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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optical properties of quaternary kesterite-type Cu2Zn(Sn1−xGex)S4 crystalline alloys: Raman scattering, photoluminescence and first-principle calculations

Valakh, M. Ya., Litvinchuk, A. P., Dzhagan, V. M., Yukhymchuk, V. O., Havryliuk, Ye. O., Guc, M., Bodnar, I. V., Izquierdo-Roca, V., Pérez-Rodríguez, A., Zahn, D. R. T. 03 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The transformation of the vibrational spectrum of Cu2Zn(Sn1−xGex)S4 single crystals over the entire composition range (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) is studied experimentally by low-temperature Raman scattering and photoluminescence spectroscopies, as well as theoretically in the framework of density functional theory (DFT). It is shown that unlike “classic” mixed binary II–VI and III–V compounds, which are characterized by either one- or two-mode behavior of spectra transformation upon composition variation, the vibrational modes of the quaternary semiconductor Cu2Zn(Sn1−xGex)S4 exhibit both types of behavior within the same alloy system. DFT calculations reveal that the two-mode transformation is in fact observed for the vibrational modes, which possess a very small dispersion across the Brillouin zone, that is typical for a molecular crystal. These modes are due to the “breathing” motion of sulfur within GeS4 and SnS4 tetrahedra. The effects of structural (positional) disorder of mixed crystals are analyzed based on Raman scattering as well as photoluminescence results. / Dieser Beitrag ist aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Untersuchungen von metallbesetzten Kohlenstoffnanoröhrchen für Sensoren und Interconnectsysteme mit ab-initio Methoden

Fuchs, Florian 13 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Kohlenstoffnanoröhrchen (engl. carbon nanotubes, CNTs) sind Dank ihrer außergewöhnlichen elektrischen Eigenschaften Kandidaten für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen im Bereich der Mikroelektronik. Ihre ballistischen Transporteigenschaften und die geringe Anfälligkeit auf Elektromigration sind vorteilhaft für die Anwendung von CNTs in Interconnectsystemen. Die Abhängigkeit der elektrischen Transporteigenschaften von mechanischer Verformung bildet weiterhin die Grundlage für die Produktion neuartiger Sensoren auf CNT-Basis. Durch die Besetzung mit Adatomen können diese Eigenschaften dabei weiter verbessert und bei der Herstellung gezielt eingestellt werden. Die Verformung besetzter CNTs ist dabei ein noch relativ unerforschtes Gebiet. In dieser Arbeit wird dieses Verhalten untersucht. Zu Beginn wird gezeigt, dass die Eigenschaften von CNTs durch die Besetzung mit verschiedenen Metallen auf unterschiedliche Weise beeinflusst werden können. Dazu gehören auch Unterschiede zwischen den Spinzuständen, welche bei einigen der untersuchten Metalle auftreten. Durch die axiale Verformung der CNTs wird abschließend gezeigt, dass die Sensoreigenschaften von CNTs auch nach der Besetzung mit Metallen erhalten bleiben.

From Interstellar Medium to Nanosurfaces: A Theoretical Study of Electronic Structure and Spectroscopic Properties of Molecules and Clusters

Pouladsaz, Davoud 21 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This work tries to show the significant competence and functionality of density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) as theoretical approaches, supporting experimental measurements in various fields of physics from astrophysics to surface science, to study the electronic structure and spectroscopic properties of molecules and clusters: Silicon nanocrystals: Due to their optical properties, silicon nanocrystals have attracted considerable attention in astrophysics. In this work, the optical properties of H-passivated silicon nanocrystals are determined by the energetics of the frontier orbitals and their dependence on the deformation in the relaxed excited state, using DFT and TD-DFT. The Jahn-Teller effect in the lowest excited state results in a distortion toward tetragonal symmetry, contributing significantly to the red shift of the photoluminescence (PL) spectra. Therefore, the deformation in the relaxed excited state consists of a symmetry conserving part and of a symmetry-breaking distortion from Td toward D2d. For nanocrystals up to a diameter of 1.5 nm, we project the deformations at the minima of the excited state potential surface onto the different symmetries, allowing for a discrimination of the respective contributions to the total Stokes shift. The results show a quantitative agreement between the TD-DFT calculations of PL gap and the observed PL energies better than 0.2 eV. It is also seen that the large PL linewidth is the fundamental property of each cluster, not of ensemble average over clusters of different size. 2,3-Benzofluorene: We have presented new theoretical results on the absorption spectroscopy of 2,3-benzofluorene (Bzf) for the transition from the ground state, S0, to the first electronically excited singlet state, S1, to support the measurements of S1(1A´) <- S0(1A´) absorption spectrum of jet-cooled Bzf. The potential energy surfaces (PESs) of the S(n=0,1,2) states of Bzf have been investigated with calculations based on DFT and TD-DFT. At the B3LYP/TZ level of theory, TD-DFT does not deliver a realistic difference between the excited S1 and S2 potential energy surfaces, a problem which can be avoided by introducing a reference geometry (q*) where this difference coincides with the observation. In this geometry, an expression for the Herzberg-Teller corrected intensities of the vibronic bands is proposed, allowing a straightforward assignment of the observed a′ modes below 900 cm−1, including realistic calculated intensities. In spite of the difficulties caused by the small energy difference between the S1 and S2 states, we have obtained a reasonable theoretical absorption spectrum based on a TD-DFT approach applied to the slightly modified molecular geometry. Although the agreement between the theoretical and observed spectra is very good only for vibrational modes with frequencies lower than 900 cm−1, we consider our calculations to be the best approach to an ab initio study realized for Bzf until now since only parametrized force fields had been used before. (Ni–, Pd–, Pt–) Phthalocyanine: We studied the HOMO–LUMO gap shrinking in order to investigate the tip-induced polarization in scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) of d8 (Ni, Pd, and Pt) phthalocyanines. By means of DFT, the electronic structure and vibronic properties of single neutral NiPc, PdPc, and PtPc and their singly and doubly ionized cations and anions have been calculated. Interestingly, the position of the HOMO decreases systematically with increasing the atomic number of the central metal atom. The first ionization energies of neutral molecules increase by changing the central metal atom, while the electron affinities remain constant. This causes an increase in the HOMO–LUMO gap. These results show a clear correlation to experimental observations. Furthermore, partitioning of the reorganization energy, corresponding to the photoelectron spectra of the first and second ionizations of studied molecules, into normal mode contributions shows that the major contributions are due to several vibrational modes with a1g symmetry and energies lower than 1600 cm−1. The results reveal that the reorganization energy due to the singly positive ionization in the studied molecules is about one order of magnitude less than other reorganization energies, which makes these metal–phthalocyanines more attractive as electron donor for intramolecular electron transfer in electron acceptor–donor systems.

Ab initio Beschreibung der elektronischen Struktur und der Transporteigenschaften von metallischen Nanodrähten / Ab initio description of the electronic structure and the transport properties of metallic nanowires

Opitz, Jörg 16 August 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Ab initio calculations of the electronic structure of freestanding Cu and Na nanowires with a diameter of few atoms are presented. The calculations are based on density functional theory in local density approximation using a Screened Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker-Green's function method. The method was extended for the description of quasi-onedimensional systems. Translational invariance in direction of the wire is assumed. The dependence of the bandstructure and the density of states from thickness and shape of the cross-section is discussed. The quantum confinement of the eigenstates is analysed. By comparing the results of the Na and Cu wires, the influence of the d-electrons is shown. Based on the Landauer theory of transport the conductance is obtained within a Green's function formalism. The numerical description of the conductance is tested for ideal translationally invariant Na and Cu wires. The influence of substitutional transition metal impurities on the electronic structure and the conductance of the 2x2 Cu wire is studied. A spin-dependent discussion is given for magnetic impurities. / Es werden ab initio Berechnungen der elektronischen Struktur freistehender Na- und Cu-Nanodrähte mit einem Durchmesser von wenigen Atomen präsentiert. Für die Berechnung wird eine Screened Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker-Grennsche Funktionsmethode genutzt, die auf der Spindichtefunktionaltheorie in lokaler-Spindichtenäherung basiert. Diese Methode wurde für die Beschreibung von quasieindimensionalen Systemen erweitert. Die Drähte werden als translationsinvariant in Drahtrichtung beschrieben. Es wird die Abhängigkeit der Bandstruktur und der Zustandsdichte von der Dicke und der Form des Querschnitts diskutiert. Das Quantenconfinement der Eigenzustände wird analysiert. Durch den Vergleich der Resultate für den Na- und den Cu-Draht kann der Einfluss der d-Elektronen gezeigt werden. Ausgehend von der Landauer-Theorie des Transports wird der Leitwert im Rahmen eines Greenschen Funktions-Formalismus berechnet. Diese neue numerische Beschreibung des Leitwertes wird an idealen translationsinvarianten Drähten getestet. Es wird der Einfluss von substitutionellen 3d-Übergangsmetall-Störungen auf die elektronische Struktur und auf den Leitwert von 2x2-Cu-Drähten studiert. Im Fall magnetischer Defekte wird dieser Einfluss spinabhängig diskutiert.

Calculs ab-initio et simulations atomistiques des propriétés thermodynamiques et cinétiques de complexes de métaux de transition utilisés comme batteries / First principles and Atomistic simulation of the thermodynamical and dynamical properties of transition-metal complexes for battery application

Bhatti, Asif Iqbal 20 December 2018 (has links)
Ce travail théorique vise à étudier, via les méthodes Premiers Principes, les propriétés des complexes de métaux de transitions, left[Mleft(dmbpyright)_{3}right]^{n+}nCi^{-} pour un usage en batterie. Pour cette étude ab-initio, les composés mono et bi-nucléaires ont été retenus. La pertinance de notre modélisation a été validée sur les composés mononucléaires. Nous nous sommes interessé au complexes de Fe, Ru et Cu pour lesquels une validation expérimentale était possible. Notre étude a principalement consisté à faire varier les degrés de liberté que nous possédons pour optimiser le voltage et la cinétique de chargement des batteries. Pour cela, nous avons fait varier le TM = Fe, Ru, et Cu, la nature des contre-ions Ci^{-}=PF_{6}^{-}, TFSI^{-} et ClO_{4}^{-} en interaction avec le polymère lors du processus de charge, ainsi que la longeur de la chaîne alkyl qui sépare les deux monomers dans le cas des composés binucléaires. Le composé à base de Fe avec une chaîne -left(CH_{2}right)_{n=6}- a été retenu comme le meilleur candidat pour une application batterie. Le composé à base Ru montre un comportement proche de celui du Fe, quant-au complexe de Cu, il présente des changements de géométrie locale sous chargement trop importants, le rendant peu apte à conduire à une cinétique efficace. Cette étude nous a permis de déterminer que l'approximation PBE était le meilleur choix possible pour modéliser nos complexes dans les conditions de fonctionnement en batterie (dans le champ créé par les contre-ions) et que l'approximation PBE0, généralement utilisée dans la littérature, ne pouvait rendre compte de la physico-chimie de nos composés dans de telles conditions.De surcroît, nous avons dévelopé pour le complexe de Fe, un potentiel atomistique de type “Champ de forces” de manière à pouvoir aborder les aspects dynamiques impliquant de plus grandes tailles de boîte de simulation. Ici, nous modélisons une structure 3D, totalement réticulée à partir de nos monomères à base de Fe. Nous nous sommes servi de la base de donnés DFT que nous avions généré (énergies, géométries, état de spin et fréquences vibrationnelles calculées) pour ajuster les paramètres entrant dans l'écriture du modèle. La construction de la géométrie initiale du polymère 3D a nécessité l'écriture d'un code de calcul visant à produire un arrangement complétement réticulé et à assigner les charges effectives issues des calculs DFT. Ce modèle nous a permis de déterminer les coefficients de diffusion des contre-ions pour les états totalement chargé et non-chargé. Un calcul plus ambitieux vise à déterminer les chemins de diffusion des contre-ions lors d'un processus de chargement en considérant un seul centre de degré d'oxydation 3+ au centre du polymère 3D, pour lequel les centres actifs possèdent un degré d'oxidation 2+. Les contre-ions assurent la neutralité globale.Keyword: Polymer, Electrochemistry, Li-ion Battery, DFT, Force Field development, 3D structure, Atomistic modeling / Abstract Standard redox potentials for mono and bi-nuclear transition metal (TM) complexes left[Mleft(dmbpyright)_{3}right]^{n+}nCi^{-}, have been investigated using First Principles Calculation. Three metal centers are investigated: Fe, Ru, and Cu. Our modeling is validated on mono-nuclear compounds. This approach consists in determining the best small polymer (bi-nuclear) made out of these monomers for a battery application. For that, we varied the three available degrees of freedom i.e., the nature of the central TM atom (Fe, Ru, and Cu), counter-ions Ci=PF_{6}^{-}, TFSI^{-} and ClO_{4}^{-} in interaction with the polymer, and the alkyl chain -left(CH_{2}right)_{n}- of length n that connects both mono-nuclear in the bi-nuclear compound. The Iron compound with -left(CH_{2}right)_{n=6}- is found to be the best candidate. The left[Culeft(dmbpyright)_{2}right]^{n+}nCi^{-} complex shows too much structure deformation upon loading, making it less reliable for cathode material. Moreover, we studied two XC functional, PBE and PBE0 and found, for three complexes PBE approximation retains the ligand field picture whereas PBE0 functional induces an exaggerated and unexpected band dispersion by dissolving the ligand field picture expected for the octahedral environment of the TM in the studied complexes. These findings validate that hybrid functional for which it was designed to localize and cancel self-interaction error does not work for all system. More particularly, the PBE0 approximation fails to model the three complexes (Fe, Ru, and Cu) in functional conditions (in the field made by the counter-ions).Abstract Further, we have developed an atomistic potential relying on the Force Field scheme for the Iron complex in order to study the dynamical properties of this compound at larger simulation scale (3D reticulated polymerization made of our Fe complex monomers). We made an intensive use of our DFT data (energies, geometries, spin-state configurations and calculated vibrational properties) to develop the required parameters entering the model. Moreover, computational techniques (written python language) were developed specifically to create a 3D structure of transition metal complexes satisfying the condition to be fully reticulated. Bounding conditions had to be designed and a procedure aiming at fixing reliable and physical effective charges on each atom of the simulation cell (compatible with DFT results) were developed. Our first simulations have been attached to calculate the diffusion coefficients of the counter-ions in both the fully loaded and unloaded states. A more ambitious and realistic calculation aims at investigating the paths of the counter-ions when one single center starts to be loaded in an unloaded environment.Abstract Keyword: Polymer, Electrochemistry, Li-ion Battery, DFT, Force Field development, 3D structure, Atomistic modeling

Optical properties of quaternary kesterite-type Cu2Zn(Sn1−xGex)S4 crystalline alloys: Raman scattering, photoluminescence and first-principle calculations

Valakh, M. Ya., Litvinchuk, A. P., Dzhagan, V. M., Yukhymchuk, V. O., Havryliuk, Ye. O., Guc, M., Bodnar, I. V., Izquierdo-Roca, V., Pérez-Rodríguez, A., Zahn, D. R. T. 03 March 2017 (has links)
The transformation of the vibrational spectrum of Cu2Zn(Sn1−xGex)S4 single crystals over the entire composition range (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) is studied experimentally by low-temperature Raman scattering and photoluminescence spectroscopies, as well as theoretically in the framework of density functional theory (DFT). It is shown that unlike “classic” mixed binary II–VI and III–V compounds, which are characterized by either one- or two-mode behavior of spectra transformation upon composition variation, the vibrational modes of the quaternary semiconductor Cu2Zn(Sn1−xGex)S4 exhibit both types of behavior within the same alloy system. DFT calculations reveal that the two-mode transformation is in fact observed for the vibrational modes, which possess a very small dispersion across the Brillouin zone, that is typical for a molecular crystal. These modes are due to the “breathing” motion of sulfur within GeS4 and SnS4 tetrahedra. The effects of structural (positional) disorder of mixed crystals are analyzed based on Raman scattering as well as photoluminescence results. / Dieser Beitrag ist aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Ab initio Beschreibung der elektronischen Struktur und der Transporteigenschaften von metallischen Nanodrähten

Opitz, Jörg 02 September 2002 (has links)
Ab initio calculations of the electronic structure of freestanding Cu and Na nanowires with a diameter of few atoms are presented. The calculations are based on density functional theory in local density approximation using a Screened Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker-Green's function method. The method was extended for the description of quasi-onedimensional systems. Translational invariance in direction of the wire is assumed. The dependence of the bandstructure and the density of states from thickness and shape of the cross-section is discussed. The quantum confinement of the eigenstates is analysed. By comparing the results of the Na and Cu wires, the influence of the d-electrons is shown. Based on the Landauer theory of transport the conductance is obtained within a Green's function formalism. The numerical description of the conductance is tested for ideal translationally invariant Na and Cu wires. The influence of substitutional transition metal impurities on the electronic structure and the conductance of the 2x2 Cu wire is studied. A spin-dependent discussion is given for magnetic impurities. / Es werden ab initio Berechnungen der elektronischen Struktur freistehender Na- und Cu-Nanodrähte mit einem Durchmesser von wenigen Atomen präsentiert. Für die Berechnung wird eine Screened Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker-Grennsche Funktionsmethode genutzt, die auf der Spindichtefunktionaltheorie in lokaler-Spindichtenäherung basiert. Diese Methode wurde für die Beschreibung von quasieindimensionalen Systemen erweitert. Die Drähte werden als translationsinvariant in Drahtrichtung beschrieben. Es wird die Abhängigkeit der Bandstruktur und der Zustandsdichte von der Dicke und der Form des Querschnitts diskutiert. Das Quantenconfinement der Eigenzustände wird analysiert. Durch den Vergleich der Resultate für den Na- und den Cu-Draht kann der Einfluss der d-Elektronen gezeigt werden. Ausgehend von der Landauer-Theorie des Transports wird der Leitwert im Rahmen eines Greenschen Funktions-Formalismus berechnet. Diese neue numerische Beschreibung des Leitwertes wird an idealen translationsinvarianten Drähten getestet. Es wird der Einfluss von substitutionellen 3d-Übergangsmetall-Störungen auf die elektronische Struktur und auf den Leitwert von 2x2-Cu-Drähten studiert. Im Fall magnetischer Defekte wird dieser Einfluss spinabhängig diskutiert.

Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Electrode and Electrolyte Processes in Industrial Electrosynthesis

Karlsson, Rasmus January 2015 (has links)
Heterogeneous electrocatalysis is the usage of solid materials to decrease the amount of energy needed to produce chemicals using electricity. It is of core importance for modern life, as it enables production of chemicals, such as chlorine gas and sodium chlorate, needed for e.g. materials and pharmaceuticals production. Furthermore, as the need to make a transition to usage of renewable energy sources is growing, the importance for electrocatalysis used for electrolytic production of clean fuels, such as hydrogen, is rising. In this thesis, work aimed at understanding and improving electrocatalysts used for these purposes is presented. A main part of the work has been focused on the selectivity between chlorine gas, or sodium chlorate formation, and parasitic oxygen evolution. An activation of anode surface Ti cations by nearby Ru cations is suggested as a reason for the high chlorine selectivity of the “dimensionally stable anode” (DSA), the standard anode used in industrial chlorine and sodium chlorate production. Furthermore, theoretical methods have been used to screen for dopants that can be used to improve the activity and selectivity of DSA, and several promising candidates have been found. Moreover, the connection between the rate of chlorate formation and the rate of parasitic oxygen evolution, as well as the possible catalytic effects of electrolyte contaminants on parasitic oxygen evolution in the chlorate process, have been studied experimentally. Additionally, the properties of a Co-doped DSA have been studied, and it is found that the doping makes the electrode more active for hydrogen evolution. Finally, the hydrogen evolution reaction on both RuO2 and the noble-metal-free electrocatalyst material MoS2 has been studied using a combination of experimental and theoretically calculated X-ray photoelectron chemical shifts. In this way, insight into structural changes accompanying hydrogen evolution on these materials is obtained. / Heterogen elektrokatalys innebär användningen av fasta material för att minska energimängden som krävs för produktion av kemikalier med hjälp av elektricitet. Heterogen elektrokatalys har en central roll i det moderna samhället, eftersom det möjliggör produktionen av kemikalier såsom klorgas och natriumklorat, som i sin tur används för produktion av t ex konstruktionsmaterial och läkemedel. Vikten av användning av elektrokatalys för produktion av förnybara bränslen, såsom vätgas, växer dessutom i takt med att en övergång till användning av förnybar energi blir allt nödvändigare. I denna avhandling presenteras arbete som utförts för att förstå och förbättra sådana elektrokatalysatorer. En stor del av arbetet har varit fokuserat på selektiviteten mellan klorgas och biprodukten syrgas i klor-alkali och kloratprocesserna. Inom ramen för detta arbete har teoretisk modellering av det dominerande anodmaterialet i dessa industriella processer, den så kallade “dimensionsstabila anoden” (DSA), använts för att föreslå en fundamental anledning till att detta material är speciellt klorselektivt. Vi föreslår att klorselektiviteten kan förklaras av en laddningsöverföring från ruteniumkatjoner i materialet till titankatjonerna i anodytan, vilket aktiverar titankatjonerna. Baserat på en bred studie av ett stort antal andra dopämnen föreslår vi dessutom vilka dopämnen som är bäst lämpade för produktion av aktiva och klorselektiva anoder. Med hjälp av experimentella studier föreslår vi dessutom en koppling mellan kloratbildning och oönskad syrgasbildning i kloratprocessen, och vidare har en bred studie av tänkbara elektrolytföroreningar utförts för att öka förståelsen för syrgasbildningen i denna process. Två studier relaterade till elektrokemisk vätgasproduktion har också gjorts. En experimentell studie av Co-dopad DSA har utförts, och detta elektrodmaterial visade sig vara mer aktivt för vätgasutveckling än en standard-DSA. Vidare har en kombination av experimentell och teoretisk röntgenfotoelektronspektroskopi använts för att öka förståelsen för strukturella förändringar som sker i RuO2 och i det ädelmetallfria elektrodmaterialet MoS2 under vätgasutveckling. / <p>QC 20151119</p>

Propriétés élastiques des minéraux hydratés : applications à l'anisotropie sismique dans les zones de subduction / Elastic properties of hydrated minerals : applications to the seismic anisotropy in the subduction zones

Bezacier, Lucile 01 April 2011 (has links)
La circulation de matière et la signature sismique des zones de subduction sont fortement dépendantes despropriétés élastiques de deux grands types de minéraux hydratés : les serpentines (antigorite, lizardite etchrysotile) provenant de l'hydratation des minéraux du manteau et le glaucophane, minéral marqueur des schistesbleus et éclogites, faciès métamorphiques caractéristiques des zones de subduction. La détection de ces phasesest parfois difficile. Il est nécessaire de connaître leurs propriétés élastiques afin de mieux comprendre lesimages sismiques acquises. L'objectif de cette thèse est de mesurer et de calculer les propriétés élastiques deminéraux hydratés par la spectroscopie Brillouin (dans le cas de l'antigorite et du glaucophane) et par les calculsab initio (pour la lizardite). Caractériser au mieux ces propriétés permet de les relier à la sismicité dans les zonesde subduction et notamment aux zones de faibles vitesses détectées par diverses méthodes sismiques. Nosmesures ont été réalisées à l'ambiante pour l'antigorite et le glaucophane et à haute pression pour l'antigorite encellule à enclumes de diamants. Les mesures élastiques ont ensuite été couplées à des mesures d'orientationspréférentielles par Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction. Ceci a permis de quantifier l'anisotropie élevée(AVP=37% et AVS=50%) dans la roche totale ainsi que les vitesses sismiques faibles des ondes P et S. Nousavons pu ainsi relier le décalage des ondes S aux retards observés par sismique dans la zone de subduction deRyukyu (Japon). Les observations sismiques montrent que la serpentine est présente dans les zones où lasismicité est faible et apparaît non seulement comme un minéral essentiel des zones de subduction mais en pluscomme un "lubrifiant" permettant aux couches de glisser les unes sur les autres sans engendrer de séismes. Pourle glaucophane, les schistes bleus présentent une anisotropie plus élevée que les éclogites à glaucophane maisces roches sont toutefois difficiles à détecter avec la profondeur, du fait de leurs vitesses élevées comparables àcelles du manteau environnant. Nos calculs par méthode ab initio portent sur un analogue de l'antigorite, lalizardite pour laquelle nous avons établi les constantes élastiques à diverses pressions et en présence de fer ounon. Nous avons mis en évidence une anomalie élastique vers 5 GPa pour la lizardite et 7 GPa pour l'antigorite,que nous avons confirmée ensuite par des mesures de spectroscopies Brillouin et Raman à haute pression. / The flow of material and the seismic signature of subduction zones are highly dependent on the elastic propertiesof two major types of hydrated minerals: serpentines (antigorite, lizardite and chrysotile) produced by thehydration of mantle minerals and glaucophane, a marker of blueschists and eclogites, which are metamorphicfacies characteristic of subduction zones. Detection of these phases is sometime difficult. It is important to knowtheir elastic properties in order to better understand the seismic images. The goal of this work is to measure andcalculate the elastic properties of hydrated minerals by Brillouin spectroscopy (for antigorite and glaucophane)and ab initio calculations (for lizardite). The precise knowledge of such properties allows linking them to theseismicity in the subduction zones including areas of low velocities detected by various seismic methods. Ourmeasurements were performed at room conditions for antigorite and glaucophane and at high-pressure forantigorite in a diamond anvil cell. Elastic measurements were then coupled with measurements of latticepreferredorientations by Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction. This allowed quantifying the high anisotropy(AVP= 37% and AVS= 50%) in the whole rock and the low seismic velocities of P and S waves. We were able tolink it to the shear wave splitting observed by seismology in the Ryukyu arc (Japan). Seismic observations showthat serpentine is present in areas of low seismicity; it appears to be not only an essential mineral of thesubduction zones but also a “lubricant” allowing sliding layers to slip over each other without leading toearthquakes. For glaucophane, blueschists exhibit a higher anisotropy than glaucophane eclogites, but theserocks are difficult to detect at higher depth, because of their high velocities comparable to those of thesurrounding mantle. We performed ab initio calculations for a similar serpentine, the lizardite, for which weestablished the elastic constants at various pressures and in the presence of iron or not. We highlighted ananomaly around 5 GPa for lizardite and 7 GPa for antigorite, which was later confirmed by Brillouin and Ramanspectroscopies at high pressure.

Étude du comportement de Fe3Al et son joint de grains Σ5(310)[001] en présence de Ti et Zr par méthodes ab initio avec prise en compte de l'effet de la température / Study of the behavior of Fe3Al and its grain boundary Σ5(310) [001] with Ti and Zr additions using ab initio methods by taking into account the effect of temperature

Chentouf, Sara 18 January 2012 (has links)
Les alliages intermétalliques riches en fer du système fer-aluminium, Fe3Al, ont des caractéristiques très intéressantes pour des applications mécaniques à haute température. Ils possèdent, comme la plupart des composés intermétalliques, une résistance mécanique élevée, une bonne résistance à l'oxydation ainsi qu'une faible densité. Cependant, les principales raisons qui limitent leurs applications sont leur fragilité à température ambiante et une forte diminution de leur résistance pour des températures supérieures à 550° C. Un aspect intéressant de ces alliages est leur comportement envers les métaux de transition. Certains éléments, comme TI, peuvent augmenter la stabilité de la phase D03, en augmentant la transition D03/B2 vers des températures plus élevées. La situation est moins claire dans le cas du Zr. En effet, malgré l'effet bénéfique du dopage en Zr sur la cohésion des joints de grains et la ductilité, il n'existe pas de données expérimentales concernant son effet sur la stabilité de la structure D03 du composé Fe3Al. Ce travail de thèse vise à étudier l'effet de ces deux métaux de transitions Ti et Zr sur les propriétés du composé intermétallique D03-Fe3Al en utilisant des calculs pseudopotentiels ab initio basés sur la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité (DFT). Deux principaux thèmes ont été abordés : (i) la compréhension du rôle de ces deux métaux de transition en termes de stabilité de la phase D03 à la lumière de leur site préférentiel dans la structure D03-Fe3Al ; (ii) le comportement du Ti et Zr dans le joint de grains [sigma]5 (310)[001] ainsi que leur effet sur la stabilité structurale de cette interface. Un élément important pour étudier ces aspects est de prendre en compte l'effet de la température. Cela nécessite un traitement de type dynamique moléculaire des atomes dans la supercellule. La technique dynamique moléculaire ab initio (AIMD) résout ces problèmes en combinant des calculs de structure électronique avec la dynamique à une température finie. Ainsi, notre étude a été menée à la fois en utilisant des calculs ab initio statiques à 0K ainsi que la prise en compte de l'effet de la température jusqu'à 1100K (Dynamique Moléculaire Ab Initio) / Fe3Al-based intermetallic compounds are promising materials for structural applications at high temperature. Their advantageous properties originate from their low density and their high corrosion resistance in oxidizing and sulfidizing environments. However, because of their limited room temperature ductility and their low strength and creep resistance at higher temperatures (~ 550 °C), it is necessary to improve their properties to adapt them for structural applications. An interesting aspect of these alloys is their behaviour towards transition metal impurities. Some elements like Ti increase the stability of the D03 by increasing the D03/B2 transition towards higher temperature. The situation is less clear for Zr addition, indeed, despite the beneficial effect of small Zr addition on the grain boundary cohesion and ductility ; there is no experimental data available concerning its effects on the stability of the D03-Fe3Al compounds. In this thesis the effect of Ti and Zr transition metals on the D03-Fe3Al intermetallic compounds has been investigated by means of ab initio Pseudopotentials numerical simulations based on Density Functional Theory. Two main issues will be addressed : (i) the understanding of the rôle of these two transition metals in terms of stability of the bulk at the light of their site preference in the D03-Fe3Al structure ; (ii)the behaviour of Ti and Zr transition metals in the [sigma]5 (310) [001] grain boundary and their effect on the structural stability of this interface. An important issue when studying these aspects is to take into accounts the effect of temperature. This requires a molecular dynamics treatment of the atoms in the supercell. The technique known as ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) solves these problems by combining on the fly electronic structure calculations with finite temperature dynamics. Thus, our study was conducted both using the conventional static ab initio calculations (0K) as well as by taking into account the effect of temperature (ab initio molecular dynamics)

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