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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bankrutuojančio įmonės sandorių ginčijimas / Enterprise‘s in bankruptcy transactions contesting

Valatkaitė, Vaida 05 July 2011 (has links)
Iki šiol bankrutuojančios įmonės sandorių ginčijimas teoriniu lygmeniu nebuvo sistemiškai išanalizuotas, daugeliu atveju tik menkai užsimenama apie sandorių ginčijimo specifiką bankroto procese analizuojant atskirus sandorių negaliojimo atvejus. Lietuvos Respublikos teisinėje sistemoje nėra numatyti specialūs bankrutuojančios įmonės sudarytų sandorių ginčijimo pagrindai, todėl tokie sandoriai yra ginčijami visais LR CK numatytais sandorių negaliojimo pagrindais. Atsižvelgiant į tai, kad sandorių negaliojimo institutas sukelia sunkias teisines pasekmes, šio instituto naudojimas turi būti pamatuotas, todėl įstatymų leidėjas nustatė asmenų ratą, kurie turi teisę kreiptis dėl sandorio pripažinimo negaliojančiu. Bankroto procese tokie asmenys yra bankroto administratorius, kreditoriai, bankrutuojančios įmonės akcininkai. Vertinant bankrutuojančios įmonės sandorių negaliojimo pagrindus, kuriais yra ginčijami sudaryti sandoriai, daroma išvada, kad dažniausiai taikomas pagrindas yra actio Pauliana, tuo tarpu netiesioginis ieškinys pažeistoms teisėms apginti taikomas retai. Analizuojant teismų praktiką, teisės aktus, daroma išvada, kad iki šiol įstatymo lygmeniu nėra tinkamai užtikrinamas teisių ir teisėtų interesų gynimas taikant šį institutą, kas sąlygoja šio instituto neefektyvumą. Darbe siūloma įstatymu įtvirtinti papildomus terminus, užtikrinančius civilinių bylų, susijusių su bankrutuojančios įmonės sandorių ginčijimu, spartesnį nagrinėjimą, lanksčiau taikyti teisės normas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Up to now contesting of enterprise‘s in bankruptcy transactions has not been systematically analyzed on the theoretical level. In most cases specifics of transactions contesting in bankruptcy proceedings are only briefly mentioned when analyzing certain grounds of invalidity of transactions. Legal system of the Republic of Lithuania does not provide specific grounds for contesting the transactions of enterprise‘s in bankruptcy. Such transactions are contested on the basis of all invalidity of transaction grounds provided in RL CC. Taking into account the fact that the use of the invalidity of transactions institute causes serious legal consequences, legislation has been adopted to limit a range of individuals who are eligible to apply for the recognition of the transaction as invalid. In bankruptcy proceedings the ones eligible are bankruptcy administrator, creditors, shareholders of enterprise‘s in bankruptcy. The grounds for enterprise‘s in bankruptcy transactions to be recognized as invalid are used to contest discussed transactions. Analyzing this process leads to the conclusion that actio Pauliana is the most popular of all the grounds used to defend violated rights, while indirect action is rarely used in such cases. Based on the study of Court practice and legislation it can be concluded that when using the invalidity of transactions institute related rights and legitimate interests are still not properly ensured and that results in institute’s inefficiency. It is... [to full text]

Actio Pauliana taikymas Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo praktikoje / Paulian action application in the practise of the Supreme Court of Lithuania

Venslauskaitė, Gintarė 24 January 2012 (has links)
Actio Pauliana - tai vienas iš Lietuvos Respublikos civiliniame kodekse įtvirtintų kreditoriaus interesų gynimo būdų. Ilgą laiką dėl netinkamai suformuoto 1964 m. Lietuvos Respublikos civilinio kodekso reglamentavimo, kreditoriai retai naudojosi šiuo institutu, o teismų praktika buvo nedidelė. Actio Pauliana instituto tinkamas ir teisingas taikymas yra itin svarbus, nes juo ribojamos sutarties laisvės principo ribos. Svarbu ne tik apginti pažeistas kreditoriaus teises, bet kartu užtikrinti, kad nebūtų piktnaudžiaujama šiuo institutu ir skolininko teisės nebūtų nepagrįstai suvaržytos. Šio darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti naujausią Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo suformuotą actio Pauliana taikymo praktiką, sudarant prielaidas vieningam ir nuosekliam šio civilinės teisės instituto pagrindimui, aiškinimui ir taikymui. Darbe apžvelgiama actio Pauliana instituto istorinė raida, reglamentavimas Lietuvos ir užsienio valstybėse. Detaliai analizuojama Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo suformuota praktika, nagrinėjamas actio Pauliana specifiškumas bankroto bylose bei akcentuojami probleminiai aspektai. Darbo pabaigoje, remiantis atliktu tyrimu, analize ir gautomis išvadomis, buvo patvirtinti magistro darbo pradžioje iškelti ginamieji teiginiai. Visų pirma, atliktas tyrimas parodė, kad besikeičiant socialiniams, ekonominiams santykiams keičiasi ir actio Pauliana instituto reglamentavimas Lietuvoje. Įsigaliojus naujajam Lietuvos Respublikos CK, priešingai nei galiojant 1964 m. civiliniam... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Paulian action is one of defences of creditors rights institute regulated by the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania. For a long time this institute was not properly formed in the 1964 Civil Code, so creditors rarely used it and there were not too much court practise regarding this issue. A proper and correst application of the Paulian action is very important, because it limits freedom of contract principle. Paulian action application should not only protect creditors rights not be violated, but also prevent from misuse of this institute and also that debtors rights wouldn‘t be unduly restricted. The aim of this paper is to analize the newest Paulian action application practise of the Supreme Court of Lithuania, creating conditions for the uniform and consistent this institute substantiation, interpretation and application. This paper reviews the fountainhead of Paulian action insitute, its regulation in Lithuania and foreign countries. The paper also repesents detailed analysis of the Supreme Court of Lithuania practice, Paulian action specifity in bankruptcy cases and focus on the problematic aspects. At the end of the paper, were approved claims, which were raised in the beginning of the master's final work. Firstly, the investigation showed that because of constantly changes of social, economic relations, is changing Paulian action regulation in Lithuania. Also, when the new Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania came into force, on the contrary the 1964 Civil... [to full text]

Specialūs kreditoriaus interesų gynimo būdai / Specific Defence of Interests of a Creditor

Jakutytė, Asta 09 May 2006 (has links)
Specific defence of interests of a creditor, as a distinct legal institute, as yet has lacked any systematic analysis, therefore many practical questions regarding due application of the said remedies arise. The target of this final paper is thorough and systematic analysis of all three specific defences of creditor’s interests, including the analysis of application requirements, the nature and essence, the aims of the said remedies, also including comparative analysis of the similar remedies established in other countries in order to reveal the nature of the specific defences of creditor’s interests, to provide with practical advice and proposals regarding more efficient application of the said remedies in practice. Summarizing the studied judicial practice of the Supreme Court of Lithuania and the Appeal Court of Lithuania, relevant laws, scientific articles, monographs, official commentaries to laws, internet resources and the legal regulation of the other countries on these issues, the specific defences of creditor’s interests (actio Pauliana, oblique action, right of retention) provided in the Civil Code are important creditor’s additional remedies to defend his interests and the efficient application of such remedies ensures the defence of violated interests.

Sandorio negaliojimo pasekmės ir sandorio negaliojimo momento nustatymas / Consequences of invalidity of a transaction and determination of the starting point of its invalidity

Šimulytė, Eglė 27 June 2014 (has links)
Sandorių negaliojimo instituto tikslas - stabili ir teisėta civilinė apyvarta. Sandorio pripažinimas negaliojančiu panaikina jo teisinę galią. Viena vertus, pripažintas negaliojančiu, sandoris nesukelia teisinių pasekmių ateičiai, kita vertus, naudojantis sandorių pripažinimo grįžtamosios galios (retroaktyvumo) principu, toks sandoris laikomas neegzistavusiu ir praeityje jo sukeltos pasekmės išnykusios. Kadangi tikrovėje tam tikri faktai jau yra įvykę, pasitelkiant teisines priemones, šalys yra grąžinamos į iki sandorio sudarymo buvusią padėtį. Restitucija, pagrindinė sandorių pripažinimo negaliojančiais teisinė pasekmė, dėl sandorio dalyko, šalių specifikos, ar atsiradusių trečiųjų asmenų teisių į sandorio dalyką, ne visada gali būti taikoma. Atsižvelgiant į tai, šalių grąžinimui į iki sandorio sudarymo buvusią padėtį, naudojami ir kiti teisės institutai: be pagrindo įgyto turto ir nepagrįsto praturtėjimo taisyklės, vindikacija, actio Pauliana ieškinys. Kai turto grąžinimas natūra ar apskaičiavus piniginį ekvivalentą tampa neįmanomas, o šalis sieja prievoliniai teisiniai santykiai, taikytinos be pagrindo įgyto turto ir nepagrįsto praturtėjimo taisyklės. Tuo atveju, kai šalių nesieja prievoliniai teisiniai santykiai, jų teisės ginamos daiktinės teisės normomis (vindikacija). Ieškinys, reiškiamas siekiant sugrąžinti skolininką į buvusią iki sandorio sudarymo padėtį ir patenkinti kreditorinį reikalavimą, reiškiamas pagal actio Pauliana taisykles. Atkūrus šalių padėtį, buvusią... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / (Consequences of Invalidity of a Transaction and Determination of the Starting Point of its Invalidity) The goal consequences of invalidity of transactions are stable and legitimate civil circulation. Invalidity of a transaction eliminates the legal validity. On the one hand, invalidity of a transaction has no legal consequences for the future, on the other hand, using the retroactive recognition of the transactions (retroactivity) principle, the transaction presumed to have not existed and the consequences of transaction are disappeared. Whereas, certain facts have occurred in reality, using legal instruments, parties are returned to the status quo before the transactional. Restitution, the main consequence of invalidity transactions, of subject of transaction, counterparts specific, or third parties rights in subject of transaction, may not always be applicable. In this context, parties returned to the status quo before the transactional, are used other legal instrument: no reason on assets and unjust enrichment rules, vindication, Actio Pauliana legal action. When the restitution returning the item back to the whole or counting the value of money becomes impossible and parties have legal obligation relationships, used no reason on assets and unjust enrichment rules. In the event, when the parties have not legal obligations relationships, their rights are protected by right in rem role of law (vindication). Legal action to return the debtor to the status quo before the... [to full text]

Neúčinnost právních úkonů v českém právu / The ineffectiveness of legal acts in the Czech law

Sviták, Stanislav January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the historical elements of the ineffectiveness of legal acts, and the tradition of this legal institute in the territory of the Czech Republic, whereas the concept of such a legal institute pursuant to Roman law is not left aside, either. The terms of the legal act are defined there as well as the absolute and relative ineffectiveness of legal acts. The dissertation focuses on the relative ineffectiveness (defeasibleness, the right of defeasibleness) of the legal act, namely with regard to other "defects" of the legal acts (nullity, invalidity, withdrawal from the contract etc.) as well as with regard to other systems of the creditor's protection (within the scope of the common civil law, corporate law, insolvency law and the criminal law instruments). The dissertation pays attention to the issue of the name of the defeasibleness right institute, to its purpose, forms (based upon defeasibleness as well as upon statutory ineffectiveness), and to the defeasibleness action. The dissertation analyses the effective legal regulation of the right of defeasibleness, including non-insolvency law (pursuant to 1964 Civil Code and 2012 Civil Code) as well as the insolvency proceedings. Keywords: absolute ineffectiveness, actio Pauliana, ineffectiveness of the legal act,...

Aspects of money laundering in South African law

Van Jaarsveld, Izelde Louise 04 1900 (has links)
Money laundering involves activities which are aimed at concealing benefits that were acquired through criminal means for the purpose of making them appear legitimately acquired. Money laundering promotes criminal activities in South Africa because it allows criminals to keep the benefits that they acquired through their criminal activities. It takes place through a variety of schemes which include the use of banks. In this sense money laundering control is based on the premise that banks must be protected from providing criminals with the means to launder the benefits of their criminal activities. The Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001 (‘FICA’) in aggregate with the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (‘POCA’) form the backbone of South Africa’s anti-money laundering regime. Like its international counterparts FICA imposes onerous duties on banks seeing that they are most often used by criminals as conduits to launder the benefits of crime. In turn, POCA criminalises activities in relation to the benefits of crime and delineates civil proceedings aimed at forfeiting the benefits of crime to the state. This study identifies the idiosyncrasies of the South African anti-money laundering regime and forwards recommendations aimed at improving its structure. To this end nine issues in relation to money laundering control and banks are investigated. The investigation fundamentally reveals that money laundering control holds unforeseen consequences for banks. In particular, a bank that receives the benefits of crimes such as fraud or theft faces prosecution if it fails to heed FICA’s money laundering control duties, for example, the filing of a suspicious transaction report. However, if the bank files a suspicious transaction report, it may be sued in civil court by the customer for breach of contract. In addition, if the bank parted with the benefits of fraud or theft whilst suspecting that the account holder may not be entitled to payment thereof, it may be sued by the victim of fraud or theft who seeks to recover loss suffered at the hand of the fraudster or thief from the bank. Ultimately, this study illustrates that amendment of some of the provisions of South Africa’s anti-money laundering legislation should enable banks to manage the aforementioned and other unforeseen consequences of money laundering control whilst at the same time contribute to the South African anti-money laundering effort. / Criminal and Procedural Law / Mercantile Law / LL.D.

Aspects of money laundering in South African law

Van Jaarsveld, Izelde Louise 04 1900 (has links)
Money laundering involves activities which are aimed at concealing benefits that were acquired through criminal means for the purpose of making them appear legitimately acquired. Money laundering promotes criminal activities in South Africa because it allows criminals to keep the benefits that they acquired through their criminal activities. It takes place through a variety of schemes which include the use of banks. In this sense money laundering control is based on the premise that banks must be protected from providing criminals with the means to launder the benefits of their criminal activities. The Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001 (‘FICA’) in aggregate with the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (‘POCA’) form the backbone of South Africa’s anti-money laundering regime. Like its international counterparts FICA imposes onerous duties on banks seeing that they are most often used by criminals as conduits to launder the benefits of crime. In turn, POCA criminalises activities in relation to the benefits of crime and delineates civil proceedings aimed at forfeiting the benefits of crime to the state. This study identifies the idiosyncrasies of the South African anti-money laundering regime and forwards recommendations aimed at improving its structure. To this end nine issues in relation to money laundering control and banks are investigated. The investigation fundamentally reveals that money laundering control holds unforeseen consequences for banks. In particular, a bank that receives the benefits of crimes such as fraud or theft faces prosecution if it fails to heed FICA’s money laundering control duties, for example, the filing of a suspicious transaction report. However, if the bank files a suspicious transaction report, it may be sued in civil court by the customer for breach of contract. In addition, if the bank parted with the benefits of fraud or theft whilst suspecting that the account holder may not be entitled to payment thereof, it may be sued by the victim of fraud or theft who seeks to recover loss suffered at the hand of the fraudster or thief from the bank. Ultimately, this study illustrates that amendment of some of the provisions of South Africa’s anti-money laundering legislation should enable banks to manage the aforementioned and other unforeseen consequences of money laundering control whilst at the same time contribute to the South African anti-money laundering effort. / Criminal and Procedural Law / Mercantile Law / LL.D.

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