectory Planning Using Distance Sensors“ deals with algorithms for automatic car parking. There were chosen two algorithms: the first is based on information provided by ultrasonic sonars, and the second is based on ultrasonic sonars and video camera. It was found that under realistic conditions algorithm based only on sonars is not such reliable as algorithm based on ultrasonic sonars and video camera, which significantly improves the results. There was created graphical model of the car in urban environment in Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio 4. The model is equipped with sonars and video cameras, so it can be universally used for parking algorithms analysis and testing in Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio 4 visual simulation environment (VSE).

Biopsychosocial predictors of paranoia in the attenuated psychosis syndrome

Shaikh, Madiha January 2014 (has links)
Despite a consensus that psychosocial adversity plays a role in the onset of psychosis, the nature of this role and the underlying neurobiological mechanisms remain unclear. This study examined the complex relationship between perceived ethnic discrimination (PED) and paranoid ideation and its mediating factors, in individuals with Attenuated Psychotic Syndrome (APS) using a virtual reality paradigm to objectively quantify paranoia. Secondly, a sensory gating deficit, indexed by P50 Event Related Potential (ERP) abnormalities was examined, and the combined effect of electrophysiological sensory gating deficits and psycho-social adversity on the development of psychosis was explored. Results showed that perceived maternal neglect and antipathy in childhood, PED and perceived social support were key factors in young adults with APS. Also PED was positively correlated with persecutory paranoia. Furthermore, individuals with APS displayed sensory gating impairments. Therefore, perceived exposure to adverse experiences and sensory gating deficits observed in individuals with APS are present before the first episode and are consistent with current biopsychosocial models in which early psychosocial stress, later psychosocial adversity and neurocognitive functioning plays a key role in the development of psychosis.

Barreiras de acesso na atenção primária à saúde à travestis e transexuais na região central de São Paulo / Access barriers in Primary Health Care to transvestites and transsexuals in the central region of São Paulo

Magalhães, Luiza Gomes 26 June 2018 (has links)
Historicamente, no Brasil e no mundo, o setor saúde tem se relacionado de forma ambivalente com travestis e transexuais (TT) promovendo acesso ao processo transexualizador, por um lado, mas condicionando-o ao diagnóstico de Tanstorno de Identidade de Gênero (TIG), patologizando assim a experiência da diversidade de gênero. As medidas preventivas adotadas na década de 80 com a epidemia do HIV, também acentuaram o estigma sofrido por este grupo, segregando o acesso aos serviços de saúde especializados. Pesquisas revelam, no entanto, necessidades de saúde relacionadas, não apenas ao acesso às tecnologias mais especializadas, mas de forma integral, associadas às marcas de opressão sofridas por essa população, à necessidade de vínculo aos serviços de saúde e à possibilidade de desenvolver autonomia. No que diz respeito, especificamente, aos dados epidemiológicos, essa população apresenta altos índices de transtornos mentais, uso de substâncias, violência e uso indiscriminado de hormônio. Apontam, ainda, a invisibilidade no que se refere à Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) e a população TT. A Política Nacional de Atenção à Saúde Integral da População Lésbicas, Gays, Bisexuais, Travestis e Transexuais (LGBTT) vem como resposta a estas necessidades de cuidado integral, indo além do estigma patologização. Em consonância com esta política, o presente estudo teve como objetivo geral: elaborar um manual de acolhimento à população travesti e transexual para a APS e objetivos específicos: caracterizar o perfil da população TT; identificar os motivos pelos quais o usuário usa ou deixa de usar a APS; identificar barreiras que dificultam o acesso da população à APS; propor estratégias de superação das barreiras de acesso da população TT à APS. O projeto de pesquisa foi submetido ao Comitê de Ética da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (EEUSP) e da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de São Paulo (SMSSP), bem como à gestão do Centro de Cidadania LGBT (CCLGBT) Luiz Carlos Ruas. Método: trata-se de um estudo qualitativo exploratório que realizou entrevistas semiestruturadas na Unidade Básica de Saúde-Sé (UBS-Sé) e no CCLGBT-Luiz Carlos Ruas, ambos na região central de São Paulo. O conteúdo das entrevistas foi registrado e, posteriormente submetido à diversas leituras para análise temática de conteúdo segundo a proposta de Bardin (2006). Análise dos dados: foram identificadas categorias empíricas a partir do referencial teórico relativo ao acesso enquanto dispositivo transformador da realidade, segundo Abreu de Jesus (2006) e às barreiras no acesso aos serviços de saúde à população LGBTT (Albuquerque et. al, 2016).Com relação aos dados quantitativos estes foram organizados em uma planilha para a análise dos dados. Resultados: Foram entrevistadas vinte pessoas trans, entre elas, treze se identificaram como mulheres trans, uma como travesti e seis como homens trans. Com idade média de 33 anos, em sua maioria solteiros (80%), com baixo grau de escolaridade (40% da amostra, referiram ter ensino médio incompleto ou menor grau de escolaridade) e apenas 30% inseridos no mercado de trabalho formal, evidenciando o panorama de vulnerabilidades da população trans. Com relação às barreiras no acesso à APS foram identificadas barreiras tecnoassistenciais relacionadas: 1) ao paradigma heteronormativo e de gênero como equivalência de sexo na APS; 2) pouca oferta do cartão do SUS com nome social e não uso do nome social; 3) falta de uma escuta qualificada; além de barreiras relacionadas às: 4) implicações da transfobia no acesso do serviço de saúde; 5) educação permanente: desconhecimento dos fluxos e conceitos da rede da pessoa trans; e 6) Transfobia nos serviços da APS. A partir das barreiras identificadas foram elaboradas proposições de superação das mesmas que integraram o Manual de acolhimento de Transexuais e Travestis à Atenção Primária à Saúde. Dentre as propostas de superação com relação às barreiras tecnoassitencias: estratégias de uso correto do nome social, a superação de paradigmas biologizantes e a valorização da dimensão relacional do trabalho em saúde, como o uso de uma comunicação responsiva e do acolhimento. Com relação às barreiras associadas à educação permanente, destaca-se a necessidade de ampliar o conhecimento dos trabalhadores com relação às informações a respeito das características da população TT, tais como: conceitos básicos envolvidos na temática, suas principais demandas e fluxos de apoio na rede. Investindo em metodologias ativas de ensino que se pautem em um modelo de saúde ampliado, evidenciando a visão política transformadora do trabalho no SUS. A superação da transfobia nos serviços de saúde está relacionada à promoção de educação permanente neste contexto. Outros estudos poderão avaliar a compreensão e utilização do Manual pelos profissionais da APS e a satisfação das necessidades da população TT. / Historically, in Brazil and in the world, health has related itself in an ambivalent way with transsexuals and transvestites (TT). Understood as pathology and not as diversity and freedom of gender by international disease manuals, this diagnosis allows access to medical procedures for changes in sexual characteristics. In Brazil, health places attention on the TT population beginning at the HIV / AIDS epidemic in the 80\'s, increasing this group\'s stigma and segregation, limiting access to specialized services, marking the ambivalence of the health system. Research describe, however, health care needs that go beyond HIV and physical transformations desired by trans people: high rates of mental disorders, substance use, violence, and indiscriminate use of hormones. Research also point out the invisibility in relation to Primary Health Care (PHC). The National Policy for Attention to Comprehensive Health Care for the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transvestite, and Transsexual (LGBTT) Population comes as a response to these needs for comprehensive care, going beyond the stigma and pathologization of gender identity. In line with this policy, the present study had as general objective: develop a manual for embracing the transvestite and transsexual population in the PHC; and specific objectives: characterize the TT population\'s profile, identify the reasons why users use or not the PHC, identify barriers that hinder the population\'s access to the PHC, and propose strategies for overcoming the TT population\'s access barriers to the PHC. Method: this is a qualitative and exploratory study in which 20 semi-structured interviews were carried out in Sé\'s Basic Health Unit - (BHU) and in Center for LGBT Citizenship (CLGBTC), both in the downtown area of Sao Paulo. The empirical material was analyzed through thematic analysis. Results: Twenty trans people were interviewed, among them thirteen identified themselves as trans women, one as transvestite and six as trans men. With a mean age of 33 years, mostly unmarried (80%), with a low level of schooling (40% of the sample, reported having incomplete high school or lower education) and only 30% inserted in the formal job market, evidencing the panorama of vulnerabilities of the trans population. Technical-care barriers were identified related to: 1) the paradigm of hetero-normative and gender as sex equivalence in the PHC; 2) offer little of the SUS (Brazilian Public Health Care System) card with social name social printed and the non-use of the social name; 3) lack of qualified listening. In addition to the related barriers: 4) implications of transphobia in access to the health service; 5) permanent education: lack of knowledge of flows and concepts of the trans person\'s network; 6) Transphobia in the PHC services. Based on the barriers identified, proposals were made to overcome them, which integrated the \"Handbook on the reception of Transsexuals and Transvestites for Primary Health Care\". Among the proposals for overcoming in relation to the tecnoassitencias barriers: strategies of correct use of the social name, the overcoming of biologizing paradigms and the valorization of the relational dimension of health work, such as the use of a responsive and welcoming communication. Regarding the barriers associated with lifelong education, the need to broaden workers\' knowledge regarding information about the characteristics of the TT population, such as: basic concepts involved in the theme, its main demands and support flows in the public health system. Investing in active teaching methodologies that are based on an expanded health model, evidencing the transformative political vision of the SUS work. The overcoming of transphobia in the health services is related to the promotion of permanent education in this context. Other studies may assess the understanding and use of the Manual by PHC professionals and the satisfaction of the needs of the TT population. From the identified barriers, propositions for improvement of these were built, as well as the Embracing Transvestites and Transsexuals (TT) in Primary Health Care (PHC) Manual.

Obtenção de nanowhiskers de celulose para aplicação em revestimento polimérico

Borsoi, Cleide January 2016 (has links)
Os revestimentos poliméricos podem atuar como uma barreira física entre os íons agressivos e o substrato metálico. Porém, uma exposição prolongada pode causar danos ao revestimento polimérico, conduzir a uma redução contínua do efeito barreira e por consequência a perda da proteção contra a corrosão. A utilização de nano materiais pode atuar aumentando o efeito barreira, proporcionando um aumento no caminho de difusão dos íons agressivos e água até o substrato metálico. Nanopartículas de celulose apresentam elevada cristalinidade e razão de aspecto, excelentes propriedades mecânicas e são proveniente de fonte renovável. Por outro lado, a polianilina (PAni) vem sendo utilizada em revestimentos devido a elevação do potencial de corrosão dos aços devido o seu comportamento redox que proporciona a formação de uma camada de óxidos estável no substrato metálico. A aderência do revestimento polimérico é fundamental para que este possa atuar como revestimento protetor contra a corrosão. Com isso, um pré-tratamento superficial a base de ácido hexafluorzircônico e a utilização de organosilanos na resina epóxi, podem ser utilizados melhorando as propriedades de proteção contra a corrosão e de aderência. O objetivo deste estudo consistiu na obtenção de nanowhiskers de celulose (CNW) por moagem ultrafina através da celulose microcristalina (MCC) para posterior utilização em revestimento polimérico a base de resina epóxi. A CNW foi utilizada funcionalizada ou não com PAni SE (polianilina na forma condutora – sal de esmeraldina) em comparação a MCC nas mesmas condições. Foi avaliada a incorporação de silano aminopropiltrietoxisilano (APS) na resina epóxi e a utilização de uma camada de conversão de zircônia (Zr) aplicada ao substrato metálico. Os revestimentos poliméricos foram avaliados quanto a propriedades mecânicas e à proteção contra a corrosão. As imagens da microscopia de transmissão (TEM) mostram que é possível a obtenção da CNW por meio do processo de moagem, apresentando melhor estabilidade térmica em comparação a MCC. Os revestimentos poliméricos utilizando o silano APS e a camada de conversão de Zr apresentaram as melhores propriedades físicas e mecânicas. A interação entre a carga de reforço, a resina epóxi e a superfície metálica é um fator determinante na eficiência do revestimento polimérico, pois de acordo com a análise de migração subcutânea, a superfície do aço carbono, após 1000 h de exposição, não apresentou corrosão superficial. Com relação à proteção contra a corrosão, quando incorporado a CNW funcionalizada com PAni SE ao revestimento epóxi com APS e a camada de Zr, este apresentou os melhores resultados como constatado nas análises de névoa salina e espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica (EIS). / Polymeric coatings can act as a physical barrier between the aggressive ions and the metal substrate. However, prolonged exposure can cause damage to the polymer coating and conduct to a continuous reduction in the barrier effect and result in the loss of protection against corrosion. The use of nanomaterials may act by increasing the barrier effect and providing an increased diffusion path of aggressive ions and water to the metal substrate. Cellulose nanoparticles have high crystallinity and aspect ratio, excellent mechanical properties and are derived from renewable sources. On the other hand polyaniline (PAni) has been used in coatings due to the increase of the corrosion potential of the steel due to redox behavior that results in the formation of a stable oxide layer on the metallic substrate. The adhesion of the polymeric coating is essential so that it can act as a protective coating against corrosion. With this, a superficial pre-treatment based on hexafluorzircônico acid and the use of organosilanes in the epoxy resin, can be used to improve the protection against corrosion properties and adhesion. The objective of this study was to obtain cellulose nanowhiskers (CNW) for ultrafine grinding through microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) for subsequent use in the polymer coating based on epoxy resin. The CNW was used functionalized or not with PAni SE (polyaniline in the conductive form - emeraldine salt) compared with MCC under the same conditions. The incorporation of silane aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APS) was evaluated in the epoxy resin and the use of a zirconia conversion layer (Zr) applied to the metal substrate. The polymeric coatings were evaluated for mechanical properties and corrosion protection. Transmission microscopy (TEM) show that obtaining the CNW through the ultrafine grinding process is possible, resulting in better thermal stability compared with MCC. Polymeric coatings using APS silane and Zr conversion coating had the best physical and mechanical properties. The interaction between the reinforcing filler, the epoxy resin and the metal surface is a determining factor in the efficiency of the polymeric coating, because according to the subcutaneous migration analysis, carbon steel surface after 1000 h of exposure, showed no corrosion superficial. With regard to protection against corrosion, when incorporated CNW functionalized with PAni SE to epoxy coating with APS and the Zr layer, showed the best results as found in salt spray tests and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS).

Les dispositifs de prévention du vieillissement en France : articulations et place des activités physiques / Prevention of aging and physical activities

Caluzio, Christine 03 October 2016 (has links)
Pendant près d’un siècle, la France construit une politique de la vieillesse résultant de la progressive mise sur l’agenda politique de la question du vieillissement de la population dont la prise en charge se tournera récemment vers la problématique de sa prévention dans l'objectif d’un « vieillissement actif », en santé et/ou d’un « bien-vieillir ». Dans cette perspective, nourrie des avancées scientifiques et des transformations sociales, la prévention du vieillissement va intégrer dans les différents textes et dispositifs les activités physiques et sportives (APS) comme outil fondamental. On observe ainsi au détour des années 2000 en France, l’inscription des APS au sein des politiques publiques de prévention. Notre travail se propose de tracer la place des APS dans les différents textes de politique de la vieillesse au niveau international et national pour comprendre quand, comment et pourquoi celles-ci apparaissent incontournables. Nous plaçons aussi la focale sur les différents dispositifs de prévention du vieillissement mobilisant les APS aux différentes échelles des politiques publiques en France. Nous mettons alors au jour la présence d’une multitude d’acteurs publics et privés issus de secteurs d’activités différents et une forte fragmentation des dispositifs ainsi qu’une pluralité de modèles d’interventions dont les formes de coordination restent partielles. / For nearly a century, France has been gradually building its policy on ageing, as the topic took a larger and larger part in the political agenda. It has recently concentrated on prevention, to aim for active ageing, healthy ageing or ageing well. As a result, in a backdrop of scientific progress and social transformations, sports and physical activities have become the main tool of ageing prevention strategies.It was in the 2000’s that sports and physical activities became fully part of the French public policy for prevention. Our research is especially concerned with the international and national ageing policies, which use sports and physical activities as a privileged tool to keep seniors healthy. The aim is to understand when, how and why sports and physical activities became the cornerstone of these policies.We will also focus on the various schemes which rely on sports and physical activities and which are currently implemented across the country at each level of public policy making.We will show that there are a huge number of private and public actors, with all kinds of expertise, who take part in these schemes. The programmes of action are numerous and varied, but appear fragmented and sometimes lacking in coordination.

Social Work Practice with Older Adults

Vailu'u, Carley Yvonne 01 January 2018 (has links)
Social workers working for adult protective services (APS) face many clinical challenges to ensure the safety and well-being of older adult clients. APS social workers often interact with older adults who engage in self-neglecting behaviors that compromise their ability to function in a healthy and independent manner. The purpose of this research study was to explore challenges in direct social work practice to identify how APS services can be improved when working with the older adult population, particularly individuals who engage in hoarding behaviors. Using action research methodology, 2 focus groups were conducted to explore the experiences and knowledge of social workers who are trained in APS and in-home supportive services programs and work directly with the older adult hoarding population when investigating cases of self-neglect. The theoretical framework of cognitive behavioral theory guided the analysis of focus group data to provide insights into understanding the core manifestations of hoarding and how social workers working with this population can provide appropriate services. The overall findings of the study resulted in identifying improvements to APS service interventions. Study findings inform recommendations that allow APS social workers to effectively work with older adults who exhibit hoarding behaviors, while also advancing professional development in the field of social work. Understanding practice challenges to appropriately serve older adults that exhibit hoarding behaviors is essential in effecting positive social change in the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged older adults, APS agencies, and communities.

Comparing expectations and experience of public and private sector management in Australia: a study of Australian Public Service Interchange Program participants

Stanton, Meryl, n/a January 1984 (has links)
This thesis establishes an empirically based dialogue between two theoretical approaches to management, one emphasing structure and the other process, by examining the question of whether management in private sector, profit oriented organizations is similar to, or different from, management in government departments. Subjects for the study were participants in the Australian Public Service (APS) Interchange Program, under which APS members work temporarily in other organizations, and managers from outside the Service spend some time in the APS. The measuring instruments used were a questionnaire designed to test empirically and to extend research by Fottler (1981), a standardised measure of personal values and two questionnaires to gather personal details and job related information pertinent to the parent and host organizations. The results of the study indicate that Interchange participants found significant differences between the Service and the private-for-profit organizations in which they worked. The differences within the major structural variable, organization type, can be expressed in terms of managerial processes. Evidence was found of interrelationships between organization type, job related process variables and personal values. The theoretical significance of these results is discussed in terms of a pluralistic approach to managerial process, the practical implications for the APS are noted, and suggestions for further research are proposed.

Strategic planning in Commonwealth departments: beyond magaerialism: from bounded rationality to bounded uncertainty

Wills, Jules A., n/a January 1991 (has links)

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