Spelling suggestions: "subject:"Action - 3research"" "subject:"Action - 1research""
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The critical success factors for original equipment manufacturers within medical technology supply chains in Germany : a case study and action research investigationGarcia-Villarreal, Enrique January 2018 (has links)
The medical technology sector in Germany is considered an innovative, fast-growing and promising industry, being third behind the USA and Japan as the biggest market in the world, worth 17.1 billion euros. Consequently, supply chain success is of high importance. This research identified the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for Original Equipment Manufacturers that are involved within medical technology supply chains in Germany. This thesis begins with a full literature review on Supply Chain Management (SCM) in the medical technology sector and presents the current state of academic discussion on CSFs in this context. The literary analysis identified that most academic research focuses on developing theory based on supply chains of the manufacturing sector with the consumer market as their primary concern, with limited insights into Medical Technology Supply Chains (MTSCs). This was a main driver for the exploration of the drivers and barriers extant in this sector. Two studies were designed to address the identified research gaps. The first study was a qualitative research using multiple case studies and was divided in two phases. Phase A involved 15 German manufacturers of medical technology products and focused on identifying the CSFs in this sector. Phase B involved 14 German manufacturers and uncovered issues and weaknesses of their current SCM strategies by means of an assessment tool developed specially for this study. The second study consisted of an action research project, using interviews and participative workshops to develop an understanding on how organisations in this sector can improve operations using the CSFs concept while offering insights into the actual implementation of SCM strategies and the behavioural aspects of change management in this context. The findings extend theory and provide insights into real-world practitioner challenges and priorities. The outcomes of this study propose that the prioritised combination of the identified CSFs leads to better performance of OEMs in the German MTSC sector, which shifts our understanding of how practitioners prioritise CSFs. Furthermore, this thesis addresses the qualitative knowledge gap around the relational aspects of implementing SCM practices within this sector, while exploring relationships between stakeholders during the process of introducing these changes. These findings challenge existing generic assumptions about supply chain CSFs, as well as adding to SCM, CSF, and medical technology research and knowledge.
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The Impact of Lesson Study on Intermediate Teachers' Abilities to Teach Critical Thinking, Develop Professionally, and Gain EfficacyJanuary 2012 (has links)
abstract: Federal mandates, such as, No Child Left Behind (NCLB) set high standards, but in reality did little to promote critical thinking instruction and learning in our nation's schools. Race to the Top is our nation's current attempt to improve education and thanks to this legislation there is now a set of common core standards aimed at infusing critical thinking into the curriculum. Districts in Arizona are struggling to provide common core training to prepare teachers to teach these new, rigorous standards. This is a problem because teaching critical thinking is challenging. While grade level teams often get together, little time is devoted to create lessons that are focused on deep learning and little time is set aside to observe lessons and reflect on student engagement. One potential solution to this may be lesson study. Lesson study is a method of professional development that encourages teachers to reflect on their teaching through a cycle of collaborative lesson planning and observation. The lesson study cycle connects with the constructed nature of learning provided by Vygotsky Space. This action research was designed to explore how 10 fourth, fifth, and sixth grade teachers at a K-8 school in Arizona learned how to infuse critical thinking into their lessons. This study took place from July to November of 2011. A mixed methods approach was used to collect data. Quantitative measures included Likert-items on a survey and lesson plans scored with the district rubric. Qualitative measures included open-ended survey items, transcriptions of lesson debriefs, reflective learning logs, and the researcher's personal field notes. Data were analyzed separately and then triangulated to reduce bias. Findings from this study indicate that although it was challenging for the teachers, lesson study enabled them to successfully integrate critical thinking into their lesson plans. The process of lesson study increased the teachers' efficacy to create lessons, and it helped them understand how important critical thinking was for their students. The teachers also came to value the lesson study process as a positive approach to professional development. Based on these findings, implications are made, and further action research cycles suggested. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ed.D. Leadership and Innovation 2012
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Using Lesson Study to Help Teachers Design Lessons with Purposeful Planned Movement and Build EfficacyJanuary 2012 (has links)
abstract: Due to the push down of academics, today's elementary students are being asked to learn more concepts and sit for longer periods of time. Sitting slows thinking, whereas movement wakes up the brain. Using movement to learn is embodied cognition, or learning through both the body and the brain. Movement should be part of instruction for young students; however teachers are often not sure how to incorporate movement in their lesson plans. The Japanese practice of lesson study may help because it embeds teachers' new learning in their classrooms while intimately connecting it to the learning of their students, and it links with the cyclical, constructed theory of learning provided by Vygotsky Space. If teachers incorporate movement in their lessons, children have the potential to become more engaged and learn. This action research study was designed to understand if two first grade, two second grade, and one third grade teacher at a Title One elementary school in the Southwestern United States could learn how to use movement more during instruction through lesson study. This innovation took place for 14-weeks during which 12 lessons using movement were developed and taught. Data were collected prior to the study and during each portion of the cyclical process including, while teachers learned, during lessons using movement, and when lessons were discussed and changed. The data sources were pre and post teacher surveys, student surveys, observation protocols, lesson plans, transcripts of lesson study meetings, and researcher notes. To reduce bias a triangulated mixed methods design was used. Results indicate that through lesson study teachers were able to learn about movement, try it, observe the results, and adjust it to fit their teaching style and their students' needs. Data showed increased student engagement in lessons that incorporated movement as evidenced in the students' words, bodies, and learning. After participating in the study, the teachers realized they personally use movement to learn, and teachers' efficacy regarding their ability to plan movement in their lessons increased. Additionally, they started purposefully planning movement across their curriculum. Based on the results, further cycles / Dissertation/Thesis / Ed.D. Leadership and Innovation 2012
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An action research study concerning how clinicians formulate treatment choices for people with personality disorder : using hermeneutic and IPA methodsGraham, Judith January 2017 (has links)
Background: Personality Disorder treatment is a contentious subject in health care. Despite available research concerning the diagnosis itself and also available treatments, there is little research regarding treatment thresholds or defining how treatment decisions can be formulated. This problem has been identified by clinicians, patients, supervisors and specific organisations, particularly linked to recent healthcare changes associated with austerity measures. Research Question: How can mental health care staff use a formulated decision process concerning therapeutic interventions for people with PD, when considering the recent service changes and rationalisation of available treatments? Methods: An Action Research study has been conducted over a four year period, using predominantly qualitative methods including: a hermeneutic literature review (n=144 papers), patient questionnaires (n=15) and Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) of clinician and supervisor semi-structured interviews (n=10). Results: Difficulties have been found when making decisions with people who either do not accept their diagnosis and/or do not accept the current evidence-based treatments for personality disorder. Other challenges have been identified regarding the patient/clinician relationship, the level of distress the patient presents with, and also the clinician view concerning the individual, the diagnosis, and the available treatments. The IPA produced five super-ordinate themes related to decision-making regarding treatment choices for people with personality disorder, including: difficulties with boundary management, diagnostic stigma, a focus upon time, metacognitive ability, and the potential for iatrogenic harm. Conclusions: Multiple factors require consideration when examining treatment choices for people with a personality disorder, concerning the patient's individual symptom profile, needs, attitude towards treatments; the clinician's profession, attitudes, opinions, and wellness on the day of the assessment, and also the treatments available within the locality. A diagram has been presented summarising these formulation factors. Recommendations have been made based upon the results, analysis, synthesis and discussion sections, indicating potential practice changes and areas for future research.
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A educação de adultos maduros e idosos : aprendizagens escolares construídas e partilhadas no grupo revivendo a vidaCeroni, Denise Costa January 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como intenção averiguar como as experiências e aprendizagens pedagógicas desenvolvidas no Grupo Revivendo a Vida se relacionam no cotidiano dos adultos maduros e idosos que dele fazem parte. Como a construção de novos conhecimentos, a ressignificação dos saberes escolares, a manutenção e a ampliação das possibilidades cognitivas dos estudantes adultos maduros e idosos influenciam as atividades da vida diária desses sujeitos? Ainda nesse sentido, esta pesquisa almeja construir novos conhecimentos e refletir sobre as questões da aprendizagem escolar para as pessoas adultas maduras e idosas. Para tanto, foi realizada uma Pesquisa Participante ao longo do ano de 2010, com estudantes alfabetizados. Foram considerados nessa análise, a observação participante, os dados presentes na ficha de inscrição no grupo e um questionário que tencionou coletar algumas informações acerca das relações com o próprio processo de aprendizagem. Com relação aos respondentes, foram escolhidos os cinco (5) estudantes mais velhos para participarem de uma entrevista semiestruturada. A partir das entrevistas realizadas e, também, com base nas observações e na análise documental foi possível traçar algumas considerações acerca da indagação que deu origem a essa pesquisa. A partir da análise, as reflexões construídas foram agregadas em quatro temas centrais: a memória, a convivência, a imagem positiva de si mesmo e a capacidade de se manter atualizado. Entre outros achados, foi possível perceber que frequentar o ambiente acadêmico pode ressignificar as aprendizagens escolares e, ao mesmo tempo, permitir que se experimente o lugar de estudante anunciando que é possível viver a velhice de uma forma bem sucedida e feliz. / This research aims to investigate how both the educational and learning experiences, which have developed on the group Revivendo a Vida correlate in the daily lives of mature adults and elderly people. The question is how the new knowledge, the resignification of school knowledge, the maintenance and expansion of mature adults and elderly students' cognitive possibilities influence the daily activities of such subjects. Also in this sense, this research aims to build new knowledge and reflect on the issues of school learning for mature adults and elderly people. In order to achieve that, a Participant Survey was carried out throughout 2010, with literate students. For this analysis it was taken onto account the participant observation, the data present in the registration forms of the Group and a questionnaire intended to collect some information related to the associations with the learning process itself. Regarding the respondents, five (5) older students were chosen to take part into a semi-structured interview. Upon the conducted interviews and, also, based on the comments and on the documental analysis it was possible to draw some considerations about the question which has given rise to this search. From the analysis, the reflections built were grouped into four central themes: the memory, the coexistence, the positive image of oneself and the ability to keep oneself updated. Among other findings, it was possible to realize that participating on the academic environment can bring new meaning to the school learning and, at the same time, enable the experience of being on the student's place announcing that it is possible to live the old age successfully and happy.
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Aprendizagem baseada em projetos : uma Pesquisa Ação Participante no processo de ensino/aprendizagem de Sustentabilidade no curso de Administração de EmpresasGonzales, Rogério Leite January 2018 (has links)
Enquanto caminhamos para a terceira década no século XXI, o mundo enfrenta problemas expressivos e complexos, interligando desenvolvimento e estilo de vida, sem esquecer alguns desafios um pouco mais urgentes, como o aumento das desigualdades sociais, desmatamento e desaparecimento de espécies, mudanças climáticas, qualidade e escassez de água, e segurança alimentar. Ainda que possamos identificar os resultados do modelo positivista e mecanicista de desenvolvimento adotado, em especial no mundo ocidental, temos sido incapazes de agir para evitar a destruição do planeta. A educação popularizada nos últimos séculos, com o objetivo de sustentar e promover o modelo de desenvolvimento em questão, enfrenta um movimento global de contestação, e tampouco tem conseguido evoluir. Frente a esse panorama, este estudo, de caráter exploratório, faz uso da teoria da Educação Sustentável como ponto de apoio para propor uma metodologia de Aprendizagem Baseada em Projetos (ABP) em turmas do curso de Administração de Empresas, e compreender os efeitos da ABP quando aplicada no ensino de Sustentabilidade. A Teoria da Aprendizagem Experiencial (TAE) dá o suporte teórico para o entendimento dos processos vividos pelos participantes da pesquisa. Para viabilizar a concepção, aplicação e acompanhamento dos resultados e verificar a percepção dos discentes, a metodologia utilizada foi a Pesquisa Ação Participante (PAP). Durante os doze meses de pesquisa no campo, foi possível desenvolver dois ciclos de aplicação da ABP, onde mais de 150 alunos construíram projetos que se propuseram ultrapassar os muros da universidade e influenciar a comunidade, tendo a sustentabilidade como tema transversal e conector das propostas desenvolvidas O estudo apoia-se na percepção dos alunos, através de processos contínuos de feedback e recursivos de adaptação da metodologia, para refinar a proposta metodológica de aplicação da ABP e verificar a percepção dos alunos com relação à proposta desenvolvida. Ainda que haja estranhamento por parte dos estudantes em um primeiro momento (a característica mais progressista da disciplina, que coloca o aluno em uma posição de protagonismo, em muitos casos induz à incapacidade ou não interesse em exercer esse papel), ao final do semestre, após repetidos processos de reflexão sobre a experiência vivida, o desconforto em geral é ressignificado como aprendizado. Tal qual a TAE e a PAP, a proposta desse trabalho é avançar no entendimento das formas e resultados possíveis de serem atingidos com o uso da ABP tendo a sustentabilidade como contexto, porém tendo clareza sobre a complexidade da temática e a recursividade do processo de aprendizagem e sobre espaços para melhorias e adequações da metodologia. Esperamos que esse movimento possa inspirar outros colegas docentes a fazer uso da ABP ou outras metodologias ativas que ajudem na transformação urgente e necessária que vivemos hoje. / As we move towards the third decade of the 21st century, the world faces significant and complex problems involving development and lifestyle, added by some more urgent challenges, such as increase in social inequalities, deforestation and extinction of species, climate change, and water scarcity and food safety. Although we can identify the results of the positivist and mechanistic model of development adopted in the Western world in particular, we have been unable to act in order to prevent the destruction of the planet. The education popularized in recent centuries with the aim of supporting and promoting the development model mentioned is being challenged in a global scale and has not been able to evolve. This exploratory study makes use of the Sustainable Education theory as a fulcrum in order to propose a Project-Based Learning (PBL) methodology in business administration courses and understand the effects of PBL when applied to sustainability teaching. The Theory of Experiential Learning (TEL) gives the theoretical support for understanding the processes experienced by the study subjects. Participant Action Research (PAR) was used as methodology to facilitate the design, implementation and monitoring of results, and verify the perceptions of students. During the twelve months of field research, it was possible to develop two application cycles of PBL, where more than 150 students built projects targeting a public wider than the university community, using sustainability as an overarching theme connecting propositions The study is based on the students' perception through continuous feedback and recursive processes of methodology adaptation in order to refine the methodological proposition of application of PBL and verify the students' perception regarding the proposition developed. Although the students were initially uncomfortable (given the progressive characteristic of the course, which puts the student in a position of prominence, often making students feel unable to or not interested in playing this role), this discomfort is generally resignified as learning at the end of the semester, after repeated processes of reflection on the experience. Similar to TEL and PAR, the intention of this thesis is to advance our understanding of the forms and results achieved with the use of PBL having sustainability as context, while being aware of how complex the theme is and how recursive the learning process is. We also acknowledge that there is room for improvement and adaptation of the methodology. We hope that this initiative may inspire fellow educators to make use of PBL or other active methodologies in order to assist them in the urgent transformation which is needed today.
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Isabel na escola: desafios e perspectivas para a inclusão de uma criança com síndrome de down numa classe comum / Isabel at school: challenges and perspectives for the inclusion of a child with down syndrome in a regular classKátia Patrício Benevides Campos 28 June 2012 (has links)
Esta tese analisa a concepção de uma professora sobre o processo ensino-aprendizagem de uma criança com Síndrome de Down incluída em uma classe comum de Educação Infantil. Também foi objeto de estudo a busca, junto à referida professora, de procedimentos favoráveis ao desenvolvimento social, afetivo e cognitivo da aluna. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, combinando um estudo de caso de cunho etnográfico com uma pesquisa-ação. Como procedimentos de coletas de dados foram utilizadas entrevistas abertas e semiestruturadas, observação participante e a autoscopia. A análise dos dados foi feita com base na análise de conteúdo, conforme proposta por Bardin (1977). Os dados obtidos, que vêm ao encontro com outros estudos, mostraram as dificuldades de implementação das políticas públicas de inclusão no âmbito do sistema educacional, em geral, e especificamente no caso da escola foco. O processo de inclusão torna-se complexo em virtude de variáveis como: despreparo dos professores em lidar com alunos com deficiência, ausência de conhecimento por parte de professores sobre flexibilização de estratégias de ensino aprendizagem e de organização escolar que não levam em conta a diversidade do alunado. Vimos que a presença da aluna na classe não garantia sua participação nas atividades e que seu processo de escolarização era dificultado pela falta de conhecimentos da professora sobre o desenvolvimento de sujeitos com deficiência intelectual e práticas pedagógicas alternativas. A partir da pesquisa-ação, constatamos mudanças positivas por parte da menina com relação ao desenvolvimento social e afetivo e que a professora, mesmo diante de limitações pedagógicas, contribuiu para esses avanços. Os dados revelaram que os conhecimentos pedagógicos que a professora demonstrava ter, com base nas atividades propostas para os alunos, estavam baseados no ensino tradicional, com uma concepção de educação infantil voltada para a prontidão para a alfabetização, evidenciando uma dificuldade em desenvolver o trabalho pedagógico numa perspectiva sócio-histórica. / This thesis analyses a teachers view about the teaching-learning process of a child withDown Syndrome Child included in a regular class of Early Education. It was also object of investigation the search, with the referred teacher, of procedures favorable to the social, affective and cognitive development of the student. It was a qualitative research, combining an ethnographic type case study with action-research. As data collection procedures were utilized open and semi-structured interviews, participant observation and autoscopy. The data analysis was undertaken based on the content analysis method, as proposed by Bardin (1977).The data obtained, that meet results of other studies, showed the difficulties in implementation of public policies of inclusion in the context of the educational system in general, and specifically in the case of the school that was the focus of this research. The inclusion process becomes complex due to variable such as: lack of preparation of the teachers to deal with students with disabilities, lack of knowledge on the part of the teachers about flexibilization of strategies for the teaching learning process, school organization that does not take into account the diversity of the students. We saw that the presence of the student in the class did not guaranteed her participation in the activities and that her process of education was damaged due to the lack of knowledge of the teacher about development of subjects with intellectual disability and alternative pedagogical practices.With the action-research, we noticed positive changes in the girls social and affective development and that the teacher, even faced with her pedagogical limitations, contributed to these advances. The data revealed that the pedagogical knowledge the teacher demonstrated to have, from the activities proposed for the students, was focused on traditional study methods, with a view of Early Education turned to alphabetization readiness, showing an difficulty to develop the pedagogical work within a social-historical perspective.
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Internal promotion of Islamic banking offerings at a South African traditional bank: An action research studyDamon, Shameem January 2018 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom (Business and Finance) / This master's thesis report is a record of my action research study conducted at a traditional bank
in South Africa. The report follows a narrative writing style. It contains my personal learnings and
reflections. In it I record my practices aimed at promoting Islamic banking products of a traditional
bank. In undertaking this action research, I employed interventions whereby I improved my own
learning and behaviour through practice. This action research took place within the customer
facing division of a national traditional bank in the Western Cape.
While conducting my situational analysis, I found that front-line employees lacked knowledge and
awareness about Islamic banking products, which negatively impacted their attitude and
willingness to promote the Islamic banking offering. As the action research progressed, another
concern was identified, namely, the lack of awareness of Islamic banking by customers. In order
to guide activities that are directed at improving the behaviour of front-line employees and
customers, I drew insights from the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) by Icek Ajzen (1991) for
my theoretical framework. Observations, interviews and interview schedules were used to collect
data and continuously analysed using content analysis and univariate analysis for the respective
data types. Evidence was generated by measuring the data against a standard of judgments as
required for an action research project. This resulted in the identification of key factors that
influence front-line employees' willingness to promote the Islamic banking products. These factors
were their attitudes and perceived behavioural control. It was further identified that the lack of
awareness by customers had a negative impact on their attitudes towards using the Islamic
banking offering. Both issues were addressed, by following the cyclical approach of action
research. In order to influence front-line employees' behaviour, with the support of the necessary
stakeholders, I implemented internal marketing programmes such as training and development.
To increase the level of customer awareness, I implemented activities directed at external
customers such as brochures and poster displays within branches. The study finds that through
my ethical and political practices, front-line employees were motivated and stakeholders actively
participated in planning and executing interventions designed to improve the performance of
Islamic banking sales. The practices implemented by myself, as an Islamic banking product
champion, were identified as a key influence in the promotion of Islamic banking. I also identified
that senior management and middle management influenced front-line employees' acceptance
and implementation of internal marketing practices.
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Using collaborative action research to support adoptive parents in their communications with school staffLyons, Joanne Patricia January 2017 (has links)
To address a gap in the empirical literature on Educational Psychology (EP) practice and on adoption, and to gain perspectives from the Local Authority (LA), this thesis describes collaborative action research conducted by an Educational Psychologist (EP) with adoptive parents to support their communications with school staff. Participants were members of an Adoption Support Group and colleagues in Social Care. Information was gathered via focus groups and semi-structured questionnaires to ascertain the types of difficulties expressed by adoptive parents and inform the processes of communication systems. Participatory action research empowered participants to engage in meaningful and purposeful actions of planning, designing and evaluating information. The research narrative reports on first person inquiry through personal reflection and learning. Second person inquiry was generated in the course of research interactions with participants and the data that emerged from their realities to inform practical learning in action. Third person inquiry moved towards thinking around explanations for issues and the generation of knowledge. Knowledge was developed about parents’ perspectives on the barriers and enabling factors involved in their communications with school staff. The action research approach captured the potential of the insider position to generate rich data in situ while promoting a collaborative response to the social situation faced by the adopters when communicating with school staff. My insider position as researcher, holding multiple roles as an adoptive parent, as an EP and LA officer, is actively acknowledged as influencing understanding and the conceptualisations of the findings. The participants collaborated in the generation of a resource that provided opportunities for insight into issues to improve working practice and may provide a tool to allow parents to communicate effectively with school staff. The resource supported two main recognised functions: practical structure and emotional support. Empowering approaches were those that respected their knowledge, used their language and meanings in an emancipatory way that removed barriers, and were inclusive of them and their children. Communication is enhanced by and depends on systems that are empowering for parents and staff to co-construct shared understandings.
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Co-Constructing College-Going Capital in a Rural High School English ClassJanuary 2015 (has links)
abstract: Compared to their urban and suburban counterparts, rural students have lower college enrollment rates. Despite many school and community benefits including small class sizes, close student-teacher relationships, and strong connections among community members, many rural high school students’ post-secondary educational opportunities are constrained by factors such as: fewer college preparatory courses, narrow school curriculums, geographic isolation, high poverty rates, and limited access to college and career counseling. This action research study was conducted to examine how and to what extent underserved rural high school students constructed college-going capital through their participation in an English class designed to supplement their school’s limited college-access services. The study took place over a 19-week semester at Seligman High School, a small rural school comprised of approximately 55 students. To support their construction of college-going capital, students’ junior- and senior-level English class curriculums blended traditional college preparation activities with college-level reading and writing assignments focused on the U.S. educational system and its college-access inequities. The theoretical perspectives that framed this study included: social cognitive career theory, sociocultural theory, and critical literacy. Further, research on perceived post-secondary educational barriers and supports, dialogic discourse, and college access informed the study. By using a concurrent, transformative mixed methods research design, both qualitative and quantitative data were collected simultaneously. Then, while maintaining an advocacy stance, the data were analyzed separately and brought together to determine convergences and divergences. Drawing data from student surveys, student and researcher journal entries, student and college coach interviews, dialogic discussion transcripts, and an image elicitation process, this study showed that, through their participation in an English language arts college-going class, students developed college-going skills, knowledge, self-efficacy, and critical literacy. The study also revealed the following: students acquired varying levels of critical consciousness; students benefited from adult mentors coaching them about college-going; and students did not experience significant changes in their perceptions of barriers to and supports for college-going during their participation in the course. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Educational Administration and Supervision 2015
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