Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1activity physical"" "subject:"2activity physical""
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Weight loss in elderly patients with Parkinson's disease /Lorefält, Birgitta, January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Univ., 2005. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Pohybová aktivita pracujících osob se zaměřením na učitelskou profesi / The Physical activity of persons with a focus on teachersTETOUROVÁ, Marie January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic: "Physical activity of persons employed with a focus on the teaching profession." In the theoretical part concepts related to history and the intensity of teaching, teachers and related mental stress health risks. are characterized. We also deal with the influence of physical activity on human health, and the ability to reduce the occurrence of various health risks. The aim of the thesis is to monitor physical activity among teachers in kindergarten, Basic school, including school with small classes and high school. It is assessed on the basis of a standardized questionnaire IPAQ-long and by monitoring using pedometers Yamax Digiwalker SW 700th The results found physical activity are compared with recommendations for physical activity and divided into categories according to the classification PA Tudor-Locke and Bassett.
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Hodnocení úrovně tělesné zdatnosti a základních pohybových dovedností u dětí na 1. stupni základní školy. / The level of physical activity and physical fitness at elementary school-age children.Soucha, Filip January 2018 (has links)
Title: The Level of Physical Activity and Physical Fitness at Elementary School-Age Children Author: Bc. Filip Soucha Thesis supervizor: Mgr. Jakub Kokštejn, Ph.D. Objectives: To determine and compare the level of physical activity, physical fitness and the amount of subcutaneous fat at younger school children. Furthermore, the next goal is to find out the correlation between them. Methods: The research group consists of 3rd, 4th and 5th grade pupils (n=77). The Unifittest (6-60) was applied to deduce the level of physical fitness, the TGMD- 2 test was employed to find out the level of physical activity. In addition, somatic measurements, which are integral to the Unifittest (6-60), were utilized to discover the amount of subcutaneous fat. Results: 32% of children showed average results in the complex physical fitness due to test standard. The same percentage of children (34%) was above and below the average standard as well. 79% of children presented imbalanced performances in particular tests. The best results were seen in sit-up test on the contrary, the worst results were given in endurance shuttle run. The level of subcutaneous fat was above-average at 50% of children,. The results of physical activity level uncovered the below-average performances at the research group -70% of the children....
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Olympiáda dětí a mládeže: analýza časových řad sportovních výkonů žáků prvních tříd základních škol / Children and Youth Olympics: Analysis of time series of first-grade pupils' sports performanceHedbávná, Simona January 2018 (has links)
The thesis called Children and Youth Olympics: Analysis of time series of first-grade pupils' sports performance deals with the importance of physical activities of junior pupils attending elementary schools. The aim of this thesis is to describe the current status of children's physical capability as it is reported in professional literature. The data found there are compared with the children's physical ability performance measured in the case of the first-grade pupils at elementary schools. The thesis is focused on describing the Czech Olympic Committee project which is called Children and Youth Olympics. A unique sports event is derived from it - Velké Opatovice First- Grade Children Olympics. The text deals with the importance of sports, physical and olympic education and their integration in the Framework Education Program for the Basic Education. The research part of the thesis contains the analysis of the youngest pupils' sports performance. It introduces the data gathered from the First-grade Children Olympics result lists. They are in the form of the sports results linear trends from the period 2000 - 2017. The events in question are 50 and 400 metres run, cricket ball throw and long jump from the site. The research results have shown the improvement in running. It means in the speed and...
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From Theory to Design : Developing a smartphone behavioral intervention to promote physical activityMosesson, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Physical inactivity is a growing public health problem in the 21st century. A large proportion of the adult and adolescent population is not achieving recommended levels of physical activity which has significant consequences for both the individual and our society. With no evidence that the levels of physical inactivity will improve in the future, traditional methods of addressing this problem have evidently proven ineffective. A relatively new and promising approach to this problem that has become increasingly important in recent years is smartphone-based behavioral interventions to promote physical activity and other health-related behaviors. While several studies have shown many positive and promising results with this approach, other studies have also shown that the method is not completely understood. For instance, research shows that many of the health and fitness applications available today do not adequately adhere to behavior change strategies or health-related research, suggesting that these applications are not reaching their fullest potential. The goal of this study was to develop and evaluate an application to promote physical activity that was aligned with such research. A high-fidelity prototype based on the Behaviour Change Wheel was developed in Adobe XD and later evaluated by four participants. The outcome of the evaluation indicated that the developed prototype was well received overall, and participants believed it would trigger the desired behavior change of an increase in physical activity. However, due to the study limitations of unrepresentative participants and evaluation environment, time frame and application levels, nothing was truly proven in this regard. Further improvement of the prototype and future studies are needed to evaluate the prototype more accurately. / Fysisk inaktivitet är ett växande hälsoproblem för vårt samhälle under 2000-talet. En stor andel av vuxna och ungdomar uppnår inte rekommenderade hälsonivåer för fysiska aktivitet vilket har påtagliga konsekvenser för både individ och samhälle. Utan några forskningsbevis på att nivåerna för fysisk inaktivitet kommer att förbättras i framtiden har traditionella metoder för att motverka detta problem skenbarligen visats sig vara ineffektiva. Ett relativt nytt och lovande tillvägagångssätt för problemet som blivit alltmer relevant under de senaste åren är smartphonebaserade beteendeinterventioner för att främja fysisk aktivitet och andra hälsorelaterade beteenden. Medan ett flertal studier visat många positiva påföljder och lovande resultat med detta tillvägagångssätt, har andra studier samtidigt visat att metoden inte är helt förstådd och otillräckligt efterforskad. Bland annat visar forskning att många av dagens tillgängliga hälso- och träningsapplikationer inte optimalt följer riktlinjer för vare sig beteendeförändringsstrategier eller hälsorelaterad forskning, vilket antyder att dessa applikationer inte uppnår sin fulla potential. Målet med denna studie var att utveckla och utvärdera en applikation för att främja fysisk aktivitet som var baserad på sådan forskning. En prototyp av hög funktionsnivå baserad på The Behaviour Change Wheel utvecklades i Adobe XD och utvärderades av fyra deltagare. Resultatet från utvärderingen pekade mot att den utvecklade prototypen var väl uppskattad av deltagarna som även ansåg att prototypen skulle framkalla den önskade beteendeförändringen för ökad fysisk aktivitet. Emellertid, på grund av studiebegränsningarna med bland annat icke-representativa deltagare och utvärderingsförhållanden, tidsram samt applikationens funktionsnivå, kunde inte något absolut bevis framläggas i detta avseende. Ytterligare förbättringar av prototypen och framtida studier är nödvändiga för att utvärdera prototypen mer exakt.
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Positiva orsaksnätverk för utförandet av fysisk aktivitet hos personer med långvarig smärta / Positive causal networks for the implementation of physical activity in people with chronic painSundelin, Amanda, Hjalmarsson, Elin January 2023 (has links)
Background: Physical activity (PA) can impact chronic pain positively but it can be affected by both facilitating and hindering, e.g. motivation and self-efficacy (S-E). Aim: Through self-rated causal networks the study explored which factors adults with chronic pain rated as facilitating for PA, their PA level and which types of physical activities they engaged in. Relationships were investigated between S-E and PA and whether the causal networks differed between participants who met the recommendations for PA or not. Method: A comparative, correlating and descriptive pilot-study with a cross-sectional design was used and conducted via online questionnaires using Perceived Causal Networks. Results: There were two common items, Conditions and Thoughts about pain, that significantly facilitated the engagement in both intended exercise and everyday exercise. As everyday exercise the respondents mostly engaged in walks, household- and gardening chores and stair climbing. For intended exercise they mostly did walks, home exercise and swimming/water gymnastics. The majority of respondents (52%) had a self-rated PA-level that corresponded to a “higher level”. No difference emerged when comparing facilitating factors between those who met the recommendations for PA and those who didn´t. There were moderate correlations between S-E and activity minutes (r=0.443, p=0.002) as well as S-E and intended exercise (r=0.418, p=0.003). There was no statistically significant correlation between S-E and everyday PA (r=0.257, p=0.078). Conclusion: Although there was a correlation between S-E and activity minutes and physical exercise, further research is required on the subject in order to increase knowledge about facilitating factors for PA in people with chronic pain. / Bakgrund: Träning kan ha en positiv påverkan på långvarig smärta. Att utföra fysisk aktivitet (FA)påverkas av både underlättande och försvårande faktorer där bland annat motivation och tilltro till den egna förmågan avseende fysisk aktivitet kan ha en viktig roll. Syfte: Genom självskattade orsaksnätverk utforskade studien vilka faktorer vuxna personer medlångvarig smärta skattade som underlättande för att utöva FA, deras aktivitetsnivå samt vilkatyper av fysiska aktiviteter de ägnade sig åt. Eventuella samband mellan tilltro till den egnaförmågan att vara fysiskt aktiv och FA samt om orsaksnätverken skiljde sig åt beroende påom en uppfyllde respektive inte uppfyllde rekommendationerna för FA utforskades. Metod: En jämförande, korrelerande och deskriptiv pilotstudie med tvärsnittsdesign användes ochgenomfördes via strukturerade frågeformulär online med hjälp av Perceived CausalNetworks. Resultat: Enligt genomsnittsnätverket förekom två gemensamma faktorer, Förutsättningar och Tankeom träning, som var betydligt underlättade för såväl utförandet av planerad FA somvardagsmotion. Som Vardagsmotion ägnade sig deltagarna framför allt åt; promenader,hushålls- och trädgårdssysslor samt trappgång. Som Planerad FA utfördes främst;promenader, hemträning och simning/vattengymnastik. Majoriteten av respondenterna (52%)hade en självskattad fysisk aktivitetsnivå som motsvarade en “högre nivå”. Det framkomingen statistiskt säkerställd skillnad avseende skattningen av underlättande faktorer mellan desom uppnådde respektive inte uppnådde rekommendationerna för FA. Sambandet var måttligtstarkt mellan tilltro till den egna förmågan avseende fysisk aktivitet och aktivitetsminuter(r=0.443, p=0.002) och mellan tilltro till den egna förmågan avseende fysisk aktivitet ochfysisk träning (r=0.418, p=0.003). Mellan tilltro till den egna förmågan avseende fysiskaktivitet och vardagsmotion fanns inget statistiskt samband (r=0.257, p=0.078). Slutsats: Trots att det verkar finnas ett samband mellan tilltro till den egna förmågan avseende fysiskaktivitet och aktivitetsminuter respektive fysisk träning krävs vidare forskning kring ämnetför att öka kunskapen om vad som kan underlätta utförandet av FA hos personer medlångvarig smärta.
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Evaluating the impact of a sport-for-development intervention on the physical and mental health of young adolescents in Gulu, Uganda - a post-conflict setting within a low-income countryRichards, Justin A. January 2011 (has links)
Introduction: Physical inactivity is thought to contribute to the emergence of non-communicable diseases in post-conflict settings of low-income countries. Sport-for-development (SfD) organisations in these regions claim to improve the health of programme participants. However, there is a paucity of supporting evidence. I assessed the impact of a voluntary community-based SfD intervention on the physical activity (PA), physical fitness (PF) and mental health (MH) of adolescents in Gulu, Uganda. Methods: The Acholi Psychosocial Assessment Instrument (APAI), standing broad jump (SBJ), multi-stage fitness test (MSFT) and BMI-for-age (BFA) were adapted to the local context. I tested their feasibility and reliability with a repeat-measures design (n=70). A cross-sectional analysis of a random sample was used to assess the local needs and establish the PF and MH of the adolescents reached by the intervention (n=1464). This was also the baseline assessment for the impact evaluation. It comprised a randomised control trial (n=144) nested within a cohort study (n=1400) and triangulated by cross-sectional assessment of PA using accelerometry (n=54). Results: The adapted PF and MH measures demonstrated good intra-tester reliability (ICC>0.75). Adolescents in Gulu predominantly had “healthy” BFA (>90%). They performed better than global norms for the SBJ (p<0.001), but worse for the MSFT (p<0.05). The girls who registered for the intervention had higher PF at baseline (p<0.05) and experienced no significant benefits when compared to the community. The aerobic capacity of the boys intervention group increased relative to the community (p<0.01), but was not significantly different to the trial control group whose PF also improved. The PA results concurred with this finding. Boys in the intervention group experienced a deterioration in MH relative to their peers (p<0.05). Implications: It is feasible to apply rigorous evaluation methods to SfD interventions. Although adolescents in Gulu have poor aerobic capacity, a voluntary programme may not reach those at risk. Interpreting the impact evaluation was limited by a lack of programme development theory, but suggested that opportunities for non-competitive play may confer PF benefit without harming MH. Further investigation is warranted.
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Syreupptagningsförmåga vid fem-minuterspyramidtest gentemot maximalt test på löpband : en valideringsstudie hos äldre och yngre vuxna / Oxygen uptake at five-minute pyramid test against a maximum treadmill testing : a validation study in older and younger adultsRyhed, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar. Syftet med studien är att, hos äldre personer, över 65 år, samt hos yngre vuxna, mellan 20-30 år, jämföra syreupptagningsförmågan med två olika metoder, fem-minuterspyramidtest (5MPT) samt VO2max-test på löpband. Vid båda mätmetoderna används direkt syrgasmätning. Metod. Totalt deltog 36 personer i studien, varav 17 äldre personer 65 till 85 år (9 kvinnor och 8 män) samt 19 yngre med en ålder mellan 20 till 35 år (10 kvinnor och 9 män). Deltagarnas syreupptagningsförmåga mättes under 5MPT vid två tillfällen som sedan jämfördes med VO2max mätt via ett maximalt test på löpband vid ett tillfälle. Således utfördes sammanlagt tre mätningar med direkt syrgasmätning, via andningsmask, under ett maximalt löpbandstest samt under två separata tester av 5MPT med minst 48 timmar mellan varje testtillfälle. Utandningsluften analyserades sedan, vid 5MPT för alla, via det trådlösa portabla systemet Jaeger Oxycon Mobile och vid test på löpband för testgruppen med yngre deltagare. För den testgrupp med äldre deltagare användes, vid testet på löpband, den fasta on-line-utrustningen Jaeger Oxycon Pro som är en liknande mätmetod för syreupptag. 5MPT är ett fem minuter långt test där individen från golvnivå, med högsta möjliga tempo, förflyttar sig fram och tillbaka på en 5,50 meter lång sträcka med en centralt placerad trappramp som är pyramidformad och med en högsta central höjd på 0,62 meter. Resultat. Det primära fyndet i studien var att en stark signifikant korrelation (r = 0,99) visade sig mellan direkt uppmätt VO2max under maximalt test på löpband gentemot syreupptagningsförmågan vid 5MPT då båda åldersgrupperna var sammanslagna, uppmätt i l·min–1. Slutsats. Då det i undersökningen visades en stark signifikant korrelation mellan direkt uppmätt VO2max vid 5MPT och ett maximalt test på löpband i l·min–1 för äldre och yngre vuxna ger det indikationer på att 5MPT kan används som en tillförlitlig metod vid undersökning och uppföljning av en persons aeroba förmåga. Fyndet kan vara av värde då det genom mindre kostsamma och enklare metoder går att få ett mått på en persons hälsa i form av aerob kapacitet, vilket är betydelsefullt ur flera hälsoaspekter på individ- och samhällsnivå. / Aim. The purpose of the study was to investigate the results and correlation between oxygen uptake levels (VO2max) at five-minute pyramid test (5MPT) against maximal oxygen uptake test (VO2max) on a treadmill test, both measured by direct oxygen measurement, in elderly people over 65 years and younger adults aged 20-30 years. Method. A total of 36 people participated in the study, 17 elderly people aged between 65 to 85 years (9 women and 8 men) and 19 younger adults aged between 20 to 35 years (10 women and 9 men). The participants' oxygen uptake was measured twice during 5MPT and then compared with VO2max measured by a maximal treadmill test at one occasion. Thus a total of three measurements with direct oxygen measurement, via the breathing mask, during a maximum treadmill test and two separate tests of 5MPT with at least 48 hours between each test. The exhaled air was analyzed at 5MPT for all, through the wireless portable system Jaeger Oxycon Mobile and also during the test on treadmill for the test group with younger participants. The test group of older participants, got their exhaled air analyzed through a stationary on-line equipment Jaeger Oxycon Pro instead of the portable system which is a similar reliable method to measure VO2max. 5MPT is a five minute test where the subjects from floor level, with the highest possible speed, moves back and forth at a measured distance of 5.50 meter with a central staircase ramp, which is pyramid-shaped, with a maximum center height of 0.62 meters. Results. The main finding of the study was that there was a strong significant correlation (r = 0.99) between directly measured VO2max during a maximum treadmill test compared to oxygen uptake at 5MPT when both the elderly people and the younger adults were combined, measured in l·min–1. Conclusion. The study showed a strong significant correlation between directly measured VO2max at 5MPT and a maximal treadmill testing l·min–1 for older and younger adults. This indicates that 5MPT can be used as a reliable method for investigation and monitoring a person’s aerobic capacity. This finding may be of value because it shows that less expensive and easier methods can be used to measure a person's health in terms of aerobic capacity, which is important from several aspects of health at both the individual and society level.
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Impacto de diferentes intervenções no nível de atividade física e co-morbidades associadas em mulheres: estudo aleatorizado e controlado / Impact of different interventions on physical activity level and co- morbidities in women: a randomized controlled trialRibeiro, Marcos Ausenka 08 March 2013 (has links)
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o impacto de diferentes intervenções no ambiente de trabalho para aumentar o nível de atividade física (AF) e redução de risco cardiovascular em mulheres de meia idade. DELINEAMENTO: Estudo aleatorizado e controlado com 4 intervenções. PARTICIPANTES: 195 mulheres de 40 a 50 anos, funcionárias de um hospital publico da cidade de São Paulo, que não realizavam AF no tempo de lazer. INTERVENÇÕES: Todas foram aleatorizadas para: Grupo controle (GI; 3 sessões de 15 min; n=47); Pedômetro+aconselhamento individual (GII; 3 sessões de 15 min; n=53); Pedômetro+aconselhamento em grupo (GIII; 8 sessões de 1h; n=48); Treinamento Aeróbico (GIV; 24 sessões de 30 min; n=47). Intervenções realizadas por 3 meses. DESFECHOS: Nº de passos total e moderado(>110 passos/min) pedômetro Yamax-PW 610, massa corpórea (Kg), circunferência cintura (cm) e fatores de saúde relacionados à qualidade de vida(FSRQV) após 3 e 6 meses. ANÁLISE ESTATÍSTICA: ANOVA de 1 fator e o pos-hoc de Holm-Sidak. Efetividade foi avaliada pela intenção de tratar. Calculou-se o tamanho do efeito. RESULTADOS: Apenas os grupos que utilizaram os pedômetros (GII e GIII) aumentaram significativamente o número total de passos após 3 meses (P <0,05), no entanto foram observados incrementos maiores no GIII do que no GII (P <0,05). GIII também aumentou o número de passos moderado. Além disso, depois de 6 meses, não foi observada diferença entre os grupos. Com relação às medidas antropométricas, somente as mulheres que participaram do GIV tiveram redução significativa da massa corpórea após 3 e 6 meses (-0,7 kg) e da circunferência abdominal após 3 meses (-0,9 cm). Não ocorreram mudanças no FSRQV. Por último, verificou-se que as intervenções com maior nº de sessões(GIII e GIV) tiveram maior desistência (respectivamente, 30% e 45%) das participantes quando comparada aos grupos GI e GII (respectivamente, 2% e 4%) (P<0,05). CONCLUSÃO: O uso do pedômetro associada ao aconselhamento em grupo é mais efetiva para aumentar o nível de AF diária enquanto que um programa de exercício físico reduz o peso. Porém estas estratégias foram efetivas a curto prazo sugerindo a necessidade de mantê-las constantemente disponíveis às trabalhadoras / PURPOSE: Evaluate the impact of different interventions at workplace to increase the physical activity (PA) and to reduce cardiovascular risk in middle-aged women. DESIGN: RCT with 4 arms. Realized between, February (2010 - 2012) and data analyzed between March and July (2012). SETTING/PARTICIPANTS: 195 women aged 40 to 50 years that did not perform PA in leisure time were randomly assigned to one of 4 interventions. INTERVENTION: Control group (GI) a brief medical orientation (n = 47); Pedometer-Based Individual Counseling (GII) (n = 53); Pedometer-based Group Counseling (GIII) (n = 48); Aerobic Training (GIV, n = 47). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Median change for total steps number (primary outcome), median change for moderate (>110 steps/min) steps number, body mass and waist circumference (secondary outcomes) after 3 or 6 months of intervention. RESULTS: Only the groups using pedometers (GII and GIII) significantly increased total steps number after 3 months (P<0.05); however the increase in total steps observed in GIII was higher than in GII (p<0.05). GIII also increased the number of moderate steps number. Moreover, after 6 months, no difference was observed among groups. Despite that, women did not modify the body mass that was reduced only in those of the AT group either after 3 and 6 months (-0.7 Kg) (P<0.05). Finally, it was found that interventions with the greatest number of sessions (GIII and GIV) had higher dropout (respectively, 30% and 45%) of participants when compared to GI and GII (respectively, 2% and 4%) (p <0.05).CONCLUSIONS: A pedometer-based intervention with counseling groups at workplace was more effective to increase physical activity at daily life while aerobic training is more effective for weight loss
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Význam pohybových aktivit u seniorů / Importance of Movement for SeniorsSEIFERTOVÁ, Michaela January 2007 (has links)
The diploma work is focused on importance of movement activities for seniors. The movement represents the basic manifestation of life, influences the physical health, helps psychologically and reduces psychical problems. Ageing is a process which runs individually and during which the human organism goes through certain changes. Everyone, who works with seniors, should be familiar with basic information about the ageing process. Physical activities are fundamental for this age group, they maintain the physical ability and the psychical immunity. They help handling everyday situations. In order that the exercises had the desired result, it is necessary to follow certain conventions and respect individual differences. The task of the people working with senior is to motivate them enough. Nowadays, we can find a large offer of appropriate physical activities which aim at a self-sufficient and happy senior life.
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