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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Segid, Yosief Teklehaimanot 01 May 2010 (has links)

Tratamento combinado de drenagem ácida de minas e esgoto doméstico

Nunes, Marco Antonio da Silva January 2010 (has links)
Muitos locais de mineração de carvão estão próximos a centros urbanos, coexistindo, nestas regiões, a drenagem ácida de minas (DAM) e os esgotos domésticos, sendo que, ambos os efluentes afetam a qualidade da água dos corpos receptores se ali lançados sem o devido tratamento. A drenagem ácida de minas afeta a qualidade da água baixando o pH, aumentando a acidez e acrescendo quantidades indesejáveis de ferro, manganês, alumínio, sulfatos e outros metais enquanto que o esgoto doméstico caracteriza-se pela presença de alcalinidade, matéria orgânica e microrganismos potencialmente patogênicos. Estudos anteriores demonstraram que a DAM pode ser utilizada como agente coagulante no tratamento físico-químico dos esgotos e, baseado nisto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o tratamento combinado da DAM com o esgoto doméstico de modo que também ocorra a redução dos metais e acidez presentes na DAM. O processo baseia-se no fato de que a alcalinidade do esgoto pode, pelo menos em parte, neutralizar a acidez da DAM, proporcionando uma economia no consumo de reagentes para a correção do pH. Com a elevação do pH, o ferro e o alumínio presentes na DAM sofrem hidrólise e coagulam na forma de hidróxidos dos referidos metais, separando-se da fase líquida na forma de um precipitado gelatinoso que carrea consigo os sólidos suspensos presentes no esgoto constituídos, principalmente, de matéria orgânica e microrganismos patogênicos, fósforo e nitrogênio. Assim, a metodologia do presente trabalho consistiu em realizar o tratamento em laboratório de ambos os efluentes considerando diferentes proporções de mistura. Nas condições empregadas no presente trabalho, obteve-se um efeito coagulante ótimo, em pH próximo a 7,0, para a proporção DAM:esgoto de 1:2, correspondendo a concentrações de Fe e Al acima de 80 mg/L na mistura. Para estas condições a redução de carga orgânica, nutrientes, metais e microrganismos foi elevada. A remoção de carga orgânica em termos de DQO foi 67%, a redução de nitrogênio foi de 40%, a redução de fósforo foi de 90% e a remoção de bactérias do grupo coliforme comparável aos processos convencionais de tratamento de esgoto sanitário. Dos metais presentes na DAM, o Fe e Al sofreram reduções de 99% e o Zn de 95%. O Mn, reduziu apenas 13 % na faixa de pH 7,0 utilizada no trabalho, sendo necessário tratamento adicional para atingir os limites de emissão previstos em legislação.A partir dos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que a mistura dos fluxos é uma alternativa para o tratamento combinado dos efluentes DAM e esgoto doméstico, onde coexistam em proporções e características físico-químicas definidas neste trabalho. / Many coal mining places are close to inhabited concentrations, where there are the acid mine drainage (AMD) and domestic sewage and both effluent affect the quality of water bodies if released without proper treatment. The AMD affects water´s quality decreasing pH, increasing acidity and the concentration of undesirable metals such as iron, manganese, aluminum, sulphates and other metals while the domestic sewage is characterized by the presence of alkalinity, organic matter and microorganisms, with possible presence of pathogenic. Previous studies have shown that the AMD can be used as an coagulant agent on physico-chemical treatment of sewage and, based on this, the aim of this work was to study the combined treatment of AMD and domestic sewage so that also occur metals and acidity reduction present in the AMD. The process is based on the fact that the sewage´s alkalinity could neutralize part of the AMD acidity, providing an economy in reagents for pH correction. At the same time, the pH increasing provides that the iron and aluminium present in the AMD, became hydrolyzed in the form of hydroxides of these metals, and provide a coagulation effect separating themselves from the liquid phase like as gelatinous precipitate which carry on suspended solids present in domestic sewage constituted mainly of pathogenic micro-organisms and organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus. Thus, the methodology of the present work consisted of laboratory experiments considering different proportions of mixtures. Over the conditions employed in this work, the best coagulant effect was obtained with pH value around 7,0 and effluent proportion of 1:2 (DAM:sewage) corresponding to concentrations of Fe and Al above 80 mg/L in the mixture. For these conditions the organic load reduction, nutrients, metals and microorganisms was high. Removal of organic load in terms of COD was 67%, the reduction of nitrogen was 40%, phosphorus was 90% and the removal of bacteria of coliform bacteria group comparable to conventional processes for the treatment of sewage. The metals present in the AMD also was removed; the Fe and Al cut of 99% each and the Zn cut of 95%. The Mn, reduced only 13% in the range of pH 7.0 used at work, and additional treatment is needed to achieve the emission limits laid down in legislation for this metal. It was concluded that the combined treatment of AMD and sewage can be an alternative to reduce the pollutants load in sanitary effluents. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that the mixture flows is an alternative to the combined treatment of domestic sewage and DAM effluents, where they could coexist in the proportions and physico-chemical properties defined in this work.

Algas perifíticas como indicadoras de qualidade em ambientes impactados pela drenagem ácida de minas na região carbonífera de Santa Catarina

Freitas, Ana Paula Pires January 2010 (has links)
A Drenagem ácida de minas (DAM), do ponto de vista ecológico, influencia os ambientes aquáticos provocando condições de stress para a maioria dos organismos. O baixo valor de pH (geralmente < 3,0), altas quantidades de sulfatos e íons metálicos dissolvidos diminuem a diversidade biológica. Esses locais podem ser caracterizados como ecossistemas simples, dominados por organismos acidofílicos e ácido tolerantes. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi identificar as comunidades de algas encontradas em ecossistemas impactados pela DAM na região carbonífera do Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Observou-se 12 córregos, dois quais 6 com presença de algas e 6 com ausência de algas. As amostragens foram realizadas em julho/2009, outubro/2009, dezembro/2009 e abril/2010, de forma a abranger as quatro estações do ano. Verificouse que os ambientes aquáticos atingidos pela DAM abrigam pouca diversidade de espécies. A comunidade de algas foi representada por 5 táxons e a identificação realizou-se somente até o nível de gênero. Os gêneros encontrados foram: Microspora, Mougeotia, Eunotia, Frustulia e Euglena. Os gêneros de maior distribuição foram a Microspora, estando presente em 6 locais de amostragem e o gênero Eunotia, presente em 4 locais de amostragem. O gênero em maior abundância e quantidade de biomassa foi a Microspora. O crescimento das algas foi dependente de vários fatores, entre os quais características químicas da água e o período de amostrado. Observou-se que as algas acidofílicas cresceram em corpos d´água na faixa de pH entre 3,2 e 4,1, sendo que nos locais com pH inferior a 2,8 ou superior a 4,2 não ocorreu o crescimento de algas. O gênero Microspora esteve presente em águas com níveis variados de metais e sulfato. Já o gênero Frustulia somente se desenvolveu em corpos d´água com baixos níveis de ferro e sulfato. Por sua vez, o gênero Euglena só foi bem sucedido em locais onde os teores de sulfatos e ferro foram elevados. Sendo assim, as algas encontradas neste estudo apresentam a capacidade de bioindicadoras da qualidade do local. Em relação aos períodos amostrados, a diversidade e abundância de algas foram maiores no inverno. As comunidades perifíticas são capazes de acumular elementos metálicos em sua biomassa. A análise da biomassa perifítica indica que o material contém uma elevada concentração de elementos inorgânicos, bioacumulados do ambiente de crescimento. / The acid mine drainage (AMD), from the ecological point of view, affects the aquatic environments causing stress to most organisms. The low pH values (usually <3.0), high concentration of sulfates and dissolved metal ions reduce the biological diversity. These systems can be characterized as simple ecosystems, dominated by acidophilic and acid tolerant organisms. The objective of this study was to identify communities of algae found in ecosystems impacted by AMD in the coal region of Santa Catarina, Brazil. It was observed 12 streams, 6 of which with the presence of algae and 6 with the absence of algae. Samples were collected in July/2009, October/2009, December/2009 and April/2010 in order to cover all four seasons. It was found that aquatic environments affected by DAM refuge low species diversity. The algal community was represented by 5 taxa and the identification was made only to the genus level. The species identified were: Microspora, Mougeotia, Eunotia, Frustulia and Euglena. The genus of the largest distribution was Microspora, present in 6 sampling sites and Eunotia, present in 4 sampling sites. The genus in greater abundance and amount of biomass was the Microspora. The algal growth was dependent of several factors, including water chemistry and the period of sampling. It was observed that acidophilic algae grown in water with the pH range between 3.2 and 4.1, and in places with a pH below 2.8 or above 4.2 there was no algae growth. The genus Microspora was present in waters with different levels of metals and sulfate. But the genus Frustulia only was increased in water with low levels of iron and sulfate. On the other hand, the genus Euglena has only been successful in places where the levels of sulfates and iron were high. Therefore, the algae found in this study have the ability to bioindicators of the water quality. Concerning the periods sampled, diversity and abundance of algae were higher in winter. Periphyton communities are able to accumulate metallic elements in their biomass. The analysis of periphytic biomass indicates that the material contains a high concentration of inorganic elements, bioaccumulated of the growth environment.

Tratamento combinado de lixiviados de aterro sanitário e drenagem ácida de minas

Konarzewski, Vitor Hugo Cordeiro January 2009 (has links)
Efluentes contaminados por lixiviados de resíduos sólidos urbanos (LRSU), proveniente de aterros sanitários, ou a drenagem ácida de minas (DAM), originados pela oxidação da pirita em rejeitos de carvão, são problemas atuais em termos de impacto ambiental, especialmente na região do Município de Butiá, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O tratamento destes efluentes, via de regra, é bastante oneroso, mas necessário, uma vez que a liberação in natura destas fontes poluidoras pode ser responsável pela degradação severa do ambiente. Em geral, metodologias convencionais de tratamento (como a precipitação/sedimentação, no caso da DAM, e processos biológicos, no caso do LRSU) mostram-se economicamente custosas ou tecnicamente deficientes. Frente a este desafio, esta pesquisa baseou-se na avaliação do tratamento conjunto de DAM e LRSU, via homogeneização, a fim de diminuir custos tradicionais decorrentes. O processo consiste no aproveitamento da alcalinidade do LRSU para neutralizar a acidez da DAM. Ao mesmo tempo, o ferro e o alumínio presentes na DAM permitem a coagulação dos sólidos suspensos, removendo uma significativa carga de poluentes. Resultados obtidos em laboratório no tratamento inicial destes efluentes permitiram uma significativa redução de carga orgânica, nutrientes, metais pesados e bactérias do grupo coliforme. O efluente final apresentou redução na carga lançada de 100% para sólidos suspensos, 36% para DBO, 56% para DQO, 11% para N, 72% para Fe, 73% para Al e 9% para Mn, atenuando suas características iniciais em consonância a alguns padrões de emissão de efluentes líquidos estabelecidos para o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Resolução número 128/2006 do CONSEMA). / Municipal landfills wastewaters (MLW) and acid mine drainages (AMD) from coal mines are environmental issues faced, in special case at the city of Butia, in Rio Grande do Sul State. The treatment of such effluents is necessary to avoid undesirable environmental degradation. The conventional treatment techniques (e.g. chemical neutralization for DAM and biological processes for municipal landfills wastewaters) are costly and sometimes inefficient. This work considered a new alternative based in the combined treatment of MLW and AMD. The alkalinity of MLW can neutralize the acidity of the AMD while the iron and aluminum present in the AMD allow the coagulations of the suspended solids of the MLW, reducing considerably the amount of pollutants. The initial results obtained at laboratory scale allowed the reduction of organic load, nutrients, heavy metals and bacteria. The final effluent showed reduction at the charge reaching 100% to solids in suspension, 36% to BOD, 56% to COD, 11% to N, 72% to Fe, 73% to Al e 9% to Mn, without addiction of coagulations polymers, and improving its characteristics considering the emission standards established in the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil (Resolution number 128/2006 from CONSEMA).

Neutralização de drenagem ácida de minas com escória de aciaria elétrica do forno-panela

Amaral, Fábio Augusto Dornelles do January 2007 (has links)
A drenagem ácida de minas (DAM) é formada quando certos minerais sulfetados são expostos a condições de oxidação. A DAM é normalmente associada com a mineração de carvão, principalmente de depósitos de rejeitos de carvão, que possuem alta concentração de pirita (FeS2). A neutralização da DAM usando materiais alcalinos, como calcário e escórias de aciaria é uma das técnicas utilizadas para remediação deste problema. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o desempenho da escória de aciaria elétrica do forno-panela na neutralização da DAM em leitos de percolação em comparação com calcário, material tradicionalmente empregado para tal fim. A metodologia de trabalho consistiu na construção de dois sistemas em escala de laboratório, um leito em canal aberto e um reator de leito empacotado. Estudos foram conduzidos para avaliar a capacidade de neutralização e a qualidade do efluente tratado, considerando os seguintes parâmetros: pH, Fe, Al, Cr, Mn, Zn, Ca, Mg, dureza, sulfatos, condutividade e efeitos toxicológicos para microcrustáceos e peixes. Adicionalmente, foram conduzidos estudos de caracterização da escória antes e após aplicação na neutralização da DAM, visando sua futura destinação. O uso de reator de leito empacotado para tratamento da DAM obteve melhores resultados do que o sistema de canal aberto. O reator evita a percolação do efluente por caminhos preferenciais, aumentando a relação volume tratado/volume de leito. Os ensaios realizados com a escória do forno-panela no reator de leito empacotado demonstraram que esse material apresenta uma alta basicidade, permitindo equalização do efluente de saída para que seja descartado na faixa neutra de pH com a remoção dos metais, enquanto com calcário a remoção dos metais foi parcial, ficando o Fe e Mn com valores acima do permitido pela legislação para o descartes de efluentes. Em ambos os casos, o efluente tratado não apresentou toxicidade. Um dos problemas identificados, para ambos os materiais, foi o recobrimento das partículas pelos hidróxidos metálicos na superfície dos materiais, que reduziu a vida útil dos sistemas e o volume de efluente tratado. O ensaio de expansibilidade demonstra que a escória do forno-panela, na sua forma original, apresenta característica expansiva. Após a neutralização do efluente, a escória apresentou expansão menor que o limite estabelecido na norma ASTM C1260, o que poderia viabilizar sua utilização como agregado na construção civil. Os estudos realizados neste trabalho permitiram concluir que o uso de escórias do forno-panela para neutralização de DAM é uma solução, no sentido de melhorar a qualidade da água em depósitos de rejeitos de carvão, possibilitando um destino para a escória de aciaria elétrica após o tratamento da DAM. / The acid mine drainage (AMD) is formed when certain sulfide minerals are exposed to oxidizing conditions. The AMD is commonly associated with coal mining, especially in coal waste deposits that contain high pyrite (FeS2) concentration. The neutralization of AMD using alkaline materials, like limestone and steel slag is one of the useful remediation techniques. The aim of this work was to study the performance of an electric steel slag of a ladle furnace in the neutralization of the AMD in a percolation bed in a comparative way with limestone, material normaly used for this purpose. The methodology of this work is based in the set up of two systems at labotatory scale, one with open channel bed and the other with bed packed reactor. The studies were directed in order to evaluate the neutralization capacity and the quality of the treated effluent, considering the following parameters: pH, Fe, Al, Cr, Mn, Zn, Ca, Mg, hardness, sulphate, conductivity, and toxicological efects to microcrustacean and fish. Addicionaly, some studies was carried out to caracterize the slag before and after application in the neutralization of the AMD, looking for a future destination. The use of the packed bed reactor for the AMD treatment showed better results than the open channels. The reactor avoids the percolation of the effluent to preferential ways, increasing the volume treated/volume of the bed ratio. The tests carried out with slag of the ladle furnace in the packed bed reactor proves that this material have great basicity allowing the equalization of the effluent output to be discharged in a neutral pH degree with metals removal, while with limestone the metals upstake is partial, remainig Fe and Mn with values above than the allowed by the legislation to effluent discharge. In both cases, the efluent didn’t show toxicity. One of the identified problems to both materials was the metalic hidroxid recovering in the surface, reducing the useful life of the system and the volume of treated effluent. The expansibility tests showed that the ladle furnace slag in the original form have expansive characterists. After the neutralization of the effluent, the slag expansion remains below of the standard border ASTM C1260, and could be possible the use as an aggregate in the civil construction. The results showed in this work allows the conclusion that the use of the ladle furnace slag for neutralization of the AMD is a possible solution to improve the water quality in coal waste deposits.

Produção de sulfato ferroso a partir de rejeitos de carvão

Vigânico, Eunice Maria January 2009 (has links)
A mineração de carvão gera grandes volumes de rejeitos que podem ser responsáveis por graves danos ambientais. A oxidação da pirita (FeS2), na presença de ar e água, promove a formação da drenagem ácida de mina (DAM), uma solução aquosa fortemente ácida e rica em sulfato e ferro (nas formas Fe²+ e Fe³+), além de outros metais associados. Atualmente, poucos estudos têm considerado a possibilidade da produção de materiais de valor econômico agregado a partir da água de percolação em rejeitos de carvão. Neste trabalho, o objetivo foi o desenvolvimento de uma rota hidrometalúrgica para a produção de sulfato ferroso (FeSO4). O trabalho experimental consistiu inicialmente na coleta de amostra de rejeitos de carvão rico em pirita e a sua caracterização. Realizou-se, em laboratório, a lixiviação do material em colunas de percolação em ambiente oxidante, adequado para proporcionar a oxidação da pirita em meio aquoso. A recirculação da lixívia permitiu a obtenção de um extrato rico em ferro. A seguir, procedeu-se a conversão do Fe³+ em Fe²+ para obtenção do sulfato ferroso, utilizandose radiação ultravioleta. O lixiviado, rico em Fe+², foi evaporado para cristalização do sulfato ferroso e purificado com álcool etílico. Os cristais foram caracterizados por análise química elementar, difração de raios X e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. A recuperação de Fe na forma melanterita (FeSO4.7H2O) em relação ao Fe pirítico existente na coluna (0,30 kg de Fe pirítico por kg de rejeito de carvão) variou de 7,5 a 9,0 %. Os resultados demonstraram que é possível produzir sulfato ferroso n-hidratado tendo como matéria-prima o rejeito rico em pirita resultante da mineração de carvão mineral. / The coal mining generates large volumes of tailings that may be responsible for serious environmental damages. The oxidation of pyrite (FeS2), in the presence of air and water, promotes the formation of acid mine drainage (AMD), an aqueous and highly acid solution rich in sulfate and iron (in the form Fe³+ and Fe²+), along with other associated metals. Currently, few studies have considered the possibility of production of materials with agregated economic value from the percolation of water in coal mining tailings. In this study, the objective was the development of a hydrometallurgical route for its production. The experimental work consisted initially in the collection of samples of coal waste rich in pyrite and its characterization. In the laboratory was performed the leaching of the material in percolation collums in an oxidizing environment, appropriate to provide the pyrite oxidation in aqueous medium. The recirculation of liquor allowed to obtain an extract rich in the iron. Then, the conversion of Fe³+ to Fe²+ for obtaining ferrous sulfate was performed using ultraviolet irradiation. The leached liquor, rich in Fe+², was evaporated for ferrous sulphate crystallization and purified with ethanol. The ferrous sulphate crystals were characterized by x ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The recovery of Fe in the form melanterite (FeSO4.7H2O ) on pyrite Fe existing in the column (0,30 kg of Fe per kg of pyrite tailings and coal) ranged from 7,5 to 9,0 %. The results demonstrated that it is possible to produce nhydrated iron sulfate having as a raw material the waste rich in pyrite produced from the coal mining.

Produção de coagulantes férricos na mineração de carvão

Menezes, Jean Carlo Salome dos Santos January 2009 (has links)
A mineração de carvão gera milhões de toneladas de rejeitos, contendo pirita (FeS2). A oxidação da pirita, na presença de ar e água, dá origem a um importante problema ambiental comum em regiões de mineração de carvão, a geração de drenagem ácida de mina (DAM). A oxidação da pirita em presença de água promove a formação de H2SO4 (ácido sulfúrico) o que promove a liberação de ferro nas formas de Fe+2 e Fe+3 , sulfatos e uma série de outros metais como Al, Mn e Zn. Esse problema ocorre de forma bastante intensa na região carbonífera do sul do Brasil em especial nos Estados de Santa Catarina e Paraná. A DAM produzida pelos rejeitos da mineração de carvão necessita passar por um processo de tratamento visando diminuir a acidez e a carga de metais despejada no meio, de forma a atender as exigências ambientais. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar a produção de um coagulante, o sulfato férrico, a partir dos seguintes materiais: (a) lodo férrico obtido por precipitação seletiva da DAM; (b) rejeito obtido pela jigagem do carvão da Camada Barro Branco, Santa Catarina; e (c) concentrado de pirita obtido pelo rebeneficiamento do rejeito de carvão da Mina do Cambuí, Paraná. A metodologia para a produção do coagulante a partir do lodo consistiu na inicialmente na precipitação seletiva do ferro em pH 3,8, lavagem do precipitado, adição de ácido sulfúrico e evaporação para obtenção de uma solução com concentração de Fe3+ de até aproximadamente 12%. A metodologia para a obtenção do coagulante a partir da pirita presente no rejeito de carvão ou no concentrado de pirita consistiu na percolação de água sob condições oxidantes para a produção de uma lixívia rica em sulfato férrico. A lixívia também foi evaporada para obtenção de uma solução de sulfato férrico com concentrações de Fe3+ de até aproximadamente 12%. A qualidade do coagulante produzido foi avaliada em termos da concentração de Fe, Al, Ca, Mn, Zn, Cu e sulfatos. Os resultados demonstram que todos os materiais estudados apresentaram potencial de produção do coagulante. Entre os contaminantes encontrados, destacam-se os elementos alumínio, cálcio, manganês e zinco. Entretanto, quanto maior o teor de enxofre da amostra, maior o rendimento e maior pureza do produto. Concluiu-se que o beneficiamento do rejeito de carvão para a concentração da pirita permite a obtenção de sulfato férrico de melhor qualidade. Os coagulantes produzidos foram utilizados no tratamento do esgoto do Campus do Vale da UFRGS e de água de abastecimento da região de Porto Alegre. As idéias de valorização dos rejeitos da mineração de carvão estão em sintonia com os princípios da atualidade no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento sustentável e aos programas de valoração de resíduos e produção mais limpa. / The coal mining generates millions of tonnes of tailings containing pyrite (FeS2). The oxidation of pyrite in the presence of air and water, gives rise to an important environmental problem common in areas of coal mining, the generation of acid mine drainage (AMD). The oxidation of pyrite in the presence of water promotes the formation of H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) which promotes the release of iron in the form of Fe +2 and Fe +3, sulphates and a host of other metals such as Al, Mn and Zn. This problem occurs quite intense in the coal in southern Brazil in particular in the states of Santa Catarina and Parana. The DAM produced by coal waste mining need to go through a treatment process in order to decrease the acidity and metal load discharged into the environment, in order to meet environmental requirements. The objective of this work was to study the production of a coagulant, ferric sulfate, with the following materials: (a) ferric sludge obtained by selective precipitation of DAM (b) obtained by reject coal concentration of the Layer Barro Branco, Santa Catarina, and (c) pyrite concentrate obtained by concentration of the tailings coal mine of Cambuí, Paraná. The methodology for the production of coagulant from sludge was the first in the selective precipitation of iron in pH 3.8, washing the precipitate with sulfuric acid and evaporation to obtain a solution with Fe 3 + concentration of approximately 12% with Fe2O3. The methodology for obtaining the coagulant from the pyrite present in coal or reject the pyrite concentrate was the percolation of water under oxidizing conditions to produce a liquor rich in ferric sulphate. Leach was also evaporated to obtain a solution of ferric sulphate with concentrations of Fe3 + up to approximately 12%. The quality of the coagulant was evaluated in terms of concentration of Fe, Al, Ca, Mn, Zn, Cu and sulfates. The results show that all the materials studied showed potential for production of the coagulant. Among the contaminants found, highlight the elements aluminum, calcium, manganese and zinc. However, the higher the sulfur content of the sample, the higher the yield and higher purity of the product. It was concluded that the processing of the waste coal to the concentration of pyrite to obtain ferric sulphate better. Coagulants produced were used in the treatment of sewage Campus do Vale UFRGS and water supply in the region of Porto Alegre. Ideas for use of tailings from coal mining are in line with the principles of the present time regarding the development and evaluation programs for waste and cleaner production.

Sulfate Reducing Bioreactor Dependence on Organic Substrates for Long-Term Remediation of Acid Mine Drainage

Walters, Evan Robert 01 May 2014 (has links)
Coal-generated acid mine drainage (AMD) is characterized by low-pH waters with excessive loads of dissolved species such as SO4, Fe, Al and Mn along with other elements of environmental concern (i.e. Cd, As, Cr, Ni, Pb, Se and Cu). To mitigate this problem, anaerobic sulfate reducing bioreactors (ASRB) have been implemented as a technology for passive treatment systems that utilize low-cost organic substrates to stimulate biologically enhanced contaminant sequestration. Previous work has identified the establishment of diverse microbial communities in which a hierarchal chain of substrate degradation processes is essential in developing sustainable environments to produce long-lived sulfate-reducing microbial (SRM) populations. In this study, to determine the optimal mixture of substrate types, alternating ratios of herbaceous (ie. leaves, grass, spent brewing grains) and ligneous (i.e. maple wood chips and saw dust) reactor matrices were tested. Five bioreactors along with one control reactor containing only limestone were constructed at the Tab-Simco abandoned mine land (AML) site in southern Illinois, USA. The field experiments were monitored over ~ one year (377 days) to evaluate the physical, geochemical and microbiological parameters which dictate ASRB efficiency in remediation of AMD contaminants. Results from this experiment documented contaminant removal in all reactors. However, the bioreactors established SRM populations that contributed to enhanced removal of SO4, Fe, and trace metals (i.e. Cu, Cd, Zn, Ni). Geochemical assessment of the aqueous environments established within the bioreactors suggested multiple pathways of contaminant sequestration. This included the formation of Fe-oxyhydroxide precipitates, adsorption, co-precipitation (e.g. Zn/Ni-Ferrites) and bio-induced sulfide mineralization. Activity of the SRMs was dependent on temperature, with bioreactors exhibiting decreases in both effluent sulfide concentrations and 34S-depletion of sulfate during low-T months (i.e. T < 10°C). Overall, maximum remediation of dissolved constituents SO4, Fe, Al and Mn was obtained in the predominantly herbaceous bioreactors. Extrapolation of our results to the full-scale Tab-Simco bioreactor indicated that, over the course of one year, the herbaceous bioreactors would remove ~75,600 kg SO4, 21,800 kg Fe, 8000 kg Al, and 77 kg Mn. This represents a 21.7 wt%, 41.5 wt%, 9.4 wt% and 81.8 wt% increase in SO4, Fe, Al and Mn removal over dominantly ligneous bioreactors, respectively. Although the overall Fe removal within the limestone control reactor reached 44.5 mol%; removal of 19.5 mol% SO4 and 36.9 mol% Al from influent AMD were significantly less when compared to the bioreactors. These results imply that ASRB technologies are promising in remediation of coal-generated AMD and increasing herbaceous content of bioreactors can significantly enhance contaminant sequestration. However, geochemical results also displayed seasonal variation in redox gradients within our field ASRB's which may induce dissolution of the redox sensitive phases produced within bioreactors. Furthermore, optimal microbial-mediated sulfate reduction may be inhibited by the high surface areas of the abundant Fe/Al-oxyhydroxides which dominate the system. Therefore, to enhance ASRB remediation capacity, future designs must optimize not only the organic carbon substrate but also include a pretreatment phase in which the bulk of dissolved Fe/Al-species are removed from the influent AMD prior to entering the bioreactor.


Ackah, Louis A 01 August 2018 (has links)
Major impacts of current and pre-regulatory mining activities on the environment include the generation of acid mine drainage (AMD) and metal(loid)-laden acid sulfate soils. Current remediation techniques are mostly cost prohibitive due to high energy, material, and labor requirement. This study investigated two complementary low-cost methods that harnessed the metal(loid)-removing and acid-neutralizing properties of drinking water treatment residuals (WTRs) and the uptake (phytoremediation) potential of vetiver (Vetiviera zizanioides L.) and pokeweed (Phytolacca americana L.) to attenuate and immobilize metal(loid)s from natural AMD and metal(loid)-contaminated soil. Metals were removed from AMD by using a reverse flow fluidized column filter and hydroponic phytoremediation with vetiver and pokeweed. Metals were immobilized in soil through the amendment with Fe and Ca-WTR complimented by the uptake and translocation of metals by vetiver and pokeweed. Experiments were performed under controlled greenhouse conditions as well as under natural Illinois environment in simulated field conditions. Furthermore, the integrated effects of WTR application and the growth of vetiver on soil erosion were also studied. Physicochemical analysis of AMD and soil samples from the Tab-Simco abandoned mine in the Illinois Coal Basin, U.S.A, showed significant concentrations of major metals and metalloids such as Fe, Al, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cu and As at acidic pH levels. The degree of soil contamination at the site was spatially variable with respect to the location of the main AMD seep. Physical, chemical, agronomic and mineralogical characterization of locally acquired water treatment residuals (WTR) showed that the silty and alkaline (pH ≈ 7.0-9.1) materials also contained significant amounts of plant required micronutrients. The presence of amorphous phases of mostly metal (oxy)hydroxides, alkalinity, and porosity of the WTRs suggested the potential to neutralize acidity and capability to remove metal(loid)s in contaminated soils and AMD. Recorded metal removal (%MR) rate by WTR was rapid in the first 80 min in a batch agitation study, except for Mn. Thus, high metal removal ranging from 99.8% to 84.9% at selectivity sequence of Al>Fe>Cu>Zn and Mn (9.6%) was obtained at equilibrium. The pH of the AMD was also increased from 2.6 to 6.7. Analysis of leachate samples from gravity-drained columns following simulated rain events in a greenhouse study showed reduced concentrations of Al, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, As and Pb at sustained neutral pH compared with unamended control columns during the 12 weeks study period. Metal immobilization in soil by the lower amendment rates of WTR was comparable to the higher application rates and also showed lower oxalate extractability of metals. Tissue analysis of pokeweed and vetiver hyperaccumulators showed appreciable uptake of relevant elements although translocation was relatively low in both. The analytical results at the greenhouse scale was reproducible in a simulated field scale study under natural Illinois environmental condition where the best amendment rate including 50 g/kg Fe-WTR and 15 g/kg of Ca-WTR and manure helped to improve metal(loid) retention, soil structure and enhanced vetiver growth which subsequently aided in reducing the rate of erosion to levels comparable to bermudagrass which was used as control. The developed integrated WTR fluidized column and phytoremediation technique with vetiver and pokeweed under hydroponic conditions sequentially removed significant quantities of most heavy metals from AMD. Thus, the overall findings showed that the locally collected WTRs - the otherwise waste materials, showed high metal-removing and acidity-reducing capabilities in AMD and contaminated soil treatment applications. The similarity between the results obtained from the laboratory and simulated field study also showed that laboratory/greenhouse experiments may serve as reliable proxies for field responses in applications such as soil and water conservation in agricultural environments, remediation of abandoned mine lands, as well as wastewater treatment systems.

Vers un traitement passif des drainages miniers acides (DMA) riches en arsenic par oxydation biologique du fer et de l'arsenic / Towards a passive treatment of arsenic-rich acid mine drainage (AMD) by biological iron and arsenic oxidation

Fernandez Rojo, Lidia 27 November 2017 (has links)
Les déchets sulfurés issus de l’extraction des minerais métalliques génèrent des drainages miniers acides (DMA) contenant des éléments toxiques tels que l’arsenic. Les procédés de traitement passifs basés sur l’oxydation bactérienne du fer et de l’arsenic, en favorisant la précipitation de ces éléments sous une forme stable, pourraient représenter une solution efficace et économique pour traiter cette pollution. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif général de cette thèse était de mieux comprendre les facteurs environnementaux et opérationnels qui contrôlent l’efficacité d’élimination de l’arsenic. Une approche en pilote à flux continu a été mise en oeuvre afin de se rapprocher des conditions réelles d’un traitement. L’étude a été conduite d’abord à l’échelle d’un bioréacteur de paillasse en conditions contrôlées (température, lumière, débit, temps de séjour et hauteur d’eau), puis dans un dispositif de taille supérieure, fonctionnant de manière totalement passive et in situ. Ces dispositifs ont été alimentés avec de l’eau d’un DMA riche en arsenic, issue de l’ancien site minier de Carnoulès, dans le Gard. Les caractéristiques de l’eau et des bioprécipités au sein de ces pilotes, en particulier le rédox du fer et de l’arsenic, ont été suivis dans différentes conditions environnementales et d’opération par des méthodes de spéciation liquide et solide (HPLC-ICP-MS, EXAFS, XANES), des analyses minéralogiques (DRX) et des analyses microbiologiques (ARISA, séquençage haut débit du gène de l'ARNr 16S, quantification du gène aioA). Les résultats issus des expériences en laboratoire ont mis en évidence l’effet de différents paramètres opérationnels (hauteur d’eau, temps de rétention hydraulique, et présence/absence d’une pellicule flottante) sur les performances du traitement, ainsi que sur la microbiologie et la minéralogie des bioprécipités formés. Le dispositif de terrain a permis de tester les performances du procédé dans des conditions environnementales fluctuantes (variabilité de la physico-chimie de l’eau d’entrée et de la température) et d’acquérir des connaissances nouvelles sur l’évolution des bioprécipités au cours de six mois de traitement. Les connaissances acquises dans cette thèse pourront servir de base à la conception d’une étape d’élimination de l’arsenic dans les processus de traitement des DMA. / Acid mine drainage (AMD) are produced by sulfuric tailings from mining of metal ores. They are characterized by high contents of toxic elements like arsenic. One efficient and economical solution for the treatment of As in these tailings could be the use of a passive method based on iron and arsenic bacterial oxidation, and the subsequent precipitation of these elements in a stable form. In this context, the objective of this PhD thesis was to better understand the environmental and operational factors controlling the efficiency of As removal processes. A continuous-flow pilot approach was implemented in order to better reproduce the real treatment conditions. This study was first performed in a bench-scale bioreactor with controlled conditions (temperature, light, flow, residence time and water height). Then, it was performed in a field-scale bioreactor installed in situ, reproducing a passive treatment in real conditions. These devices were fed with As-rich AMD waters from the ancient mine of Carnoulès (Gard, France). Water and bioprecipitate properties were monitored in both devices, specially the redox speciation of iron and arsenic. This monitoring was held for different environmental and operational conditions. Iron and arsenic speciation in liquid and solid phases was measured by different analytical techniques such as HPLC-ICP-MS, EXAFS and XANES. Mineral identification was made by XRD analysis, while microbiological characterization was made by ARISA, high-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA gene, and aioA gene quantification. Results from the lab-scale experiments evidenced the effects of the different operational parameters (water height, hydraulic retention time and the presence/absence of a floating film) on the treatment performance, as well as on the microbiology and mineralogy of the produced bioprecipitates. The field device was used to test the treatment performance under fluctuating environmental conditions (variability of the physico-chemistry of the feed water and of the temperature) and to gain new knowledge about the evolution of the bioprecipitates during six months of treatment. All the knowledge acquired in this PhD thesis could serve as a basis for the design of an arsenic removal stage in DMA treatment processes.

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