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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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實施作業基礎成本制之訂價策略研究-以軟/硬體研發設計公司為例 / Applying Activity-Based Costing System to Pricing Strategy--A Case Study for Software/Hardware R&D Design Company

葛宗萍, Ko, Tzung-ping Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的高科技研發設計產業長期以來一直享有較高的競爭優勢以及令人稱羨的利潤,但近幾年來,在面對全球性競爭與快速變遷的環境下,原先具有的高品質及低開發成本的優勢有逐漸喪失的情形。而企業為了維持原有的競爭優勢,除了加緊腳步在研發技術的創新、提供服務的效率以及營運成本的控制上找出最好的方法及策略外,而如何計算產品成本,如何有效訂價,更為企業迎戰此一競局的重要考量。 由於傳統的成本制度無法滿足快速變遷的製造環境,高科技研發設計產業亟需新的方法以適時的提供相關成本資訊,做為決策之用。而作業基礎成本制度(Activity-Based Costing System, ABC)經過學術界的大力推廣及實務上不斷的經驗累積,大多認為此一制度不僅可以減少成本扭曲,更重要的是可以協助管理者進行較佳的成本控制,增加企業營運的效率,以及進一步可以輔助產品的訂價及競爭策略。 因此,本研究係以國內某高科技軟/硬體研發設計公司為研究對象,透過個案研究及作業基礎成本法之探討,分析高科技研發設計公司成本組成及影響成本活動的因素,並建立其關聯,藉此提出一套可供研發設計公司參考之成本分析架構與模式,並進而協助相關企業在產品研發及訂價方面做出最好之決策。 / The R&D design industry of Taiwan have enjoyed high competition advantages & high profit margin for a long time. But in recent year, under global competition & environment of rapid change, those advantages have lost gradually. In order to maintain the original competition advantages, enterprises need to step up the step to find out the best method and tactics in R&D innovation, service providing of high efficiency and control of operating cost. Besides, It is also the important consideration for those companies to think about how to calculate the product cost and set up the pricing strategy. Because the traditional cost system cannot satisfy the diversified manufacturing environment, R&D design industry tremendously need a new cost method which provides decision-makers with up-to-date, complete, and reliable cost information. Activity-Based Costing System (ABC) has been approved by academic study & implemented by a lot of company. Mostly think that this system cannot merely reduce the cost to distort, the more important thing is that can help top managers to control better cost, increase the operating efficiency, and program the better pricing strategy. This paper studies how a software/hardware design company by adopting the activity-based costing (ABC) system traces and analyze all of the cost elements associated with research & development activities. The main purpose of this study is trying to use ABC costing system to build a cost model for future application in the R&D design industry and hope this study can help relevant enterprises to make the best decision in the product development and establish the competitive pricing strategy.


張送來, Chang, Sung Lai Unknown Date (has links)
電子零組件廠商面對產品生命週期快速的世代交替與全球化的競爭威脅,除持續進行製程改造降低成本之外,對內進行企業資源整合,對外則與供應商或協力廠商形成策略聯盟,透過關鍵企業流程之管理與改造,以提高營運效能、降低產品與服務成本,並創造企業的優勢競爭能力,以因應客戶全球運籌供貨的要求。 本研究透過企業流程資訊有機體(PWIO)分析模式,針對某電子零組件製造商,以個案研究方式分析個案公司之關鍵流程作業。就PWIO分析結果,本研究除針對各項作業提出具體的流程改進建議與呆滯存貨的分析,並建立各該流程的目標,提出具體衡量各作業流程的績效衡量指標。此外,依據目標與績效衡量指標的因果關係進一步探討個案公司的平衡計分卡與策略地圖,以作為個案公司未來的績效管理架構基礎。 此外,本研究將PWIO模式的作業分析與作業基礎成本制度的作業概念相結合,辨識個案公司的作業中心與作業動因,並以作業對資源的耗用形式為基礎,重新分析產品別與客戶別之成本與利潤。研究結果可以提供個案公司決策者強化成本規劃與控制,以及作為改善產品利潤分析與定價作業的參考。 / Confronting an environment characterized with brisk alternations of product generation and dynamic global competition, continuous improvement in their business processes which leads to lower costs of operation and better alignment of utilization of assets and partnerships is critical for the electronic component manufacturers to survive and grow. With highly effective and efficient business processes, customer satisfaction, core competence and competitive advantages can be built on. By an application of the PWIO approach and targeted at an electronic component manufacturer, this research analyzes three business processes crucial to the subject company. Based on results derived from the PWIO analysis, this research provides suggestions for improvements in both business processes and inventory obsolescence. A new set of process objectives are also developed to be concretely aligned with the related performance measures. In addition, a management framework built on the concepts of Balanced Scorecard and strategy map are offered to the subject company for future application. Furthermore, via linking the practices specified in the PWIO analysis with concepts underlying the activity-based costing, this research identifies the cost drivers facilitating a further understanding on how company’s resources are consumed by individual costumer, product or process. The research findings can assist management of the subject company to have better cost planning and control, more accurate profit analysis and pricing decisions.

Die toepaslikheid van deeltitelheffings in Suid-Afrika / Mathys Christiaan Smit

Smit, Mathys Christiaan January 2011 (has links)
According to the Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986, levies are assigned according to the size of a unit, in other words a unit’s participation quota. These levies are used to finance a complex’s insurance, common property electricity and water, lift maintenance, audit fees, management agent fees, salaries and wages, security, swimming pool expenses and general building maintenance. According to the Traditional Costing System, indirect costs are allocated based on a single cost actual expenses over a year are dissected. A regression and correlation analysis was done on the relationship between costs, participation quota and levies. The contribution of the study is that it empirically determines the behaviour of cost items in order to allocate indirect costs more accurately. Consequently, this will result in improved reasonability and will eliminate the cross-subsidisation of units. The objectives were reached as follows: The first objective was reached when it was proved through empirical studies that the Sectional Title is not fair when it states that the allocation of levies must be according to floor space. The second objective was reached when both participation quota and units per complex were identified as cost drivers for each cost item. The third objective was reached by allocating the levy on a 50 percent base according to units and a 50 percent base according to the total area. This could be refined by each complex according to the unique need of the complex. driver. However, various indirect costs are not necessarily subject to this single cost driver. In practice, it has been proven that high volume products are proportionally taxed with indirect costs when compared to low volume products. In many complexes, owners with larger units are of the opinion that their larger units are subsidising those owners with smaller units. In contrast to the traditional costing system, activity-based costing recognises that indirect costs can also be assigned by use of multiple cost drivers. Since these multiple cost drivers – which affect the way costs are assigned – can be identified, indirect costs are assigned more accurately. This study investigates the current method of cost allocation, whereby costs are assigned via participation quota, and makes suggestions on how these costs can be assigned on a more accurate and fair basis in practice. The goal of this study is to challenge the reasonability of the Sectional Titles Act. The objectives of the dissertation are firstly, to determine the cost behaviour of various cost items and whether the participation quota is a fair cost driver for determining the levies that are to be paid; secondly, it investigates alternative cost drivers that will be more applicable to certain cost items; thirdly, to suggest a cost formula to replace the current cost method, that being the allocation of indirect costs via participation quota. Empirical methods have been used in the research. The empirical research was performed using data obtained from ANGOR Property Specialists (Pty) Ltd’s database. A sample of 113 complexes was extracted from the database of which the / Thesis (M.Com. (Management Accountancy))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011

Une approche pour une évaluation économique des décisions opérationnelles et tactiques : mise en œuvre sur la Supply chain de l’OCP / An approach to economic evaluation of operational and tactical decisions : implementation on the OCP supply chain

Retmi, Kawtar 30 June 2018 (has links)
OCP est une grande entreprise marocaine spécialisée dans l’extraction de minerai de phosphate, cette entreprise a élargi ses activités vers la production de fertilisants phosphatés selon un processus de transformation chimique. Dans le cadre de notre recherche, nous nous intéressons au pilotage économique d’une chaine logistique hybride (la plateforme chimique Jorf). Cette chaine logistique est constituée d’un ensemble articulé de chaine logistique discrète et chaine logistique continue organisant les processus de transformation du fournisseur jusqu’au client final. Les chaînes logistiques hybrides combinent des processus discrets et continus. Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes focalisé sur la représentation du fonctionnement physique. Donc, un modèle de simulation qui permet de reproduire ce fonctionnement a été réalisé à partir de la cartographie de processus que nous avons fait. La technique de Modélisation / Simulation mobilisable dans le cadre de la modélisation de ce type de chaîne logistique est la Simulation à Événements Discrets (SED) qui permet de reproduire le fonctionnement opérationnel de la CLH.En travaillant à la commande, ceci implique un contrôle de gestion spécifique avec une définition d’un référentiel dynamique qui va dépendre du modèle de simulation. Ce référentiel est utilisable par le système interactif d’aide à la décision (SIAD) du contrôle de gestion afin d’améliorer la prise de décision. Donc, il faut, ensuite, mesurer l’impact économique, évaluer les alternatives décisionnelles et analyser les écarts. Pour ce faire, il faut s’appuyer sur une comptabilité de gestion fondée sur une seconde modélisation / simulation afin de proposer un modèle de coût. Cette seconde simulation, repose sur une représentation plus fine des processus dans une perspective de reporting financier périodique et doit permettre de mieux apprécier les inducteurs de coûts. Dans ce contexte, nous avons choisi la méthode de valorisation Activity Based Costing (ABC). En outre, dans la cartographie des processus, chaque étape de production impliquant un changement de processus et contribuant à son discrétisation représente un événement déclencheur mettant en évidence un inducteur de coût. Nous avons ainsi traité chaque processus au niveau de la Business Unit (BU) "acide" et au niveau de la BU "engrais" afin de déterminer les inducteurs utilisés pour répartir les dépenses. Notre modèle ABC sert donc à mesurer la création de valeur pour chacun des BUs de la CLH et il est capable de prendre en compte toutes les sorties et entrées de chaque entité de traitement.Par la suite, notre but est d’explorer l’intégration de la notion de coût dans le modèle de simulation. La limite de la simulation à événements discrets se manifeste dans le niveau d'informations fourni sur les coûts. Pour évaluer les coûts de production, et l'influence de la diversité de scénario de production, les coûts variables doivent être inclus. Ceci peut être fourni par la combinaison de la simulation à événements discrets avec la méthode ABC. Donc, nous avons proposé une approche qui sera mise en œuvre dans le contexte de la CLH de l’OCP. Cette approche va prendre en compte le couplage entre ABC et SED avec toutes les règles de traduction pour pouvoir, à partir du système de contrôle de gestion existant qui est associé à des centres de coûts par entité fonctionnelle, passer à des BUs orientées processus industriels. Elle va également nous permettre de structurer les indicateurs de performance du flux physique et financier sous la forme d’un tableau de bord / OCP SA is Morocco’s largest company. It is widely considered as owning some 60% of phosphate world reserves and is engaged in a process of Supply Chain control. Initially specialized in phosphate ore extraction, OCP SA has expanded, few years ago, its activities to include production of phosphate fertilizers using chemical processing. Under our research project, we focus on economic management of OCP’s Hybrid Supply chain (HSC). A HSC comprises multiple interrelated discrete and continuous processes together forming an integrated process from the supplier down to the end customer. In such a system, the production rationale includes both batch and flow models. Each discrete or continuous process seeks to capture part of the value created by the organizational collaboration performed either in internal supply chains made up of business unit or in external ones made up of legally independent entities.At first, we focused on the representation of physical functioning. So a simulation model that allows us to reproduce this functioning has been done from the process mapping we have done. The modeling / Simulation technique mobilized in the modeling framework of this type of supply chain is the Discrete Event Simulation (DES) which allows reproducing the operational functioning of the HSCBy working on the command, this implies a specific management control with a definition of a dynamic repository that will depend on the simulation model. This repository can be used by the interactive decision support system of management control in order to improve decision-making. Therefore, we must measure the economic impact, evaluate the decision-making alternatives and analyze the gaps. To do this, it is necessary to rely on a management accounting based on a second modeling / simulation in order to propose a cost model. This second simulation relies on a finer representation of the processes in a perspective of periodic financial reporting and must allow better appreciate the cost drivers. In this context, we have chosen the Activity Based Costing (ABC) method. In addition, in process mapping, each production step involving a process change and contributing to its discretization represents a triggering event highlighting a cost driver. We have thus processed each process at the level of the "acid" BU and at the level of the "fertilizer" BU to determine the inductors used to allocate the expenses. Our ABC model is therefore used to measure the value creation for each BUs of the HSC and it is able to take into account all the outputs and inputs of each processing entity.Later, our aim is to explore the integration of the notion of cost in the simulation model. The limit of the discrete event simulation is manifested in the level of information provided on costs. To assess production costs, and the influence of the diversity of production scenario, variable costs must be included. This can be provided by the combination of the discrete event simulation with the ABC method. So we have proposed an approach that will be implemented in the context of the OCP HSC. This approach will take into account the coupling between ABC and SED with all the translation rules to can, from the existing management control system that is associated with a functional unit cost centers, go to the BUs oriented industrial processes. It will also enable us to structure the physical and financial flow performance indicators in the form of a scorecard

O uso das informa????es de um sistema de custeio ABC no processo or??ament??rio : um estudo de caso no setor de seguro sa??de

Silveira Neto, Manoel Pinto 26 August 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-03T18:33:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Manoel_Pinto_Silveira_Neto.pdf: 1566876 bytes, checksum: dd4914579c1b784995776d0adba8df57 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-08-26 / The prime reason for the frequent criticism users in organizations make over the traditional budgeting process are based on the fact of it being apart of the actual company operational scenario, quite often due to the lack of commitment regarding the planned numbers and the inappropriate input of the system. The activity-based costing (ABC) system shows the detailed use of resources on the organization business processes, providing important means for both a cost strategic management and operational performance measurement, being so an adequate instrument to support planning. This work analyzes the applications of an ABC system information on a health insurance budgeting process, standing out the improvement obtained in the financial forecasts development and the decision making process quality. The analysis is focused on the traditional budgeting procedures (planning and control) improvements when the company begun to use the ABC system, giving the details of its applications in product cost allocation and profitability analysis, capacity planning, activity-based cost forecasts, diagnostic variance analysis and information technology projects control. The importance of the research problem, that intends to examine if the ABC system information being integrated with the traditional budgeting process improves the effectiveness of that management instrument in services organizations, is also justified because the case study evaluates a company that takes part of the Supplement Health Services System, a widely discussed subject in Brazil nowadays. The conclusions of this research indicate that an ABC system fits as a support tool for the budgeting process, showing different approaches that could be applied or tested in other organizations. / As freq??entes cr??ticas que o processo de or??amento tradicional recebe dos usu??rios as organiza????es est??o principalmente baseadas no seu distanciamento da realidade operacional da empresa, ocasionado muitas vezes pela falta de compromisso com os n??meros planejados e a inadequa????o das informa????es que o alimentam. O sistema de custeio baseado em atividades (ABC) demonstra detalhadamente o consumo dos recursos pelos processos de neg??cio realizados nas organiza????es, fornecendo subs??dios importantes para o gerenciamento estrat??gico dos custos e acompanhamento do desempenho operacional, sendo, portanto, um instrumento adequado para apoiar o planejamento das empresas. Este trabalho analisa a aplica????o das informa????es de um sistema ABC no processo or??ament??rio de uma empresa do ramo de seguro sa??de, ressaltando o aperfei??oamento qualitativo alcan??ado no desenvolvimento das proje????es financeiras e na tomada de decis??es. A an??lise est?? focada nas melhorias apresentadas pelos procedimentos (planejamento e controle) relacionados ao or??amento tradicional a partir do uso do ABC, detalhando-se suas aplica????es a aloca????o dos custos aos produtos e an??lise de rentabilidade, dimensionamento de capacidade instalada, proje????o de custos com base nas atividades, an??lise diagn??stica da varia????o e controle de projetos de tecnologia da informa????o. A relev??ncia do problema de pesquisa, que visa examinar se a integra????o das informa????es de um sistema ABC ao processo tradicional de or??amento empresarial melhora a efic??cia deste instrumento gerencial em empresas prestadoras de servi??o, se justifica tamb??m pelo fato do estudo de caso avaliar uma empresa que faz parte do Sistema Supletivo de Sa??de, ??rea que atualmente ?? tema de amplo debate no Brasil. As conclus??es obtidas as pesquisa apontam para adequa????o do sistema ABC como ferramenta de apoio ao processo or??ament??rio, apresentando diferentes abordagens que poderiam ser aplicadas ou testadas em outras organiza????es.

Custeio baseado em atividades : uma avalia????o da utiliza????o do ABC Costing para as empresas localizadas na regi??o do grande ABC

Marinheiro, Jose Aureo 24 February 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-04T11:45:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose_Aureo_Marinheiro.pdf: 477548 bytes, checksum: 415a557a31505508c97eaf66ecefff70 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-02-24 / The aim of this dissertation is to study in the current highly competitive economic scenario the cost management system implemented by companies located in the Grande ABC region and to investigate if the Activity Based CosttABC has been or not implemented by the aforementioned companies. This dissertation will examine the literature on the main cost systems laying great emphasis upon the Activity Based Cost - ABC as a strategic cost management tool in the business decision process. A survey among the most representative companies of the Grande ABC region has been carried out in order to empirically verify which cost management system has been implemented focusing mainly on the Activity Based Cost-ABC system. In this dissertation it will also be assessed the economic potential of the industrial region of Grande ABC in comparison with that of Sao Paulo State, highlighting the ongoing process of reduction in the regional industry accompanied by the increase in the service industry. / Esta disserta????o tem por objetivos: estudar a gest??o de custos nas empresas localizadas na regi??o do Grande ABC, frente ao atual ambiente competitivo tanto no cen??rio nacional como internacional: investigar a utiliza????o ou n??o do sistema Custeio Baseado em Atividades - ABC. No trabalho ser?? explorada uma an??lise liter??ria dos principais sistemas de custeio, dando-se uma aten????o especial ao Custeio Baseado em Atividades, como ferramenta de gest??o estrat??gica de custos, frente ao mercado competitivo contempor??neo. Atrav??s de uma pesquisa emp??rica nas empresas mais representativas do cen??rio regional do Grande ABC, ser??o testadas as hip??teses do n??vel de utiliza????o do Custeio Baseado em Atividades - ABC, onde se procurar?? analisar como ?? feita a gest??o de custos na regi??o, quais s??o os sistemas mais utilizados na mensura????o de custos. Neste trabalho tamb??m ser??o feitas an??lises a avalia????o do potencial econ??mico da regi??o do Grande ABC, em compara????o com o Estado de S??o Paulo, al??m do atual quadro de desindustrializa????o, com aumento da presta????o de servi??os numa regi??o tipicamente industrial.

Custos para tomada de decisão: uma aplicação de custos à estrutiocultura / Costs for decision taking: costs application for ostrich breeding

Carmo, Carlos Roberto Souza 16 April 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T18:40:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos Roberto Souza Carmo.pdf: 2828308 bytes, checksum: 9d6c4f274815a70b85fff46e6fcbe5cd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-04-16 / This research aims to apply the methodologies of absorption costing, variable costing and activity based costing in an ostrich breeding undertake of Úberaba-MG, whose operational activity consists on ostrich incubation, raising, reraising and fattening for slaughtering, and also, for comparing the results obtained o identify the best costing methodology that adapts to this mentioned livestock farming activity, as it s the information provider for the decision taking. This subject was chosen after explaining studies that pointed out lack of information towards the wealth definition concerning specifically the accountancy, management and financial and economic control of this kind of livestock-farming business. To make this work happen, in the beginning, theorical basis on activity based costing (ABC), variable costing and absorption costing methodologies was taken into consideration. After that, the theorical basis on the ostrich breeding activity in Brasil was elaborated. On a third moment, the theorical basis on the methodology used on this research was realized, as it was the background for this single case protocol study. Finally, the application of costing methodologies mentioned in this work was presented, as well as the results obtained through the empirical investigation process. By the end of this work, it was possible to notice that the produced information set collected thru the application of each one of the mentioned methodologies could support the decision taking on different matters, according to specific objectives. It s pointed out that among those three applied costing methodologies, the activity based costing (ABC) produce greater number of relevant information for the general decision taking / O presente trabalho de pesquisa tem como objetivo aplicar as metodologias de custeamento por absorção, custeamento variável e custeamento baseado em atividades (ABC) em um empreendimento estrutiocultor da cidade Uberaba-MG, cuja atividade operacional consista na incubação, cria, recria e engorda de avestruzes para o abate e, ainda, comparar os resultados obtidos de forma a identificar aquela metodologia de custeamento que melhor adapte à atividade pecuária em questão, enquanto prestadora de informações voltadas para a tomada de decisão em geral. Este tema foi escolhido a partir de estudos exploratórios que permitiram constatar escassez de informações, concernentes à definição de riquezas, voltadas especificamente para a contabilidade, gestão e controle econômico e financeiro desse tipo de negócio pecuário. Para concretização deste trabalho, inicialmente, realizou-se o embasamento teórico sobre as metodologias de custeamento por absorção, custeamento variável custeamento baseado em atividades (ABC). Em seguida, elaborou-se o embasamento teórico acerca da atividade estrutiocultora no Brasil. Em um terceiro momento, realizou-se o embasamento teórico sobre a metodologia empregada para realização desta pesquisa, sendo que, este embasamento deu origem ao protocolo do estudo de caso único. Finalmente, realizou-se a apresentação da aplicação das metodologias de custeamento abordadas neste trabalho e, ainda, a apresentação dos resultados obtidos através do processo de investigação empírica como um todo. Ao final deste trabalho foi possível constatar que o conjunto de informações produzidas a partir da aplicação de cada uma das metodologias abordadas suportaria a tomada de decisões de diferentes naturezas, de acordo com finalidades específicas. Salientando que, dentre aquelas três metodologias de custeamento aplicadas, o custeamento baseado em atividades (ABC) produziu a maior quantidade de informações relevantes para a tomada de decisão em geral

Custos em empresas de serviços ambientais: estudo de caso

Tsurumaki, Kazuyochi 02 June 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T18:40:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Kazuyochi Tsurumaki.pdf: 521696 bytes, checksum: 912d104397ea951da960d0b3ce725646 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-06-02 / The study has as main objective explore the characteristics of the activities of services and understand how they should be handled by systems cost, as the scenario of the world economy in recent decades has led the service sector to a level higher than the sectors of industry and Agriculture. In other words, services are the activities that most grew in most developed and developing countries highlighting itself as an activity generator of wealth. Thus, it is necessary to the understanding of the major systems of cost and identifying the differences between the product service and product manufacturing. Through analysis of the system of funding of Ecosorb SA Tecnologia em Proteção Ambiental, object of case study, it was possible, using interviews, verification of documents and analysis of reports, understand premises, attributes and operation of the system costing adopted by the company. The economic development and globalization have created a competitive environment and therefore the market has become more disputed. In this environment, companies that have a need to control their costs have a competitive advantage and survival / O trabalho tem como principal objetivo explorar as características das atividades de serviços e entender como elas devem ser tratadas pelos sistemas de custeio, visto que o cenário da economia mundial nas últimas décadas tem levado o setor de serviços a um patamar superior aos setores da indústria e agricultura. Ou seja, os serviços são as atividades que mais cresceram na maioria dos países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento destacando-se como uma atividade geradora de riqueza. Para tanto, faz-se necessário o entendimento dos principais sistemas de custeio e a identificação das diferenças entre o produto serviço e o produto manufatura. Por meio da análise do sistema de custeio da Ecosorb SA Tecnologia em Proteção Ambiental, objeto de estudo de caso, foi possível utilizando-se de entrevistas, verificação de documentos e análise de relatórios, entender premissas, atributos e funcionamento do sistema de custeio adotado pela empresa. O desenvolvimento econômico e a globalização criaram um ambiente competitivo e consequentemente o mercado passou a ser mais disputado. Neste ambiente, as empresas que tiverem um controle preciso dos seus custos têm uma vantagem competitiva e de sobrevivência

作業基礎成本及管理制度規劃、設計、與實施之研究-以國內P印刷公司為個案實證對象 / The Design, Planning, and Implementing of Activity-Based Costing and Activity-Based Management─A Case Study for Domestic Local Printing Company

廖勝嘉, Liaw, Shenq Jia Unknown Date (has links)
諸多業界與管會研究者深深感覺因為經營及製造環境產生重大丕變,使得傳統成本管理系統已無法滿足企業經理人為提昇企業本身競爭力所需的資訊。因此,學者針對資訊的產生要素(原始資料及制度方法)加以探討及研究,結果發現以作業為基礎所建立的成本管理系統能明確指出企業資源耗用情況,此即近年來廣受重視的作業基礎成本及管理制度(Activity-Based Costing and Activity-Based Management,簡稱ABC及ABM)。   ABC及ABM已廣為討論及運用,惟大多以國外企業為主,我國企業正面臨轉型期,也逐漸重視此等成本管理新技術,但運用此等技術者多為外商企業,本土產業仍停留在觀念導入及模擬階段,故基於他山之石,可以攻錯之理念,本論文以個案研究的方式探討ABC及ABM於國內本土產業規劃、設計及實施之情況,俾供未來國內之學術及實務界人士推動ABC及ABM之參考。   本論文以五個構面為探討主題:   構面一、作業基礎成本及管理制度之發展(此屬理論部份);   構面二、如何規劃及設計作業基礎成本及管理制度,並與實務相互比較;   構面三、實務上實施作業基礎成本及管理制度之步驟及程序;   構面四、組織文化、組織變革、及實施作業基礎成本及管理制度之相互關係;   構面五、活用作業基礎成本資訊。   經由實地個案研究所獲得之結論為:   一、實務上基於行業特性及企業本身需求之緣故,於規劃、設計、及實施作業基礎成本及管理制度時宜作適度的修正。   二、因目前個案公司之實際需求,故以作業時間為代理動因,俾計算作業或產品之真實成本。   三、作業基礎成本資訊與傳統制度成本資訊比較的結果顯示,相對而言,產品成本的高低估範圍從高估64%到低估616%,其中以低估的程度較大,然而,促使產品成本高低估的影響因素眾多,如印刷紙質、紙張磅數、印量、著墨量、印刷開式、印刷色數等,且各因素間亦相互影響,導致目前不易解釋根本原因。   四、運用資訊系統將作業基礎成本資訊加以整合並依所需表格化,可明確提供有關產品成本、作業成本、附加價值活動與無附加價值活動、及生產績效等有用之資訊,協助個案公司不同層級之主管了解公司資源使用的情況,俾於進行作業管理、企業策咯等活動時作為參考之依據。   五、由於個案公司的組織文化較能接受新觀念及管理技術,使得在沒有外部支援的情況下,由公司自行規劃、設計、及實施作業基礎成本及管理制度,筆者於研究末期親訪相關人員後,發現個案公司的企業文化稍有改變(如生產現場人員逐漸認為填寫工作報表為本身責任),而高階主管也愈趨重視攸關的管理技術之重要性,引發個案公司從事改善企業的活動等。


許慶璋, Hsu, Ching Chang Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊科技與生產技術大幅進步,以及全球化及自由化下瞬息多變的競爭環境,經營者除了關注企業內部的議題外,亦需了解全球經濟發展趨勢與產業脈動,在競爭者與客戶回應之前,提出有效對策因應,如此才能在激烈的競爭中存續與發展,維持競爭力及提升經營績效。因此,現今企業勝出的核心關鍵不再單純依賴規模與效率,而是如何發揮創意,找出新的競爭定位,並藉助資訊快速運算及不斷增強的商業智慧功能來改善企業本身的經營條件,甚或尋求新的商業模式。 個案公司是一家電子零組件製造與銷售公司,主要產銷連接器、軟性排線及線材組件。和大多數公司一樣,個案公司目前正面臨全球化競爭帶來的挑戰。處於原物料及人力成本持續上漲的壓力,以及面對客戶少量多樣客製化的產品需求與愈趨繁複的出貨要求下,個案公司之產品毛利愈來愈低。為解決這些經營上的問題,個案公司期待運用ERP資訊系統客製「商品計價作業」來反映成本上漲對產品報價的變動,並藉此快速且適度反應到對客戶的報價上,以期提升經營彈性,因應市場變化。 本研究從個案公司為了因應市場變化而建置資訊系統,以期快速且正確的反映產品報價的需求出發,首先針對個案公司,應用企業流程資訊有機體(Process-Wide Information Organism, PWIO)分析模式,重現及檢視個案公司銷售流程,並結合時間導向的作業基礎成本制求算出客戶最終毛利,據此重分類客戶屬性,並提出對應之銷售策略及對資訊系統需求之反思與建議。 關鍵字:企業流程資訊分析模式、顧客利潤分析、時間導向作業基礎成本制度 / Information technology and manufacturing techniques are greatly improved by days. The globalization and liberalization make industrial competition fierce and ever-changing. Under such circumstances, the company managements can not only focus on internal topics but should observe the global economic development trend and also the commercial and industrial variety. They should put forward solution strategies to deal with the responses of competitors and requests of customers. Only then can they keep competition power and enhance the operation profit to continue sustainable operation and development in the sharp competition. Therefore the key success factor today is not to depend on operation scale and efficiency only but to bring creativeness into full play to find the competition advantage of the company. In addition, they should improve management conditions by means of rapid information operation and ever-growing business intelligent features or to create new business model. A case company is a component manufacturing and sales company. Its main products are connectors, flexible flat cable and wire harness. Facing the severe global competition as the others, the company is challenged by margin issue due to increasing cost of raw material and labor, customized products requests with high-mix/ low-volume. To conquer this business issue, the case company plans to utilize ERP to build up the “Product Pricing Program” to re engineer the pricing methodology by reflecting the increased cost in the quotations to customers. The pricing process can enhance the operation efficiency to respond to the variety market changes. To deal with the market changes, the case study is aimed to establish effective information system for the purpose of responding rapidly and precisely to pricing decision. The research reviews and inspects the sales flow of the case company by Process-Wide Information Organism (PWIO). It also combines the time-oriented activity base costing (ABC) to forecast the final gross profit of customers. Based on this, the case company could re-categorize the customer segmentation and put forward related sales strategy and enhancement on the demand of information system. Key words: Process-Wide Information Organism (PWIO); Customer profitability analysis; Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing

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