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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of Legal System of the Free Independent Traveler Program for China

Liu, Kang-yan 19 June 2012 (has links)
In terms of the ¡§basic principles¡¨ of the Free Independent Travelers program(FIT), we need to notice that it is the very first and fresh contact in the cross-straits with the friendliest cooperation. With the change that given by FIT to rebuild the mutual trust between two nations, instead of labeling the ¡§evil nature¡¨ on the people from mainland, the government should remove the discriminative norms and regulations from FIT immediately. In the perspectives of the Constitution and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of UN, the right for people to have the freedom of mobility should be safeguarded. Internally, the authority should be delegated to local governments to enhance the potential benefit from few private and affluent enterprises and Taiwan-based business in China to the local economy with a greater profit. From the aspect of ¡§organization,¡¨ shortening the administrative process is the priority to reduce unnecessary red tape. Ma¡¦s administration attempts to establish offices in different fields in the cross-straits by ¡§building blocks¡¨; however, a more ¡§comprehensive¡¨ service organization is more needed based due to the reality. If this kind of organization can be set up in the important cities in China, FIT applicants can apply the grogram, including ¡§application, submission and receiving certifications¡¨ by a single window. It can not only reduce the cost and the possibility to be exploited for applicants, but it also can force the government to eliminate transferring the unnecessary risk of the possibility for Chinese travelers¡¦ staying illegally to the tourism industry in Taiwan. In relation to ¡§authority,¡¨ the policy should incline to ¡§soft law¡¨ for promoting FIT with ¡§management¡¨ rather than ¡§protecting with strictness.¡¨ If there is a conflict between authority and basic principles, related administrative problems may be even harder to be processed, let alone putting effectiveness of organizations into full play. Regarding to ¡§remedy,¡¨ a comprehensive arbitration mechanism, or an integrated system of mediation for dispute and remedy, is a must for FIT. From the premise of a mutual consensus to make it work effectively, instead of post-incident remedy, pursuing the quality of travelling by ¡§risk management¡¨ is more important. After all, the remedy in current society is so limited that it only covers the mediation for the dispute of product consumption and purchasing. In terms of ¡§supervision,¡¨ related source of law should be made by ¡§legislative sector,¡¨ so that an ¡§internal controlling¡¨ mechanism can be set up while part of the legal system is unable to be intervened by non-executive power, including president¡¦s power. Moreover, the set up of this mechanism should imitate the evaluation for universities. Professional scholars should be invited to do the evaluation, and by way of selecting random case or lot drawing, the power of the president can be redressed. Based on the divisions of responsibilities between administrative and legislative sectors, the ¡§interior controlling¡¨ role that the Congress plays, still, should not infringe the executive power of legislative sector. Nevertheless, it should reinforce practical supervision and identify what the object should be. From the aspect of ¡§exterior controlling,¡¨ an unofficial and professional organization should be established, so as to assist the integration of a comprehensive plan and supervision assessment. The pressure that media puts on the government is limited, not to mention correcting exterior supervision instantly; however, if the assessment can be submitted to Legislative Yuan from time to time, it might leave pressure to the administrative sector, so that the problems can be redressed.

A study of Taiwan¡¦s Patent Administrative Law

Lin, Mei-ling 06 August 2012 (has links)
Patent is a significant sign of modernizing a country. Protecting patents has been a problem since the Patent Law was conducted in 1949. At initial stage, inventors were unwilling to register patent because that they thought their inventions would not be protected by the Patent system. Until now, there are about 80,000 applications every year. It is clear that the patent system has developed more completely. However, it produced new proplems with us. For instance, the percentage of patent licensing is too law; the examining procedure is too long. Therefore, the patent system still need to be revised. In this research, the author reviewed the patent law and mechanisms on the basis of the five frameworks of administrative law, including Basic Principle, Administrative Organization, Administrative Competence, Administrative Remedy and Administrative Supervision, and literature review. For the purpose of improving Patent system, the researcher suggested that the Patent system should be revised.

Role of the government amid globalization¡Xstudy on the legal system in China

Tsai, Cheng-Shu 21 August 2012 (has links)
This research uses the five major frameworks of Administrative Law to cover the current challenges the Chinese government faces and proposes recommendations on the legal system. First, in the area of the ¡§basic principle,¡¨ I cover the history of the organizational structure, which helps us understand the current problems existing in China. I also discuss how we can make adjustments to the system, reconcile politically and through regulations. Second, lessons from the developed countries also serve as a comparison when I discuss ¡§law compliance,¡¨ ¡§procedural justice¡¨ as well as ¡§citizen participation.¡¨ The aforementioned form the basic principles of this research. Furthermore, when discussing the administrative organization, I propose replacing the traditional rigid organization with the ¡§project based organization¡¨ and the ¡§learning organization.¡¨ ¡§Accountability¡¨ should be promoted to adjust civil servants¡¦ mentalities. Government budget should protect citizens¡¦ fundamental rights and show commitment to fulfilling international obligations in response to the ¡§globalization.¡¨ In the topic of ¡§Administrative Competence¡¨, any administrative implementations should go through the administrative investigations to understand where the problem is and to set the ¡§administrative plan¡¨ accordingly. Based on the principle of ¡§law compliance,¡¨ a sound legislation makes the legislative activities of the government more predictable. Besides the traditional ¡§administrative punishment,¡¨ the legislature can choose more equal administrative measures such as ¡§administrative contract,¡¨ ¡§administrative guidance,¡¨ and ¡§administrative reward¡¨ to replace the less equal measures in the past. This research also discusses ¡§administration first,¡¨ ¡§pilot,¡¨ and ¡§counterpart support¡¨, all of which are unique to China¡¦s legal system. The speedy mechanism with attributes of pragmatism and border-crossing assistance will be beneficial to China¡¦s coping with the challenges coming from the ¡§globalization.¡¨ When discussing ¡§Administrative Remedy,¡¨ this research suggests protecting diversity in opinions, simplifying the administrative reconsideration process, giving civil servants accountability, expanding administrative proceedings, reducing improper interference from people, expanding state compensation, solidifying the legal procedure for a sound interpretation of the Constitution, normalizing the referendum mechanism. These measures should help China cope with the growing administrative power in the era of globalization, and enhance the principle of ¡§wherever there is right, there is remedy.¡¨ Finally, of administrative supervision, we can ensure that the administrative power will remain uncorrupted and that the government will be more efficient and effictive through audit and internal oversight systems, supervision mechanisms from both the legislative and the supervisory power, the public opinion network, and the media. We can understand the challenges China government is facing by analyzing the aforementioned ¡§basic principles,¡¨ ¡§administration organization,¡¨ ¡§administrative authority,¡¨ "administrative remedies" and "administrative supervision." The recommendations in this research can be a reference for China or any other countries when they try to solve the globalization challenges.

The Analysis of Administrative Appeals of Kaohsiung City Government

Cheng, Tsui-ling 20 January 2009 (has links)
Administrative appeal, as a critical part of the administrative remedy system, refers to a civil remedy action against any illegal or improper administrative act implemented by all levels of government, as well as any passive act that hinders fulfillment of their obligations. Administrative appeal is a basic right of citizens in a democratic country under the rule of law. Through the appeal procedures, regulations may remain accurate and adequate, and legalization of administrative measures may be ensured. In recent years, due to the rapid boom in commercial activities and advancement of technology, the social structure has drastically changed, and the amount of public affairs concerning economy, society, labor, transportation, and environmental pollution has gradually increased, resulting in a closer and more complicate relationship between government and people. As administrative actions by the government occur more frequently, it becomes difficult to ensure that every action is legal or proper. Furthermore, with higher levels of education and increased awareness of their rights, most citizens understand how to follow legal procedures to seek remedies when they refuse to accept the administrative acts implemented by government agencies. Hence, a solid administrative remedy system and its enforcement are essential to democratic countries under the rule of law. This study targets the administrative appeal cases filed to Kaohsiung City Government, and explores the influence of relevant regulations and procedures for administrative appeals on appeal practice following the enforcement of the new Administrative Appeal Act. It also discusses the increase and distribution of administrative appeal cases, as well as the reasons for administrative litigations, in order to make comparisons with the appeal conditions in Taipei City Government. It aims to understand the actual situations concerning appeal practice and the difficulties that appellants may encounter, draw up a corresponding improvement plan, and provide suggestions on policy adjustment and regulation revision, in the hope of eliminating the source of disputes and maximizing the function of policy feedback. This study consists of seven chapters, including: foreword, introduction to the administrative appeal system in Taiwan, administrative appeal procedures, Comprehensive analysis of administrative appeal cases filed to Kaohsiung City Government and its business, as well as the review and analysis of concrete administrative appeals filed to Kaohsiung City Government, concrete implementation plans for improving administrative appeal business, and conclusions and suggestions. It is hoped that the findings can help effectively resolve all of the problems exist in appeal practice, enhance the quality and accuracy of appeal case processing, refine administrative appeal business performance, and safeguard legitimate interests of appellants.

行政程序法典化及其內涵的分析檢討 / Administration procedure act

張春福, Chang, Chuen-Fu Unknown Date (has links)
於現今給付行政理念高唱入雲的時代,行政之機能與所涉及之領域隨之擴大,遂承擔諸多現實社會福祉之任務,而為確保行政之公正,以保障國民的權利,僅憑行政實體法,尚有未逮。而現代法治國家中所關注之焦點,乃集中於確立公正的行政程序上,如奧地利於一九二五年,美國於一九四六年,德國於一九七六年陸續制訂行政程序法,而鄰邦日本亦於一九九三年完成制定行政程序法的工作,故今日行政程序法之頒佈,成為戰後行政法學上之一股趨勢。另關於行政程序法之研究,亦為各國行政法學界之重大課題。 我國為因應此種行政程序法立法運動的趨勢,政府約在十餘年以前,即開始著手推動行政程序法草案的研擬工作,先後在民國六十三年及民國七十年由行政院研究發展考核委員會委託國立台灣大學林紀東教授組成專案小組進行比較研究,先後完成「各國行政程序法比較研究」及「我國行政程序法之研究」兩篇研究報告,為我國將來行政程序法典化奠定了良好的基礎。嗣後,行政院經濟建設委員會健全經社法規工作小組,於民國七十八年委託國立台灣大學法律學研究所進行行政程序法的專題研究,於民國七十九年十二月提出「行政程序法草案」研究報告。但上述兩種草案並未為政府所採用,而最後由法務部經過多年研擬於八十四年三月完成該部的「行政程序法草案」,報經行政院會通過後,送請立法院審議中。不過,有值 得吾人注意者,即近年來,國內、外行政程序法的發展已有大幅改變,加上國內自解嚴以來,社會快速變動,人民權利意識抬頭後,便衍生出許多社會問題,如勞工、環保等問題,而此等社會問題的解決方式,實有賴於行政機關具備健全的行政程序,為能澈底瞭解目前國內、外行政程序發展趨勢,並制定一套切合當前社會需要的行政程序法,故仍有針對行政程序法的相關問題加以探索的必要。 我國近年來已開始著手行政程序法草案的研擬工作,以因應國內、外行政程序法立法運動的發展趨勢,並希望藉此能制定一套切合當前社會需要的行政程序法。加上政府目前正積極推動以「發展台灣成為亞太營運中心計畫」為重心的國家建設,並列入行政院年度施政方針。因此,為有效達成行政革新及再造政府的目標,政府對行政程序法立法工作甚為重視,法務部已完成行政程序法草案的擬定,經行政院會通過後,業已送請立法院審議中,希望早日能夠完成立法程序。綜上所述,本論文主要內容分為七章二十九節,茲就各章要點分述如下: 第一章為緒論,係說明為因應國內、外行政程序法的制定趨勢,必須就行政程序法相關問題加以探討分析。說明本論文的研究動機係因鑑於戰後各民主國家,均甚重視行政程序法典化的發展趨勢,故認為有針對行政程程序法的相關問題加以探討的必要;又本論文的研究目的,係以整體觀點作一思考構想方向,希望經由前述研究流程之後,能夠提出有關健全行政程程序法的構想籃本。 第二章為行政程序法的基本概念,首先論述其意涵所在,及此種法制在一般民主國家所應發揮的實際功能,其次就行政程程序法與行政救濟制度兩者相互關係加以探討。 第三章為行政程序法的法理基礎與制定問題,用以說明行政程序法的基本理念與立法原則及其重要性,並論制定此項法典所面臨的困難問題。 第四章為外國行政程序法的發展,係以美國、日本及德國等三國為例,分析說明其行政程序法制定過程及內涵,並探討各國行政程序法共同的發展趨勢,以供我國行政程序法制定與施行的借鏡。 第五章為扼要說明我國行政程序法草案的研擬過程,並比較各時期所研擬草案的內容。 最後一章為結論,係以上述外國制定行政程序法的經驗與法理基礎作為探討的根據,陳述所獲得各項發現與心得,藉以對我國行政程序法的制定提供有關建議,希望有助於草案內容缺失的補充修正,並作為日後立法與執行時的參考。此外,筆者尚嘗試將本論文的研究心得予以具體化,擬定為一項符合法理原則與客觀標準的行政程序法草案,藉此顯示一部完備的行政程序法典所應具備的內容,並可供作政府草案版本比較的借鏡。 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究的動機與目的 1 第二節 研究分析架構 3 第三節 研究方法與限制 8 第二章 行政程序法的基本概念 11 第一節 行政程序法的意涵 12 第二節 行政程序法的功能 14 第三節 相關名詞界定 19 第四節 行政程序法與行政救濟制度關係 32 第五節 本章結語 37 第三章 行政程序法的法理基礎與制定問題 39 第一節 制定行政程序法的必要性 39 第二節 行政程序法的立法原則 42 第三節 行政程序法典化有待克服的困難 51 第四節 本章結語 53 第四章 德、美、日等三國行政程序法的發展?56 第一節 德國聯邦行政程序法概述???????????56 第二節 美國行政程序法概述???????????????65 第三節 日本行政程序法概述???????????????82 第四節 主要國家行政程序法的共同趨勢?????91 第五節 本章結語??????????????????????????93 第五章我國行政程序法草案的立法過程與檢討96 第一節 立法背景與緣起???????????????????96 第二節 行政程序法草案的研擬過程?????????96 第三節 各種版本的比較分析??????????????123 第四節 本章結語?????????????????????????131 第七章 結論??????????????????????????????133 第一節 研究發現?????????????????????????133 第二節 建議與檢討???????????????????????135 第三節 建構完整行政程序法的思維????????137

從司法院大法官解釋析論我國公務人員之權利救濟 / Analyzing the scheme of administrative remedy of R.O.C under the interpretation of law made by the Grand Justice of the Judicial Yuan

李武育, Lee, Wun Yuh Unknown Date (has links)
法諺云:「有權利,即有救濟」,又云:「法律賦予權利於先,並設救濟於後」。我國憲法第十六條規定,人民有請願、訴願及訴訟之權,即以根本大法揭示政府應提供人民權利保護請求權,以對抗違法或不當之侵害。有關公務人員之權利救濟,在司法院大法官解釋一八七號公布前,向來浸濡於傳統特別權力關係思潮,致被剝奪殆盡。釋字一八七號公布後,首揭公物人員退休金案件得予爭訟之先例,變更公務人員勤務關係所若生爭執不得爭訟之解釋與判例。之後,相繼公布釋字第二○一、二四三、二六六、二八○、二九八、三一二、三二三、三三八號等解釋,放寬公務人員財產權、工作權、身分權之救濟,非但彌補公務人員權利救濟之闕漏,更成為我國人員權利救濟制度之核心,由於大法官解釋突破原有藩籬,除對公務人員申訴與保障產生重大變革外,亦影響公務人員考績、懲戒、懲處等制度,且因大法官解釋文甚為簡潔抽象,若干疑義亦有待探究釐清,亦是本論文研究重點。   本文共分七章,首章緒論敘述本研究之目的,架構、方法及限制等﹔次章就公務人員權利之內涵、權利救濟之基本功能加以闡釋分析,以建立權利救濟之基本觀念﹔第三章分別介紹美、日、英三國公務人員權利救濟之主要內涵,並分析制度特點,以為我國建制參考﹔第四章從法規及實務層面介紹我國公務人員權利救濟制度之沿革﹔第五章著重於司法院相關解釋涵義之闡述與評價﹔第六章說明司法院大法官解釋之影響層面;第七章提出研究結論與建議。   本研究預期達成下列目標,1.大法官解釋涵義之闡述與評論,2.重建公務員與國家之關係,3.經由制度分析法及比較研究途徑析取先進國家權利救濟制度之精華,4.健全權利救濟體系之功能,5.為我國申訴與保障制度提出建設性意見,6.針對公務人員懲戒,考績、任用法規應予配合修正之處,研擬具體建議。

A Research on the Legal System of Taiwan Special Tasks Guard

Chia, Sung-Hsin 26 December 2007 (has links)
Various special operations of Taiwan special tasks guard often involve in violating citizens¡¦ life, freedom, property and privacy, and the principal legal basis for special tasks reinforcement agency only consists in the ¡§Implementation Regulation of the National Security Bureau Special Tasks¡¨ stipulated with the authorization of Article 11 of ¡§Organic Act of the National Security Bureau¡¨. Only that the said Measure lacks regulations concerning the launch requirements, enforcement procedure, and remedy channel of requisite inspection, control, and control area delimitation toward personnel, items, location, traffic, communication and other equipments in relation to safety maintenance and result in the common occurrence of ¡§Excessive Special Service Enforcement¡¨ or ¡§Excessive Control¡¨ and incur public complaint repeatedly. However, special tasks maintains the entire lifeline of a nation, for the safety of protected individuals is relevant to nation security and society stability. On the premise of insuring ¡§Absolute Safe ¡¨ of the designated individuals, how to achieve the balance with the demand of ¡§Principle of the Rule of Law¡¨ and ¡§Principle of Respecting Human Right¡¨ proclaimed by current constitution has been the 1st priority of Taiwan special tasks guard. Therefore, the problem in the legal system of Taiwan special tasks guard is hereby to be reviewed through the angle of administrative law with the Basic Principle, Administrative Organization, Administrative Competence, Administrative Remedy, and Administrative Supervision derived from the method and principle of Administrative Law. And to bring forth more specific advices against items that need to be promoted and reformed respectively in the existed legal system one by one, expecting to provide reference to policy decision making or legislative agency for future legislation, and therefore to establish a complete legal system of Taiwan special tasks guard to promote the nomocracy image of Taiwan.

A legal comparison between South African, Canadian and Australian workmen's compensation law

Jansen van Vuuren, Johanna Petronella 04 1900 (has links)
Workers’ compensation originated internationally because of the need to address the plight of workers and communities left destitute due to occupationally sustained disabilities or death. This study examines how the right to no-fault compensation developed in South Africa in comparison to the comparable law in Canada and Australia. Specific limitations regarding the right to workers' compensation pursuant to the South African compensatory laws were identified. Limitations identified include the persons falling within the ambit of the law, circumstances creating a right to compensation, the right to claims for increased compensation uniquely provided for in South African compensatory law and founded in the negligent conduct of employers as well as common law redress for damages. The background of the administrative remedy in the form of the right to compensation for occupational injuries and diseases ought to be seen in the light of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996. / Mercantile Law / LL.M.

A legal comparison between South African, Canadian and Australian workmen's compensation law

Jansen van Vuuren, Johanna Petronella 30 April 2015 (has links)
Workers’ compensation originated internationally because of the need to address the plight of workers and communities left destitute due to occupationally sustained disabilities or death. This study examines how the right to no-fault compensation developed in South Africa in comparison to the comparable law in Canada and Australia. Specific limitations regarding the right to workers' compensation pursuant to the South African compensatory laws were identified. Limitations identified include the persons falling within the ambit of the law, circumstances creating a right to compensation, the right to claims for increased compensation uniquely provided for in South African compensatory law and founded in the negligent conduct of employers as well as common law redress for damages. The background of the administrative remedy in the form of the right to compensation for occupational injuries and diseases ought to be seen in the light of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996. / Mercantile Law / LL. M.

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